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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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we do not know for sure whether it is 400 kg or 800 kg, because the consequences of the destruction of okhmandite indicate that this is a really powerful combat unit that cannot be compared, in particular with the air defense equipment used by the ukrainian armed forces there. in particular, the enemies tried to retouch the video and show that it seems to be a missile from the nasams complex, which... i would just quote the russian side here, because the ministry of foreign affairs writes to them numerous published photos and video footage from kyiv unequivocally confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a ukrainian anti-aircraft missile from a launched anti-aircraft missile complex within the city, where do they get it from, that is, they have some evidence, some possible additional videos that will not be published, where it comes from in general, which may indicate that the russian side wants somehow in this way, i do not know how to justify or show my position.
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well, in fact, i think that here are just propaganda standard clichés, we remember the situation there on march 22, when russian bombers carried out an attack on mariupol, where it was written on there are children in the theater, yes, that is, where it was laid out, it was clearly understood that there were children there, this did not stop the enemy, and now the actual blow to khmadit fits perfectly into this logic, and shifting the responsibility to the ukrainian side is the same... there, well the well-known heberian propaganda stamp, which is used repeatedly by the russian federation. the video clearly shows that this is an x101 missile based on the parameters of the fairing, the presence of the r-95 engine, which stand out in the rear part of the missile, plus the average wings parts that absolutely correspond to the x101 missile, plus, i repeat, there are fragments with serial numbers. which say that it is really
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a russian x101 missile. the question is that this is another crime, which, i hope, will still cause the acceleration of assistance from our partners, i think that at the nato summit the issue of strengthening our air defense will be raised, although the discussion on this topic is already underway, i hope , that we will see qualitative changes in our ppo in the near future, regarding the number of patriot-type complexes. but i i can't help but ask in the united states from... different sources, different officials assessed the situation differently, what i mean differently, someone said that these actions should be further investigated, but there is one statement that actually needs, well, your analysis, i would say, in the united states, there are no plans to lift restrictions on ukraine on strikes deep into russian territory after the full-scale attack on the okhmadyt children's hospital, in particular, this was stated at a briefing by the coordinator of strategic communications at the white house national security council, john kirby, me i will ask what every ukrainian viewer would probably like to ask both the experts and, tentatively... the united states,
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where the russian army should aim, where the russian missile should aim, so that the united states would give ukraine the go-ahead to strike deep into the russian federation and not on civilian infrastructure, namely on objects of the military-industrial complex, on air bases, on military bases and so on. well , really, i saw this statement, i also feel pain from such a reaction on the part of the connectors, because relatively speaking, they remain loyal to their approaches that, relatively speaking, when we say... that is, they talk about controlled escalation, that is, in fact, it continues to happen. currently, the united states has permission to use hymars at a distance of up to 80-100 km, the use of attacks at a depth of 300 km, it is actually under the ban, although conditionally speaking, there are a number of airfields, at least 20 airfields, which are used by the russian federation for takeoff their planes to carry out kabama strikes on our territory, and in fact a strike in... kamsam on these airfields would significantly
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reduced the offensive potential of the russian federation, while these restrictions remain, i think that the americans or the military-political leadership of the united states at this stage decided to help the patriot complexes. i hope that right at the nato summit, the united states will be clamoring for the transfer of a certain number of patriots, because they now have the largest stockpile of these anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems. defense, so far we know about the transfer of the complex from germany to us recently, now the netherlands is gathering to screw up the transfer of their assembled complex, so that in any case the united states maintains such a phased, phased approach to our support, of course we want more and faster, but our partners, well, as we see, follow a different, different logic of introducing combat actions with the russian federation. thank you very much, mr. sergey, for joining and analyzing what happened yesterday. in the capital, in particular with hitting
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the ohmada hospital in order to have a broader understanding of what it was. serhiy sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defence, a guest of the svoboda ranok broadcast. the nato summit is starting today in washington. the bloc is marking the anniversary, but the holiday is overshadowed by russia's ongoing war in ukraine and a possible change of power in the united states, a key ally. ukraine, which will be represented in washington by volodymyr zelenskyi, expects that the alliance countries will announce new contributions to its defense capability at the summit and take, as ukrainian foreign minister dmytro kuleba said, a significant step towards ukraine's membership in nato. it was a quote. in addition, zelenskyi will hold talks with by president joe biden, this has already been confirmed in the white house. about expectations from the summit and their reality from washington zoryan stepanenko. the alliance is 75 years old, so the nato summit in washington will begin with a holiday. ukraine was made clear in advance not to spoil it and not count on an invitation to the alliance, whose absence at the summit last year
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volodymyr zelenskyy called absurd. on the occasion of the anniversary, a solemn ceremony will be held today. the leaders of allied countries and their partners will be present. given the achievements of the participants. there is something to note, theirs the circle is expanding, sweden will join this meeting for the first time as an ally, of which there are now 32, and the defense spending threshold of 2% of gdp is being overcome by more and more alliance countries, because many consider the threat to europe from russia to be less and less illusory and more and more real. we have made considerable progress in strengthening our deterrence and defenses. we have built on our progress at previous summits and we have shown the world that nato is... stronger, bigger and more united than ever before. the backdrop for the summit, the protest is more worrisome than celebratory. leadership france and germany face setbacks in the elections, losing seats in the parliaments to the extreme right, which often sympathizes with russia. and donald trump can regain power in the united states.
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the publication politico reports that he is considering a plan according to which nato can refuse to expand to the east, and vladimir putin can keep part of the occupied territories of ukraine for russia. the prospect of trump returning to the white house, given his skepticism about nato, is viewed with trepidation by many in europe, where a full-scale war. russia continues it and enlists the support of north korea, iran, as well as the approval of china's western allies. on the eve of the nato summit, nato carried out massive shelling of ukrainian cities, which killed dozens of civilians. innocent civilians, including children, died. i condemn these. terrible attacks at the summit, we will decide on further strengthening of our support to ukraine. russia must understand that it cannot wait for her. they will have to sit down at the negotiating table and make a decision in which ukraine will win as a sovereign and independent country state. the allies intend to strengthen
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ukraine's air defenses, which its authorities have been calling for for the past few months. the us state department announced good news for kyiv. in addition to bilateral commitments, the alliance is preparing. to announce the joint financing of the defense of ukraine for the next year 2025. allies will allocate 40 billion euros, the costs will be divided among themselves in proportion to their gdp. an exception can be made for hungary so that it does not block the decision. nato is also preparing to take over the coordination of arms supplies to ukraine from countries united by the so-called rammstein format. regarding the prospect of its membership, the final declaration and wording are still being worked on, but they are preparing to offer ukraine a so-called... bridge to membership, which, in the end, subject to reforms, will lead it to the alliance, there is no mention of any time frame. from washington. zoryana stepanenko, marek hayduk, radio liberty. well , oleksandr kharats, an expert of the center for defense strategies, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. good morning. thank you, mr.
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oleksandr, for joining. let's go of the key, what are the expectations from the nato summit in washington, and what, in the end, they can offer ukraine, a clear membership invitation. won't, right? yes, and actually, this is ukraine's disappointment. i understand that this was a maximalist goal, and i understand the difficulties, our partners explained to us that, unlike the european union, which started negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, with an open date when we will be ready to do it in nato, the beginning of negotiations , this is actually the final stage, but recently there was an action plan for membership in nato definitely... a moment for the country to integrate into nato, and for us it was canceled, and therefore it is clear that it would be possible to go for another innovation and start such a process of negotiations with ukraine with an open date, whether after the war , or when certain conditions are met, unfortunately, we do not
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get it, and instead of the open door, before which ukraine has been waiting for these positive signals for a long time, we are offered some kind of bridge to nato, you know, this is... so diplomatic, diplomatic equibilistics, the use of various, beautiful, capacious images, but in fact, most likely we will be promised long-term support, i think. i think that additional aid will be announced for air defense and pro, especially against the background of the criminal act that the russian federation committed yesterday against several, not only ahmadis, but there were two more hospitals, one, another in kyiv and one in dnipro destroyed . by the way, i looked at the statistics of the first large-scale invasion, the russians attacked more than 1,400 health facilities, and destroyed them. or by destroying more than 700 security objects, that is, it is simple it is a common practice to destroy these barbarians
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, and of course we need air defense, but we would like something different, we would like to change the strategy of supporting ukraine, and the lifting of the ban on strikes on russian territory, and the transfer to ukraine of the means we need, is not only atacoms, it's not only, so the torus, which we haven't seen yet, it's not only... f-16 platforms, which we haven't seen so far, and they would certainly be useful both for air defense and for striking on russian aviation, it is possible new missile systems that could strike on russian territory, let's see, i 'm not sure what they will say about it at this summit, but maybe they will at least think after such a terrible terrorist attack, well, the most important thing is that nato takes over, let's say, leadership in the issues supply of weapons to ukraine. equipment, this is a forced measure, the united states is trying
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to implement such a mechanism against the possible arrival of trump, and trump may stop supplying ukraine with weapons and equipment, and that is precisely why nato will now deal with this. i think that when they say about a bridge, it is that precisely this new format of cooperation, as well as the long-term assistance that should help us both in this war and in the future, is... invested in these bilateral security agreements that we signed with our partners and recently with poland, i believe that this is the second best deal after britain, in my opinion it is better than with the united states, despite the fact that the united states has many more things that are necessary for us to win and survive. tell me, please, in continuation of the topic of what is happening in the international arena, what can ukraine expect? i would i also wanted to ask you about the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, he was in kyiv, he was in moscow, then. went to china, what game is orbán playing, and he really wants to become, i don’t
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know, the main peacemaker on the continent, because after his visit to russia, he wrote a letter to the president of the european council, charles michel, and the leaders, with a summary of his own negotiations with putin, where actually relayed theses that the russian president constantly voiced publicly, so what is orban's role in all this and what is he trying to achieve? he is actually an ambassador russian federation china people's republic of china in the european union. and in nato, he is basically an advocate for their interests, contrary to the interests of the rest of the 26 countries of the european union, and when he went to moscow, we saw, well, at least i read on twitter, virtually every leader of an eu member state said that he was not had no mandate to act on behalf of the eu, and that what he left is, well, actually appeasement, it is conniving with putin. and it is definitely not some kind of peace-making initiative, well, by and large , it implements primarily its own
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task, at a time when there is a confrontation between the european union and the west in general with the russian federation and china, he is trying to get the maximum dividends, this is additional gas supplies to hungary, this is the completion, or rather the construction of a new power unit, and other economic cooperation. that is, he is trying to do this, instead , in the european direction, he is trying to block aid to ukraine, powerful sanctions against the russian federation, and also to expand his influence on the territory of ukraine by promoting ridiculous demands for cultural autonomy or any other autonomy for the compact hungarian minority living near the hungarian borders, and here it is clear that he is suffering. orban suffers from trianon phantom pains, i.e. the loss of part
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of the territory of the population as a result of the war, he is not satisfied, he tries to compensate for this loss by interfering in the internal affairs of ukraine and neighboring states, but unlike other states of the states that are members of the eu and can protect himself, ukraine is more vulnerable here, so he pursues his own interests, he is a false peacemaker. he did not bring any ideas from moscow, and it is clear that moscow is not ready for peace, they are ready for the defeat of ukraine. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining in and analyzing the topics, oleksandr ha'. expert of the center for defense strategies from our broadcast. this is svoboda ranok, a project about important things, we traditionally raise important topics. thank you for your activity in the comments. my name is oleg galiv. traditionally, we will see you here, as well as on the air of the tv channel. subscribe to radio liberty platforms, share this video with your friends. well, thanks for that that you were with us. i wish you a peaceful day. attention, a profitable offer:
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light in your home. always a smart light bulb for only uah 149. working. even without electricity, the offer is limited, call! dear friends, we are returning to eterlasya vakulyuk andriy saichu, in this studio today we work until 12 o'clock, everyone is welcome to join us, the espresso marathon continues, we thank all those who also join our collections currently, for this morning there is +15 hryvnias compared to yesterday's 97.7 thousand, it is not much, but we hope that you will add more before the end of our broadcast, for this you have all the opportunities now, you see qr codes on your screens and the card numbers are below them, if you face the screen, monobank is on the right, private bank is on the left, who has not yet donated, join, who has already donated, but can still add, also join, every hryvnia is
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very important, 2.5 million, in total, you need to collect here on what we're... actually showing what we're showing on our screens, these are maviks, and we want to purchase 13 of them and transfer them to the front line, to the hellish east, where the artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine is currently working, and with the help of these drones they will see where the russians are lurking in order to destroy those russians from and to take revenge on them for everything they do to our children. dear friends, i would like to add... in the meantime, we continue to talk with our guests and join the conversation with iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine. ms. irina, we congratulate you. congratulations. mrs. irina, well, first of all, we will ask, today is july 9, which means that we have literally a little more than a week left until the deadline for registration
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of all conscripts ends. like now did this new mobilization work, what can you say how successful it is, and what will happen in principle after the 18th. well, first of all, the first thing to note is that all the three mechanisms that were prescribed in the law, through or this update of their data within 60 days for all military reservists and conscripts through the reserve plus, as an application or. through snap, which again brings us back to the reserve plus, or through tsksp, were not 100% ready for all citizens ... to have the opportunity to use them, which i mean , if as of today there are more than 3,200 people updated their data in total,
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the lion's share of them updated through the reserve plus, but unfortunately, due to the narrow functionality of the reserve plus, a large part of the category of people was forced to go to the tsc directly to issue a chito. lines, or reservations, and in this way you and i ended up in situations when queues to shopping centers, the staff of which was never expanded, despite the fact that the government promised it during the discussion of the law on mobilization, the staff of shopping centers simply chokes and does not cope with the need to provide the number of services that citizens come for , this may lead to... the fact that after 60 days, when this deadline expires, not all citizens, due to the defects of the executive power,
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will be unable to update their data, which will bear the already relevant administrative law, administrative responsibility for this offense, so we believed that the term of 60 days should be extended due to the inability of the executive branch to ensure... the full opportunity for everyone to update their data through the three mechanisms specified in the law. currently, we see that the monomajority and the authorities do not have the political will to extend these terms, so you and i, after almost a week, a little more than a week, may find ourselves in a situation where that part of the citizens who have not renewed theirs. consciously or unconsciously, but no have updated their information, will receive summonses either by registered mail with a signature, or during document checks on the street, a summons
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to update their information, respectively, after signing for this for this summons, but did not appear and did not update data, administrative responsibility arises, that is , an administrative fine is imposed for... updating data and for violating the law on military records, if this fine is not paid, then this case will be transferred to the executive service accordingly, like all administrative offenses, and further the executive service through court decisions can apply restrictions to those who have not paid this fine. at the same time, all those who have updated their data, but do not have... current information regarding passing the vlk can receive, including a notification about the need to pass the vlk in order for this
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current information to be pulled into the amulet register, as of now the vlk is valid , if it was passed there for no more than a year, i.e. relevant information e. there is a year of passage of the vielka, so the situation is that a significant number of people have used reserve plus, and i think that if this application , even with the narrow functionality that it had at the stage of its implementation, we would not have so many citizens updating their personal contact information, along with us. .. in the future, we will already face the problem of passing the vlc, but, because even now the ministry of health and the ministry of defense declare
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the impossibility of providing the number of services from the vlc, yes, that is, passing the vlc to citizens of ukraine, that's why here we again record with you the lack of readiness... er, the relevant regulatory and legal assets and actions on the part of the government, which would ensure the high-quality implementation of the law on mobilization. ms. iryna, the men who registered in the plus reserve updated their data, most of them say that later they were interrupted somewhere by tsc, and they were indignant, saying that this application and this update of data... does not give, or after july 18, this practice , which has already been called busification in ukraine, will continue to operate.
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e detention of men, will it already go away in past? well, firstly, basification in itself is an illegal action on the part of tsc and sp. more than 40 criminal cases have already been opened, and this is still a very low figure from my point of view, because illegal actions continue in many areas by representatives of the tsc, so citizens should not be afraid, accordingly , sue for violations of their rights by the tsc, tsp. in the case of forced mobilization, the so- called bossification, this is unacceptable. as for how current is the information that is updated via via reserve+n? i haven't encountered so far by the fact that the same qr codes that are generated in the reserve plus, or information from the reserve plus, etc., which are provided to representatives of either the police during the verification of documents or tksp.
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is irrelevant, but the bugs of the plus reserve are well-known, this is also irrelevant information that was during synchronization from various registers, you know that at the beginning there , in general, the ministry of defense was very happy that 700 thousand, attention, 700 thousand people, thanks to the reserve plus was removed from the search, we can only guess about the quality of yes... them and the information that is stored was stored until then in the register of the ministry of defense security, so if there are cases where either the representatives of the tsc or the police do not take into account the updated data through the plus reserve, it should be made as widely informed as possible, therefore that currently both
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the ministry of defense and... the general staff emphasized at the meetings of the national security committee that the information through the plus reserve will be equal to the presence or absence of a military registration document for a citizen during the inspection. mrs. irina, there is literally a minute left, what should we do with those ukrainian military, who have been fighting for the third year, at least, or should they fight until some, i don't know, endless end? very briefly, you know that european solidarity, immediately after the elimination of the law on the mobilization of this norm, registered its draft law, which proposed an algorithm of 36 months of continuous military service, of which 18 months are under combat orders, we believe that this is the optimal algorithm that allows to provide the opportunity and the right to those who defends the state from february 24, 22, for
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release during actions. martial law, the committee recently had a meeting in june with representatives of the ministry of defense and the general staff, there is an agreement that in october, according to the law on mobilization, there is an order for the government to introduce its draft law in the transitional provisions, so we expect in october months of the draft law from the government in case of positive dynamics of mobilization indicators under the new law, so far may and june demonstrated this positive dynamics in october, we expect a corresponding bill from the authorities, because , unfortunately, bills from the opposition are blocked and not considered in a defiant way, which is used even at the level of a committee decision. mrs. iryna, thank you, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, we talked about how the mobilization is going on in ukraine and what awaits ukrainians after july 18, dear friends, and now
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the tenth is approaching. in the morning, which means that there is already a fresh selection of news from our kateryna shiropoyas, it appears on your screens and will tell what happened there in ukraine, le, congratulations to andria, the news team is ready to promptly report on the most important thing, wait and don't switch. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the body of a boy and another person was found under a rubble in the shevchenkiv district, the state emergency service reported. as of this morning, it is already known about 2 x 7 dead as a result of the massive attack on kyiv. among them, four children, another 117 people were injured, the city military said administrator


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