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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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everyone applauded joyfully, they say that they will come to an agreement, everyone is waiting for the prime minister of israel in washington, where he will announce that the operation is completed, but i would say that it is 50 to 50, how to meet a dinosaur on the streets of kyiv, at the last moment again something will happen, there will be some shelling, and all this truce will be canceled, and what are the grounds for the truce, well, in principle, it is the same... plan that was presented by the americans, and they are bargaining for details there, well , the reasons from the united states are the same, they need elections took place without this background and so that israel does not start an invasion of lebanon, well, netanyahu, netanyahu, well, the americans are pressuring him that he will not get something that he needs, netanyahu, of course, these demonstrations. all over
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israel, now it is going again, that the hostages must be returned, the war must be stopped. netanyahu can easily say that we won, rafah, rafiah, whatever you want, cleared, the operation is completed, so, well , they don't need reasons, it's a question of how who will justify themselves, and who will explain how, but hamas is needed for this release the israeli hostages, as i understand it. yes, and one of the reasons why this is taking so long is because they don't know the fate of the hostages, every new hostage is new evidence of their crimes, thrashing, torture there and everything else, but something, well they now they declare that they are ready to release them, well, step by step, of course, as always, for one hostage there are 100 of them, and so on later, i would like to talk
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about this summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which was held in astana, and here it's like there was supposed to be an important event, but in reality it didn't end with any serious conclusions, no one can say that they are agreeing on something, well, the only thing they talked about was shizen ping's visit to kazakhstan, that's the event, shizen ping i was there, i met with takaev, everything is covered, what takaev said, what sidzenpin said, sidzenpin wrote an article, takaev gave an interview in chinese. the press, but the summit itself, despite the fact that putin was in it, does not look like any serious event, why did it happen at all with this organization? well, what happened is that it does not give answers to challenges, nothing was said there about the invasion of russia, whatever it is called, there is a crisis in ukraine, they are distancing themselves from answering serious questions, instead china is focused on one thing, they are there are building for... this one for kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, they really
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want the expansion of the ports of kazakhstan on the caspian, they really want the expansion of the baku ports, and they are focused on such very specific things that are of interest to china, central asia, but this outside the framework of the sco, it's true, but that's, well, excuse me, let's remember where the idea of ​​the sco originated in the first place. yes to balance russia central asia in china, uh, no, confidence building measures with china, confidence building measures with china, yes, yes, now russia does not need to be balanced, russia is weak against the background of the war, it needs help itself, and it is looking for help itself in kazakhstan, in central asia, well, that's why, as it were, the content of the organization itself changes depending on what role russia plays, if it is no longer a partner, a full-fledged non... singing
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guarantor of security in central asia, and china's priorities are changing, well, i understand that china generally considers itself the leader of this organization, and the chinese say it out loud, if you look at the chinese media, china is the leader of the sco, and russia blocks all specific decisions of the sco, and no doubt, they are also unprofitable, in fact, that’s all, this is an anti-russian project, in fact, and... no corridors and an increase in the chinese presence, and that whole package of documents that was signed with kazakhstan and china, that’s in fact anti-russian, of course they will be block everything, how much can it be said now that china has really become the dominant power in central asia, then why should the central asian president eat on may 9 before putin, in this case, well, so as not to annoy the migrants, so that putin does not... force
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them , which is quite destabilizing, for example, tajikistan or kyrgyzstan, well , that's why they go, or china... but it dominates, i think that china dominates the ideas for now, and at the same time they all ran to europe and the states, we see a significant intensification of visits to the region and quite high delegations from the united states from brussels, from european countries, it is on the one hand, on the other hand, how turkey has become more active, but... in the ideas of who is stronger and who should be reckoned with, i think that china, as the closest neighbor, well, he has already defeated russia, if you remember that at this summit there was a meeting
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between putin and erdogan, and this is also interesting, because putin promised again that he would go to ankara, but somehow he does not go, for how many months we have already said, he will go, he will go, and he doesn't go, do you think they managed to normalize it relationship? after putin openly criticized turkey on the sidelines of the st. petersburg economic forum? well, they have a sinusoidal relationship forever, it has always been a friendship with knives behind their backs, if they have any kind of warming relationship now, it is again not long before us, well, most likely until the spring of next year or until the winter, when they have another conflict and another crisis in their bilateral relations, it may be related. not with syria anymore, but for example with iraqi kurdistan, where moscow is enough is actively working, and where the turkish presence is now also increasing, they will have enough points of conflict of interest
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to spoil relations very quickly, is there any understanding at all that putin will visit turkey, or does he not need it now? well, not yet, erdogan, well, the turks are trying, we saw the last statement of the minister of foreign affairs, that we need a different format, a broad format, we need to stop the war, that this continuation only increases the aggressiveness of both sides who demand weapons, well, this so russian narrative in fact, but what if turkey has something to offer? i.e. on his base, for example, well, i’m fantasizing now, i understand, yes, well, now there are many who want to propose something on their base, here he orban is now the main proposer, he did something that erdogan did not do in kyiv, he was , he was in moscow, they say now, but he
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is flying peacefully at these very moments, he will fly soon, and before that he even stopped by the shusha on the organization of the turkic states, yes , yes, yes, well... and there he made his mark, well he has been there before, but it is all very symbolic, if erdogan can gather a certain number of delegations from different countries, then putin will go. thank you, thank you, mr. sergey. greetings, this is the bereber program, together with... a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel, i'm andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalilov in the studio. greetings salam aleykum, hurly kunler, we are very happy to welcome you to this studio today, as always we will traditionally talk about crimea, about de-occupation, and about
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the reintegration of the temporarily occupied peninsula crimea, and of course we will sum up, and this week we will talk about everything that happened and... in the first block, military expert vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 14-17. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. greetings, selyam aleyka. i congratulate you, glad to see you and glory to ukraine. well, mr. vladyslav, recently the commander of the ukrainian navy, said that russia is losing a military naval center in crimea. what does it mean, how much. well, when we say loses how serious it is on at this stage? here it is said that the russian occupiers are the slowest, but nevertheless lose their military presence on the territory of the currently occupied crimean peninsula, including first and foremost through the destruction by the ukrainian
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defense forces of their military facilities in crimea and sevastopol, because when the enemy is forced to hide its warships carrying sea -based missiles of the caliber type closer to... novorossika, it is definitely not about the military presence in crimea, when the enemy loses the resource capabilities of its system anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense is a weakening of the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, when... enemy bases, warehouses, and arsenals with ammunition are reduced to ashes, including shakheds, with which the enemy targets the territory of our country, this is precisely the loss of key elements, which provide the combat power of the russian army of occupation, and i think that this activity is not accidental, the ukrainian army has repeatedly stated that the 24th year will be a year of special attention on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea peninsula, because the pea must feel that except... it is not his land, it is ukrainian land, and this land will be under the feet of the russian occupiers, until
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the last russian occupier leaves the territory of crimea, and here i think that they should hurry, because it is not for nothing that two of our famous generals, general malok and general budanar , have repeatedly stated that the construction of the kershchen bridge is unnecessary, and therefore must be destroyed, so while there is still an opportunity to cover the heels from the crimea, precisely using this infrastructure, it is worth this opportunity... to use it, because on the one hand, i understand that the russians have several options for escaping from crimea, and on the other hand, i understand that all these options are vulnerable, it is not only about the kerch bridge, it is also about about the kerch ferry crossing, on which we have repeatedly kissed destroying the pre-party infrastructure and the same ferries, we are talking about the aviation component of the military transport aircraft of the enemy aircraft, which can also be in a gap. vulnerable only noma we get the first batch f-16 fighters, which will be able to operate not
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only on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula in the waters of the black sea and the plains of the sea of ​​azov. of course, here we are talking about large decent ships, which the enemy used until recently as express, that is, means that transported cargo of military importance to the bay and water area of ​​sevastopol. now they try not to implement such things, because they have recently become too vulnerable. the russian vdk due to the active activity of our kamikaze naval strike drones, of course, what else is a land route, a route that runs along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, but there is also fighting nearby , and who knows, today trucks with military cargo can move in space, and what will happen tomorrow is largely unknown, given that enough actively operate in the south of zaporizhzhya, as well as in the southwest. in that part of donetsk region, our wafkulaks, our partisans. mr. vladyslav, is it true that almost all ships and boats
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of the black sea fleet of the russian federation have already fled to novorossiysk, because recently we saw the operation of the armed forces of ukraine on novorossiysk ports. so what is happening now? in fact, not a single ship of nasiya sea-based missiles of the caliber type in water areas and bays on the territory of the temporarily occupied. there is no crimean peninsula, there are several large amphibious ships and foreign ships located in sevastopol, but they are definitely not able to influence the combat power of the russian black sea fleet, and in principle , the process of evacuating them is still continuing ships, they are now leaving the bay of sevastopol accompanied by high-speed boats and ships in order to protect large ships from the influence of ukrainian naval battleships, but... for the fact that our magura the fifth and siyabebi have recently been able to give distance more than 800 km
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to destroy the enemy's port infrastructure directly in the novorossiysk, novorossiysk area, this indicates that we have acquired the appropriate capabilities, and i am sure that there will be more in the future, because the domestic defense-industrial complex is working complex, there are certain developments in our special services, and all these developments are aimed at weakening the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers as much as possible. which operate on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, as well as those forces and means operating on the territory of pivnia, zaporizhia oblast and pivnia. mr. vladyslav, i wanted to remind our viewers that if you watch this news broadcast from crimea on youtube, please subscribe, set the bell, comment, maybe ask questions to the expert and presenters, we will be after the broadcast we will definitely come to the comments and talk with you, answer your questions, and i also wanted to remind you that... if you see a qr code on the screen during our conversation, then you can support the liberation of crimea with a hryvnia,
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support unit 48 noman chilybychhan ombsh and thus contribute to the liberation of crimea. mr. vladyslav, returning to the issue of seaports, here is the attack on novorossiysk, this is just some... random incident, is this now the strategy of our armed forces of ukraine, that we will liberate everything from the black sea fleet of russia black and azov seas, and not only. peninsula? everything is accidental and not accidental. of course, in order for our attack to be as effective as possible, there are certain preparatory processes, reconnaissance and pre-reconnaissance of the area, preparation of appropriate conditions and circumstances for the implementation of this mission, because in order to accurately target enemy infrastructure facilities, we need to clear the airspace from the influence of
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enemy anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems. pay attention to the system and metal on the territory. temporarily occupied crimea, separate elements of air defense and anti-missile defense are exploding. the enemy is constantly pulling additional elements from the mainland of the russian federation through the kerch strait. recently, general budanov, the head of our country's military intelligence, reported that certain elements of the s-500 complex appeared in kom. this is actually a research exhibit, which the russians are now trying to put on combat duty. nevertheless, even the most modern developments in the anti-rain system. "the enemy is pulling into the crimea to protect the sky on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, does it help him, no, because even air defense systems are not always able to protect themselves. what's next? this activity of the ukrainian army takes place within the framework of certain preparatory measures in order to further be able to use not only the missile and drone component to destroy enemy objects in
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crimea and the territory of the krasnodar territory, but also for the involvement of our aviation company. and in order for them to carry out combat tasks in a safe space to destroy enemy military infrastructure in krem and sevastopol, we first of all, it is necessary to maximally weaken the same capabilities of the air defense and anti-missile defense fence. our guns are working on this, our rocketmen, our saboteurs, our special forces are working on this, and this activity seems to be in... because in order to overcome the airspace of the territory of crimea, to precisely guarantee hitting with our drones, the objects of the port infrastructure of new russia , in addition, it was necessary to work well on the crimea and , accordingly, in the crimea, destroying the elements of anti-aircraft defense in dzhankoya, the head of the projectile so frankfurt is closer to simferopol, in the east of the temporarily occupied krem peninsula,
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that is, a lot of work has been done, and a lot of such work is worthwhile and necessary. will be carried out, because the enemy continues to accumulate resources, but in this confrontation the enemy is still forced to literally make holes in its proto-protonation system, and the ukrainian army is making systemic and metallic tags in the russian partolov in order to have appropriate conditions for further measures regarding deoccupation crimea of course i'm under no illusions here, it can't happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there's too much homework to do it is necessary to make the ukrainian army and create appropriate ones. prerequisites for the de-occupation of southern kherson oblast and southern zaporozhye region, to destroy as much as possible the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, but what is widely known, the way to overcome it, must be taken step by step every day in order to achieve the goal, namely the implementation of this plan, and will this is what
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the ukrainian defense forces focused their attention on in this part of the flank, that is, concluding the subject of black. naval fleet of the russian federation , we can quite say that the ports novorossiysk, and even the potential ports of abkhazia and other regions where russian ships escape, this is a legitimate goal of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, of course, and any warship in the waters of the black sea is a legitimate target for ukrainian kamikaze drones. pay attention to how sneaky and treacherous the russian occupiers behave. they have now begun to redeploy part of their warships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov, for what purpose, well, first of all, they are sure that in this way they will are protected from our kamikaze attack sea drones, because in order for our drones to be able to enter the sea of ​​azov, they need to overcome the same barrier barriers that cover the kerch
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bridge construction from the south, for now this is an impossible mission for us, and secondly , rather high traffic movement. of civilian ships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov and often densely enemy warships literally hide behind the sides of civilian ships, barges, support vessels, and this actually creates serious problems, because on it takes a lot of effort to identify priority targets, and it is in this way that the enemy literally tries to hide his warships among civilians. ships and ships, this is a challenge, but again, a challenge is not a reason to say, it is impossible, it is an opportunity to look for options for the use of our shock weapons in order to... work brilliantly, accurately and as efficiently as possible, will such to happen, i am sure that it is, because the enemy must understand that we did not start this war, but we
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ended this war with our victory, in crimea the war has begun, and in crimea it must end, for a solution, well, in addition to the black sea fleet of the russian federation, russia has other fleets, can we somehow strike or perhaps do some sabotage on... russian ships, which are located, i don't know, in northern seas and somewhere in general on the other side of russia, way back in 2005 in the armed forces of ukraine, a decision was made to create a command of special operations forces, then there were many surprises, why, why such a structure in ukraine, but the then the military-political leadership, making such a decision, acted as rationally as possible. in the confrontation of a small ukrainian against a large russian army, we do not have many chances to win, but we have a lot of
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opportunities to use asymmetric actions, this is the corresponding talents and capabilities of the ukrainian servicemen, this is also the experience that we, in particular, received from our western partners, this includes obtaining the appropriate judgment, equipment and weapons for the implementation of certain tasks. well, before for example, the well-known case of the destruction, partial destruction of a combat ship of the balki fleet, is due to the fact that before that, our special forces carried out intelligence activities in order to recruit one of the servicemen, members of the crew of a small missile ship , it seems to be his name, he was a non-pedagogue from st. petersburg, for a certain period of time he was an active russian military serviceman. passed on information for us that was extremely sensitive for the russian army, and when the question arose about his exposure, there was an operation to evacuate him, that serviceman, and
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before that he literally commits a terrorist attack, destroying part of the equipment and equipment of this modern russian warship. i will add to this: we are always looking for ways and opportunities to use our efforts to do as much damage as possible to the russian occupier, and the enemy must feel that the war that he... started against sovereign ukraine on february 20, 2014, it will not happen somewhere far away. the war is over directly, the homes of the russians, and they must feel all this fury, all this power of the ukrainian army, because it cannot be otherwise, otherwise we will not win in this confrontation, which means that systematic and methodical work on organizing the enemy's military potential, not only on the temporarily occupied territories of our countries, but also directly on the territory. actually, i wanted to add to your information, my question was really
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dictated by the recent press conference of the russian, once, and now, rather, ukrainian boss of a fighter with the call sign goga, goga or goga, now he is a recruit of the legion of freedom of russia, it was he who set fire to the electronics on the ship of serpukhov the seventh. april, when it was standing in the city of baltiysk in the kaliningrad region, and in gur they said that the fire completely destroyed communication and automation, which makes the repair of the ship quite long, the more such gogs will be in the russian fleet and in the russian army in general , the better, the sooner russia will be free, and ukraine will be free. mr. vladyslav, if we talk about the latest events of this. week in crimea, once again we learned that russia will be hostile to ukraine, even after the war, from the speech of professor
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yevhen khlobestov of the kyiv-magylyan academy, and he means that even after the liberation of crimea , we cannot avoid danger and we will have to rebuild crimea on such a fortress is already ukrainian, do you agree with this opinion? i think that the determining factor that will provide a security perimeter on the territory of our country along the border of 1991 is resources, it is a powerful, self- sufficient ukrainian army, it is a developed and a multi-level complex of defense industrial productions, these are collective security agreements, in principle i understand that russia will not go anywhere even after our victory, but in order for the price of any aggression from... by moscow in relation to our country to be unacceptable and very painful, we need resources, resources that will absolutely clearly demonstrate this, we are ready to repel
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any enemy. and are ready to strike back for using all their resources, and this response will be as much blocking, as much on a large scale according to the consequences of the crisis level, so that any of the successors of vladimir putin, who will harbor some alarmist calls and plans, do not even have thoughts and guesses that he will be able to win in a new confrontation with ukraine. well , i have this, you know, perhaps a global question, and how to make russia no longer capable, and show aggression not only against ukraine, but against other states with which it now has occupation relations, including georgia and moldova , and so on and so forth, that is, can we talk about the future demilitarization and possibly the future.
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russian federation? yes, ms. gulsum, the remark is absolutely correct, of course, the plans are very ambitious, but the key element of this plan is resources, and accordingly, if ukraine, of course, with the unconditional support of our western partners, manages to destroy the key elements of the enemy's military potential, i think , that the position of conditional vladimir putin, in general, the highest military and political leadership of the russian federation is transformed from the current one, which literally demands the surrender of ukraine. and de facto of the entire collective event to a more considerate and more constructive one. systematic and methodical organization of enemy forces. this is the basis and motivation for our victory and stabilization of the inherited space of the territory of our country, and in principle on the european continent. because putin does not accept his alarmist plans regarding the baltic countries and other countries of eastern europe, so only together, only by combining our efforts
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will we be able. to weaken the enemy's military potential as much as possible, which means to create the conditions for a predictable and sustainable peace in europe. thank you very much, mr. vladyslav. thank you for finding the time and joining our broadcast, see you on other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and the tv channel. vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2017, 2014-2017 was in ours. ether, we're going on a short break now and we're back, don't switch. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good
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evening. two o'clock. to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka with me and sports news. i invite yevhen postukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news. our art watcher is ready to tell. good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. and also distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people. contact us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. get closer to victory, together with the central security service, the sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite various civilian specialists directions experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out
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the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of the central security service of the a-sbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. selyamaleikum. let's hide in the program together beraber, this is a joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel ater and the tv channel, i, gulsom khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. i invite you to subscribe to the youtube channel atp and the youtube channel espressa, put likes, comment on this video, ask questions to hosts and guests.


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