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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, yana yavomelnyk and the news editors talk about the most important thing for this hour: the bodies of four women have already been recovered from the rubble of a house in kyiv. as of now, we know about 12 dead people, among them four children. mayor vitaliy klitschko announced. in total , more than 100 people were injured as a result of the massive attack on the capital. let me remind you that the russians attacked seven districts of kyiv. in shevchenkivskyi, a children's hospital and a multi-story residential building were hit. search operations are ongoing there. also destroyed medical center in the dnipro district. an industrial facility, an educational institution, a business center and a college were damaged. today is a day of mourning in the capital. and... the works in ohmadita
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are completed. as a result of the attack, two people died, a doctor and a relative of one of the patients. more than fifty people were injured, including eight children, and they were hospitalized, the ministry of internal affairs reported. 94 children were transferred from ohmadito to other medical facilities. let me remind you that the russians hit the toxicology building with a kha-101 missile, which was also destroyed surgical corps. and oncohematology laboratory. the russians purposefully struck the okhmadit children's hospital in kyiv. they were hit by a high-precision kha-101 missile. its wreckage was found by the security service of ukraine. the trajectory of the rocket was clearly aimed at the medical complex, as evidenced by the consequences of the destruction caused.
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and numerous videos and photographs of the moment of impact - the sbu notes. in kherson , a local resident was injured as a result of another shelling. a 49-year-old man reported to the regional military administration on his own got to the hospital. he has an explosive injury and a broken leg. the morning was also restless in the city. the russians covered the ship's area with fire. windows and panes were damaged in houses. in vandalized fences. there are roofs, i woke up at the beginning of the second, it was somewhere far away like that, and then i heard that the chandelier fell and the glass was sprinkled, it rattled, and then, like the beginning , there were five flights, fell to the floor, hid in the branches, where there is nowhere to hide, our people are converted into donations due to enemy shelling, the espresso tv channel invites you to join to the zero-to-life project, it's a collection of atvs for fast. evacuation of the wounded
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and delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are irreplaceable helpers. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive join the collection for... the goal of 4 million hryvnias. unknown drones continue to attack the astrakhan region in russia. the flight of drones was recorded in akhtubinsk and znamyansk. the corresponding video was made public by local residents. according to ukrainian media. a large military training ground and an airfield are located in these cities. meanwhile, the aggressors reported to the ministry of defense of the country about the downing of three drones over ast. which region and one over
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bilhorodskaya. a chemical plant is also on fire in the russian city of kirovsk, reports there ministry of emergency situations. the roof of the warehouse with chemical concentrate is on fire. the fire covered more than 1,500 square meters. information about the victims is being clarified. china and belarus have started joint so-called anti-terrorist exercises, writes sky news, they are being held at the brysk training ground, which is 40 km from the border with ukraine, the exercises will last until july 19, according to the media, the exercises are connected with the nato summit in washington, where will discuss, in particular, further military and financial support to ukraine. introduction of ukraine to nato has the status of irreversible, this is stated in the text of the joint agreement. the communique of the 75th
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anniversary summit of the alliance in washington, cnn news agency reports. officials are convinced that the use of the term irreversibility refers to ukraine's accession to nato. an important signal for kyiv and moscow. at the same time , at the summit, the united states intends to announce the provision of additional air defense systems to ukraine, in particular the patriot complexes. president joe biden will also meet with volodymyr zelenskyi. in general, the meeting of nato leaders in washington will last until july 11. meanwhile, due to russia's massive attack on ukraine, the un security council will hold an emergency meeting today. it will begin at 5 p.m. kyiv time, volodymyr zelenskyi said. according to the president, kyiv convened the radbes due to the attack of the occupiers on civil infrastructure, in particular on the ohmadit children's hospital. georgia's accession to the eu has been suspended, european
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union ambassador to georgia pavel herchynskyi said. in a comment to journalists. two more eu presidents and prime ministers made decisions in brussels. on june 27, the reason was the adoption by the georgian government parliament of the law on foreign agents, which is considered pro-russian. gerchynskyi also reported that the european union has frozen 30 million euros allocated to support the georgian defense forces. brussels, however, recognized the country's new course as anti-democratic. the sbi reported the suspicion to the former co-owner of the private bank, gennady. bogolyubov and another border guard. the law enforcement officer facilitated the oligarch's escape. according to the investigation materials, bogolyubov , accompanied by his close relative, left for poland by train on june 24. however, according to the database, he did not cross the border. businessman is liable to imprisonment for up to 7 years. residents
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of three regions will not pay for gas next heating season. it is about kharkiv oblast. rank and sumy oblast were notified in the ministry of reintegration. the government is launching an experimental project under which liquefied gas will be delivered to ukrainians in cylinders as humanitarian aid. in this way, the state plans to provide the frontline territory with the necessary resources. in verkhovyna, the second run of the children's back-to-back competition, forest school, started. 60-60 came to rest in the mountains. children of immigrants from all over the world of ukraine. during 10 days, the students of the camp rest and learn in the form of a game. the life of the forest school is close to the conditions of a real hike. our correspondents also visited the camp. to this sound, the students of the forestry
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school in hutsul oblast gather for another activity. this time the improvisation theater. they listened to the birds singing, they are birds. the camp program is designed for children who suffered from the war, were forced to move to another region, or whose family has the status of poor. people from different cities of ukraine come here for rest every shift 30 children for the didova fazenda location and the same number for the living house location. this house was chosen in order to combine culture and traditions. with the camp, so that it would be a place of strength, so that it would be a place that has some history, and autotentics, a mistress, my grandfather also had a mistress here and it continues now, we also have cows, we have a territory where you can walk, where you can
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make hay, that is, children live with us and get experience, such communication with nature, with living animals, the camp team are educators. and teachers from different of alternative schools, doctors, cooks and artists who conduct master classes. we have a lot of movement in our school, and movement is combined with mathematics, movement is combined with language. we don't learn poems, we memorized them, told them. for us, every poem is a movement. even, here we start the day with words, with movements, in the younger classes we show it. for example, the sun loves light. the day shines for me, and the spirit lives in the soul, and gives us strength, and so on. children like such leisure. fairy tales for the night, i don't know, i wanted to sit there, sumo, what else to play hide and seek all over
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territories children's life and accommodation are close to the conditions of a real hike. overnight in sleeping bags, on carts, in wooden houses. through this life. i feel that we are all coming together, learning more about each other, and this instills very pleasant emotions inside, everyone accepts, like me, the conditions of the game. everyone is interested, for everyone it is such a big game, lasting 10 days, for us educators and for children. only until september , each location will accept five races of children. victoria vakalyuk from ivano-frankivsk region for espresso tv channel. at this moment, the news editor told about the main thing. the next issue will be on the 15th, we are working, monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, we will tell you about everything later. meet my colleagues marto oliarnyk and antina borkovska.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers. the information day of the tv channel continues because today is the day. galobi, the day of remembrance for our fellow citizens who were killed yesterday, may their memory be blessed, may they rest in peace with god, the war continues, well, we will conduct our broadcast, we will inform you about all the most important things, now we are in touch with general of the army of ukraine mykola malomuzh, who at one time was in charge of ukrainian intelligence. glory to ukraine, mr. army general, glory to the heroes, first of all we would like to ask you about certain versions of the chu. the enemy resorted to those war crimes, yes, that is, hit, publicly hit, destroyed
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civilians and hit civilian objects, which, what was the goal? first of all, we see that the enemy has no prospects on the front, putin's constant, clear instructions to seize, specifically donetsk, luhansk, partly kharkiv, the zaporizhia region is failing, the prerequisites for... new offensive operations in russia are now virtually exhausted, so he, having no resources, will work out another scheme in parallel, this is our inclination to negotiations, he understands that we have a clear position, we are only focused on the reproduction of sovereignty of ukraine, the abandonment of our territories by the enemy and clear compensation and security guarantees. putin is not satisfied with this, he is close to international pressure, agreements, for example, with sinzipin. precisely the president of brazil, lulu, the prime minister
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in india, according to orban, the prime minister of hungary is working on an alternative scheme, which involves the occupation of territories, the cessation of hostilities and the constant threat of new aggression, and there is no powerful format of support for the people of ukraine, such versions, he would like to use the method of terror, intimidation, to break the spirit of the ukrainian people so that... under the pretext of these huge sacrifices , the ukrainians were inclined to stop hostilities and go to negotiations with putin. putin does not understand how we are at the beginning of the war, i said on the first day that we should not break the ukrainian spirit of the people, and you will lose, he thinks that he will force us to make concessions with terror, and that all citizens will speak up and put pressure on the leadership of our country regarding the negotiation process on russia's terms, and that is just the pretext. for this or a very powerful format of pressure - these are terrorist attacks, this is
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the main position, knowing putin and his leadership, he only acts this way, he does not know, so to speak, the model, well, some even in the war of rules or agreements on retreat, he only knows a position of strength, it is to break through the front, but it is not possible and understandably to apply strikes on the peaceful population so that there are more victims, this is the main position that i am characterizing today... these strikes, he combines them, most importantly, he tries to strike as many as possible, so to speak, and strikes, but so that there are more victims among the peaceful population , so that we are horrified by this, as we can see what the consequences were now, that is why they use new methods of launching missiles at ultra-low targets, maneuvering them, which is very difficult, to dig up air defense, and of course specific civilian objects, especially hospitals, even in kyiv, we talk about the fact that this is her building ahmadyto and these are children, these are parents, these are
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hospital staff, in the same way in kyiv, on the left bank, also a maternity hospital, in other cities of ukraine, or civilian objects or residential buildings, that is, concrete strikes not military, even energy structure, only partially, and this directly on people, these are concrete acts of terror, which. this is not only our legislation, but also world mechanisms, i.e. international courts, and the national legislation of each country. mr. general of the army, that is, as far as we understand you, it is to be expected... and further missile strikes on our civilian objects, that is, it fits into the current strategy of intimidation and demoralization, both from putin's side, for sure, we see that after putin's meeting with sinzipin, with orban, today with the prime minister of india modi, and in online negotiations with his other
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supporters, for example, the president of brazil, a scheme of some kind of peace is emerging, but with conditions. russia, but neither we nor our partners who support us, the usa, britain, the european union, understand, we do not agree to this, and most importantly, they count that the leadership of ukraine does not agree, according to their version, but how to force it, the people must be submitted, that there were victims, that there were scares, and everyone internally advocated at least some kind of peace negotiations on favorable terms, this is the position of the aggressor today, putin personally. don't you think that not only the russians will also push for peace talks, but also maybe the countries of the global south, or even maybe the countries of the west, today the anniversary summit of nato in washington begins, and i think that the situation in ukraine will definitely be today to be discussed, both at official meetings
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and on the sidelines, and actually, don't you think that there are certain players in this whole process who will... to peace processes, more and more of them will surrender, well, first of all, we are saving ourselves , that the members of the nato countries conduct a constant dialogue with us, therefore they know the position of ukraine, first of all, but there is a clear model that is provided for by international law, it is not the admission of aggression, but if aggression has occurred, it is the repulsion of it and the reproduction of sovereignty, therefore other scenarios, i.e. ending the war, but subject to occupation. to russia, the surrender of territories, as putin demands, accordingly, the rejection of our system guarantees by nato, the european union, this is in fact a violation of the entire architecture of the global world and international rules, which are based on international agreements, in the un charter, in european conventions, respectively aggression and war, that is, it actually
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turns the world upside down, forcing us at the level of the nato summit to take such contradictory actions. all norms and give the aggressor a reason to further develop this work not only in relation to ukraine, the nato and european countries themselves. therefore, i think that the question will not stand like that, orban, who is coming, will raise this question, i think that the representatives of slovakia should have their say, but we, and the members of the european union and nato as a whole, will clearly stand that the aggressor must, so to speak, leave the territory of ukraine, provide us with all types of weapons, equipment, ammunition, this will be a new system package. all the more so after these strikes, it will be increased attention and an increased package and precisely the accelerated delivery of f-16s and patriots and hymers, atakams, other systems, this will already be a concentration of those strike systems that will allow and protect the sky, create electronic shields of the radar system, and these are ultra-powerful modern systems, and of course, suppress war points, these are
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launchers on the territory of russia and occupied territories, airfields , which also... launch missiles or cabs, ships and submarines that launched calibers and , of course, strike systems that are located close to kharkiv, for example, zaporizhzhia, these are s-300, s-400, this is what line today, which will be on nato's agenda, how to protect, first of all, the citizens of ukraine and how to suppress these systems so that they cannot deploy for battle orders, especially to strike before that. until they unfold and rise either in the air or form rockets for launch. today, the main consolidated position will be there, and the second component, it will talk about security guarantees, support for ukraine for up to 10 years, a guarantee, precisely by all means, an annual package of 40 billion, which also provides for the allocation
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funds for equipment, ammunition, maintenance of our military-industrial complex, economy and stability. in ukraine, this will be a powerful step, and the third component is a model of a new security architecture, including nato, but also the involvement of other countries that are not members of nato, even those that today occupy more neutral positions, such as china, brazil, india, turkey, which is a member of nato, accordingly worked out a new security architecture, which provided for the renewal of just the rules in the modern world and the cessation of wars, primarily aggressive in for ukraine, for example, then the question of the near east is understandable. but first of all about us , the question about our state, this is number one today, victories at the front, and the prospect is, i think, the fall, the beginning of the 25th year, we have when we receive all the videos. that is and today will still be supported, and the new model of world unification, regarding the prospects of ensuring world stability, world security,
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preventing a global war, including a nuclear one, and this concerns everyone, these are two factors that must defeat russia, then unity against russia will allow us both at the front and in format, and diplomatic, operational, economic and others, powerfully defeat russia, and i know for sure that it will lose, you say very correctly. things, mr. mykola, but we really want to believe that our partners will not be afraid to make some radical and decisive decisions so that these words of yours turn into actions. mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine and head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine from 2005 to 10, was in touch with us. and we will now analyze the situation related to the demolition of rubble, yes as a result of yesterday's criminal actions of the russian federation. yulia zubchenko, correspondent. preso is now in the shevchenkiv district of kyiv. glory to ukraine, yuliya, and first of all, we would like to ask you about the situation with the demolition of the rubble, whether there is
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any official information about potential people or bodies that may be there. let's start with that. glory to the heroes, antino, congratulations to marto, congratulations to the viewers of the tv channel. yesterday , during a massive attack on kyiv, the enemy hit a residential building and destroyed an entire entrance, as you can see behind me from one section of the house is simply not there, rescuers are working here now, there are no windows in nearby houses, they are cut, our floors are now crunched with glass and construction debris, also, as far as we know, damaged cars that were parked near. according to the locals, the explosion occurred during the first wave of russian shelling at approximately 10:11 a.m. according to them,
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rescuers have been working here since yesterday, trying to dismantle the debris. we also learned that part of the building collapsed this morning and to prevent similar emergency collapses again, the rescuers are now destroying this part of the building. also, according to the official data of the state emergency service, rescuers managed to pull out five dead local residents this morning, in total, as far as i know, about 12 people died in this place, specialized services are currently working in the city, and this is all the information i can give you to tell thank you, yuliya zubchenko, zspress correspondent, who is in the shevchenkivskyi district of kyiv, where rescuers are sorting out the rubble of a residential building, was with us on connection, i want to... remind that as of today it is known that 32 people were killed as a result of yesterday's attack on kyiv, mayor vitaliy klitschko announced this, and he
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also says that 117 people were injured of other degrees of severity, some of them were hospitalized, some of them received help on the spot, today is a day of mourning in kyiv and kryvyi rih, so today we actually have such a very sad day, the broadcast... is dedicated to the victims caused by the russian a blow to another, and we remind you that the security service of ukraine has already proven the fact that russia purposefully programmed an x101 missile at children's okhmadite hospital, the largest children's hospital in ukraine, which practically hit one of the buildings and a large number of hospital buildings as well. suffered one or another injury, now we will have a short pause, after which we will continue our information day, but i want to remind once again that such events
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should force us to unite in efforts for peace in our country, for victory, so we call you join the gathering which the espresso tv channel and the charity fund of our colleague iryna koval are currently ongoing, we urge you to join the collection of uah 2.5 million so that we can purchase quadcopters for the hundredth brigade, which is currently serving the eastern direction, these quadcopters are extremely necessary for them , so we are asking you, please join in, and remember that there are no small donations, now we are going back to the studio in literally four minutes, a short pause and we will continue, do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy , then the new product from mattress market is just for you. meet the dreamlight pillowcase mattress. the perryina dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping just on the floor. soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so affordable.
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a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also war for minds we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday - thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat, tuesday-friday at 2 verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front , society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from
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tuesday to friday from the 20th to the 22nd new week on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week , analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into... project new week with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smolii every monday at 8:00 p.m. at espresso. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, dear tv viewers, now the key story is the situation at the front, in particular on that section called the pokrovsky direction. the battles there are hellishly difficult. anastasiya blyshchyk, spokeswoman of the 47th mechanized brigade of magura, is in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, ms. anastasia, congratulations. to the heroes. i congratulate you, well,
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first of all we would like to ask you about the operational situation in general, i don’t know, in general too broad pokrovsky direction, we understand that in certain locations, in certain directions there is additional complexity, but first of all, describe, be kind, the situation with the advance of the enemy and with the work of our fighters. look, the situation in the pokrovsky area is really difficult and, as the general staff informs, there are the most combat clashes. it is on our turn that the enemy is now very actively storming with infantry, we are rare cases when we see everything that they use equipment on the battlefield, before that the soldiers of the 47th separate armored brigade worked very productively, these are the operators half drones and our bradley crews also, as they say, set fire to the enemy's equipment, because during this active period of using enemy armored vehicles, this is the second half.
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april, all of may,


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