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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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representing the only discounts on glicised and gliciset max. 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and saving her discounts represent the only discounts on kombi grip food sip 10% in psyllanyk, vam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we
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have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. new. the week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. studies to. 12 o'clock and this is our final
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half hour, i want to say that you still have an opportunity to spend these final half hours and to make it so that you and i collected 50,000 for this morning, we need some 1,000 uah for this, 1,000 uah is literally not enough, in general, we need much more to collect 2.5 million, that's how much we want to collect , to buy 13 drones and accessories for them before. these drones are for our 100th brigade of the armed forces, for art reconnaissance, with the help of drones they will see where the moskal is hiding, and a little ukrainian artillery will fly there, beautiful and will do bad things to the muscovites, so for what they are doing now we, the people in the civilian cities, which are far from the front line, today we have a large-scale air attack, not the first this day. we have
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a message from kyiv that there are already hospitalized people, we will also inform you of the updated news, you, in the meantime, for the fact that the muscovites made such a difficult monday for us today, you can help them have difficult days with the help of our military, our defenders. well, we are adding viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of analysis and policy, to the conversation, he is already there. you are in sumy oblast, if i'm not mistaken, that's for sure, yes, like you there, quietly, loudly, well, today it flew over the suburbs, there are victims, but i don't have any particular details, but in sumy oblast, 17 communities are front-line communities, well, what once were at... right now they
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are actually the front line, maybe not like that, the scale of the fighting is not the same as in donetsk region, luhansk region or in the south, but... this, this too, is the front, and every day there are casualties, every day one of these communities, or many communities, are being shelled, we actually evicted a five-kilometer zone, well, they are already evicting a ten-kilometer one, first of all children, well, families with children, we actually don't have communities like the middle of butssk, that is, the velyka pisarivka community of velyka pisarivka, well, it is in... destroyed, there are more than 800 yards without windows , i work in a project where we deliver rim sets to the affected households, well, there are usb boards such that, well, a window that has fallen out, to block it
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temporarily, until a new frame is found there or, well , again, who will be there now in the filing cabinets to put it in if it is demolished again tomorrow, well here is something like that, lucky in essence with the fact that it has... the largest border with russia in fact, and what are you going to do, neighbors, we didn't choose these neighbors, but these neighbors decided that they want to take our lands. mr. viktor, we also want to talk to you about the fact that our neighbors learned about the death of a person who should be called a ukrainian, because in principle it was as if he was born in ukraine. but worked for russian intelligence, were you originally born in ukraine? yes, well, i don't know, at least his brother, in his biography it is indicated that he is in ukraine, that's me now i'm talking about mykhailo podoliak, whose place of birth is listed as lviv in wikipedia,
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if you believe it, and before that i talked about his older brother, who, they say, passed away without knowing god, er... because he worked for russian intelligence, he was buried, they say, at the russian cemetery, well, everyone paid attention, specifically the connection to this for a couple of moments, in particular , the fact that this older brother of mykhailo podolyak, vladimir podolyak, turns out to be a colonel, obviously of the russian special services, if you believe those photographs from the grave , then he had awards in particular, for example, for participation in a special military operation, that is, a very fresh medal, a fresh award, and here on the one hand, you know, it's as if brother to brother sent all that stuff, well, like, well, we understand that something
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doesn't mean something, that brother maje should be responsible, and on the other hand, one simply wonders whether out of all the possible candidates for the person who is the voice of... president zelenskyi, because mykhailo podalyak most often comments on some acute issues, when there is no answer from zelenskyi, it was necessary find a person who lived in i came to belarus, then worked for the traitor president, in yanukovych's information office, and worked very closely with the party of regions and... and also has a brother who is a colonel of the intelligence of the state that attacked us, well, that's just it, i i'm just trying to understand, was it written in the conditions of the competition, or mykhailo podalyak is somehow so incredible that normal ukrainians with normal biographies simply don't exist,
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there was no competition, i just don't blame mykhailo podalyak himself for anything, except the fact that i deeply dislike him, well, that's already my story. personally and the attitude towards him and his biography, but why did they choose him, why is he still a spokesman, do we have to ask these questions out loud, of course, on the one hand yes, the absolute truth, son for father and brother for brother no answers, here we are not in the 37th year, and we do not have a stalinist regime, and accordingly it can be as you like, it really happens that... brothers and brothers disagree, i have several acquaintances with many of them who have relatives naroseyushki, and they are fighting against us, and there the families have actually split up, and it is true that one cannot
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answer to brother for brother, but i have exactly the same feeling, but you have taken it out of my tongue that this is the feeling that they have the casting was held and the casting was. it says more zashkvars, but the more zashkvars, the more you suit us, and misha came up, because the claims against potolyak are precisely not that he has a brother in russia. this can happen, and with anyone, in that he is himself, his portfolio is soaked, because he that he was an unconscious child when he worked for the party of regions and for yanukovych, that he did not know who he was working for, that he did not smell money, and it turns out that we can say that money does not smell from afar, but again now, and what is the status of the faraway, he is a freelance adviser there and i am very interested in where he receives his salary, what he lives for, that is, he lives on his former
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savings, well, that is also a very interesting fact there, but the fact that he worked for lukashenka's regime, podalyak, then worked for yanukovych, already evidence that he is impure, i.e. he doesn't smell the money, whoever pays, he orders the music, and no matter how professional he is, it's simple... he was played by a ukrainian , lanovy, yes, and there he is asked, like that, he was in the sss, and karl wolff says yes, we all were in the sss. so, i want to quickly inform the president's office that not all of us were in the party yet. regions, in the servants of the people, we have people who, well
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, are disgusted by the fact that you think, i was once not offered to join the party of regions, oh, they lured me, but i, well, i have there is such a feeling of disgust that i can't be with such people on the same hectare, as they say, yes, eh, but they, and misha podalyak is not disgusted, and therefore the ethical standard should be that there we are with such we don't work, but it turns out... that zelenskyi is careless, he, and he has someone there and bakanov is smeared somewhere there, and yermak himself, tatarov, so he was already sitting up to his neck in all this, and mykhailo podalakh, and it turns out so that all this suits zelenskyi, zelenskyi is not prudish in this regard, he can occasionally cooperate and even say, we are a team, five or six managers, yes, actually about those five or six managers, just look, the question. ethics, this is for ukraine, this is such an unattainable level for now, unfortunately, in politics, here we are, ethics and
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politics are ours, we should have a business and politics of separation, we have ethics and politics of separation, absolutely , and at different poles sometimes, well, not always, i will not be all, andriy, i might add, one of the main problems of ukraine, which few people notice, the problem of ukraine, very often society does not realize the problem, yes, no... the perceived problem of ukraine is that we do not have institutions of reputation, if not a pineapple, and we can be tarnished many times, they will take tatarov or misha podalyak there and say, that 's it, he already changed his mind , he is already a vyshyvanka, before that he went to cash registers, there was something else like that, he worked for yanukovych, the person changed, what do you want, there must be an institute of reputation, and it must be accepted by society, otherwise we will not get to europe... never, but there is one more moment, he is more down-to-earth, do you remember that,
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the year before last, danilov, who was then the head of the national security and defense council, had a dispute regarding the sponsor, they say, who authorizes the sponsor to speak about such things, to which the sponsor told him that there is a small group of people who have access to all kinds of secret information, and they have the right to voice it, referring in particular to themselves, and here i have a question: to what extent is a person whose brother, a colonel of the intelligence of ukraine, with whom we are at war, why is he going to the talks, for example , some, why he participated, for example, in the negotiations there in turkey, well, i just don’t know what level of verification he had there, i don’t know, in the intelligence, well, the question would always remain, but there was a case when the estonians, it seems, or in lithuania , when there was a russian man there, who terribly seemed to switch to the lithuanian or whatever
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side, they made him a deputy, he almost wanted to run for president, and then it turned out that he was an agent of russian intelligence, and as if this and this and this is just this at the level of just instinct, just can we, well, this is this there is a serious fact of the biography, of course, and this... the sbu should pay special attention, again here we have a double-edged sword, on the one hand, well, they can't hinder a person in his career, right in normal civilized. country, but on the other hand, the sbu must pay special attention to the fact that who knows, maybe the brothers are communicating, maybe they are still friends, maybe there, well, the brother is now dead, but the brother has some friends there in muscovy, with whom also misha may have communicated, and therefore access to state secrets may need to be
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limited, and we have to tell misha that, misha, there are many other places in ukraine where they can, can... the talent of a pr and political technologist can come in handy, yes, but we are deliberately limiting you there in the state secret, because well, you understand yourself, right this is the situation, brothers are not chosen, but meanwhile, this is fate, you and your brother were brought up in the same family, so maybe if he is for russian peace, then maybe it's a family thing for you, that's why we limit you. in access to military secrets, and in general, in career growth , we do not limit, go get a job somewhere on work, because it is not known where he is employed there, where he is from, he does not submit a declaration, because he does not appear as a civil servant, and we do not know what kind of wealth he has there, but it would be interesting, mr. vitor, well, i wanted
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to add a little bit of such geopolitics to our conversation, for the third time in the last couple of weeks, putin has called for us to sit down at the negotiating table, but the truth is on unacceptable terms for ukraine, in principle, what goals does he pursue, and orban, too doesn't just go back and forth with his shuttle democracy now between beijing, moscow and kyiv, does putin really care so much about these negotiations now, he wants a freeze now, well, on the one hand, putin wants to show that he is peaceful, yes. that he is a peace-loving animal, but it is clear that no one in the world, well, of serious people , is led to this, and it is rather for internal use in russia, that well, we offer them, and they themselves do not want to put up, yes there is such a thing, so who the aggressor, yes, but it’s the same as we can propose that putin
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immediately return the kuban to ukraine, return it in addition to crimea will also have the kuban, and there he will sign peace, eternal peace, for 100 years. and there will be nothing except for the kuban, well, maybe a little south voronezh oblast, south belgorod oblast, slobojan oblast, yes, or no, we are for peace in the whole world, and we need it there, well, maybe it’s far away, well, if zelensky needs it to be adequate, you hear, well, and misha, misha podalyak would be, we are also for peace, but when we drive the russians out of the frost, and for all that, withdraw the troops. because we have a direct connection from the capital of ukraine after the missile attack, our kateryna galko we will add her to our airwaves, we will ask about the consequences of what happened, about the consequences of the air attack, kateryna, congratulations to you,
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congratulations to colleagues, congratulations to the viewers of the tv channel, that's why she currently works in the holosiivskyi district. the capital this morning, when the air alarm started, there were very loud explosions, you could also hear explosions, rockets in the end, as you know, i am now at the scene, they continue to put out the flames, it has almost been possible so far official data regarding it is not known whether there was a hit here, or whether it is the result of debris, i will try to turn on the cameras for everyone, the firemen are still working here, the police are also working on the spot, working... the ambulance, there are victims, there were many people covered in blood, i understand that they all have shrapnel wounds, so far there are no official data either , we all hope that everyone is alive, everyone has been helped, uh, people are also still walking, they are trying to take things from their apartments, as they continue to put out the fire here, in the houses opposite , fur coats have been blown off, doors have been blown off, etc., so they
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are trying to take your documents, i also saw them trying to take away some things. that a red line is working on the spot, people are being given water, tranquilizers are being given out, they are trying to help, whoever can, they are actually continuing to localize the fire and it seems to be succeeding, however , many cars that were parked nearby were also damaged here, this is the information, everyone continues to work here services continue to work and we, kateryna, in general, the air alarm... lasted a little long, how, how everything happened, how things were in kyiv, what experiences, actually it was loud, in fact, loud, if... not always like that, then today it was especially loud, at least in the holosiivsky district, while i was driving here, i saw that people were standing near the metro station,
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when everything was over, and the anxiety lasted for a long time, and accordingly, that by the end, everyone had already run to their homes, trying to get something, trying to save something and find out what happened to their relatives, their pets, we also saw people here who were already at work at that time, but they came here to ... take their dogs, take cats, and of course those who tried to find out if their relatives are alive and well. everyone is actually shocked by the footage from the okhmadyt children's hospital, the main children's hospital of ukraine, which was actually destroyed, and there is some destroyed building, they also report that there may be small children under the rubble, there are already pictures where the wounded woman is being held. on their hands, the doctors are also covered in blood, and it, it, it looks really scary, cold on the skin, because there are little children, they are
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defenseless, children who, who are being treated, or whether there is, do you know anything, do you know any more details about the arrival of ochmatite, details of what there is no dokhmatite, i only saw in social networks that there are already people who care. ukrainians, of course, who also help all special services, to sort out rubble, to get children out of there, but unfortunately there is no more information from there, however, i know that my colleague dmytro didora will also work there. thank you, kateryna, have a peaceful day ahead, we wish, at least, we hope that it will not be like this, to all of us, to all ukrainians in ukraine, thank you for your work, this is our correspondent kateryna galko, who... works in one of the districts of kyiv holosiysky, where there are consequences of the arrival, a terrible picture of what
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one of the branches of okhmadit actually looks like, frost on the skin, dear friends, we hope that the world will somehow react, the world, which is now buying a vacation ticket, is resting somewhere, will see what the russians gave us a rest today, what a treatment they gave to our children. we hope that there will be no dead children, lesya voklyuk, andriy saichuk, spent this morning with you today, thank you for those donations, we collected more than 50,000, and we hope that you will join us again next, stay with espresso because ether continues. discounts represent the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and save. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderill, 15% in pharmacies plantain you and
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powerful and reliable. only from uah 799. the offer is limited. call vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives and. distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening.
12:00 pm
greetings, chas noviny, on spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians fired more than 40 missiles across ukraine this morning. this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. the targets of the occupiers were civilian objects in kyiv, dnipro, kryvyi rih, sloviansk and kramatorsk. the head of state called on the western partners to put an end to the russian one. terrorist and as of this moment it is known about seven people died as a result of the attack on kyiv , 11 more people were injured, among them eight were hospitalized. the russians hit the ohmadit children's hospital. children are under the rubble, mayor vitaliy klitschko said. falling debris was also recorded in seven districts of the capital, residential buildings, damaged office buildings and an enterprise are on fire in desnyanskyi and svyatoshynskyi.


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