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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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of the kremlin ideology, so they really needed those who would lead them. mykytka was ideal for this, young, unprincipled, talentless and with a thirst for money and illusory power. in addition, they found out that romanenko had been waiting for russian peace in melitopol for a very long time, tried to organize the movement of the immortal regiment and invited everyone to join the so-called. melitopol, legion. our law enforcement agencies found out that in may 2020, romanenko and his aides planned to distribute propaganda products of the russian character in one of the messengers of the group called melitopol-uprising, he called for the overthrow of the constitutional system, promoted the idea of ​​violent federalization and the withdrawal of the southern regions from ukraine, promoted the idea of ​​creating a fake zaporizhia republic and novorossiya. so prove.
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loyalty to the russian invaders was unnecessary, by the way, for his anti-ukrainian activity in 2022, he received a medal from the gauleiter yevhen balytskyi. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. for all residents this is a very significant day for the zaporizhzhia region, because they have been waiting for it for a very long time. also, activists of pivdnya molodoy will distribute symbols of the zaporizhzhia region and the russian federation. later, this tricolor supporter headed the organization. the south is young in the zaporizhzhia region, actions in support of chmoviks, the kremlin, interviews with the main pro-putin stars, discrediting the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian authorities, recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, and this is far from a complete list of mykytka's activities in office. they never have nothing will work, because russia will never kneel. this young traitor has a fanatic. love for the kremlin grandfather.
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during the pseudo-presidential elections in russia, mykytka headed the volunteer staff supporting putin in the zaporizhzhia region. he can even often be seen next to neofur at russian events. here he is standing and lovingly looking at the unchanging dictator of russia after the elections, and here he is singing with him on the same stage. sing the national anthem of the russian federation on stage with volodymyr volodymyrovych on red square for me, as a resident of the zaporizhzhia region, it was something unbelievable, i still remember it, i think this is exactly what i will tell my children and grandchildren. romanenko loves fame and the media very much, for this he runs a telegram channel called nikvanta, where he has 400 subscribers and works as a correspondent for pomyny zmi srochna militopol. zaporizhzhia region is in touch. now we are at the world festival of youth in the city of sochi. this fanatic of everything russian is now very useful for the occupiers, because he is engaged in agitation and.
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propaganda among young people, often in a playful form to music, he posts videos about how cool it is to be russian, to have a passport with a chicken and, in general, russia is the center of the universe. as the head, romanenko is campaigning for young people to join racist universities, go to russia and support those who allegedly liberated them in every possible way. this young traitor has no suspicions yet, but he has already pushed and made a whole article of the criminal code. at first, he... was an active member of the russian organization pivden-molodiy, then he went on to great things increase. we are talking about kyrylo oleksandrovych kuzyakn from melitopol, born in 2002. my name is kirill, our movement joins the victory for us campaign. and expresses great support and gratitude to our state and military personnel. when russian troops captured his hometown, kirill was a student. he saw his prospects in the occupation, for which he began to actively work.
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the boy was seen in almost all pro-russian youth organizations, he was initially a member of the young south movement, which is managed by putin's united russia party. in organization, kyrylo began to do pr on helping veterans, often went to putin's speeches as a representative of zaporizhia youth, which he was very proud of. our russian federation is united with us, and we appreciate it very much. the youth of the zaporizhia region hopes and knows that we will continue to look for... other talents who are better able to fulfill the roles of recruiters and agitators, that's why kyrylo applied to the eco-organization do, which supposedly saves the nature of the zaporizhia region. we are already conducting the million motherland pre-action on a regular basis, and have covered schools in the city of melitopol alone, more than a million tons of secondary raw materials were collected. would collect and
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send for processing all russian goods from our land. kuzyakn's career as an eco-activist was on the rise, he even won a grant worth millions of rubles for his own project called "russia, its essence is to make souvenirs from garbage, this is how i understand the latest ideas. my boys and i have been recycling lids for a year, and our main eco-habit with them is, of course, collecting caps from bottles and recycling them, but not eco-activism the only kuzyakin tried his hand at politics, tried to become a candidate. deputies from the united russia party in the zaporizhia region, but did not even make it to the lists, now walks around, collects garbage for himself, no, not russian black bags, thanks the invading government and tries to attract as many teenagers as possible to the kremlin youth structures. we, in
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turn, invite kirill to join the ukrainian organization of collaborators, who will bear responsibility for the betrayal of the motherland. and finally, i will tell you about another young traitor, who is...lenkina right away of several putin youth movements, alina bezverhnya, a native of melitopol. until february 24 , she was very famous in the city, because she had been building a career as a singer since childhood. she studied vocals at the number one children's music school and participated in various international competitions. so, in particular, in 2020, the girl won the grand prize at the bukovel starfest international festival in the vocal art category. but international competitions, the young performer can easily change. on a narrow perspective, where a performance at the stadium can remain the pinnacle of a career. when melitopol was captured by the russian army on february 25, 2022, alina quickly understood the rules of the russian peace and became its activist and propagandist. i advise you
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to contact the ministry of youth policy, cool people work here, they will help you with promotion and an equally cool recording studio. she became a spokesperson for propaganda for young people in the young south. and also became the vice-president of the russian movement of children and youth of the first movement. on camera, the girl broadcasts success, which, according to her , is possible only in russia and only on moscow stage. she is often invited to all kinds of commemorative concerts to sing patriotic songs. our word. as a representative of the so- called new territories of russia, alina entered the moscow university of arts. no one is waiting for alina's return to ukraine, well , maybe our law enforcement agencies to imprison her for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you
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have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address, or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors to the trail by a russian ship. we are on espresso in a week. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air, vitaly portnikov is with you. two hours of conversation about current trends of today, this week, prospects of ukraine and the world. our first guest is roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on issues. of national security, defense and intelligence , colonel of the security service of ukraine. congratulations mr. roman. good evening. well, let's start with the description of the situation at the front. how do you perceive it, where are the hottest now areas, what else moscow can do. well, if
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you walk along the front, of course we have several hot spots there. one of them is, well, in general the donetsk direction and all. active actions, in principle, now the russian troops, let's say this, are alternating in one direction or another in donetsk, and now we see that they are developing an offensive there and in the direction of krasnohorovka, there are battles going on, well , if we stop there specific settlements, the same ocheretine and further up there... the time of believers and everyone's opponent every day, here and there he begins his active actions, trying to advance in this or that direction, unfortunately, in recent weeks, the enemy has had tactical successes there, in some areas he has advanced, that is, in general
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, it is strategic there, of course there are no such losses of territories, but separate positions in separate areas, and in the direction of what is being cut, we know kurakhovo, the enemy... er, achieved success at the cost of large casualties, including, but the enemy does not spare anything, that's just me yasom paves his way, so in principle, we have the last days nothing changes, maybe months. the enemy focuses its main attention on the donetsk direction, if we take the kherson direction, there is mainly artillery there, yes, there are some battles on the bridgeheads, they are also, let’s say, bloody, but they are not as large-scale as in the same donetsk direction, they continue the battles there in the direction of kharkiv, of course we paid all our attention there at the time, when the enemy went there and there were warnings, we saw that the enemy there was trying to create new bridgeheads, to create some gray area. area, but the enemy, even during these battles, when we focused our attention there, still continued
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to advance on donetsk, and also, unfortunately, had some successes there, but again, they are not strategic, now the situation is more or less trying to stabilize account, well , let's put it this way, the enemy is pushing due to the fact that he has more artillery, more weapons, more personnel, and because of this they are starting to push, now the weapons are gradually approaching and the situation in... compared, for example, even with in may last year and there with april, it is more parity, and the enemy can, you know, roll and still go, but i hope that measures will be taken there now, including the near future we are already expecting, i think there is a maximum a month, the reserves will be suitable, including the personnel, who have now been recruited and are now in training camps, and then the situation will be even more ... mobilized, so now the main task is to hold on, to use correctly the weapons that we are also provided with the
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resources that we currently have in order our commanders. i correctly understand that vladimir putin is simply in a hurry, he believes that now is the moment when it is possible to achieve some real successes, at least there in certain areas of the front, and therefore it is necessary not to spare either people or equipment, nothing, only that now to achieve some results in this period of time. well, it is, it looks like this. in reality, i just don’t quite understand here, whether they went in such a rush and just don’t stop throwing, well, excuse the war of all their people, when they see that the defense is sinking little by little, the whole problem with us is that we do not have a deeply echeloned defense, we all understand that from a military point of view, defense is always a more advantageous position than offensive, but when the defense is built, well, we will not say , which is wrong, not according to the statutes of the canons or... the lack of a sufficient number of personnel, when it is, for example, not three lines,
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when it is not deep, when you do not have, let's say, enough artillery, then when you have one line, for example , the brigade is exquisite, her it is easy to break through, and it is the enemy who sees it and because of this, and it is because of the fact that we do not have enough personnel, yes, which we are still trying to recruit, so the enemy, seeing this, understands that we also have mobilization revived and that people are now in... in training centers and that, for example, in a month or two the situation will change, we have increased our personnel with new brigades, the weapons are going well, well, i am a person who, let's say, every week i get a table certificates from the ministry of defense, where there are weekly certificates of how much we have received, believe me there, well, i already said that it is not enough there for large-scale offensives, but for defense from the point of view of the income of what comes, there are these... which add optimism, let's say so, so the main thing is
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to distribute it correctly, correctly personnel, to use it correctly, although sometimes even there, my comrades from the front end call and send mailings that they receive little, but this is already a question for those who allocate, because we see that it is coming, it is and need it to allocate, well, military science is also like this... well, let’s say, it was not like that on the surface, there are many forms and methods of use, including personnel and reserves, so that everyone there understood military science, the main thing is not that is on the battlefield with the military commander, and what he has in reserve, because you can maneuver with forces and resources, you can do it precisely with reserves, and what is on the battlefield is read by the enemy, and he is already fighting against him, sometimes, well, from a military point of view. you can only in stability, as it is, i don't want to delve into these military definitions, but reserves are important, that's why
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i sometimes see, it turns out that we have reserves, we are now accumulating reserves , that we have mobilization is improving, and putin, realizing this, is really in a hurry and meter by meter, let's say, gnaws away at our territory in order to have better positions before, well, let's say, when he stops. and tell me, please, mr. roman, why then does the president say that we have 14 brigades, but not enough weapons for them, that you say that the armed men are yielding, it was also a surprise for me. as i heard, we listened to the leadership of the general staff, maybe a month ago, they did not give us such information, i think, here, well, not exactly , there are some nuances here, which from a military point of view objectively can explain, for example, the chief of the general staff, and it is not the case that
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we have 14 brigades, which, let's say, are completely without weapons, we, again, returning to how the army works, we have different brigades, there are, for example, motorized infantry brigades, yes, there are mechanized brigades, there are tank brigades, for example, in military history there were brigades that were created directly to replenish the personnel of units that, for example, are there on the battlefield, when, for example, a brigade that storms, it goes to some line there, and we understand that in order to develop success, we need constant new... divisions, new battalions, these motorized infantry brigades are taken, and they are inserted by battalions in those directions where active combat operations are taking place, i do not know the purpose of these brigades, if he said that we have motorized rifle brigades, which have no weapons at all, we would understand what kind of brigade it is, what he meant specifically, well, i can’t tell you, i can only
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guess, or these brigades are really designed to act in separate directions, well, or it is true, well, if we take 500 in each brigade, yes, then we will have about 70 thousand people there, who are completely unarmed , that is, well, you can talk like that here, i think that at least small arms are in we all have what he means specifically , we need to figure it out, but tell me, mr. roman, how does the situation look with regard to the kharkiv area there, it can be assumed that after we... got the opportunity to shell russian positions on the territory of russia itself, now it is not so easy to hold populated areas in the kharkiv region and to shell kharkiv itself, that it has not become so commonplace, well , clearly, well, look, right away we have to understand that we have shelled the enemy on his territory before, but these were
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different shelling, for example, before that we could to use only those weapons that, let's say, are not the weapons of our partners. well no no no no 155th caliber and let it go, we used our hailstones, our hurricanes there, some of our own, let’s say the artillery that is there 20-30 km away, that’s what was under the border when it was it is necessary, of course, to give us the opportunity to fire at our partners, this opened up opportunities for us to hit further at a distance. hymars missiles, it’s up to 80 km up to ee hymars and jamilres missiles, and this crawler tractor fell out, well , it doesn’t matter, so let’s say one type of missiles, which for 12 missiles, of course, it gave us the opportunity to push the russian anti-aircraft further
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and, let's say, with a normal organization of intelligence, it gave us the opportunity to hang, let's say. yes, to the territory of the enemy and not to give them the opportunity to create strike groups there at quite, let’s say, long distances from our border and then enter in combat formations, so this gave us such opportunities at a greater depth, but i will say that before that we also used what we had and struck when needed, but i'm just wondering when marin lipen says that if her party comes to power, they will... forbid ukraine to hit russian positions with french weapons, there are some french weapons that we use, it can really affect something, it's just interesting from a purely logistical point of view on russian positions or on russian territory, on russian territory, on russian positions on russian territory, on russian territory, well, i think it may refer to
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them, self-propelled artillery installations, caesar, or to say that it is something. change, well they're not, well, not a large enough number to make a difference, they're completely replaceable there, any 155 calibers that we have, i think that might be about what they 're about, it's the french scalp-type air-to-air missiles , maybe this is what she meant, because these missiles can still deliver, let's say, serious blows to the rear. the russian federation has everything else, well, this is a tactical weapon, which, in principle , can be replaced by any weapon from other countries, the same archers, swedish, i will tell them, i will show myself in order.
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what are they based on because politicians they make statements, and then you start deciphering them, so to speak, conducting such a, you know, per-fact check, and it turns out that there is no fact or check, well, they will ban you with a scalp, we have english missiles, that is, well... there are already warehouses, we will not understand which of them, they are of the same type, which of them are whose? therefore, i will say that the main thing is, of course, you need to work with partners, and all these statements are ambiguous, not not in favor of ukraine, in favor of the russian federation, when such politicians hesitate and give preference, we will forbid when we are fired upon by our civilian objects, military objects, when they try to come to power with our energy, and with the help of such statements, this is a crime and... which history will definitely not appreciate. thank you, mr. roman. roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine was in touch with us. and now we are moving on
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to the topic of parliamentary elections in france. the second round of elections is taking place today. the turnout is unprecedented, such a turnout in history france has never been in 40 years. now many people are trying to understand how these elections will end, whether the far-right national union party will succeed, the leader. as marine le pen has long been known for her connections with the kremlin, now she has changed her position a little, but not so much as to come to power, to form a new french government, marine le pen has already promised that there will be no french troops on the territory of ukraine in case her coming to power, that france will forbid the use of its weapons for shelling the sovereign territory of russia federation, but this is, so to speak, the ukrainian aspect, there is a french, european, global aspect of these elections, we will now talk with a political observer from france, denys kolesnyk, congratulations, mr. denys. good evening, well, we understand the results, so far there are not even previous ones, but the very atmosphere of this second round, how do you characterize them? well, look, we are seeing basically the same
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powerful mobilization as in the first round, in some cities, even more mobilization, in some cities a little bit less mobilization, but in general the trend is the same, people are going to vote, as you already said, a record turnout as of 3 p.m., at 5 p.m. in paris, almost 60%, voters predict that there will be a total of 67.5% turnout, which is actually very, very yes, it is very, very, it is an extremely high turnout, and it is clear that people are really engaged in politics this time, they probably want their party to come, some are probably guided by logic in order not to let's admit nacional, get, let's say there a majority or this overwhelming majority, or an absolute majority, sorry. or, for example, those who vote for the rn also mobilize where they can vote, where their candidates are, and vote for them so that they still get this maximum majority. but
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the problem here is that, as far as i understand it, if the far-right french do not manage to get an absolute majority, there is even more uncertainty than if they get this majority, right, because then none of the political forces in france will be able to form an effective government. well, in general, if look, it exists. there are, as it were, four scenarios. the first scenario is that ren gains a majority, bardela becomes prime minister, well, it looks like this will not happen, because i am looking at the data for the fifth number of polls predicting from 175 to 205 seats 289 200 289 yes in order to single-handedly to form a majority, that's it, and the second scenario is that they will not have enough seats, relatively speaking, they will gain somewhere. maybe someone there from the republicans, maybe someone there even from mammanuel macron will be pinched for themselves, and there will be a brothel again, the third possibility, this and a situation when it is purely a theoretical situation,
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when, for example, macron's party, the presidential majority and the left-wing alliance new ashes will form a government, this is also theoretical, at least in theory it is possible, although there were declarations from emmanuel macron that no coalition with the lf, which is in new popular there cannot be a front, and the fourth thing is some conditional technical, let's say, governments that can fall there every few months and be replaced by other technical governments, this is also a possibility, well, that is, the current prime minister of france, gabriel atal rather after all, he will no longer be the prime minister, here you see, at 6:30 emmanuel macron invited the leaders of groups, parties, his party, that's how he invited. gabril atal of the prime minister for consultation, but it should also be understood that the french constitution does not oblige the president of the country. to nominate the date of submission to
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the prime minister conditionally on the same day or the next day, in time it may be delayed, it may be delayed there conditionally until the end of the olympic games, which will take place literally in 15 days or 19, as well as this everything can last even until the end of the summer, so here it does not mean that if there is a conditional result that emmanuel macron immediately, i mean in addition to the vast majority of rennes, then there may be different scenarios, and it may even last for two more. three months, and can you even understand why he could not wait for the olympic games, and then hold parliamentary elections? macron, what, what, where he was in a hurry, frankly, it is very, very difficult to say, and the logic by which he was guided, i think, was as logical, let's say, there may be logical explanations, but there were definitely some emotional things as well, and i think some emotional history might also have played a role in the fact that he decided, we
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know, to... macron, to fire him, to dissolve his government, but not to dissolve the parliament, but emmanuel macron refused. well, he could have dissolved the parliament, but why , relatively speaking, at the end of june, and not at the end of july, they entered, the olympics ended and everyone went to the elections. this is such pre-olympic chaos, there is such a problem, but with on the other hand, the election in august is very difficult, because there are a lot of people in august. for a greater mobilization of the population in order to prevent, so to speak, i say in the claws of the devil hasamblyva national. well, by the way, it can be said that he achieved the mobilization of the population, however, there is mobilization, we can see it, so it cannot be said that he achieved it, but to what extent it will be useful to him is another question, because
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look, the problem is mobilization. also the fact that, for example, there are many communes, yes, many cities, where there are polling stations, where, for example, a person who voted for one candidate will no longer find him, and for example, if you have a choice between the candidate of emmanuel macron and the candidate of the new peoples, and you voted for the republicans or the assembly, then you can theoretically come to the choice and vote, it is called a white vote, as if, so to speak, to vote against everyone, that you do not support any of the candidates, but you will be... counted, as usual, the turnout and the turnout is high, but on the other hand, it will not be, let's say this, it will not add votes to any of the candidates. and you do you understand why marine le pen started talking about all this before these elections, the ukrainian issue, that we will not allow shelling of russia with french weapons, that we will not allow ukraine to issue french visas on the territory of ukraine, well, in principle, it is definitely not now the most pressing issue
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of french politics, why is it at all ... mentioned in this context, it is generally a foreign agenda, a subpoena, yes, it is not, it was not, did not play an important role, for the lf the role was partly played by the issue of palestine, we him capitalized on a certain part of the voters, but with regard to ukraine, i think it is about setting some red lines, but if we talk about not sending troops, then this is not only the position of the national assembly, in principle there is no consensus in society on this matter. i don't remember why , according to polls, they are against such a story, so she didn't say anything that could offend someone, it's basically a consensus, no one wants to send troops to a warring country, it's logical, why exactly now, maybe it's about mobilization some additional people for whom this issue is important, but of course it is difficult to say here, because there
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is no external agenda. important in this election, how much does the government really influence what happens with foreign policy? well, i 'll tell you, for example, about the issue of sending troops, or war in general, right? if, if it is a declaration of war, then that is the power of parliament, right? but the president himself can decide where and which troops to send to him, for example, to deploy some operation, as we saw it, for example, in africans, everything. and the simple question is that the president is required to inform the parliament two months after the troops have been deployed, if they do not come home but stay for some time, and then the president is required to inform the parliament, the parliament can vote, let's say so, in order to withdraw these troops, but it will be essentially a declarative story that has no effect.


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