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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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changes about which we cannot be silent, in the houses in belgorod region they remembered that they were part of the national people's republic, bnr writes, you also started in voronezh region, the locals remembered their native language, began to speak ukrainian and even asked gladkov to bring them ukrainian flags . change is before our eyes, see you, we leave you with these news, and be with espresso. these are politicians close to the world, maria gurska, journalist of espresso tv channel and eu sisters. pavel koval, chairman of the council on cooperation with ukraine and chairman of the committee of of foreign affairs of the polish seimas. congratulations. good day. today we will start with this: a number of influential media in the united states of america, including the new york times. at
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the same time, biden himself and the leaders of the democratic party emphasize that the main thing is not age, but the truth. joe biden assured that he does not refuse to participate in the elections. how do you assess this debate and what will happen next with the presidential company in the usa. well, it plays a key role here. the health of the presidential candidate, without a doubt, the united states today is in special moment, and everyone has the right to recognize that in a big, strong country, a superpower, there are many activists, political figures, etc. the two candidates we see are at a respectable age, and that respectable age is sure to have a powerful effect on this campaign. it will definitely take a lot of effort from biden to launch this campaign. there is a clear difference between how it is...
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but because he spoke very loudly and confidently, many did not notice it. he spoke loudly, he moved, introduced some aggressive topics, such as golf and so on. in general, it was a conversation, the nature of which was also determined by the age of the candidates, the rest, the formal questions of the democratic party, whether the democratic party decides to find some way to change the candidate, it is not ... easy. biden
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should resign himself, but i think a lot depends on his wife. for now, his wife says everything is fine. she says that biden answered all the questions and she is satisfied, but i think that this will also be influenced by the family and the next discussion will take place in the context of biden's health. key decisions can still be made, but i think it will depend on how the president himself decides. a few words about the topics that came up during the debate. and are important for eastern europe, especially for our countries. former us president donald trump has repeatedly stated that the war in ukraine is the result of joe biden's incompetence as president. according to trump, putin launched the invasion of ukraine because he did not respect biden, including the withdrawal of us troops from afghanistan, which trump calls shameful map in the history of the united states. this argumentation of ex-president and presidential candidate trump is dangerous. because it
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is based on a common western argument that everything putin does is due to the mistakes of others. so, it is a bit like a psychological technique of playing with putin, where every action of putin is explained by other people's mistakes. putin acts the way he does because he represents an aggressive system. the country is on the verge of totalitarianism, predatory, imperial, and this is the main reason for putin's behavior. responsibility for it cannot be transferred in any way actions on others because it doesn't really make sense. this applies to trump's arguments and nigel farage's statements a week ago. this leads us into an absolutely vicious circle. it should also be mentioned that a few days before this debate, reuters reported that two of trump's key advisers presented him with a plan to end the war in ukraine through peace talks between kyiv and moscow, which kyiv would be forced to do because of military aid restrictions. i think that some
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of trump's advisers are probably more active and proactive than putin himself, because there are more of us we hear from trump's advisers about making a deal with putin rather than from putin himself. this should make them think that they are probably, as they used to say in poland, in a delusional delusion. trump's advisers are wrong, and all those who today call for a ceasefire, some kind of truce, should understand that putin does not want it. this is what advisers want, or viktor orban, who goes to kyiv and offers something there, but not putin. this is a very bad tactic because it weakens the west and blurs the issue of war. peace is needed, but only one that will be based on... whether , regardless of the outcome of the election , support for ukraine and american leadership, the vision of the war in the context of stopping putin, will remain. i hope that trump's advisers, who are standing somewhere in
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the shadows today, not involved in the campaign, do not have decisive influence right now. later they will have an influence, because always every successive administration comes and starts to influence, but here the basic experience of politics. concluding the american part of our program, how real is the replacement of candidates in the near future, although time is running out, it is technically possible, and while biden's approval ratings are falling, there is still a significant amount of court cases pending against trump, will we see a white swan again? from one or another camp, for example, the current vice president of the usa camila garis is mentioned among the possible candidates from the democrats, there is even a candidacy of michelle obama, the wife of the ex-president of the usa barack obama. we can
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discuss this because it is actually somewhat interesting. i don't think michelle obama will get involved in politics. on monday i spoke to someone who knows her well, he says that this person does not like her. let's talk about what's happening in france right now, especially the political crisis and the protests. which broke out after the victory of the far-right national association in the first round of parliamentary elections. first of all, as you explain, the phenomenon of marine le pen's victory with such a huge result, the majority of french people support ukraine, so why did they decide to support putin's closest friend in france? exactly,
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it is a bit reminiscent of the 1970s in italy, when the italian communist party suddenly started winning elections and almost formed a government. of the main countries of nato and the european economic community in italy. and i have a vision that this is a situation where macron suddenly increases his rhetoric and expectations regarding putin, wants to support ukraine more, puts the issue on the edge of a knife, and on the other hand there is a national front that exceeds 30% with a chance to form a government. that is, imagine that such a government can be formed in france, its ministers, for example, defense, internal affairs, justice will have access to all the secrets of nato and the european union. i think that would be a terrible scenario, so a runoff is extremely important. some of the statements being made these days are shocking. for example, the candidate for
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prime minister from the national union , jordan bordella, said that he is against providing ukraine with long-range weapons, especially those that can reach targets in russia. yes, if the far-right wins and they form a government, about macron's promises to send military advisers to ukraine, transfer of mirage 2000 fighters, it will be possible to forget what to do with the support of ukraine and the defense of europe, for ukraine and the defense of europe. just as it happened in the 1970s, when we saw the victory of the italian communist party or the french communist party, which were parties associated with. and today the situation is the same when it comes to the people's front. the national union is part of putin-tern, and of course i do not rule it out, it is such a big party, and there may be intelligent
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people who think differently, but in general this the party is connected to the kremlin and receives money from the kremlin. this is very dangerous. we have no influence on this, we are waiting for the results of the second round. but i believe that there is not enough talk about the fact that europe is at a crossroads due to the possibility of turning the politicians of the national union into leaders who will determine the political line of the entire political event. is there any plan against this? let's wait for the results of the elections in france? on july 2 , the ministers of the new dutch government headed by ultra-right what to expect from these changes? the netherlands showed great support for ukraine in the war against putin during these years. it is a different story than in france. here, i think, there will be a continuation of ryut's policy. ryut.
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on july 2 , hungarian prime minister viktor orban visited kyiv for the first time in 12 years. in the ukrainian capital, orban said that ukraine should stop shooting, because a ceasefire would ensure an accelerated pace of negotiations. what do you think about this, why did orban come to kyiv and what do these words mean in his plans and political game. orbán came orbán came because he wants to present himself as a serious european politician at the beginning of hungary's presidency in the eu council, but what he says deconcentrates the west and is not in the interests of countries like poland. what
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is his political vision and whether orbán will be able to change his political views after visiting ukraine, whose heroism he admires. orbán is the leading revisionist of the eu. if he actually changes his political line, i'll be the first to be happy about it, but for now... he went to kyiv, because he wanted to show that he is open to various topics and capable of presiding over the eu. on july 2, he also wrote a false article in the financial times, where he talks about the economic success of hungary, which is based on the german-french growth plan, but from afar it can be seen that this is all political trickery. why should we believe this?
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it is worth noting that from the very beginning, viktor orbán agreed to support the start of accession negotiations with ukraine on the condition that ukraine publicly undertakes to fulfill the 11 demands of budapest, which concern rights of the hungarian minority in transcarpathia. some of them sound rather strange, such as the demand to use the 2001 census in transcarpathia , or, for example, to recognize transcarpathia as traditionally hungarian territories. what do you think about it? orbán is a revisionist and is trying to use the
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eu enlargement mechanism to promote his views. he knows that he cannot act fully now, because the russians have lost at kiev and kharkov, and he must surrender, because any plan to change the borders is now impossible, and yet he tries use the eu negotiation mechanism to promote their ideas, or introduce them through the side door. and what were the biggest challenges for poland during the accession negotiations? were there cases that poland simply could not fulfill some requirements? how was it then in your case? did brussels help and can warsaw and brussels help ukraine in discussions with budapest now? the negotiations on agriculture and transport were definitely the most difficult for us. these will also be difficult challenges, but this is purely about eu norms, the issue of minorities is the issue of participation in the council of
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europe. i have something to say about this, it seems to me that the hungarian pressure is an incentive for the ukrainian authorities to reassess the polish policy towards minorities. we expect simple reciprocity, a good attitude towards the polish minority, for example, in lviv, in particular, if we are talking about the school system. i believe that all this should make many people in ukraine think about the big difference between the hungarian style of using minorities as an element of pressure on ukraine and the polish one. an approach that is a memory and support approach. we never use poles in the east, for example, or elsewhere in ukraine, as an element of blackmail. this is a good moment for those who are responsible for minority policy in ukraine. to think about... and to make gestures of goodwill regarding, for example, polish memorials or in matters of education, not to change the structure of polish schools in lviv. and in today's ukraine, the polish minority is a small part of the population, but it is already part of the traditions of the ukrainian state, a loyal minority and the real wealth of ukraine. when i i listen to what orban is saying, then i remember one or another of my polish friends from lviv, who went to the armed forces, who were first at the front in 14th year, then returned and now
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again stood up for the defense of ukraine. maybe this is a good time to talk about it and show it. it is necessary to conduct negotiations, and i say this everywhere. negotiations on joining the eu will not be easy for ukraine, these are not the kind of negotiations where everyone comes and sits down together to write a road map. the ic has its own great tradition of these negotiations, and what's more, it's a european one the economic community, and moreover the european coal and steel association - these were decades of law-making and therefore it is not easy for ukraine. because it passes and must be negotiated, and some partners will negotiate on what concerns the european union, that is, market issues, agriculture issues, transport issues, and some partners will have strong positions on the market, agriculture issues or transport issues, some how orban will put forward additional conditions, in my opinion, are not necessary, because the negotiations are already there
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complicated, but no matter what, it is worth remembering the main result, which is very beneficial for the security of ukraine, poland and central europe. it's a win- win process, and it's going to be negotiated, even though there will be moments that feel like 100 percent disappointment. while hungarian prime minister viktor orban was visiting kyiv, german chancellor olaf scholz arrived in warsaw on a diplomatic visit on july 2. during a press conference with the prime minister of poland , donald tusk, he stated that in connection with russian aggression against our country , germany and... poland will deepen cooperation to support ukraine. scholz emphasized that russia's attack destroys the peaceful order in europe and threatens the security of the entire continent. he noted that germany and poland will cooperate for their own security and for better protection of refugees from ukraine who ended up in their countries as a result of the war. what might this deeper collaboration look like?
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support and reconstruction of ukraine is, in my opinion, one of the most important elements of polish-german cooperation today, especially after the conference. in berlin, this is the cooperation of the local self-government bodies of poland and germany with the local self-government bodies of ukraine and the issue of improving the vryashevo hub and its expansion. strengthening this transport hub and demonstrating its role are key to rebuilding ukraine from the point of view of almost the entire west. we would like more military support from the germans for ukraine, especially the agreement to use the taurs, because for me it is extremely important that the ukrainians can freely hit targets inside russia. development production of ammunition on a european scale also needs german support. and we want a greater participation of germany when it comes to the eastern shield, so that the germans understand that this is not only a matter for poland, but also a matter for the defense of the borders of the entire eu. strengthening nato's eastern flank. exactly. when it comes to refugee issues, what might this enhanced cooperation look like? on the one hand, we need to prepare a plan for kharkiv, if the situation worsens after my
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last visit, i see that the first priority will be to help internal refugees in kharkiv itself. the second issue is that poland should receive financial support for the expansion of all possible border protection systems, because this is not only the border of poland, but the border of the entire eu. and what about the refugees from ukraine who are already in poland and germany? these are two different topics, because today we talk about refugees in two contexts. when it comes to refugees from ukraine, that is, those who are passing through the war and those who will come, this issue does not cause any controversy. it is clear that they must find suitable ones working conditions in poland. the opportunity to go west if they want. i can't imagine that people in such a traumatic situation, often mothers with children in their arms, were deprived of a sense of safety for several years in the west throughout the eu. another issue is the problem of those refugees from the east who are now illegally trying to cross the polish-belarusian border. recently , a polish soldier died because of it. poland should not be forced to accept refugees who
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forcibly violate its borders. are there any solution within the eu? there is not now, but there will definitely be, because this is a matter of dynamics, i hope we will soon reach a common recognition, strengthened borders, the eastern shield, this is very important. in the previous issue, we promised viewers that we would briefly talk about the deepening cooperation between russia and north korea. defense express military experts believe that north korea may resort to sending its expeditionary force to participate in the war. on the side of russia, what to expect from the military cooperation between russia and north korea after putin's visit to dobhenyan and signed agreement? how to prevent this? i apologize for this, first of all, for russian propaganda, which was perceived by many commentators as a sign of russia's strength, but actually its weakness. to me, what happened was that putin was forced to go to
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north korea and smile and court kemchen-in, and that shows russia's weakness. of course, nothing will change the fact that korea supports russia militarily, that korea is part of this war, is part of the axis of evil. putin seems to have the feeling that he has an ally, but we remember that putin always cares about his... reputation, and now he is losing this reputation, once again proving that he is part of the axis of evil together with tehran, and that there is nothing to talk about with him. i don't see that it has any advantages for russia. their gestures towards north korea are solid reputational losses for the country and its president. thank you for this conversation. thank you very much. close to politics, close to the world. pavel koval, maria gurska. more in the next episodes, watch us in polish on pavel koval's youtube channel, in ukrainian on the espresso tv channel, and read in both languages ​​on sestry eu. thank you, thank you.
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i came somewhere in the middle of summer an order to send personnel to a unit in slovyansk. since the end of the summer oleg worked in the donetsk area, he was wounded there already in november 2022. during one of the assaults, he came under heavy mortar fire and received shrapnel wounds. legs oleg lost consciousness and woke up already in the hospital. the boy learned from his mother that he had lost his right leg. when i woke up, i didn't know i didn't have a right leg because i could feel it. phantom pain, and i thought that my leg was real. i wasn't worried about my leg, because i knew that now there are prostheses, that you can walk and run with them. news about opening a new one oleg's girlfriend, sofia, found super humans prosthetics and rehabilitation center. i immediately dropped it. and i say: well, let's try, it's opening, new guys, new supers are being recruited, let's try, maybe he also uploaded a photo of his amputation, painted what
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it was. surgery and literally 10 days later they call me and say that we are ready to take you to rehabilitation, well, i didn't believe it at first, because it was something from the role of fiction. oleh was measured and received his first prosthesis within a week. on the very first day, the boy started walk on crutches. he admits he didn't believe it when he saw two sneakers again. the feeling, i don't know how, well, it can't be expressed in words. later, the guy switched to electronic. the knee, which, according to oleg, completely replaced the lost limb, from the role of fantasy to have an electronic knee, because, first of all, it is expensive, not everyone can afford it, yes, but with the help of volunteers, as well as superhumans , we managed to achieve this goal , in order to resist this protest, we can always
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fold our hands and do nothing... we need to try, we need something that cannot be filled just one questionnaire, you can fill out 10, and you can be accepted everywhere and you have to try everything, because it's always a new chance, a new challenge, and you don't know what will be waiting for you in each center. in january 2024, oleg went to antarctica for 21 days. during the expedition, he jumped into the icy water from the yacht. however, for such an extreme test, he took off his prosthesis so as not to lose it. it in the waters of antarctica. after realizing one dream, oleg decided to work on the realization of another, to dance with his team again. this dream came true in june reality the 25-year-old soldier once again took the stage and performed a choreography. people, titans.
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ahead says oleg will definitely jump with a parachute. ema statnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will succeed. to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, a world destroyed by war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no one else , need our support, because they the future of our country. our experience so far...
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visited... the states, saarsburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you very much for such an incredible trip, it has never been will be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to be
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aware of savings. news and sports news.


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