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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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the air force did not claim that okhmadite was hit by debris, but it blamed what the representatives and spokespeople said about the debris, well, in a word, i don't understand why this is and that this does not add any balance and harmony to society in any way. we are all shaken and to shake even more, especially to shake what the ukrainian state, ukrainian society stands on now. armed forces and defense forces, well, as far as i'm concerned, this is just a disservice, i just see that someone, in relation to someone, is trying to settle scores, that is, when someone doesn't like someone, we have such talking heads, as they used to be called, and they start to settle scores with someone, first of all, remember the hard-working one, by the way, by the way, today is his birthday. and
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we congratulate him by chance from our program, from the espresso tv channel. but let's return to our topic. first , the discrediting of the meritorious person, then someone else, someone else, someone else from the generals, now oleschuk has fallen out of favor, of course, well, that is, that is , we see that through certain people's deputies, through certain public figures, the discrediting of someone, settlement of accounts begins. with someone, is this normal in a warring country in which, once again, i repeat, what happened today is happening, is this normal, no, this is not normal, but another story, which is that yes, indeed there may be some problems somewhere, and yes, when, for example, active military personnel who are directly, or at the front, or somewhere have...
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questions to someone, from their leadership, someone else, they have the right, either in accordance with the current legislation statement somewhere, or if it doesn't work, to go public carefully, they do it, and i think there are no questions about them, because these people have the right, these people know from the inside what is right and what is wrong, and i apologize when some politician , or a blogger. whether an expert or whether someone else emerges from the absolute or the one who nominates himself for the presidential elections, and this is an arrestee, a delirious arrestee is a known fugitive, i think there is no need to pay attention to him at all, i still hope that after all those anti-ukrainian statements finally, about him too there will be certain actions on the part of law enforcement agencies, but less, however, there are a number of directions where... unfortunately, the division
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of society is increasing, and here everyone must work around it, both politicians and the state must work, by the way, if we are talking about the russian world, when you spoke, including for this person, who came to the veterinarian, yes, i believe that there should be responsibility for the spread of the russian world, the narratives of the russian world in ukraine, because a person comes, here he is, for example, this hero of ours, our defender, and to him how much will they write out, uah 170 for petty hooliganism, and it is not easy there, or for example, this person who wished death with the armed forces of ukraine to our defenders, how to qualify it, i apologize, there is simply not even an article on many of these things, how to qualify all these statements, all these things, or some bloggers who leave ... from ukraine and then go on live
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broadcasts, pour dirt on ukraine, how to qualify it? i believe that for any promotion of the terrorist russian world in ukraine, there should be at least a fairly significant amount administrative responsibility, and at most criminal, because these people, dragging anything russian to ukraine, they drag here tanks, missiles, daggers, iskanders, and accordingly, in the final case , that, death and occupation, that too. it must be understood that the state, i repeat here once again, does not finalize. i would also like to outline a little the specifics of the reaction of ukrainians to what happened today. we have seen everything during this war, but it breaks through the bottom again, there, relatively speaking, they knocked somewhere from below. i observed approximately such reflections today and among my own circle of acquaintances, and e.g. in social networks, seeing how
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people react, and i was a little surprised why people were surprised, uh, they say, well, the russians have fallen even lower. after hitting the okhmadite, but no, they were there in principle, that is, it is not another bottom, it is simply, well, if it was a static stay on the day they got into, which they organized, well, for example, in kyiv region or kharkiv region back in 2022, because this is perversion in murders, in tortures, in absolutely. nocidal practice, we saw all this in the occupied buchi, in the liberated later raisin, when they found our people in the forests, excuse me, and there was an understanding of how these people died, what was their terrible path to
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their last breath, so the strike on okhmadito should not have surprised ukrainians in any way, but it did so, that's why andrew? well, he surprised me because people relaxed, because people relaxed, maybe we are too humane ukrainians, and we don’t even imagine that someone can do that, on the other hand, krystyna, in fact, ukrainians are really humane by nature, ukrainians are very very often forgiven this is one of the i don't want to discuss the features there because it is, as they say, everyone's business, but in general we are really a people who forget very often, who forget very quickly. unlike some others, who for years, even centuries, carry the memory of certain events, and carry certain warnings about something, but people have relaxed, people have forgotten, especially where there are no missile strikes, where
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there are no, and and even, listen, even, even where there are missile strikes, even where there is constant russian terror, we see that there are people who are ready... to justify russian, to justify russia anyway, that is, this is a problem, this is a problem in the context of what we said a few minutes ago, people should not be surprised, people should understand that russia and russian will always be like this, it was like this for 20 years, 10, 100 years, 200, 300, it is like this, was and will be, and no matter how many days pass... it will happen even if peace comes, conditionally speaking, or they stop shooting, as someone says, will there be any kind of frost, will the russians become different from this, will they be in their will the entities forget that they want
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to destroy ukraine and the ukrainian thing, never, they never will and they will never disappear, let's face it, there may be some out there... epiphanies are periodic, but in no way does it fundamentally change them , our task, our task is to do everything to protect ourselves, and a huge wall or moat with crocodiles between us, well, it is unlikely, to be honest, but here is an invisible shield from the consolidation of the civilized world, here it can be, invisible, until russia will attack, of course. if she dares to do this, she will receive the response of all those who signed up for the holy cause of protecting her victim of aggression, and we very much hope that the crime of aggression in general
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will be recognized as a crime in international courts, our human rights defenders and our lawyers are currently working on this , and it will set a precedent. after that, we really hope. that anyone who wants to start armed aggression against someone for any reason will be considered a criminal and an aggressor. it is very important to finish it. very important to observe how tomorrow they will react to everything that is happening publicly and behind the scenes in washington, at the nato summit, which will be 100% under wraps. children's mutilations and deaths of doctors in ohmadita. we remind you that not only kyiv suffered today. today , kryvyi rih, dnipro, and the cities of donetsk region, which suffer practically every day, were affected. all this has become ukrainian everyday life. i would not
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like all this to become a commonplace of the civilized world, so that they continue to be shocked, because only shock therapy is obvious leads to some... systemic changes, we really hope for these changes, we hope for the operation of western fighter jets in our skies, for russian purposes, of course, and not only in our occupied territories, but also... in russian sovereign territories, because that is where they are concentrating their forces, that is where they are gathering with courage, excuse the words, to attack and conquer our territories, as they think, we have to fight with this, and the western world has to help us, tomorrow we will wait for some reflections, and the results survey, we you asked if we should wait for a sensation in favor of ukraine at the nato summit, tony, and we would like to understand what results we have today. 17%
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of those who called us believe that yes, we will definitely be told something extremely important and sensational, and 83% of our respondents believe that no, nothing will change. we are extremely grateful to you for staying on the espressa tv channel, for watching the new week. we will meet with you in seven days, at the same time, on monday. 20:00 and we will continue to analyze, discuss, to talk among ourselves and with our guests about ukraine, about its prospects and about ukrainian victory. thanks, stay tuned and see you soon. there are discounts representing the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in the pharmacies of travel pam and
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ochad there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudokrem 15 % in the pharmacies of travel pam and ochad discounts on edem 20% in travel pharmacies and savings her discounts are the only discounts on jevrofast softcaps 10% in travel and savings pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, it's a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component , serhiy zgurets, what is the world like, yuriy fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what... was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money under
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time of war oleksandr morshchevka is on the field of world and sports news, i invite yevgeny pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chikchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, presenters who have become like movrodnidenko to many already next to me, ready to talk about weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished studio guests. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, welcome. good day to you, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast winter, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, a tragic day for ukraine, the enemy carried out another, large-scale terrorist operation. terrorist attack on the territory of our country. 22 people died in kyiv. at the moment, the information
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is being clarified, we will also have an inclusion from okhmadyt, where according to preliminary estimates, ten people who died in kryvyi rih arrived today, one person died in the dnipro, according to the head of the donetsk military regional military administration, mr. filashkin, at least three people died in pokrovsk and more than 137 people were injured as a result of yet another massive enemy missile attack on the territory of our state, we will talk about it today, we will discuss it from all possible angles, but first of all, sympathy and... to the relatives and friends of the victims, the search is ongoing, rescue operations are ongoing in kyiv, i will remind you once again, we will have the inclusion of our correspondent from okhmadyt, where enemy rockets arrived today, also today the security agreement was signed in poland by the president of ukraine, and he was there today, he was there, we will also have input from poland, and
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we will talk about it, and actually, what missiles did the enemy use in the attack on ukraine today, can it be considered that it was possible to shoot down as much as possible to find out why modernized enemy missiles are so dangerous, serhii zgurets, the director of the defenseexpress agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column, will start with this. sergey, i congratulate you on the word. i can't say good evening, i just say congratulations, because today is actually a bad day and evening. yes, vasyl, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers, our column today will be dedicated to the real thing. the enemy's terrorist missile attack on ukraine and what is happening on the front line in a conversation with our experts about the main trends, more on that in a moment. today , the russian federation committed another war crime, the enemy launched a combined
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missile attack, the targets of which were several of our cities, namely kyiv, kryvyi rih, pro, sloviansk, kramatorsk and pokrovsk. the attack itself was actually carried out in two stages: a limited launch of four was carried out at night kha-101 missiles and two otrk iskander ballistic missiles, but already in the afternoon, or rather in the morning, around 10:30 in the morning, the enemy launched such a full-scale strike using 38 missiles of various types, in fact the entire arsenal, the enemy... used hypersonic zircons as well and dagger, iskander m ballistic missiles, kh-101, kh-22 cruise missiles, calibers and guided air missiles kh-59, kh-69. in anti-aircraft defense, it was possible to destroy 30 enemy missiles, and this, in my opinion, is a high
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figure, given the fact that the enemy is resorting to improving the means of attack and tactical... techniques that make it difficult to intercept these means of attack. if we are talking about kha-101 missiles, well, such traps are added to them that are fired and make it difficult for air defense equipment to work there, and for tactical use, these missiles flew at a much lower altitude than usual, now the enemy is using an echelon there in ranges up to 50 m, and of course in such conditions it is extremely difficult to intercept. when missiles are intercepted, then of course debris falls on our houses, but when we talk about ballistic iskanders, they have also improved, there these missiles received, as our military says, electromagnetic traps that complicate the work of air defense systems, in particular the same patriots, and this
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means that the enemy will improve the means of attack, and this simultaneously increases the requirements for our . air defense. today , a ballistic iskander and a truly hyper-accustomed zircon and two calibers, two kh-101 missiles and two kh-22 missiles broke through ukrainian air defenses. and these rockets and fragments of downed rockets caused considerable damage and trouble different cities of ukraine. in general, it is known that as a result of this attack, 31 people died and more than 120 were injured. in kyiv , 22 people died from this attack, more than 70 were injured, and as for the capital, which is the most protected by means of anti-aircraft defense, then of course there is a hit, as we know, in okhmadit, the most famous children's hospital, the blow fell on the department where children received
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dialysis , and there is a video of a missile attack on khmadit, now we see this... video, and what can be said about the analysis of this video? in fact, this is proof that the kha-101 missile had a children's hospital as its target, because conventionally speaking, we can see that the missile attacks after it has performed the slide maneuvers, that is, in fact, the missile is flying at an altitude of 50 m, it rises to a much higher height before the attack and then maybe here. strike on a target that was previously embedded in this missile, there are no signs that this missile was exposed to our counterattack by any means. defense, but it can be clearly stated that this missile was really aimed at ohmadit, that is actually a sign of such terrorist actions of the russian federation, but more, this main
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wave of missile attack, it was carried out on a day when the enemy probably counted on the fact that this information and video would be spread as much as possible, and it would somehow contribute to the intimidation of the ukrainian population , that is, in fact, this is just another manifestation of such terrorist... moves on the part of the russian federation, what conclusions should be drawn, we understand that this increases the need to transfer air defense equipment to us, i understand that this issue will be discussed at the nato summit rise, we already know that the netherlands has declared that it is necessary to transfer another air defense complex as soon as possible, which the netherlands is currently assembling together with other countries, and with other countries, there is also talk of speeding up the transfer of aircraft. to strengthen our air defense, it is also known that in this agreement, which today ukraine signed with poland on the security agreement, there is also an indicator that says that
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it has been agreed, this, as i understand it, is the first step, which still needs details about the possibility the use of poland's air defense system to shoot down cruise missiles and drones that are in the airspace of ukraine, but threaten or fly towards poland, these are the first steps, i think, to such a... closer integration of the ukraine-poland air defense system in the future perhaps ukraine and nato, where there will be effective interaction regarding intelligence data and means of impressing russian means of attack. in any case , we understand that today is such a difficult, dark day, but in any case it is still an impetus to strengthen our air defenses, to implement measures that allow destruction. the enemy on all fronts, and further we will talk about what exactly is happening on the front line, what changes are taking place there, in all areas where the enemy is
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currently trying to use the advantage of its manpower, aviation equipment, and viktor kevlyuk joins us , reserve colonel and expert of the center for defense strategies. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, mr. sergey. well, you saw it too these terrible blows on... the capital, pokhmadit, other cities. in your opinion, can this be an impetus for our partners to review the approaches to the supply and use of long-range weapons by the ukrainian side and speed up decisions on the transfer of air defense equipment to ukraine. unfortunately, i don't think so. events in ukraine, for the vast majority of western partners, are interesting content for morning coffee, nothing more. as for the small group that works in romstein, everything is planned there and it is unlikely that it will be possible to somehow change or accelerate these plans
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supply of what we need, so the situation, unfortunately, is not in our favor and to expect that they will suddenly start supplying us with everything we want, i am not sure that this will happen, well then we will return to the front line. where the enemy is trying, now there are three areas: pokrovsky, turetsky chasivyar, where the enemy is trying to carry out such offensive actions at the same time. what are the dynamics, according to your estimates, what are the possible changes and what are the time limits that can affect, relatively speaking, the change in the situation in these three areas? the enemy has the greatest operational success reached in the pokrovsky direction, but the enemy... it is necessary to decide, and where he is going to strike the main blow, in which direction to develop his success. so far , it can be said that the enemy moved
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the direction of his main attack, closer to the turkish district of the force defense, and intensified in the last week in the direction of kalinova, oleksandropil and closer to the village of severtne. as for turetsky's direction, the enemy. concentrated there for a long time, about a year and a half, gathered a group of 15,000 people, then the events in the kharkiv region began, 500 personnel were withdrawn from this group, thrown as reserves to other directions, the remaining 10,000 to the commanders of the enemy group of troops, they were introduced into the operation, and accordingly, without waiting for the end. creation of favorable conditions, the enemy launched a frontal attack on turkey, in principle, not being fully
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prepared for it. today, the main strike force there is the 132nd separate motorized rifle brigade of the first army corps of the donetsk separatists, which is advancing on the village of kalinove and tries to get on the road south of stara mykolaivka. every day we hear of intense fighting in the new york area, with the enemy coming from the south and the east, ah, in the direction. is trying to act in the direction of yuriyivkil and alexandropol, the 506th and 589th motorized rifle regiments are intensifying their efforts, formed again by the 27th motorized rifle division of the second combined army of the enemy, this is the former 21st separate motorized rifle brigade, one of the regiments is staffed by residents of the luhansk region.
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the situation is like this, the enemy has nothing comes out with a frontal offensive, despite the fact that the defense forces have withdrawn from the kanal microdistrict, because there is nothing to physically defend there anymore , destroyed buildings, destroyed positions, so holding defense in a clear field is far from the best solution, the enemy is trying to act by force... from the separate motorized rifle brigade of the 14th corps from the kalynyvka district and the 98th airborne brigade operates from the south, how will it develop over time, well, a very difficult question, it is difficult to answer clearly, i think that the fighting will last for about a month, maybe a month, i i want to clarify in the direction of natoretsk, what...
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contributed to the fact that the enemy managed to advance several kilometers there in such a relatively short period of time, some said that this was caused by our rotation, you did not confirm this topic, you said that , that the enemy simply gathered forces, well, and launched an offensive with overwhelming forces, well, how do you explain this, in open sources you can find an explanation of what the defense forces did in the turetsk area. unfortunately, it is impossible, the command does not report in this way to the public, but those facts, well, you can to collect in open sources, they say that the enemy clearly had a numerical advantage and used the factor of tactical suddenness. in principle, this is the maximum that can now be confidently stated. and isn't this pattern repeating itself in the other direction as we speak
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there. about the area of ​​kupets kremina, where lately we have heard of new settlements, there is pišchane makivka, where the enemy is trying to advance there, is this not a repetition of the enemy's pattern of actions under the same turetsky, it is not excluded, although we see that in the lemansk region in this direction, the enemy deployed the recently formed 25th combined arms army, which is inexplicable... it has not been able to act against the bridgehead of the defense forces on the black stallion river in the last six months, but accordingly the combat task stands, the enemy has become more active in the northern direction, and without success in the limansky, all further actions related to the mastering, capture by the enemy of the slavic-kramator agglomeration do not make much sense, on kupinsky and in
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the kremennoy area, in these two directions we... observe that the 252nd motorized rifles, the 237th tank regiments, the third motorized rifle divisions, separate units of the 59th tank regiment of the 144th division, reinforced by units of the 283rd regiment of the 144th division, and most likely will try to seize the crossing over the black stallion river in the makiivka area, this will allow them to to further attack the defense forces in two directions. makivka nevske and chervonopovka nevske, what will they get out of this, well, something tells me that nothing, just like in the past. and mr. victor, i would like to ask about the findings of your center, the center for defense strategies, just a couple of days ago, i was reading your analysis where you talked about, well, your center talked about the fact that the armed forces of russia engaged more than 75% of all available forces in a combat operation, while the armed forces of ukraine or the
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defense forces. attracted only 33% of their own


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