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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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get closer to victory together with tssoaa, sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. good morning. thanks for the good news from espresso at this early sunday hour. this is about what is finally right in front of our eyes comes true, russian karmic wisdom.
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i don’t know what to do teopor to bomb voronezh, it’s difficult to communicate in voronezh now, because the ammunition detonates so often that they won’t understand you, you have to explain in sign language in the podgorensky district of the voronezh region that you have to leave and evacuate here, because it’s been like this for several hours continues, that very melodically it all explodes there, in a word, a new kind of music of the bc in voronezh, and in the meantime, from our... time of the occupied south, we will ask a little information from the adviser the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, with us, mr. petro, good morning, thank you for espresso at this early hour, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so, we are here telling you from a long distance what is happening, and there everything is sufficiently accurate, clear, or burns or explodes, but remotely and temporarily.
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the armed forces of ukraine do not work in occupied mariupol, despite the fact that it is a hub and many other things are happening around the city and in the city itself, why are they not fighting? well, this is probably not a question for me, someone makes a different decision from ours point of view, it is indisputable that we have somewhere to beat, there is something to beat, and we are talking about both the formations, and the technique, and about the inhuman strength, which we have quite a lot, based on one on the one hand, on the other hand, let's not forget about the psycho-emotional state that believes in the occupied territories, as far as it is necessary to get it, including reminding our ukrainians that no one has forgotten about them, including the armed forces , so that they continued to resist because it's actually quite important component of our victory, and let's hope that in the end it will fill up despite the fact that, well... we know for sure
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that in our agglomeration, that is in the mariupil-berdyansk agglomeration, near our village of babakhtarma and zaporizhia kulikovo, at the base of the occupiers, where they were building their camp in the polion area, something exploded, whether it was an incoming flight, or it was a detonation, because the russians can sometimes blow themselves up quite well, i can’t say for 100% , but i can affirm. that there was a fire there, like today in voronezh, and that yesterday there were even so many losses of russians there that they were forced to attract ambulances not from the zaporizhzhia region, not from the berdyansky district, or rather not only, but also from the manusky district, donetsk oblast, i.e. as part of the mariupol district, and there, too, we are talking about dozens, well, at least badly wounded russians, who were taken to the direction of bernyansk, that's why it happens, but i would like to... and i think it should have
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been more, and it would be, well, sure more effectively and influenced the front line, as well as the warehouses that will now touch the voronetsky region. mr. peter, just yesterday i watched the video from the occupied cities of the zaporizhzhia region, which you mentioned, is it the same in mariupol, because there are local collaborators, the local administration, this collaborative militia and... the priests of the russian orthodox church actually explain, that now they will not just work with children, but will do classes, this is the youth army, well, that is, putin jugend, it is already moving to the level of schooling, and the curators are just combat priests, it's a bit different here, that's why we don't get priests, for some reason it's not very accepted here, precisely because there is no such basis. yes, leaning on the church,
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well, again, this is primarily related to what happened and how it was occupied, let's be honest, how zaporizhia oblast was occupied and how donetsk oblast was bought, well, mariupol from volnovy. cannot be compared with melitopol and berdyansk, let's be honest, because the popes here also took a passive part and no one forgot or forgave them, so in principle they they keep a little away from the people and even from total aid, to the humanitarian mission, the russians, which they tried to carry out, did not involve them, but as for the young army, the donetsk region is ahead of the rest of the world here, we have camps in the mariupol district, these are real camps, real preparation is underway, if last year we ate a little of this there, and i mean the whole of ukraine, and the maximum that was there in the militarization, they were assembling, disassembling the kalashnikov assault rifle, so today it is serious, today they are fully prepared for troops, and if children were brought in last year, let's say up to 15 years old, mostly yes, as these
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former pioneer camps were, then today no, it is from 15 and older, 15, 16, 17, that is, high school, and everything there is as it should be , an obstacle course with an explosion. with demining, with smoke, with shots, with weapons, not only with kalashnikovs, that is, after finishing school, this guy putin-yugen, indeed, he will be ready to go immediately to the front, through conscripts, and then they conclude a contract in advance, in in principle, these are the plans of action and through our executioners from mariupol, who already are conscripted or zbertyanska, as they were called, we know that they were first conscripted as conscripts. and here the pressure already begins, the first week, until they are transferred there to a point of permanent deployment, they try to convince them to conclude a contract with the russian army, and quite a few conclude, including because of such a young army, go and then end up in the area chasiv yaru, in the area of ​​kurakhivsky direction
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pokrovsky and so on, that is, this is what works, this meat forge in russia does not stop, mr. peter, or the partisans for under such circumstances have the opportunity to do something, we understand that... until he arrives there, and you say that there is a reason to fly there, accordingly there is a field for activity, the field is there, but it is very difficult, in the last months, at least in the middle of may, there are very strong repressions, very strong purges, additional units of the russian guard were established, no fewer of them, on the contrary , additional units are being established, for example, today on the shores of the sea of ​​azov, there our urzovta in the mariupol district is generally established under... sections of the russian guard, they change their clothes, well, they change into civilian clothes and go to the places with checks, the places of deployment of vacationers who are there, and there are also arrests, there are also checks, not to mention that every week they find shelters that remained partly before a full-scale invasion,
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partly that new ones were made, well, that is , very strong and powerful is coming, well, such pressure on the occupied territories, that is why it is a little more difficult for our partisans. again, well, in the summer they were overtaken by additional units, i don't think that the only thing our people do is passive sabotage, let's put it this way, what kind of arson are these, which today are very easy to do, so far i can't say that we have achieved successful results, as it was, for example, last year or the year before last, when it was possible to set arson in fields in such a way that there, not only the harvest that they are trying to steal was destroyed, and then the flames spread to the bases or warehouses, but everything is ahead. it is still the middle of summer and the beginning of the heat, in fact, so i think that what can be done, but the pressure is really increasing, and that is why, well, actually i say, yes, that cotton also aims to support our people, including, in particular, because in such conditions it will be more difficult to work in the future,
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well, the third summer of occupation, and the russians plus or minus understand how to look for it, and ours is becoming more difficult, and it is big enough number of people we were forced to evacuate in fact... from the territory of mariupol and the mariupol district because of such a danger to their lives, because of the danger of arrests, and such evacuations are still continuing, so it is not easy, and the results are so visible, clear and bright, unfortunately, there will be less and yet more informational resistance, more messages, and you already know that the ball is really in the court of the armed forces of ukraine. about the harvest, you have already mentioned more than 800 tons of this year's new harvest through mariu'. the port was taken out by the occupiers, how do they do it, openly in broad daylight, or do they try somewhere more carefully, and what else do they take out? no, they don't hide at all, when it comes to grain, they don't hide, it's actually a very strange story, why they mostly overestimate the number of vessels that
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left the port with grain, they say that the official donetsk occupation says about 15 ships, we cannot confirm this number, they are less than half, but that does not mean that they do not steal, import calmly, do not use the elevator , they dump it actually on the berths, and from the berth it is transshipped directly to the ships. it is very surprising that the official donetsk, the occupying one, declared that they export all this in good faith to turkey. here, it seems to me, the question for us, for our government, is to start directly to ask questions, in particular to mr. erdoğan, what it is like, how who officially buys our stolen grain, and in addition to grain, they actually export our subsoil, that is, they export coal, they export rhoda, and they export kaolin. basically, that's all for today. there were separate ships that... imported metal products, partly stolen from the remains of the licha plant, partly what kind of fittings
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they still managed to produce in the entire donetsk region in one and a half years, there were enough ships for only 15 tons, well, this is actually nothing , this is a full-scale invasion, it seems to me that any metallurgical shop alone has worked much more, but the fact remains, this is what is being exported to the sport, i repeat, no one is hiding, it is calm... it is being loaded, to the port. well, in conclusion, two or two more words, they calmly enter here in front of everyone, load and leave mariupol , because if we are already in the port, then it is a sin not to look into the water area, they have transferred missile carriers there, quite often i still do not see them, well no now, but in general they try to keep in water area of ​​the sea of ​​azov, and the logical question is that we have this weapon, which actually covers the entire water area of ​​the azov sea, but there have been no such strikes so far, but it is impossible to hit, just as it is impossible to hit a moving train,
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it is also impossible to hit a ship that even stands at the mooring, that stands not in the port, but that stands on the road, as they say, because it is not not not static, if it stopped and stopped, but not static parking, those who grow at sea, that knows what it is, that is , it is constantly carried by the current around the anchor, and it is forced to maneuver, in addition to that, that is, to strike. it while it's standing, even if you know exactly, yes, on a raid and even if you know the exact coordinates, it's actually impossible or very, very difficult, that's why everyone tracks the ports where they can go, what if it goes into the port and there will be information about where it was moored, but the port already has a static ray in the port, you can hit it with anything, so the story with the calibers is clear, why yes, you can’t strike there with sea drones, but with air drones... probably , that such we still don’t have the power of drones to sink a ship while it is still there,
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but with rockets, well, it’s very difficult, because of standing, because of the dynamics, it’s a whole, well, then skoda killed the rockets, as they say, in milk, or rather in water, mr. peter, thank you for being with espresso viewers in the morning, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol about the situation in the south, temporarily occupied mariupol and the surrounding area. we have a short pause, then we will talk about... the frontline situation in zaporizhzhia, wait. is discounts represent the only discounts on estazifin 20% in travel stores and savings pharmacies. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation: the road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation.
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two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day for... big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this is it. this year we will be able to present a real one a fairy tale and a bit of peace for children, a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, dad, because their parents went to defend our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to
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every day. it was amazing and i really enjoyed how we went out to restaurants. i... in the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's make memories together will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. good morning, thank you for being with espresso, do not forget the qr code or card number on the screen, we help, donate, and in the meantime we collect information for you from the hot south, no, we do not leave only another
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direction, now to zaporizhia, and we the spokesman of the legion of freedom, konstantin, will help with this. denisov, you to understand what is happening there now, mr. kostyantyn, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, congratulations to you and the viewers of espressa tv. with a friend, literally the day before yesterday he was talking, he is there, there on a walk in pilschyna, he says, it is hot, in a nutshell, that is, both in terms of temperature and the way the occupiers are beating, like you have in your area, your friend. this is absolutely true, a double hell, man-made, the russians are trying to attack, but their assault waves are breaking, our competent defense, well, plus, they simply have nowhere to gain a foothold, because they themselves burned everything of their own artillery to zero, and if that's why they, shall we say, shed
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their tears in a way that is just theirs there is little artillery... from morning to night and also, well , before that, their drones work, they try to hit our dugouts, strong points, some places of movement there, then their artillery, armored vehicles work, cover their attack aircraft, suicide bombers in case of infantry attacks, and of course, their aviation works, but in general, if in three words, hellish positional battles, movements. promotion, neither we have nor the russians, because, in principle , everyone already knows each other, everything is monitored from both sides, and in principle, i say, with on our side, there is also a well-constructed defense that does not allow the muscovites, the occupiers, yes, yes,
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mr. konstantin, we hear that there is something that interferes a little, yes, it did interfere, so someone, someone, obviously someone will reach mr. konstantin, because we understand, that our military personnel are constantly in demand in those places, and obviously someone else needs to talk to me. i am listening to mr. kostiantyn, actually i have the feeling that i am again on a tour in slovenia in the largest museum of the history of the first world war, because there is an alpine front, it is there de hemingway, to things were also where the lviv brigade fought as part of the austro-hungarian troops. there the front line has not moved for years, the cabaret is called a town in slovenia, where there is a recognized unesco-best museum, and there, when the tour guide spoke, he says, positionally everyone already knew each other, could even greet each other, the front line did not advance for years and passed there, well, from time to time they tried to undermine and undermine each other, and yes, it looked like
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the first world, somewhere now this is what the front line looks like in the story, denisov in zaporizhzhia, when we open deepstate with oksana every morning, we see that these little blue zones are never there, and that there are some, because last year, when the ukrainian counteroffensive began, we monitored new advances every day, so everything happened very dynamically then , remember the huts, the robot, all these areas, and they were blue every time. monkey robots, now you say that in fact the front line is undisturbed, but but the arrows on the deb
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steate map we see that in the area of ​​robotino and from the east, the russians are trying to level this bridgehead of ours, they are trying to use equipment, to use manpower, or are they just beating around the bush more? are trying to conduct infantry attacks under the cover of armored vehicles, but their task is to level the front line that our defense security forces managed to push through during the mupal liberation operations in the second half of the 23rd year, that is, in fact, they are now mirroring all our actions, what our brothers did. last year, we pushed them deep there temporarily the occupied territory of the zaporizhia region, now they are trying to push us back and
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push us towards the administrative borders of the zaporizhia region, that is, the situation, i say, has such a mirror character according to the principle here and there, pull the edge, respectively, but mostly these are positional battles , yes, they try to fly in, they try to come in and... their drg, but they have only one perspective: they flew in, they got two hundred, they got busy. and all this, mr. kostyantyn, is accompanied by constant, daily hundreds of shellings in the front-line territory of the civilian population, there are half a thousand or more during the day, we cannot even imagine what purpose they are pursuing in that way, well, we understand that some huge warehouses of equipment and ammunition cannot hide where they are constantly shooting, why ... do they do that? well, first of all, yes, they have a lot of artillery here , armed with amphibious assault units, motorized rifle units, and pure artillery
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units, they have everything from mortars to hailstones, sunblocks, and tanks. they shoot, but they also need to be given some kind of command from there, the most important thing is that they just destroy the civilian infrastructure, on... trying to compensate for their failures during infantry shooting attacks, which end for them with the fact that they are simply forced to leave again to their positions, well, again, if we talk on such a technical, tactical level, if on a global level, then the russians came to plunder, destroy and burn everything ukrainian, everything they see, and they are currently implementing everything in practice ... being below zero, and sometimes under their own fire , so to speak, their strongholds, in particular, from 23, 22-23
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, three or four temples of the moscow patriarchate were damaged by russian artillery fire, that is, even by their supposedly such there, ideologically-strong cities are beaten, not knowing where their artillery is flying, in the east there is such anger... the russian-fascist occupiers are the best to appease with kabama, moreover, in such industrial areas, or in the south, they also kabama and work, it’s theirs favorite terrorist means, aren’t they flying as actively as in the east, they have been working here since the first, their aviation since the first days of a full-scale invasion, yes, they are actively using this tactic, it is difficult for me to say whether it is on an industrial scale or not, i am ... a specialist in these questions, but their 11th air army is working here, which is constantly dropping cabs, why, because they saw the effectiveness of this
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tactic during the battles for avdiivka, it gave them the opportunity to achieve some success there, accordingly, they continue to bend this line, yes just like from the avdiiv direction, here they brought the tactics of small infantry groups, they drop two or three attack aircraft, they try to gain a foothold there somewhere. to detect our fire points, die, at this time theirs, their boxes throw up new eyes, small infantry groups of mortal assault vehicles. and i also wanted to tell you about drones, we understand that drones are constantly flying in zaporozhye, and they can fly even deep into the rear, and there are other types of uavs hanging over zaporizhzhia, are there strike drones there, what is the situation with that, how far are they a lot if you have possibility to compare too. with other regions, with the same kherson region, where they are constantly hunting even civilians from drones, please tell me, uh, i won't compare with other regions, because i haven't been there and
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haven't seen it personally. in the zaporizhzhia region , there is a wide range of fpv drones, kamikatz drones, attack drones, reconnaissance drones, they constantly use them, well, here, if you compare with the ukrainian side, there is more or less parity, drones still need to be built immediately, they actively use them for opposition to our drones, and they put them on their equipment and on these motorcycles, on which their... attack aircraft try to fly to our positions by reconnaissance drones, yes, they constantly launch them both in front-line communities and over the regional center, i, by the way, i appeal to the residents of the regional center, using the spresso broadcast, if you see a message on the monitoring channels that a reconnaissance drone is hovering over zaporizhzhia and an air alert has been announced, please observe the safety rules during aerial grass, because, unfortunately, we had cases when, after
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the flight of a drone, a reconnaissance drone, then shelling of the regional center began, take care of yourself, just follow the elementary rules of behavior during an air alert, and in principle, but also our drones, if we go back to the front-line situation, our drones cause significant damage and damage to the russians, they even write this in their combat reports, which we have the opportunity to periodically monitor, that ukrainian drones cause them significant damage and are... such a significant link in the active of the ukrainian defense, which prevents the russians from advancing and knocking the ukrainians out of their positions. we still have half a minute until the national moment of silence, we also mentioned the second hell, in a word lying down, terrible temperatures over 40, what about water? a competent commander in the unit has no
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problems with water. you give advice in this way, and a mobile shower, and mobile showers, and water for any needs, i say, a competent commander has problems with. mr. kostyantyn, thank you for being with the viewers of espresso in the morning , pass on your thanks to our defenders, kostiantyn denisov, the spokesman of the legion of freedom, was with us, see you later, we were actually talking about zaporizhzhia, which is being heavily shelled by artillery from the other side, the front line has not moved there for almost a year, and at the same time , if we have for a couple of seconds, i wanted to show the video, of course no, we will show this super video, how volunteers for the russian army work already after the release of the news, so i promised we will do it, now the moment of silence is approaching, the time when we
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remember and honor every day at 9:00 a.m. ... all those who died because of the russian occupiers on our ukrainian land, all of them both military and civilian. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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