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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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gorets, military expert, director of the information and consulting company defenseexpress was with us, dear friends, and now at 9 o'clock, which is approaching, let's bow our heads and remember all those whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it with a moment of silence. see up.
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today we are talking about the situation at the front: the russian army is putting pressure on the armed forces of ukraine, advancing near the temporal abyss. deep state analysts write about it. correspondent radio svoboda showed footage of the destroyed neighborhood. channel, and soldiers of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo showed footage of the evacuation of wounded soldiers. today we are also talking about air defense and ukrainian fighters. the air force commander said that the russian army continues to destroy mock-ups of patriot installations and mock-ups of aircraft on the territory of ukraine. how many mockups have been destroyed and is the air force working on bugs. here we will mention the strikes on the airfield in poltava oblast. join the discussion in the comments. it. good morning
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my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. russian troops are advancing near the time ravine in donetsk region, west of bakhmut, this is reported by the analytical project deep state, that the active assault actions of the russian army continue, the spokesman of osov khortytsia, nazar voloshin, also confirmed on the air of the telethon. the ukrainian defense forces left part of the temporary ravine of the kanal microdistrict a few days earlier, on july 4. according to nazar voloshyn, the decision to withdraw troops was made in order to preserve the lives and health of the military. this the district is separated from most of the city by the siversky donets-donbas canal. thanks to this water barrier, the armed forces of ukraine are now on the defensive. british intelligence noted that chasiv yar is valuable to russia due to its strategic location on high ground, as well as its use as a logistics hub for the armed forces. the advance of russian forces was also recorded in the kalynyvka area, which is to the north. from
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the time gap, the russian ministry of defense reported in its summary the day before that the russian army had improved its positions, in particular in the area temporary yar. at the same time, forbes writes that in the battle during the yar period, russian forces could lose up to 99 thousand killed and wounded. in the armed forces, this figure is considered exaggerated and they say about 5,000 russian casualties. radio svoboda correspondent maryan kushnir saw with his own eyes what they look like. now the remains of the area of ​​the time ravine, which the russian army recently managed to capture, now let's talk about it in more detail, maryan, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining, tell us what you managed to capture, see during the trip to the city, well actually i had to see that this neighborhood across the canal is a solid, solid fire, ruins and the city, and this part of the city actually no longer exists, meanwhile... the hostilities
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continue, i mean we hear you, we see you , we hear you, we see you. they continue, and the city is being shelled, as they were shelled before, we even managed to record on camera how the russian aircraft flew up to the temporal ravine, fired missiles along the temporal ravine and returned calmly further, nevertheless the whole line... stood up along the canal and currently the russian the army cannot go further, because it cannot at least use equipment, because all crossings, all bridges, they are destroyed, and therefore this is such a tactical pause, where there is a chance for the armed forces of ukraine to regroup, rebuild the line and understand what course of action further, similarly, the russian army is regrouping, looking for other ways, and not stopping. in the meantime, shelling all the surroundings
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, not only of the temporary ravine, but also of adjacent settlements nearby. i will note that you can see photos on the pages of radio liberty. which you made from the copter, to what extent i understand what the military is saying, why destroy a place like that, this is again a tactic of the russian forces, why did they destroy this neighborhood? traditional tactics of scorched earth, as it happened in almost all the cities where the russian army set foot, it happened from what i personally even saw, and the fighters speak about it from their own experience, in bakhmut, popasna, severdonetsk, and in .. in principle, everywhere where the fighting is going on now, it looks like this, any settlement has such a landscape, and literally this morning i was in turkey, and there already high-rise buildings are also burning because the russian army hit the air force there in the morning, and everything turns into exactly the same
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picture as this picture, which was taken from a copter in the area of ​​​​the temporal ravine. maryan, thank you, i will remind our viewers that in our broadcasts, live broadcasts and separate pages of radio liberty, you can watch and... you must watch the reports of maryan koshnir, a military expert of radio liberty, who has just joined our live broadcast . thank you. and in the 24th mechanized brigade named after king danylo, they showed how it happened evacuation of the wounded from the canal district in chasovoy yar. now you will see fragments from this film. i would like to add that these are very emotional shots, so if you are not ready to watch them, skip this video. the sun is setting, now you can hear how somewhere our emka, who went to evacuate the dead and wounded, is driving down the road, and honestly , tears come to your eyes, because the guys who are driving these emkas now are our brothers,
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a scout whose face we cannot show , this is a boy with whom i went through basic general military training, who was deputy platoon commander. next door to mine, and sending your people to places where they may not return is very difficult, that now, now we just wait for them to do their job, well, and come back, we hope everything will be fine, well, it's hard to wait, well, we hope that everything will be fine, we are waiting for the return of our boys, as always . the tension is such, everything will be fine, marian himself once took part in the evacuation, he personally evacuated me, it was 1300 m, it was necessary to carry under glass fire to the evacuation point, they did it, saved
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life in fact, so far... that the circumstances are being clarified, well, the box has stopped and cannot continue moving, the wounded are trying to get out on foot with help, and the crew of the car was evacuated from the car that was leaving and it will also be the same , we still do not have reliable information that with them, what is the condition of the evacuation vehicle now, what exactly happened is difficult to say yet, but... but according to the information that was given to us from the headquarters, the guys hurried out of this vehicle and are now trying to go back somewhere through the forest and take out, carry out the wounded without the help of a vehicle , now for these, for the group
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evacuation and another group left for the wounded in a pick-up truck, which will quickly try to pull them out of there and bring them to the staging post. ivan petrychak, a representative of the press service of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining.
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thank you for inviting me. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, we showed a frame from your brigade's film about the evacuation and dead and wounded fighters from the chasovoy yar neighborhood. channel, which is currently occupied by russian forces, remained from this microdistrict burned streets and houses, i want to ask you about the evacuation, you made this film for a reason, to show how it really ... happens on the front, in general, can you describe what resources are needed for such an evacuation, human efforts, and we saw in this film and even in the footage that there really is a lot needed, but maybe some necessary special equipment is needed for this, there are cars and the like, tell me about it, first of all i would like to thank you for helping to spread these footage, so that for us, as for the press service and for the fighters of our entire brigade, it is very important that the society knows at what cost such evacuations and logistical
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chains take place, and that it is very difficult at the front, because fighters are taken directly from the battlefield by the same fighters who also they risk their lives, in fact, and every time they leave, they don't know if they will return, but despite everything, despite all the difficulties, the brigade works and performs the task simply directly on the battlefield every day, which is necessary. cars are needed, pickups are needed, people are needed, directly for this everything worked, it is necessary, you need to constantly update the machines, because the machines definitely burn on the battlefield, and you understand that they break and not just because of shelling, but also because they cannot withstand the load, because the machine is an iron that it also has its own... and well, it can break and not only from shelling, again, that's why it is necessary, well, you know, it's
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a combination of all these elements, a successful operation, it's a combination of elements, no doubt. ivan, i will clarify, and where are these cars from, they are volunteer cars, these are the cars which are bought with funds, of people who rush to this car in various meetings, in this film, on the footage from the helmet of our fighter, the film is based on the footage from the helmet of a ukrainian fighter, the fighters are driving a car, this is help from the partner countries, which was provided through the brigade, but such logistical maneuvers are definitely taking place both on volunteer cars and on cars bought by fighters, they went there to repair, but it was so quiet, it was short-lived, it was literally half a day there , then everything intensified again, shelling... at the same level the same as they were, and in some places even stronger, the enemy continues to destroy the settlement,
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destroying buildings and positions, and burning the ground, so it is impossible to say about any improvement or deterioration, the war continues and the war is cruel, the war is difficult. can you tell me, thanks to which in your opinion the forces of the russian federation managed to advance, or maybe they pulled their forces from other directions in order to strengthen... themselves around the temporal ravine, you know, the advance, well, it’s difficult to call it an advance, because it’s just burning land, we moved away from the district channel due to the fact that, in fact, everything there was destroyed, the positions were destroyed, literally, well, there was not a stone on a stone left, you understand, so we can talk about advancement, as you know, in other directions, when there are simply some military maneuvers. it was done as a military strategy, it's not like that at all, it's
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just burning the ground, again, about moving and pulling from other directions, well, i'm not ready to say, actually, we understand that here we have a superior enemy fighting against us, and several brigades, among which is eh paratroopers, russian special forces and storm v. ugu. thank you, thank you ivan for joining, ivan petrychak, representative of the press service of the 24th ombr named after king danylo, and we talked about the situation around the time gap and we will continue this topic in the comments, i encourage our viewers to write your reviews also on those videos that we showed that just now on the air, and also where do you follow the news from the front, in which media or in which telegram channels, write in the comments under this video, it is also important, thank you, but great britain announced a new one. military aid in ukraine, after the meeting of the newly appointed defense minister of the united kingdom
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, john geely, with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi and defense minister rustem umyerov in odesa, a message appeared on the website of the british government with a list of weapons and equipment that britain will provide to ukraine. it will include a quarter of a million ammunition, brimston anti-tank missiles, fifty boats, 40 demining machines, 10 artillery installations. the uk defense secretary also instructed the government to provide over the next 100 days acceleration and full delivery of weapons to ukraine, which was agreed upon as part of the aid package announced back in april. you have ukraine's most trusted friend in the united kingdom and... the relationship is really special, so it was important for me to say: yes, we can increase our support with additional equipment that you use and need every day. it was important for me to also say that i can and have already instructed the ministry of defense to speed up the delivery of what we have already promised. i will add that in april this year great britain announced the allocation of the largest
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military aid package in history to ukraine, which included 400 vehicles, 1,600 and anti-aircraft missiles, including long-range stormshadow. then britain also agreed to help strengthen the surface potential of the ukrainian military and hand over 60 boats. we will talk about the situation at the front further. roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deepstateua project joined our broadcast. roman, congratulations, thank you for joining. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, we are talking about aid packages that we receive from the news. now, can you point out what, for example, there in recent weeks. various aid is actively coming to ukraine from partners, it has always been actively coming, it has always been little, more is needed, but it is going to some extent, if you talk there and ask, as the fighters say, there is no consensus here, because the front line is large, and in each, in each section of the front , the situation is different, somewhere there is more, somewhere there is less,
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someone will say there is none at all, and again everything depends on... the intensity of the offensive the enemy, because somewhere a small group of infantry is climbing, and somewhere there are whole columns or an unceasing number, a large number of personnel, so the situation is very different in the districts, but help is coming, to us, it is constantly given to us by different countries, although we never say, that this is enough, because we need twice, three times more, and... roman, we are talking about the situation around the time ravine, in your expert opinion, and why do russian forces manage to advance there? well, first of all, it is a constantly high intensity of attempts to break through, the second is the constant shelling, they erase everything completely from the ground. an example that
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everyone has already seen is the microdistrict of the channel, which they simply erased, it does not exist physically, it was simply left there. some ruins, debris and dust, and that was the main reason to leave that area, because it was no longer expedient to hold it, there was nothing to hold there, it only led to losses in personnel and generally worsened the situation, it was difficult to even stay there , that's why it was accepted the decision to move to new positions there, and the enemy simply enters there, infiltrates, climbs into those ruins, hides, and dies from it himself, because... they have erased everything there and it is very difficult to gain a foothold there, to stay, our military holds this is all under fire control, they inflict damage, but now the muscovites are already their task, they get to the canal itself, establish themselves there, and of course they will try to cross it in various ways in order to advance there further into the city, but the situation does not change, they continue
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shelling chasivyar, they continue to destroy it, wipe it out, that is , artillery works there, aviation works very actively there, and unfortunately, this leads, again, to, as in other districts, not the city, in general other areas of the front line, and it has happened more than once, they simply erase everything, they destroy everything, and it is even difficult to get it, and military officer kyrylo sazonov wrote on his facebook that the toretsk factor was added to the difficult situation in the time gap and that the enemy is no longer just wants to take chasivyar, but also to try push south and west. in your opinion, is this really the tactic of the russian forces of the russian federation ? now i will also add that they told khortytsya that in the area of ​​the city of turetsk, there were no territorial successes of the russian federation forces, well , as for the territorial successes, everyone could see the changes on the map, as muscovites are advancing, in particular in the area of ​​yuryvka and new york, in particular
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, there are now very heavy trucks going to the north, and there, if you even talk to the battles, somewhere already... videos of the battles are being leaked, both from our fighters and from the enemy's side, there are battles literally there in one house on the neighboring entrances, the situation there is very difficult, they are climbing, advancing, if we talk about the turkish factor, on the one hand, we can assume this, because this is a new, as it were, a new way, such a new area of ​​hostilities and the opportunity to advance to kostyantynivka, which the enemy is attacking from... from the side of the temporal ravine, but on the other hand the muscovites had success there, they always activate when they have any advances, press harder, put additional resources there and now they have occupied it. the whole neighborhood is a channel, and of course what else are they will become more active, before this they did not simply lack this activity, if not with columns of equipment, they constantly tried
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to sneak through with infantry, they climb from all sides, again, both into the canal, and the canal microdistrict, and to the canal itself, the seversky donets-donbass, so it is possible to combine, but i wouldn't say that everything is basic, they saw it. in the toretsk area, they climbed something, everything happened here without stopping, they both climbed and are still climbing. roman, but the russian forces are strengthening, somehow this direction others, the military there from other directions, is there any information about this, or do they have enough planned supplies there, relatively speaking? if, they are constantly shifting, as before the activation, as we see now, when they stick, when the channel was in the neighborhood in... ours under our control, they are constantly, especially to bakhmut there at night, especially, there are constantly movements, and again, these
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movements, rotations from other directions, from other areas along the entire front line, they are happening constantly, somewhere they are pulling up additional reserves, somewhere they are withdrawing somewhere they change, somewhere they strengthen, it depends very much on the situation, because brain cells really react to all these developments, that is, they accumulate. they go on the attack, wipe out what they have accumulated, start gathering new forces again, where they see success, they immediately throw some additional forces there, reinforcements, so with the same area of ​​turkey, they now have an advance, they increase the intensity there very much their attacks, some kind of reserves are constantly pulled up there, that is , they charge, charge, charge, they take advantage of this moment, actively very artillery shelling increased . this and this whole dynamic with movements, with rotations, with diversions there, it walks constantly and everywhere. thank you, thank you, roman. roman pohorily,
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co-founder and analyst of the deepstate ua project, we talked about the situation in the time gap, around the time gap. thank you. i would also like to remind you that in the comments under our broadcast on the radio liberty channel, you can discuss the topics that we voice on this broadcast, i can see the discussion. already is, and it is important, and you can ask your questions, by the way, to those speakers who are included in our broadcasts, and interesting questions, those that i will have time to follow, of course, i will voice them to our guests, another patriot and 2 million euros for the investigation of russian war crimes, the minister of foreign affairs and defense of the netherlands, who the day before they visited ukraine for a joint briefing with minister dmytro kuleba, they announced such a package of aid, and this is the first foreign trip of the netherlands. ministers after the appointment, according to the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry dmytro kuleba, he and his colleagues were even able to discuss the terms delivery of the installation, this is already the second patriot system in the last month, which
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the allies promised to transfer to ukraine. on june 11, it became known that germany will also transfer additional installations of air defense systems, and with them irst anti-aircraft missile systems. well, unofficially, the european union is looking for patriot installations in all countries in order to... form a new air defense battery for ukraine, the new york times writes about this with reference to the ex-minister of defense of the netherlands. in general, ukraine has an urgent need for seven patriot systems, as he stated earlier volodymyr zelenskyi. meanwhile, the russian army continues to destroy patriot installations and aircraft on the territory of ukraine, although not real ones, but only models. this was announced by the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, mykola. general oleschuk published a video shot by the russian military in his telegram channel. according to the army commander , the russian federation targeted the models with iskkender m missiles, and
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the process was recorded by a russian reconnaissance drone. the events took place in kryvorizho and odesa. of course, both we and the enemy have losses equipment and people, but neither side talks about it publicly. it is clear why. dolhintseve airport and yuzhne district - personal. passive defense measures were successfully carried out by the air force. thanks to everyone who helps with quality models, planes and sams. the enemy has fewer iskanders, and the models will still be delivered. i will remind you that on july 7 , the russian ministry of defense reported that with the strike of the iskander operational-tactical complex, the russian forces allegedly destroyed two launchers: the patriot circus and the zhiraf radar station of the zsu in the populated area point of south odesa region. in... confirming their words, the department published the footage you see on the screens now. and earlier, on july 1, as a result of a ballistic missile attack on an air base near
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myrhorod, which is poltava region, russia declared that it allegedly destroyed five ukrainian su-27 multi-role fighters that were on the airfield parking lot, and also damaged two more that were undergoing repairs , corrected the strike on the targets of the reconnaissance drone, reacting to the incident, the former spokesman of the air force yuriygnat noted in his social networks that the strike was, there are certain losses, but not as described by the russian side. yuriy ignat, a representative of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, a colonel, joined our broadcast. greetings sir. thank you for joining. good morning, i greet you. i would like to ask you immediately about the layouts. many models are waiting for russian missiles? well, as you can see, today, uh, we have a lack of means for active defense, i mean both missiles and those weapons that we use in air defense, we have to use passive defense means as well, that is layouts are a means of passive defense. it is necessary to understand that the introduction of the enemy into oman is in
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this way. reduces the number of its means, i.e. the same iskanders, models are used not only for air defense, i mean air defense equipment, there are models of aircraft, there are models of armored vehicles that are used by ground forces, that’s all, they all work, i will say for a very long time and quite effectively, it allows you to introduce the enemy into mana, protect people's lives, protect equipment, well, accordingly, as i said, the enemy... reduces the stock of its missiles, i want to remind you how much those iskander missiles cost, it is 34.3-4 million dollars , while a mock-up can cost there from hundreds of thousands of hryvnias, well, up to millions of hryvnias, because the mock-ups are different, the mock-ups are very expensive, they must be identical , that is , no different from real equipment from a bird's-eye view, it is from here that the enemy conducts aerial reconnaissance with its
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modern e... drones of operational-tactical level, detail, and camera, its own high-quality cameras are used on drones, and they are very good they see, well, the art of introducing the enemy to commotion, the art of camouflage allows our defenders to actually carry out all these measures, which is true, i will say right away, it is not always possible to outwit the enemy, sometimes the enemy delivers blows, painful blows on our airfields, against our equipment. anti-aircraft defense, you see that iskanders have become very , very many recently, unfortunately, in those extreme months the enemy increased its attacks with iskanders, this is odesa, sumy, and kharkiv, and where they reach, up to 600 km approximately the depth can be affected strikes with this weapon. mr. ignatius, how does it work, if you can elaborate more on these layouts, does that mean the resort can be completely filled with these layouts, or
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does it move somehow? sounds like, you know, there are real planes and there are models, as is usually the case? well, of course, it moves, it must be 100% responsive, the enemy must believe that it is real equipment, that’s all, there are people there, occupying, accordingly, setting up a position and so on, well, of course, there must be enough missiles, mock-ups , them there must be more than real equipment, then we will somehow be able to counter the enemy itself. act in this way in this way, you mentioned, i think that you all see, everyone watches the russian telegram channels, even if they don’t want to, well, it appears on our telegram channels and we see how they are rejoicing over the actually destroyed equipment and so on, well, the resonance that happened recently from the myrhorod airport, we know this entire history, when society began to react very painfully to this event, well, i will say that this is not an isolated case, it happened before,
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that is, damage to our... equipment was taking place, there is nothing to hide here, but not in the way the enemy suggests. the purpose of enemy propaganda is clear.


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