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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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higher state. andriy yarmak, head of the office of the president of ukraine. how long can ukraine take from the start of negotiations to accession? it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. in the case of poland, it was six years. turkey is already on this path for almost 20 years. in the public space, in the context of the european integration intentions of ukraine, moldova and the balkan countries, the year 2030 often appears. in particular, the current president of the european council , charles michel, referred to this date as one when a major wave of enlargement could take place, so ukraine needs to hurry with reforms, no matter how difficult it may be in the conditions of a full-scale war. there is a marathon on the spresso tv channel, my name is andrii saichuk and we are already leaving the reserve studio, which is located at a depth of 300 00 m below rivne sea level, so in principle. we will say even as
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a result of any apocalypse, this is just how we tell you not to switch, because our studio will continue our marathon under any conditions, well, i was just joking with you just now, because you know, well, how are they trying to us, one by one, one of us is the target of our actual occupiers, our pseudo brothers, who are mostly different tatar-mongols, this is this is actually ours. to break the will to opera, so that we, you know, don't have, don't have, don't have the same will to life, this will never happen, because ukrainians are completely self-sufficient, and to be honest , you know, someone very well said recently, that this war has basically been going on for over 300 years, and it's probably going to go on for over 300 years, and you know what, we 're okay with that, we're ready for it, well, we are ready for this and continue, it will just be... now we will work with our roll call.
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natalya kylinychenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, will join us now. ms. natalie, welcome. greetings, good morning. if he is well, hopefully we will survive as you said. how are things now in sumy, in the sumy oblast, what is the night like? last night, not just in sumy, today a rocket attack was carried out in the suburbs of sumy. for now, we, well, do not publicize its consequences. but we hope that people were not hurt, there were explosions were heard in sumy, along the border all the time, here we do not even discuss these issues, because the entire length of our border, today, let me remind you that sumy has the longest border, as you said, with the brothers, so that they don't have any good, that is the largest, and that's why there are constant explosions in all the communities of the border, these are mortars, these are fividrons, they are different, but yesterday there was a... a rocket from a helicopter hit
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the khotyn community with a rocket, that is, 100 explosions per day is a lot, you know, to things about these brothers abroad so-called, and you know, levko stek, a famous ukrainian journalist, military man, he wrote a video that was made public recently, i just saw, after the shelling in the voronezh region, dew in russia, so in principle. your neighbors, yes, in the neighboring area, ammunition warehouses exploded there, and a man goes there and records a video, shares the impression that various fragments of those shells flew there and so on in their village, and he goes and says that look what's happening here, it's the roofs with holes, it's what it is, it's what it is this, and well, why am i saying this, a person speaks in a real language, a real language.
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mixing ukrainian words with russian ones, and this is also, you know, a strange feeling, because on the one hand we understand, we see those russians in ukraine, in this occupying army, where there are a huge number of some udmurts, buryats, and in principle russians , as one of the french diplomats of the 18th century said, if you rub it well, then some, you know, if not a mongol, then some buryat, but in general. if we talk about those areas, with which you border, it is obvious that there are a lot of slavs, the slavic population, who could be ukrainians, theoretically, what are the relations with these people now, is there a sense of what the relations are in those families who, for example, now broke up, probably there are many of them, well yes, of course, if we only have 42 km of border with our community and several villages, in several villages the border ran along the streets, that is, the 73rd number in ukraine. 75th in russia, of
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course, people until the 90th year, and absolutely lived, went to school, one to the same school, in they lived differently, for example, in ukraine they went to school in the dew. action, and that is why there were such exchanges, they got married, came, worked, a lot of people with aunts and uncles from glushkov came to bilopol', here, as they called it, bought up, but today, well, the situation is difficult, and people are very different from each other they don't understand, many relatives have lost relations altogether, they say, we can't communicate at all, because every communication starts with two words, you and... are ruled by the americans, your president is so-and-so, and you all sold yourself as an american, you bombed donbass, this is their mantra, which they tell their relatives, and if the communication between families does not end there, well, there are people who sympathize, there are people who even
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help, but they do not talk about it, because of course everyone these phones are being checked, and people are very scared, because they don't want unnecessary problems, in any case, for their relatives, those... relatives who are understanding, but we live, bilopol region lives, works, and here is in support of the words you said about the fact that we cannot be broken, in sumy region, in any case on the harvest began in bilopishchna, yesterday we went out, took pictures, made reports, then the combine harvesters came out, the cars came out, they go around the pits from the impacts that they found, and then they reap the harvest, because life goes on, you have to live, not just survive, but also live continue. life, because otherwise ukrainians cannot be broken, their will remains ours. by the way, it is clear that these incomplete three, the third year of the war, they radically changed the attitude between, probably russians, ukrainians, a lot of ukrainians considered russians a friendly people, well
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, until the last, you can say, but not less, 30 years of independence, different education, different history textbooks, is it in principle... ukrainians or ukrainians of the sumy region and some neighboring voronev region, for example, are they already different kursk region kursk kursk kursk so we border kursk region, well, i didn't research so deeply how different we are, well, i don't have any relatives there, but judging by the fact that, well, let's say we read their publications, they read ours, and we speak completely different languages, different concepts, because the things that today discuss, for example, our simple masters, neighbors, they are completely different, and people, they sincerely wonder why there is no light in them, they sincerely wonder why they have to leave their villages, and from the same aunt,
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flaky, why, why does it fly to them, and they are so sincerely offended and surprised, that is, cause -and-effect relationships do not work there at all, and that is, well, that is, on the 24th, when they were going for theirs. tanks in the streets, they were not surprised that the tanks were coming our way, now that this game can be played with two, as they say, they they are wondering, why us, why us? well, let them study, read, study sitting on mushrooms, in basements, living without light, well, why do we have to do this, and they don't, uh, you know, a new subject will appear in ukrainian schools, happiness lessons, uh, i don’t know, to be honest, it’s a good idea, maybe it’s good, what lessons do we lack in order for the next generation to be ready, firstly, for any situations with russia, and secondly, so that we never have our those
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neighbors didn't think we were one people, well, i don't even know, probably these are communication lessons, lessons communication, and skills to... convey your opinion and hear another opinion, because the truth is told that in ukraine we have a border with russia and with other countries, but for some reason we know russian writers, russian artists, we also cannot communicate, for example, freely about polish artists, about the same czech and slovak ones, there was already a culture there, but for some reason they only taught us russian, but we know that there is a great russian ballet and russian literature. russian artists, but it was not the other way around empty space, but we did not teach this, then we need to establish connections, communicate and show that ukraine is a part of a great civilization, and not the younger sister of the russian empire, if it is, then we will not have this,
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then we will not have there will be this inferiority, which even today in many ways prevents us from living, it is a wonderful thing, we do not always think about it, but you understand that we know that if, relatively speaking, we were to tear away the ukrainian schoolchildren who are at school, studying, now going, if they were completely there would tear away from the russian language and russian... some kind of cultural, popular informational space, then when they would grow up, for example, and they would have children, then their children would not know russian, they would not understand it, because in fact, ukrainian and russian differ quite a lot, they differ somewhere approximately within the limits, like ukrainian and slovak, i, for example, as a person who is not unprepared, then i, for example, understand slovak through a word, not very well. through the word, that is, i have to strain to to roughly understand what it is about, with polish it is a different story, but that is also due to
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the fact that i have been hearing it since childhood, and the same with russian, and, that is, in fact, we, we, we rarely think about it , but it is important for us, i think, to break away from this russian, russian content, i was just listening to you for this felix redka, you know, who became famous for being in lviv. began to say that you do not fall, if bombs fall on your head, then you will tell me in what language i should speak, well, he continues to talk about it all, he recently gave an interview and said that what really pisses him off is when someone pretends to be indignant that parents speak to their children in russian somewhere in public institutions and so on, and he and i he says: this child will grow up, and she will decide for herself whether she wants to... speak ukrainian or not, and what you are pressuring does not help, on the contrary, i
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understand in principle what he is saying, well, in principle, i even could agree with this, under the conditions, if, for example, there, i don't know, if we had russians, they would be some kind of minority, a poor minority, fleeing from their own corrupt, terrible country to us, and we are there, i don't know, in the european union, and they have the right to say the same thing, right? i know, the vietnamese have the right. who are there, who, for example, are emigrants, and they probably have the right to speak vietnamese somewhere in mcdonald's, somewhere in lviv or kyiv, or in sumy , but we have slightly different relations with the russians, i'm sorry, but half of the country is russified, and to say the big to a certain extent, then absolutely everyone is russified, well, we are all russified, because we know this language, we know who dostoevsky is, that he wrote on... while
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we are here with you, you know, peacefully and cheerfully, and we had a good conversation, we have already started a repulse of the air alarm, there are already poltava, chernihiv, it is spreading, i think that now the sums are the same, it is spreading itself and from the battles air anxiety, ms. natalie, but i have taken up too much of your time. well, a word about the fact that both bilopol region and sumy region today he lives and works, i already mentioned that harvest has begun in our community, it ’s nice, despite the difficult conditions, distance learning, constant alarms, shelling, we have as many as 24 medalists, that’s for four communities, for the former bilopyshchyna, this means that children make their contribution, they try, they study, teachers work in the fields, and... all this gives results, so this is our future, which is worth fighting for, which is worth preserving and to think
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that it will still benefit us, but is there we have problems, yes, there are problems, and by the way, few people are talking about it now, now the funding of the program has actually stopped, there is a recovery, which gives people the opportunity to receive funds for damaged housing, and this is a big problem, because the city is going into winter and there are a lot of damaged buildings, to varying degrees have no roofs. there are no windows, there is no place, the prices have fallen somewhere, and people have issued documents and in fact do not receive funds at all, mrs. natalya, there are, there are only two ways to solve this problem, the first is to ask for even more money from the americans and europeans, well, it seems to me that it will not work forever, it’s true, and the second one is to start earning money yourself, but for this you need some solutions, reforms, various reforms, for example, the same economic reservation, which does not want, which does not... no one likes this idea to president zelensky, well, i don't know, he will sell his villa and give it, for example, in the amount
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so that people can restore their housing, if he does not like the economic factors and economic methods of solving these problems, right? mrs. natalya, we don't have time anymore, na i'm sorry to talk to you, but while we were talking, there is no air alarm in sumy, so it seems to me that we somehow did a good thing, we scared away the russian aviation, so to speak, with our attitude, thank you very much for this conversation, i hope there will be no air attacks. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother , full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you! meet the dreamlight feather mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping just on the floor. soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half,
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in the collaborators program. putin's election. who in kherson oblast prepares pseudo-announcements? we are already they are ready for the elections, as well as the names and stories of the traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. watch the program on tuesday, july 9 at 5:45 p.m collaborators with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, look at saturdays. every saturday at espresso. get closer to victory, together with tssoa, sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced
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commanders will ensure your quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. and i think, i will go, er, i will go, i drive up to the checkpoint, you want to join the army, i say i want. tomorrow, no, i say the day after tomorrow, because i’m off, that ’s it, the military commissariat has come, okay, pass the commission, that ’s all, i say, fine, i’ll pass, only i’ll come and that’s it, come on, and my drinking through
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the zhytomyr military commissariat has begun , i already went there without a queue, without anything, that's how we were sent twice, back and forth, back there, the third time they took us away, and that's how my service began. it's a pity how you look at the map there and that's all, where else have you been, how is it all, well, they have res, you understand, like a monkey with grenades, they don't know what to do, they're not scared idiots, no that's right, they did everything, everything is standing, everything, they don't make any moves, that is, but logically something is that there can be some kind of tactics, all the same , they have some kind of tactics somewhere.
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it wasn't, but now they are flying over you like swarms, well, you can't even sort things out and it doesn't make sense, that is, if he needs to overwhelm you, he will overwhelm you alone, how before? they missed two or three, you go to the position, two or three is clear, you see, a little more, it starts to rain there or you are working, now for one, for one, for two people, but at least it was six months ago, he already he can spend half a tape of hail so that they do not reach the position, that is, they are afraid of something, some people say, i am not created for war, who is created? who is created simply in the head you need something like that what is this this is this you need for training it means someone sent you something they sent you there you
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studied because of that because of that there is a lot of you there you don't need it all in a fraction of a second that is, even when you are lying down shooting you remember what they showed you what was taught to you, if you didn't learn anything from you, then it's clear you won't do anything, and if you don't even have a little bit , you need a lot of it, some kind of adequate discussion , even. well, even the elementary school program is also included in the world, see how it is the phone is impossible, what else has the phone taken out, and how will you see it if you start to remember, yes, yes, somewhere there, they disappeared somewhere in the back, where do you say the azimuth, here is the azimuth, this is a regular school program for the eighth grade, around 360°, everything you say is out of time, if you are sitting there is the same thing that you don't know, let's tell him what it is? where is the gun standing straight at 12 and went, work in the rear,
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work in the enemy's rear, get to the rear, do something there, some task there, already there , if there is only one task there, let's say, go there, watch this, that, that, that, that, and i... if you can still win, then you can win right away, that's our task, it's a small one, she, well, if it wasn't about her on tv they'll show, but - we'll make a good mess there, here's a plan like this, you can make it there and we did it, if you have a head and hands, legs, damn, eh, physical, some elementary eta, then god. with pleasure, with pleasure, people just don't want to go, but they don't know what they are there for, nobody sends him to death, he
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will be taught, he will be trained, to look after him, because he is not needed there either, it ’s called, i can’t understand that, where are they motivated, what is the motivation, if the enemy came into the house, that’s all, an enemy has crept into your country, which can be separate motivation, i was not born for war, i think means that the air raid alarm has already sounded, we are coming back from our main studio, and you have already felt it too, we hope you are going about your business, meanwhile we continue our... and now let's move to the south of ukraine. serhiy bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteers the army of the south is already with us. mr. sergey, good morning. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces. congratulations. after this air alarm,
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is everything quiet, calm. were there any explosions? and no, thank god, 4:5:0, we can say that if there is no shelling, then this is the most important thing. it was alarming and it was also at night, because the enemy was launching ballistics, by the way, precisely on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, so we also had an air alarm signal, accordingly, but today it was not flying to the south, actually, and again iskanders, again, on it's a pity, as far as i understand, that the anti-aircraft defense failed to intercept, but... this question is no longer for the ukrainians, for the allies, where are the same patriots who were promised to us, and i still hope that they will arrive, on the other hand, those patriots that we have and are called models, you can see that they caught the enemy very well in the south , i hope it will continue to be the same, this is also a good result, a multimillion-dollar rocket flew in on dummies, well, this is also an achievement , and it's very good, albeit disturbing
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of course. on an official visit, zelensky visited odesa for the weekend, with yarmak, omerov, syrsky, and with kuleba, dmytro kuleba. it was an official visit, i want to say again, so how did everything go? well, thank god, everything passed, and i will even say that the russian pubs that bear the name of our city, odesa, are in theirs. names, let me remind you, these are russian publics, they were very worried that they were not shooting at the wrong time and not like that, well, it is clear that the zhduns were throwing some information there, and the fact that verkhovny was precisely in odesa on this day, it is also understandable, the national naval forces celebrated their next birthday, the more there is something to talk about with the navy, what to dream about, what to plan, we see that precisely in the black sea in ukraine, there
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are definitely huge achievements and this.. . the battle is a success for us, by the way, it is very nice that high-ranking officials from the netherlands and britain were present, and the ministers of defense and foreign affairs of the netherlands, in general, the british, let me remind you, lead the naval coalition, so we understand that thanks to the british advice and not only the advice, but the corresponding decisions were made there, the relevant information was announced at the meeting with our president about the fact that the corresponding missiles are being provided again. and we have, i say once again, successes in the black sea, and we are talking about the northern, western part of the black sea, which is safe for today, well, of course, tactical enemy aviation can still disturb, but nevertheless our progress is there, we are pushing the enemy out of the black sea , and ukraine's naval strategy will be accepted, because it is the previous one times, let's say 2009, it was
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completely copied like feces... from the russian naval strategy, i think, it was more like a sub-strategy of the russian strategy in the black sea, where , let's be honest, there was no place for ukraine. today we are talking about the fact that ukraine in the black sea is an entity that can plan its own strategies and tactics of behavior, and you know, it is nice that in this strategy, i don't really like to discuss official documents, especially when names concept, strategy. but nevertheless, we are talking, for example, about the latest technologies, of course we understand that it is about naval drones, i hope that if we now have a corresponding kind of uav army, then it is possible that there will be a flotilla of naval drones, and why not, it is that gave us success in the black sea, this is what the leading navies of the world are adopting today, mr. serhiy, thank you for the news, serhiy brachuk,
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spokesman for the ukrainian volunteer army south. was in touch with us, dear friends, well, we are approaching 8:00 in the morning, and at 8:00 in the morning, we traditionally have a fresh selection of news from our journalists, kateryna sharkopoyas is ready to tell what happened there in ukraine and the world, katya. greetings olesya, greetings andria, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine and the powerful military support from great britain. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the enemy attacked ukraine with four kha-101 missiles from strategic aircraft from the saratov region, two more iskander ballistic missiles from the kurdish region and the occupied crimea


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