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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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it is not, is not important in this election, how much does the government really influence what happens with foreign policy? well, i will tell you, for example, about the issue of sending troops, or war in general, right? if, if it's a declaration of war, then that's the power of parliament, right? but the president can decide for himself where and which troops to send, for example, to launch an operation. as we have seen, for example, in africa, in saele, and the simple question is that the president is obliged to inform the parliament two months after the troops were deployed, if they do not return home, but stay for some time, and then, the president is obliged to inform the parliament, the parliament can vote, let's say, to withdraw these troops, but it will be essentially a declarative kind of story , which does not affect on the decision
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of the president of the republic, so i would once again, i have already said it more than once and explained it more than once, i believe that there will be no drastic changes in the foreign policy of france, even if, purely in theory, nationalism wins the overwhelming majority of votes. well, we talked with you already, me it seems that, before these elections , she repeatedly said that the danger of the french ultra-left is now perceived by many french people as no less than the danger of the french. that's right, and here the question arises, if the situation is much, much bigger, that's what you say, yes, well, even more, it's this unruly france, jean-louis milanchon, its leader, actually like that, it's like that marie lippin on the left, and you can so to speak, even more seriously, because marine le pen is changing, and mélenchon somehow not much, but there may be a situation when the left parties of france will are ready to form a government with macron without this party of mélenchon, if they have a majority, without him, is this possible? to be unlikely in theory
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, of course, in theory, of course, everything can be, but it is worth noting that after all, the party of elifi, my god, and luc melianchon, it has the majority of votes, has the majority of deputies, the greatest weight in the new popular, yes, that is why it is difficult to imagine , if for this reason melianchon is nominated, let's say, marginalize him on... on the ultra-left spectrum, where he is, in principle, located, and then try to form some, some positions, but if you look at the data, i will tell you right now, from july 5th, macron's party is predicted to have 118-148 seats, and the new ones in hopily will have a total of 145 to 176, and if you throw out some conditional 80 votes from there or 70 votes, which are in favor of... will not be collected, will not be collected, will not be collected,
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will not be collected, 289 will not be collected, most likely, well, that is , in fact, it will not work out that way, but we will still have to take into account his ambitions, if so, of course, or if, for example , republicans attract republicans and maybe something will happen cool, but again, we've also seen the split within the republicans, and in principle , the reluctance of the republicans to deal with left and far-left stories, so it's quite difficult, i've actually already announced these four, well, actually three possible scenarios, and whatever - which of these scenarios is quite unpleasant for france from the point of view of the stability of the country, from the point of view of the implementation of some reforms, but on the other hand, i want to emphasize, emphasize that the president of the republic has the opportunity to dissolve the parliament once again in a year , well that is, in fact, we can have this parliament as such temporarily, but what will happen if he dissolves it, unless, if he dissolves it, he will not help the national association to come to... power, then the majority
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of people can already vote for the far right, because it will be chaos, a crisis, or the opposite may happen, we will see what the results will be, we still, we still, we still do not know, if so, they will be able to create a government, even a fragile government, for example, with the republicans, together they get 289, let's see how the situation will be unfold, and you think that these republicans, who did not agree to merge with the national association and even decided to exclude their own chairman from the party. for the fact that he went to this association of mr. ciotti, then they will be ready to form a government with marine le pen and jordan bordela. i believe that if it is about the conditional 10 votes there, if the rn lacks 10, maybe even 15 votes, they will find a place to take them, partly they will even look to macron, partly to the republicans, and someone like that will move. and there is such a situation when... in theirs
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factions, on the contrary, there will be some people who will be ready to support some kind of technical government, or this is impossible, and who, depending on how much they will collect, if they collect more. a majority or almost a majority, yes, a conditional majority, if they are, what is the point then who, and if they do not have a majority, if they have 220 votes, i think, i think, in half an hour we will find out almost everything, and in fact, yes , yes, literally yes, of course there is such a possibility, i think that some of those deputies can easily join some kind of conditional, to support for some initiatives, a provisional government, which will last again, probably for a few months, at most and will be replaced again through moncionsan. it will be like a vote of no confidence, it will be replaced by another temporary government , technical so to speak, and then another one, and another one, and then a year later, probably emmanuel macron will dissolve the parliament again, in fact it must be said that the previous national assembly also existed in such a crisis state, from one vote to another, well, the governments did not
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change much, they changed only once, but there, too, every time you had to vote for something, you had to simply, i would say, hunt for these deputies, you had to use very... a lot of kegantneh - this is 49.3, this is an article of the constitution that allows the government to turn a blind eye to the decisions of the parliament and to adopt the reform anyway, and here is elizabeth bogna, the former prime minister, she resorted a lot to the use of article 49.3, for which she was criticized a lot, because it is essentially anti-democratic when you have the parliament voting against and the government saying , everything to us exactly, we apply 493 and vote, well, we don't vote, but... we accept, well, this is the logic of the fifth republic, so to speak, the legacy of charles de gaulle, yes, but charles de gaulle, he is once again, let's say that 493 it's like an exceptional story, you can't rule him, and what immanuel macron did, i mean, as the president
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of the republic because of his majority, it was actually a rule through 493, and for that they were criticized a lot, and now, by the way, they are reaping the benefits of his party personally because of... with uh, let's say this, the application of this, this article of the constitution, i i just don't remember the numbers, but there was a lot of comparison, it seems, whether the elizabeth bourne government used a record number, or very close to the record, it's something, you know, unacceptable, i would say. thank you denys, denys kolesnyk, a political commentator from france was in touch with us, we will return in our program to the results of the second round of the parliamentary elections in the french republic, and now we will take a break literally for... a few minutes, do not switch. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already they approached zmiiny himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is
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is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand disturbing news and distinguish truth from. enemy ipso. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. we continue the politclub program on the spresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, but in fact , the first results of even the elections in the french republic are already appearing. are you wondering how this can be? yes it is. because there are overseas territories, overseas territories of france, and voting takes place in these territories, of course, in a different time zone, and the announcement of the election of deputies appears much earlier than in the rest of france, that is
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, the rest of france is still voting, waiting for the exit polls, finding out what is happening, here are already the first, the first results. father of the elections, let's say, there on the island of reunion, the candidate from the left new people's front emeline bidzi was re-elected with 61% of the votes and was ahead of the candidate. from the national association, well, let's see how it will look on the scale of this france, and we will talk now with yevhen chory, honorary consul of ukraine in montreal, president of the world congress of ukrainians in 2008-2018 years. congratulations, mr. yevgeny. good evening, glad to hear from you, we haven't seen you yet, but i hope we will soon. oh, welcome and see you. so, let's talk about the decision of the european court of human rights, which issued. decision in favor of the world congress of ukrainians in the case against the russian federation regarding undesirable organizations in russia, explain
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to us the essence of this decision? mr. vitaly, thank you, first of all, for the invitation to your program, in 2019 the general prosecutor's office of the russian federation found it undesirable to the territory of the russian federation, the activities of the world congress of ukrainians, and therefore the ministry of justice of the russian federation. included the ukrainian congress in its list of undesirable organizations. what this means is that when the activity of an organization is recognized as undesirable, it is forbidden to implement projects in russia and distribute any content through mass media or the internet. the website of the organization is blocked on the territory of russia, and from 2021 to citizens of russia, including. including the ukrainian community or ukrainians communities in the russian federation are prohibited
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from participating in the activities of an undesirable organization even outside the borders of the russian federation, and non-compliance with these restrictions entails the first administrative, and therefore criminal liability, the first violations are subject to fines, and persons who repeatedly violate this legislation or... organizing the activities of an undesirable organization may face various types of criminal penalties, including fines, forced labor and even imprisonment. this actually meant in 2019 that the world the ukrainian congress could not normally continue its ties with the ukrainian community in the russian federation. according to... the european convention on human rights, in order to be able to appeal such a decision to the european
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court of human affairs, it is necessary to exhaust all instances in the russian federation, therefore , in october 2019, the world congress of ukrainians filed a lawsuit against the general prosecutor's office and the ministry of justice of the russian federation to the tver district court. in moscow, the court, predictably, the tiversky district court of moscow, decided that the activities of the world congress of ukrainians deserved such recognition as an undesirable organization, and in his decision he paid special attention to the following activities of the world congress of ukrainians, firstly, the promotion of anti-russian political initiatives from the return of crimea to ukraine, calls for increased sanctions against russia,
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a campaign to revise the so-called common history of russia and ukraine, and the so- called undermining of canonical orthodoxy in ukraine. the second, second type of activity is the holding of the world congress by the president ukrainians at that time, and it was me at that time. 147 international trips to the 51st country in the world, where about 1,500 bilateral meetings took place, during which i called, as the president of the world congress of ukrainians for the protection of the territorial integrity of ukraine from russian aggression, to take effective measures in connection with the occupation of crimea and parts of of eastern ukraine, for strengthening sanctions. of the russian federation and the suspension of the construction of the nord stream-2 gas pipeline.
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the third type of activity is a violation in 2018 at the events of the parliamentary assembly of the council europe, the world economic forum goodbye and the world to the european commission and the un, various actions regarding the occupation of crimea, relative. but the suspension of the construction of nord stream 2 and the imposition of sanctions against the russian federation and the last type of activity is ours: an external global action, a red card for putin, during the 2018 fifa world cup , which the court said was actually carried out on, to put pressure on russian power structures. in its decision, the tver
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district court of moscow also referred to the letter fsb, in which it was noted that the world... congress of ukrainians has a destructive nature and poses a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the russian federation. the ukrainian world congress appealed this decision of the tver district court before the moscow city court, the second court of cassation of the general jurisdiction of the russian federation, and the supreme court of the russian federation. and at the end before the presidium of the supreme court of the russian federation, and each time these appeals were rejected by the court in the russian federation, so we on august 26, 2021 sent our complaint to the european court of human rights about the violation of the rights of the world
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congress of ukrainians and our vice president. dent, who defended, defended, i apologize, the world congress of ukrainians in the courts of the russian federation. on march 6, 2023, the european court of human rights consolidated the scu case, with 82 similar complaints, and among the applicants were organizations such as the ukrainian world congress, which were recognized. undesirable and also individual persons who were convicted in the russian federation for their activities in organization of undesirable organizations. the court decided that it will consider this issue on the basis of whether such recognition of the organization as undesirable violates articles 10 and 11 of the european
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convention on human rights. article 10 provides that everyone... has the right to freedom of expression, and article 11 provides that everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association with others . therefore, on june 18, 2024 , the european court of human rights issued a decision in which it stated that recognizing the world congress of ukraine is not desirable. organization, russia violated article 11 of the european convention on human rights regarding freedom of assembly and association, which the court interpreted in light of article 10 of this convention regarding freedom of expression. in its decision
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, the court also decided that the intervention is related to. to the knowledge of the applicant organizations, including the world congress of ukrainians, as undesirable, does not meet the criterion of legality due to unpredictability and the possibility of arbitrary application, and in the end the court also decided that the national legislation of the russian federation did not provide organizations, applicants, including the world congress of ukrainians has sufficient and effective guarantees against the abuse of its power and on the basis of this, it was possible to put those organizations in a vulnerable position due to arbitrary accusations, without the organizations
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having the right to a corresponding preventive measure. or appeal, this was the decision of the european court of human rights on june 18, and it will become final in 3 months, as long as the russian federation does not appeal it to the grand chamber of the european court of human rights. but i understand correctly that russian the federation simply does not recognize the echr, so it may not comply with any of these decisions. european, european. and the court decided that in addition to the fact that the russian federation does not recognize either the convention or this court and this convention. that since at the time when those actions were taken, when sku was recognized as undesirable, at that time, the russian federation
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was part of that system, she recognized that the court had the right to make that decision and that the committee of ministers had the right to do so , who is responsible for these issues, may request that... the russian federation implement the decision court obviously, mr. vitaly, we understand that under today's circumstances, the russian federation will not comply, nor recognize, or respond accordingly to the calls of the committee of ministers of the council of europe. today, the significance of this verdict, or this decision, is that the world congress of ukraine and its network were... will be able to present this decision in front of various international forums as additional proof that the russian federation is authoritarian and imperial, and it
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threatens peace and stability in the world, and therefore is in the best interests of the international communities to help ukraine protect its territorial integrity, the territorial integrity of the whole. europe and thereby ensure peace and stability in the world. if ukraine wins this genocidal war, which was started by russia in 2023-22, then it will be possible to appeal to the committee of ministers of the council of europe so that russia fulfills the decision of the european court and cancels it. this legislation regarding undesirable organizations and thereby not only ensured that, or actually worsened the ties
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between the world congress of ukrainians and its communities because of the possible various administrative and criminal liability. and tell me, panegyric, we literally have a couple of minutes left, but is there anyone to contact now? ukrainians in russia in general, who can somehow express themselves as a diasporic group? we have, some still communicate with us, but obviously we do not emphasize this, because it is very dangerous for those people who are in the russian federation, as you can imagine, mr. vitaly, of course, i understand this, and this is such an important moment, so that in fact organizations like such as could be part of. in the russian federation now there is simply no left? well, in fact, er, we made such decisions to actually protect our organizations in the russian federation that they,
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now we do not recognize them, nor do they themselves recognize that they are members of the world congress of ukrainians, and with us we formally stopped all activity, this is actually only done in order to protect these and those organizations and the... people in the russian federation, and they themselves operate on the territory of russia, these organizations are outside the scu, it is possible to say that there is something else you can do there, you can be the head of a ukrainian organization in russia, somehow i find it hard to believe, mr. vitaly, i think that it is extremely limited, thank you, thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen choly, honorary consul of ukraine in montreal, president of the world congress. in 2008-2018 told us about how the world congress of ukrainians won a lawsuit in the european court of human rights,
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a decision was made in favor of the scu, which precisely related to the status of so-called undesirable organizations in the russian federation, such there are many organizations, but the world congress of ukrainians managed to get a legal decision regarding, i would say, legitimacy. russian leadership. now we will move to central asia, to india, we will talk with moridula bgosh, the head of the board of the central-eastern european institute of development and a teacher of the national kyiv vocational university of the kyiv-mohyla academy. congratulations ms. maridela. congratulations. so let's start with this important visit, the first visit by the prime minister of india. on the render mod to moscow since the beginning of the full-scale war, why is it even fashionable to go to putin now, you can explain to our viewers,
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unfortunately i am where you are in kyiv, so... that's why i don't understand why he is going, if this is my own position, i think not it was necessary, but, but for some reason he is going, let’s say for the first post-elections, after the re-election of fashion, this will be the first visit, in these years, that then he had the last meeting in samarkand, in the 22nd year in... in september, it seems, yes , then, the one that modiy then sat very close to putin a few meters away and began to say that it was not the era of the war, if you remember, then later, everyone paid attention to it, uh, yes, they paid attention to it, that no leader had ever said anything in such a way to putin's face, and that is why, you know, this visit is so serious, for
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very... serious processes are taking place in asia at the moment, what exactly? putin is going to beijing, but first pin is going to moscow, then the korean leader is also going to moscow, then putin and so on, all the way to vietnam, that is, there is already a feeling that from the european theater of war, and putin do you need to do something in asia? to look for support, whether there is further destabilization. wow, it is not clear to us, this rapprochement with china, very, very, india evaluates it very seriously, it is just that indian politicians, government officials, western leaders have repeatedly said that this is a very threatening phenomenon, you do not even realize that if it is china and russia together, this is a very scary phenomenon, because china is the second largest economy in the world, if it is
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supported. then it will be very difficult here, it seems to me that there are at least two reasons for his visit: the first reason is a rapprochement with china, perhaps something needs to be clarified, it is also a very important thing to be clarified, these are our citizens, citizens of our neighboring countries as well, are being recruited for this war through such unscrupulous agents, and that is why even there... they die, that is, we already have there are three deaths, and this question was posed very harshly, so that this recruitment of such so-called mercenaries was stopped, it is impossible to lure our citizens, it was repeatedly talked about, maybe this will also be what will be on the agenda of the visit, unfortunately, i i can't say that, that's why that it has not been made public, but it will be, if
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bilateral issues, then these... two issues are very important, because military technology is a large share of russia, although according to the swedish peace institute, it is from 76% since 2009 , in 2019- it was 36, that is , india is falling away from russia, but very gradually, so it is still 36% for... and this is a significant part, besides, there is a lot of such sensitive information when it comes to military technology, so that if you transfer to china, you understand that this is the one, and we have border ones there are problems with china, and there are constantly some clashes, this must also be realized, and if, god forbid, something like this happens from taiwan between china and india, it will be a very scary thing. in
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asia, maybe it is, i don't want to justify it like that, but there are many people, journalists, among them, who say that since you are going there, today there was already an article about the fact that you should say that whose russian troops in in ukraine, what are the problems of genocide and all that, that is, we openly talk about it, how important it is at all for indian public opinion really? it is very important, because our people would not like to see, in principle, shake hands with a person who is considered a war criminal, it is a very big shame, because our history shows that dictators are so open, well, there has never been one which is very serious.


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