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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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protect yourself and understand that these threats are there, they will be, until the moment when the russian federation exists, but now, by the way, on the screens you can see a map where almost all of ukraine, except for the west of kharkiv and luhansk regions, is red from anxiety well , let's remind you that tomorrow at 5 p.m. the un security council, which is being convened at the request of ukraine, great britain, france, slovenia, and ecuador, will take place. the russian federation, of course, plans to deny that it was its missile that hit ukraine's largest children's hospital, okhmadyt. they are already practicing the methodology that it was ukrainian nasams, and ukraine committed this provocation in order to make a bad impression on nato, which is holding tomorrow. summit in washington, and it is possible
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in this way to somehow incite our colleagues and allies in the alliance, well, to invite us more thoroughly there, this is all a russian technique, our representatives, and officials, and the ministry of internal affairs, in particular , confirm and absolutely prove , along with all the conscious and unconscious. military experts that the rocket that flew, firstly, was in no way under the influence of our air defense system, unfortunately, this is one of those missiles that our air forces not only failed to hit, but it hit its target absolutely accurately. imagine, the target of russian terrorists is a children's hospital.
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the fact that the strike was planned, that it was aimed precisely at the target and exactly at the target of okhmadit, there is no doubt, in my opinion, in anyone who simply looks at what is happening, who analyzes the audiovisual materials that have already is in the network, which concerns the russian segment on the internet, they are very satisfied, moreover, some of them say that one more missile would not have hurt, and this is how they ... react to photos of parents with children in the street near the bodies of the victims, this is just some kind of madness, but we thank you very much and once again admire the courage of ukrainian people, people in the performance of their direct duties, and today they are also ukrainian doctors, let's listen to the head of the oncology department okhmadita, she talked to our journalist, told what happened practically in... the first seconds , the first minutes
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after the arrival of the rocket, the air alarm sounded, it started everyone, yes, the department is difficult, everyone is under infusions and everyone cannot be admitted, we began to pull them into the corridor little by little, those who were lying down did not know how to lower, but they wanted to lower, everyone who walked left from nurses downstairs, we began to take the lying patients out into the corridors a little. and just as i was pulling the lying person out of the box, and there was such a wave, and just, well, just luck, that nothing at all fell on the child, well, luckily, well , somehow, i don’t know, that’s how the stars became, that’s just, well in my department, all targets, all targets, everyone has already been evacuated, the minister of health, viktor lyashko also... gave his comment, he
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told what happened to ahmadit and how significant this blow is. let's listen. our entire hospital was damaged, we have five facilities, five facilities of okhmadit and one of the children's cardiac surgery center were damaged. all the patients here are babies who came for medical help, and these are babies who came for unique medical care, because this is a national- scale clinic, and treatment is also done here. and operational interferences, which, unfortunately, are not... done almost anywhere else, or in some point institutions, so this is another manifestation of russian terrorism, well, when we actually see it, when we generally discuss the issue of air defense, not air defense, when we in general , we are starting to react to some russian narratives, well, i am quite skeptical about this , because i apologize to whoever started the war with ukraine, the russian federation. who
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launches missiles into ukraine? russian federation. who is killing our people? russian federation. when, therefore, when someone talks about what is there whether the air defense system was working correctly or not. air defense, when, i apologize, 40 missiles are flying, it actually works at the limit of its capabilities, just at the limit, if all types of missiles, daggers, iskanders, cruise missiles of various types are aimed at one point, that is , we understand that russia every day 24 hours , 7 days a week, 365 days a year commits terrorist acts. crimes against our country, it is russia that is killing our people every day and is being killed, it is not just putin who is killing, it is the russians who are being killed, those russians who, as khrystyna said, were extremely happy today, you you know, when i looked today at
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the segment of russian social networks in general, there is excitement, there is just a boom, there is satisfaction, they got out of their swamp from... from st. petersburg to magadan, from vladivostok to rostov, and they had a good start to monday, they they make these insults with lights, they make a class, they, they, they tell each other in front of each other how it is necessary to hit ukrainian objects, how it is necessary to destroy ukrainian maternity hospitals, how it is necessary to destroy ukrainian children, how it is necessary to add a dagger once more to kyiv , do you understand how? who is sick a country that is deeply ill, imperialist, not even imperialist, these are crooked terrorists, who are all terrorists who justify such strikes and rejoice, this simply shows
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that there is nothing to negotiate with russia, by the way, about the possible consequences this particularly cynical attack on the children's hospital and in another way, let's recall the medical facility, where there are also, if i'm not mistaken, seven people, this is firstly, secondly, there is also a maternity ward there, well that is , the consequences, whatever they may be, there are always two ways, someone will look at this and become even more angry and convert these people into some solutions, the average ukrainian is on duty. donat, one of the world leaders in the next batch of powerful military support for our country, and i would like to believe that the nato summit in washington will be able to make such a complete, completely unconscious invitation of our
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country to the alliance. this is one way, there is another way, to look at it and understand that they are completely sick, they are completely perverted, and fight... against this, well , you can't go to infinity, maybe you should atone, to buy back a part of the ukrainian territories, and perhaps to accede to some of their demands simply in order not to screw up this sick person, and i am really very afraid that someone, someone from the civilized world, may have thoughts of the nature of the second option, that about that i and they already arise, but you about reactions? i'm not even talking about the reaction, i'm talking about viktor orban, who, by the way, said that now i will find, in the next two or three months there will be more victims than in the last six months, orban announced in an interview with bild, ukraine and russia rejected my proposal, first
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declare a truce and then start negotiations, my task is to focus on how to achieve peace, you see, here is the dove of peace... who promotes russian interests, the person who went to legitimize the terrorist putin, not only as prime minister hungary, but also how, i'm sorry, the head of europe, as the state that really presides over the european union today, went to legitimize it, starts talking about a truce, but i'm sorry, but the truce will not be broken. russia, as it has been violated since 2014, how many times, how many times times they started a truce, i remember russia saying, all 0:00 at night, we, we will not shoot, 0:01, they shoot, it's about
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how much you can trust russia, and that orban trusts russia , well here, you know, i don't believe that this person is doing this from the bottom of his heart, i absolutely... understand that today, unfortunately, some countries, some leaders, some prominent politicians in europe, and not only in europe, and all over the world, have become the same. putin's voice, have become a kind of guide of russian narratives, and most of all, me it is striking, unpleasant, it is really the fact that now putin is meeting with the leaders of some large states, where huge populations, who have huge economic potential, are considered to be coming to putin and are silent, they are silent about the crimes committed by the russian federation on the territory of ukraine. they actually legitimize putin today in the eyes of the whole
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world, and they show that somewhere there is some kind of civilized world, and somewhere there is a world that accepts putin, that is ready to come to him in moscow, that is ready to receive him in himself in the country, who is ready to buy his oil, receive his bloody rubles, supply him with some kind of goods, some elements for weapons, this is the biggest ... tragedy, this is what just finishes, especially after such black days as today, when even on the same day the leading politicians of the great powers are ready to meet with putin and are not ready to tell him even at this meeting, dear, what are you doing, what, what can we talk about with you further, nevertheless, if we talk about the reaction civilized world on everything that happens, you have to give credit practically... to all authoritative media of any nature, all on the front pages,
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or near the front pages, but they have exactly a blow to ohmadite. as for the reaction of the leaders of the heads of european states: poland, we know, today the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi met with donald tusk, there are signed framework documents and agreements. tusk emphasizes that the attack on the hospital is terrible on the part of the russians, at the same time underlining that ukraine needs the support of the entire civilized world in the fight. great britain, which recently was also in an active election process, and thank god, at least here. conservatives, labor, it doesn't matter, in the context of supporting our state. we will remind you that both of these forces speak out in support of ukraine, for providing us with all the necessary help, the prime minister of great britain, keir starmer, emphasizes that the attack is on children. in the most appalling act, the head of the british government says that london will continue to support our country.
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peter pavel, the czech republic, the president of this country, and the author, quite important, i would even say, v one moment of the rescue initiative, on ammunition for us, emphasized that the attack on the most vulnerable is inexcusable, and the mass attack on july 8 shows that the russians will stop at nothing, so the czech... expects a consensus at the nato summit in washington on the extent to which russia is a threat to the civilized world. well, let's recall that petr pavel is a person who knows how the north atlantic alliance works. bosch held relevant positions there. estonia estonian prime minister kaia kalas condemns russian attack, shocking footage of hits of a russian missile at okhmadyt hospital, the largest children's hospital in ukraine, is a reminder of why we must. support ukraine and why outright russian war criminals should be brought to justice. moldova was also
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not silent. here is maya sandu, who emphasizes that ohmadit hospital saved thousands of lives, but the russians decided to turn it into a ruin. ambassadors and heads of foreign affairs of various countries are speaking out, and we really hope that this support and understanding that it simply cannot continue like this. will translate into something, at least something, let's not be too optimistic, but we would like a realistic answer to what happened today and will continue to actually happen, but in washington tomorrow, i would like important things to be said there, there, there, in fact important, perhaps changing, will change the situation in our favor. the latest data, 27 people among them... three children died, and this is only in kyiv, this is an update from the kyiv city
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military administration, 82 people were injured, and i remind you that another 11 people on dnipropetrovsk region died, and three more people died in donetsk region, donetsk region, and this is only from rocket attacks, we are not talking about daily losses on the front line from shelling. on actual front-line settlements, on what are the consequences of people who later, unfortunately, die in hospitals, after the attack. on landmines, after numerous injuries, that is, we are really talking about the genocide that the russian federation is committing in relation to ukraine, at the expense, by the way, of conversion, but we talk a lot about nato, we are very we talk a lot about the importance of ukraine joining nato, today's events, all the events of all
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the previous days, months, weeks, they... clearly indicate that the western, civilized world needs to realize that ukraine must finally become a member of nato in order to turned into this terrible terror and terrible genocide, and when the world politicians come to this, finally, when the world politicians finally mature to this, then it is possible that there will be some real turning point in favor of the civilized world, because until this moment russia thinks, well, listen if if they can't act so effectively, if they can't take this step, if they, if putin demands that ukraine not join nato, the world basically allows it to happen, then we're sorry, we'll continue to do so, and that's the case not
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the last attack on ukrainian peaceful cities, on ukrainian pologol. at the ukrainian hospital, ukrainian houses, and i will remind you that today in the solomyansk district there is also a whole entrance, there is no entrance, i will remind the shkolyn district of the business center in shevchenkivskyi, a huge number of a huge number, there are updates, right now i am looking at the updates on the kmva page, and there is simply an incredible, sad, terrible, huge list, which every... hour is supplemented with a list of objects on which there were, if not strikes, then which were hit by shrapnel from russian missiles, shrapnel that russia brought here in order to kill our civilian population, to kill the ukrainian nation, but it should be noted that it is at such moments that
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some simply incredible consolidation of ukrainian society takes place, chain which was launched today in kyiv to help the okhmadyd children's hospital, it is absolutely impressive once again, in addition , the collection of united 24 and monobank continues, and private donors and businesses are joining in, and we are already talking about millions, tens of millions of aid for okhmadyd, horokhovsky from monobanku says that this collection is unlike anything else, i have never seen such a pace, not over... unusual people and businesses, kudos to the ukrainians, and in between, i would like to touch on the other side of the coin, so why, on sorry, sorry, i apologize for interrupting you, unfortunately, when you talk about unification, society, for some reason there is very often no such unification in those days when there is more often than not, more often there is not , that is
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, if in 2022, in my opinion, the unification of society, it was practical. february, it, it was felt when you go out on the streets of our cities, regardless of where you come, where you go out, on which street, and now i see that a part of society, a part of people, especially those who, well, let's say so, say , professed not quite pro-ukrainian views, be it political or ideological, these people are starting to show their true face a little bit. we had several cases that week, which, to be honest, fit into a single picture. well, first of all, odesa-odesshchyna, a client of the vedclinic and a specialist, a veterinarian who is a defender and who has a double amputation of the lower limbs, who
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has returned to work with his prostheses, who absolutely, based on the audiovisual materials about it. the incident behaved more than ethically, it's just that a person did not rush into an absolutely shameful act for any reason i don't really understand the reaction, what it was, probably some true views are buried somewhere deep inside, then they broke out, this is a young man with a dog who asked for help, actually beat him up, sent, as they say, a person, then apologized, but the apology was not accepted, this is not the only case in odesa and odesa region, the fitness trainer there wished the death of a military man, and he... of course was handed over to the tsc, well, i don’t know how normal this practice is in general, regarding the work of the tsc in general, well there are certain
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deviations, as in any field, and they happen to any institution, but is this a reason to overturn, to overturn a car with representatives of the tsk in the enemy, for example , in the western part of our country, well, in my opinion, the question is absolutely. it is clear, that is , we see, we see episodes of showing, to put it mildly, disrespect for the military and , to put it bluntly, real aggression towards our heroes, when in kyiv they burn a car that belongs to the military, this is not normal, come on i will say this, well, i would not like us to talk about some trend now, traditionally, i would share these events, and they are actually much more, we are here, when
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we started our program, we discussed that language conflict, remember, that is, there were too many of these situations, and in different areas, burning military cars, constant language scandals, i'm sorry, maybe i'm not wrong. constant scandals with violation of the law, constant scandals with russian music, by the way, i have been here for the last week, if you take seven or eight days, i constantly see that there are scandals, posted there, posted there, some even episodic things that concern people who violate the law regarding the broadcasting of russian russian music in public space, there are of course also conflicts that... concern, perhaps, everyday things, perhaps that concern more people's misunderstanding, the powers of some body, but
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let's talk about tendency, and the tendency is that russian forces, pro-russian views, pro-russian some kind of agenda, which practically disappeared in 22, it begins to raise its head, and it began to raise... its head as early as 2023 somewhere at the end of the year, i saw this trend, this year this trend has simply grown many times. what is the problem the problem may be the inaction of the state, perhaps the state does not pay enough attention to all such, sorry, trivial elements. but there is another side of the medal, it consists in the fact that in ukraine the persons who professed the russian peace did not go anywhere. the opposition platform for life, a political force that was banned, its deputies are still in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. and for 2.5 years, everyone
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is talking about the fact that, well, we apologize, how is it in general, it may be that the people's deputies who went to medvedchuk's channels, who almost dragged putin here, who dragged the russian language here, who dragged the russian church here, dragged the russian peace here in any of its forms. manifestation, they vote everything normally, in local councils the same situation, i am sorry, there are people, there are people's deputies who already directly, for example, defend such and such persons, by the way, one of the people's deputies, mr. dmytruk , said that dem. yana hanula, who , in fact, is a person in odessa who helps identify these all ruskomirov elements must be brought to justice for the fact that he ... is doing this, and i am already silent about the fact that no one in the verkhovna rada of ukraine is going to consider the law on the prohibition of the russian church for some reason. so, people's deputy
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of ukraine, mykola knyazhytsky, by the way, constantly talks about this, emphasizes, writes, draws attention to it, as one of the co-authors of this draft law, about the fact that for months one of the key for ukrainian security, i. .. as state security, information security, of any security, how can it not be accepted, how can such issues be sabotaged, how can issues be sabotaged, and i say once again, certain pro-russian persons who are still in ukraine, who are already openly speaking on various platforms about the fact that it is necessary to make peace there, it is necessary to negotiate somewhere, but the russian... church should not be banned, but it is not necessary, and the russian language should still be in ukraine, it does not belong there to putin, it belongs to the russian people, no belongs to no one, that is, if there are public ones
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persons, if there are people's... deputies, if there are forces, if there are activists, bloggers of all kinds, who in general suggest disrespecting the state, breaking the law, actually promoting russian peace, well, so far so light, ugh, ugh, for now, because in the 22nd year, at the beginning of the 23rd , they did not allow themselves such a thing, and now they are already very, very, very slowly starting to promote it, so what can we be talking about, so... these people have their viewers, they have their voters, there are people who profess all this, that is, we understand that because of such persons it is quite possible that the russian mir is shaking up the situation, i am already silent about the fact that the russian mir in social networks is very active, very active, and we also do not react to this as we should, we also do not react as a state to manifestations of various kinds. provocations on
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social networks, i understand that we are a democratic country, but if we do not react to the manifestations of the terrorist russian world in ukraine, well, then democracy may not happen in ukraine either, because ukraine may not happen if we tolerate in ukraine russian, here are the results we have russian on our screens. anything you see now, well, in general, you can’t help but notice, and andriy has already said a few words about it, that those people who, who are in the opposition , are quite critical of the armed forces, of the defense forces of ukraine, in general, the same shevelenko , who almost attacked a veterinarian and our veteran, he
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was actually a freelancer. this is a reminder of dmytruk, who defends, defends what happened in odessa, and now actually initiates, initiates some negative consequences for demyan hanul, who defends ukrainian in odessa. all these people one way or another, they are present and represented in those seats that are related to... decisions in our country, to be honest , this does not suit me very well in the third year of the great war with the russian federation, and nevertheless, we we cannot ignore the stupid things that people in chairs do from time to time, i don’t know if we can talk in this context about a fight between some
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people’s deputies, a deputy... and representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, but we see that in overall compromising the adequacy of the work and the implementation of its direct responsibilities of the defense forces of ukraine in the political community is gaining momentum, and in my opinion this is an insanely dangerous story, somewhere someone will say, well, the drama requires it, yes... our military can be cats for life, they also make mistakes, but i'm sorry, let's go the hot phase of the russian-ukrainian war, an extremely high temperature, and on the other hand, we see a complete compromise of the air force on the part of mariana bezuglai, the air force did not claim that khmadit was hit by debris, but she accused that...
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er, the representatives and spokesmen said about the wreckage, well, in a word, i don’t understand why this is, and whatever it is, it does not add any balance and harmony to society in any way, we are all shaken and swaying even more, even more so, shaking that , on what the ukrainian state, ukrainian society stands now, it is the armed forces and the defense forces, well, as far as i'm concerned, it's just a disservice, i just see that... that someone is trying to settle scores with someone, that is, when someone does not like someone , we have such talking heads, as they used to be called, and they are starting to settle scores with someone, first of all , remember the industrious, i, by the way, by the way, by the way, today is valery's birthday.


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