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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. how much money will be used to rebuild the ahmadyt children's hospital, free gas for residents of the three regions, and when the time to turn off the lights can be reduced. greetings to everyone from espresso. yaanayeva melnyk, the news editor has collected the most important things for the day that i have. and immediately
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an important message in most regions of ukraine is an air alert, so be careful, stay in safe places, and also, more on that. the state plans to completely rebuild the ahmadyt children's hospital, he said prime minister denys shmegal, during a government meeting. according to him, the cabinet of ministers has already allocated uah 100 million for priority restoration projects. works, another 250 million charitable contributions, which were managed to be collected on the united 24 platform, will also go to the needs of the institution, funding will be increased as the reconstruction project is ready. president volodymyr zelenskyy set the task of finding a location for the arrival of doctors and small patients from destroyed and damaged buildings as soon as possible. there are already such locations found, this is kyiv. to the regional clinical hospital
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number one and number two, we provide the appropriate mandate to start the transfer. it is important that the children receive all necessary medical services in their new place. emergency and rescue operations in ohmadita have been completed. as a result of the attack, two people died, more than fifty others were injured, among them eight children, they were admitted to hospitals, the ministry of internal affairs reported. 94 children were transferred from ohmadit to other medical institutions. institutions, let me remind you, the russians hit the hull with a rocket of toxicology, as well as the destroyed surgical building and oncology hematology laboratory. the russians targeted the ohmadit children's hospital in kyiv. they were hit by a high-precision kha-101 missile. its wreckage was found by employees of the security service of ukraine. the trajectory of the rocket was clearly aimed at the medical complex, as evidenced by the consequences of the damage.
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destruction and numerous videos and photographs of the moment of impact, the sbu notes. taiwan will allocate 200,000 dollars for ukrainian okhmadit. the money will go to the first items necessary, reports the ministry of foreign affairs of taiwan. since the beginning of the full-scale war, about 1 million dollars, which the country transferred to kyiv, was used specifically for equipment for this hospital. leader. peter madyar, member of the hungarian opposition party tisza and orbán's main opponent , announced a fundraiser to help ukrainian children after the russian attack on the kyiv children's hospital okhmadyt. he stated that this attack shocked everyone. tomorrow, magyar will personally come to the ukrainian capital on behalf of his party and the hungarian people. the politician emphasized that as a father cannot do otherwise. the bodies of four women have already been recovered. from under the rubble of a building
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in kyiv, as of now, 12 people are known to have died, including four children, the mayor of the city, vitaliy klitschko, said. in total, according to updated data from the city's military administration, 33 people were killed and more than 100 were injured as a result of the massive attack on the capital. let me remind you that the russians attacked seven districts of kyiv. four people were injured as a result of enemy shelling of kramatorsk in donetsk region. announced the head of the region vadim filashkin. among the wounded is a six-year-old child, one adult is in serious condition. the russians hit the city this afternoon , hitting a nine-story building. our people are converted into donats due to enemy shelling. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade with a donation.
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cold ravine they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so there are atvs for evacuation indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible. which helps to work efficiently. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. ukraine's accession to nato has the status of irreversible. this will be discussed in the text of the joint communiqué of the 75th anniversary summit of the alliance in washington, cnn news agency reports. officials are convinced that the use of the term is not... about admission ukraine to the alliance is an important signal for kyiv and moscow. at the same time, at the summit, the united states intends to announce the provision of additional air defense systems to ukraine, in particular the patriot complexes. president joe biden will also meet with volodymyr zelenskyi. in general, the meeting of nato leaders in
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washington will last until july 11. switzerland joined the 14th european package. against russia, the country's government reported. the new lists will concern almost seven dozen individuals and about nine legal entities. measures are directed against entrepreneurs, propagandists, representatives of the defense forces and the judicial system, as well as persons responsible for the deportation of ukrainian children and fsb employees. in total , almost more than 2,200 individuals and legal entities from the russian federation were included in the sanctions package of switzerland. ukrainian border guards received metal shark speedboats from the united states. watercraft are combined and equipped with modern systems of navigation, control, automatic
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fire extinguishing and video surveillance cameras. this allows them to be agile and fast. boats are already being brought to the sea and river security, the state border service reports. at once, two schemes of illegal transportation of men abroad were abducted by the sbu in lviv oblast. lviv customs officials and his accomplice from the city of berehove were involved in one of them. they helped violators to leave ukraine bypassing checkpoints. their services were estimated from 10 to 15 thousand dollars. organized another scheme in progress. 21-year-old resident of stryi. he also promised conscripts an unimpeded trip abroad for a small sum. he was detained while receiving 10 thousand dollars and reported the suspicion.
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also, the two previous suspects were notified of suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine. he will spend 13 years behind bars. who worked for the enemy during the occupation of balaklia in the kharkiv region, a convicted former employee of the local heating network, who after the capture of the community was in the russian police, the security service of ukraine informs the man as part of the so -called rapid response squad, carried out mass repressions, kidnapped people, tortured and looted their homes, after the liberation of balaklia, the traitor fled to the village of pervotravneve. law enforcement officers detained him in the spring of last year. the ministry of defense is testing a new lightweight model of a bulletproof vest, it is characterized by lightness of construction, mobility and convenience for maneuvering during assaults and special operations, the agency was told, the bulletproof vest has a
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quick reset function and can be equipped with additional protective elements, the new model also includes special anatomical pads for women. now. the last one is ongoing stage of laboratory tests. power outages may decrease as early as the end of july, prime minister denys shmyhal said. during the government meeting. energy, according to him, will strengthen its capacity. the situation remains extremely difficult, due to the effects of total enemy shelling and the hour-long heat. outages continue , at the same time, on the 20th of july , we expect the situation to improve, repair work on some generation facilities will be completed, which will increase the power in the power system, so the outages will not so long. the news team talked
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about the most important thing at the moment, i'll see you tomorrow, we'll be waiting for you in this studio at 2:00 p.m., followed by vasyl zima's big broadcast. tingling numbness bothers you , the longit antineuro complex helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. capsules dolgit antineuro - help to your nervous system. there are discounts representing the only discounts on glycyset and glycyset max 20% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. euro 2024 only on megogo. football europe is ready to crown new team who will become the champion and forever go down in history. watch all matches. euro-2024 exclusively on mego. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that
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rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians
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of the aktum bar association. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether program on the espress tv channel. my name is vasyl sima, today is the day of mourning in kyiv in kryvyi rih, in memory of those killed in the enemy terrorist attack on ukraine, which happened yesterday, yesterday in kyiv, well, as of now, we already know about 32 dead, ten dead was in kryvyi rih, one person died in dnipro, and also yesterday three people died in pokrovsk, therefore today in the capital of ukraine and also in the city of kryvyi rih. and it is a day of mourning, so my sincere condolences to the families, loved ones, the dead, my sincere condolences to the kyiv
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community in general, the kryvyi rih community, and to all those ukrainians who felt it in one way or another , because today i read the story, the residents of zaporozhye also died in kyiv region and residents of lviv oblast, that is why it is such a common problem, but you know, i always say that no matter where it is, in what city there is a day of mourning, it is a mourning for the whole of ukraine, so today of course, we remember this, remember, grieve and believe in retribution not only to those who launched these missiles, but of course to the main person who started this war and pushed his entire country to this... drain war about the reaction to the this attack, many statements have been made, the strengthening of air defenses in ukraine, promises, tsetsyanka promises, also the preparation for the nato summit in washington, we will talk about all this today for the next hour and 45 minutes, but that will be later, and just now until serhii zgurets, director, is ready for the air of the defense express agency, and the host of
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the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, congratulations, you have a word. greetings vasyl, greetings to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about russia's lies and new details about the missile attack on ukraine and about technologies that are aimed at training our military to be as effective as possible on the battlefield. more on that in a moment. after yesterday's attack by missile weapons pa'. and other objects in ukraine, russia resorted to the expected lies and cynicism. enemies declared that russia was not attacks civilian objects in ukraine, but only hits military infrastructure, and the victims in ahmadita are the consequences of the fall of a ukrainian anti-aircraft missile from the nasams complex. the fact that russia does not hit civilian objects
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is actually a bigger lie than can be invented, and this attack on a children's hospital in kyiv is like the air strike on the mariupol theater in march 22nd, when, despite the huge inscription, children, russian the pilots attacked with air bombs, then they did not have those cabs yet, and they carried out bombing almost at close range and, of course, could not not to see that inscription, children, since that time there have been hundreds, maybe even thousands, of other war crimes by the enemy, about the fact that it was not a kha 101, but a missile... from sams, of course, also a lie, which is not it is even worth wasting time, but in any case, the security service of ukraine said today that it received new evidence that confirms that it is indeed an x101 missile, there are fragments of the engine, the housing of the control unit with numbers and so on, and
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there is actually a video there , where the shape and size of the rocket absolutely correspond to hastoy's rocket. and are in no way related to the nasams missile, by the way, there is one more such interesting detail that the nasams missile is actually an im-120 air missile that self-destructs when it does not hit an air target, so in any case at all an impossible situation when such a missile could hit an object on the ground, despite the fact that it has much smaller dimensions and dimensions. at the same time, the question arises as to why not all... missiles were shot down, although, let me remind you, if half of the missiles that attack there are shot down, then there are still according to the old requirements there, it is believed that this is a good indicator, over the past six months, ukraine shot down an average of 46% of missiles, and in the previous half year, this indicator was about 73%. now, during the second wave
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of attack, 30 missiles out of 38 were shot down and reported. air force command, we all saw the video where one x101 missile hit ahmadyt, and this is a new video where actually several missiles, as an eyewitness emotionally comments there, as many as five x101 missiles go sideways and hit the area of ​​the artem enterprise. why were these missiles missed? well, on the one hand. the enemy has changed tactics, the missiles are there went at lower altitudes, these missiles, well, they had up to 50 m there, not 100, as before, they are more difficult to detect and shoot down, the kh101 and iskander missiles and their calibers are being modernized, they are equipped with traps to complicate interception, that’s all true, but what also, here i will add the evaluations of two professional people, the first is
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actually general ihor romanenko, we often invite him to the air, he was the deputy... chief of the general staff, and before that, for a considerable period of time, he managed and commanded the 96th anti-aircraft missile brigade, which covers kyiv, so romanenko believes that the russians do it was possible to reload or overload the capital's air defense system, this happened because the missiles were launched simultaneously in large numbers from different directions, but they converged in an attack on the capital from different directions almost simultaneously according to... this is the terminology of the ppooshniks, this is actually such a star or star strike , and they overloaded our air defense forces, and we don't have enough patriot batteries to... deal primarily with all ballistic missiles, romanenko believes. and it also happened that there was an interview literally a week before this enemy attack
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in ukrinform of colonel serhiy yaremenko, who is currently the commander of the 96th anti-aircraft missile brigade, which covers the capital and who actually bears the main responsibility for the formation of this defense system. in the capital, what he said, he said then that we learn, and the enemy learns, and when we effectively destroy the enemy's means of counterattack, the enemy tries to make some kind of adaptation to his actions, he tries to bypass our interactive cover system as much as possible, to go to objects of impact along new routes, improves attack trajectory, carries out overload measures. and it was just a week before this missile attack, and in fact what can be concluded is that each attack by the enemy
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is more difficult than the previous one, and here the most difficult task is to predict the probable nature of the actions of the air enemy and to create a really correct cover system, this is now the challenge facing our air force, and also another ... assumption that i think that probably not all the patriots who are now covering the capital, maybe they were doing some of them, or separate complexes, performed and covered other cities, or performed tasks that are also extremely important, so in any case we understand that the issue of strengthening air defense is urgent, we expect that the nato summit will be connected with the fact that the supply of new complexes for... ukraine will be announced, the us ambassador to nato has already said about this, in particular, that there will be fresh news, but in fact it is a pity that for each such decision on
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the supply of certain types of weapons , well, ukraine pre-inherits such a well extremely high price. and then about other technologies, we have companies that are engaged in creating conditions or prerequisites for our military to effectively... use samples of both domestic and foreign weapons on the battlefield, and now igor bilov is joining us, he is the owner of logic 7 ukraine, which has developed a number of solutions aimed at improving the use of foreign weapons systems in combat operations. mr. igor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations, sergey. congratulations, i want to express my condolences to the victims and wish them well rather that the recovery of those who suffered from the previous missile strike, this is very sad our condolences. mr. igor, your company
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offers the armed forces a number of such simulators that allow you to improve certain skills of our new soldiers, and do i know that there are systems there with manpads, that is , are there systems that allow you to effectively train our military to shoot down... these cruise missiles, and in the context of that, tell us what exactly your company does for our armed forces? and so, in general , we started with the beginning of a full-scale war develop fire training systems, today we have more than 50 products that help the military to train and almost the entire fire training system, we can provide the opportunity for training. to train, what is the special feature of your simulators compared to such static simulators, what are the advantages,
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what is the interest of the military themselves in ordering the samples that you have developed and offer to our defense forces, today our systems help to quickly and immersively prepare a fighter, first of all we currently have enough many types of wasps. which supply us with western western partners partners and this is a problem, because in a very limited time, the armed forces of ukraine need to train fighters, and it is precisely such systems that help to train fighters quickly and for free, and it is also convenient and does not require the expenditure of ammunition, and there are some types of weapons that are not at all possible to train with... and such as manpads, because the aerial target cannot be detected at all, and with the help of such training
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systems, it is quite... possible and quite effectively, and in addition, we use our systems, which have mathematics and ballistics that fully correspond to real weapons, as well as mass-sized models that provide the opportunity not only to show some picture in glasses, but also tactilely er... fully correspond to the control bodies and their mass characteristics. well, now you are showing a ppzrk simulator, i have heard certain objections to such seemingly simplified simulators from other simulator manufacturers who say, in fact, that the company should know the tactics there the use of these manpads, how those...
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others should work, calculations on the battlefield, what the target looks like in different conditions, do you have anything to answer such objections, does your simulator fully meet the requirements that the military puts forward for such simulators or simulators ? well, in general, the military is quite strict about the characteristics, and it is very right, we understand that, because after this ... training , the fighter will take real weapons, and such real weapons are quite expensive to use, firstly, secondly, if the target not impressed, then the target will perform its own tasks and will impress our military, so the military is quite picky about the characteristics, how they are displayed in the software plan, how it looks, how well
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the controls correspond to the real ones. weapons, this is very important, we take all this into account, we have quite a lot of engineers and programmers working for us, and we constantly update all these adjustments, ah, which are given to us by both military and combat instructors, this is quite important, mr. igor, how is the system of orders built now? your products, you come to the military units, can the military units purchase or these simulators? through tender procedures, how is this a business component of your activity? well, we are working at the beginning of a full-scale invasion and we have already worked out some mechanisms together with the military and the system is a little outdated, but during the war it has already been adapted, and many military units of training centers, they already know what they need and
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prepare the technical task. er, and with the help of this, the tender takes place, we we choose to participate in the tender, usually, er, very often we win because we consider the quality of our equipment to be the highest, we also have quite good approvals from the military and this is how the whole work is set up, and what are the main goals or the company's goal for this year, you said that you have 50 simulators, corresponding to 50 types of weapons, what do you plan to do next, where to move, where to develop? our goal is not changeable, we want to develop all the video weapons used by the armed forces of ukraine, namely the infantry, to conquer almost all the basic fire training, we think this mission is very important, because it is necessary today to quickly and effectively train
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the mobilized and... and to close those holes that are on the front, and today we are developing such simulators, ppo simulators for the destruction of shaheds and half-buckets and everything else, that is , then we will produce artillery artillery systems and other things, today until the end of the year we still have about... 10 weapons modules, which we will develop in the form of simulators so that the military can train. and when you mentioned that developing simulators for shooting down shaheeds, what is it about, the equipment for these mobile groups that go out hunting for shaheeds, or what directions are you talking about? yes, that's right, that is, we have quite a lot -


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