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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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he didn't really see it, but i told him that i'm profitable, that i don't want anything, eh, he says, like, what are you doing, like, if you don't want to be with me, then i'll call 20 people there right now, you'll be with with each one in turn, like, so choose either with me or with them, i still remember this smoke, this very smelly one, i tried... to push him away, but even though he was drunk, but he was stronger than him. at that time, maryna's mother saw that the girl and the soldier who had taken her with him to another room had disappeared. she told his comrade in arms about it. these soldiers called themselves snipers and were based in the building opposite. and then he also tried to undress me there, he also wanted to continue once more. then i
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pushed him away hard, he started talking, wanted to hit me, i wanted to hit him with my fist as usual, and then i heard people walking again and i heard voices and two men from the russian military came in, and they took me away and said this soldier who is waiting for him, well, it will be bad for him. after the detention, the soldier and marina were arranged an eye bet, they say, like, admit that you did it, he says, and i don't remember at all, they say, of course, you were drunk, they say, if you want, we'll get him stuck, i say , well, no, i can’t let a person get stuck near me, well, i didn’t want him to be shot there at all, it was more that i felt like that... it was unpleasant to hear when he
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said that i was just taking it, that i was alone i came to him, what, what i said, that you are ruining my life, like, well, other soldiers told me what he had, well, he was sitting, what in it seems that he has a mother, it seems that he too, somewhere from the dpr, lpr, all that i remember him for is, uh... we love him with eyes, well , so blue, he also has a nickname of blue, well, i don't know anything else about him, he was about the age you remember, well, maybe 30-40, i still call him mykola, kolya. we started traveling
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from the end of september, the beginning of october 22nd to the de-occupied villages of the kyiv region, at first we started only with psychologists, and then we were joined by gynecological mobile teams and we also traveled, well, probably almost all we also traveled through the de-occupied part of kyiv region with gynecological teams. natalia potseluyeva, psychologist. which specializes in trauma work. with the onset of full-scale war, her clients became those who survived the occupation and suffered sexual violence at the hands of the russian military. we went with the psychologist to makarov, which is 60 km from kyiv. here natalya conducts a psychological session for teachers who remained in the city during its occupation. now natalya. works with two dozen
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survivors of sexual violence. the smallest my client was five years old, the oldest was 65 years old, there is a certain part of teenage girls who were between 14 and 16 years old at the time of the crime against them, and there are men, civilians, released from captivity, who were also sexually assaulted ... violence. ukrainian investigators began recording cases of sexual violence immediately after the de-occupation of the kyiv region in april 2022. in two years, law enforcement officers began to investigate 292 cases. even if we were told in the village that we knew for sure that such-and-such was raped, we never said anything about it. they said because it can injure a person. we gave a business card, maybe to someone you know, maybe we do.
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professional social assistance, and thus, someone called us after our arrival, someone directly in the office said that yes, i would like to talk, someone was already transferred to us from the office. to the general prosecutor, when someone already applied, the villages of maryna and daria were liberated by the ukrainian military at about the same time, in the last days of march 2022. daria and his family were immediately evacuated to western ukraine. if there is an occupation there, well, more or less held on, then everything started to come out of me. crying constantly, i was stressed, i had panic attacks, well, that is how it started to work out, then i calmed down a little, well, personally , nature helped me, i went to the river, walked alone, and this helped me recover,
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daria's parents informed the law enforcement officers about , what happened to them during the occupation, that the russian military stole their car and simulated their shooting, about sexual violence. the statement did not say. here i also have such a situation that for a long time i did not dare at all to talk about it and testify, well , to the prosecutor general's office, for example, my father does not know what happened to me, and therefore, if i gave a testimony, he would find out about it. well, such a moment is personal, but for me it is so very important, and i still haven't really, fully resolved it with my father. after the de-occupation of the village, marina and her mother left for the city 60 km from krasnivka, i did n’t want anyone to know, i didn’t even want to go to the police, i just
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told my mother, then i had to too, i think to keep silent in general, to just forget about it. it did not allow my mother to live peacefully, anna sosonska, the head of the department that supervises the investigation of sexual crimes committed during the war. immediately after the de-occupation of some regions, anna , in a group of law enforcement officers, was the first to stop by to record these cases. now they come to us officially with statements about the commission. the people with whom i started working on de-occupation at the end of september and the beginning of october of 2022 turn to the students, we offered them the support of a psychologist, they went through one and a half years of psychological sessions, and after the moment
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of stabilization, they decided that they were strong enough to enter the criminal process, well, you can imagine, only now they are thinking and are in the process of stabilization, i explain to them why it is important to contact law enforcement authorities, i explain that every recorded crime is one more step to the international terminal and to the fact that the leaders of this country are responsible for everything they have done, i participate with them in interrogations, that is, i... to interrogation, i take them directly, well literally, by their hand, lead them to the interrogation, i sit during the interrogation, after that i stabilize them. after the deoccupation of the village of maryna, the ukrainian law enforcement officers began their investigation. they compiled
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a photo of a military man and showed marina dozens of photos for identification. lawyer iryna kapalkina took up the case. a year ago , there were quite a lot of photos, and as far as i know, to this day , such photos are periodically provided to her for identification, but unfortunately, there is no positive result yet was at the end of 2023, the team from kyiv independent started its own investigation of this war crime. mykola, call sign, siny, had a criminal record, served in the so-called army of the occupied donetsk or luhansk regions controlled by russia. this was clearly not enough. we needed to find more information about blue. we arrived in
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krasnivka and... began to look for witnesses to the crime committed by a soldier with the call sign blue at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and we already know him here as blue, we knew then... how could he go to a loved one, well, to such a to such a degree he communicated with people and children, to such a degree that he entered into trust, as if he were already a relative, then he entered the house, to his home, as soon as he entered, no one paid attention to him, i did not pay attention to whether he entered, or he did not enter, or he did he come out, or did he not come out, or did he trust people to such an extent, that he came to the point of trusting, that is, the girl's throne, well, where did he tell something about himself? on the other side
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of the village, where all the civilians lived, the russian military also occupied one of the houses, next door to the family of anatoly bondarenko. in he still lived near us. the lock of the vault is only an old man, he told us a lot, how they are, what this one is, don't tell this one, but where, how do we tell that we have no communication, no telephones, because he will tell interestingly, once there was a bundle in the attic, once on the attic went there, he was telling the boys something, who is this old anatoliy, the old man, he is the deputy of the headquarters of the lpr where the lpr was, and how did you know that they, they said themselves, they said themselves that we are from luhansk or from donetska, well... according to bondarenko, a military man with a call sign is an old man visited their house. he
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warned anatoly to hide his car, otherwise it would be stolen. he arranged for the man to be released outside the village to collect water. this is a stranger, she says, bitches, she says, a girl, a pregnant girl was beaten up, we have one, she was the only mother, only we have this one, i say, what is she doing, i say, line up all yours, i say, this is war, i say, line up everyone .
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vonosimit, he took him out into the street, there he shot him over the head, and then somewhere, either immediately or after some time, someone like him took kochubeivka away. kochubeivka is this a village 14 km from krasnivka, the center of the community, which was also under russian occupation. at the end of march 2022, the russian military began to retreat from their positions in krasnivka and kochubeivka. according to bondarenko, as a farewell, the old man from... invited him and his family to visit him in the russian-occupied donetsk region and left his wife
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's phone numbers, they left their numbers, this this this this tolkien and his wife , yes yes his wife is written, this find became the starting point for us, a serviceman who came to the house. his name is nadbit dubayev, at that time he seems to have been 21 years old, 23-year-old nadbid dubayev, born in buryat, judging by his social networks, professed the buddhist faith, during his exile to ukraine, he had the rank of corporal and was the deputy commander of a combat vehicle , the gunner of the operation. russian federation. this
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brigade was one of those that captured the kyiv region and whose servicemen committed brutal war crimes. we came to the village in the kyiv region several times, showed nadbit dabaev's photo to everyone we talked to. no one recognized the soldier. only when we arrived in... and went to a street far from the center, we began to learn more about dabaev. the local woman, who recognized the soldier, agreed to tell about him off camera. but not on camera, i will approach you like this, we are looking for such a buryat, his name is bibai, he used to come into our houses, but he was here at our house, as soon as they entered our house, i hid, but my mother and grandmother came out and they told my mother clearly, we know that you have a daughter here, let her go, my mother said that she ran away
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she doesn't know where she's going, but i can see that they're being shot, so i went out , i was really hysterical there, when i, well, they were all wearing masks, when the hysteria started there, zahlyob was also crying there, but he sat down, took off his mask, and then he said something like there, why are you crying there, maybe we are not doing anything there, but on the contrary, we came there to free you, we are there every day , only there it got light from there from eight to nine o'clock in the morning, he... already went in there, make him tea, coffee, before it got dark, that is no one went out, that is, they sat here, well, they had nightmares, so basically they got drunk, they asked to take the car, according to the woman, dabaev usually did not come to the house alone, he had several subordinates,
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the military man hid his face only on the first day, then he took off his mask and began to tell more about himself, that he was brought up in a boarding school, that he had already fought in syria, that his uncle was a military man in a managerial position at his headquarters, that a few months before the invasion of ukraine they were based on the border with belarus, and that home a pregnant girl is waiting for him. in june 2022 , ukrainian law enforcement officers announced suspicion against dabayev in absentia for allegedly committing at least three war crimes. in addition to the fact that dabaev threatened to shoot daria's family. stole their car, in the first days of the occupation of the village, he shot a local man in the head. we contacted dabaev, he refused to answer our direct questions. do ordinary things become unreal?
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programs that identify users by phone numbers, our editors found out that the 53-year-old ukrainian anatoly kushnir, a sniper, was behind this call sign. previously, he allegedly used a call sign, had several criminal convictions, lives with his wife rina in occupied donetsk region. judging by koshnir's social networks, he participated in the war in eastern ukraine since 2014. since the moment when representatives of russian-controlled paramilitary formations took the city of slovyansk in the donetsk region under temporary illegal control. later, koshnir posted on his social networks. photo with a medal. on the eve of a full-scale invasion of the occupied territories of donetsk and luhansk regions, russia began mass mobilization.
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preparations for the offensive were underway, new regiments were being formed under the russian model army kushnir, like siny, joined the newly created 109th regiment of the army of the occupied donetsk region. the journalist, who confidently speaks russian, called kushner under the legend that he was a russian investigator and was conducting his own investigation. i am calling you about nicholas the blue, if you know nicholas the blue? i know one, yes, i fought with him, i know almost everything, because the teams that were there took him near a naked girl, and i found a mother with small children. i actually wanted to shoot him then, but i did not break the law. that's all. well, they said that you even arranged a face-to-face bet between this mykola?
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yes, yes, that's true. and what happened to him next? he returned home, committed two more crimes here. robbed his brother's wife. it was as if he was imprisoned, allegedly. i know the words because i visited our comrades from the 109th regiment and they told me about it. so he might be sitting there somewhere. yes, he must be sitting somewhere in donetsk. and what is his last name? well, his call sign was blue, i don't know his last name. he was a platoon commander, he was removed after that. we kept in touch with koshnir for several weeks. he also shared with us. the phone number of a military man with the call sign skryp, oleksandr skrypnyk. oh, i'll take care of it,
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it's okay. listen, the last time i saw blue, when i saw everything, only then? yes, yes, and when should i see him again? well, kushnir said that you communicate, i don't know, but stop, you see that we don't communicate anywhere. i have to, sorry for the expression. listen, yes, i myself have been in prison for many years from the syds, we served a term with him, the last, probably the last term, we sat with him, uh, everything, how they tried to accuse him of rape, and everything, he was taken away somewhere, and i never saw him again. of course. that is, oleksandr volodymyrovych, you don't know where he is, no, of course, i need him, if i knew, i would
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tell you, all the more so. ok, but tomorrow the day after tomorrow, if the guys in their horlivskiy know if anyone is left, and if there is a number or a contact, then i... ok, i will be grateful, because somehow you can at least clarify what his last name is, because i i can’t even establish that, wait, blue, blue mykola, no, no, blue, or blue, i don’t remember, i answer, honestly, i don’t know, he wants to serve time together with him, but who should i call, i don’t know , i answer honestly, but it's blue for sure. chased we started looking for people named mykola with surnames derived from the word siny. dozens of people were identified. at the same time, other
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combat comrades of the blue were called. time passed, no result. the last method, which we gave a small chance - to find people with a name mykola, whose surname begins not only with son, but also with sen. in ukrainian and russian languages, in some cases, it can be a consonant variant with the word blue. from law enforcement sources, we received a list of 15 men, began to collect more information about them, came across. to a post where a woman was allegedly looking for her brother , a soldier who disappeared in the direction of kherson. everything indicated that this serviceman could be blue. we started his identification. mykola volodymyrovych senenko, born in 1985, lived in the occupied donetsk region, had several
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convictions. last place of registration. at the address of the colony where, according to skrypnyk, they were serving their sentence together with siny. previously, everything coincided. we found more photos of mykola synenko and went with them to krasnivka. first, they showed the photo to maryna's mother. well, this one is more similar. well, this is his former one. this one is more similar, well, you recognize him, yes , this one is his, what is his name? kolya, kolya, yes, there he is, yes, he is, yes, this is him, these are blue, yes, and those eyes, yes, yes, yes, i’m saying, well, his eyes, this, this is his ear, these are his bald spots, these are his lips, i can guess them for sure that, well, two days they communicate with him without his
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eyes, it is clear that i miss a person. you can see it in this photo, i recognized him more from this photo, so he seems like a ghost in general, did he disappear? no, he's alive, huh, oh , so i was attacked then, well, it was difficult -
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with such moments, with a feeling of guilt, because you still turn your head and think, maybe something should have been done to prevent this from happening , something to say or do, well, or maybe i'm talking about something else i thought that it was better to die with dignity than to be raped there by the occupier, well, there were such moments. daria lived with these thoughts for some time, it helps her to rehabilitate. work with a psychologist and community of women sam ukraine. their experience proved: sexual violence, the russian military and the troops under their control , have been committing since 2014. it's not just about rape. international and ukrainian organizations recorded cases when the russian military imprisoned and forcibly exposed women, connected current to sexual authorities, threatened to rape their relatives or forced them to watch it. it's not...
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it's never about satisfying sexual passion, it's about establishing power, it's about imposing a certain ideology in such and such a terrible way, that is, it's always about the fact that when an empire comes to a certain territory, the cheapest, sorry per word, but the cheapest way to subjugate an unruly people and bring them into one single trajectory with a great empire, is the very use of sexual violence against... against the enemy, against family members and against civilians population living in the occupied territories. a separate department dealing only with the investigation of sexual crimes in the office of the prosecutor general was created after the start of the full-scale war. i came here in 2015 and did not notice that public organizations or the prosecutor general's office dealt
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with sexual issues. when i advised the office.


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