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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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the presidency at the age of 83. if biden is elected president, he will be inaugurated at the age of 82, and will graduate at the age of 86. you can find out what is the significant difference for all these people at the age of 83 and at the age of 86. well , in principle, that is, i understand if we were talking about a paratrooper of some kind or about nicky haley, listen, these are two, two very old politicians, both of them. this difference, it is quite illusory, and it most likely simply comes from some imposed stereotypes that trump is such a young man who turns out to be a young man, as in russia it is believed that a large part of russian society considers putin to be alive and a young man, who no longer looks like one, look, he runs, he jumps, he is there, he is on a horse, then he is on something else, he has not been on a horse for a long time, again even when he was the last one.
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once on a horse, this, a horse, but, but many russians still consider him, look, our young man, do you remember the last time putin undressed to the waist, well, 12 years ago, maybe back, yes, well, man now 72 or however many years, i think, ugh, well will be 72 this year, so he is clearly in the best condition, i dot, he is not dying, of course he is, but he is just a person, what is the health of a 72-year-old person, plus stress and all. it's another thing to behave the way he behaved when he was 60, like such a brutal macho, it's also strange. but he, the informational, informational propaganda machine of the kremlin, is painting him with a live stream. so i look, sometimes it happens to me on youtube, there is, let's not name it, they make such a deep fake project, where putin is in an image. an eyelash
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is presented as such a living thing, and i see that there are millions, thousands of russians writing about how cool he is, it started from the first day when putin became the president of the russian federation, the huge problem was that he looked uncharismatic to say the least, he is uncharismatic, he looks terrible, he is creepy, i don't know if you've seen it in real life, if you turn it on and look at what it was like in '99. then, in principle, you can already understand that, but even in 1999, if you don’t watch him on tv, he looks very strange, i he was saying, he's got these short pants, the pants, he's walking around in these short pants, he's got this huge jacket, uh, two sizes bigger than him, this one with the big shoulders, and these heels, and it looks absolutely terrible , that is, it's not...
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it looks more or less normal on the screen, huh, but in real life, when you stand with a person in short pants in a big jacket and heels, it's like he ran away from some weedy club, but they what started doing, they started recording songs, i want someone like putin, remember, to make him a sexual image of what he has never been in his life is small. man, short stature, well yes, well, according to this clothes five sizes too big and two sizes too small, complex, well i'm again, can be a terrible person, an authoritarian ruler, he can look good, dress right, well but some one there, i don't know, there is marshal yosif brostita, an icon of style, yes, but he was a communist leader, not democratically elected either. leader, but he knew how to
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to wear suits, this one, a cigar, fidel castro, yet another style icon, so what are we leading to, we are leading to the fact that the technology of promoting trump as a lifer, as a person who is supposedly, well, that he is not 78 years old, but what is wrong with him, well, well, well, well, at least 56, she is similar, well, look, the american media say that... asked his advisers that all events with his participation take place before 8 p.m., so that he no longer got enough sleep during the election campaign, well, it seems to me that a request from a person at any age is completely logical, remember biden at the age of 81 was recently in normandy, uh, then he went to the group of seven in italy, then he went to raise... money
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for a company, that's a very serious pace, for a person 81 years old, even for a person 51 years old, it's a very strong pace, it's a pace, the person says, well, i'm going to... like this campaign, but i want to have time to sleep, uh, it's making a sensation out of it, and how much sleep does donald trump get? we generally know when he goes to bed, but he spends most of his life in maralaga for golf, someone regulates it, when he finishes playing golf and goes to bed, i want to know when donald trump goes to bed, but you won't find that information, nobody cares, nobody cares for some reason. and this is a strange thing, you know? if we are talking about not that the statements about trump's plans, in particular, the so-called trump plan is being pushed by politicians again, they are saying that trump, or his
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entourage, who are now preparing for him the nearest decisions in the event that he is elected, talk about what he is going to give in... putin's part of ukraine and ban its entry, well, at least not ban, but sabotage ukraine's entry into nato. this is the plan, it was announced a few months ago, it is now repeated again by politika. we understand that this may be a reality. and we understand that some formula similar to the one he is talking about can be built. say the american publications, but we cannot be 100% sure, nevertheless, what will be the position of trump, it can be like one, two, three, because we have repeatedly said that he is a person who is absolutely not stable in in their view, views, whether
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trump's entourage, his republican entourage is really ready to... give him the opportunity to implement such plans, which the american publications are talking about today. well, the first point, we don't know if he has a republican entourage. it seems that the republican party as it existed, at least even during the first trump presidency, has ceased to exist, and this is evident in what is happening in congress with the republican faction. secondly, it is absolutely obvious that all these plans do not have it doesn't matter, even if you imagine that there are certain consultations between people who call themselves trump's entourage and the russian leadership. because when trump comes to power, this environment will change for the simple reason that this is the law of the political genre, this is the united states, not great britain, where you form a value government even before you come to power, now there is labor , they simply named their tyuny ministers, mostly 90% of them as current
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ministers, and everything ended, that’s how the transfer of power, now there will be a shadowy kind of conservative who will prepare to rule the country, this is the system, there is no such thing in america, there will be... people will be selected, and these people will start all the consultations again, even if some results were achieved . the third point is that all this stuff looks very good on paper, but the question arises, how to implement it, what does it mean to give territory to putin? what is putin deciding and trump? they can sign an agreement among themselves that we will hand over donetsk, luhansk, khelsonsky and zaporizhzhia region? of course not. such it cannot be, it should be decided by ukraine. the third point, what does it mean to decide ukraine? that we believe that some president of ukraine can sit down and, contrary to the constitution and so on, agree to the fact that he is giving some territory to the president of russia, this cannot be the case either, as you understand, so all this does not work like that,
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and here, by the way, the idea is that you can play some kind of duel between the leaders of the countries, the peoples do not play this role, it is incredibly not... the price of the situation, therefore, again, trump can guarantee putin that ukraine will not join nato, but how? well, he will say that during his tenure ukraine will not join nato, and then there will be the next president who will say that he will join like biden, what is the price of such guarantees? the idea, putin's idea, that he should take over ukraine, consists precisely in the fact that he does not believe. in the fact that any guarantees that ukraine will not go anywhere, and it can and will not be captured, they are not permanent, but he had an example, there was president yanukovych, who was ready for him give everything, president yanukovych is gone, there was an example that there was president trump, who
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was not ready to talk about ukraine in nato, and president trump is gone, why does putin want ukraine not to be a member of nato, so that it can be annexed, right? in this case, no one helps her. so president trump tells him, don't touch ukraine anymore, please, but his whole point of touching ukraine, don't touch ukraine and we won't accept it into nato, well, fine, but i... as we already said, to president trump on the moment when he is will say, he will be 79 years old, firstly, he will leave office, because this will be his last term according to the opening constitution, secondly, he can simply die at 80, well, that’s what happens to people, living, the life went on, the cast woke up, and there is no no president trump, some other president who tells putin, well, excuse me, well, it's not my decision, but i, and the congress has now voted for the fact that we should support ukrainian membership in nato, what guarantees are there? we always say what guarantees can be given to ukraine so that it
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feels safe, we say membership in nato, and what guarantees can be given to putin so that he is sure that sooner or later he will seize ukraine, name me such a guarantee, imagine that you are trump, and you need to promise putin something so that putin knows for sure that sooner or later, when he wants, or when the conditions are created, or when he gathers strength again, he can occupy ukraine with... what is the guarantee? well, there is no guarantee, but it is equally important for putin to win a certain period for himself, if he believes that he needs a period of time, or maybe he believes that he needs to conduct the war better, maybe that’s the guy, we don’t know what’s in his head and what will be in his head until the end, if we say that putin needs a time period, then he will be looking for it now, why would he for this trump? he may believe that it is easier for him and biden to agree on some kind of suspension of the war. and you, do you think that it is easier to agree with biden, i say, as one might think, in theory, i think so, because
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trump is absolutely not foreseen, trump already, putin also already knows that trump is not foreseen, and biden is predicted, he will not do anything at least until the end of his presidency, putin will have this time, and then talk with trump, and so what, well, that is, there is a question, but again, putin may consider that, on the contrary, he should continue the military actions i'm not asking you about putin, i'm asking you about trump, you are trump and you need to guarantee something to putin, that it should be, nothing, you understand, these are just words, these are just words, you have one, i can tell you , that i have an answer to this question, you must give it ukraine under my control, no, not four oblasts, but completely, so completely, that is , to ensure that at the head of ukraine there is some kind of government, yes, which will be pro-russian, but this government must be chosen by the ukrainian people, well
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, this is the problem, here of course, that is, yes, in theory, trump can, as much as he imagines, as much as he imagines reality and as much as he has the opportunity to do it, conditionally speaking, for some time to make ukraine or try to make ukraine such a lining, a gray zone, viktor medvedchuk , well , no, no, of course, but if, if ukraine is gray zone, then it is possible in theory that putin and, in theory, trump will think to themselves that in this case it will be easier for the ukrainian people to nominate such a candidate for president. and people have to choose her, who is this person, well no...
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and they vote for another person, what should we do after that? this is a whole story, you see, adolf hitler had a great plan, i have in czechoslovakia, he did not just capture the sudetenland, but actually created the conditions for the resignation of the president of czechoslovakia , eduard benish, who simply left the country, he went to london, and as the president of czechoslovakia, the third rank is milhach, whom even the czechs do not mention, but i see many cases when the czechs believe that they did not have no... president between benish and gottwald, this is not a matter of historical fact, i am afraid that they teach at school who was,
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they simply want, at the level of mentality, to erase, you know, how it happens, that there was a third president of pre-war czechoslovakia, their was not two, three, and mil gaha, who went to hitler and hitler told him: "if you do not sign now that this is the protectorate of bohemia and moravia, then i will bombard prague now." and gakha had a heart attack, he is not going to recover. after nothing, by the way , to sign like this, but he got scared and signed after this attack, and now imagine that this is benes, and he is talking to hitler, i am very sorry, i just. i will announce my resignation, and i will not sign it, but the guitar does not need this, he needs to be signed, you understand, and the same story before thing was with crimea, when they elected aksyonov as the head of the council of ministers, whom they were preparing to talk to groundhogs all these habbits for this role, but before that they elected him to the parliaments in
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the main council of ministers of crimea under the muzzles of machine guns and agreed with the pseudo-president yanukovych, remember? and if it is not there, how to ensure it? trump can't provide that anymore, you know? in fact, no one can ensure this, no one can 100% guarantee that there will be such a problem when there is a people, any, well we are now talking about leaving ukraine alone, we are talking about solving the palestinian problem, and the majority of palestinians are civilians in the gas sector. supports hamas, and everyone says: "what kind of leader is that? let's release mirvan borgutti from prison, let him be the leader, well, let him be, and if they don't support him, well, you talk to them, you talk to a certain mahmoud abbas, hold consultations with them, agree something with them, and the majority of the population does not consider it legitimate, and if the majority of the population wants to fight with israel, undermine
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they are saying that we need to somehow come to an agreement with israel, so what is the point of these leaders? and this is a story when israel can enter and withdraw its troops. so, for this we need not just control, for this we need russian troops here in kyiv, for it to be a nominal ukrainian state, for a russian soldier to stand at the polling station, and i say to you: andriy, please vote for comrade medvedchuk, vladimir likes him very much vladimirovich, neither do i, listen, and i'm not... kidding, this is exactly how i talked with russian officials there after yanukovych was elected, and they told me, and you know who will be the next president of ukraine? who? medvedchuk. listen, what are you saying? medvedchuk is unelectable. and they tell me, what does it matter when volodymyr volodymyrovych decided so. they have such an idea about
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politics. maybe trump has that too. some state, some bantustan, depends on our money. weapons, whoever i say, that too elected, well, you see trump, he has a twinkle in his eyes, i would say, and that's what they will both do, when they all met, the dossier, daddies, here this one, here this one, they signed, and the elections will not take place, so, i say it again, so you need some troops, if you have troops in the city, everywhere, and this, well, then you can at least make marshal pétain the head of state in france, by the way, no one elected him, just the savior of the nation, well, he survived to the tribunal, but there were troops there, no, germany occupied almost all of france, in this territory, which was not occupied, there was marshal
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pétain, who also did not hold elections, because he could lose, by the way, we don't know, well, not in... because he was very popular then the french, this is also true, but just as an example, that is, this whole idea of ​​a puppet government in our conditions should be supported not by the fact that russia has control over some donetsk or luhansk region, but by the fact that it should be present everywhere, or here there should be such a puppet government, in the power structure of which it will be provided, you understand, by the ukrainians themselves, but in the ukrainian language. relatively speaking, there were some collaborators, well, not all of them, as you understand, there were many russians, and this is also a very interesting thing, you remember, even in these conditions, the ukrainian ssr was a pseudo-state, a phantom, they completely obeyed moscow, all decisions were accepted into the central committee of the communist party of ukraine, but when they decided to carry out
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a famine, to take away bread, the first decision to... ensure this was to remove from the post of second secretary of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine, the bolsheviks of ukraine, mendel khatayevich, who was here from kateryn glory, and pavel postyshev was sent from russia, that is, even in this situation they did not trust the local cadres, everything seemed already, the army is standing, the kyiv military district, the nkvd is completely under moscow, everything is its own, but it turns out... that when you need to freeze 6 million people starve, then even the ukrainian bolshevik leadership cannot fully control the situation, they may not trust it. there should have been postyshev here, a russian man, there was even talk of not only officials in such high positions, there was even talk of
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the fact that they sent little officials, little cogs, scattered in districts after districts, well, this vertical was being built, it was postash's vertical, because he also did not trust ukrainian cadres, well, we are talking about a sovereign state here, and that's with. .. this is when ukraine did not exist, and now it exists, this is a very good example, as it seems to me, and here of course, we can discuss this whole story for a very long time, because the implementation of all these plans is completely incomprehensible, but again - still, i think that trump has may be an illusion of reality, because trump may really believe that putin wants to be satisfied with the territories that he... controls, and that the whole problem of the russian-ukrainian war, by the way, many of our compatriots think so, and they , frankly, idiots, along with trump,
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are those who believe that the reason for this war is that putin wants donbas, and that he does not want us to join nato, if these problems are solved, as putin did not propose in 2022, then all this will end, but the truth is completely different. and this should be clearly understood. donbas or crimea or some other part of ukrainian territory where russian troops are located is not a target, a bridgehead. there is no need to be a target with a bridgehead. mobilization is taking place there so that ukrainians kill ukrainians so that fewer russians die. there are troops there so that the territory of russia suffers less. and you hear that they call this territory the new russia. someone is bombing the new russia there, but no one is bombing the old russia. all good. we. this is the second moment the third point, nato, there is no problem that ukraine will join nato and become a threat to russia, but there is a problem that if
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ukraine joins nato, it will be more difficult to conquer it, because, of course, it will be necessary to go into conflict with nato. and that is why putin does not want ukraine to join nato, in these security guarantees for... the russian federation, important ones that were proposed by the ministry of foreign affairs of russia on the eve of the big invasion , it was clearly stated that russia requires guarantees that none of the former soviet republics that have not yet joined nato will join nato, and this is the essence of the problem, and now the question arises, why are they all a threat to russia, no, because there is a plan for their integration into russia, if she enters they join nato, this, this plan is failing, therefore there is no problem if we, in our entry, if we do not join nato, it will
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mean, as i have repeatedly said, only one thing: that the war will repeat itself, but the ukrainians are very like to say that they don't want to leave this war to her children and grandchildren and grandchildren, and therefore it must be won if ukraine is even going to stop this war and win it. and even restores its territorial integrity, but does not receive any security guarantees from the west, you can even have no doubt that you will leave your war, this russian-ukrainian one, to your children and grandchildren, and that one of your grandchildren will surely die in this next one war, and when you see the military cemetery, where our heroes are already lying, just know that your grandchildren are there too, those who are five or seven years old there now, will also be there some lie, this is a political reality, no way... there will be no other political reality, and you just have to live with this reality, and if ukraine joins nato, then these grandchildren of yours will be alive, well, it's very simple, or
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there will be a conflict with russia with nato, it will already be a nuclear war, and then not only your grandchildren there or children, but also the grandchildren there, relatively speaking, of the french, germans, or whoever, those who, to whom a nuclear bomb will fall, will be on their own lie quietly on these, but you already know this, as they say, no one can do this dodge, it will be like this... the end of europe, which spengler also wrote about, seems to be at the beginning of the 20th century, and we will see it in the 21st, also a very interesting experience, but it is unlikely to happen, because the problem is that that if we talk about the death of german or french or ukrainian grandchildren in russia's war with nato, it means that moscow, st. petersburg or yaroslavl grandchildren will also turn into, as our pseudo-colleague dima kiselyov likes to say, radioactive ash, and i assure you that the russians are not want they are not suicidal, they are all their own wars are conducted with those who, in their opinion , cannot answer them. russia is a country that is always in its history, if you study. this
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story in schools, it always attacked, if it attacked only those who were weaker, unlike many other countries, russia never attacked those it considered stronger or equal. russia is a state that always starts wars with those who are weak enough, waits for the weakening of the enemy, and then attacks the weak. and if, and the only thing that has always been a problem for russia. it the fact that she could have bad analytics, so they attacked some state, relatively speaking, which they considered weak against japan, and someone else, and then it turned out that they did not know something, by the way, this happened in february 2022 , and then it turns out that this is not such a weak state, and this mykola is the first to go and shoot himself, well, goodbye, comrade romanov, this is the essence of the russian
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flight. this is not a state, this is a criminal organization of hooligans who declared themselves a state and invented a name for themselves that they stole in the movement, here in the city of moscow, then it was built, and then it was moved to its northern swamps of st. petersburg, well, that’s the whole wonderful story, as you understand, so that’s all that can be said about the future, i don’t know if i’m anyone he pleased or reassured, but we must go to the donat, in short, what we... what we started our conversation with an hour and a half ago, we will, relatively speaking, continue with this, glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the espresso tv channel , the west studio program,
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we will analyze most importantly. higher events this week, in particular, we will analyze putin's big conference in astana with the participation of representatives of turkey, china, and so on, and at the same time we will try to outline the parameters of the polish-ukrainian security agreement. our guests today are the iconic polish politician bohdan borusevych, as well as the famous political scientist who is in prague, oleksandr morozov. and now bohdan borusewicz, a legendary polish politician, marshal of the polish senate from 2005 to 2015 and now a senator, will work on the espresso tv channel. greetings, mrs. marshalka, v espresso studio. good day to you, good day to the audience. on the samperet, i would like to ask you how you assess the situation with the so -called security guarantees for ukraine. we understand that this is a very difficult matter, negotiations are ongoing between eu countries, nato members, and, of course, a security agreement between poland and ukraine is currently on the table. actually, how do you see this structure? i am a supporter of political and military
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ties. ukraine and poland, and this is not only about the agreements, i believe that it is worth going further, of course, with the support of the americans, but we we can stabilize this part of europe, if we act together here, we are not talking about the formula of this connection, but it should be a very close connection, then we will be able to stabilize this part of europe, because russia will continue to be a serious country, and russia has shown aggressively without a sense of borders, so we have a common interest here, that is, i believe that these guarantees should ensure a common interest, it is not a guarantee only in one direction, and also guarantees from the side of ukraine, for poland, this is how we need to think, this is how we need it to analyze, but you also know it, no guarantees will help if ukraine does not
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protect itself. because in the end there were guarantees not in the form of an agreement when ukraine gave up nuclear weapons. i remember how at that time the americans made sure that those nuclear weapons returned to russia. in general, they were worried that the suitcase would go somewhere and fall into the hands of terrorist groups, but so what, guarantees for ukraine are just arms deliveries. and i believe that it is necessary to go further, and poland should think. we must jointly think about some kind of union with support americans without such support, we will simply be thrown out of nato, and with support, the americans will then be able to move to asia, because in the end it will be natural, and all politicians are talking about it, not only trump, but also biden is talking about it, that american interests are above all at this moment is in asia. the problem of competition with china is not rivalry, no.


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