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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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how now will putin try to play it in his own interests? it seems to me that the situation was determined after vladimir putin, entering a new term, issued an ultimatum, that is, formulated his vision of the end of the war in four points. this ultimatum leaves no room for diplomacy, neither for china, nor for hungary, nor for turkey. because, as for putin's package of proposals. it could be said that the kremlin formulates the goals of the war in different ways, constantly talks about them, creates them in different ways periods are different goals, then here putin formulated it in its final form, and if the kremlin did so, then what can mr. chairman xi or any other political politician do here, then what can mr. chairman xi or any other do here politician, because first of all, this demand of putin's includes the non-recognition,
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and with the help of international treaties, of the annexation of the occupied territories. of course, china cannot act here. china has always publicly recognized the territorial integrity of the entire country. this is maintained in chinese foreign policy quite strictly. putin demands in this ultimatum that ukraine acquire neutral status, without nuclear status and refuse military-technical cooperation, relying only on its own military. technical capabilities, etc., i.e. putin is proposing finlandization, to use an old word from the cold war period. it is impossible to fulfill this demand in any way, because the war itself, which putin started, led to the fact that not only ukraine, but also many other countries and regions, finland, sweden, join nato, and that is why voices have now been heard, in particular viktor orban , and turkish president erdoğan said: maybe
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we don't know this, for sure, but apart from the cease-fire, this is the only thing that remains in the hands of various representatives of the world political scene, just ask putin the question, do you not want to resort to a cease-fire ? actually, something like that may have happened on the grounds of the sco summit during bilateral negotiations of some kind. oleksandr, what do you think, and for what purpose did putin so quickly and so brazenly announce his ultimatum, i.e. about... the swiss peace summit was held, discussed quite different things, well , russian aggression against ukraine was not directly on the agenda, although we understand that everyone was talking about it, and now putin rolled out an ultimatum, no one, so to speak, dragged him to a certain place, but no, anyway , the first thing he did was voice something that cannot be, as you rightly noted, accepted in any public political cabinet, yes, this is
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a really important question and... this is a really important question and quite interesting, because indeed for more than two years of active wars and putin and his entourage produced many different descriptions, results of the war, etc. and now putin, entering a new term, spoke like this. different assessments are possible here, but my answer is this: putin has done it now, targeting three audiences at once, believing that it is profitable for him. one audience. internal putin formed a new entourage around himself, shuffled all the old people and created a cabinet without an end-to-end war. that is, he put people whom he trusts very much in key positions in the new term for the next 6 years. and that's it they have a task ahead of them. as if to say: this is what you signed up for, this is what you must do for the next six years. this should be the result of your work. this is the first point, an appeal to... everyone knows about it in the kremlin,
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not even the mood, a constant conviction that ukraine must weaken itself from the point of view of its moral, military and political spirit, break before the irresistible power of the kremlin, simply put, putin after president zelensky's term of office ended. at first began to emphasize that zelenskyi is illegitimate, and it is impossible to deal with him negotiate, etc. and this statement by putin is aimed at pushing, as the kremlin believes, a part of ukrainian society to the fact that this will be the case, accept it as inevitable, start changing your position and create a new one. and the third audience, here, of course, are the countries of the alliance of global support of ukraine. first of all, the united
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states, after all, here putin wants to say that, regardless of how the scenarios of the american elections in november will develop, who will be the president. the position of the kremlin is as follows: it is absolutely unimportant to us, putin wants to say who there you will have a president, these are our demands on how this war should end, and any president of the united states, or any secretary general of nato, and now he is new, or any composition of the european commission, or will the ministry of defense be created in the european commission, or will the former prime minister of estonia, foreign policy expert, head it. the kremlin says: this is the perspective, and no other. this leads to the fact that everyone has heard it, no doubt. everyone who makes political decisions, who develops further ones elements of security policy, everyone heard perfectly what putin said. yes, well, but if we
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are talking about the ukrainian audience, we understand that putin could not have voiced anything more stupid. yes, because it was not some kind of proposal that would have... an intra-ukrainian discussion, it is, so to speak, an ultimate demand to give back what the russians have not yet captured, and we understand that these stories do not work, on the other hand, you very correctly noted, putin is trying to mark, that is, to put up certain markers of his appetites, and that is without a doubt designed for a western audience, and accordingly the key story: putin is in a big hurry, we understand what he would like. to have time before the elections in the united states, maybe there are still some big events planned, because putin is really, well, extremely violently raping his generals, yes, when he talks about an offensive at any cost, those two months of the summer campaign, well, they
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extremely bloody and tense, it's a rather strange situation here, as far as it can be seen, the fact is that, on the one hand, in the summer of this year , many predicted and with good reason. what the kremlin will carry out a fairly large offensive, not just tactical, but rather convincing, which will record itself as an asset, such an offensive, which would change the situation in favor of the kremlin quite strongly, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, we are surprised to see that at the same time putin changed the minister of defense and put in the place of the minister of defense some kind of accountant, a person who is responsible for ensuring that the army spends half of its time fighting and half of the time correctly drawing up financial documents. and the second moment here is extremely historical: at the same time significant military figures and military generals are arrested and charged with fraud. not only has general petrov been accused of fraud, but yesterday we saw reports that the commander
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of the guards assault brigade, colonel horodylov, it seems, that name is also accused of fraud. i 'd say that's a pretty weird situation to be in for training. carrying out some kind of offensive, because such events, in my opinion, greatly demoralize the military leadership on the ground, that is, if you imagine that in the trenches they are talking about it, and we have an idea about it through, of course, military correspondents, war correspondents, it is clear that everyone there is confused, how come, the most active and authoritative russian military commanders in the trenches for some reason follow the article about the fraud, these are some strange events, this is one side of all this... the other side is still that, despite the fact that in the first half of 2024 the russian army recorded rather insignificant tactical successes, but from the point of view of the whole concept of this war, it is clearly visible that parity has been achieved, and this parity not
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is breaking down, that is, yes, the russian army continues to inflict heavy blows on the infrastructure, but ukraine has been actively active all six months of this year with great success since... it just started receiving military aid, but even before that, the drone war that ukraine was conducting was quite effective, and i must say that i do not see any ideas in the russian military and political environment, how this parity can be destroyed, so it is a difficult situation, and it seems to me that this is why the kremlin now somewhat supports and twists the gnotic, organizes throws around the end. that is why the kremlin is shining a new light on the istanbul documents. here, of course, as i said at the very beginning, the brics summit in kazan plays a big role, no wonder, because until the october
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summit, putin has to pretend to be a peacemaker, he has to constantly hint to the global audience that he is for peace, constantly continue the game, which kyiv does not want. let them not be ratified or even signed , rather, but istanbul. documents go against what putin announced and what we call putin's ultimatum. speaking of which, let's go back to this ultimatum, is it about psychopathology, do you think the kremlin has a scenario plan, that is, they follow some clear, i don't know, directive line, or are they simply depending on the mood of their fuhrer? at least now, it is clear that putin has taken steps on the one hand. which clearly demonstrate that he is going to fight for a long time. this is primarily evident from the
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permutations he made in russian political and military leadership after the start of the new term. he showed with these permutations that the entire calculation of the war must be calculated in a different way, because it will be long. hence all these economic changes in the economic bloc. it's one sided, and he shows it clearly. lies in the fact that the kremlin does not have an answer to the question of how to act further if the global alliance of support for ukraine is preserved and will strengthen and develop. this is a fundamental factor. putin and the kremlin always say that the war would end if the west did not support ukraine. this is said with an insult, sometimes in an insulting tone, or in the tone of diplomatic maneuvers. however, this is the main point. and, of course, putin's dream. in order for the global alliance of support for ukraine to weaken, give up, change its position, but
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it must be said, this is not the case, it is clearly visible, on the contrary, if you look at what is happening now at the nato summit, the kremlin media will judge and pour their praises, because at the nato summit in washington, and this will happen in less than 10 days, it will be clearly demonstrated that in relation to the kremlin and its war against ukraine was created. and further , long institutions of support will be created, that is, all support will be institutionalized, and regardless of who will be the president of the usa, which parties will win in the european parliament, there are long documents voted in the us congress that will not change. regarding this, we can clearly see that the kremlin is churning its contacts with the third world with great energy, like a frog-milk, to form sour cream, everyone can clearly see this. to cling to at least something, at least to a small island state that seems to support the kremlin, to some
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international institutions, for some agreements with these countries, to offer something, but it must be said that countries or political regimes that openly and openly supported the kremlin on planet earth, i would say, except for north korea, we all have great doubts, regarding iran and china, there is a big struggle going on. and by the way, returning to... i ask this, but perhaps during this astana conversation, sijin ping will very specifically voice his sacramental question to putin: putin, how long are you going to fight with ukraine, yes, because in the chinese also have their own plans for what is called continental cooperation, that is , the chinese do not just measure in hundreds of billions, the chinese now have a lot to do in order to keep their bloated economy and all their machinations. there is an important point here. aimed at
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territorial capture is unacceptable for china. i have no doubt that china and turkey and many other countries and in latin america are also ready to provide some service to putin in ending the war, in the end of the war, and not in the continuation on the terms of the ultimatum that putin will put forward. however, there are no prospects for this at the moment, because i think many people asked putin, and the same erdogan on the sidelines of this summit also asked putin again, saying that maybe you want to take some new steps, so we are ready to help, but putin's answer is obvious, no, everything is formulated in the ultimatum, if you follow what is in the ultimatum, once again i return to where we started, no one has any prospects. what to implement some diplomacy regarding the end of the war, and what
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dozens of politicians on planet earth would like to win the nobel peace prize for creating a structure to end this war, no doubt about it, is everyone's dream. thank you very much, oleksandr, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that oleksandr morozov, a well-known political scientist, has been working hard for them now. well, the time of our program is over. everyone, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week in the collaborators program. leaders of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what prospects do the rashists offer teenagers for betraying ukraine? i advise you to contact the ministry
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of youth policy. greetings, i'm olena kononenko , and this is a collaborator program about traitors who are called to serve the occupiers of rashi on foot. in today's program , we will continue to talk about putin's youth organizations, which create offspring in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yug molody, or young south, is a russian youth organization founded in 2022. it is directly financed from the budget of the russian federation and operates in the captured territories of zaporizhzhia, kherson, donetsk and luhansk regions. officially half. young is about leisure for teenagers, and in fact a powerful recruiting center. the basis of the organization and its leaders are the so-called volunteers of the zrf, activists of the youth wing of united russia and local collaborators. the movement organizes masses for all russian events and holidays. invites to spend lectures for young people, kremlin politicians,
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bloggers and pop stars, who in turn talk about the sky-high career prospects in russia. the movement constantly initiates actions in support of russian soldiers, collects and delivers humanitarian aid to them. the last such initiative was called: i will help you, son. mykyta romanenko manages the young south organization in the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. i am sending a message to the armed forces of ukraine. how mykytka grew from a cemetery guard to a leading figure in a racist organization, now i will tell the residents of melitopol report that... kitka lived in melitopol since birth, worked in an office in his hometown, that is , extorted money from people by phone, then moved to dnipro to a similar call center. from a young age, he began rooting for russia, opposed nato and supported the war from the first day of the invasion of the invaders. after february 24, he went to the crimea, where he tried to fix his life by working as a guard at
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the cemetery, but something went wrong, and the traitor had to return to the occupied territory. it was there that the rashists began to create youth groups organizations for planting the krem ideology, therefore they were in great need of those who would lead them. mykytka was ideal for this, young, unprincipled, talentless and with a thirst for money and illusory power. russia, russia, russia, besides , they found out that romanenko had been waiting for a russian peace in melitopol for a very long time, and was trying to organize it. march of the immortal regiment and invited everyone to join the so-called underground melitopol legion. our law enforcement agencies found out that in may 2020, romanenko and his manuals planned to distribute in melitopol propaganda products of a russian nature. in one of the messengers of the group called melitopol-uprising, he called for the overthrow of the constitutional order, promoted
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the idea of ​​violent federalization and the withdrawal of southern regions from ukraine. promoted the idea... of creating a fake zaporizhia republic and novorossiya. therefore, there was no need to prove loyalty to the russian invaders. by the way, for his anti-ukrainian activities in 2022, he received a medal from gauleiter yevhen balytskyi. today is all zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. this is a very significant day for all residents of the zaporizhzhia region, because they have been waiting for it for a very long time. also, activists of pivdn molodiy will distribute the symbols of the zaporizhia region and... later, this tricolor supporter headed the pivdn molodiy organization in zaporizhzhia region. actions in support of the chmoviks, the kremlin, interviews with the main pro-putin stars, discrediting the ssu and the ukrainian authorities, recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, and this is far from complete a list of mykytka's occupations in office. they will never
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succeed because russia will never kneel. this young traitor has a fanatical love for the kremlin grandfather. during the pseudo-presidential elections in russia, mykytka headed the volunteer staff supporting putin in the zaporizhzhia region. he can even often be seen next to neofur at russian events. here he stands and looks lovingly at the unchanging dictator of russia after the election. but she sings with him on the same stage. sing the anthem of the russian federation on stage with volodymyr volodymyrov. on red square for me, as a resident of the zaporozhye region, it was something incredible, i still remember it, i think this is exactly what i will tell my children and grandchildren. fame and media coverage. romanenko loves very much, for this he runs a telegram channel called nikvanta, where he has 400 subscribers, and works as a correspondent for srochna melitopol. zaporizhzhia
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region is in touch. now we are at the world youth festival, the city of sochi. this fanatic of all things russian is now very useful for the occupiers, because he is busy campaigning and propaganda among young people. often in a playful way to music, he posts videos about how cool it is to be russian and have a passport. with chicken and in general, russia is the center of the universe, as the head, romanenko is agitating young people to enter rashish universities, go to russia and support those who allegedly liberated them in every possible way. this young traitor has no suspicions yet, but he has already pushed and made a whole article of the criminal code. at first, he was an active member of the russian organization pivden molodiy, then he went on to a significant promotion. talk about kuzya of melitopol. kyrylo oleksandrovych , born in 2002. my name is kirill. our movement joins the action victory is behind us. and expresses great support and gratitude to our
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state and military personnel. when russian troops captured his hometown, kirill was a student. he saw his prospects in the occupation, for which he began to actively work. the boy was seen in almost all pro-russian youth organizations. at first, he was a member of the movement south is young, which... the youth of the zaporizhzhia region hopes and knows that we will continue to travel to such large events. but kuzyakin did not want to be in the second wheel for a long time. the young man lacked other talents who are better able to fulfill the roles of recruiters and agitators, so kyrylo applied to the eco-organization do, which supposedly saves the nature of the zaporizhzhia region. we
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are already conducting the previous million motherland campaign on a regular basis, and covering only the schools of the city of melitopol, more than a million tons of recyclable materials were collected. and it would be better to collect and send the whole thing for processing russian junk from our land. kuzyakna's career as an eco-activist was on the rise. he even won a grant in the millions of rubles for his own project called masterskaya reprocessing, divide. from the ministry of youth policy of russia. its essence is to make souvenirs out of garbage. this is how i understand the latest ideas. my boys and i have been recycling caps for a year now, and our main eco-habit with them is usually collecting caps from bottles and recycling them. but not an ecoactivist. kuzyak tried his hand at politics, tried to become a candidate for deputies from the united russia party in the zaporizhzhia region, but did not even make it to the lists. now he goes around, collects his own
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garbage, no, not russian black bags, thanks the government for the tanners and tries to attract as many teenagers as possible to the kremlin youth structures. we, in turn , invite kirill to join the ukrainian organization of collaborators, who will bear responsibility for the betrayal of the motherland. and finally, i will tell you about another young traitor who is a member of several putin youth movements. alina bezverhnya, a native of melitopol. until february 24, it was very she is known in the city, because she has been building a career as a singer since childhood. she studied vocals at the number one children's music school and participated in various international competitions. so, in particular, in 2020, the girl won the grand prize at the bukovel starfest international festival in the vocal category. art, but the young performer easily exchanged international competitions for narrow perspectives, where a performance at the stadium can remain the pinnacle of her career. when melitopol
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was captured by the russian army on february 25, 2022, alina quickly understood the rules of the russian peace and became its activist and propagandist. i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy, cool people work here, they will help you with promotion, and the studio is just as cool. she became the leader of propaganda for young people in the young south, and also became the vice-president of the russian movement of children and youth - the movement of the first. on camera , the girl broadcasts success, which, according to her, is possible only in russia and only on the moscow stage. she is often invited to sing patriotic songs at all kinds of concerts. fatherland our word as a representative of the so-called new territories of russia, alina entered the moscow
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university of arts, on return. no one is waiting for alina to come to ukraine, well, maybe our law enforcement agencies to imprison her for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts that represent the only ones discounts on edem 20% in the pharmacies of psyllium bam and ochad there are discounts representing the only discounts on glicised and gliciset max 20% at the pharmacies of psyllium bam and ochad. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. izota is your water if heartburn bothers you. there are remainders represent the only ones.
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discounts on normoven, 10% in pharmacies of travelers, you and savings, there are discounts representing the only discounts of sudokrem, 15% in pharmacies of travelers, pam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. me my name is vasyl zima, he is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about... most importantly, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhiy zurets, and what the world is like. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka field with me, and sports news, i invite to conversations of yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, good
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evening, presenters, what has become... winter for many, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care espresso in the evening. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air, vitaly portnikov is with you, two hours of conversation about the current trends of today, this week, the prospects of ukraine and the world. our first guest, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, director of defense and intelligence , colonel of the security service of ukraine. congratulations mr. roman. good evening. well, let's start with the description of the situation at the front. how do you perceive it, where is the hottest now?
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or areas, what else can moscow do? well, if you walk along the front, of course, we have several hot spots there, one of them is, well, in general, the donetsk direction and all the active actions, in principle, now the russian troops, let's say, are alternating between in another direction, precisely in donetsk, and now we... see that they are developing an offensive there and in the direction of krasnohorovka, battles are going on there, well, if we stop there to specific settlements, it is the same as ocheretine and further up there, there is time believe, and every day the enemy starts his active actions here and there, trying to advance in one direction or another, unfortunately, in recent weeks , the enemy has had tactical successes there, in some
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areas he has advanced, that is, in general, it is strategic there , of course, there are none loss of territories, but separate positions in separate areas, and in the direction of cheretino, we know kurakhovo, the enemy achieved success at the cost of large casualties , including, but the enemy does not spare anything, he simply paves his way with meat, therefore , in principle, nothing has changed for us in the last days, maybe even months, the enemy is focusing the main attention... on the donetsk direction, if we take the kherson direction, there is mainly artillery there, and there are some battles on the bridgeheads there, they too, let’s say so , bloody, but they are not as large-scale as on to the same donetsk direction, the fighting continues there in the kharkiv direction, of course we paid attention here at the time when the enemy left...


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