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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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close to him, in his entourage there are enough people with russian, well, with dual citizenship, for example, let's say, russian and french, but that is not important, what is important is that already during the election campaign for the european parliament, he clearly set out emphasizes that, as in the case when his party is in power, whether here or in the european parliament, the attitude towards ukraine should be the same from france as it is towards palestine, and towards russia as well as towards israel, which on opinion... melenchon has this the very usurper of the territory, which is russia in relation to ukraine, that is why this position is clearly unacceptable for ukraine, because as he spoke against, against supporting ukraine, for ending the supply of weapons and finances to the ukrainian state as such, not even just about military aid, therefore, in principle, when this structure is formed before the elections, it will disintegrate and a normal centrist left will be formed. a centrist coalition, where
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it is calm, then the ruling party, the party of revival and all those political the forces that together with macron have joined the electoral bloc together, they will also form and lead it, in fact it can become a majority government, they can even get, if not an absolute majority, then a figure very close to it, this will give the opportunity to the president to work quietly and work quietly in the entire french state, but again, here is the question... proposals have already been made in the discussions to lead such a government in such a combination to the former president of france, who passed, by the way, also became a deputy françois olano, and he did not object very much, although of course he decided nothing and did not confirm whether such conversations were held in the inner circle of the social party to which he belongs or not, but nevertheless tests are being made and ... all any attempts,
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they are in principle positive for the formation of the government. the only negative that can happen is the so-called transitional government. transitional governments, governments of technocracy, they very often typically receive support from the left sector, not only from the extreme left and from the right side of the political spectrum, not only from the extreme right. and then, when this government of so-called technocrats works before the presidential elections, before the presidential campaign, it is quite possible. as for power, the extreme left and extreme right will fight for power, i think that the current president macron will have the strength and ability to avoid this temptation of forming a so-called technical government or a technocratic government, for now it remains, even though gabriel tal has resigned, he remains the acting prime minister, everything works as it did, the cabinet of ministers has not been dissolved, the cabinet of ministers has not... on the sent
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resignation and it is quite likely that this will not happen before the start of the olympics and until the end as well, because someone has to provide security, someone has to ensure the supply of everything necessary to a sufficiently powerful structure, which is the olympic games, and most importantly - it will provide stabilization of power in order to to go through this rather difficult path with the olympics as a plus, there are terrorist threats and terrorist threats for... global, not only local, there in paris, but in the whole of france, so i think that by the end of the olympics it is quite likely that the old government will finish , but work on the coalition will be carried out, because it is well known that after the parliamentary and presidential elections, even a parliamentary republic cannot function without a change of government. mr. andriy, and our dear viewers and listeners, it is probably worth reminding a little that, in principle, the french elections became a kind of reaction. and the decision of the french president
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on the elections to the european parliament, so we know about the results, we understand the main trends, nevertheless we understand that the trends in france are completely different than in europe in general, as i it seems, yes, the talk now is that marine le pen can seek allies in the european parliament with her national association in... the condition of joining le pen and her party to become the third largest group in the european parliament, as the elections in france, in your opinion and according to your estimations, will affect the overall picture of meps with the european parliament? well, yes, this is a valid question, because... luckily
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, the frontman and the president of the national union party, george bordola, has already admitted defeat, he said that we lost this election, but won the european elections. parliament and for both of these battles i am responsible for both the defeat and the victory, and it is quite a possible scenario that lippen will want to strengthen, but she will strengthen in the european parliament, but she will lose in the national elections, that is, she will lose in france, that is, how only she identifies herself next to orbán and his group, or orbán is still far enough away, but his spanish portuguese colleagues here in... next to france, clearly understand the difference between who lippen wants to show himself to the public and who will be her colleagues in the european parliament from the entourage of orbán from portugal and spain, naturally, because of this, she will think twice before doing something like this, my personal prediction is,
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no, she will not do this, she will remain with the family, she will remain in the environment, let's say yes, radical conservatives will plot their intrigues there, well, okay, you have your network in order to come to power in 27 in france, this is the most important thing for her. the european dimension for her, she considers it only and exclusively as the dimension that helps to realize her intentions precisely in france, in the national parliament, in the national state, that is, in the national structure, it is her and the ideology lies in this, well, the interest, because the le pen family, for how many years, it will soon be 80 years, has been fighting for... power in france and that's all will not receive it in any way, and this will naturally be the stimulus that will move it, the political force in the european parliament, i think that it will remain with the milon in the structure it has, in order that in the 27th year to be able
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to win the presidential elections elections and in the parliamentary elections, this is the most important thing for her, and actually the fact that there were premature... elections, it was also that multi-way combination with the fact that it was not possible to unite all right-wing forces in europe, this was a blow and directed there, because it was assumed that after that, after the defeat, ee lipen would be forced even more to paint her image in normal, not bright, let's say, not bright radical colors, here she will talk again about the fact that the most important thing is ... raise the purchase price capacity, that it is necessary to take care of french culture, and there will be less to frighten society with radical slogans and less to frighten society in general, more to call for unity, and for this it will need to demonstrate its absolutely consistent position: we agreed, we made a decision,
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we signed an agreement on the corresponding partnership in the european parliament, and we will continue to cooperate for the benefit of the new europe and the new france. i think such a guy. she will announce from the european tribune and her a large number of enough deputies proclaim similar slogans from within the walls of the parliament mr. andriy, thank you for your inclusion for your thoughts andriy shkil, politician, journalist, people's deputy of the fourth tr6th convocation. well, here are the results. in france, there are interesting, unpredictable, but which already exist, and this demonstrates that democracy really works in europe. and we remind you that today our survey concerns the topic of
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the nato washington summit, should we expect sensationalism in favor of ukraine in washington, if you if you think so, please continue to call 0800-211. 381, if you don't expect anything sensational, then 0800 2011-382, and as of now only 17% of those who voted believe that something is waiting for us wow, tomorrow in washington, 83% of ukrainians, those who called us, are more pessimistic, please continue to vote, we continue to work with andrii for you, this is the program for a new week, we will share: among ourselves and together with you the main thoughts and reflections of this day and all important topics of the last days and days on future, wait. when you sleep on
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hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, and what to prepare for. leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. it's a new week, we're back, and unfortunately, air anxiety is practically everywhere. country, there were exits of ballistics, explosions were now heard
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residents of zaporozhye, please stay in shelters, we are also in a safe place and continue to work for you, as we can see, this day, this, i would say black monday, it does not end in any way, so you need to protect yourself and understand that these threats are there, they will be until the moment... the russian federation exists, but right now, by the way, on the screens you can see a map where almost all of ukraine, except for the west of kharkiv and luhansk regions, is red with anxiety. well, let's remind you that tomorrow at 5 p.m. it should take place the un security council, which is convened at the request of ukraine, great britain, france, slovenia, and ecuador. the russian federation, of course , plans. to believe that it was her missile that hit ukraine's largest children's hospital
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, okhmadyt, they are already working out the method that it was ukrainian nasams, and ukraine committed this provocation in order to make a great impression on nato, which is holding a summit in washington tomorrow, and it is possible to somehow incite his colleagues and allies in this way. in the alliance, well, to invite us more thoroughly there, that's all russian methodology, our representatives, and officials, and the ministry of internal affairs. decided cases, in particular confirms and absolutely proves together with all conscious and unconscious military experts that the missile that flew, first of all, was not in any way under the influence of our air defense system, unfortunately, this is one of those missiles that
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our air forces and not only failed to hit, but she... absolutely definitely achieved her goal. imagine, the target of russian terrorists is a children's hospital. that the strike was planned, that he had exactly there is , in my opinion, no one in doubt about the goal and exactly the goals of okhmadit, who simply looks at what is happening, who analyzes the audiovisual materials that are already on the internet, which concerns the russian segment, the internet. they are very satisfied, moreover, some of them say that one more rocket would not have hurt, and this is how they react to photos of parents with children in the street near the bodies of the victims, it is just some kind of madness, but we thank you very much and once again we admire the courage of the ukrainian people, the people of
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in the performance of their direct duties, and today it is also ukrainian doctors, let's listen to the head of the oncology department okhmadita, she talked to our journalist, told what happened practically in the first seconds, the first minutes after the arrival of the rocket? an air alarm sounded, everyone started, since the ward is difficult, everyone is under infusions and you can't do it, we started pulling them into the corridor little by little, they didn't know how to lower the lying ones, well, we wanted to. skates, everyone who walked went down with the nurses, we started lying down a little to take out into the corridors, and just as i was pulling the lying one out of the box, and there was just such a wave, and well, just simply lucky that nothing at all fell on the child, well, fortunately, well
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, somehow, i don’t know, that’s how the stars became, that’s just, well, everyone in my department. goals, all goals, everyone has already been evacuated, the minister of health, viktor lyashko, also gave his comment, he told what happened to ahmadyt and how significant this blow is, let's hear that our entire hospital was affected, we have five objects were damaged okhmaditu and one of the children's heart surgery center, all the patients here are children who came for medical care, and these are... children who came for unique medical care, because this is a national- scale clinic, and both treatment and surgical interventions are performed here , which, unfortunately, is not done almost anywhere anymore, or in some point institutions, so this is another manifestation of russian terrorism, well, when we actually see it, when we generally discuss
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the issue of air defense, not air defense, when we generally start to react to any russian narratives well, i am quite skeptical about this, because i apologize, who started the war with ukraine? russian federation, who launches missiles into ukraine? russian federation, who is killing our people? russian federation. when, therefore, when someone says that the anti-aircraft defense was working correctly or not, the air defense, when, excuse me, 40 missiles are flying, is actually working at the limit of its capabilities, just at the limit. if all types of missiles, daggers, iskanders, cruise missiles are directed at one point types, that is, we understand that russia commits terrorist crimes against our country every day, 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, it is russia that kills our
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people every day, and they kill, it is not just putin who kills, but... russians are killing, those russians who, as khrystyna said, were extremely happy today, you know, when i looked at the segment of russian social networks today in general, there is excitement, there is just a boom, there is pleasure, they got out of their swamp from st. petersburg to magadan , from vladivostok to rostov, and on monday they started. good, they make these insults with lights, they make the class, they, they, they tell each other in front of each other, how should we hit ukrainian objects, we should destroy them. childbirth, how should we destroy ukrainian children, how should we add a dagger to kiev once again, you understand what a sick country, who
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are sick deeply, imperialis, not even imperialist, this is this perversion of terrorists, which all terrorists, who justify, such strikes and rejoice , this simply shows that there is nothing to negotiate with russia things about the possible consequences of this particularly cynical attack on the children's hospital and in another way, let's recall the medical facility, where there are also, if i'm not mistaken, seven people, this is , firstly, secondly, there is also a maternity ward there, well that is , the consequences, whatever they may be, there are always two ways, someone will look at it and uh, get even more angry and convert that rage into some kind of solution. the average ukrainian is yet another donor, one of the world leaders in yet another
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batch of powerful military support for our country, and i would certainly like to believe, that the nato summit in washington will be able to make such a complete, completely conscious invitation of our country to the alliance. this is one way, there is another way. to look at this and understand that they are completely sick, they are completely perverted, and to fight against this, well , you can’t go on forever, maybe you should buy back, buy back a part of the ukrainian territories, or maybe give in to some of their demands just so that this sick don't give a fuck, and i'm really very afraid that someone, someone from the civilized world may have... thoughts of the nature of the second option, that about that i and they already arise, but you about reactions? i'm not even talking about reactions, i'm talking about
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viktor orban, who, by the way, said that now i will find: the next two or three months there will be more victims than in the last six months, orban announced in an interview with bild, ukraine and russia rejected my proposal to first declare a truce. and then to start negotiations, my task is to focus on how to achieve peace, you see, here is a peace dove who promotes russian interests, a person who went to legitimize the terrorist putin, not only as the prime minister of hungary, but also as i'm sorry, the head of europe, as the state that really presides over the european union today, went to legitimize, starts talking... about a truce, but i'm sorry, but a truce, it will not be broken by russia, as it has been broken since 2014 year, how many
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times, how many times have ceasefires started, i remember russia saying, all 0:00 at night, we, we will not shoot, 0:01, they shoot, it's about how much you can trust russia, and that, that orban to... russia, well here, you know, i don't believe that this person is doing this from from the bottom of my heart, i absolutely understand that today, unfortunately, some countries, some leaders, some prominent politicians in europe and not only in europe, but also around the world, have become a kind of voice of putin, have become a kind of guide of russian narratives, and the most that still... unpleasant to me is really the fact that now putin is meeting with the leaders of some large countries, where huge populations, who have huge economic potential,
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are considered to be coming to putin and are silent, they are silent about the crimes that he commits russian federation on the territory of ukraine, they actually legitimize putin today, in the eyes of the whole world, they show that somewhere there is some kind of civilized world. and somewhere there is a world that accepts putin, that is ready to come to him in moscow, that is ready to receive him in their country, that is ready to buy his oil, receive his bloody rubles, supply him with some, some goods, some elements for armament, that there is the greatest tragedy, it is something that just finishes, especially after such black days as today, when even on the same day... led politicians of great powers are ready to meet with putin and are not ready to tell him even at this meeting, dear, what are you doing, about what,
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what is next for you? nevertheless, if we talk about the reaction of the civilized world to everything that is happening, we must give credit to almost all authoritative media of any nature, all of them are on the front pages, or near the front pages, but they have exactly a blow to the ohmadite, as far as the reaction of the leaders is concerned heads of european states, poland, we know, today the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi met with donald tusk, there are signed framework documents and agreements. tusk emphasizes that the attack on the hospital is terrible on the part of the russians, while emphasizing that ukraine needs the support of the entire civilized world in the fight. great britain, which recently was also in an active election process, and thank god, at least here. conservatives, laborists, it doesn't matter, in the context of supporting our state, let's remind you that both of these
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forces... speak out for supporting ukraine, for providing us with all the necessary help, prime minister of great britain keir starmer emphasizes that the attack on children is the most terrible act. the head of the british government says that london will continue to support our country. peter pavel, the czech republic, the president of this country, and the author of a rather important, i would even say, at one point life-saving initiative on ammunition for us, emphasized that the... the most vulnerable cannot be forgiven, the mass attack on july 8 shows that , that the russians stop at nothing, so the czech leader expects the nato summit in washington to reach a consensus on the extent to which russia is a threat to the civilized world. well, let's recall that peter pavel is a person who knows how the north atlantic alliance works, because he held relevant positions there. estonia, estonian prime minister kaja kalas condemns.
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the russian attack, with shocking footage of a russian missile hitting okhmadyt hospital, ukraine's largest children's hospital, is a reminder of why we must support ukraine and why outright russian war criminals must be brought to justice. moldova did not remain silent either, it has sanda here, who emphasizes that the ohmadit hospital saved thousands of lives, but the russians decided to turn it into a ruin. ambassadors and heads of foreign affairs of different countries express themselves. and we really hope that this support and understanding that it simply cannot continue like this will translate into something, at least something, let's not be too optimistic, but we would like a realistic answer to what happened today and will continue to happen in reality, but in washington tomorrow, i would like important things to be said there, there, there,
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in fact. important, maybe some change, will change the situation in our favor. according to the latest data, 27 people, including three children, have died, and this is only in kyiv. this is an update from the kyiv city military administration, 82 people were wounded, and i will remind you that 11 more people died in dnipropetrovsk region, and three more people died in donetsk region. daughters, and this is only from rockets. attacks, we are not talking about daily losses on the front line from shelling of actually front-line settlements, about what are the consequences of people who later, unfortunately, die in hospitals, after raids on mines, after numerous injuries, that is, we are really talking about the genocide that
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the russian federation is committing in relation to ukraine, at the expense, by the way, of conversion, but we talk a lot about nato, we talk a lot about the importance of ukraine joining nato , today's events, all the events of all previous days, months, weeks, they clearly indicate that the western, civilized world needs to realize that ukraine must finally become... a member of nato in order to transform this terrible terror and terrible genocide, and when the world politicians come to this, finally, when the world politicians finally mature to this, then it is possible that there will be some real turning point in favor of the civilized world, because until this moment russia thinks, well, listen, if, if in...


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