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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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congratulations, sashko shevchenko is working on svoboda live, in the studio. and we start this issue with a massive missile attack on ukraine. so, the russian army today launched 38 missiles of various types over ukraine, of which 30 were shot down by the air force. informed the department. in particular, one of the buildings of the ohmadit children's hospital was hit in the capital. the mayor of the city, vitalii klitschko, called this attack one of the worst in the entire period of the full-scale war. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office , called the attack on okhmandyt purposeful a blow by the russians, that is, he ruled out the version that the russian army could aim allegedly at some military object. the ministry of defense of russia denies the statements of the ukrainian authorities and assures them. that videos and photos of the destruction allegedly
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confirm that a ukrainian air defense missile fell on the hospital. however, the center for countering disinformation of the national security council called the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation a fake. according to kyiv mayor klitschko, rocket fragments fell today in dnipro and solomyansk districts, and emergency services were called in golosivsky district of the capital. in the shevchenkiv district, a russian rocket hit a house and it was completely destroyed. in particular, we show these frames as well. later, repeated shelling of the capital began. as a result, fragments of the rocket fell on a private maternity hospital in the dnipro district of the capital. also , several videos of the alleged attack on the ohmadit children's hospital appeared on social networks today, showing both the rocket and its trajectory.
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the sbu qualified russia's attack on the children's hospital as a war crime and opened the case as a matter of fact criminal proceedings. according to preliminary data , the kh-101 cruise missile was used on ahmadit by the special services. well, my colleague anastasia sereda was working near khmadit today. here is her story about the consequences of the russian attack on the largest children's hospital in ukraine. a planned operation of the maxillofacial department of the maxillofacial surgery was being performed, the operation was almost at the finish line, and at that moment an explosion rang out, everyone quickly got their bearings and was taken away. baby,
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unfortunately, she was still under at that moment under sedation, i.e. she was not breathing on her own, they took her to the basement, the evacuations started later, the patient was healthy, just at that moment, the dressing was completely done, that is, the child was covered and they did not receive any scratches or injuries. we won't drink any more water, we won't, that's all, the child was in the ward, we got her out of there in time, the child is being raised only by the father, as far as i know, the mother died, he has already been treated with us for a year, in the hospital, on his own, he flew in then and we were taken more and more protected. place and already now
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little by little they started to take away all the best. on the seventh floor there is an animation with a child who is connected to all devices. everything for life, because he can't breathe, nothing, he is in a very difficult condition, just as a rocket flew past the window, because they were fighting this fire, right next to his window, where the child was lying, all the windows were broken, his window somehow remained intact , it just tore everything apart, flew apart, but everyone there was stitched up alive, he is 7 years old, he had a problem with his liver, he had two operations here. and the child fell into a coma,
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today is the ninth day he is in a coma, v he is in a very serious condition, he needs to support everything, including heart activity and breathing, and all the devices in him were beating. they said that they were going to be transferred to some other hospital right now, there is a building where the children were on artificial dialysis, where the doctors were, we understand that during air raids this is quite a problematic evacuation, also this is a nine-story floor in front of us, which we now we are doing it, rescuers are currently raking the rubble to understand whether to be convinced or not. under the rubble of those who could suffer. a completely different process is going on here, there is an evacuation here, because we now have the electricity cut off, the water supply cut off, the cyst therapy cut off, in these buildings there were operating rooms, intensive care units, which are in dire need of it, so it is a
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priority ; measures, the second will be those who need to be constantly connected to electrical devices that monitor the patient's life, and the third time we will take out all others in such...
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the russian army today also launched missile strikes on sloviansk, kramatorsk, dnipro and kryvyi rih. details about the shelling of dnipropetrovsk region and its consequences will be told by channel 11's correspondent from... the city of dnipro, marko ruchka, in touch with us, congratulations, mr. marko, please tell me, if it is known, where the russian missiles hit today and in general , what is the situation in dnipropetrovsk oblast? sasha, congratulations, a tragic morning for the dnipro and the region, the region, the russian army attacked massively with rockets of various types, actually in the dnipro due to the shelling of the ponivochchyna residential high-rise, in fact, we are here now, the roof is broken here, and the glass from those windows, almost the entire yard was littered, it was also reported about the abandoned enterprise and the service station, it was not without victims, one person died, another 12 people were injured, five had to be hospitalized, one person is now in a serious condition , the medics talked about it, and now
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here on the spot people are trying to eliminate the consequences of this morning's arrival on their own, listen to what the locals say about the terrorist attack they experienced. the entire loggia on that side, the entire loggia on this side, on the suvorova side, a broken window, in the room the entire mutilated frame of the window of the loggia is broken, the glass is sad, the main thing is that no one was hurt, everything is so sad, it was also very loud in the basement, i met the first one here on the porch, just as i was going down to the basement, i was very scared, well and then in the basement all the explosions were heard and it was very loud, part of the rocket hit the roof of the house. it was frightening and it was scary, today there was a powerful attack on kryvyi rih as well, there due to shelling by the russian army 47 people were injured and 10 people died as a result of another shelling, there
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hitting one of the city's enterprises, the blow itself came at ten in the morning, when all the people were rushing to work. here, listen to what the head of the district military administration says. there is a hit in one of the enterprises and there are casualties, ten people died, and 47 were injured of various degrees of severity, nine of them are in a serious condition, search and rescue operations are still continuing, because the air alarm is constantly interrupting, and during the alarm the rescuers stop their work and it is complicated by this e now. law enforcement officers are collecting material evidence and recording the consequences of russian war crimes, and tomorrow july 9 has been declared a day of mourning in kryvyi rih itself. this is the situation today in dnipropetrovsk oblast. sasha thank you very much, marko. marko ruchka, correspondent of the 11th channel from
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the city of dnipro, joined the svobodalay airwaves. he actually told the last details of the shelling of dnipropetrovsk region. ukraine initiates an emergency security council meeting. un, because of today's missile, missile attack of the russian federation. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi announced this in poland today and promised to take revenge. about the massive missile attack on ukraine, as well as its goals and... how ukraine can react and, in fact, how the west can react to it, we will talk further. defense express military portal expert ivan kyrychevskyi is in touch with us. good evening. good evening. well, the first question for you, as a military expert and someone who knows how to work with open data, let's start with the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. they claim that the destruction of khmadit was allegedly caused by a ukrainian air defense missile. and from the available open data, photo and video, is it possible to refute this... statement and say for sure that it is just a fake. listen, i have a direct
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methodological question for you, why should the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation be taken into account here at all, so literally i have a question for you as a journalist who works, if, you know, further west of the border we have, we have an audience, there is a question absolutely, and i'm actually, well, i'm actually giving the opportunity to completely close this issue and move on, so please, or? you understand, if, even, if, if, even, if the irreparable would happen, and x101 would fall ohmadite, as a result of the damage, it would change something in terms of hitting a civilian object, no, well, the available video materials that are shown there show that, in principle, the rocket fell at an angle of 45°, well, you know, it was stated in the regular mode, well, that especially, too, does not change the tragedy, you understand, if the complexity of russian war crimes is not only that... they can, for example, ignore some there, for example , accompanying civilian
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victims, and the fact that they, for example, they don't even try to, well , you know, minimize these victims, because as international practice shows, countries that consider themselves civilized, or at least just right in everything, they, for example, warn in advance, well, that's what even israel tried to achieve , well , to comply during the recent conflict in the gas sector, the russians... did not do it, accordingly, in this case, if we really try to understand the, let's say, the nature of the crime that the russian federation committed today, the statement of the ministry of defense of the russian federation does not is of no importance, of course, so i want to ask you how you can evaluate the work of ukrainian air defense, we already have a comment from the air force, from a representative of the air force that the tactics of strikes, actually mass missile strikes, are changing, and the ukrainian authorities from ... on the fact that more air defense means are needed, as of now, this is the result, 30 out of 38, is this
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a sufficiently effective air defense operation, and does this mean that despite the fact that 30 managed to shoot down everything they tried to target specifically vokhmadit and thus ukrainian air defense on purpose exhausted, well, let's say, the same materials in the public domain show that maybe something with air statistics on ... in this case, not so, but it's not the fault of the air force, you can just, you know, remember, well, just you know, for for the simplicity of the explanation, i will recall one of the pre-war calculations, back when khomchak was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, it seems to be 2020, and even then there were calculations that we needed four patriot batteries in particular to cover kyiv fully, well, plus a bunch of other air defense systems, this is just history about what we have, if open source all these air defense systems that have been delivered. from the west, well, in theory, it should be enough, you know, to concentrate around kyiv and plus or minus
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to protect it, and leave the rest of the territory of ukraine without cover, so here you can even not rely on various figures that can be discussed, here, simply at the level of general trends, one can answer that our need for additional means of air defense, unfortunately, will never end, so really, and here actually, as you rightly pointed out, the territory of ukraine is large enough to cover it, actually how... whatever this number of air defenses is, i suggest now to listen to an excerpt of volodymyr zelenskyi's statement, he stated the day before that there is a plan to double the capacity of ukrainian air defenses during the summer. let's listen and get back to the discussion. i set a task for our team to double our defense in the summer thanks to air defense systems, primarily patriot, others patriot, hock, iris. so, if you implement a plan like this... it can strengthen the ukrainian ability air defense, or what will russia need to do
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to break through it anyway? i believe that asking the question here that it will somehow strengthen, but we will have to wait for some tangible results, is not incorrect in principle, because the head of state himself previously stated that for a full-fledged overlap of the territory of ukraine, we this, you know, is a one hundred percent need, that is 100%, that's 50 batteries of patriots, so it works out, we need to disarm the us army. unfortunately, yes, these are objective realities, that's all less than 50 patriot batteries, which, unfortunately, no one is in a hurry to give us, all this is not enough, here in this case it is necessary, it is necessary to record what if for the ukrainian audience. who will listen to us, so let's tell the audience to the west that there is talk of the fact that we can be given approximately four patriot batteries and it seems that one italian-french sumpty, this is by no means a reason to ask the question later: oh, well you you will probably shoot down 100% of the missiles now, no, it simply means that we received approximately these four patrion batteries and one sumpti battery, which can, you know, allow us to simply cover certain geographical spaces, but
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attention, cover geographical spaces, and not there to satisfy someone's expectation that it should grow immediately. to unprecedented values ​​of the percentage of shooting down missiles. indeed, this process is ongoing, and each new air defense system is welcomed in kyiv, but, as you rightly pointed out, it will never be enough. and do you see any significance in the exact time of this massive strike, that is exactly what happened on the eve of the washington nato summit. do you think there is a political signal in this as well? the goal of the russians in this case is simply terror, not terror. regardless of chronological links, regardless of any judgments, the russians can choose the time of the strike, for example, relying on our internal situation, because , for the sake of justice, before that there were many scandals about which there, well, there could be doubts among our compatriots about the extent to which we are able to effectively defend our territory, it turns out that the russians waited and
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have accumulated, let's say, a stock of missiles and a stock of arguments to strike on this particular date, the link under... on that may exist in the sick statements of russian propagandists, but it is unlikely that specific planning there at the level of the russian military was based on this, and and you know, from a practical point of view, it was all right even if the russians really set the task of the nato summit, well , it will not bring any practical consequences for them, or in principle for anyone from turin or there, negative or positive, so i do not think that this binding, well, that is, the date of the strike to the date... there was no place for the summit. and if we analyze the tactics by which this massive strike was carried out, is it different from previous such massive strikes and can ukraine's own forces, the air force, adapt to them? let's face it , it is impossible to adapt to any extreme scenario in the world. this, too, should be recorded again, especially against the background of the fact that, literally or not tomorrow, there will be talk
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of additional air defense systems for ukraine, the answer was that not there were temptations, even. the question is, oh, we gave you a couple of batteries, you should have enough of that, and somehow in the west, even weak-minded gosling styles were still there, what do you know, you have the technique from the previous counterattack, not a counterattack, why don’t you counterattack, and what about the tactics , but here it comes to mind that the russians, you know, have not carried out daily airstrikes since 2022, and perhaps this was due to the specifics of missile guidance, because they have x101 missiles, which have been modernized with the appropriate in such a way as to lead by an image of an optoelectronic station, here , too, by the way, at the level of arguments, well , it’s just been known for two years that the russians use kh101 missiles modernized so that they can be guided not only by coordinates, but also, let’s say, by optical targeting, respectively all the rockets fell not just where the computer coordinates led them, but they also took pictures of where they should fall,
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accordingly, at the same time, i had such a specific emotional reaction, let's prove that we are not camels in the sense that this not we are crazy were killed, and it fell on okhmadit itself, so such a logic may be dictated by them to strike at lunchtime, that is, to, let's say, guaranteed to guide missiles that are guided by optical target guidance , and now volodymyr zelenskyi is visiting poland , there he and the prime minister of this country, donald tusk, signed a security agreement with poland, which, among other things, provides for the development of a mechanism for shooting down russian missiles in the airspace of ukraine. and drones launched in the direction of poland, that's what it can do mean, is it really worth expecting that poland can at some point start helping to shoot down missiles in the ukrainian sky, i am always a supporter of such a territory, to have low expectations, and then be pleasantly surprised by what has opened, well, because, for the sake of justice, poland has its own mirrors there are only two
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patriot batteries that are supposed to cover warsaw, that's two, well, it seems like one british complex ka. that's all, the entire list of their modern air defense systems is limited by these, maybe they have them there there are still old soviet s200s somewhere, maybe they don’t have these s200s anymore, they overpowered somewhere, of course, the codes, the country and the poles themselves hinted about it, well, then their air defense operation is based on 15 pieces of soviet s-125s, which classmates e- that's it, classmates of the american mime 23 howl, and it turns out that in this case we are even with our horse, as per our needs of the nomenclature. rka, well, relative to the poles, we look like a bat not a bat, well, that is, in a more, you know, stronger position. as for aviation in 16, well, that's right there interesting, maybe we will watch together. how will the poles themselves manage to shoot down these drones, komikaz, and rockets there in 16 years, maybe some experience will tell us this, but nevertheless, in this case, i suggest
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to start with low expectations, so that maybe later we will be surprised , which, let's say, hidden possibilities were closed, well, because again we say the ledge there should bring surprises for the enemy, these surprises should not be counted in open sources. of course, thank you very much for joining our broadcast and helped you understand better. actually, ah, what could be the logic behind how to close ukrainian skies and strengthen ukrainian air defense systems, and actually, what can be realistically expected from such capabilities. defense express military portal expert ivan kyryachevsky was in touch with us. is the russian federation trying to force ukraine to make peace on its own terms with such deadly missile attacks. and isn't hungarian prime minister viktor orban helping moscow in this... today he paid an unannounced surprise visit to china. in on his social networks, orbán dubbed this visa visit the mission of peace 3.0. in beijing, he held
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talks with chinese president xi jinping, and orban actually went to beijing after visiting kyiv at the end of last week, where he held talks with president volodymyr zelenskyi, later orban visited moscow, where he had a meeting with vladimir putin. the eu previously distanced itself from orbán's visit to russia. and now the vice-chancellor of the german government, robert habek , emphasized that orbán did not represent the european union in beijing, although hungary currently presides over the eu. in beijing, orbán supported china's so-called peace plan, which provides for a truce in the war between russia and ukraine, as well as the start of peace talks. the chinese leader called, as he put it, for the cooling of tensions between russia and ukraine, and the chinese foreign ministry spokesman said that xijin ping is in talks with hungary. prime minister, advocated a ceasefire . president xi jinping stressed that it is in the interests of all torinos to seek a political settlement through a quick ceasefire. currently,
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it is necessary to focus on three principles: so that it does not spill over from the current theater fighting, to prevent an escalation of hostilities and a ceasefire from all sides, and to cool down the situation as soon as possible. the international community should create conditions for the restoration of direct dialogue and negotiations between. what threats does viktor orbán's tour pose for ukraine, which does not share either the hungarian or the chinese idea of ​​a just peace. we will talk about this later, the people's deputy of ukraine and the head of the permanent delegation in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, maria mezyntseva fedorenko, will join the air. good evening, i wish you health, good evening, if it is good, of course. mrs. maria, how do you like this tour? orban, first he was in kyiv, then in moscow, and now in beijing, what is his goal, except that, well, maybe it works well for his personal pr and the pr of hungary itself, who
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does orban represent here? you know, it seems to me that this is such a coincidence that in one of the comments of the illegitimate president of the russian pseudo-empire, putin, he said that he communicates with orbán as with the head of the european council. while you rightly pointed out, the eu absolutely officially distanced itself on all channels from the tour that began in moscow and continued in beijing, and orbán will probably limit himself to this, trying to use the six months of hungary's presidency of the european council as a so-called peacekeeping mandate or negotiator. in general, when we were preparing as a state for his unannounced, but really very prepared visit to ukraine, where many
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positive economic discussions took place, where hungary finally took the courage to open the first full-fledged ukrainian-language school at a time when ukraine has more than 90 such schools for hungarian children. who communicate in hungarian as their native language, that is , for the hungarian national minorities who live compactly in transcarpathia, and you know, for us both the issue of export and the issue of additional transit, all this is very important, but this is, let's say, usurping the great powers of communication at a time when no one authorized it, mr. orban, at least from our side, we had an explanation from the ministry of foreign affairs. we, as a state we continue to support the plan that united 101 states and three more well-known, powerful international, global,
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supranational bodies. the meeting that took place in switzerland covered three of the ten points of the peace plan, they are completely clear, they are supported by the whole world, this is the issue of the return of all illegally deported children, the exchange of prisoners, not an exchange, because according to the geneva conventions, russia does not have the right to imprison civilians, the return of civilians to ukraine to their homes, all those illegally received by the russian federation since... 2014, this caused many levels of cooperation, additional, let's say, working groups, even at the par level within the framework of 46 parliaments, we created an additional coalition, for example, on the issues of ukrainian children, including internally displaced persons and those who suffer from this war at home ms. maria, actually hungary also joined the summit in
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switzerland, so... here i am. my question concerns the peace plan proposed by orbán, it actually, as i understand it, does not contradict the three points of zelenskyi's peace formula, which were actually agreed upon in switzerland, however, as i understand it , it says something that the rest of the points do not quite coincide with, and orban in particular, i understand that orban's peace plan also coincides with the chinese peace plan, and it talks about an immediate ceasefire and the beginning of negotiations between ukraine and russia. it is not about the withdrawal of troops, and we know that russia also requires, so to speak, the recognition of territorial realities, so that this does not mean, so, does the approach of orbán and sidzin pinn somehow fit into the concept of a just peace, which , as kyiv sees it, are there any points for cooperation here, especially after today's terrible genocidal morning with massive war crimes, it does not fit into the vision of the state
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of ukraine. does not fit into the vision that is supported, well, not even, yes, let’s say, literally half of our planet, the support will be even more, it’s just that we are returning to certain circles and reference points that the state of ukraine has already passed in 14- m, 15th, 16th and so on years of the first, the first, the first eight years of this terrible war, now we are in the 11th year, in... in general it has been going on for almost a millennium, well, but now it’s not about historical retrospectives, now it’s about what we called as a state regarding the ceasefire of the withdrawal of troops, and this question of the withdrawal of troops is not in the 11 points of china’s plan, there is no vision of orbán, but there is an agreed the peace formula, which was voted by 143 un countries in january 23. if we are talking about comprehensive and
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comprehensive'. or support, then this is exactly the plan that should be further promoted, promoted in the best sense of the word and implemented, that is why president zelensky insists on the holding of the second summit with the coalition states, we hope there will be more of them, today's acts of genocide, and we are trying today, it is very important that we discuss it with you, but it is even more important to bring it to the attention of those who, you know, still pay a visit orban, well, higher in the rating of your news than the targeting, the direct targeting by russian ballistics of one of the largest children's hospitals in the world, mrs. marika, you see in this case a threat to the promotion of the peace formula that ukraine itself is promoting, if orban is really like that goes to moscow, then he goes to beijing, now
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he is already on his way to... and there are rumors that he may have a meeting with the presidential candidate donald trump there, is there a possibility that this will jeopardize the actual advancement of the ukrainian plan , i don’t see a threat, it’s the same, if you know, there you like hot weather, and i like cold, and we evaluate what the weather is like today, for me it is more acceptable for you less and vice versa, that is, if it is very simple to say, these are the same thing. definitely not at risk the most widely supported ten-point peace plan that the state of ukraine has, and even more, i am sure that already in the second wave of discussions, to which, by the way, the vision was already transferred to the russian side, they could calmly familiarize themselves with it and accept a balanced solutions, but again, look, there are demands and...


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