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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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3:33 pm
, order while the video is being broadcast. trimmers are light and very powerful. mow the lawn near fences along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose corse trimmers, classic or with lawnmower function. call now to order at a special discount at a price just look at how powerful our trimmers are, they deal with even the thickest weeds and, at the same time, are practically noiseless. no more heavy lawnmowers, oil or gas to fill up, just convenience and a nice, well-maintained lot. order now, lightweight, powerful and reliable kors trimmers, from just uah 799. the offer is limited, call! the information day of the tv channel continues, 15:00 33 minutes, well, what are we going to talk about now about the situation in kyiv and about the pace of clearing the rubble.
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viktoriya ptashnyk is in touch with us, deputy kyiv city council. glory to ukraine, mrs. victoria. hero, glory to you. well, good day everyone. yes, we understand, the tragic day is summing up , we are summing up the russian war crime. according to your information, what are the current paces regarding the demolition of the debris, or are there still bodies under the rubble, according to assumptions? first of all, i would like to express my condolences to everyone who... lost their relatives today, unfortunately, both in kyiv and in kryvyi rih, because today you know that not only on the day of sorrow in kyiv, and in kryvyi rosie also announced, and of course, and my best wishes for a speedy recovery to all those who were affected by the russian attack yesterday, and as far as, you know, i don't want to speculate as to whether there is, i've seen the news, yes, whether there are any other possible ... people, but i can
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say that a lot of people, both those in authority and just civilians, they have joined to make sure that these consequences of this disaster ... overcome as soon as possible, you saw the incredible footage yesterday, i think the whole world has already seen what happened around ahmadiyya, so far a lot businesses are collecting their funds, donations in order to restore this hospital, and unfortunately, only we will not be able to restore those lives that were lost, according to our information, at least the children who were in okhmedyt did not die, there was no... a child, at least, well, from what i heard, no, there was not, and this is also a great honor and thanks to those doctors who yesterday, risking their own lives, saved children who were on the hospital for treatment in okhmadyka, and i
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i also want to inform the people of kyiv that in addition to the various aids, in particular those who for example, there whose windows were broken or where the apartments were damaged. given out of nowhere and so on, they can be submitted under certain programs to the kyiv city council and directly to the deputies of the kyiv city council, because each of our deputies has his own deputy fund, it is so limited in spending, we have a certain target purpose and there is a certain limit to spending these funds, but nevertheless, and i would recommend all those who have suffered to contact their deputies, their representatives in the kyiv city council. glad to and upon receipt of appropriate compensation, and if it is a small amount of up to three uah 1,700, then the procedure is quite simple, there are not so many documents to be submitted, usually there is a passport, an identification number, well,
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any deputy will consult and know about this, if this amount will exceed 3,700 , up to 10,00 uah, well, a slightly larger package of documents is submitted, but at least. it could also be used so that the people of kyiv could recover from this victory as quickly as possible, we are honest, well, i personally have 3,700, well, i don’t know that, even i didn't buy a single window with this money, that's a lot, look, it doesn't depend on the deputies, these are the conditions the state actually created for us, and the state treasury simply doesn't allow a larger amount for a specific person, that's why it 's added. hryvnias is just another package of documents, this is what is stipulated by the legislation, and we have to act within the framework of the legislation, i am just talking about additional options, at least which ones are within my powers, please allow me, i want, i would like
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to discuss in more detail with you as well and maybe you have more information, is there going to be any additional session on compensation for people who have lost their homes, i mean about... the house in our heart, the whole driveway is destroyed, and people have lost everything they had and no have, as i understand it, now they have been resettled somewhere, but will their own housing be compensated from the budget of kyiv, will it be public money at the government level, how can this procedure take place in general, and is the actual session planned to be held, perhaps in order to allocate additional funds for these needs, well so far too big... i don't have any information about the additional session, i checked the mail there, maybe we will be collected there, well, so far there is no such information, but we definitely have certain programs, and a reserve fund from which , well, which provides for the allocation of funds in just such
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cases, and i really hope that a decision will be made at the next session, it should be adopted anyway through the kyiv city council, and the corresponding decision in order to... allocate this reserve fund funds to cover those costs, and well, actually, on provision of certain housing for people who simply do not currently have a place to live. ms. victoria, if we talk about the strategy of preparing, in particular, the capital for the winter period, we understand that the enemy has set very specific goals, not only civilian objects, but also infrastructure objects. energy infrastructure and we understand that at such a pace, kyiv, and in particular the residents of the capital, may experience significant complications this winter. if we are talking about control over training by some or others utilities of kyiv and in general
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the situation with state funds in order to properly prepare the capital for the earth, we are talking about the purchase of additional generators and possibly also... battery systems, what's with all that now? look, well, our faction of european solidarity expressed a position regarding the need to report in the kyiv city , in particular, regarding preparations for this winter period, because you know that our executive body of the knda should deal with this, how actively they are currently engaged in this and how much, well at least they declare that everything is under control, and kyiv is also preparing for winter, but we would like to see really specifics, really documents, that's why we factions spoke about this in the session. hall and well, i think that in fact these issues will still be raised, certain
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decisions were voted on, but i agree with you that they are not enough for today, and well, it is obvious that there will be certain problems with winter, we can already see from the blackouts now, because, in particular, yesterday we saw that there was no light for seven hours in in kyiv, then it was turned on for several hours, well, in particular, i have it there... and then it turned off again, and therefore, well, obviously these questions will be raised even more, however, everything depends again on when the next meeting will take place , ms. victoria, you touched on the question of when the next plenary session of the kyiv city council will be held, and we understand that perhaps, among the items, perhaps in closed mode, it would be necessary to listen to the reports of the heads, to whom... of the enterprises, yes, they of course they will say, but that everything is fine, but speaking and reporting are different things, i just
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didn’t want to waste time, and 100%, you know, in general, to be honest, i started there for the kyiv council a little less than a year ago, but i am very dissatisfied with the activities of various municipal enterprises in the city of kyiv, especially those , where we are talking about the numerical funds that they dispose of, where... there is a high turnover and so on, but they are almost all subsidized, and what i encountered is that they do not have a public reporting obligation, and this is actually very strange , because well, we understand at the expense of what this is maintained utility companies, that is why the latter is about an enterprise, for example, such as kyiv teploenergo, and i am now asking questions and speaking in favor of making it an enterprise. finally , a supervisory board was created in this enterprise in order to have some kind of
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control, you understand, over what its executive body does, and how funds are spent, how efficiently and expediently it is, what are the priorities of activity, how well this utility company fulfills its functions, however, what i encountered was just incredible resistance, just in part the creation of a supervisory board, and that's it. that back in 2019, the kyiv city council adopted a decision that approved three criteria, and when a utility company meets at least one of these criteria, the value of assets, turnover, and so on, yes, the supervisory board must be created, 5 years have passed, and so far, neither in kyiv thermal energy, nor in other kyiv-vodokanal, kyiv metro, and kyivzelenbud, but in none. of these enterprises, although they fall under those mandatory criteria, a supervisory board was not created, and
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this means that insufficient control over the activities of these communal enterprises is carried out by kyiv, and accordingly, well, you understand, when control is insufficient, funds can also affect the efficiency of operations, all this is a huge threat, ms. victoria, unfortunately, we have to conclude, we will return to our conversation with you, but to the people of kyiv... we can only repeat the words of ms. viktoria ptashnyk, that is, there must be proper control over the city's communal enterprises, in particular those related to the so-called provision of the most urgent needs of the capital, yes, that is, when the head of one or another utility company says that everything is fine, it is not always true, and very clear control bodies must be created , especially taking into account possible challenges this fall and winter and it is necessary to oblige... communal workers to explain, even in closed mode, what has been done and what has not been done. thank you victoria
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ptashnyk, deputy of the kyiv city council , was in direct contact with us. now we have a short pause, after which we continue the espresso information day. stay tuned , we'll be back in a few moments. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and... productive during the day, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order the mattrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose toper. which comes in a convenient packaging that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and while working at home, the topper itself is quite easy
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savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on psilovalzam 15% in pharmacies psyllium, you and that. there are discounts representing the only discounts on troxevs inn 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verkhovna the council regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we
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have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, as legislative norms. change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. the details of the meeting of the prime minister of india, the newly elected prime minister on rendre have appeared modi at a meeting with the russian dictator. putin, so it is reported that modi, during an informal meeting with putin, made a direct appeal to him to stop the war in ukraine. modi told putin that the solution cannot be found on the battlefield. direct speech of the indian prime minister. india has always called for respect for the un charter, including territorial integrity and sovereignty. you won't find a solution on the battlefield, dialogue and diplomacy are
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the way forward, prime minister modi allegedly told putin during dinner. well, we will now let's talk about our drones, future aerial scouts are being trained at the black stork operator training center in lutsk. let's watch a story about how this preparation takes place and then we will talk in more detail about drone operators. cadets learn to fly drones, with a joystick in their hands, watching the quadcopter on the monitor. this is already the fourth day of training, during these four days we have gone through a lot. a lot of interesting information that is learned very well, they train air scouts here, so the instructors prefer not to say their names and... cover their faces, we specifically conduct training in air reconnaissance, that is, adjusting artillery, adjusting mortars and other types of weapons. aerial reconnaissance is, in fact, the eyes of the army,
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without aerial reconnaissance fpv cannot start either. there is no age limit here at all, that is , people from small to old can come, older people are a little better at doing just that. after training on the simulator, the cadets continue to hone their skills on the training ground, but only just. work in pairs, someone in a role the navigator, the other is the drone operator, the movement is quite stable, it doesn’t take it anywhere, well, it’s quite simple, but now we are training on djini 2 drones, it’s a reconnaissance drone, cheaper than mavics, but the camera is the same there, it's just that he can fly as well, from the operator up to 7 km, but this
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is enough for training, now they will perform figures, after figures, they will search for objects. at the center , cadets receive basic knowledge. mastery improvement takes place in units, depending on tasks. to me it seems that now is such a time, war, that is , it is 100% necessary to learn this, and since it is the eyes, therefore 100% is needed, because everything in war is evolving, and now, that is, unmanned aerial vehicles, they, well, like, it is very cool stuff and everyone should use it. in the black stork center, instructors trained about 50 copter pilots, some of the graduates joined the ranks of combat brigades, the third assault brigade and... azov. thank you colleagues for this extremely important story. brilliant work. we are attaching the agreement now tv channel mykyta havrylenko, director of the development of the kruk uav training center. glory to
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ukraine. nikita, congratulations. glory to heroes. well, first of all, we would like to ask about the situation with the pace of training uav operators. we understand that the front needs trained soldiers. the key story is how quickly and how well it can be prepared. civilian people, people who are preparing to sign a contract or mobilize to the army, thank you for the question, at the moment the training is in the basic direction, like the multicopter, well, we them we know how mavics and ottels last two weeks, fpv training is also two weeks, and you need to train for four weeks on the wing, this is according to our program, which is certified by the ministry of defense. according to the 661st order, if now were peacetime, then these programs would be three times, if not four times longer, but the ministry of defense and the state
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understand that the preparation must now be carried out as quickly as possible, because the front needs it, so we have what we have from two to four weeks. see certified programs, we understand that now ukrainian volunteers are quite actively working with what is called of uav operators, yes, but if the program is not certified, then, as far as i understand, a person may not be recognized as having the appropriate and appropriate level of qualification and competence, that is, it is necessary to check this and that level of licensing and accreditation of the relevant programs, yes ? of course, the tsc always looks not at a piece of paper, but at some actual legal confirmation, therefore... with our certificate, if we take certificate of the kruk center, then the person has a reason to receive the corresponding vos. of course, we all know about the tcc and that
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everything can be a little different there, but if a person goes through the recruiting center, then he will be sent to one of the competent training centers, where he will be issued a certificate, they must also issue a flight book, it's the same aviation, but without... how should this approach to who can do it, who can't, what level of qualification a person should have and whether? i understand that some super gurus already have wings can manage, look, a person who has a knack for it can start managing, but he
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can learn. install some kind of flight simulator herself and her fingers will just sound like she is controlling the wing, the most difficult thing is to take off and land, because to take off is a separate story, and to land without crashing is also a very separate story, it already has to be taught by a qualified person, the story will be recognized where the instructor has a state diploma as an instructor, if we are talking about... then we are talking about documentary confirmation of the profession, of course, there can be some history of the army, where simply comrades teach comrades, and it will be effective for that point of the front and for that operational situation. i do not exclude the fact that there may be some kind of lower-level initiative that will cover the tasks in this area of ​​the front or some kind of operational use. but if we are talking about the fact that a person will then receive a suitable cart,
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come. and said that i know how to fly on a wing and here is my flight, here is my certificate, then for this the instructor must have a diploma of a state-style instructor, and how is that all business, well, in simple language for those who want to, yes, well , advice, advice from a person who understands this, how to do it right for people who want to enroll, learn, get documents and then continue to work, and a person can enroll. can come to us in the center of the circle, i will not be modest, and we will teach her to fly on a wing, if we are talking about a wing, but with a wing you should understand that you will later work with it, because if conditionally somewhere in the gym or in some limited area, you can pick up the multicopter and just train there, well, i don't know , hide in some way, then that won't work with a wing, a wing is a significant area, significant
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distances. and you will not be able to train somewhere by yourself, like hiding, so if you think that you should go in the direction of the wing, you are fascinated by it, and you understand that you will continue to develop in this direction, go, study, but you have there must be motivation, it is not just to come, look, and then put it on the table, because you will forget it in two or three weeks, these same things, well, it will be simple. it is assumed or necessary work in which place is the branch of your training center circle. we are located in kyiv, we have theoretical training online, but it takes place in the process of face-to-face training, that is, you come to the classroom, the first week you have theory and simulators, study, listen to lectures that
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are read to you and also. in parallel, you study online, when you come home, you look at some part of the theory, then at the end of the first week you pass the theory exam, well, that’s how you know how to pass the license, first you pass the theory test, if you pass that theory test, you're allowed to fly, and on the flight wing we have three weeks, there's a three-week flight training course that requires you to get a certificate because... because if you if you have a flight, you will receive a certificate, and if there is no flight, then you will not receive a certificate, that is, we fly until everyone flies a certain number of hours. thank you, mykyta gavrylenko, director of development of the kruk uav training center was on the live air of the espresso tv channel, they said about the specifics of training drone operators, not only drones, but also such more powerful devices, their wings are popularly called, and we hope this conversation was useful for
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those who are currently defining their... mission in the defense forces and may be considering such a direction for themselves work, well, now it’s time for news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague annimelnyk, who is ready to share with us all the most important state for the moment, colleague, congratulations and pass the floor, congratulations colleagues, thank you for your work, in this issue about most importantly, in particular, about the situation in kherson oblast and odesa oblast, in particular , there were explosions in odesa. all the information below, stay with us. explosions rang out in odesa - oleg kipor, the head of the region, announced: an air alert has been announced in the city. authorities are urging people to stay in safe places and wait.


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