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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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our homes, our hospitals are being taken away, our lives are being taken away from our littlest children, i hope that ah, that you understand how at this moment, maybe you feel some kind of confusion, sadness, regret, fear, irritation, you don't know what do, you know some languages, you can write posts in these other languages. in their social networks and illustrate what is actually happening in kyiv, show a video or photo from the okhmadit hospital and write about what happened this morning in the capital of a european country and what the barbaric country russia did. don't know for example, if you don't know how to write posts, you can repost someone else's post who writes in a foreign language, you don't have too much of your social networks. you don't have a lot of followers, you
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know, you can pick up your phone, open the camera, scan the qr code and donate right now to the assembly that you trust, the volunteers that you trust, or you see right now, you're just watching at this moment ether of the espresso tv channel, and you see on your screens now this qr code, here this card number, you can also make a donation, dear friends, we are currently collecting on our art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we need... we already have most of the amount in the monobank, the private bank will have updates from iryna koval, our host, who is also a volunteer, and this collection is actually being conducted by her charitable foundation, and she is in at that moment, she took children abroad who lost their parents because their parents went to defend this country from moskal, and she decided to give them a little bit... even a little bit of such
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a carefree childhood, as carefree as it can be called, because these children have already become semi-orphans due to russian aggression, and at this moment, while iryna arranges a small vacation for them in a cozy european country, you can join the collection that she organized for the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. for this morning , you and i have collected 54 hryvnias, dear friends, and don't stop, because there is still a bit left before the end of the collection, so far we have 1,284,000 of the required 2.5 million in the monobank, we are adding a few hundred thousand more , which are available at a private bank, because the collection is a little worse there, because maybe because we show the very link to the monobank during the broadcast, there is black to... but
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we still need to collect, according to my calculations, one million hryvnias, so that these 13 drones, with the help of which our art intelligence will find out, where are the russian position, so that these 13 drones will eventually end up on the front line, well , we really need to pay for those deaths now, and this is what we can pro... just now, you know, this is an old, old testament, so to speak, it is even true that sometimes you have to pay an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth tooth, and now we can do it, join this weapon, this collection, quickly, finally deliver those 13 drones, we understand that each of them will bring, collect, you know, their, their harvest, and this, and this, this is correct, but there must be retribution for what the russians did, zre'. for what they did with
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okhmadit, we can now listen to the testimony of what is happening there from an eyewitness, friends, this is an apartment building, it is on fire, people are screaming, this is what the russian evil is doing, this is what, how it fights, this is how she fights with the ukrainian population, honestly saying, i see this for the first time. and look, people, people are screaming, they are trying to save them, but look, here the entire entrance disappeared along the way, this is the footage, as we understand, if this man is talking about the destroyed entrance, this is the footage of the shevchenkivskyi district, in fact, there was a hit there into a residential building and damaged entrances, and one... of them was completely
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destroyed, the mayor of the city reported on this, we saw our own video, from there, it is also reported that this... toxicology department was perhaps the most affected in okhmaditya , i see that even where there are children also passed, there was an attack on the umbilical cord on the building where the children were receiving dialysis, my god, it’s me, i’m reporting this news, and you know, every time i get these goosebumps, because we’ve already seen all kinds of arrivals so many times, well but it's just here that children are the most vulnerable, the most vulnerable. and what kind of ruthless animal, and even animals, not an animal, what kind of ruthless creature do you have to be to know where to press the button and send a rocket at the hospital where small children are being saved? well, of course, we are waiting for more
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comments, well, about the fact that the children were injured hospital, even the russian media. began to write, probably now there will be some excuses that there is some military facility and so on, well, but we understand that this is a little bit of the tactics that we saw in syria, and how the russians behaved, and its a similar story, but that's all - this is happening right now, it is happening in europe, is this a kind of coercion to... peace, as the then prime minister of russia said during the second chechen war, but the actual leader is putin, and medvedev, the then so-called ziz president, or this is forcing ukraine to
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of peace, so that ukraine still sits at the transition table, to frighten, shock ukrainians, the ukrainian population, with the possible consequences of the struggle against the civilian population, but i don't know, it seems to me that... the russians are wrong every time, they underestimate the western world, they underestimate the power of democratic societies, democratic states and, in principle, the power of people, what dictators always underestimate, what slaves always underestimate, slaves always underestimate the power of the free world, i think this is what is happening even now, but ukraine has to pay a big price, of course, and remember, we showed you... this photo where mothers and children from the oncology ward are sitting on the street, and children from okhmadyt, who were treated in the oncology ward, continue to undergo chemotherapy in this way, and you know the reaction of russians
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to this photo, it's just scary, the comment is like this, i'll translate, because we... can't speak russian in this damn language. evacuated mothers with sick children from the ohmadit hospital, in the yard of which a downed missile fell, only i think about what should happen, only i'm thinking of stabbing again. i just said that what kind of cynical creature do you have to be to push the button and send a rocket at a hospital where children are being treated and... i understand that it's just not no, that it's just a country of creatures who it doesn't matter who to kill, adult ukrainians, small ukrainians, just to kill, but you know what they could actually ask yanukovych, who once got caught up in this, and
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in principle knows who ukrainians are, so the ukrainians taught him a little, understanding, who such ukrainians, and he would have told them that when he gave the order to disperse... the maidan and beat the students, that it ended with a million people taking to the streets saying that you don't move our children, and it seems to me that this is if there is any national idea in such a long-suffering country, which consists in fact of certain scraps, and it is true, which has problems with a common identity, but which has been trying to survive on these bloody lands for 300 years, then this national idea is very simple: do not move ours. .. children, do not move our children, that's what started, that's what started the maidan, when the students came out, and when these students were unleashed a horde against them, the berkut people, who brutally beat them, and that was simply the trigger, not even not
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so much, not so much this cancellation of this association agreement with the european union, how much force was applied to... students, and then, and then, kyiv simply took to the streets en masse, i don't know if the world will swallow this time. attack on a hospital in kyiv, literally just now i received a message from the polish tv channel about what they want, what they want me to tell, what is happening in kyiv and what is happening in ukraine, and i hope, you know, there have been no requests from the polish media for a long time to tell what we have here it seems, it is clear that the front is somewhere far away, it is summer, now... july vacation is in full swing, but as you can see, what
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russia has done to the center of the capital, what russia has done to the hospital where children are treated, where children are saved, what russia has done to the smallest, it does not leave the world indifferent, there is a comment vitaliy klitschka about what is happening in the capital, about this attack, we can just listen to him now, now... one of the many mass attacks in the city of kyiv, we see the ahmedit children's hospital being hit, now the representatives are doing everything to dismantle the rubble, the previous ones already there are casualties, the number is being clarified in other cities of the city, in other locations of the city, as well as hits in the consequences, as a result of this hit, 17 people turned to... doctors 12 12 people were hospitalized, we still do not have clear information about the number
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the dead and wounded, because now the work is going on, first we give all the possibilities, we take the children to other hospitals of our city in order to provide help, we cannot say more information, horror, another evidence of genocide, what does it. do the russians with ukraine with our city. well, i 'm looking at how the reaction of the educational media is emerging. i see on the bbc website that ukraine, this ukrainian news, at least twenty dead after the russian attack in ukrainian cities is not in the first position, but nevertheless appeared among the top news, also it's breaking news number one right now. on the cnn website, which sympathizes with the democrats in
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the united states, for example, fox news , its main channel, which supports the republicans and trump, there is no news at all about what happened in kyiv, now and in the dnipro, here they say about basketball, about the hurricane, about the results, america. talent, america has talent, about taylor, the world, whatever, in addition to what happened now in ukraine, an attack on the largest children's hospital, this is also probably useful for us to know, and in particular for those who believe that with the arrival of trump will increase our aid, well , this is quite true, it seems to me, it can be a naive hope, also, join us for. now dmytro didora is our correspondent from kyiv and appears on your screens.
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dmitry, we congratulate you. congratulations to lysya andria. dmitry, where are you, what is happening there, what news do you have? i am currently near the okhmedyt children's hospital, which was targeted by the russians today. we can, we are now near the new building, which is cut by debris, i will ask the operator to show me, the windows are completely broken here, the new the facade is shattered, there is a lot of glass around, there are a lot of people around, and the most amazing thing is that people came to help, since the hit was not to the building itself, but to a neighboring building, then people came to help clear the debris, there are a lot of people. it is impossible to grasp this volume now, i will ask the operator to show me, it is possible
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to do it a little even from above, what people are doing there, they are passing pebbles from this building in order to help the rescuers and put out the fire as soon as possible, since we can still see such a, such a small flame i, and people can are helping to sort it out, but it is not known at this time whether or not the victims were injured. er, the dead here is still being determined, as we were told by the state emergency service, everything is being established, this two-story building, which we see here now, was damaged. next to ohmadit hospital, but for now, that's all i can tell you. dmitry, i am amazed by the video that i saw on social networks now, that the wounded doctor of the okhmadito children's hospital, covered in blood, is also helping to sort out these blockages. is this the common
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spirit of the people who have gathered here now? mood? so. everyone has really gathered here, and doctors and nurses are helping, even those who may have received some minor injuries are also now helping to sort out these rubbles, now people have rallied to help overcome the consequences of this attack as soon as possible, we saw children near the hospital , they are now being transferred to other hospitals, as the mayor of kyiv vitaliy klitschko said, there were a lot of them here. did you manage to talk to someone, what is the condition of the people in the mother, did it work out, or did you talk to them? in fact, few people agree
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to talk to journalists now, we managed to talk to a nurse who suffered as a result. as she notes, they didn't notice how the explosion happened, everything happened very quickly, then debris flew at her, now the woman is in such a state of stress, because she can't remember anything, she talks very slowly and now she is numb from the shock she received, we saw and mothers with children who were in the hospital here, but they do not communicate with journalists, because the children and and... the parents received enormous stress, of course, today the capital is experiencing stress and shock, along with all of ukraine, we can only guess whether this is actually not the reaction that putin was hoping for when he ordered this missile strike, when they hit civilian
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objects with their best missiles in the capital of ukraine, whether it will have an effect or whether people are scared and intimidated. dmytro, only, only your feelings and as a person who is currently in kyiv? no, there is neither fear nor intimidation here, on the contrary, people have rallied and, on the contrary, are doing everything to to remove these debris as soon as possible and to return it again as soon as possible, i cannot call it a normal and adequate life, but people are united and here it seems that everyone helps with something, everyone does something, someone is a pebble, even women move stones to help as soon as possible to the rescuers to dismantle these rubbles, we are very much looking forward to the next inclusions, dmytro, didora joins us from under okhmaditu, where nearby and actually destroying one of the buildings,
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a russian dagger flew in, as expected, it was exactly a dagger, i want to say that it is very ... reminds me of the atmosphere of the maidan, the maidan of the revolution of dignity, i remember very well the morning of february 20, when the activists, who were later called the heavenly hundred, were shot, and i remember this spirit that prevailed on the maidan, when everyone he was doing something, doing something with concentration, and this concentration, but at the same time absolutely calm and determined. of people, this is what stuck in my memory no less than the bodies of the murdered boys, but you understand, because it seems to me that it is this spirit of determination and readiness to go to end, that is what really makes this nation invincible. dear friends, while people in kyiv are taking apart the destroyed
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building, stone by stone, because they attacked the ohmadit hospital there, while in other districts they are also continuing. the clearing of rubble, because kyiv was attacked in several places, is still ongoing, the clearing of rubble in kryvyi rih is also ongoing, because kryvyi rih was also attacked, while the same thing continues in the dnipro, while in pokrovsk, unfortunately, there are casualties there, let us hryvnia to hryvnia, let's join the collection and help our, our hundreds brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, their art reconnaissance, which needs 13 maviks to see... where the enemy sits, where his positions are, to see and destroy them, to retaliate against them , to make them feel and understand that they don't have. and they cannot take the lives of our children, on your screens there is a qr code, you can see it over there in the corner, let's also show the card number, that's it, and let's
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also show our viewers reminders and all the details of not only monobank, but also to a private bank, here on your screens, its business, if you are facing the screen, it is a monobank on the left , a private bank, below it, under them, the card numbers are indicated, and you can now donate , we... for this morning with you, dear friends, we have already collected 66 00 hryvnias. we are slowly getting closer to 1,300 thousand, we only need 3,500 to have 1,3000, it is on the monobank card, we already have several hundred thousand in private, which means that we are getting closer to 2 million hryvnias, in general we need 2.5 million hryvnias, come on, all the emotions that we feel right now at this moment, we are in them in fact, we will direct it to the fact that there are donations, and that
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these donations will bring us closer to the 2.5 million mark, and in the end the military will receive, our defenders will receive maviks and components for them, this collection has not been going on for the first week, but i hope she gets closer this week for sure. to our goal, if we do not succeed, for now, of course, 1 million separates us from 2.5 million, but i think that this distance of 1 million will decrease, decrease, because we cannot allow the russians, to let it pass without penalty, there is already 1,300,000 hryvnias in the monobank, in our last working week, as far as i am not... i am wrong, there were somewhere around 300 or something thousand in the private bank, so i conclude that we definitely have more than 1.5 million , and maybe even more, and maybe even
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two, we came very close, so there is not much left for us to collect from 2.5 million, dear friends, the espresso marathon continues, we continue to inform you, we can show you, from close this footage, footage of the incredible anthill of people at work now just on the territory of the hospital, okhmedyt helps to sort out these blockages. let's see how it goes. a huge number of people with children may now be, unfortunately, under the rubble of ohmadit, and every person who works just there at the object where they flew. a russian rocket, every person is actually helping to free the patients from under these rubbles, the medical personnel who may
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be there, you see how now not only the medical workers are working harmoniously, but also the people who just came to help, that's how it is happening, i i hope that these shots will now fly around the whole world and the whole world, which little by little begins to talk about the war in ukraine, or somewhere the front is far away, the whole world will now remind itself that the war is ongoing and it is not over, and putin, despite all his chatter, as we can see, he is not going to end this war. yes, we actually see that the world, the world, of course, is already talking about what happened now, it is important, we are waiting. there is also already the same cnn, it is already breaking news, the main one, now that the russian attack on several russian cities, the same
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they call the number 20 so far, but they write that it is at least, we understand that, most likely, this number will, unfortunately, grow, because we see that, at least, it is an entire entrance that has been destroyed and... not only in, not only in kyiv, but also in the dnipro, and it is obvious that people are under the rubble, there probably are, of course, we would like it not to be, but we understand that it can be, it can be different, that's a lot now video from under the hospital. they are reposting it and in particular i already see the former prime minister of estonia and very, very, many of our
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friends just now they are writing about it, they are somehow reacting to it, er, i look at the fact that the world is actually shocked to a certain extent, we are also shocked, well, but for me, there is already information from the minister of health i, viktor lyashka, that the attack on the ahmadiyya hit the building where the children received dialysis, as we reported a little earlier, that is, the children were in... in the intensive care, operating, and oncology departments were damaged , now the first task is to transfer patients where there are shvel machines, where there is oxygen, ohmadite, in kyiv, i will remind you, this is the largest children's hospital in ukraine, its hospital is designed for 620 hospital beds, where up to 18,000 children are treated annually. in
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2020, the second stage of the new building of the hospital was where... dear friends, this morning i was literally talking about the fact that i remember that once you and i could collect 100 00 hryvnias for our military in one morning, that people responded and so on, now in the summer it is not so easy, because first thing in the morning, after the first announcement about the collection was only 5 00. what can i say now, dear friends, for this morning you and i have already collected 79. and only 21 thousand separates us from the mark of 100 00, unfortunately, unfortunately, 20 thousand already separates us from the mark of 100, on unfortunately, we have such terrible events, unfortunately, we have such a terrible attack and its terrible consequences, and this pushes us to donate, but it again shows that we care about everything that is happening in ukraine, we care about our defenders, and we stand with them, and
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by helping them in this way, we help they should repay the muscovites for what they are doing to us, to our cities, to our capital, and to our children. well, let's not forget, of course, about kryvyi rih, where a residential building was also damaged, at least ten people died, 32 were injured, as a result of this strike, the dnipropetrovsk region reports. the prosecutor's office yes, dear friends, an air alert has been issued to the chernihiv, sumy, poltava, kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk regions, mykolaiv and kyiv regions have also been added, they inform that they are flying to kyiv beplea, so please, please, be careful, do not ignore the air alert, this is what
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the map of ukraine looks like now. as we can see, the russians are not giving up hope to arrange a continuation of those missile attacks and it is not known what their consequences may be, please stay in shelters, please do not put yourself and your loved ones in danger, 1 310 00 is already on one of our accounts at monobank, for this morning our viewers collected 80,000 for... the armed forces of ukraine for their art-reconnaissance. we meanwhile we are approaching one o'clock, which means that our journalists already have a fresh selection of news. they know more about what is happening already in 1.312. they know more about what is happening at this very moment in different parts of ukraine that were affected by the missile attack. so i will pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, she is already with us. anna eva, congratulations.
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you will tell our viewers what is happening in ukraine at this moment. thank you, colleagues, for your work. stezhila news editor, we are ready to talk about the main thing, for this moment, stay with us. as of this moment, nine people are known to have died as a result of a rocket attack on the capital, and another 33 people were injured, the prosecutor general's office reported. the russians hit the ohmadit children's hospital. children are under the rubble, patients of the ponivyochny medical facility are being evacuated to the city's communal hospital. also in shevchenkivskyi.


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