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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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that god forbid from taiwan to do something like that between china and india, it will be a very scary thing in asia, maybe it is, i don't want to justify it like that, but there are many people, including journalists, who say that once you go there , today there was already an article about the fact that you should say that russian troops are in ukraine, what are the problems in general, genocide and all that. that is, we talk about it openly, and how important it is in general for indian public opinion is really, really important, because ours would not wanted to see, in principle, shake hands with a person who is considered a war criminal, this is a very big shame, because our history shows that dictators are so open, well, there was not one that was very serious. supported, after all, the second world war,
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we fought on the side of england, that is, we were colonies then, so you know, this is a very historical thing, and therefore historical, these tectonic changes are needed somehow in foreign policy, so that they are reflected, i definitely think of these two question, and with russia there is very great interest, russia wants to use these funds, and that russia eh... just put all the rupees accumulated through the sale of oil into our banks, that is, they could not use the opportunities, plus russia has already been active for the last two weeks, very seriously engaged in propaganda, that is, it goes smoothly, of course from on the part of russia, it will be another legitimization, you see, the leader of a democratic country was going. so, well,
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they are still talking with putin, that is, but we must not forget that other leaders and i talked with putin, literally a day ago in the place where the shanghai labor organization was, there was a summit, that's why from kazakhstan, that's why there are leaders who talk to him, and erdogan speaks, yours speaks too, well, this hungarian leader orban e. goes through various channels, but it seems to me that he goes, it's just that, it's so problematic visit, i would say, in one word, but tell me, it is really in vogue, as indian sources write, i will discuss with putin the war in ukraine, and how effective such a conversation can be, because it is said that this is an important part of the agenda of this a meeting, i say, does not happen after fashion. you are such a person, but what does he say
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he will say something like that again, which will be later , everyone says, as he said then, and arkand himself said, it is also possible, he may have proposed something two days ago at the summit in kazakhstan, they also said that you need to stop the war, this is what everyone says unanimously , but how to stop it, with what, what, with what intentions and what plan is peaceful. a few months ago, even a year ago , there were many people in india who said, and even in europe, that modi could be an intermediary, well, that too, but then everything was rejected, and modi worked exclusively internally, that is, he has to be re-elected, he has a choice to be, and he believed that this is not his function at all, but what do you think, instead, here he will succeed in achieving from putin, this is the so-called
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demobilization of those indians who are currently serving the army of the russian federation, there is a whole a group of indian citizens who are there, they were lured, that they were deceived, first of all, they misled them, because they gave them some kind of paper that they signed, they did not know where they were going, they had such agents who said, in you have a job, it's just that they were so marketable. and they them, well simply misled, and these people did not know at all, and they are what you are showing now, this is a video that was transmitted in hindi through our networks, he records this video, transmits it to the embassy, ​​and there was a very harsh conversation about it later in structure between the ministry of foreign affairs, and everything was done to please return, but you know, from different countries. half of the time there are people in russia who
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are sent to fight, there are foreign students who are sent to fight, that is, there are a lot of things that are happening there. why not admitted international structures and we cannot know, i am not sure whether these people have consular protection, whether they have passports, that is, it is a lot of legal questions, how it will be, it is at the level of the leaders that you can say, return, because it people who didn't know where they were going, they didn't know, well that's what i think, will also be such an important part of this visit of the prime minister of india to moscow, let's see, let's see how it will happen, thank you mridulik khosh , chairman of the board of the all-european institute of development, lecture on development, teacher, national university of kyiv-mohyla
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academy, thank you ridola for being with us, the exit pools literally just appeared. exit polls of the second round of the 2024 elections in the french republic, so the left forces, according to these exit polls, the so-called new popular front, are ahead of the far-right z and emmanuel macron's party. according to these first data, the new people's front took first place in the second round of elections, it received from 172 to 192 deputies, almost
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as many seats as emmanuel's party macron, from 150 to 170 deputies and marine lipe's party - the national union. received from 132 to 150 two seats and came second in these elections, which means that the republicans, the republicans who support marine lipen can get no more than 12-16 seats. the seats are already taken into account in this amount that i gave you earlier, the conservative republican party itself, which refused to go together with marine le pen's party, can get from 57 to 67 seats, if it
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will be so, if it will be so. then none of the french political parties will receive majority for the formation of the government, neither the left, nor the right, the ultra-right, nor the centrists from the presidential camp. well, now the question of forming a coalition naturally arises, because many considered what will happen to emmanuel macron's party. a much smaller number of votes, and we talked about it with you too, it seems to me that this party will have a smaller number of votes, but now by and large we see that this is not the case, that they
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are almost in a very close situation in this interval and now at the president of france of course, there are real opportunities to really help in the formation of a new government and to look for coalition partners in this government, that is, it is now a completely new, new such game, quite interesting, without a doubt. let's see how it will look literally there in a few uh. one, because you yourself understand that this is not such an easy decision now, for the right, this is a serious blow, because they were going to be the winners of this election, the fact
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that they are in third place, not in first place, even without a majority, this suggests that here is this story with the mobilization, it... came out, of course, here are the first reports about already elected deputies, that's all i can say. before we take a break with you for just a few minutes, it is that the former president of the country, françois hollande, who ran for the left, was elected as a member of the french national assembly. this is the first information about the elected deputy, and now we will take a break for a few minutes and continue. vasyl zema's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on espresso tv channels. two hours of airtime, two hours in... time to talk about what
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was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrecher, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with me, and of sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chechenina, our art watcher is ready to talk. on the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with us on communication, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also
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feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new ones. praise, to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program legal examination on espresso tv channel. we continue the politclub program on tv. and let's talk now with oleksandr soshko,
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the executive director of the international revival front, the revival fund, you see, to confuse the funds of the front, mr. oleksandr, it is absolutely a trend to say so now, i'm glad to see, so, so, let's talk about let's start with the washington nato summit, that's in principle , what do you hope for, already in fact... this meeting will take place next week, what can we talk about, will it not be another disappointment for ukrainians? well, unfortunately, we would like more, yes, we know exactly what we would like, this invitation to membership, but we have also understood for a long time that now the member countries are not ready to give us such an invitation, because there is a fear of war, there is a fear of drawing their countries and peoples into the war. you can psychologically understand it very well, that's why, in principle, i didn't even have such expectations that
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we would receive this invitation now, so there is no disappointment, but i understand that many people can have such disappointment, because in principle there is great fatigue from uncertainty, and nato is the institution that could to give us certainty and confidence in the future, but for... now they won't be able to do it and you have to be calm about it. we are dealing with 3-2 societies, peoples, and it is no big secret that these peoples do not want to see themselves at war directly. that is why we have this reality. and, but what we can get is far from empty things, that is, we really. will have the opportunity to hear from the member countries what means and resources ukraine
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can receive in the near future from the review for our defense needs. i think it will be said. first of all, obviously, the country is waiting for additional decisions on air defense systems, but it is clear that it is not only that. so i think the question. now it only depends on how long-term commitments will be announced at the summit, but what i know for sure is that in the short term, the promises will be serious and financial and military-technical, but how long they will be, this is very important for us it is important, that is, it is one thing to hear certain assurances for months ahead, another thing for years to come, and this is precisely where there is an element of uncertainty about which we will get an answer only at the summit itself. but tell me, please, how can we give any assurances for years ahead, when we
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and you do not know what will happen in the united states in a few months? well, we are used to the fact that... technically stable states have a certain traction of state policy, which is based on an understanding of their national interests from a strategic perspective, and it is obvious that today's world is much more turbulent than the one to which we used to, in including in relation to internal processes in key countries, yes, but well, we understand that there is a... a world in which the one who sees the long term wins, so even if, you see, governments make decisions based on of their current obligations, current understanding of the situation in the world, yes, even if they cannot guarantee that after the change of government everything will continue in the same way, nevertheless they have
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the authority as of now to make decisions, and i think , that if such decisions are... adopted and announced, then it will not be so easy for the next government to abandon them. and tell me, in principle, the americans have always said that we will have, that they will be so serious for ukraine to make decisions at this summit, that ukraine will not be disappointed, well, we were disappointed in vilnius, let's say, that we need to not be disappointed, what should it look like, don't be fascinated, i'm always, i'm... rarely disappointed, because i have no particular, particular, expectation that the current governments of democratic countries will so resolute as to make decisions that in the future could lead them to war, i don't expect it now, and that's why
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it's actually easier to accept those conditional disappointments, but at the same time... time doesn't deny anything, nothing, no, no, actually, it does not prevent us from receiving additional resources from the member countries of the alliance, even if these resources, well, are insufficient, but they will never be sufficient, but we understand that most of the nato member countries have idle resources that, in principle, can be provided to ukraine, and right here... questions to them, to the governments, as far as they are ready right now, right now to share these resources and also take on obligations for at least a two-three year perspective. in your opinion, mr. oleksandr, to what extent is this, i would say, pre-election instability in the united states affecting this situation now,
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of course, it has a great impact, and we have seen additional ones in recent weeks. tension factors related to the failed biden debate, related to the fact that today there is not even certainty who is running, yes, and internal, internal friction within the democratic party, whether it is necessary to change the candidate or not, all this does not add confidence and reliability to the situation, well, but these are the things that we cannot influence, yes, that is, we must already understand here that we are dealing only with that world, which... there is, and we have to find ways to work even with this world, and what do you think, do you really think that biden may not run, this is an unlikely prospect as of today, but maybe it can change, yes, we
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understand , that there are serious frictions and that there are serious arguments that... before changing the candidate, but at the same time, if there was some kind of clearly winning model, for example, if everyone understood that kamala harris has an excellent chance of winning against trump because she does not have the disadvantages and age problems that biden has, then the situation was otherwise, there would be more supporters of such a change, but this is not the case, because everyone understands that kamala harris is... less charismatic, less authoritative than joe biden himself, and that is why there are no special illusions that she can become the same . with that magic wand, even though she is younger, that she has there are no problems with age, yes, but her rating is even lower than biden's rating, that's exactly
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why there is no confidence that the replacement itself at the moment can fundamentally change the situation in the elections, even if this candidate will be younger, different and so on , to pretend, and if it is not haris, then who, it is one of the other leaders, let's say, the nators who represent the democratic party, well, then you have to start the primaries from scratch, then you have to look for support, then you have to introduce this element of intra-party struggle , exactly in that one moment when consolidation is needed, and therefore i am not sure that the democratic party can afford to plunge into this vortex of competition now, with such a short period of time ahead of it, in fact, having the need to put an end to the issue of its candidate in the coming weeks, well, here that's the question, yes, but why do the big donors
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of the democratic party keep demanding it, then what's the point? because on them, well, this is pressure, they are not something to insist on, they, they don't have a single candidate either, you see, they say, let's do something with that, but a consolidated solution, and what to replace it? they don't have it, that's why, well , let's say, it's more like a cry of the soul to biden, get out of the race, and we 'll decide later, we already have a democratic system, in fact, they don't have a solution, there's no solution, because there's no adequate replacement , whatever suits everyone and doesn't involve the party in an endless battle around, around the candidate, that's why actually yes, it's... a very serious sentiment within those who support the democratic party, that biden can't, that he just can't four next years to be president, he can win and he
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can theoretically, but to be president, they are increasingly doubting this, and that is why they are trying to find some solution, this is their right, but i still do not see, i still do not see ways of implementation this well, also, here the question is quite important, to what extent in this situation, in this situation, it is possible to say that the democrats are capable of winning the elections, and that they will be in a panic all the time, the democrats are already panicking, the republicans are not panicking connection with trump, no one doubts it, so to speak to say, well, that's right, i'm sorry, i had to turn on the light here, because our electrical problems here, i... i would like to say that nobody has this solution in the democratic party, we can say that this is a historically unprecedented situation, regarding which no one knows how to act, there are not even
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procedures, there are no such cases when, after the primaries, her own place would be questioned by the candidate who won these primaries, which is biden, but the situation has really changed. not in his favor, can he fix it? of course, maybe two or three successful cases of his public speeches in the coming days could convince, at least a significant part of his supporters, that he can still be a worthy competitor to trump and a worthy president in the next four years, this is his chance remains, but in general the situation for... the democratic party at the moment is not optimistic, let's say . and in principle, to what extent can the united states now continue its support for ukraine, in a situation where no one else is
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knows what the results of the presidential election will be, and donald trump looks at the problem completely differently than joseph biden and does not hide it. as long as there are powers of the acting government, the acting president, they can do everything according to their constitutional powers. but at the same time , of course, it is very important to predict and communicate qualitatively with the camp that may come to power, yes, i understand that the situation for ukraine will be completely different if there is trump, but again, trump is not completely incognito, yes we know a little who it is so, we know the entry points, we know the arguments that work in the trumpist camp, and so well... okay, it's going to be a bad situation, but we have to find a way to deal with it if he suddenly wins. and what do you think, mr. alexander, that trump himself wants
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to communicate with us? on ukraine may want to communicate with the trump camp, how interesting trump is to communicate with ukraine in this situation, this is also an important question. well , yes, i understand what you mean, because for trump, ukraine is a somewhat toxic subject, yes due to various circumstances, in particular the history of his impeachment, emotionally he does not have a very good relationship with ukraine, and he is not... not our ardent supporter, but at the same time there are certain, certain interests and certain circumstances that will not allow him just do a 180° turn, it's not going to be like that, it's going to be like that, so there's a lot of room for opportunity to talk to the republicans, to talk to those who will play in his
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camp. a key role, and even there, i do not think that this path will be completely closed, even if we do not have a certain emotional agreement with his mood, yes, we have to do it, but tell me, do you understand at all what trump is really thinking of doing with the russian-ukrainian war, we have already seen. different plan options, different wording options, you have an idea what he wants in general, from that set of facts, what set of facts, yes, i think he will seek a freeze of the war, a freeze of the war around the initial demarcation line, in addition to the fact that from what i understand he can too to offer to sacrifice the prospect of
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ukraine's membership in nato. these are the two things that i see for sure, all the others are still not clear, he himself, he himself does not know what there is about other things, and it is obvious that putin will have other things, it is obvious that putin will not satisfy only these two positions, he will want something else, and here the question is how much and what trump will think at that moment, and if donald trump does not want to go knocking. putin, well, then, again, operational space will exist for us, and it will be important to have those channels of communication with trump that will not allow, say, those channels to be monopolized by those who are not on our side. i am very interested to watch, now this story is unfolding. i
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imagine tomorrow. the day after tomorrow, orbán will come there to see trump, he will come to beijing tomorrow, mr. alexander, his plane is already in the direction of china, and i do not rule out that he will go to trump after that, i do not rule out, also, i agree, yes, that’s it, so what this game has already started and obviously it's far from perfect for us, but i wouldn't say it is is hopeless, one must operate with the available opportunities. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr sushko, executive director. of the international revival fund, we were in touch, now for the middle east, serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, we are in touch, congratulations, mr. sergey, good evening, congratulations , mr. vitaly, well, let's start with the iranian elections, when it turned out that in the list of candidates for the post of president of iran there are exclusively conservative candidates, there is one representative of the so-called reformist government, say a lot of reformist. masoud
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pzshian, many observers said that this is solely to increase the turnout in the elections of the president of iran, because the iranian population is somehow not very interested in the elections, and if there is some reformer, a person with such a reputation, they will go to the elections. well, it must be said that a large number of these did not go, anyway, later, when masud pazashkyan entered the second round of elections, they believed that he would not enter there, that there would be two representatives of the conservatives, mr. halybav, who he was considered the most convenient candidate for moscow, and mr. jalili, an ultraconservative, they will be in the second round, masoud podishkyan entered, all the observers said sorry, but he will not win, because the conservative candidate will win, even khameneni spoke out against the positions that he declared masoud pezeshkian during his election campaign, and he won the election by a 10% gap with the ultra-conservative candidate, and now everyone says, well , it won't change anything.


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