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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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found time and important words, and taras zagorodny is with us, the managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, nevertheless, at least some words of hope that need to be pressed, russia is not all-powerful either and, well , unfortunately, it continues to soothe this trouble , which she is forging, and now for a second, she will still be with us, and we are waiting for a call and oleksandr vilkul, the head of the defense council of kryvyi rih, will join us, and vorok attacked today. the blow to this city is not the first, unfortunately, not the first blow. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, sincere condolences for the victims and wounded in your city, i will briefly ask, enemy attack, consequences, rescue work, what can be said, please, congratulations, well, enemy attack, several missiles, previous iskander, ballistics, hits on industrial enterprises. we can already say that in
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the northern part of the mitinvest mining and processing plant, in the administrative building, unfortunately, 10 people died, five men, five women, thank god, one woman, who was considered dead , is alive, in serious condition , now doctors are fighting for her life, and 47 are injured, nine of them difficult, where there is a real threat. the rescue, emergency rescue operation is ending, i think we will officially announce its completion on the 19th, the fires are extinguished, there is still work to be done, there is work to be done, there is something to dig up, but the main emergency rescue operation is ending now on the 19th, literally, and if we talk about the people who... who
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were injured as a result of this attack, whether they were the arrivals only at the industrial enterprise, or where they were also injured , possibly by debris, or as residential buildings, or did you do without it today? well , there are no major destructions, four houses, there are victims, but there are windows, balconies, we understand what to do, there the plasterboard is blocked with usb, tomorrow we will already glass, well, there are large destructions in the residential sector. no, the only thing i want to add is that at this enterprise, 100 people went down to the shelter after the air raid alert was announced, and all of them remained alive and well, despite the hits, despite the fires, everyone was taken out by the emergency services workers, and everything is fine, and those , who was there on streets or did not go down to the shelter, unfortunately, 10 died, so dear people, who is listening to us now, please... please go down to the shelter, it
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really saves lives, well, today's example, example, well, it is probably the best, i thank you very much for taking the time, thank you for your comments, first of all for your work, oleksandr vilkol, chairman of the kryvyi rih defense council, about the consequences of the enemy attack on the industrial enterprise of the city of kryvyi rih, residential buildings were also affected, but really, here i am only i can agree, trying as much as possible to protect ourselves, the enemy is always an enemy, and he wants to kill us, we... have to survive, literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are from ukraine. so, there is a lot of interesting and important information ahead and there will be inclusions, but now, during the massive shelling, the ukrainian defenders of the sky shot down 30 enemy missiles. in total, russia launched 38 missiles of various types - reports the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. in particular, they flew over our cities and villages. zircon caliber
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and guided air missiles. ukraine in response to another terrorist attack the enemy is convening the united nations security council because of this massive attack, and especially because of the attack on the ohmandyt children's hospital. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy stated at a press conference with polish prime minister donald tusk in warsaw. of the state added that the enemy is already spreading false announcements about the shelling and claims that the destruction in the children's hospital was caused by alleged ukrainian air defense, although the video that we saw and demonstrated by serhiy zgurets proves that this is not the case, russia is once again not just kills, she also lies, as always. three people died and two were injured in pokrovsk in donetsk region, the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reports, the dead employees of a local enterprise. hit by
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the occupiers, among the injured were a 24-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman. they have cut wounds and shrapnel wounds. other communities of the region also came under fire. well, our correspondent dmytro didora is now near the okhmadit hospital, where the enemy hit with rockets today, the latest information about what is happening there, he will tell us how the search and rescue operations are going. dmytro, congratulations, please, i have the floor. i congratulate vasyly, i also congratulate our viewers, now it really saves the search. the operation continues near the ohmadit hospital. let me remind you that in the morning russia launched a missile attack, a hospital was damaged , two people were injured, so far it is known that two people died here, they are adults, the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy
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klitschko, told about this, and we talked about the first seconds of this attack with the head of the oncology department, i suggest you listen to her. rang out an air alarm started everyone, since the department is difficult, everyone is under infusions and everyone cannot be taken, we began to pull them into the corridor little by little, the lying ones did not know how to lower them, but they wanted to lower them, everyone who was walking went downstairs with the nurses, we started lying down a little to take out into the corridors and just then... i was taking the lying one out of the box and there was such a wave and just , well, just simply, luckily, nothing hit the child at all, well, luckily, well, somehow, i don’t know, that’s how the stars became, that’s just, well,
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in my department, all goals, all goals, everyone already evacuated, what? to the current situation in the liquidation of the consequences of the russian strike, we will ask the spokesman of the state emergency service of kyiv, pavle petrov, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, please tell us what is happening on the spot, what work did the rescuers do? greetings, currently, as you can see, rescuers are continuing to analyze the consequences of an enemy attack on one of the buildings of this medical institution live. rescuers are currently conducting a section of such a single structure. as you can see, it is reinforced with metal, it is not only concrete, they make a cut on it parts in order to partially lift it with a crane, all the necessary equipment for this is involved on site, it works from the head office of the state emergency service of ukraine in the city of kyiv, more than 130 rescuers are on site,
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various services are also involved, a lot of volunteers, i would like to thank very much rescuers, probably also from others who were indifferent, and joined and helped, as much as they could, precisely the people who were eliminating the consequences of enemy shelling, and what is known about the injured, about the dead, can we think that under the rubble they can still be people? as you already said before, we actually have information, unfortunately, about two dead people, we also have 10 people injured, they sought the necessary medical help. at the moment we have information, unfortunately, that under the rubble of it... there may be people, so the rescuers will continue to work at this place until it is completely dismantled. are there deadlines for the completion of work? it is very difficult to predict the timing of emergency and rescue operations, they depend on many factors, today we are already here
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were there and saw that there was a repeated air alert, so we don't know what the enemy is thinking, so let's hope that today they will be completed, in general around kyiv, what is the situation today? after the missile attack, as of now, unfortunately, we can say that we have 22 dead people, 74 people are currently injured, this is a very large amount, very large losses of people, we can know that tomorrow we have a day of mourning in kyiv, we hope that the rescuers will finish all the work today, but it is very soon to predict, thank you, pavlo petrov, the spokesman of the state emergency service of kyiv, was with us, he told us about the details of how the liquidation of the consequences of the russian attack is proceeding, but i only have to point out and show that this new building of the okhmadit children's hospital, it is completely vandalized, there are knocked out windows, the facade was completely gutted, now people there are trying to remove the glass, i saw that they
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were helping to remove these consequences, i really wouldn’t be wrong here today, if i say that there were about a thousand people, they were helping, how to overcome the... the consequences of the attack on children's hospital okhmadit, they brought water, food and helped relatives and friends to move to other medical facilities. i have everything for now. vasyl, thank you very much dmytro for your work, dmytro didora, our correspondent, in the middle of the capital near the okhmadyt hospital, you know, today on my mind, my colleagues and i were looking at photos of people handing over some things, stones, dismantling, water, and i remembered we once saw something similar in syria, and it also happened in georgia, and someone thought that maybe this would not happen in the center of kyiv, and when today, maybe someone in the world looks at what is happening in the center of kyiv and thinks that maybe this will not happen in the center of paris or rome. these people of russia with putin do not care where to commit such horrors, believe me, they do not care where to destroy hospitals, there is no one
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whom they cannot come to, therefore today it is important to support ukraine in the fight against this enemy in order to put an end to the existence of this regime of russia, and in fact it helps us, in particular our brotherly and friendly poland, today a security agreement was signed between the president, between the two states, and people's deputy of ukraine, as well as... the head of the group for inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland, mykola knyazhytskyi will tell us more about it. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. yes, i can't hear it, but i hope everything is fine with the sound. i hear you, can you hear me? yeah, i, i don't hear. well, now i'll try to get my colleagues to correct something, because i can't hear mr. mykola. yes, i, now we will fix the issue with the sound, and you will be able to hear the answer, it will be real. this is very important, but when we talk about this security agreement, there are certain nuances that should be voiced, which really,
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really will help ukraine in its ongoing struggle, and the struggle in which our partners stand next to us, some behind us, some next to us, but they help, because i say again, you know , when you see this photo today, someone once thought that there might not be a kiyevka in the center, it's in aleppo, it's somewhere in some other city, it's in georgia. but it's now, well not now, it's been a long time, but it's just a warning to some of our people in the west. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, so about the security agreement signed between ukraine and poland, i would like you to tell me why it is, what is its importance, what points were written down, and what it gives in the long run, and just now for us in general, for us in general it is important to sign an agreement with countries that are members of nato, because while we are not members of nato, these security agreements are a certain guarantee. for us, and it is no coincidence that they are signed with most of the countries of our allies.
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there are several special clauses in this agreement, one of them, for example, is that poland can shoot down missiles and other impressive targets located on the territory of ukraine and flying towards poland. this is definitely something that the ukrainians have been talking about for a long time when we talk to the poles from nato, because it can protect our western cities, the cities of western ukraine, which is extremely... important, because there are patriots in poland who stand in the west of the country, in particular they protect the hub through which weapons are supplied to ukraine, this is a well-known fact, there are many other extremely important points there, which relate to the joint production of weapons and many other things. poland is it our greatest ally, so the signing of this agreement with a whole series of concrete examples like the ones i mentioned is extremely important. well, of course, i would like to hear your opinion about today's attack by the enemy, of course,
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he is constantly hitting the territory of ukraine, somewhere more front-line cities, somewhere not so often, but quite painful, but can it be connected with by the fact that this is preparation for the nato summit, well, plus today an important agreement was also signed and the enemy wants to demonstrate something once again by staging such atrocities, especially in a children's hospital, please, well , they have their own logic. they are deliberately doing this on the eve of the nato summit, because they want a peace agreement, but a peace agreement in their interpretation is a surrender agreement. actually, putin voiced these points that we should liberate, not only recognize the annexation of our territories, but liberate those territories that are not annexed on the territory of those regions that they completely groundlessly and illegally included in their constitution, and they think that the time has come for this time, they have defeat after defeat, because their... forces they support will lose in europe as well, but we have seen the elections in france and in many other countries, and they want
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to force ukraine to surrender by any means, for this in their logic they need both us and the west intimidate, uh, actually, i, from my point of view, it backfires, because ukrainians will never fear them, but will do everything to, well, actually take revenge and punish these scoundrels. which destroy ukrainian cities, ukrainian hospitals, children's hospitals, this scoundrel putin, it will in no way have that the effect that russia hopes for, but in their logic we should be afraid and the whole world... should be afraid, and this should push us to talk about surrender, that's why they do it, and you know, i have one last question, i want to write, today opened a special publication, well, it was online with the new york times, and there, well, the first news was, of course, the elections in france, but the second news was footage and a post about the enemy attack on kyiv, specifically on
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the hospital, it is already important that one of the leading of american publications still publishes it in drowns this news, that is, it affects, the only question is how long, how long, i would like to ask you, i think you followed the reaction of european politicians and the european media, it caused the right reaction, again, the right reaction, it assistance to ukraine and the understanding that this enemy cannot be negotiated with. i think so, but it is obvious that the coverage of this event, although it was on the front pages of the newspaper of electronic editions, but it was not. event, i also followed it, i am very sorry, because this is barbarism in the center of europe, our neighbors are already used to the fact that they have their own challenges, in france they are talking about elections, in america they are talking about whether biden will run for office or withdraw his candidacy, many other issues concern the world, our question, unfortunately, it worries less, and we must do everything to
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explain to the west how dangerous the threat of fascism, nazism, and racism is. in the center of europe, demonstrated by the scoundrel putin. thank you very much, first of all for your work and thank you for your comments. mykola knyazhytskyi was with us, people's deputy of ukraine and co-chairman of the group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland. thank you, mr. mykola. but before i introduce yuri, i will say hello to him. yury, good evening. i thank him very much today yuri made a post in many languages ​​of the world and posted a photo from okhmadit, in particular. i reposted it too. i hope this is important, yuriy, maybe you will agree with me, if you have 30 seconds, i just wanted to convey my opinion to you, i am interested in your reaction, i saw these photos today and remembered, once upon a time, the same i was looking at a photo from aleppo or somewhere else, and i thought at the time that this would definitely not happen to anyone in kyiv, it is somewhere out there, and it is possible that today someone in rome or in paris or in milan or even in warsaw looks and thinks: " well, it's in kyiv." well, he doesn't care about this enemy, it's very good, he said to vasyl that this
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enemy should be pissed off, someone who lives in the center of rome thinks that they will never have such a thing, and that's why this war. far from them, we need to help ukraine less, because a lot of money goes to ukraine, yes, it can happen in them too, it can happen in the center of paris, it can happen in the center of any world, because the enemy, the enemy is insidious, the enemy is evil, the enemy is aggressive, i am only the last, i will only give one statistic, according to the data of the levada center 30 % of russians, 30% for using nuclear weapons against ukraine, this is to understand who our enemy is, please. and so you understand, well, i'm moving on to international affairs, orban in china, why he went, what he agreed on, the french sensation, the elections and who won them, and the world's reaction to the shelling today's massed in kyiv, my name is yuriy fizar, this is the world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment, yes, i will start precisely with the reaction of the world, and
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this reaction is so... familiar, everyone is writing, writing in various social networks, recording videos, of course, if i were to list them all, i wouldn't have enough time at all to convey even a fraction of it to you, i have selected only four or five statements, and i think they will show you what the world is like in the world thinks of this as a barbaric shelling, a barbaric attack on the largest children's school the hospital of ukraine, for example, from the very morning, since the very morning, on the page of the embassy of the united states of america in ukraine, on the x microblogging network, this is the former twitter, ms. ambassador bridget brink wrote, she used such words. as leaders prepare to mark nato's 75th anniversary, russia launches
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40 missiles at ukraine, a callous aggression full of them. weight to human life, which endangers european and transatlantic security, that is why this week leaders will make significant commitments to the security of ukraine. i will remind you, the summit literally starts tomorrow, and will they talk about the fact that ukraine needs more air defense equipment, i really hope that the words of the ambassador will also inspire and... you can say that she will be the same, the united states of america will be the same push this idea. next, kaya kalas, prime minister of estonia, shocking footage when russian... rockets hit the okhmatdyt hospital, the largest in ukraine. this is a reminder of why we must continue to support ukraine and why outright russian war criminals must be
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prosecuted? everyone, everyone who gives orders to do this, who does it, and who simply supports, sits quietly, is silent, somewhere in some russian cities, just remains silent, as well as those who sign, put their comments under today's photos from kyiv, in particular from okhmadit on... which our children are in blood, and they write something like that there. further, peter pavel, the president of the czech republic, the shelling of a children's hospital in kyiv and the shelling of many cities in ukraine are proof that putin's russia will stop at nothing. an attack on the most vulnerable, no can be justified. i am on my way to the nato summit, where i expect to see a consensus that we all see russia as the biggest threat for which we must be thoroughly prepared. well, thorough preparation - this is help to ukraine, this is support for ukraine, then europe will be thoroughly prepared, then we will all win. next is another very interesting post, and it's all from the microblogging network
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of the former minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lipavsky. very interesting post, while the useful idiots are talking about peace with putin, he is sending his missiles at a children's hospital in ukraine. now i am going to the nato summit to promote the long-term strategy of containing russia. you can't give in to aggression, well, we all know who he meant when he said useful idiots, and these people also know, these people from europe, also know that he was talking about them, but what a strong message that , that it is not possible to somehow promote this idea that you can come to an agreement with putin, you can sit down at the negotiating table with putin and come to an agreement, i think that if the people, well, i will have light today, frankly speaking, i am still in the dark i will find it once i will watch the movie munich. conspiracy i don't remember but watch it again it's very important and i'll probably watch it for the first time because i haven't watched it thank you for the recommendation and one last thing the last thing
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i read today mp guy verhovstart of the european parliament wrote: the excellent result of the peacekeeping mission of the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán, putin bombs a children's hospital in ukraine, the most terrible attack in the entire war, putin knows no peace, only under the rule. and orban is a voluntary participant. and that's right. well, i mentioned orban with orban , and i will continue. so viktor orbán appeared in china with his peaceful peacekeeping mission. the prime minister of hungary came to heaven for a mega short visit, quickly met with sidzenpin and flew back. it was a trip within the framework of, as i said, the so- called peace mission of the head of the hungarian government in beijing. in particular, he called china a key country. which can create conditions for future negotiations between russia and ukraine, and negotiations are needed as soon as possible, he says he, and already in an interview with the german publication bilt, viktor orban explained why. quote: i
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had the opportunity to speak with the ukrainian president and putin, and believe me, the next two or three months will be much more brutal than we think, there are more weapons, and the russians are more determined, so there will be energy problems, the number of dead, the number of victims. .. to grow, it will be more aggressive than in the last seven months, although the period before that was very brutal, that's why now is the right time to move from the politics of war to the politics of peace, well it already honestly, i tell you frankly, i am fed up with these statements, putin is carrying out such shelling here, he goes on to talk about some kind of peace policy, peace policy with putin, and you what, and by the way, he will now go to washington and he will try this peace policy ... try to promote among his colleagues from nato member countries, he will convince them that it is not worth giving ukraine more weapons, because these weapons will not bring peace, on the contrary, they will prolong
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the war, let's better try to imprison this volodymyr zelenskyi with this, and with by this, i think i will negotiate with a colleague at the table, when orbán will speak at nato in washington, i think that it was very cool there at that moment to raise some kind of stand with photos of those who died today in ukraine and in kyiv, in the dnipro and in... in kryvyi rih, just to show this children's hospital, let him talk about peace against the background of this banner, a very good idea, i think that all the presidents of ukraine like to be creative, well in a good sense, let them be so creative, it would be right, really, and the positions and direction of efforts of china and hungary in ukrainian settlement issues, and here again the word crisis was used, coincide, about this during a meeting with viktor orbán, the leader of the celestial empire xijin pinh said, according to him, a cease-fire as soon as possible. in ukraine and the search for a political solution in the interests of all parties, at the same time - says sidzenpin, china constantly in its own way actively promotes the holding of peace negotiations, encourages and supports all
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efforts that... a peaceful settlement, and here again the word crisis, well then it short quote: the international community should create the conditions and facilitate recovery direct dialogue and negotiations between the two parties. well, these are all peacekeepers, well, i'm really tired of listening to them when they say such things. they understand very well that this will not work in the case of putin, and the more they continue to say it. but there are other statements, for example from the general. nato secretary jens stoltenberg. china wants the defeat of ukraine in an aggressive russian war against war. the head of the north atlantic alliance said this on the air of the american tv channel cbs. according to him , the war in ukraine shows a close connection between russia, china, north korea and iran. even more - says the head of nato. china is the main catalyst of russian aggression against ukraine. mr. stoltenberg
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believes that sidneypin and... putin want the us to fail in ukraine. russia's victory, he says, will generally give courage to the leader of the celestial empire for further dangerous maneuvers of his own in asia. well, it is so. unfortunately, it is. now let's move on to other news. a surprise from france, although some call it not even a surprise, but a sensation in the second round of parliamentary elections in this country, marine le pen did not win. with its far-right national association, instead the victory is celebrated by the new popular front, it is a political force of the left direction, to the lower house of the french parliament, it was led by jean-luc mélenchon, there it can get up to 215 votes, in second place, the presidential coalition of emmanuel macron , the party of marine le pen, the losers, the national union, is on the third step and can count on only somewhere up to 150 mandates. in france, there will be a so-called suspension.
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parliament, that is, none of the three blocs will be able to form an absolute majority of 289 seats on their own, but someone will have a golden share, obviously or not, well, they probably will, right now they will be negotiating to create this coalition, and someone there will be, maybe it will be françois fillon, the former prime minister, it is not known yet, well at least these three candidates, these three blocs on the first... second third rung, well i don't think they will be able to agree with each other , we'll see, i'll keep an eye on it, you'll be the first to know the result, and in conclusion, they were all shot down - the russian government reported, but the burning and detonation continue even now, although they were shot down on saturday evening. drones friendly to ukraine made a lot of noise in the voronezh region, still in russia and still in the federation, on sunday morning they
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targeted a warehouse from... in the village of sergiyivka, podgoryna district, which is 90 kilometers from the border with ukraine. according to information from the russian government, fragments of downed drones fell, but the scale of what happening in the region probably indicate something else. subsequently, the so-called leadership of the region introduced a state of emergency and announced the evacuation of the population from sergiyvka itself and nearby settlements. well, let it burn there and on. explodes there and further and more so that this happens, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, everything only for today, tomorrow there will be more, there will be more in our further broadcast, as well, so don’t switch, usual things become unreal, heavy bags, not for my patient
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