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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 4:30pm-4:56pm EEST

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noted ms. olga, you were returned to ukraine with the participation of istanbul, i want to ask you, as a people's deputy, how lively the discussion with governments from other countries is at the interparliamentary level on the issue of the return of ukrainian civilians, can you tell us something about this? this is a difficult question, to be honest, now our partners, or in those institutions, the question is not the mandate, but the question is that they have not yet developed such an instrument that would be effective for putin, because only he decides who to give and who not, there is no one else there, there are many intermediaries, but they, as they say, make the legs. and i don't even make a decision,
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why didn't they develop such a tool? well, unfortunately, uh, as i said at one speech, until now, until now, the interests of business, they have more weight on these scales than the main task or the main credo, which they consider... when defining the state, it is democratic , how powerful it is, it is human rights, yes, it is so fundamental to recognize this path of democracy, but for some reason, for some reason it is still so, for some reason it is very difficult to explain to partners, that a person who
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is imprisoned for his views, for his... er, for his protests, and at the same time this state is a terrorist, the leader of this state, the main criminal, for some reason so easily signs multibillion-dollar contracts with states that they say that they respect human rights as the fundamental rights of democracy, and the democratic nature of the state. therefore , we are working as far as, i would say, sufficiently active at all levels, i don't think that it applies to the fact that, well, for example, china, which we do, that is, there is no state in the world that does not somehow would be involved in this great war. yes, because, well,
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it is also technological, not only so direct, yes, with weapons, yes, as, as we are all used to, tanks, there, missiles, but they work on something, there is a technological factor , in which china is also involved, that is, i don't think that there is a question of such neutrality of the state, its influence, yes, uh, first of all, it is... ours, ours is such a monotonous work and where we show it so urgently, deeply show it here are the actions of russia in relation to our citizens, and for the time being, we will allow thousands of civilians, yes, i won't talk about that statistic of 280, because i know... maybe it's much
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more, but you know, for now it's hard to say why negotiations are constantly going on, and i mean with our partners, friends of ukraine, but for some reason these issues are primarily dependent on the resolution of these issues. in front of putin, there are some of his interests behind it, for some reason it does not work, i will never forget when we met with boris johnson, yes, a great friend of ukraine, yes, you remember, but when we met, i told him frankly, i was only there year, i resigned and say, i'm just begging you, don't take part in this disgraceful world cup. there is no
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need to do this at all, because putin will use it among his cattle to show what. this blood is ours, when everyone, including this china or another, will understand that it is impossible to trade principles such as
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justice, international law, this is a rhetorical question, but this is the reality today, and the fact that both the government and the state and... politicians are different and public associations are ours, well, they are working very actively on this issue, so this is, let's say, a guarantee that what we will achieve, yes, we will, and we give hope, today i met with nariman, and he tells what i once felt, yes, what hope. .. is always there, and that this hope gives them the opportunity to hold on there as well, they were impatient, but to continue to feel the spirit of a fighter, yes, because this is their front, this is the front of political prisoners, in which
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it is necessary to defeat the enemy there, being in own hands, actually. on june 25, ukraine won a case against russia for human rights violations at the european court of human rights. i'm curious to understand how important this decision is and if it is important at all, if we are talking about a country that does not count with any laws at all, ms. ogle, what do you say? of course, it is not just important, it is an unequivocal victory on the legal, yes field of ukraine, this is the first decision, just... it was in the first interstate case, and it was filed precisely in crimea. the first thing that is important is that the court, the european court of human rights, that is, it is not a ukrainian court, but an international court, recognized all the violations that occurred, violations human rights, this is political persecution, this is discrimination, this is torture, illegal
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deprivation of liberty, imposition of citizenship and so on and so forth. everything that we have been talking about for so many years has been recognized, recognized by the court, and what is important, it has been unanimously recognized that the russian federation is responsible for all of this. therefore, it is the legal basis for all other actions. now we talked about the fact that people suffer from various sufferings and so on. it must be proven constantly. now we have something to refer to, this is the decision of the european human rights court. what else, in the context of international practice in general, there were fundamentally new decisions that had not been made before, for example, regarding illegally created judges, regarding the practice of imposed citizenship, that is , it will affect even the practice of other states, because the european court is a court , which is valid for all other states that are members of the council of europe. it is clear that the russian federation has left the council of europe, we know that, but that does not mean that this decision means nothing for the russian federation, again, it is purely legal argument, for example, when we are talking about the same already created international register, regarding the damage, yes, caused to us by the aggression of the russian federation, for today, unfortunately, it includes only events from
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the 22nd year, but this decision just proves that , that people have been suffering from human rights violations since the 14th year, including including crimea, i believe that this should be used to... so that access to the international register, especially of victims of human rights violations, as illegal deprivation of liberty, political prisoners, so that people have since the 14th year, this applies to and crimea and donbass, and we have a legal justification at the level of the decision of the european court of human rights. later, it will also be taken into account by all other judicial authorities that consider russian crimes, therefore, in principle, it is very important and it is the first that speaks so comprehensively and thoroughly about the responsibility of the russian federation for everything that is there. well... in a more applied context, after all, when we talk about european states, they pay attention to the decisions of international judges, and that's just fine an excuse to help break russian narratives, russian propaganda about how wonderful it is to live in the occupied territories, that it seems that russia has come
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to liberate everyone, just this decision clearly confirms that russia has come to kill, persecute, and even seize foreign territories, so i i think that it is not only of legal importance, it is important... isn’t it just informational to break russian propaganda in european countries, it is, unfortunately, very serious there, we recently conducted monitoring and mentioned crimea in many european... countries, so, unfortunately, there is not much crimea there, and very often crimea is mentioned not at all as we would like, in completely different contexts, and even, for example, not so long ago in the same 23- this year, famous politicians could say and allow themselves, even in europe, to say that, well , not everything is so clear-cut with crimea, because crimea was still russian there and so on and so forth, so it is important for us to work with this every day, that is, it is a war in the information space, it continues constantly, russia does not spared turnovers, russia just as powerfully throws in a bunch. a lot more resources in order to further promote everything that she considers necessary. and crimea is one of the key narrative
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bases of the russian federation, through which it will still try to break these international agreements, such as on donbas, let's negotiate, and crimea will always be russian. if crimea is not deoccupied, not only will we not be able to protect people, we will never be able to return security to the european region, so this is actually a very principled decision that should be made as much as possible to use including... in the information space, mr. ekhtem, a similar question to you, and i would also like to ask you how, in your opinion, it is possible to force the russian federation to comply with the decision of the european court of human rights, you know, this has been going on for almost 10 years case, yes, ukraine against russia, and that case includes my case and others. but for 10 years, we are all in the majority , our team, the state, it
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tried, well, i will not be afraid of this word, to force the implementation of this law and this right, which it created itself, in the first place, produced by the institution itself, yes, the ecj, because there were always some moments. where the inertness was very, very indecent, and i also had such an opportunity, when at such meetings, i openly told them in their eyes, because we were constantly faced with the fact that russia's influence on these institutions is quite powerful, it all started, let's say , to become more active after... a fashionable criminal court recognized putin as a criminal, and gave him, gave him permission
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to arrest, but then, in my opinion, these processes went faster, further, what, what does it give us, well, in addition to that, what our colleague already said there in studio, but for example, i will file another lawsuit, and for russia to answer materially, that is, it is the recipient, and whatever it turned out to be, i rely on these norms and laws adopted by this institution, that is, to they also fulfilled their own norms, that is, there is russian property in other territories. it exists here in ukraine, and it exists in other states, and it is
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fundamental, we must continue to pressurize these criminals so that they know that it is simply not like that, it will not go away, yes, as they are used to, but for us politically, well, this is very important yes, it has already been said that... there were such thoughts, the situation in crimea is ambiguous, we are all, let's say, going through it very, very, very, very with such persistence, yes, let's say, because that influence is not going anywhere russia, it is sometimes less, and then increases again, and we need to continue to be persistent. and i just want to say about the crimean
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platform, especially the parliamentary dimension, which was already held on the territory of our european states, where we involved such a very influential institution as the parliaments of the european of states which directly reflect and directly influence the opinion of the people of their population, yes in these states and so on. and this platform, it is compared there with the first one, it has changed a lot in its messages, its decisions, its resolutions, that is, we will force, no matter how much time passes, we will force to comply with these international norms, laws, which, in which it is clearly
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stated that the state terrorist russia. such as russia, it will respond, as the russians themselves say, and i want to discuss the last issue with our guests, this is the issue of the rehabilitation of our civilian prisoners, i would like to understand how it is happening today, and in your opinion, ms. olga, should something be changed in this context? and to improve, well, we definitely need to improve, because unfortunately, unfortunately, if we talk about rehabilitation and medical services, this process is not established today. today, we more or less have the procedure of providing material assistance, which i spoke about, and reimbursement of the costs of lawyers in the occupied territories, which are received by relatives in order to in order to somehow keep in touch with
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the people who are in prison, that's all , in principle, that works more or less normally. further, the law that i mentioned, which... guarantees precisely the protection of such people deprived of their liberty, it also clearly contains regulations on rehabilitation measures, on medical assistance there, and so on, but during the 22nd and 23rd years there was no regulations for this, i.e. the government did not pass anything so that, in fact, the norms of the law began to work, i.e. in 22-23 years people simply did not have because of this bureaucracy, not providing the appropriate regulatory framework, people simply could not even take advantage of the law that is already in effect, these changes took place only in the 24th year. when it is normal to at least approve certain procedures at the level of the government, but now, in principle, they must now be actually implemented, medical facilities, rehabilitation facilities and so on must be determined. again, this can only be obtained after there is a fact, when the commissions have established the fact, so we return to that category of people who still cannot to confirm the fact of staying in polonia. until they confirm this, accordingly, they cannot
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apply for rehabilitation assistance. if a pow, for the most part it's all coordinated because they all get released. centralized through the coordination headquarters, that is, they immediately receive all the information, they are placed in the appropriate measures and so on and so forth, then for civilians there is no such thing, especially the civilians who return on their way, about whom i spoke, the majority of them, that is, i believe that as soon as a person returned from the occupied territory, declared that he was a prisoner, or a third person is returning through the country, and across the border of ukraine here to us, there must be some single mechanism when this information immediately reaches that there is a person. and they provide this complex of services, but she does not walk through all the corridors, at all institutions and begs for rehabilitation assistance for herself. for the most part, so far, the cases with which we work are where we helped prisoners and captives who returned after captivity in ukraine, they receive this assistance independently or at the expense of public organizations. the critical thing is, for example, well
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, everyone suffers from it, and i think mr. akhtem can confirm this, it's the teeth, they all lose their teeth, or... the teeth are knocked out after torture, or the teeth simply fall out because the fact that the conditions of detention there are simply terrible, one person who returned from illegal imprisonment is a crimean political prisoner, his teeth cost at least uah 150,000, it's just another question, where is the person who returned after being captured? whose relatives yes all this time they were also looking for this person, waiting for where they will get such money, even 100 00, which the family can get after being released from captivity, they will not cover these expenses. so of course this is just one example of how complicated and expensive it really is, today we have this arrangement, but we also have to make it really easy for people to use, today it doesn't work yet so that people without barriers can to receive rehabilitation, psychological and medical assistance. ugh, well, we have such an unplowed field. mr. akhtem, i then you
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i will ask now, as a people's deputy, are you aware of such problems with... the rehabilitation of captured civilians and are you, as a people's deputy and the committee itself, somehow trying to set up a dialogue with the government in order to resolve it? i'm in ardep, but i walk on the ground, mrs. olya said correctly, i'm a yogi, i support him, because here... you know, here, here everything is solved in the majority where it is solved manually in such a mode, that is. then again they turn to public organizations, which then, not only money,
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find people who would help them, that's exactly how i and my other colleagues do the same, and this example given by ms. olga, ms. olga, is really a demonstration. today, having been fired for 3 years, the first thing i saw was a tooth, because i myself lost almost all of them, and then i saw it and said, first of all, you need to cram, because this... this, let's say, i already know what problems there will be, but from the side of the state, from the side of the government, in
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this direction, for now, as it was said, centrally, so that everything is decided, which clinics will do it, which, for which money, yes, this... that there is no, well, no matter how difficult it is to adopt laws, then changes to it, but it is being done, yes, unfortunately, we want, we want quickly, but on it's a pity, well, it doesn't happen, we can't do it so quickly, that's why i appeal again, again, that, as it was before, so today, for the first time. primarily before the parliament, this will be the role of
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public organizations. well, we come to such a disappointing conclusion that the issues that the state should deal with is not a conclusion, no, it is not a conclusion, it is, let's say, this is the reality today, you understand , because i wouldn't say that public associations, they fulfill the role of the state, no, they are created so that this state, this government, let's say, is more effective than these humanitarian issues that are necessary in today's realities. well, i thank our guests very much for their time, unfortunately, we have to finish already, i sincerely wish all
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