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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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because if this does not happen, in fact, well, i can personally say from myself that i will consider our respectable western partners, in fact, accomplices of those war crimes that the russian army is currently committing. thank you, vladyslav seliznyo, wax expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from the 14th to the 17th year, we are already adding the head of the public relations service of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after generalkhr to our ether. we would like to ask you about the operational situation in the pokrovsk region, we see on the deep state map a significant activation of the enemy, although the enemy has been extremely active during the next couple of weeks, which is now happening in the pokrovsky direction, if we are talking about enemy offensive actions. well
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, look, we have been in this direction here since the end of april this year, and the pressure was already crazy then, at the moment , the pressure is even greater, that is, the enemy is trying to break through our defense line and is throwing all possible forces for this, and some of them are positioned there they have luck, they achieve something, but in general, in the overall picture, they cannot penetrate our front, if we talk about the enemy's attempts. to break through in which now near which settlements the forest is the most intense? but in general, donetsk, the donetsk region, it is all very hot, our specific direction, where our brigade is standing, is the direction of ocheretino , nova oleksandrivka, where the enemy is trying to break through to the highway but to konstantinivka and cut it, here and there he throws large forces, and what currently i can note the differences from the previous one. of our previous stay
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in the avdiivka direction, the fact that the number of armored vehicles has significantly decreased, i will take, for example, october 2023, when the enemy launched the main attack on avdiivka, it was destroyed by our brigade only by our brigade, or rather no, i will say that in the area of ​​​​responsibility of our brigade was destroyed 1,100 personnel and 46 bmps, no, 46 ​​tanks and... bmps, currently 1,372 personnel destroyed in the past month alone, the number of destroyed self-personnel has increased, and equipment seven tanks, seven bmps, that is, it has decreased many times over the number of armored vehicles, it is palpable and clear that the enemy has really run out of equipment, not as much as before, because in the avdiiv direction at the same time in one day we had 100 units of equipment, now there are a lot of them, but... god there
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are a lot of personnel, so many die in them, and their orcs, i don’t know what else to call them, and if we talk about the number of orcs, how many brigades they have and how actively they conduct their assaults, that is, we are talking about some, i don’t know , smaller groups, or they try to do it on some at such a massive level, i don't know there at the level of battalion groups? and no, there are no such direct attacks there, when there are a lot of people. they began to break up their own units or twos, threes, fives, sometimes they gather up to 10 people, or they advance in twos, because in these cases it is very difficult to work with the artillery itself, because shooting at two people, and from the 152nd or some other 120- caliber, it is very difficult to hit, we are helped in this, by the way, fp, when we can destroy these twos individually, i.e. the enemy is constantly coming.
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at the moment, on average, there are 40 assaults per day, that is, the enemy is constantly fed up, there are some respites for a few hours, but in general, the battles are constantly happening and very heavy battles, mr. ivan, look, we would also like to ask you about the successful landing russian su-25 in the direction of pokrovsky anti-aircraft soldiers of the 110th brigade of your brigade. where was the russian attack aircraft shot down, can you share with us some details of this operation? ah, well, there is nothing to see here especially, the guys just ambush here, they know where they fly and catch them, and in two months, the last two months, we shot down eight planes, our guys shot down eight planes, after that they stopped flying here, there was a lull somewhere for two weeks, now again began to fly, because the enemy began to use uh... all their possible means, and in order to
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put pressure on us and advance their interests, you know what is happening now at the international level, that putin, putin is trying to push through the... perimir i, to whom it takes a lot to gather new forces, and that's why he started flying again, and again they shot down their liptak, that is , there are not many secrets here, they ambushed, caught and shot down, i also wanted to add a lot, and the question about uavs, their opponent uavs , the scout themselves, a very large number of them fly, sometimes from 5 to 20 pieces fly at the same time, and these are different modifications, and that is, eagles. and lancets, well, these are shock lancets, they also fly in pairs, and at the time when they fly, our artillery , unfortunately, cannot work, because a serif will be made and the cap will be immediately removed, and that's why
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it's very difficult for our infantry to shoot down this guy at these moments, we can't, and for two reasons, the first reason, because if we shoot him down, and i have personal experience, when i was still based in the reeds. they immediately began to sprinkle us with cluster charges, because the enemy understands that something is hiding there, or is trying to destroy ours, and secondly, we do not have such a large number of anti-aircraft weapons to spend them on cheap anti-aircraft defenses, because we need to save for shooting down planes these missiles, and also for anti-aircraft units, namely air defense troops, and the downing of planes, that is, the situation is about the same, mr. ivan, your... the enemy's barrel artillery, is there a feeling that the number of barrels has decreased now? no, there is absolutely no such feeling, here approximately in terms of the number of barrels, i think that we have parity, but there is not parity in the number of shells, unfortunately, we do not have such a large number of shells, but it is more than
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it was when we were on avdiivka, but at the moment there is a very large number of personnel, i explained that there are only two of them, and when they no longer fit our positions, we... are forced to use artillery, that is why the rate of shells became even greater, that is , it gave us more shells, and the rate is even greater, therefore, that is why you also have a counter-battery fight, we are trying to calculate them, make serifs, where they shoot from and destroy their artillery, but they have artillery there are no problems with equipment, there is a problem with equipment, tanks, bmps, cars, but there is no problem with this, mr. ivan, look again, we wanted to ask you, the officer of the 59th separate mechanized brigade tsyhotsky said about the pokrovsky direction that there now there is a significant increase in assaults by the enemy, in your opinion, what is his goal in your direction now, is it an exit to the pokrovsk kostyantynivka road, is it possible to enter
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the administrative border of the region, ah, look, i am not a military analyst, so i can say for myself, in my understanding, the enemy... oppresses psychologically and morally and physically. so. ivan sekach, head of service. sekach, head of the public relations service of the 110th separate mechanized brigade named after general khorunzhovo mark bezruchka. he was in touch with us. while we wait, if there will be opportunity to reconnect with mr. ivan, then we will continue with him. in the meantime, i want to inform you about the latest information from kyiv. currently, 16 victims are known, including seven children, in the okhmadyt hospital, kyiv mayor vitaliy klitschko reported this in his telegram, and they are currently continuing to clear the debris in the residential building where the entrance was destroyed, this is
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also confirmed by the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy klitschko , and now it is known that aa in... dnipro and kryvyi rih. unfortunately, the number of victims increased to 47. 11 people died. let me remind you that in kryvyi rih , a day of mourning has been declared tomorrow. we will inform you about the most important things, literally in a few minutes, because now we will have a short break, but before that i want us to also give our viewers the opportunity to help the children from the ohmadit hospital, and if we can show it, please. there is a section of donats on the website of the ohmadit hospital, now they are very, very needed, so we count on the fact that our viewers, who are now watching this broadcast, will join the help of the ohmadit hospital, our the guest, the head of the public relations service of the 110th separate mechanized
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brigade is in touch with us, we thank you, mr. ivan, for your promptness and inclusion, ivan sekach, the head of the public relations service of the 110th separate mechanized brigade mechanized brigade named after general horunzhovo mark. from the handle was on our live stream, we're going to have a break now, so just wait a few minutes, we 're back. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. bulb. smart light works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery, it's
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so sbu investigators established that the russian federation hit okhmadit with a kha-101 missile. the security service classified the attack by the russian federation on the okhmedyt national children's specialized hospital as a war crime and opened criminal proceedings based on this fact. by according to preliminary data , the occupiers used a strategic g-101 cruise missile on the spot to fire damage to the medical facility. relevant evidence of the tragedy has already been found, in particular, the wreckage of the rear part of this missile with a serial number and part of the rudder of the same missile. and now i will quote the head of the security service of ukraine vasyl malyuk, the security service will do everything possible to ensure that the enemy feels the maximum retribution for each of his war crimes, in particular for today's attack on ukraine, this retribution will be both according to law and morally, a terrorist state is not abstract concept, there is specific names of the killers and nothing will save them from justice. well, we will now connect to... kateryna halka should be in touch with us by now, she is currently in
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the solomyansk district of the capital. katya, congratulations, and please share with us the information that is known at this moment. congratulations. we work in the solomyansk district of the capital, here the debris of the rocket damaged the upper floors of the high-rise building. everything is in ruins, let's move on, people are still buying here, as you can see, there are places here, people
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write statements, complaints, so that later they will be helped to give away their housing or helped to compensate for damages. also , the caring citizens of kyiv continue to work here and all the services also clean up the construction debris here, as we can see, at least a little bit of clearing up, there are also damaged buildings and a lot of people on the spot, let me remind you, once again , the police, emergency services, and firefighters continue to work , and an ambulance, people are still being helped here, someone is given a sedative, someone is calmed down by doctors, water is given out. we also saw that the red cross worked here, they helped with food, but we can see from above, here, let me remind you, according to preliminary data, there were five dead, and in the solomyansk district of the capital, well,
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unfortunately, unfortunately, due to the fact that the enemy hit... and there are certain problems with the connection to the energy infrastructure facility, we will we hope that our correspondent kateryna galko will join us during this broadcast or in the evening slot, but the footage we saw is extremely eloquent, the enemy also hit the top floors of the kyiv high-rise building located in the solomyanskyi district, so comments, comments just no, but we will inform you about this information, well... there was information in the morning from the mayor of kyiv vitaliy klychka that the brigades went to solomyanskyi district, so what and what will be the statistics as of now it reaches 103, well, we will inform you in the future after our further conversation, it is important, please, just a few seconds, in kyiv, for security reasons
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, traffic on the red metro line has been restricted, traffic on the ground part from dnipro station to lisova has been temporarily suspended. this was reported by kyivska city ​​state administration, so please, citizens of kyiv, take this information into consideration. yes, well, we are now adding oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to our list. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksandr. i congratulate you as a hero slava. well, the enemy hit the populated areas of ukraine, kryvyi rih, kyiv and not only there, we would like to ask you how the last weekend in kharkiv was in general. yes, and what is the situation on the front line, well, about the front line a little later, what did you have in kharkiv oblast with shelling, you know, usually when the bulk of ukraine is shelled, they are shelled with heavy rockets, x-type, dagger-type, usually the people of kharkiv get away with it, because they do not waste resources, these terrorists on
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kharkiv, because kharkiv can also be shelled with kababs, and rszv, and donedav. time s300. that week, we recorded that an s-400 missile had arrived, it had a slightly longer range, so it was fired at us from the depths of the russian federation. and also in kharkiv oblast , they are practically every night, we have a very large number reconnaissance drones that our air defense forces work on, and also shaheda tonight in the summer. shageds were flying, they were shot down by us, our military, and the debris fell on a house in the osnovyansk district, there were two people there, two people were really injured, and yesterday, literally yesterday, there was a very terrible story, when in the turkunivska community in
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the car hit a mine on the country road. i want to say that tsirkuny is the tsirkuniv community itself, and tsirkuny village was occupied almost immediately on february 24, 2022, and then after a certain period we retook it, but there remained an incredible amount of mines, shells, and we have six dead there, terribly dead, because the remains of the bodies, they blew up on the mine, there is a five -year-old boy and... a three-month-old baby and according to others from other sources, there may not have been six, but eight, we still do not know how many people died there for sure, but six definitely died, of them... two, two children, just a terrible, terrible story, when in we have peacetime almost already on the de-occupied territories
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extremely large remnants of mining, extremely large remnants of ammunition, and in one way or another the population still suffers in these territories, you will be asked about the bridgeheads, about the enemy's bridgeheads, do you hear? yes , i hear the bridgeheads, that is, the situation in the vovchan direction, and if you look at the map captured by the red morochov, the rifleman and the vigilante, there is a certain deactivation of hostilities, maybe this is wrong, but we operate on the deep state map, you know, not always the deep state map state speaks in detail about the other the situation well, for example, when we from harta deepstate had a promotion in the bagadoukhiv district, in fact there was no promotion, it was just the exit
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of a subversive group. as for the bridgeheads, we have vovchansk in vavchansk, where the enemy is constantly trying to storm our territory, but there is no success, in the deep direction of lipetsk, the armed forces of ukraine have... success, and i think the general staff will officially report on this, but our boys say that we have success there, even though the settlement there is practically destroyed, because the russian terrorists currently have only one strategy, which is the destruction of everything where they can gain a foothold, and thus turning populated areas into a gray zone in which... it is simply impossible to physically gain a foothold, but in this direction they definitely got there for nuts, and i think we will get news, and we have over the weekend there in
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the kupyan direction, we retreated from a certain area, because well, they will not be strategically entrenched there anywhere, the number of kabs that they hit along the front line , she is simple does not allow, simply does not allow our armed forces... to remain in those positions, because they are destroying them to the point of zero, sir, sir, oleksandr, i mean the area of ​​senkivka pishchane, we are there moved away from the village of pischane according to official data, because in reality we have been strategically destroying the front line for a long time, and we have a strategist there. strategically, we withdrew from there to, well, to more prepared frontiers, this is a normal correct wording, i am with the military, with our
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talked, they say that today, for example, on lipetsk, at the lipetsk dispatch, at the vovchanchan dispatch, they allow themselves to throw a cap, even when they see two or three military cars there, not even that there are any reconnaissance vehicles there, but simply not... the destruction of the destruction of the ability to stay, well, to establish and be in one or another territory, and they throw cabs, just constantly, all kharkiv residents can confirm that constant alarms are related to cabs, and we see reports of cabs to vovchanchansk, to go to liptse, to go to deep, to go to vovchanchansk, to lypka, to go deep, the number of kabos that they throw on this territory, on the demarcation territory, is simply catastrophic. thank you, alexander, simply catastrophic. thank you, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was on our airwaves, and we continue to inform you about
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the situation in the capital, in particular, i want our editors and directors to show videos, public news, where you can see how people deliver water with a live chain to those who are currently dismantling rubble at the site of the enemy's flight kha-101 missile, by the way, the security service of ukraine has already informed about this, it identified the missile, which. the russians hit a medical facility, and we can also see in this video queues of ambulances, ambulances, there are several dozen of them, they are trying to get to the place of the epicenter, and we ask once again all the people of kyiv who today planned their private trips in their own transport to these areas, please postpone your trips so that our emergency services can work as efficiently as possible today, and also i would like to remind you that the fact that the movement of the metro on the red line has been temporarily restricted, trains of the red line of the kyiv metro run from the akadem mistechko station to
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the arsenal station, it is reported. the kmda service , yes, the movement of trains on the ground part from the dnipro station to the lisova station is temporarily not carried out within the limits of security measures. meanwhile, ukraine and poland signed a security agreement. this happened today, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi and polish prime minister donald tusk signed an agreement on security guarantees in warsaw. yes, the details of the agreement are not announced, well, after the meeting between the premieres. poland's tusk and the ukrainian president have planned a joint press conference, later a presidential meeting between zelenskyi and polish president andrzej duda should take place, an extremely important visit, well , a key story that will be written in the security agreement between ukraine and poland, let's hope that there extremely different scenarios are foreseen, and one can understand why the main part of it is kept
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secret. we are on a short break now, after which there will be news, so please stay with espresso, all the most important information will be communicated by our colleague annayevalnyk in a few minutes, wait, if you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy, then the new product from mattress market is just for you, meet the perina dreamlight mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds. it can be laid out for sleeping just on the floor, soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so profitable, only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias, and we offer you extra quality foam mattress for only uah 4,999. the economy is incredible, soft, fluffy, hugs like a cloud, resembles a real grandmother's buckwheat. you no longer need to spend crazy money on a new bulky mattress,
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm on yevomalnyk and this is the news: seven dead and three injured. during the repeated shelling of the capital, debris from downed air targets partially destroyed a medical center in the dnipro district, the state emergency service reported, and rescuers are working on the spot. as of this moment , 15 people are known to have died as a result of a rocket attack on the capital, and another 37 people were injured, the prosecutor general's office reported. the russians
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hit the ohmadit children's hospital. in general there are two dead, both.


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