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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. greetings to all espresso viewers. i am anayeva melnyk and this is news. successful work of the sbu. ukrainian drones attacked a warehouse with russian ammunition in the village of sergiyivka , voronezh region. the media reports with reference to their own sources in the special service. as a result of the attack, a fire broke out in the warehouse. the detonation continues for the 7th hour. oblast
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introduced a state of emergency, two women were hospitalized, and fifty more people were evacuated to temporary accommodation points - reported the local governor. the russians stored rockets, shells for tanks and artillery, as well as cartridges for firearms at a warehouse in the voronezh region. a woman who was injured as a result of shelling in chornomorsk in odesa region died in the hospital, mayor vasyl said. ogulyaev let me remind you that on july 4, the invaders attacked the civilian port infrastructure with rockets. as a result of the impact , the girl died on the spot, seven more people were injured. a second woman died last night. doctors fought for her life for three days. 14 fires due to enemy shelling were extinguished by rescuers in the kherson region over the past day. residential buildings, farm buildings, premises, coffee shops, a garage and cars were on fire.
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also, employees of the state emergency service extinguished seven fires in open areas with an area of ​​more than 6 hectares, the state emergency service informed. in general, during the day , four people were killed and three more were injured due to russian attacks in the kherson region. all victims of the accident were identified in the rivne region. law enforcement officers are considering several reasons for the tragic car wreck, - said andriy rudnytskyi, head of the regional prosecutor's office. previously in... 56-year-old tanker driver. he drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a passenger minibus traveling along the rivne-khmelnytskyi route. as a result of the accident , all 12 passengers died, including a child. a tanker driver and a minibus driver also died. doctors are fighting for the life of another woman. currently, several versions are under consideration. regarding the causes of this tragedy: the first is this
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damage to the wheel of a truck, as a result of which it drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a shuttle bus. several more versions are being considered, including regarding the issue of technically defective vehicles by the owner and officials, business entities, the driver's inattention and his violation of traffic rules, as well as the circumstances. they are of instrumental force. pomegranate as a gift. a 24-year-old ukrainian woman tried to smuggle an f-1 grenade fuse and cartridge into hungary. at the checkpoint in dzvinkovo, transcarpathia, customs officials found explosive items among the woman's personal belongings , the state border service informed. it turned out that the traveler was carrying a grenade on the order of friends from budapest. all dangerous items were taken away from the woman. faces
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up to seven years in prison for illegal handling of weapons. espressu tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they are every day choose victory, do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the people of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully carry out combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. cooperation between belarus and china. their joint military training will take place from july 8 to 19 in belarus. people's call. the chinese army will take part in
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joint anti-terrorist measures, the ministry of defense of the republic reported, adding that servicemen will be able to exchange experience and pledge. the foundation for the further development of bilateral relations. more than two hundred participants in the parliamentary elections in france withdrew their candidacies before the second round. in this way , they are trying to prevent the far-right national union party from getting an absolute majority, local media reports. in the first round, the party of the pro-russian mp marine le pen won more than 33% of the vote. behind her the bloc of left-wing political forces the new popular front, trailing by 5%, while emmanuel macron's coalition of centrists together came in third . the other day, le pen announced that she would cancel the authorization to strike russia with french weapons,
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and would not allow the president to send a military contingent to ukraine. he was and remains a world-famous writer from a small town in the lviv region. bruno schultz, a well-known native and resident of drohobych. today , a six-day festival in his honor begins in the city. ours is also at cultural events correspondent maria ivanovska. maria, my greetings and i will tell you what awaits the visitors of the events. welcome to the studio. today, we are truly in lviv oblast in the old days. the small town of drohobych, in fact, in which the world-famous writer and artist bruno schulz was born in 1842, actually, he was a native of drohobych, he lived here, he created, and he was a representative of the jewish nationality, but he wrote
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in polish and also touched ukrainian themes, that is, this person created in combination three cultures at once, and actually starts today. festival, the first day of the festival that he is holding, which will last six days, today there have already been readings of his works, viewings of his paintings in the local theater itself, there should also be tours of the places, residences, residences, creations, of the famous writer and artist, so, anyone willing is free to enter, any willing tourists will be able to add... to these events, the festival will last, i repeat, seven days, in fact, i want to point out what bruno was known for for ukraine, for ukrainians schultz, and he sympathized with the ukrainians very much, sympathized, he also survived the totalitarian
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soviet regime, the times of stalinism, but he did not manage to survive the times of nazism, in fact he died as a jew in a concentration camp from a soldier's shot. nimetskyi, regarding ukraine, he painted pictures with the ukrainian yellow-blue flag during stalinism, for that he suffered, for that he was punished, er, actually, such a famous drohobych resident, who was a representative of several at once, let's say, was a representative of jewish nationality, but wrote polish, also loved ukraine, was born here in drohobych, and drohobych people in general... associate their city with bruno scholz, and that is exactly why the festival takes so long, six or six days, and now i want to give another comment to ostap slavynskyi, a famous ukrainian poet and translator, who is better known with the work of bruno schulz.
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it is very important, probably the most important thing that shultz is telling us today, that ukrainian culture is inextricably linked with other cultures. cultures of europe, and we should not accept it separately, he is a symbol of its integrity and multiculturalism, he embodies the fact that not only the reality of this city, but the reality of the whole of ukraine in general, so in fact, the festival will take place, the festival will last, as i already said, until... every saturday there will be new interesting events and everyone who wants to from rohobych or other cities can join and get to know, in general to get to know the works, get to know the works of the great writer and artist who experienced world fame. thanks to the studio,
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i pass the word on to you, anna eva. thank you for your work and information, espresso correspondent maria ivanovska about the start of the festival in drohobychy in honor of... bruno schulz. and look for more interesting videos on the espress youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether. all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share it, comment it, be there. i have everything at this point, i tell you see you at 3 p.m., then my tireless colleagues oksana are working vysochanska and roman chaika. be with espresso.
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as we promised, we are coming back and we are very grateful that you did not abandon your efforts and also donated to our joint collection, which we will now remind you about, yes to mavics for components for the military, this is the artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, we are collecting funds now, we understand that mavics, like any... drones are something that is very, very necessary on the front in all areas, so don't skimp. let me remind you that we had planned to collect up to uah 1,250,000 by the end of the day today. and at this moment, currently 26,500 more need to be collected. therefore, we ask you to be active, if possible, to donate. the total amount is 2.5 million. this is what you need to save up. and we will inform how our affairs are going, we are convinced that together we will be able to close the collection
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and support the needs of our defenders that exist today, the fact that our defenders are working correctly is evidenced by the fact that 15 minutes ago, and this since last night, there are further explosions in voronezh, i.e. further detonation of ammunition, a large warehouse has been hit, in a word, cotton is blooming there, although... points of invincibility are open in completely different areas, temporarily occupied crimea, the gas pipeline is also still burning, so the word firewood is learned there by tourists who mainly come from the occupied territories, and if i hope that in rostov they looked at the site clearly, they already know the schedule of shutdowns, because they are without electricity, there is also confirmation that not only oil refineries have been damaged, but... in more areas of populated areas
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, people on the border are asking why, why are our houses on fire, we are talking about russian territory, why are our houses being hit, well, the answer here is simple, if russian soldiers stop in your houses, shell ukrainian territory, kill ukrainians, then what should happen next to your houses, and inscriptions of the bnr on... that is, you are hinting at something there, will not help here, absolutely, especially since your führer answered you, we say to the russian-fascist occupiers, you all want to launch a nuclear attack, the majority supports the so-called svo, so putin answered your question why later, and the cause-and-effect relationship connection, what is it? everything is precisely because of support and russian aggression, maybe it will come only later, that is, after the end of the war. not before, a few donations and already 1000 uah, literally in a few minutes the account is plus, thank you and
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we will continue, and we will talk with our next guest, viktoriya voytsytska, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on fuel issues - of the energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear security of the same eighth convocation, mrs. victoria, glory to ukraine, congratulations, heroes of glory, congratulations also, well, let's start with the fact that in... in ukraine, it's a hot season and not only in terms of temperature, but also in terms of sales, cheerful baregs are reselling eco-fuels and diesel generators with a margin + 40% of the price per day, such studies have already been done analyzing our in total, this is a plus of 400% already, in a word , people are doing the right thing by preparing for the fact that it will be cold in the middle of summer. and dark, they are definitely doing it right, of course it is very unfortunate to hear that
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baregs are not used on this, as you correctly called them, but unfortunately, so on a really difficult, difficult winter is coming, which cannot be compared, by the way, the winter of 22-23, when it was difficult for us, so if you compare it with that winter, then it was very easy for us, because then the muscovites were mostly on our side. .distances that we could more or less quickly, conditionally quickly , but when this year we started hitting our generation, our thermal power plants, our hydroelectric power plants, well, they actually left us without the possibility to provide the minimum the amount of electricity that we necessary in order to calmly pass the next winter, so the fact that people are buying diesel generators, ecoflow, it's all very well, it's very good, the only thing i have a small reservation is that apart from the issue
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related to the proper availability of electricity in own home for... people who live, especially in cities, in multi-apartment buildings, there still needs to be asked the question of whether it will be warm, whether heat will also reach their homes, and this is no longer a matter of personal decisions, but that already a question of joint decisions, joint actions. that's it background, we saw an initiative, we do not understand whether it goes from the government to local self-government or vice versa, but there are already compensation programs for certain decisions. for example, powerful generators that would have to be installed within the framework of one common entrance of an apartment building, or by agreement, even solar generation with panels on the roof, eh, there are compensations in 100 and 200 uah in some cities, we have already seen this information from the mayors, eh, this is actually one unified program,
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which apartment buildings will survive, is there in... there is no becha, but it will be launched in or here, as they say, the matter of saving the bower is a matter of his hands, feet and money? unfortunately, this is really a personal matter for each of us, and a matter for the co-residents of these houses, because one situation is when the government or local authorities, and indeed such initiatives, i see, they are appearing more and more, especially in larger numbers, precisely in the population . points where state funds are allocated from the state budget or from the corresponding local budget, it is still necessary for people to be organized in the form of condominiums or in some other way having accordingly formed a working group, representatives from certain buildings and
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entrances there, and they should initiate processes related to the acquisition of just such equipment. in order to accept, if we are talking about a condominium, then it cannot be a condominium or the chairman of a condominium simply take a loan for the purchase of such equipment, it must be a decision of the assembly of the condominium, well, there are many nuances, but the steps that must be taken in order to prepare for winter at the level of individual houses, individual entrances, it is necessary to do it now, not to wait for autumn, don't wait for winter. and not to wait for a decision that someone will come from the authorities and provide light and heat, no, unfortunately, now we have to act right here and now, every person, every family, every entrance, every house must rally in order to to prepare for the next winter and look for different financing options, purchase of the
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same generators, ecoflo, and so on, and here , well, you should not just look away. authorities, here we have to act ourselves, in fact, ms. victoria, we are actually talking about this it is not only everyone who has to take care of himself, there must also be some state, in general , some state approach to this whole problem, and when we talk about large energy facilities, we understand that to protect them completely, i don't know, to flood them with a huge amount of concrete or something, it's unrealistic, yes, because it's just gigantic areas won't work, some separate elements of these... capacities can be protected that way, but it also takes time and money, and we won't get full protection, and now it's about about simply not creating like that many large objects, so that we are not talking about large objects, but some smaller ones, and in particular we are talking about gas turbine generation, is it realistic in our conditions in
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ukraine today to start right away and do something before winter for heating? season, at least in a part of the country, or is it possible at all, you said correctly, something, something can be done, is it something that will really allow us to cover the power deficit in the amount of 5-6 gigawatts, well, this is the size, so you understand, there are six zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants nuclear units, yes, which have 6 gigawatts of capacity, which, unfortunately, it is occupied, and we cannot... we can use it to cover these needs, that is, to replace that volume, that amount of destroyed or severely damaged equipment. during the next few months, it's simply unrealistic, well, let 's be completely objective, if we started doing this last year, we probably
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could see today, well, at least there is some option, how to live through the next generation through distributed generation year, this is the first the second thing that we have to remember with you is that this kind of distributed regeneration, which works on... it needs the availability of gas, and the russians have started very actively hitting our gas storages since this year, so i bring up the idea of the fact that we should very seriously raise the issue with our partners about building a shield, namely an air shield for ukraine and for europe, which would effectively protect our facilities, and our e... cities and our precisely critical infrastructure and in principle europe also from possible attacks from on the part of russia, and here it would help us a lot,
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for example, in the use of air defense systems available to our partners, which they could, for example, give us in lendlis, but we remember that we never used lendlis when we went we are talking about the united states, but now it seems to me that it is necessary to speak absolutely seriously, because russia... clearly aims to implement the scenario that was implemented in iraq, when the americans, together with their partners, destroyed 96% of the electricity generation in the country that prompted a change of regime, when terpets had already broken away from the local population, and it should be remembered that the russians are simply acting according to a book they wrote in the past, they will not invent something... new, they are simply adopting the the experience of active, active actions to seize the country, which was implemented,
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for example, in iraq, very recently, well , history, of course, recently, ladies, you mentioned gas storage facilities, looking at the attempts to attack these underground gas storage facilities more than once, in particular hit the streak, we are it we have seen, we understand that... in these underground gas storages, it is not only ukrainian gas, it is also a large amount of gas that has been placed by european countries, such is the complexity that at least such gas storages as in the west of ukraine were protected would and the patriot and f-16 systems that are available, well, in european countries, in particular, in those that store their gas with us. this is one of the arguments that i used and use during. with active advocacy outside of ukraine, specifically supporting the provision of the air defense systems we need, by our partners in order to protect the
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same gas that is pumped and pumped into our gas fields, this is a very good argument, the only thing we have to remember is that there are still volumes stored by our partners, or rather , their private companies, traders, they are not so huge. that is, they will not significantly affect the energy situation and security in europe, absolutely, well, that is , even if something happens to him, well , they will suffer financial losses, but they will not be so powerful, but this is definitely the the argument that must be used, and in conclusion, i still want to go with gas just to finish with those residential networks, and god forbid pipes in apartment buildings, we are like that. scenarios were once seen in donbas, so here too the most important thing will be precisely heat generation and gas, or in all cities it was preserved precisely in order to maintain
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these networks? the first is that they were really impressed and, by the way, in kyiv at one time there were such objects, they were repaired, in the city of kharkiv there is a fifth tets, which provides warm city and, unfortunately, there were flights there, so it is clear that such objects must be protected, and the objects of gas supply and gas distribution must also be protected, that is , our gas distribution networks and the immediate cities where gas is distributed to the relevant consumers, technical terms , but nevertheless, it is one of the elements of critical infrastructure that must be able to be protected. in order for us to pass the next one, of course, that is, the gas distribution system also needs protection, ours, yes ms. victoria, thank you for participating in our
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program and for the analysis, victoria votsit. people's deputy of the previous convocation, when she headed, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada specifically on issues of the fuel and energy complex. while we are figuring out, thinking about how to save ukrainian energy, how to survive the next winter, orban is busy with his own business, because he has his own concept for the next six months, and there is no mention of ukrainian energy, instead, his foreign minister is the one who loves ukraine the most in quotes, and who, when he goes to kyiv, calls lavov and says: everything is fine there. so he says that there will be new, interesting, peaceful meetings in quotation marks, so he says, fasten your seat belts. such things, we will ask our next guest about it later, now we have a short break. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy?
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for travelers and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on non-samples of 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on toloxen stronggel 10% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine. as we always say about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with au sisters. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions. to
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inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, and why get ready, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.


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