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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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in kyiv was connected, according to some information , to the work of a reconnaissance drone over the ukrainian capital, but as it turned out, it was an attack on another medical facility in the dnipro district of our capital. in general, the story is about drones flying very deep into our rear. how big of a problem is this, what can we do, i'm sure the air force knows and is already working on this, however, it's... the russians built reconnaissance and strike systems, one of the important elements was their a50s and il-22nd, that is, these are scouts, this is what you and i talked about, now swedish, saabk aircraft, which could provide opportunities for reconnaissance to be entered and targeting to be given, so online reconnaissance means identify targets, and then the means of destruction strikes. they
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are striking with iskander batteries, but not only, they are striking with unmanned, impact munitions, they have spread the lancet, and they are already working hundreds of kilometers away, and therefore these strikes on our airfields are the last, they also used, as we know, these decoys unmanned aerial vehicles at a long distance are comparable, that is, before there were dozens of them. and now it is for hundreds, where they first reconnoitre the situation, clarify the coordinates, use their means to convey the impression that there may be iskanders, missile weapons, various, not only iskanders, missile weapons, which may be their lancets, at a long range, they modernized, applied, and then to photograph the results of the work, which means that it is difficult to work afterwards, and these planes can add to this. which the swedes offered and the package
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included two, two such planes, and of course that these swedish planes work better with gripenes, which the americans do not allow, and there are no longer two planes, again they reduced it to one, so that it was not so clear and not so effective on our part, these are the events of recent times, sir igor, we thank you very much for your thoughts, for the fact that you allocated your time for us, igor romanenko. founder of the charity fund "zakryem nebo ukrainy", deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006, 2010 , lieutenant general. and we remind you about our survey, it sounds as follows today so: should we expect sensationalism in favor of ukraine at the nato summit in washington? if you think so, then pick up your phones or smartphones and dial 0800 211 380. if
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you think not, then dial 0800 211 382, ​​all calls are absolutely free, at the end of this hour we will collect the first results of our voting, and we already have the next guest, oleksandr khara, diplomat, expert of the center for defense strategies on foreign and domestic policy issues. mr. alexander, welcome, good evening, congratulations. mr. alexander, we were just talking about the attack, the terrible attack that took place on our country today, and we are talking about the washington summit. in general, do you connect these two events, can they be politically connected in order to demonstrate something specifically during the summit, at which they are supposed to support ukraine? yes, of course, because of the war. this is only one of
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the means of politics, and there are always political goals in war, and it is not for nothing that this attack took place after putin's failed french elections and before the day of the summit, on the one hand, putin certainly wanted not to record the results of marie lippin and other similar characters, on the other hand, this is a clear signal to washington and nato allies not to say that they are restrained. let's put it this way, or rather, i would say that the nuclear deterrence of the russian federation works much better than any of the strategies that washington has to support ukraine. well, of course, this heat will not go unnoticed. i hope that there will be a reaction from our partners, well, first of all, to remove the ridiculous restrictions on the fact that we cannot destroy russian military facilities on russian territory. by american or
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some other systems, because if you look at the history, starting from the 14th year, then only horrors, they pushed our partners, something... to do first apply sanctions more painful, it all started with the downing of the malaysian boeing mhs17, then what happened in buch and irpen, it pushed ukraine to provide more powerful weapons, of course then there was mariupol, and all these things constantly push our partners to abandon the plans drawn in their own heads, by them themselves, the very red lines that they are afraid to cross in order to, god forbid, cause the third world war, it is actually already underway, because behind us there are more than 50 countries that support us, behind the russian federation, unfortunately, there are china, but also small harmful states like iran, north korea, well, of course, what can happen, if we
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look at history, the same thing can happen that actually happened before the day of the second world war, because... putin's regime definitely is already fascist by all indications, most likely it can also be called and nazi, because it denies the right to exist to the ukrainian people, and of course, the methods of conducting this war are no different from those used by the nazis. mr. oleksandr, if we are already talking about today's tragedy, is the reaction of the world adequate, as the world is reacting today to... one of the largest shelling and the most terrorist shelling of our country, is this reaction sufficient? well, so far i have seen political statements on twitter and they are quite positive, and the closer to russia, the more so they are tough and right, and in
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terms of calling the president of the united states to lift the ridiculous restrictions on the use of weapons on russian territory, and in terms of who ... should answer for these crimes, although, you know, if we look back at history , in the historical context, and the first and second chechen wars, there the civilian population was the object of attacks, and i mean that not only putin and under him, and not only in ukraine he used such brutal methods that are actually military crimes, but starting with yeltsin, that is, this is the modus operandi of the russian federation, and of course we have memories... also that when our children die, syrian children die on the same day, and assad and the russian air force kill them there, and syrian children are already being put to bed, we do not see the islamic world opposing this, nor the leftists in the united states
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and europe, who would go to protests and call for something to be done about these two tyrannical tyrants, unfortunately, and in ukraine, well... just the fact that it happened in kyiv with a children's hospital, it attracted attention, but in fact such things happen in ukraine, if not every day, then every other day, and unfortunately, it already, let's say, does not get into this information vortex, does not get into the information flow and becomes absolutely normal, i hope that the terrible footage that we have seen, they will push our partners even further in their support in... ukraine and most importantly, they will nullify all the so-called peacekeeping efforts, and mr. orbán, who shook hands with the military the criminal putin, and indian prime minister modi is there today, he didn't say a word about this
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crime, he didn't turn his plane around, he went to deepen the special strategic partnership, here, but of course the world sees what's going on, i hope. .. what is this next crime, it will bring to mind those who have forgotten, or who believe that what is happening in ukraine has already been normalized, and that it is possible to somehow stop the genocidal war with some peace initiatives there and negotiations with putin. so, mr. oleksandr, a little bit about orban and the indian prime minister. well, orban recently met with putin, before that he met with zelensky, flew to beijing. what is mr. orbán actually looking for in the east, and if we are talking about india and the prime minister of this country, a visit to the russian federation, india is a democratic country, but it is probably looking for certain advantageous options for existence
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and coexistence on the same continent with by many key players. according to orban and according to the indian prime minister, what kind of visits are these and why are they still behind... remain gaps for of the russian president in order to penetrate somewhere behind the scenes, but still the civilized world, well, in the foreign policy of... there is a dilemma between values ​​and national interests, if we are talking about orban, then he went there not just as a prime minister minister, and as the chairman of the eu, and the european union is based primarily on values, and in fact he tried to show in a smeared way that there is some kind of desire, that is, of the european union to push ukraine to peace talks, the so-called peace talks with the federation but there was a very good reaction from european factors and leaders of european states that
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he went on his own discretion, did not inform anyone, and does not have any authority to speak on behalf of the eu, and of course, the fact that he was condemned means a trip and an attempt to get certain dividends from the russian federation. you are absolutely right that there are gaps, both orbán and orbán's hungary are a trojan horse of russia and china, unlike other members of the european union, hungary is strengthening its cooperation and buying more gas and signed a contract to complete the nuclear energy bloc and so on, that is, orban is trying to use this tense situation between the eu and the russian federation in order to get certain dividends, well , he actually had the same thing with china, orban, or more precisely, hungary is a hub for devho. of china to the european market. the huawei corporation has the largest production in europe in hungary, and
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it is a corporation that produces equipment that is considered by the united states and a large number of european countries to be a danger to nato for the european union. if we say about fashion, then there is a slightly longer story. they still remember soviet times, or soviet times, when india was a country that did not join the soviet union. the union helped quite a lot, at the present moment, in fact, most of the indian armed forces are equipped with russian weapons. yes, they are reducing their dependence on russian weapons, or they have seen that they are not wunderwaffe in ukraine, that western weapons are much more effective, but this process is quite slow. the second is economic cooperation, and india bought a large amount of oil for its own use as well. usage and then, after processing, they sold to other countries, because of course they wanted
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to simply take advantage of the situation, since russia sells these energy sources at a large discount. well, now india is trying to play between, well, actually three forces: the west, the united states, europe, the russian federation, china, although by and large , india's national interests are to strengthen itself and restrain itself. china in the indo-pacific region, and russia, as china's weak partner, helps china build its muscles and behave in the region more aggressively, well, there is a connection here, because what is happening in ukraine, and the reaction of our western partners in supporting us, and god forbid, the loss of ukraine, it will be a green light, a green light signal for china to take over taiwan , and that is exactly why the hindus would do better to think. that there are long-term interests of india and those countries that
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support it, the democratic camp, and there are short-term interests, such as oil, like some kind of economic cooperation with the russian federation, and of course it would be better if they consider this and choose a side that ideological, valuable, supports india, and not just tries to use it against ukraine and the west, the west as a whole. sir oleksandr, what kind of light should nato show to ukraine at this summit, because we understand that this summit is important, but ukraine will not be invited, and now various options for cooperation are being discussed, various options for supporting our country are being discussed, we understand that this maybe not what we expected from nato. we know that president zelenskyy has to meet with biden, but if all this complex of issues
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is combined into one, what do we expect from nato at the summit, and will these signals be positive, or will they ultimately be more positive than negative? well, our desire and the desire of our closest neighbors, who feel threatened by the russian federation, the baltic states, poland, romania, the united... kingdom, they would like to see the start of the process of ukraine joining nato with an open date, it is clear that tomorrow or in a year we cannot become members of nato, for that it must be two'. practically the conditions, the first is our readiness, and the second, and even more important , is the political will in the sobo ranks, unfortunately, we do not receive this signal, we are offered, instead of the open door, which we have been standing in front of for some time, to build some a bridge to nato, i don't know, to be honest, what that means, let's look and read the documents
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after they are released, what we are being offered is concrete assistance, and ... in fact, a transfer of leadership from the united states to nato structures and the ramstein process and other processes that were aimed at strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities now and to strengthen our capabilities in the future to deter russian aggression, that is, this is not something so new, it is actually the arrangement of the format that exists under the umbrella of nato, with such, you know, a safety net... of the possible arrival of trump, which may stop support for ukraine altogether, and therefore i would not say that this is too positive. we will probably hear concrete, concrete proposals, concrete the obligations of our partners to strengthen our air defense and other capabilities, here, but it is clear that this is not what we were waiting for,
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we need a political signal, and not only ukraine, russia also needs this signal, which russia does not have veto rights on the decision. nato, and secondly, that no matter what they do, ukraine will be a member of nato. and then one of the reasons for this war is removed, at least as it was considered in washington, excuse me, in moscow. they say that it was nato and the expansion of nato that provoked this war. if ukraine inevitably follows this path, then it turns out that putin has no way to achieve this goal, and part of this war loses its meaning. and mr. oleksandr, today the ukrainian president had the opportunity to sign, apparently, a certain security, possibly framework agreement again with donald tusk, the polish prime minister, all this is actually happening on the way of our leader to washington, in addition, there is supposedly an understanding, that it is necessary to create a ukrainian legion from
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those people who are currently on the territory of the european union. as you generally see ours cooperation? with poland, in the context of the new signed agreements, is it important and should we place any hopes on them at all? it is a great deal, and in substance, in structure, of course, it repeats all those we have signed with other countries, i would put it second only to the agreement with the united kingdom, but the most important thing is not even what is written on paper, because you know, very often it happened, there were good words and intentions, but there was no political will. to implement them, in the case of both britain and poland, there is such a will, because these countries, the elites of these countries, clearly realized the threats from the russian federation, both to ukraine and to the european continent, so this agreement is really historic, very good, and one can only welcome that it is so well written, and as for what, what planned
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to do, these agreements are an important tool for strengthening our defense capabilities. strengthening cooperation in the defense-industrial complex in order for us to be a single part of the european space, and of course, ukraine, while it is not a member of nato, could defend itself and then be a part of it, a worthy part of nato. it is also very important to say that we stopped hearing from mr. oleksandr and... and i would like to understand that there could be problems on our side, or is it possible, mr. oleksandr? yes , yes, we hear, we hear, we hear, we hear, yes, a very important point is that these agreements are not substitutes for nato, and in fact, in most of the signed agreements it is written that they help ukraine to get closer to nato standards, and in
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the future to become nato members. it is clear that poland is probably like no other... state would like this, since we are a country that is on the path of the russian federation to the west, and it feels its vulnerability, and of course there is a bad memory of what happened, that is, the partitions of poland, and the occupation, and the genocides committed by the russian the federation, more precisely the soviet union in relation to the poles, so these agreements, they are instrumental, they are very important, i hope that we will... use the potential, and for this we need to create certain institutional mechanisms in ukraine so that we understand who is responsible for filling these agreements and the implementation of these agreements, because there are many of them. and plans, there are also from political, economic, to the fight against corruption, european integration, in fact, here, but there are specific military or issues related to
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the defense-industrial complex, and all this is quite difficult to give to one ministry does one official need to create such a mechanism in order for him to actually use these agreements. mr. oleksandr, yes, thank you for your thoughts, your analysis, oleksandr. hara, diplomat, expert of the defense center of foreign and security policy strategies. and yes, i must, i must give information that is very important, at the beginning of our ether, information appeared in many places that a baby was taken out from under the rubble of okhmadito and immediately hospitalized, fortunately this information is not confirmed. thanks to the ministry of internal affairs and their communications for helping to dig. to be honest, fortunately, we don't have a story with a wounded baby, but, but, let's remind you that yesterday, near the village of tsirkuny,
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which is kharkiv region, on a russian mine a civilian car with passengers was blown up, and this evening, information appeared that a two-month-old baby was killed as a result of hitting a mine, in fact, the body was thrown 15 m away, and this is not the only victim of this tragedy, of many other tragedies in our country . we remind you about our survey, whether you should wait for sensationalism in favor of ukraine at the nato summit in washington, you can choose two options, either yes or no, take your smartphones or phones and dial 0800 211381 if you think so, if do you think not please type 800-21 382 all your calls are absolutely free, and one more important
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event, yes, not only yesterday and not only this month, this is probably an event, relatively speaking, even on a planetary scale, this is the french election, this is the french election , and andriy shkil, politician, journalist, people's deputy, is also in touch with us. of the fourth, fifth and sixth convocations, who now lives in france, understands these issues, yes, yes, mr. andriyu, are you with us, we are now, yes, yes, i have you here, great, mr. andriyu, good good evening, well, unfortunately, it is not good here in ukraine, but as it is, well, let's start, probably, with the results, how revolutionary, resonant, i don't know, expected or unexpected, they, in particular, became... and for you, can we say that emmanuel macron's multi-choice has succeeded and marine le pen is now, well, actually
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losing this battle? well, look, i can comment on it, in general, this multi-track can be commented on with such kind words spoken in poland by the prime minister, that in moscow there is disappointment, in paris there is enthusiasm, in kyiv is relieved, because really. after these elections and after this multi-way combination that macron did to knock down the popularity of the right in france at the very top, they really had a very good environment to grow, because a poll that was conducted not immediately after the european , well, during the elections to the european parliament, he testified that 68% of french people do not feel at home, that is , they... consider the country of france as one that does not provide security, economic, social, and even without, of course, security, because the war is knocking on the french door, there is war in europe, and
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accordingly, the sense of the shoulder is absent in france, because the normal law on foreigners was not adopted in their opinion, and accordingly this entails such a whole series of problems, which had to be solved in this way, announce early elections. taking a risk, of course the risk was great, different things could happen, this so-called two-round system of france could not have given such a result, if the so-called front had not been formed, that is, the so-called republican front, and they entered it, and this is very important, in the region of libya, which were put at a crossroads, either they enter and support the position offered to them by the current president, or they already merge into one. dances with the extreme left, and that's why this combination actually worked, and if everyone was sufficiently upset and shocked in most cases by the first round,
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then they were... pleasantly reassured by the second round, when the mechanism of depriving the far right of power in the region and in general worked , extreme structures, radical structures, which they rush to power with the help of democratic institutions, that is, the german lesson was learned here, when hitler came to power in a democratic way in germany, there are such opportunities here, it worked, the french institution works, french democracy works, and now the only one who now does not work, this is the french parliament, because there is a discussion about what will happen, whether there will be a coalition, whether there will be a minority government, whether such a transitional government will be formed from technocrats, in any case, ukraine can watch this with peace of mind, because everything that has happened now actually calms down the foreign policy picture
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of france, that is, now only internally. problems, problems, who will be at the head of the government, whether it will be, what will be the combination, and in principle, under any circumstances, the formation of the government will take place without extreme rightists and without extreme leftists, therefore such a state of affairs may be auspicious for ukraine, absolute calm, and we can all calmly observe, although again remember that power is very important, but intelligent power gives results, risk. justified yields a result when the government acts, in particular the french government, acts in such a way as not to endanger the integrity of the country, to stop the coming to power of those structures that could bring, well , if not a civil war, then a very serious civil civil confrontation in france, but mr. andrii, regarding the non-working parliament,
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as you said, it is not working yet, which is still in your opinion the most likely scenario, because we see, in fact, no one has a majority, and in fact the three main political forces, they are plus or minus, well, of course they have, if not the same, then somewhere around the approximate number of mandates now, can the centrists really get along with the leftists, and whether the chairman. will not remain united, this left front, the left movement, will remain united, because there are a lot of different, essentially, political forces, political movements, will this cause a crisis of parliamentarism in france in the next few years. no, no, there is no such threat here, because for the first time in 27 there will be presidential elections, and this will remove any confrontation, because this confrontation, which may be maturing now, it will be resolved. through
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the elections of the president and then the parliament, will the left movement be the only one here, no, maybe it won't be, and i don't see any problems in this, because really this new people's front includes four political forces, it is a socialist party, it's an environmental party, well, let's say a group of environmental parties, it's communists, and it's an extremely left-wing structure, unruly france, that is, unconquered france, franz-insumi. led by jean-luc milanchon, who is such an odious leader of the left, he very actively supported at one time, well, let's say, contacts with before the full-scale incursion of russian troops into ukraine, with russian visas, with the communist party of russia, with other structures there that were close to him, in his entourage, there are enough people with russian, well with dual citizenship,
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for example, let's say, russian and french, but... but that's not important, what's important is that already during the election campaign for the european parliament, he clearly emphasized that as in the case when his party will be at to the authorities, whether here or in to the european parliament, the attitude towards ukraine should be the same from france as it is towards palestine, and towards russia as towards israel, which, according to mélenchon, is the same usurper of territory that russia is towards ukraine, so it is this . position, well , it is clear that it is unacceptable for ukraine, because as he advocated against, against supporting ukraine, for ending the supply of weapons, finances in the ukrainian state as such, not even just about military aid, therefore, in principle, when this structure was formed before elections, will fall apart and a normal one will be formed a centrist-left centrist coalition, it's safe to say, then the ruling party can also enter.


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