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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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the topic is in one word: how irreversible or not irreversible ukraine's future membership in the alliance is, that is, one word that has very serious consequences. what is it connected with? if we add the word that and there are no other options, one day ukraine will really be in the alliance, we fix this very strictly, and this is what ukraine really wants, it is in our interests, it is in the interests of many of our partner countries, and it a very clear signal for the russian federation, on the other hand. side, both in washington and, unfortunately, in some european countries, there is still an opinion that it is possible that the future membership of nato can be negotiated with the russian federation during future peace negotiations, and therefore they are very afraid to add this word, because they believe that then it may be something that cannot be done at all will change, although of course it is perfectly clear to everyone that the declaration is not an agreement, a contract or any binding document, theoretically this issue can become the subject of negotiations in ... years and at
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any other time, but for today time, this is an important word, how irreversible this path is or not, and is the main stumbling block, and if, as you say, washington really has problems with this word, so to speak, does this mean that in particular and joe biden's administration assumes that ukraine's membership in nato will have to be negotiated in the negotiations with russia, or can even the biden administration think so in your opinion? and the problem is that it is the biden administration that thinks so, and we have heard over the last several months in various closed circles tables or in articles related to the white house experts, where this issue was raised, let's look at how in recent days there have been sudden requests from the expert environment, low-level experts, primarily american, who signed open letters there, in which was exactly what they wrote that let's stop promising ukraine a member... in nato, and
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then the russian federation will somehow change its mind. we in ukraine, of course, understand, as well as our partners from the baltic countries or poland, that the russian federation does nothing will change that the issue is not in nato. but, unfortunately, it is very symptomatic that if similar statements appear in the public discourse, it means that it is again on the agenda, that it is again being discussed in various offices in washington. well, let's talk about donald trump, he will most likely be a candidate for the presidency of the united states. of the republican party, he has repeatedly, well, with such skepticism , expressed himself about the feasibility of nato, about the obligations of partners in terms of financing, in terms of defense spending, whether this summit is ready answer this skepticism and really demonstrate that he is probably right about the importance of this union? well, when 5 years ago donald trump first announced this, and then it was clear that these were... very irrational statements, quite
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emotional, because his understanding of what nato is and what it primarily gives to the united states itself was very limited, despite his position. that is why, if we remember, after his harsh statements about the possibility of leaving even the alliance, congress decided, in which actually forbade the president, whoever it may be, to go out alone, that only the legislative branch of power needs consent, and this is such a safeguard that the legislators put in place at that time. understanding that certain and preventive measures should be taken against such presidents as trump, let's call it this way. what is happening at this summit, we can already see that the partner countries are trying to create, at least with the help of ukraine, certain schemes, options, there, formulas, whatever you want to call it, according to the main decision, first of all, regarding the provision of assistance, which would not depended on who would be the next president of the united states. it is because of this, for example, that it is created. an additional command in europe,
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which will be responsible for military assistance to ukraine, is in a way a safety net if the next president suddenly does not want to continue ramstein, for example, which at the moment is primarily an american-ukrainian initiative, and not an initiative before the nato umbrella, on why did some of our partners insist from the very beginning, but the united states in particular did not want to hand it over in the 22nd year an umbrella, and now we actually see what is happening... this is a reverse process, many of those negotiations and agreements that are within the framework of ramstein are still trying to put it under nato in order to protect themselves from trump. and also against the background of unsuccessful debates for the current president joe biden, one has to hear skepticism about his health, about his ability to play one of the first violins in this alliance. the day before, by the way, german chancellor scholz was asked whether he was worried about biden's health and whether it could affect the... summit, i
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i suggest now to listen to his answer and return to the discussion. no, i'm not worried, i know from the communication that i had with the american president that he... prepared this summit very well and very precisely prepared everything with us, and all the decisions that we will make together there, they are all worked out , all this preparation was coordinated, so it will be a very successful summit. so ms. hanna, in your opinion, is biden's health really a factor and will he be able to prove at this summit that there is nothing to worry about? well, if we're talking about conducting directly. summit, it is clear that here the question is not about biden, but about the entire administration, all the services, because we are talking about dozens of world leaders, about hundreds of delegations, about thousands of participants, so here, if one president's health is not so much depends, depends on how the team works and how the other institutions work,
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but it's perfectly clear to everyone, and they're talking about it here in washington right now, that it depends on how he conducts himself during the summit, how his press conference goes, which already announced how he will meet world leaders, and due to the fact that it will be actively covered in zma, this will be an opportunity for him to make up for the negative consequences that occurred after the presidential debate, and that he will be able to demonstrate how ready he is to fulfill the highest functions of the head of state. the summit is always quite a busy schedule, there are many meetings, and therefore it will be important for him to demonstrate that he still has enough strength. that he can perform these functions, and precisely because of the fact that we as we can see, the american administration tried to coordinate everything as much as possible in advance so that there were no surprises, so that they were prepared for everything, accordingly , fewer surprises, fewer nerves and fewer opportunities for some negative surprises.
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unfortunately, this is all we have time to discuss in the context of the nato summit, which begins today, but i want to promise our viewers that we will return to the nato summit in future broadcasts, since it will only last for three days. understand what to expect in ukraine from this summit, we were helped by hanna shelest, who joined our broadcast from washington. let me remind you that hanna is the director of the program of the security studio of the council of foreign policy ukrainian prism. while ukraine is competing for the support and sympathy of the global south, the leader of one of the leading states of this same global south, india, paid a visit to moscow. prime minister of india. modi visited moscow for two days and called russian president vladimir putin a dear friend. modi's visit to russia coincides with nato summit, but the indian foreign ministry assured the day before that the time of this visit is not important. observers note that
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india's position differs from the west's position regarding russia's war against ukraine. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, reacted to the visit of the prime minister of india to russia, calling it a huge disappointment. and a blow to peace efforts as the leader of the world's largest democracy embraces the world's bloodiest criminal, end of quote: india refrains from criticizing russia and buys large volumes of russian oil at lower prices, and in moscow modi praised the partnership with russia. i am happy that india and russia are working side by side to reinvigorate global prosperity. this partnership is based on a strong one. the us also closely watched the visit of the indian prime minister to moscow, washington, which is a strategic partner of delhi, said that the indian leader should emphasize to putin the need to respect the sovereignty of ukraine. we
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would like to convince india, as we are doing it, for all the countries that are in contact with russia, so that it clearly understands that any solution. of the conflict in ukraine should be based in respect of the un charter, must respect the territorial integrity of ukraine, must respect the sovereignty of ukraine. as you know, india is our strategic partner with whom we have a broad and sincere dialogue, and that dialogue also includes our concerns about its relationship with russia. so what goals can the indian leader modi set for himself and can he influence putin. he would stop the war. we will talk about this later. with us is mridu lagosh, chairman of the board of the east european development institute and associate professor of the department of international relations at the kyiv-mohyla university academy i congratulate you. congratulations. well, it must be said that during the visit of the prime minister of india to moscow, he nevertheless
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reacted to the attack on the okhmaditu children's hospital in kyiv under putin. and he said that any person, when people die, when innocent children die, feels pain until the heart explodes. this was his quote: observers noticed that putin was uncomfortable when modi said this, he had to listen to it, and how do you assess such a move on the part of the indian prime minister? well, firstly, the indian prime minister, why did he go on this, i can't answer, i am not responsible for his trips, as you know, i am an outside observer and i am a citizen of india, but i am sitting in ukraine, so my views may differ from those of other commentators from india, clearly i realize that india more than once constantly declares compliance with the un charter, territorial integrity. ness and sovereignty of ukraine, and just as the united states has stated that we
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must be steadfast in this regard, and in this regard, i do not think that there will be a rejection here. another problem - the fact that there was no such refusal that some peace plan put forward by china to immediately stop the war and leave everything as it is, that is, their plan was very deep and well... far-sighted, fashion does not put forward such plans, because there is a mod, he does not pretend to have such a role as a mediator or something like that, but the efforts of the mod, as he told president zelensky, i will do everything in my power to achieve a negotiation through diplomacy, i do not think that today the mod has such forces, such is the status of her... well, putin, first of all, will not listen to him, and secondly, you understand, there were
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other reasons here, the reason is very important - the rapprochement of china and russia is approaching, india considers this very threatening, india takes this very seriously, because this military alliance, not when gorbachev concluded the normalization of relations with china, then there were completely different dimensions of these... relations today between china and russia, today which is at war, and they can have very serious militaristic perspectives, besides, mr. putin also went to north korea, which in principle had enough such, this country had enough such tight relations with pakistan, when it has also been proven that certain nuclear technologies have been transferred, so india's concern can be understood why... he went to moscow, is it to find out how deep this partnership is
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militarily with china, how much, if suddenly there will be some conflict between india and china, what will be the position of russia? i'm not sure, we'll hear about it, but it seems to me that there could be such thoughts, such intentions to find out what putin has to do with this issue. let's say, another thing, the second problem - it was absolutely ravished by criminal means of deception, agents were made through these structures, who hire people to work abroad, do they provide any immigration opportunities, such citizens who are from the poor strata, not the diaspora that now sits and works normally in russia, these are those people , who are absolutely poor. well, people of average wealth or a little below average wealth, who do not know what russia is at all, they
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were lured, and then they ended up at the borders with ukraine in the contingent of a warring party, like russia, and this is a very threatening phenomenon, because the supply of even manpower for this war, india is against, because i apologize that we are, unfortunately, we have little time, i want to have time to ask you how you assess the reaction... kyiv, i absolutely support him, that if mr. modiy really wanted to do something about ukraine, he should make a visit to ukraine as well, not only to russia, then it shows his real. that he wants something in this war to solve this war, and so simply
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unilaterally just to be in moscow and declare, he wants declarations, intentions, such good intentions, kind words, words for now, and then, well, he would need to visit ukraine at least once. thank you very much, we were contacted by mridu lagosh, chairman of the board of the east european development institute, associate professor of the department of international relations. at the kiev academy, we talked about the visit of the prime minister of india to moscow, and what is india's interest here and how ukraine should treat it. this is the end of svoboda live, i want to thank you for watching our broadcast and finally i encourage you to subscribe to the pages of radio svoboda on social networks, we are on facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, actually sign up there and also in viber, sign up wherever it's convenient for you, this program was conducted by sashko shevchenko, and i'll see you tomorrow. there are discounts representing
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the only discounts on tolocksen 10% in the pharmacies of travelers, pam and savings, there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl 15% in the pharmacies of travelers you and savings. the book of women at war is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house. the book is based on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who became on defense of the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts representing the only discounts on psilobalsam, 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudokrem, 15% in
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travel pharmacies, you and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to catch up. economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chechchenina, our tv viewer, ready to tell, kind evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader
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of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day , the events of the day in two hours in... the big air of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapon. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. in... this is the most important thing, every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv speaks on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment
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and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. 13-year-old andriy babich, 15-year-old dmytro batikov and 14-year-old vitaly gorbunov. all these boys disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of kherson region and devo. are now, no one knows, so i really hope for your help. of course, first of all i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region. i know that not everyone has the opportunity to watch ukrainian tv channels, but i hope that maybe you are watching this program on social networks. therefore, please remember
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the children's faces. andrii babich recently turned 13 years the boy is thin, has dark blond hair and brown eyes, he was last seen in the kherson region in the skadovsky district in the village of nova zbruivka, exactly one year ago. dmytro batikov is now 15 years old, he looks his age, he has dark blond hair and brown eyes. the boy lived in the city of bare pier, and information about the child's disappearance came at the beginning of a full-scale war. and this is 14-year-old vitaly gorbunov. information about the disappearance of the child was received. on the first day of the war, the boy was last seen in the city of kakhovka, where he lived there, vitaly has dark blond hair and brown eyes. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of andriy dmytro or vitaliy, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important.
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you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and you do not have the opportunity to call, write. to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but, unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute. of your time can be crucial. visit the magnolia children's tracing website in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps
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you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we discussed this topic with a psychologist and gathered a lot of advice. for parents who can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of involving children in solving family issues. involve the child to developing a family budget, to solving some problematic issues. after all, sometimes we make some decisions, and these decisions are difficult, difficult, we ourselves are very concerned and worried about it, and we only inform the child about the result, and she perceives it as a personal insult. well, for example, the child was expecting a new phone, but due to some family events, we don't have money for it, and instead of explaining, to make a decision together with the child, how and in what we can save, and when we
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we will still be able to save up money for that new phone, we just bring her this idea that there will be no phone, how then we are perceived, well, as an enemy who just wants to destroy the child's entire peaceful life, break all dreams and so on, and if she knew the whole process, and i... if she participated in the discussion, and if her voice was important, and she could say, let's save a little here, here i am ready to give up something for this, she would feel she felt her complicity in the family budget, in planning is important, and what could be better in life than feeling important? we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against. of a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service is broadcast from washington. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. support for ukraine's struggle against the russian invasion is at the top of the jubilee agenda nato summit. alliance leaders are expected to finalize a plan to unify what are currently individual national aid efforts for ukraine into a coordinated program. also, this help should expand with news and new promises. on the provision of ammunition, anti-aircraft defense and other assistance. the so-called bridge for ukraine to nato membership will also be discussed at the summit.
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we talk in more detail about what ukraine can expect at the nato summit in washington with yulia yarmolenko, who works at the alliance summit. yuli, congratulations. say please, what are the current expectations for ukraine and what does ukraine's bridge to nato, about which officials talk about so much, mean. yes, maria, indeed, now we know. that the topic of ukraine is the central topic of this summit, the summit is an anniversary, of course, but there are not so many reasons for celebration, as there are challenges that the countries of the alliance have to overcome, and of course, kyiv very much wanted ukraine to receive an invitation to join the alliance at this summit, but it will not look like this, because the allies themselves say that they have not succeeded in this matter reach a consensus, on the other hand, in ukraine , as they say with... they offer this so -called bridge to membership in the alliance, what kind of idea is this? we know that a few months ago they began to actively spread this idea about the so -called pre-membership bridge, although critics of maria, we
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know, say that... ukraine began to build this bridge to membership in the alliance back in 2008, when it was announced at the summit in bucharest , that the future of ukraine is in nato, and i tried to find out from american officials, from nato officials, how they are trying to make sure that this bridge to membership in nato was not a city to nowhere, and as officials say, from those decisions that will be heard in the next few days, and these decisions will be the concrete bricks of this bridge of ukraine dorshla. in the alliance, so what do we expect, firstly, we expect that nato will announce that the alliance will now take, will lead the efforts of military assistance to ukraine, and of training, that is, will have such a leading role in these efforts. we also expect nato to announce a financial commitment of at least 40 billion euros in military aid to ukraine by 2025. we should also expect specific and very...
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announcements regarding support for ukrainian air defense, as well as regarding the fighter program for ukraine. and as they say in the american administration, in the biden administration, that the final communique, which the leader of the alliance is literally still working on, will also have clearer language, clearer wording regarding the future of ukraine in the alliance. so, the main idea, as nato officials say, the main idea is to do everything to make ukraine. a strong military force, so that ukraine gets closer to the alliance and was compatible with the alliance both militarily and politically, so that when the conditions were right, ukraine could receive an invitation and join the alliance immediately, and the day before i spoke with benedetta bertsi, she answers, she is the director of policy planning for nato , and this is how she explained to me what to expect in ukraine from this summit.
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a number of decisions will be made in washington this week that i believe will really strengthen cooperation between nato and ukraine, in such matters as innovation, cooperation with the defense industry, promotion of interoperability, the creation of a joint ukraine-nato educational center in order to cooperate more closely on a number of issues, including lessons learned from russia's brutal war of aggression. these are very practical things that will ensure that this bridge is strong and has... support and on top of that we are making important decisions to ensure that ukraine has what it needs now to exercise its right to self-defense, and here we are precisely talking about the decision on financial obligations, as well as the decision on the participation of nato in the coordination of security assistance and training, and of course, all this against the background of additional supplies to ukraine, of much -needed military equipment by nato allies, and against the background of over 2,022 foreign
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security agreements, so when you put all of this together, i think the political signal is absolutely clear in terms of commitment to ukraine's right to self-defense today and its long-term security, as well as bringing ukraine closer to the alliance so that when the conditions are right, it can take its rightful place as a nato member. yuli, mychimo, that nato takes more leadership in coordination aid to ukraine, what kind of command center is it that wants to... develop and how is it potentially a better alternative to this romshtein format that was there before? yes, maria, today a high-ranking nato official in a conversation with journalists said that nato should be prepared for the fact that it will be worth supporting ukraine long after 2025, when this first 40 billion of military aid from the alliance is foreseen, and he said that this war looks like this, it will not end soon and that russia is industrial.
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base will be enough to continue this one war for three or four years, and that is why it is very important that nato itself coordinates this military aid, but also training for the ukrainian military, and that is why at this summit they should announce the creation of a whole command center in the german vision, where they will be, which will be led by a general, where there will be 700 officials, military personnel, and there exactly will be the coordination of this military process. let's hear what benedetta berti had to say about it, and then i'll tell you one more interesting thing. you see that 99% of military aid now comes from nato allies. ago it was very logical for us to look at how we can use the nato command structure, the structure that we already have, to ensure that support to ukraine is better coordinated so that it is impartial with respect to
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burden sharing and sustainable. and this is what lies at the heart of the decision.


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