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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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passions, it's about establishing power, it's about imposing a certain ideology in such a terrible way, that is, it's always about the fact that when an empire comes to a certain territory, the cheapest, excuse the word, but the cheapest way to subjugate an unruly people and bring its one single trajectory with a large empire, this is the use of sexual violence against the enemy, against family members. and to the civilian population living in the occupied territories. a separate department dealing only with the investigation of sexual crimes in the prosecutor general's office was created after the start of a full-scale war. i came here in 2015 and did not notice that public organizations or the prosecutor general's office were dealing with sexual violence issues. when i advised the office of... the prosecutor general to have a gender
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policy that would cover the issue of sexual violence and its investigation, i was told that ukraine does not need it. sexual violence is always present in conflicts, the question is always its nature, scale and how often it happens. wayne jordage, a specialist in of international humanitarian law, worked as a lawyer at the tribunals regarding yugoslavia. rwanda and in the special court for sierra leone. since 2022, jordaj and his colleagues have been advising ukrainian prosecutors and helping to improve the system of investigations into sexual crimes. during this time, two servicemen received sentences for crimes of sexual violence. 42 - suspicions in absentia, ten of whom are soldiers of the 37th brigade, in which nadbit daba served. the true
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scale of the war crimes committed by the soldiers of this brigade is much greater. with of announced suspicions, it is known that servicemen of the 37th brigade threatened to kill civilians, shot cars in which people were traveling, threatened with weapons, took prisoners, tortured, killed, simulated shootings and executions, put a gun to the temple and shot in the face, robbed and ordered rob houses shot at the windows. for these crimes, the law enforcement officers announced suspicions in absentia to the soldiers of the 37th brigade 44. we see a certain systematicity, we already saw it when we went to the de-occupied territories. we they saw that it was not, you know, how, as at first everyone thought, like some unit of crazy people, yes, someone put a fog on them, as they say in our people. well, they
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saw, excuse me, how beautiful everything is here, how much everything is here, and it must be destroyed, we understood that it was a clear, clear planning of all this even before they entered a certain territory, that is, they already had a clear plan of who should do what and when they will enter and occupy the territory, how they should treat the civilian population in order to show that russia is here forever several of my clients said that when a sexual crime had already been committed against them, the phone of these soldiers received calls from commanders who said: yes, that's it, come back, stop having fun. there is a concept of team responsibility in international law. it means that the commanders will be held criminally responsible for the crimes of their subordinates. this applies, in particular, to cases when the military committed crimes with the consent
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of the commanders, as well as when the commanders should have known or foreseen the violation by subordinates in the legislation of ukraine, there is no principle of command responsibility, although law enforcement officers can use complicity to assess the actions of commanders, but this situation does not allow the commanders to be fully held accountable for the international crime they committed. international criminal law has developed models of legal responsibility that are more in line with how these crimes occur in times of war. how does a commander commit a crime? as a rule, the commander does not commit a crime by giving an order to commit it. the commander develops and implements approaches. these approaches lead to crimes. and the commander, realizing that these approaches lead to crimes, does nothing to change them. that's how cases are built against commanders who...command
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from a distance, that's why it's so difficult, if you're lucky, you'll have a commander who gives clear orders, go and rape these women, go and kill these men, go. will take these kids out, but in many cases you won't find a direct order because that's not how crimes happen. that's why you have to build a picture based on indirect evidence, through approaches. once that's done, you look at the specific commander and the contribution he made to those approaches. we established the hierarchy of command of the 37th motorized rifle brigade, where dabaev served. the middle commander of dabaev's motorized rifle platoon was senior lieutenant denis burganov. on march 15, he was found wounded in the territory of kyiv region. there were reports that burganov had died. according to our information, his social networks are active. company commander
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was captain vladyslav khurchiev. he is alive and publishes photos from combat operations in his social networks. the battalion was commanded by lieutenant colonel dmitry shabaev. one of those who allegedly planned the occupation of kyiv region. after the death of one of his subordinates, he allegedly filed a report to be awarded the highest military award for his participation in the occupation of kyiv region. the 37th brigade was headed by colonel yuriy medvidev. at the beginning of march 2022, when the troops were occupying the kyiv region, medvediv was wounded. the international media reported that medvedev had died and in two months the colonel had. at the victory day parade in buryat. it was more difficult to establish a hierarchy of responsibility in the case of servicemen who occupied the kherson region. the so-called mobilization reserve regiments were formed in
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the occupied donetsk region shortly before the full-scale offensive. according to the ukrainian general staff, only 5 to 10% of the military had these formations. experience, they were led by russian officers. the collected evidence indicates that the 109th motorized rifle regiment, which included mykola synenko with the call sign siny, could be under the control of the 11th airborne assault brigade of the russian federation. she had an elite status among the russian troops. its positions were located in the neighboring village of krasnivka, kochubeivka. servicemen of the 109th regiment sent sinyyi there after. rape and they took marina there for questioning, it was conducted by a military man who probably had an additional position in the brigade, he asked me how it happened, why it happened, under what circumstances, then he
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says, come with me, we went to another office, there was such a healthy office, there was a healthy table so long, he cleaned it there. the documents say: undress, i'm like this, i don't know, i'm standing in shock, cry, i'm hysterical, i don't know what to do, i'm already thinking, everything, now they're going to torture me again, and i'm sure i won't survive it, i will do something there by myself, such were the thoughts of a military man. stopped, he called the threats of rape a psychological trick, allegedly in this way to check whether marina was telling the truth. we established that the soldier who interrogated marina had a circassian call sign, but
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we could not identify him. instead, they found out that he commanded the 11th brigade colonel denis shishov, who later became a major general. according to information from the ministry of defense of russia. from the first days of the full-scale war, shyshov took part in the capture of southern ukraine, was wounded in the head, after which he continued to fight. in march of this year, the office of the un high commissioner for human rights published a thematic report. the organization has not recorded a single case of investigation of sexual violence as a war crime in russia. wherever we worked, people said that when, for example, it was applied to them. sexual violence, even in cases where children were raped, they turned to the occupation administration at that time, informed the russians that they heard, well, how could it be that they raped a minor there, and their teams did
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nothing, that is, well write us a statement, we will figure it out, and that's all, the teams of the 11th airborne assault and 37th motorized rifle brigades. shishov and medvedev received awards in 2022. shishov is a hero of russia. medvedev - order of courage. these are among the highest state awards in russia. while a military serviceman nadbid dabaev of the 37th brigade was in ukraine, his girlfriend tatiana was expecting a child. in june 2022, the couple got married, and two months later, in august, they had a son, arsalan, in the city of ulanode in buryatia. mykola synenko, a soldier from the 109th regiment with
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the call sign siny, according to information from his comrades-in-arms, is in the city of horlivka, in the occupied donetsk region. to be honest, i can only calculate what is stipulated in the criminal code, then the sanction is the maximum, it is probably somewhere up to 12-14 years, it will also be. depend on the degree severity, injuries that were inflicted on the victims? for me, you know, there is such a word victim, yes, which is even very often used in our country, victim of sexual violence, and there is also the target, having survived, for me, they are all those who definitely won, and i fixate on exactly that this person... she has already managed, she was able to either file a statement there, declare it, or tell
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someone, even me, she was able to live this part, well, this pain in herself, and therefore for me every story of this women, this guy who got out of captivity there is a story of victory. we we still don't know the true scale of sexual violence, which was resorted to by the russian military in ukraine, some voices we will never hear again, some will speak after years, there are still those who are unlikely to ever tell their story out loud, the meaning has appeared, you have to live for him, he can't do it without me. i still dream so much that i have a house and
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everything will be in flowers, i just love flowers, and i want dogs and cats, i want a lot, i am now considering several options, how can i... to show what i have experienced in some creative sphere, maybe it will be some paintings, maybe some video format, but now i am looking for some form in which i can convey it, well , if only without words, then, that is, through art, and i will honestly say, that i very often want to hide somewhere and just do nothing, i don't know, just read a book and that's all, well, that is , the psyche works in such a way that i just want to hide and isolate myself from the world. but i understand that in reality you need to act, you need
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to show what you are going through, because we all are social persons, and it is necessary to express it somehow.
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congratulations, another series of russian attacks on ukrainian territory, this time, literally on children, became, you know, not only, well, in principle, a terrorist act, but also such an information operation, which russia did absolutely deliberately, i emphasize this, well, first of all, that i draw your attention to the fact that the russians literally began to be proud of these strikes. as soon as they happened, and they did not yet know for sure what happened there in detail, and then the russian propagandists, well, they literally exploded like this, you know, with pride, like, for example, this one. today, the russian armed forces delivered a series of strikes, i understand, accurate and in this sense
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painful, against the ukrainian military-industrial complex, these were not just effective strikes, they were, as it were , obvious. an element, so to speak, of demonstrativeness, i would say so, because the strikes on kyiv, strikes somewhere, even in the dnipro, it seems that there was an arrival, they say, there was a strike on the zhulyany airfield and so on, these were, i repeat all this exclusively on military objects, i repeat, very clear, very serious blows, you see, with a certain element of demonstrativeness, these words were not just said, that's what. that came to the russians as a method, and literally, when it was already there, they began to see it in themselves, suddenly discovered that this demonstrativeness is the ohmadit children's hospital. and what to do with it? well, the first one is, you know, the desire they had - as always, to tell some legends from the series,
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they were beaten there, because there is a military facility there, well , this is a former member of the state duma. and well , an alcoholic who often performs at skabiyeva and there in a circle, and he immediately wrote that this morning, a missile attack by the russian army on the meeting of the general staff, which was in the building, next to the children's hospital, the next composition of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine will surely sit right in the children's hospital. well, in fact, the russians just told what they usually do, because, well, for example, not at all... a long time ago last week , the governor of the belgorod region told how they put rap devices on ambulances, and these ambulances are sent close to the ukrainian border to jam the connection on the territory of ukraine, that is, as you understand, in such a case it is not surprising that they really
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use medical institutions as a cover, and since they do this constantly, when in the end they beat in ukrainian some kind of... hospitals, and this was not the first time, well, remember, from mariupol, the maternity hospital that they simply bombed, then they told for a long time that it was not them, that somehow something blew up there and some other legends, then, well, the people of kharkiv can definitely confirm that they have beaten medical facilities there many times, maybe they didn't talk about it very much, but the russians also hit the prenatal center there, and that happened too. absolutely consciously, moreover, well, one of the activists from kharkiv tells that in the first days of the war, some people went there and made such red crosses, and somehow at first they reacted to it, well, this should show that there are peaceful people, and then they realized that no, you can't do that, because the russians are beating directly on these red crosses, after all, the russians
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were absolutely deliberately beating on medical institutions, hospitals, they simply destroyed them. systemically, moreover, even there they made such a special decision that they allow themselves to strike at medical facilities, well, that's why it's a common story for the russians, and they did it even now completely consciously, but you know, they probably didn't expect how it will have to look like this as a result and how it will be perceived by everyone around, what kind of resonance it can cause, so after all these conversations about what... it must have been a meeting of some fantasy general staff, then appeared others have such, you know, comments when the children were shown there, here is this photo with the children and... well, one of their bloggers wrote that the evacuated mothers with sick children from the ohmadit hospital in the yard, which was hit by a rocket, and he wrote : one thing i think about the repeated
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stabbing of the dagger, well, that is, he saw the children sitting, let's go there, he threw the dagger to me, it's just so that you would understand everything about how russians think in general, yes , but you know, the resonance came out, yes , this is exactly this post and this, you see... a comment about repeated stabbing and this photo, which we all saw, and when it became clear what it looks like when children with cancer are sitting and it turns out that they were the target, then they ran out of the defenses of russia, and their propagandists say that this it wasn't them, as usual, that it was somehow wrong, they don't do that, well, as usual, they began to lie in short. the russian ministry of defense reported that the massive attack by the russian army on ukrainian infrastructure and energy is a response to ukraine's attempt
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to damage russian energy facilities. the aim of the strike was achieved. also in the ministry of defense rejected kyiv's accusations that the russian army is purposefully striking civilian objects. it does not. at the same time hysterical statements. well, let's analyze it directly, it's a little bit different from the phrases, well, first of all, to tell at the beginning that the goals have been achieved, and then it's not us to say that, so here either the goals have been achieved, well, or you threw it somewhere in the wrong place, well, no you can at the same time. and to reach the goal and throw it in the hospital, it means that when you threw it in the hospital, you interpret it as the goal achievement, that is, where you wanted, you threw it there. next,
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stories about the fact that, well, it's not them, they don't throw anything, no, they don't bomb hospitals, well, i already told you how they don't bomb hospitals, they bombed, they bomb and, you know, i'm sorry, but they will bomb, it's necessary to be ready for this, because that's how they... imagine war, that's how they imagine how they should fight, that's just how they are, and after all, about the nato summit, here's the history before the nato summit, let's just look at it from another point of view on the other hand, before the nato summit, it is probably not for nothing that the ukrainians suddenly started say, something over there, oh, over there, something happened in the children's hospital somewhere over there, no, just look at this map, this one, well... this last one for the attack on ukraine, to see what this is, this is their hysteria, this they arrange such
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a bombing of ukraine before the nato summit, and it is true, as the previous propagandist said, this is absolutely a demonstrative action, that is why there is hysteria before the nato summit, but it is not among ukrainians, it is among russians, it is hysteria of the kremlin before the summit . nato, yes, this is what it looks like , well, after all, they have already started just inventing and lying about different things, well , first of all, about the fact that now the ukrainian authorities are trying to hide that it was not a russian missile, well, very interestingly, they started telling their own delusions in the news. meanwhile, ukrainian sources report, zelenskyi's office gave an order to remove civilians from the territory of the okhmadyt hospital, which is the abbreviation of the maternity and childhood care hospital in kyiv, with the aim
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of preventing footage of the fragments of ukrainian rockets from entering the network, because this will be a confirmation that the what happened became as a result of the work of the same american, german or norwegian air defense equipment. here is an interesting selection of videos, yes, you see, they showed that it was like... the military, and for some reason they did not show what was shown by almost all the world's media, and well, for example, they were leading, but somehow they saw completely different people, and they did not see that someone was not letting someone in, they saw that hundreds of people from kyiv had come to dismantle the rubble of the hospital. we are now in the largest children's hospital okhmadyt, several of its buildings are strong damaged by impacts and explosions. this three-story building is a toxicology department, the fire is still being extinguished there, but there may still be people under the rubble, residents
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of nearby houses have come to help. well, that is, everyone somehow saw that there were a lot of people there, only russian propaganda somehow started telling some legends about the fact that civilians are not allowed there, only military personnel are there, and they are hiding something, in fact, if there were any, well, such debris . well , almost all the world's media worked there, and anyone would i saw if suddenly there was a ukrainian missile there, but no, there was no ukrainian missile there, so the next step was to invent, to pull in their mercenaries, which they have all over the world, who began to tell that it was not a russian missile that fell it was aimed at ohmadyt
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, literally, that's it... just like that, and it turns out that there were some other missiles, and there, well, just a flurry of options, well, the first version was like a patriot. famous blogger from the usa jackson hinkel studied videos and photos taken by local residents. he believes that by all indications this is a missile of the american patriot complex. the facts are such that, despite kyiv's attempts, as usual, they will turn everything upside down and blame. russia, well , let's look at these missiles in general, because it's really very interesting, here are these missiles, compare them, and you can see, well , since there was a video of how this missile flew, here you yourself see a screenshot from it, you can see that no, the way it looks, it's not a patriot, it's a russian missile, ha 101, the patriot has completely
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different images and... in fact, it shows that it it is a russian missile, well, there is one, you know , there is a turbojet engine in the tail part, it is very clearly visible, we will take a look at it, well, you see, these are pieces from this video, you can see, first of all, that the missile is flying directly at okhmady , that is, it is not flying somewhere else, it is flying aimed at okhmedyt, here you see this turbojet engine, which is very well visible. such a piece on the rocket itself, well, in the end, this is what it looked like, it was also quite clear how it looked, what, where is this one a turbojet engine, and in the end, this is what the patriot would look like, as you can see, there is no such engine, it has completely different outlines, uh, that's right, the samsa rocket does not have any of these engines at the back, there are no such protruding
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parts at the back. but there is one on the russian kha-101 missile, you can see it there, there is such an additional thing hanging on the rear part, that is, this is the story, that is why it somehow did not work out with the patriot, and you know, by the evening even the nightingale would be tired of telling, that it's not a patriot, but something else, it's sams, well we already saw about nasams, no, it's not nasams either, but it's just interesting how it didn't stick to him.
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photos of parts of the rocket that fell near the affected hospital building were distributed in the ukrainian public and mass media. not only that, they also managed to show photos of the exact moment the rocket fell. here. let's take a look at some of these photos. at the same time , they absolutely honestly write that it is not patriot. yes, they are absolutely right. this is not a patriot system missile. however, this is a rocket of a completely different system.


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