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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we
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are coming back, remember, there is a qr code, a card number, you will donate, we are collecting opinions and information from our guests for you, and now we are happy to welcome the head of the committee of voters of ukraine, doctor of historical sciences oleksiy koshel. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. good day. well, i, like a doctor of historical sciences, about history let's start the story is old, it came out only now, although, on the date of may 19, it is still not summer. but it was on these hot summer days that there was confirmation, information, and here is this story that one interesting russian colonel, mikhail podalyak, was buried, died an unknown death, it is not reported, exactly on may 19, here is his grave, this is his brother in fact , our bastard, who works in the office and from the office of the president speaks u... bit orb on
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the grave of this brother of the ukrainian official, as good russian of his liberal zmi writes, there is a wreath from the staff of the central intelligence agency, the center for training specialists of the main intelligence agency, in one word, fesbeshnyk, and also when they began to analyze not only the awards and awards, it turned out that there are even from asvo and for other things, well, that's vladimir podalyak. the colonel, the brother of mykhailo podalyak, entered the already turbulent information and political space of ukraine, and i can already see that your colleagues in the workshop are already analyzing the arguments, how other advisers from bankova street are barking, and all this looks stupid and scandalous. well, i guess we'll see theses about the fact that many of us have relatives from russia.
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well, yes, i also have relatives in russia, a great-uncle, whom the family sent for a russian ship back in the 14th year, and since then communication is simply zero. well, i think they will also say that podelakh and his brother were not in contact, did not communicate there. there is thesis number two, i think there will be enough of such things. we will be told that mr. mykhailo podelyak does not have access to state secrets. obviously, legally, that's how it is. i guess not all office advisors. of the president have access to state secrets, moreover, it is not about the adviser to the president on a full-time basis, it is about the adviser to the head of the office, but where is the detour, but the de facto problem is there and it is quite significant, because it is quite obvious that mr. podolyak has access to the whole package of information with the vulture, without the vulture, has an impact on decision-making, and we can only hope that with the brother ...
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there really were no conversations there that would relate to domestic political issues, issues of war and many other things. i do not want to speak specifically about podolyak, this is obviously his family history, his problems, but on the scale of the state, we need to conduct a fairly serious audit, because we close our eyes to such a fact. further , it turns out that maryana is commenting on the numbers about military losses for individual battalions and for individual brigades. well , i’m sorry, it should automatically be handled by the security service of ukraine, and there are quite a lot of similar things that can testify to conscious or unconscious information leaks, so in general, this story should become another signal to the authorities that it is necessary to carry out a sufficiently serious audit, mr. oleksiy, look, the audit is already about the consequences, or maybe about the reasons, for which of the 40 million
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people in the country at that time were brought to the main offices, on which there should be a special inspection, or at least doubts, but let's just remember the historical footage, remember? one state traitor, who was convicted by the court of ukraine, i am about viktor fedorovich yanukovych, at one time a top-secret object called "i stole the mezhegirye" and will show it to his confidants people, do you remember whom he gathered in order to show them the tricks, well, everyone else, and here it is somehow strange, there appeared precisely the agents of influence, let's call them that for now, here is the russian shuster, the russian kiselyov. the russian political technologist podalyak, and guzhva is the one who ran away and in which there are many questions and criminal articles from the security service of ukraine, these people were around this criminal regime, why did they suddenly,
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after passing, well, we believe so , after passing a special inspection, found themselves in the main offices of the country, well, this list is quite large, here we can continue it today , there are quite a lot of people from the party fold, from the parliamentary, right-wing majority, but we suspect them of having pro-russian sentiments, but i will name only two surnames: dubinsky and buzhansky, but it is obvious to everyone that these are classic russian canned goods , that is, even before the large-scale war and during it, they conducted such effective russian, duplicated the theses of russian propaganda, well, until now, one remains a deputy, the other is still sitting there. well, thank god at least that way. again , we have a problem that there are as many as two deputies groups of the former opposition platform for life continue to work in the parliament, including in leadership positions. and now let's see what is the consequence of this
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work? that is, on the one hand, they actively help the authorities in voting, but simply, in order not to be silent, a week ago the electoral committee published a study, the results of the first... work of the parliament of the 24th half of the 24th year, the parliament during the war. voting for laws is most actively voted by the servants of the people, which is natural, the trust group is actually twins, the domain of the majority, and two groups of the former opposition platform for life, here are the listed factions of the group, it is actually an informal coalition today, i.e. the former opzh, allies of medvedchuk, rabinov. and everyone else, they are not just present in the parliament, they are members of an informal coalition, they vote, they help the government. and i, for example, believe, and i have the right to speak about it publicly, that obviously, for such an obedient vote for the government, there are certain calculations, and i suspect that
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this calculation may, may be that the parliament is artificially delaying the issue for the time being and not approves bills on farewell to the russian peace, this is a so-called church bill, for a year and a half, this is a bill on the possibility of taking mandates from local council deputies from pro-russian parties, for two years, more than two years this bill has been in parliament, and the third is the issue of lustration, possible lustration of activists and heads of organizations of pro-russian parties, these are the key issues that opz needs. already for survival, so when we talk about the influence of possible agents, people with pro-russian views, influence on state decision-making, there are two things here, the first is or may be a conscious calculation, and in this way important issues are lobbied, and this is a big
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problem for us, and the second is people who can engage in subversive activities, including i will remind you that the arrestee, here is another figure... he had a sufficiently large influence, that is, he was one of the spokesmen of the bank during the war, who could have an influence on decision-making, who could have access to information, we can only guess, sorry, it could be serious enough influences, after that a person leaves the borders of ukraine in a strange way, leaves there legally or illegally and now clearly supports the theses of russian propaganda, the problem is colossal, it is his... not only in the past tense, obviously, that is why i say that it is necessary to carry out a sufficiently serious revision, in fact, you clearly explained everything about this, mr. oleksiy, that there are people who spread the ideas of russian propaganda, in fact, this is the cohort of people to whom lustration must be very clearly and seriously applied now, and about the opzzh
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that you mentioned, there is no party, but party members remained, and at different levels, and they have thoughts here, to create something new now and to show off already in... the image of other political forces, we understand that the ukrainian legislation, perhaps, did not foresee from the beginning that something like this would happen, respectively didn't think it through, but now it is possible. and it is possible in some way to stop this process, when the former opzzinya again in the councils, near the authorities and so on. can something happen to this in the near future? maybe, maybe these are serious enough risks, i am not exaggerating here, for many of it may seem strange to us what you are talking about, about the upcoming elections, when we are in the acute phase of the war. no, we are talking about this topic now because there is a very serious risk that after the war. opposition platform for life, opposition bloc there, other versions of pro-russian parties, they will find themselves in
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active politics, just under different names. well, let me remind you, the event of ten years ago, hardly any of us could have imagined during the revolution of dignity, during the shooting on the maidan and during the first phase of the war with russia, hardly could we have imagined that pro-russian parties will be active again, again... they will try to influence state decisions in the parliament, that's how it turned out, i think that we won't have pro-russian parties in the usual format, obviously in the coming decades, but we will get new, new pro-russian projects, these will be eurosceptics, who will turn any issue of euro-atlantic integration into a laughing stock, into such a comical format, these parties will be, and actually these projects can be successful, as the experience of, say, our european neighbors shows today, there these
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parties are active, these will be parties that will be engaged in harsh and destructive criticism of the government and zelenskyi, and the opposition that will come to power, everything that is connected with the phrase ukrainian government, it will be just a great evil, and exactly such , this will be the handwriting of the russian work, since at one time there was a block. not so, in opposition, in opposition to viktor yushchenko's team, these will be new blocs not so against other presidents, prime ministers and pro-government teams. we must be ready for this, so if we now we will not draw conclusions, we will not conduct a hard lustration, that is, we cannot conduct a lustration, let's say, of all party members from proscribed political forces, this is unrealistic, because we do not have a fixed party membership and plus we will receive devastating criticism from our western partners, but
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soft lustration, i mean, all the leaders of party organizations, from the center to the local councils, to small towns and villages, all the leaders of party organizations, plus all the activists of political parties who ran for office in any election, they should be banned from participating, again in any election, at the very least. that is, there is a clear formula, there is a ban by the decision of the party court, accordingly, the leaders receive a de facto lustration otaku ban, and what to do with the majoritarian, we literally have a minute of time, you have already mentioned about the majoritarian, well, for example, maryana bezugla, she is a majoritarian, and at the same time she is calm, for example, in her dislike for general sodol. writes specific geolocation data, at what time, where he is, in which hospital, in fact tells the enemy, this is what you want
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hit the headquarters with a missile, hit there, and at the same time you will destroy a large number of wounded ukrainian defenders, in fact such activity is taking place, and all the other data that you said, in fact secret data , are now being made public, in this case the mandate of the majority deputy cannot be taken away so easily, but these actions, to the extent that i am not an expert... but they are classified, lawyers say, that these are actions that bear criminal responsibility. i am not a lawyer, but i am forced to read telegram channels for nothing, to my deep conviction, but i studied a little law of my time, to my deep conviction, the security service should have already opened more than one case against her, that is, there is something to do during the war. well, plus the last, last wave of attacks on the military command, this is... the last half-year wave, starting with zaluzhny, whom she systematically ate, ending with the current commanders, well, this
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campaign goes beyond common sense, and as i see how the russian media, which i also have to read, actively quote maryana endlessly, i think that at least this question is clear, we did not expect that maryana bezugla will become the leader in citations in the russian media, surpassing even skabeeva in citations. thank you, mr. oleksiu, for the conversation. oleksiy koshel, head of the committee of voters of ukraine, doctor of historical sciences, was with us, there will be a short pause, and we will analyze international affairs. international lawyer. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dollheit is the only yellow cream for joint pain and back when buying a large package of 150 g, you
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konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend have a final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, mondays at 20:00 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so
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it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and who then? china, me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone can donate to the collection from scratch to life on quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yat. we will come back to international affairs, we will talk and ivan lozovyi, an international lawyer, will help us deal with them. mr. ivan, good afternoon, thank you for joining.
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thank you, congratulations. so, at first the bulgarians said about some peace negotiations between ukraine and russia, immediately from kyiv. listened stop-stop, recover, think, the turks about the next platform for peace, and orban - it is already traditional with fresh statements that tomorrow can be unexpected and loud, why not it's all going, mr. ivan, this is a very important question, because together with putin's own initiatives, regarding peace, in particular his, well, actually the capitulation plan, which, which he called... the peace plan before ukraine held its peace summit, right now , peace is very much felt at the international level, in europe, and in north america. this is despite the fact that, of course, there is no relaxation of military operations and war at the front. but an analysis
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of broader strategic factors, such as russia's economy, their ability for the russians to... restore heavy equipment, their problems with mobilization, indicate that all this is not accidental, and in addition to the initiative, talks about peace are now starting to gain the upper hand, because putin is looking and will continue to look for some way out, some rest from this trap that he himself got into , and looking to rebuild their actual military forces, is what all of this, all of this is about. yes, but in this case, when we have two, two realities, well, the first one is that, in fact, they are one. the peace formula, the second, the third, direct fire as from a machine gun, it is one and the same the goal is to undermine the armed, military support in kyiv, and to switch attention to
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peace negotiations, this is already such a strategy that is read, and from our side absolutely similar sounds are heard, only they say that it is as if it is a different formula, only our formula, which was brought to switzerland , reduced to three completely unrelated to the war in the composition. we need it, nuclear security, we need it, but it seems that the formula is this, you don’t touch anything, zaporizhzhia is nuclear in your hands, just guarantee peace, the exchange of everyone for everyone, it’s not about victory either, the third point was the same, i’m talking about it , that in we also have some kind of peace formula in which there is nothing about security, there is no constitutional norm about joining nato, there is simply no word nato, and in this way... will it not work, that now it is just a matter of forcing this system to capitulate under the name of peace talks, will compete, who is better to invade with putin? yes, and i
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agree with you, but i would say more that the initiatives, conversations on the part of ukraine, our official representatives, the president and others regarding peace, it is now very harmful, precisely because... most likely, and that western analysts note that russia is constantly in a more and more difficult situation and will want some respite from this war in order to actually restore its military forces, and everyone who talks about peace from ukraine now, including our president, is actually playing into their hands russia now, which is eager for these negotiations, which they stated in their initial position very much... which is unacceptable regarding the capitulation of ukraine, but it is clear that they want some respite, all strategic factors speak of this, and this should be avoided,
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we have to stop all peace initiatives now, i mean ukraine, this will allow us to support our allies, the baltics, poland, well the netherlands there, the european commission, who support us fully in that we have to win on the battlefield, that's the only our position because only this can lead to real peace, well, we hear your words, but we do not see such actions as to make them heard, we need to write the formula of ukrainian victory, write to us, they write to us both in kyiv and from outside the formula of ukrainian capitulation only under good guises headlines, such a moment, and there is also a powerful moment that could become, well, if it were the result of certain actions, the second round of elections in france, this is now this story, oksana and i were just tracking, yes... there is already information about the elections not only in france, and also outside, and therefore on the other side of the atlantic, marine le pen got nothing, her national association
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has zero, in france itself, says ms. marine, who estimates her chances as very high and powerful in order to get even an absolute majority, and we are in this case all the same, maria le pen, these are their internal political affairs, not... all the same, the fact that she , after receiving her prime minister, announces the termination of certain military aid, and for the ones we have already received, even a ban, well, the same ones scalps, which are storm shadow only of french production, it is forbidden to use them at all outside of ukraine, such dangers are increasing more and more, fiytso has not yet recovered from the shots, but he is already shouting that he and orban together love putin and his... peaceful i don't know the formula the perfect storm that is gradually emerging around ukraine, whether it can disrupt the european solidarity in support of ukraine,
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whether there are legal protection mechanisms that will not allow these players, who are playing around in those elections, to break it. this is not a legal issue, but a political one, and i would not overestimate the threat from those political changes that we see in europe, which are also on the way. america, in the united states, because support for ukraine in most european countries is very stable. we see that the change of government in great britain has not actually changed anything, support for ukraine may even increase. regarding france. we must not forget that france lags far behind in terms of military aid. compared to their capabilities. france is a huge manufacturer and exporter of various types of weapons. so far, they have provided the armed forces many times. less than germany, for example, so the changes when marine le pen, of course, her party comes to power, she has such a promising young politician
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that she will probably offer to write. to the prime minister, and he will become certain small restrictions regarding the use of scalps or, say, hitting russian objects, military objects on the territory of the russian federation, will not significantly affect our situation, in general, europe is very much increasing, raising and increasing its aid to ukraine, and i do not see this trend as serious threats today, italy, giorgi maloni is our huge friend, the netherlands, germany, even with all the shortcomings there, has provided us with a lot of financial and military assistance and continues to provide, of course , the baltic states, our closest neighbors, the czech republic, poland, there are exceptions, of course, but they were there before, yes, sir, but orban can form a faction in the european parliament, eight political forces join him, and this means that there must be factions, because only seven are needed, and at
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the same time... his deputies from fidesz, the same as sierto, only with different surnames, will form the core, will this faction be able to harm ukraine in the european parliament at a time when important, let's say, strategic documents or resolutions are being voted on, almost 40 deputies, 39 cities they currently receive in total , this not many, there are three important ones, i don't remember their names now, but three members of the european parliament, in particular from great britain, who, well, you can call them radicals or something, but they were very categorically and publicly against aid, against for europe to help ukraine, they lost their seats, so, you know, the pendulum goes back and forth in politics, but in general i am also in european structures, even despite the presidency of orbán himself on the council of the european union, it is not quite like that. left
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position, although it sounds quite respectable, i am not i see a serious threat to ukraine, i see only an increase in europe's capabilities regarding its defense and military capabilities and the provision of such assistance to ukraine. mr. ivan, thank you for the analysis, thank you for being with us, an international lawyer, ivan lozovy, dealt with international issues, and so for now we end this discussion with a very... mystical forecast that not everything is actually so catastrophic, optimistic, because firstly, unexpectedly in the second round in france, and now today is election day, the turnout is even higher than in the first round, the turnout is greater, but mr. ivan says that there is no catastrophe, well, we hope that it will be so, but we will be careful, of course, that if the french do forbid us to use the scalps, it will be a little more difficult for our armed forces, and then we will have to hope for more
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the help of other parterres. the british will give, or that the neptunes fly better and that there are more of them, thank you for being with us, now we have to pass the word to the news, anna eva melnyk and the news editor already know everything about the latest events, and anna eva is ready tell us about it, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is still working, i want to make a small announcement that at 5 p.m. we will add tatiana vysotska from strasbourg to our broadcast, and she will tell about everything that currently taking place in france. well, of course, how optimistic the forecast will be regarding the schedules of turning off the lights, i'll start with that. be with us.


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