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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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to ask about the operational situation in general, i don’t know, in the general too broad pokrovsky direction, we understand that in certain locations, in certain directions there is additional complexity, but first of all describe, be kind, the situation with the advance of the enemy and with the work of our fighters, look, really at in the pokrovsky direction , the situation is very difficult, and as the general staff informs, the most combat clashes are precisely on our turn, the enemy is now... very actively storming with infantry, we are isolated cases when we see everything that they use equipment in a close-range battle, before that, the soldiers of the 47th crime-mechanized brigade worked very productively, these are the pronron operators, and our bradley crews also, as they say, set fire to enemy equipment, because during this active period of using enemy armored vehicles, this is the second half of april, all of may , about 250
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units of armored vehicles were destroyed by the soldiers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, then they began to use more infantry assault actions, these can be both small groups and large groups, when the enemy goes by 20, there 25 people, these groups are just going one after the other, that is, these meaty assault actions are continuing, now the enemy drones have also become more active, they are beginning to interfere with us quite a bit... they are flying in our rear, because now a unit of the russian air force is working in our direction the federations that specialize in hitting the nebola, they work either from ocherateny or from kokssakhim, i will note that this is the height and they have very favorable conditions for this, they work there in koksakhim from the basement, they fly out, well, that is, they have everything unfortunately, everything is fine there, of course we answer we are the enemy, ours are also working.
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bapila shock operators, now they mostly work in the infantry, and also at night in the rear of the enemy. ms. anastasia, we will probably talk with you a little later in more detail about the work of the rebbe and about drones, but i would like you to also comment on the statement of the officer of the 59th separate mechanized brigade sehotsky. he says that in the last week and a half the enemy has twice increased his assaults, and do you confirm this thesis, exactly and with what. may be associated with such an increase in assaults with on the part of the russians, well, look, the pokrovsk direction is a big direction, and everyone in each brigade has its own area of ​​responsibility, if we talk about our brigade, in 10 days it will be nine months, as we in the kadyivsk-pokrov direction are continuously destroying it russian occupiers, and here we had only one week during this entire period of time, when the russians stormed us less actively, and it was the month of february, then the soldiers of the 47th were in the stepovoye region, held
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the logistics road, allowing the encirclement of avdiivka until the enemy regrouped and not went straight to the city itself. after that, just every day, it's active assaults, it's continuous assaults, both day and night, this night was more or less calm, but thanks to the weather, because it was raining, there were no, of course, no reconnaissance drones, and that's why the russians didn't climb, it was a fairly quiet night, and it's just that... continuous round-the-clock assault actions, that is, one group of the enemy goes, it is killed by our fighters of our brigade, followed by the second, third, 10th, 15th , of course, this is all with the support of the enemy's artillery, with the support enemy aviation, and also with the support of drones. madam spokeswoman, we would like to ask you what the weather is like now, so we understand that it is about providing water to our soldiers, and in general, how difficult it is to hold positions at the moment. heat from 30 and above,
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drones help in this case, our operators drop water, drop energy bars there, that is, this is the logistics, well , of course, the fighters take them with them to the positions, but well, in winter it is cold, it is a problem, in summer it is hot, it is also a problem, it is very difficult, c under such conditions it is very difficult, but we understand why we cannot, we have no right to stop. yes, without a doubt, but if we talk, for example, about enemy tactics, that is, as far as we understand, the enemy is now using the tactics of so-called smaller groups, that is, it is not battalion level, maybe it is a platoon, maybe a company, but they are extremely abundant if speaking specifically in the pokrovsky direction, we can see several settlements where there is significant activation, this is vozdvizhenka, this is yevgenivka, this is the direction is new. pokrovsky, umansky and
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the situation near karlivka and in the karlivka area, where the enemy is trying to bypass the reservoir, if possible, explain, be kind, in your opinion. now the most difficult situation from the above directions? the most difficult situation is precisely in all these settlements, because the russians are constantly replacing their units, that is, well, for example, if we talk about the 47th separate brigade, then we have already killed three times, at least two enemy brigades, they are promptly replenished and again they turn back, that is, this is how they move, they constantly change their tactics, this... they can be like small groups, that is , the tactics of this accumulation, codes when two or three occupiers go there, two or three more occupiers follow them, somewhere they accumulate in one place, and then try to push us out in numbers, but here, of course, you have to go ahead, you have to notice it, you have to keep a close eye on the enemy and strike at that
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concentration of the enemy even before they try to go and storm, it can to be there and four or five occupiers, and there may also be 25 occupiers, before that they used their armored vehicles as taxis, that is, they drove their personnel there to some point to the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, and this vehicle did not return was leaving, that is, we nicknamed their armored vehicles there simply disposable taxis, now they have run out of this equipment, so they have moved more to infantry assaults, but we understand that in the near future it may happen that new units of the russian federation will already enter from with new forces and again they can restore. assaults using armored vehicles. ugh. ms. anastasia also wanted to ask about the enemy's use of aviation, tactical, we mean the use of cabs, fabs, whether now the enemy often resorts to such, i would say, carpet attacks, whether now
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our anti-aircraft somehow manage to counter these strikes, and how does this situation look like now. of course, our anti-aircraft guns are working, mobile fire groups are working, but you have to understand. well, donbass is such a difficult area, the enemy's aviation is there, it can to hide, the first thing is that they fly very low, very low, they take off for 3 seconds, strike and immediately try to hide, that is, it is very difficult to shoot down their aircraft, but both our units and our neighbors succeed , for example, from the 110th brigade, they do it very well, and as for the cabs, they were somewhat reduced, uh, that is... well, we think that this is due to the fact that they moved more there and b' travel around kharkiv region, but cabs are still present here, unfortunately, their aviation works, well, less active, but it works. anastasia, i would like to ask you how
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the technique shows itself, you mentioned the same bradleys, the american beters, which showed themselves very well, yes, how is it all, if you can give details, be kind, well, the enemy... he is very afraid bradleys, uh, that is, even the prisoners we took, with whom we communicated, they constantly praised our bradleys, well, they said that we were working very well and that they were simply afraid of them, this technique is very powerful, and our 47th cremognzon brigade, our soldiers are the first who got these bradlies, and of course we always try to show the best quality of work of our crews, it's my thanks to our drone operators who give us these videos. because the americans should see that the ukrainians not only know how to fight with any equipment, but do it as efficiently as possible, i.e. bradleys are very good at landing landings with the russian invaders, bradleys are killers of tanks, battleships, bmps, mtlbs, we have also
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repeatedly shown these shots are here of these duels of our equipment and e against the enemy's, that is the enemy is very afraid of this technique and the american machine, it has proven itself very well. this technique saves the lives of both the crew and the landing party, thanks to this technique it is possible to evacuate the wounded in time and quickly, but of course one must understand that the enemy hunts american armored vehicles very hard, as soon as american armored vehicles enter the battlefield, everything flies at them, as hostile as possible. ms. anastasia, i would like you to comment without any specific numbers, but at least. i wonder if anything has changed now the ratio of artillery ammunition that we have in our defense forces and in the russians, because because of the hesitation of our allies in the united states, we had a hole for six months when we really had a great need for artillery shells, or
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is this situation now changing in our favor? fortunately, it is changing, unfortunately, after all, the enemy prevails over us in terms of artillery shells, but fortunately, we have something to work on, because there really were cover. situation, it was precisely avdiivska that was the company, when there was a critical situation, then our fpv went into action drones, which have become a cheap alternative to expensive shells, we are now actively working. and this is very good, but of course, the more shells, the better, the more eliminated occupiers, then of course you want there to be even more, and what is the enemy’s situation with ammunition, and with heavy mortars, and they can release them in a day 450-500 shots per day, well, that's a lot, of course we don't have such a figure, huh, thank you for... the spokeswoman of the 47th mechanized brigade of magura, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel.
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we thank her and go now for a short break, after it, we continue our information day, but i also want to remind you that all the most important things that we talk about in our live broadcast, you can watch on our youtube, there in the video section there are all the most important theses that are heard during the information day, so please subscribe to the youtube channel, look for special projects and programs there, exclusive... content we prepare for our audience on youtube, and please share the content you like, like and comment because in this way this one the content will be included in the recommendations and will be seen by as many people as possible, but now we are going on a break, after it we will continue our broadcast, attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price for everything. 149 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149
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you draw your own conclusions. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. driving the back, driving the boys, quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar in the direction of chasivlyav. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. well, now we add hanna gobko to our ablution. chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation, head of the management of the network for the protection of national interests ans. we will now talk about the nato summit and the corresponding consequences for ukraine. we hope that hanna gubko is already in
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touch with us. so. yes, i'm with you. glory to ukraine. anna and hear, the glory of the heroes is mutual. well, ukraine and poland signed an extremely important security agreement yesterday. yes, we understand that there are weaker agreements with weaker countries, there are strategic agreements, and one of the extremely important points of the security agreement between ukraine and poland has already been made public, in particular, it refers to the possibility of using polish capabilities to shoot down russian missiles. which can be directed to the territory of european countries and would be so and would move through ukrainian airspace, this is undoubtedly a breakthrough part of the polish-ukrainian security agreement, but there is one more additional point, this is the position of the state department, so yesterday the poles sent their delegation to the washington summit, and now
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the spokesperson of the american. miller voiced the american position on this. i have no information about any changes in us or nato policy, but it is clear that as soon as a nato member country wants to raise a policy issue, it can do so, and they will wait for a corresponding appeal from donald tusk. that is, we understand that they would shoot down not only polish equipment, but also american equipment located on the territory. of poland within the so-called defenses of nato's eastern flank. so, hanna, do you have a word on this matter? well, actually, without the permission of the united states of america, the poles, even if the weapons are on their territory, but it is american, like patriots and others, they will not be able to do it. therefore, on the one hand , it is very important that we sign bilateral
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security agreements, which we publicly show as gains, but that these gains have practical implications. results, it is important that there are attachments attached to it, it can be different closed, classified documents where these algorithms will be prescribed, in particular, which also applies to this particular case, the case when in the case of russian missile attacks on the territory of poland or ukraine on the border there are opportunities to shoot down with american weapons there, and this should be pro... yes just as when we signed a bilateral security agreement with the united states of america, we need to operationalize it by adding those documents, for example, training pilots, we understand that we do not have enough pilots who are currently training, but separately with the application, you can write down the conditions when we want to take permission already from the usa, how it will
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look, those pilots who are already retired, who can help us. to close some problematic issues during important operations, so we would very much like our ministry of defense, in cooperation with other executive authorities, to talk about the next steps for bilateral security agreements to deepen cooperation in both sensitive areas and opportunities speeding up armaments and strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities already in practical dimension. ms. hanna, we know that you are in washington now, today the nato anniversary summit begins, very important, especially after the russians hit the okhmadit hospital yesterday and killed several dozen ukrainians throughout the territory of our country, many of them were injured, and we know that now there are even certain actions that our ukrainian citizens go to,
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maybe not ukrainian citizens anymore, but former ukrainian citizens are our diaspora, i mean, and what do you think it is worth to expect from this, from today, from tomorrow, from the day after tomorrow, because for three days they will sit down and think about some security models, and here is the question of whether ukraine will become a member of nato even in the future, there are certain such different versions in the media, that someone says that the issue is only a matter of time, someone says that at this summit they may even discuss whether, in principle, ukraine will be a member of nato. the future? well, you have asked many questions here, firstly, the summit will not be historic, because there is no determination of the us president to give to ukraine... the invitation is formal, and the summit will not be historic either for biden, because his legacy or his history, the heritage will not foresee any steps that will be
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breakthrough, in particular, as a formal invitation for ukraine, and if you look from 2008 summit in bucharest, where ukraine and georgia then did not receive the map due to the position of germany and france, and this caused the invasion. to georgia, then the invasion of ukraine in the 14th year, unfortunately, nato did not draw key conclusions from the fact that even in the 14th year it was only the russian federation that continued its attacks on independent states from georgia, ukraine, different actions in syria, the same already in the 24th year, when it has already mobilized its resources, does not hide its plans, the coalition of evil. or four, as they say, horsemen of the apocalypse: russia, china, north korea, iran, and we in nato continue to see an ostrich position, head in the sand, let's think about
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the wording, well, about the text, how to save face, that we we are waiting for ukraine to join nato, our position is unchanged, but here is an aid package for you, you need air defense, please, we will give you a little more, you still don't need them enough, but even solutions like giving... more means to strike deep into russian territory, to limit their capabilities, to continue killing us, there is no solution, just as it is very slowly being pieced together now to to form, and how to close the sky over ukraine, zahidna and odesa, because there will be many people in ukraine who will be forced to move to safe areas, and then... we cannot say that this is a decision now, it is moving in such, well, accelerated pace, because we are driven by time, they drive us daily missile attacks and the destruction of critical
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energy infrastructure, and preparations for winter are actually already so overdue, and why do you think biden is not ready to take decisive steps, what could be the reason for this? well , in fact, the official explanations are that there is no consensus within nato, although we understand whether... that if there was political will of biden, then there would obviously be support for scholz, well , other countries too, we understand that we have those leverages, how are these tools, levers, how to convince, support this decision, and look, but now marta mentioned the so -called decisive steps, i just, well, i understand, now joseph biden is criticized not only in ukraine, but also in the united states, and we also understand that... then it is not possible to the end justified criticism, but if we are seriously talking about decisive steps, then we understand that there are things that the euro-atlantic community
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will sign up to, and there are things that we would very much like, yes, but to which they will not go, because they will mean the threat of provocations from the russian side and the threat of the beginning of what it is called, perhaps, the third world war, so here we will say in simple language, and joseph biden is not just you know, a pensioner, a pensioner is a fool who does not know what to do, he just knows very well how it happens, especially taking into account the fact that he has been in politics, you know, for almost half a century, and he also began to prepare for the division of the soviet union, when a lot of people could only dream about it, so mrs. hanna, what will biden do, what can he do, that he definitely won't go, you already say, as if you are working with by jake sullivan, your... the wording of the question looks as if you spent some months in the white house and you were already occupied with the mantra of the white house and you are already in such a box,
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you see, you no longer represent a superpower that has its own levers and nuclear deterrence, but you are already acting in the logic of the aggressor who scared everyone, these centers of fear, we are fooling, we are fooling the aggressor with our peace-loving position, in fact the goal is with us. sumzy read the art of war where it is written that war is the art of lying and pretending to be weak when you really are strong, that is, you think that now ukraine is not invited to nato, but they will pour a lot of attacks on us, they will pour us even more f16s, and this is how he was deceived so that we would not be deceived, with the f16s, so in that in this logic cannot. to think that ukraine will be an eternal shield, including for nato's eastern flank, without offering or raising the stakes. geopolitics and geoeconomics, they
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don't... like weak, not just weak decisions, weak leaders, and therefore the axis of evil, it goes on a concrete offensive, and in fact nato, article five after full scale a large-scale invasion of ukraine, has never been tested, and we do not know what the reaction would be if 100 kamikaze drones from belarus flew to some critical infrastructure objects in poland or lithuania, and what the position of the united states of america would be and so on , therefore the reliability... the authority not only of the united states of america, but also of the entire alliance, this is an extremely serious thing, because at this summit there will be representatives and there will be a meeting of president zelenskyi also with australia, south korea, japan, new zealand, because they are just looking at how much nato is able to protect european security, not by the hands of ukraine, and how they
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appreciate our help and russian tankers with oil. then they add to the war budget, that in russia there is already a whole class of people who make money and to whom it is profitable for the war to continue, we have three minutes, but what do you think, at this summit there can be certain backroom conversations before , well, say zelenskyi, come on come to an agreement somehow, let's sit down with putin or someone there or with... other putin's henchmen there and talk about something. in fact , such talks are ongoing, and there is a basic scenario regarding the negotiations that by the end of the 24th year , ukraine will not have the opportunity to continue the war, there will be great exhaustion in this, and the partners will not be able to, because these 60 billion that the usa gave us , obviously, they are important, but they will not cover all these
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needs, given the resource advantage of agres. and in the usa are not ready to further invest the next 60, 100, 200 billion, because there will be a change of president, and we see what is the logic of the presidential candidate from the republican party now, that it is necessary to negotiate, therefore our task is to convince why there should be victory and punishment of the aggressor, and not negotiations with the surrender of ukraine, therefore that now we have not been given so many resources, plus we have internal problems, i am asked on the sidelines: what are these raids on syrskyi, what are you waiting for a new head of the armed forces, what is going on in your country, that is why various turbulences do not go unnoticed and, as they say attacks on the armed forces here, and many want to understand how seriously we draw conclusions, how far we
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are moving from soviet practices in the armed forces to modern ones. those nato standards, to what extent we really fight corruption, these issues have not disappeared, despite the fact that the geopolitical reality suggests that we are already, well, nato in some issues that it does, how china, the russian federation, north korea and iran, in relation to their ambitions, nato should demonstrate twice as much ambition and strength and determination, instead they somehow so very... be careful, let's sacrifice ukraine, because the usa does not have enough resources to cover the needs of the partners of the indo-pacific region and the european one, and therefore at the expense of ukraine in the future to delay some decisions, sorry, we are an eternal shield, and we need to clearly explain, what will happen to the nato countries, if they do not give us the weapons we need, it is much cheaper to help ukraine win the war than to
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transfer the war to their territory. thank you, hanna gobko, sober about the nato summit, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign affairs affairs, the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation and the chairman of the board of the network for the protection of national interests ans was on the live air of our tv channel. well, it's time for news on espresso, so we pass the floor to our colleague anna eva melnyk and congratulate you, colleague, and ask you to tell us what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, yes. the news office will be working, we will tell you about the main things, in particular about the fact that in the shevchenkiv district of the capital , rubble continues to be dismantled after yesterday's attack muscovites, we will have an inclusion, we will learn more, stay with us.


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