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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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after capture, after they were released, after torture, they were also released at their own pace, and even independently reached the pin-controlled part of ukraine, but so that it was precisely within the framework of the exchange of some official negotiations with the russian federation, then in principle this the first is exclusively civilian and exclusively the return of civilians without prisoners of war. mr. artem, i actually wanted to hear your opinion, because as mrs. olga rightly remarked. you were returned to ukraine with the participation of istanbul, and i want to ask you, as a people's deputy, how busy it is discussions with e-governments, at the inter-parliamentary level with other countries , the issue of the return of ukrainian civilians, can you tell us something about this, this is a difficult issue, to be honest, now our
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partners, or in those institutions, the issue is not in the mandate, the issue in because they have not yet developed such a tool that would be effective for putin, because only he decides who to give and who not, no one else is there, there are many intermediaries, but they, as they say, make the legs, not decision. no, why didn't they make one tool, well, unfortunately, as i said at one speech, that until now, until now, interests, businessmen, they have more weight on these libras than the main task or the basic credo, which is considered when... defining
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the state, it is democratic, as far as it is powerful, it is human rights, yes, it is so fundamental to recognize this path of democracy, but for some reason, for some reason, it is still so, for some reason it is very difficult to explain to partners that a person who stands for his views, for his, for his protest. happens to be imprisoned, and at the same time this state is a terrorist, the leader of this state, the main criminal, for some reason so easily signs multi-billion dollar contracts with states that say they respect human rights as fundamental rights, democracy, democratic state, so we... work
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as much as, i would say, quite actively at all levels , i don't think it applies to the fact that, well, for example, china, which we have, that is, there is no state in the world that is not somehow involved in this great war, yes, because... well, it and technological, not only so direct, yes with weapons, yes, as we are all used to tanks, there are missiles, but they work on something, then there is a technological factor, in which china is also involved, that is, i do not think that the issue here is such neutrality of the state, its influence, yes, er, first of all, this, our , our... this
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is such a monotonous work and where we are very relevantly showing, deeply showing the actions of russia in relation to our citizens and for now , well, what is there, let's assume thousands of civilians, yes, i will not talk about that statistic 980 because i know that it is much more. but you know, so far it's hard to say why negotiations are ongoing, i mean with our partners, friends of ukraine, but for some reason these issues are primarily dependent on the resolution of these issues before putin for... there are some of his interests,
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for some reason it does not work, i never i will not forget when we met with boris johnson, yes, a great friend of ukraine, yes, do you remember? but when we met, i frankly told him, i 've only been there for a year, i resigned and i say, i'm just begging you not to take part in this shameful world football championship, it there is no need to do it at all, because putin will use it among his cattle to show how influential he is, he said: how is it possible, we are the founders of football, we can’t, it ’s politics and sport separately, yes, but then they were shamefully relegated to one of the eight finals there, and did not go further, but the principle itself, yes, and then it became clear to him
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too, that is, how much more people will suffer, and this is our blood. when everyone, including this china or others, will understand that principles such as justice, international law, this is a rhetorical question, but this is the reality today, the fact that power, the state, and politicians are different. and our public associations, well, they work very actively in this matter, here it is, let's say for a moment, that what we will achieve, yes, we will, and we give hope,
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today i met with nariman, and he also tells what i used to feel, yes, that there is always hope. and that this hope gives them the opportunity to hold on there as well, they were impatient, but to continue to feel the spirit of a fighter, yes, because this is their front, this is the front of political prisoners, in which it is necessary to defeat the enemy there, being in your hands, on june 25. ukraine won a case against russia for human rights violations at the european court of human rights. i am interested to understand how important this decision is and whether it is important at all, if we are talking about a country that does not count
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with any laws at all? ms. oglya, what do you say? of course, it is not just important, it is an unequivocal victory in the legal and yes field of ukraine, it is the first decision, just like the one in the first interstate case. and it was submitted just across the crimea. the first thing that is important is that the court, the european court of human rights, that is, it is not a ukrainian court, but an international court, it recognized all the violations that occurred, violations of human rights, this is political persecution, this is discrimination, this is torture, illegal deprivation of liberty, imposition of citizenship and so on and so forth. everything that we have been talking about for so many years has been recognized, recognized by the court, and what is important, it has been unanimously recognized that the russian federation is responsible for all of this. therefore, it is a legal subterfuge. to all others actions, now we talked about the fact that people suffer from various sufferings and so on, it is necessary to constantly prove it, now we have something to refer to, this is the decision of the european court of human rights, which even in the context of international practice in general, there were fundamentally new decisions were adopted that did not exist before, for example, regarding illegally created judges,
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regarding the practice of imposed citizenship, that is , it will affect even the practice of other states, because the european court is a court that acts for all other states that are part of to the council of europe, it is clear that the russian federation... withdrew from the council of europe, we know that, but that does not mean that this decision means nothing for the russian federation, again, this is a purely legal argument, for example, when we talk about , the most established international register, regarding the damage, yes, caused to us by the aggression of the russian federation, for today, unfortunately, it includes only events from the 22nd year, but this decision just proves that people suffer from human rights violations even since the 14th year, including crimea. i i believe that this should be used so that people have access to the international register, especially of victims of human rights violations, such as illegal deprivation of liberty, political prisoners, from the 14th year, this applies to crimea and donbas, and to us there is a legal justification at the level of the decision of the european court of human rights, then this will also be taken into account by all other judicial authorities that consider
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russian crimes, therefore, in principle, it is very important and it is the first that speaks so comprehensively and thoroughly about responsibility of the russian federation for all that is there, and probably in a more applied context. after all, when we talk about european states, they pay attention to the decisions of international courts, and this is just the right reason to help break the russian narrative. russian propaganda about how wonderful it is to live in the occupied territories, as if russia had come to liberate everyone. this decision clearly confirms that russia has come to kill, persecute, and even seize foreign territories. therefore, i think that it is not only legal is important, informational is important, precisely to break russian propaganda in european countries. unfortunately, she is very serious there. we recently monitored and mentioned crimea in many european countries. so, unfortunately... there is not so much crimea there, and very often crimea is mentioned not at all as we would like,
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in completely different contexts, and even, for example, not so long ago in the same 23rd year, the well-known politicians could say and afford to say, even in europe, that not everything is so clear-cut with crimea, because crimea after all, there was a russian one and so on and so on, so it is important for us to work with it every day, that is, it is a war in the information space, it continues constantly, russia has not spared turnover, russia just as powerfully throws a lot of money, a lot of resources into that , so that yes... to promote everything that she considers necessary. and crimea is one of the key narrative bases of the russian federation, through which it will try to break these international agreements, for example , let's negotiate on donbas, and crimea will always be russian. if there is no crimea de-occupied, not only will we not be able to protect people, we will never be able to restore security to the european region. therefore , actually, this is a very principled solution that should be used as much as possible, including in the information space. mr. ekhtem, you have a similar question, and i would also like
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to ask you how, in your opinion, it is possible to force the russian federation to comply with the decision of the european court of human rights? you know, this case has been going on for almost 10 years, and ukraine against russia, and that case includes both my case and another thing, but here we are... these 10 years, for the most part , our team, here is the state, it tried, well, i won’t be afraid of this word, to force to fulfill first of all this law and this right, which was produced by itself, produced by the institution itself, yes yespoch, because there were always some moments where there was inertia. it is very, very indecent, and i also had
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the opportunity, when at such meetings, to openly say it to their faces, because we were constantly faced with the fact that russia's influence on these institutions is quite powerful, all this began, let's say, to become more active after how the international criminal court... recognized putin as a criminal, and gave him permission to arrest him, but then, in my opinion, these processes went faster, further, what, what does this give us, well, in addition to that, what our colleague already said there in the studio, but for example, i will file another lawsuit, and... for russia to respond materially, that is, this is a principle, and
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what did it come out of, i rely on these norms and laws, accepted by this institution, i.e. there are also so that they can fulfill their own norms, i.e. there are russian properties in other territories, here and in ukraine it is... it is, and it is in other countries, and this is fundamental, we must continue to push these criminals so that they know that it is not just like that, no, it will not go away, yes, as they are used to , and for us politically, well, it is very important, it gives, it has already been said that there were such thoughts. the situation in crimea is ambiguous, we are all, let's say, going through it very
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much - very, very, very with such persistence, yes, let's say, because the influence of russia is not surprising, it is sometimes less, and then it grows again, and we have to and continue to be like that persistent, and eh... i just want to say about that crimean platform, especially the parliamentary dimension, which already. took place on the territory of our european states, where we involved such a very influential institution as the parliaments of european states, which directly reflect and directly influence the opinion of their population, the people of these
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states, and here is this scarf. its form is comparable there with the first one, it has changed a lot in its messages, in its decisions, in its resolutions, that is, we will force, no matter how much time passes, we will force to fulfill these international norms, laws which clearly state that russia is a terrorist state, such as russia. "she will answer, as the russians themselves say, to obey the law. and i want to discuss the last issue with our guests, this is the issue of the rehabilitation of our civilian prisoners, i want to understand how it is happening today, and whether in your opinion,
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mrs. olga, or should something be changed in this context and improved?" well, we definitely need to improve, because unfortunately, unfortunately, if we talk about rehabilitation and medical services, this process is not established today. today, we more or less have the procedure of providing material assistance, which i spoke about, and reimbursement of the costs of lawyers in the occupied territories, which are received by relatives in order to somehow get in touch with people who are in prison. is located. this is basically everything that works more or less normally. further, the law that i mentioned, which guarantees the protection of just such people on the will... it also clearly contains norms on rehabilitation measures, on medical there assistance and so on, but during the 22nd and 23rd years there were no regulations for this at all, i.e. the government did not pass anything so that, in fact, the norms of the law began to work, i.e. in 22-23 years people simply did not have at all because of this bureaucracy, not providing the appropriate regulatory framework, people simply could not even take advantage of the law that
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is already in effect, these changes took place only in 24, when it is normal to at least approve... they approved certain procedures at the government level, but now they are in principle must now be actually implemented, must be determined medical facilities, rehabilitation facilities and so on, again, this can only be obtained after there is a fact, when the commissions have established the fact, so we return to that category of people who still cannot confirm the fact of being in captivity while they it will not be confirmed, therefore they cannot apply for rehabilitation assistance if a prisoner of war, for the most part it is all coordinated, because they are all released through the coordination headquarters. centralized, that is, they immediately receive all information, they are placed in appropriate measures and so on and so on, there is no such thing here for civilians, especially the civilians who return on their own way, about whom i spoke, the majority of them, that is, i believe that as soon as a person returned from the occupied territory, declared that she was a prisoner, or she returns to us through third countries and through the border of ukraine to us, there must be some kind of unified mechanism when
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this information immediately reaches that there is a person and she is provided with this complex of services and... she does not go around all to the corridors, by to all authorities and asks for rehabilitation assistance. for the most part, so far , the cases with which we work, where we helped prisoners and prisoners who returned to ukraine after captivity, they receive this help on their own or at the expense of public organizations. the critical thing is, for example, well, everyone suffers from this, and i think mr. akhte can confirm this, it's the teeth, they all lose teeth, or the teeth are knocked out after torture, or... they just fall out because the fact that the conditions of detention there are simply terrible. one person who returned from illegal imprisonment, this is a crimean political prisoner, his teeth cost at least 150 00 hryvnias, this is just to insert, where is the person who returned after the pow, whose relatives, yes, all this time also yes, were looking for this person , were waiting where they will get that kind of money, even the 100,000 that
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the family can get after being released from captivity, they will not cover those expenses, so of course this is just one example. how complicated and expensive it really is, we have this arrangement today, but we also need to make it really simple in use for people, today it still does not work so that people can receive rehabilitation, psychological and medical help without obstacles, uh, well, we have such an unplowed field, mr. artem, then i will ask you now as a people's deputy, whether are you aware of such problems with the rehabilitation of prisoners? civilians, and are you, as a people's deputy, actually the committee itself, somehow trying to set up a dialogue with the government in order to resolve this? "i am a member of the norddep, but i walk the earth, mrs. olya correctly said, i am him, olha, i
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support him, because here, you know, here, here everything is solved in the majority where it is solved manually in such a mode, that is , again, they are for..." turn to public organizations, which then, and not only money, find people who would help them, that's right, and i and like my other colleagues, i do the same, and this example, given by ms. olga, is really
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indicative almost all the losses, and then he saw and said, first of all , marimen should be beaten, because that's what... let's say, i already know what problems there will be, but from the side of the state, from the side of the government in this direction, so far it is as it was said, so centralized, so that everything is decided, which clinics will do it, which for what money, yes, there is no such thing, well... well, no matter how difficult it is to adopt a law, then changes to it, but it is done, yes, unfortunately, we
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want, we want quickly, but unfortunately, well, it does not happen , we cannot do it so quickly, so once again, i appeal again that, as it was before, so today, first of all a locomotive... assisting these issues before the state and, first of all, before the parliament, this will be the role of public organizations. well, we come to such a disappointing conclusion that the issues that the state should deal with is not a conclusion, no, it is not a conclusion, let's say, this is the reality today, you see, because i would not... say that public associations, they fulfill the role of the state, no, they are too and are created so that this state, this
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government, it, let's say, is more effective in these humanitarian issues that are necessary from today's realities, it is necessary that... i thank our guests very much for their time, unfortunately, we have to finish already, i sincerely wish all captured ukrainians, their relatives patience, strength and perseverance, knowing that this war must it will surely end someday, believe that you will return home. artem lagotenko was with you, stay with us. there are discounts representing the only discounts on
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federal highway 35 to traffic.


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