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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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connected with the corps, i.e. their relatives and the people who are their families there, 11 million and these 11 million did not come to the elections, i.e. even those who, if considered the support, the basis of the regime , were ignored, expressed their protest against this situation, against that they said that they do not believe in these elections in this regime, not specific individuals, but the regime and... the joint system that has developed in iran, so the situation is very serious, they will have to do something, if nothing happens behind the scenes, we will see the next revolution, that's for sure, that is he needs to liberalize the regime, he needs to liberalize it in such a way that it does not destroy the party, gorbachev also came with the idea of ​​softening, giving a little freedom, and how... we will steer clear, and pazeshkyan and
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rakhbar in general are facing similar challenges , the growth of nationalisms, by the way, is a very interesting fact, but no one can say what is the contribution of pazeshkyan's victory, the successful war that azerbaijan waged against armenia, and in general , this success of azerbaijan, yes, because who is for him? voted, first of all azerbaijanis voted for him, he himself is an azerbaijani, not just an azerbaijani, he launched his presidential campaign speaking in the azerbaijani language, he promises azerbaijani schools at last, which is provided by the law of iran, by the way, he spoke in the azerbaijani language even in tehran, not only in tabriz or there in the east or western azerbaijan, he was supported entirely by the kurds, the baluchis... well, i
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read that he also speaks the kurdish language, this was also not a situation for the iranian elite, well, he is accused of being a kurd, in fact he is not a kurd, but that's how he knows , knows and can speak the kurdish language, and iran is facing challenges, that they have 25 million people living only at the expense of coupons, and that they receive a basic set of humanitarian products in fact, so as not to die of hunger, but they have... very large disparities of the redistribution of the budget between regions and provinces with a minority population receive a much smaller percentage compared to provinces inhabited by persians, in fact , the movement for women's rights did not go anywhere in them, and by the way , pazeshkyan is also one of the factors why he won, he promised that the law on hijab will be'. whether or not to be implemented
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to the extent that it was implemented under rais, and by the way, about the influence of the president, the hijab law was the pure and exclusive prerogative of the previous deceased president, he wanted it, he carried it out and he got a revolutionary situation, no the supreme leader did not conduct it, and the president has a particularly... a president who will obviously watch the transfer of power to the new arahbar. this is a subtle moment in which the regime can burst as a result of internal tensions. well, that is, you do not think that there is some coalition of those who want to preserve the islamic republic and thus promote pezoshkyan. i read texts where it was said that whole clans were united there. who now claims
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the role of supreme leader, that they all found a common language among themselves, there is such a thing, well , let's remember, one of those who supported gorbachev was part of the politburo, the old guard, who also united, but ... unity around some figure there at a certain historical moment does not necessarily mean that the result will be what they predict or which they long for in principle, if we talk about it, there may be some foreign policy consequences, do you think that iran can refuse such active support of its proxy forces? well, this is precisely the prerogative of sipahav. corps and supreme leader. trump,
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as a condition for the extension of the nuclear agreement , put forward exactly this as the first point. that is, the refusal of from regional expansion, obama, when he signed the nuclear agreement in the 15th year, at the last moment withdrew this, this line, this paragraph in the agreement, well, there were two withdrawals about the missile program and about regional expansion, but now they will not refuse, iran, according to the legislation and the ideas of the mul corporation, which in fact... rules them is not a state, but the shiite ummah, and in this sense they doctrinally and legislatively cannot refuse from expansion, they will go as far as they will be given. what do you think about this new attempt at negotiations between
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israel and hamas, how realistic can it be now? well, hamas went to hezbollah and... everyone applauded joyfully, they say that they will come to an agreement, everyone is waiting prime minister of israel in washington, where he will announce that the operation is over, but i would say that it is 50 to 50, like meeting a dinosaur on the streets of kyiv, at the last moment something will happen again, there will be some shelling, and all this is a truce. i will be canceled, and what are the grounds for the truce, well, in principle, it is the same... the plan that was presented by the americans, and they are bargaining for details there, but the grounds from the united states are the same, they need the elections to take place without this background and so that israel does not start an invasion of lebanon, well, that's it
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netanyahu, on netanyahu, the americans are putting pressure on him, that he will not get something that he needs, on netanyahu these demonstrations. all over israel, now it is going again that the hostages must be returned, the war must be stopped. netanyahu can easily say that we won, rafah, rafiah, whatever you want, cleared, the operation is over, so, well, they don’t, they don’t need reasons, it’s a question of how who will justify themselves, and who will explain how, but hamas needs to release the israeli hostages, as i understand it. yes, and one of the reasons why this is all drags on because they don't know the fate of the hostages, each new hostage is new evidence of their crimes, beatings, torture there and everything else, but something, well , they are now declaring that they are ready to release them, well, step by step, of course, as always ,
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for one hostage there are 100 of theirs, and so on later, i would like to talk about this summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which was in astana, and here it is, as if it should be an important event, but in fact it is not ended in no serious way in conclusion, no one can say that they are agreeing on something, well, the only thing they talked about was sydzenpin's visit to kazakhstan, this is the event, sydzenpin was there, he met with takaev, it's all covered, what takaev said, what sidzenpin said, sidzenpin wrote an article, takaev gave an interview in chinese. the press, but the summit itself, despite the fact that putin was in it, well, it does not look like any serious event, why did this happen to this organization at all, well, what happened is that it does not respond to challenges, ibid. nothing was said about the invasion of russia,
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whatever it is called, there is a crisis in ukraine, they distance themselves from answering a serious question, instead, china is focused on one thing, they are building there for... this one on kyrgyzstan , uzbekistan, they really want to expand the ports kazakhstan on the caspian, they really want to expand baku ports, and they 're focused on these very specific things that are of interest to china, central asia, but it's outside of the sco, it's true, but it's, well, sorry, let's remember what it's all about the idea of ​​shos arose. yes, to balance russia , central asia in china, yes, we have confidence measures with china, confidence measures with china, yes, yes, now russia does not need to be balanced, russia is weak against the background of the war, it needs help itself, and it is also looking for help in kazakhstan, in central asia,
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well, so if the content of the organization itself changes depending on what role russia plays, if it is no longer a full-fledged partner or guarantor of security in central asia, and china's priorities change, well, i understand that china in general now considers himself the leader of this. and the chinese say it out loud, if you look at the chinese media, china is the leader of the sco, and russia blocks all specific decisions of the sco? yes, of course, they are not beneficial to her, in fact, that’s all, this is an anti-russian project, in fact, both the transport corridors, and the increase of the chinese presence, and the whole package of documents that was signed with kazakhstan, with china, that’s in fact anti-russian, of course they are. to block everything, as far as we can now say that china has really become dominant
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force in central asia, why would the central asian president go to putin on may 9, in that case? well, so as not to annoy the migrants, so that putin does not send them back, which destabilizes quite a lot, for example, tajikistan or kyrgyzstan, that 's why they go, or china... but it dominates, i think that china dominates the ideas at the moment, and at the same time they all ran to europe and to the states, we see a significant intensification of visits to the region and quite high delegations from the united states from brussels, from european countries, on the one hand, from on the other hand, how turkey has become more active, but... in terms of who is stronger and who should be reckoned with, i think that china, as
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the closest neighbor, has already defeated russia, if you remember that there was a meeting at this summit putin with erdogan, and this is also interesting, because putin promised again that he would go to ankara, but somehow he is not going, for how many months, we have already said, he will go, he will go, well, he is not going, as you think, to them did you manage to normalize the relationship? after putin openly criticized the turkish language on the sidelines petersburg economic forum? well, they have a sinusoidal relationship forever, it has always been a friendship with knives behind their backs, if they have any kind of warming of relations now, it is again not long before us, well, most likely until the spring of next year or until the winter, when they have another conflict and another crisis in their bilateral relations, it may be related. no longer with syria, but with, for example
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, iraqi kurdistan, where moscow is quite active, and where the turkish presence is now also increasing, they will there are enough points of conflict of interest to spoil relations fairly quickly, is there any understanding at all that putin will visit turkey, or does he not need it now? well, not yet, erdogan, well , the turks are trying, we saw the last statement of the minister of foreign affairs, that we need a different format, a broad format, we need to stop the war, that this continuation only increases the aggressiveness of both sides who demand weapons, well, this such a russian narrative in fact, but what if turkey can offer something? that is, on its own base, for example, well, i, i’m fantasizing now, i
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understand, yes, well, now there are many who want to offer something to their base, here he orban is now the main proposer, he did something that erdogan did not do, he was in kyiv, in he was in moscow, they say now, but he is flying to beijing at this very moment, he will arrive soon, and before that he drove into the highway on the organization of the turkic states, yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, well... and he made his mark there, well, he had actually been there before, but all the same, it's all very symbolic, that's if erdogan will be able to gather a certain number of delegations from different countries, and putin will go. thank you, thank you, mr. sergey. serhii danilov, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center, was on our air, we discussed the latest situation in asia related to the change of the president of iran, well, it's not just a change, because it was an extraordinary election. after the rather strange death of former president ibrahim raisi, a staunch
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conservative who so very timely got into this helicopter and was discussed about the situation related to the middle east war and with the shanghai cooperation organization summit, but we still have other important topics to talk about, so please don't switch, stay with us. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. the cream relieves pain and reduces swelling. improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are discounts in the pharmacies of travelers and oschav. up to 30%. discounts apply until the end of july. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat
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we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. vitaly is with you. so, in fact , the far-right did not succeed in achieving the results they hoped for in the second round of the presidential election, the national assembly of the french republic, which we have as a result, as i have already told on this broadcast, the winner of the election in terms of the majority of seats that will be obtained , there will be a left-wing new people's front, which has from 180 up to 100, up to 205 seats in the national assembly, the second force is the pro-presidential majority, the pro-presidential camp, 100 from 164 to 174 seats, and in only the third place is the national assembly of the national union, marine le pen from 130 to 145
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votes in the parliament she only republicans will have. this right conservative party has from 60 to 63 ee seats in the parliament, here is the leader of the ee national integral association jordan bardela, who was already going to be the prime minister of the french republic, here you see this schedule now on the screen, jordan bardelet already said that it was an alliance of dishonor that... threw france into the arms of the extreme left. the leader of the left bloc, the leader of the far-left political formation, jean-luc melenchon, called on the french prime minister gabriel athalie to resign, and on president emmanuel macron, he called on him to hand over the possibility of forming a government to the new popular front, but it is absolutely
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not necessary that this will take place, the minister of internal affairs in the government, atali geral darmadin, who is also re-elected as a deputy, exclaims, today no one can say that he won these parliamentary elections, and especially this... jean-luc milanchon should not do. darmanin even said that he is ready to work with republicans more than before. republicans, as you understand, are not left-wing. they are right. well, how many seats can they have together in the republicans and in the national assembly, about 240 seats, it is still not a majority. ot. 240, yes, 175 plus. 50, well yes, 240, and more is 280, so you will have to look for some more support groups, i can
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tell you how to look for them, well really, because now i am not giving you the results for each french political party, because they are all blocs, but there are parties, and they have serious differences in these parties, hence the unruly france, the party of jean-luc melan. will have 85 to 94 seats, the french communist party may have eight to 10 seats. the socialist party of france, more moderate than mélenchon's party and the communists, will have 55 to 65, 65 seats, the greens, more moderate than the communists and rebellious france, 32 to 36 seats, that is, as we can see,... on the left blocks are not all like that either simply, there is a distribution. now let's talk about the macron bloc, there are three parties, revival
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is macron's party, it is the biggest, it will have 107 to 115 seats, and there are two other parties that will have 20 to 22 to 23 seats each, republicans like me i already said, from 60 to 63 seats, this is actually a one-party bloc. then 120 seats, 120-130 seats are marine le pen's national association, and the republicans of the former leader of this party, eric chiocia, who went with marine le pen, will have 10 to 15 seats, but they can absolutely calmly unite with their former party members in the parliament, we do not know what they will do in principle now, and then the republicans will have more factions, they will be there up to 80. deputies, and there are still leftists who did not go together with the left bloc, because they were excluded from his party by jean-luc
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milanchon, well excluded, i excluded them, but they won 10 seats, and there are still right-wing ones who did not go with some blocs, and they in turn have about five places in this story, so... such a situation, that is, that can be very many different circumstances are completely new, but now the first, first reports are just coming out, the former prime minister elizabeth bourne has been re-elected in the sixth electoral district, and this is also an interesting story, because in order for her to be re-elected, the representatives of the new people's front had .. to give up their presence on the ballot, they said so, we will save ms. bourne, well , we saved ms. bourne, i already spoke about
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the result of the former president francois hollande, he already says that the new popular front must fulfill its role , affect decisions and play all the necessary functions related to pensions, prices, and this is what... we have to do - said françois hollande in his speech, just as it became known that the president of the republic will not address the nation today in the evening, why, he will wait for the final number of votes, how the national assembly will be structured to make a decision, so... to make a decision on the formation of a new government, in principle emmanuel macron can appoint anyone as prime minister, he absolutely not it is the duty of the presidential republic to respond to any proposals of zhanlyuk.
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luncheon, now a demonstration has actually started on the place de la république in paris, where the ultra-leftists have gathered and are shouting, everyone hates bardela, the youth for the national front, well , what bardela calls an alliance of dishonor is perceived in france completely differently, the leader of the socialists, raphael glucksman says , we are leaders, but we are... in a divided assembly and we will have to act like adults, we will have to speak, we will have to to discuss, we will have to conduct a dialogue, something that marine le pen and jean-luc mélenchon, the leader of the far right and the leader of the far left, have never been able to do - they are practically the same person, it's just that she is somewhere very far to the right, but very far to the left, but they are people completely incapable
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of any real dialogue, people... who were intoxicated by the thirst for power, both of them ran many times for the position of president of the french republic, this is all that interests them in life. melenchon falls asleep and says: i want to be president of the french republic, le pen wakes up, gathers her nieces, says: i want to be the president of the french republic, they are not interested in anything else, in general they live in a beautiful country, wine, cheese, climate, they just want to be president, they are very strange people, so... what can they say to talk to someone, about nothing, so there are only these grown-up people left, who have to conclude some kind of realistic political alliance among themselves in order to save france, france needs to be saved from the far-right, well, it is already saved, as it were, and from the far-left, well, she it seems not yet saved, well, jean-luc melenchon perfectly understands that no one will make him the prime minister of france. and despite
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the fact that the representatives of the left now say that they should lead france, this is completely unrealistic, at least why, if they really had a majority in the national assembly, macron could not ignore them in these wishes to have his prime minister. minister, but taking into account the fact that most of them do not have, well, simply do not have, then you can be absolutely calm about their results, however , the most interesting thing... will start tomorrow morning, because what we are discussing with you are exit pools, and tomorrow there will be real results full of elections, it will be such a night full of surprises, we will learn every minute about who else among the famous french politicians got positions, did not get positions , as it was recently in great britain, when everyone watched all night the results obtained by the representatives of the leading political parties of the country, who entered the house of commons, such a night will now
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be in the french republic, which means that the french will stay up all night and wait what the post-election situation will look like, what the government formation process will look like, to you, my dear friends, despite such, i would say, a fierce political battle in france, by the way, a good result for us, no one will dictate to emmanuel macron, which troops to withdraw, which, with which weapons, at whom to shoot. i want to sincerely wish you that we have a good night with you, so that we do not have to wake up from air alarms, we know that the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, if there melenchon and le pen are full of thirst for power, then vladimir putin is full of thirst for war, and this is also an absolutely obvious fact of the history of the 20s, and maybe even the 30s of the 21st century, this is his orientation towards war, and therefore every good night is important for all of us, and i sincerely to you.
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i wish you, i am glad that you were with us, please stay with spressa, as always we will inform you about the most relevant events in ukraine, europe and the world, especially since you understand that it is a challenge for journalists when we say literally on the background of such things of the dramatic events that are happening right before our eyes in europe, in france, thank you, i wish you victory and peace, good luck. these are politicians close to the world, maria gurska, journalist of the espresso tv channel and eu sisters, pavel koval, chairman of the council on cooperation with ukraine and chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm. congratulations. good day. today we will start with this: a number of influential media in the united states
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of america, including the new york times.


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