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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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to continue this war for 3-4 years, and therefore it is very important that nato itself coordinates this military aid, but also training for the ukrainian military, and that is why at this summit they should announce the creation of a whole command center in the german vision, where they will be, what will be to be led by a general, where there will be 700 officials, military, and there will be coordination of this process of military aid, let's hear what benedet said about it. you see, 99% of military aid now comes from nato allies, so it was very logical for us to look at how we can use the nato command structure, the structure that we already have, to ensure that support to ukraine is better coordinated so that it is impartial with respect to burden sharing and sustainable, and that is what is at the heart of the decision . on the creation of a nato center for
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security assistance and training for ukraine. the nato command will be in wiestbaden, germany. there will be approximately 700 people who will coordinate proposals, training and security assistance from our allies, in response to request and need of ukraine. and all this will be supported by logistics centers. and maria today, a high-ranking nato official also said that this one is very important. the center will be for reporting, but what reporting is in question, it says that over the past 2.5 years, a number of countries have promised ukraine a lot of military aid, and this military aid did not always end up on the front lines, and therefore this center will precisely coordinate , what allies and partners in ukraine promise, whether they fulfill it, whether it gets to the forefront, and precisely, as nato officials believe, precisely the command center of the alliance has the power to ensure... to see that what ukraine asks for,
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what the allies promise, ukraine will receive. yulia, what else will they talk about, except for ukraine on the sidelines of the summit. are you there now, what else are they talking about? a very important issue, maria, is that nato allies spend at least 2% of their armies, their gdp, on defense. we know that there used to be a commitment to spend 2%, and today ian stolton. told that it used to look like this, that it the ceiling of what they should spend, he says it should be the minimum, and now 23 countries are ready to spend at least 2% on defense, and he said that after this summit , we will hear that all countries will present a plan, how they will spend at least 2% of their gdp on defense in order to support the alliance's own power. thank you yulia, i will remind you that
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yulia yarmolenko told us the most operative news from... nato in washington. meanwhile, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi also arrived at the nato summit in washington. him the visit to washington began with a flower-laying ceremony at the monument to the victims of the 32-33 years of famine in the american capital. at the ceremony, the president spoke with representatives of the ukrainian diaspora, whom he thanked for their support of ukraine, especially during the full-scale war. answering a question from voice of america, volodymyr zelenskyi told what he expects from. that of the north atlantic alliance, and how did the massive attack on ukraine on july 8 change these expectations? we will talk with countries, we have several on the sidelines of the nato summit, we have quite a few, a sufficient number of bilateral meetings, where priorities will be discussed first of all - this is the air defense system, i think that after this, president biden and other leaders can be more powerful and more... searching
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than this, it was before this, until this moment , although while i'm grateful to the president, the administration of the united states congress, for the package that was voted on, we expect it to go little by little on the battlefield and little by little to strengthen our military, thank you for how monday's attack on ukraine will affect the plans of the ukrainian delegation in washington and what officials expect for ukraine from the alliance summit, my colleague tetyana voroshko asked the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine ruslan stefanchuk about this. mr. speaker, i assume that you had a certain agenda at this summit in washington, here is this terrible attack on ahmadis, on the maternity hospital. how did that affect your conversations with your partners, your task here in washington, your agenda in general, during the nato summit? the fact is that we really planned to open this exhibition, but we did not yet know what would happen on this day... in the morning in
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ukraine, and certainly, the emotions that i have today, they force me in a completely different way we all have to look at what is happening, because it is some new, incomprehensible situation. war, when putin declared war on newborn ukrainians, not those who fight with him on the front lines, but those who are still in maternity hospitals or weakly lying in the ukrainian hospital ahmadyt, and this is a new, new bottom of the atrocity that demonstrates putin to the whole world, i think that a very adequate answer should be given to all this, because if this barbarian starts to fight with ukrainian children, with the ukrainian future, aiming his terrible... rocket attacks directly at these hospitals and maternity hospitals, when we are losing young, but still immature people, this i believe, this should be a worthy response from the whole world, and this is already a question
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for the whole world, we will not be able to remain silent, as we were quietly silent during the tiling, when the world removed itself, it is absolutely new stage, and this stage should give an answer to putin, it is obvious that ukraine... will not be accepted into nato this time, what do you hope for, what do you ask of your partners in this, in this direction? first of all, we expect specifics. we no longer want to listen to a synonymous series of things that will be built for us. we need one thing: clear and specific questions to ukraine, clear and specific actions that ukraine should take. it is clear that our path to both nato and the european union is irreversible. we understand it, and it's in our veins. but now we we want to know honestly what ukraine needs to do in order for us to walk this path with honor and talk about inviting ukraine to nato at the next summit. we understand that it will not happen overnight, but we want to know a fair way, and that is what i have come here to speak to my fellow speakers, because
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i always say that we can speak more openly because we have a direct mandate from our peoples, we can bypass diplomatic discourses because we can trust each other. and this is important, and i want the parliaments to start putting pressure on their governments, on the leaders of their countries, to make decisions faster, we don't need another ahmadite, we don't need another bucha, we have to move faster, because today putin clearly demonstrated to everyone to the world that he has one goal, to destroy the ukrainian nation, our goal is to prevent him from succeeding, but if we talk about actual military assistance, air defense, or permission to strike? as russia, what do you count on? we have to understand one simple thing, that everything that ukraine is today will receive both financial support from nato and military support, this is our security standard that we demand today, but it is not
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instead, it is in addition, i think that we will be able to convince our partners that such a decision is extremely necessary. during the events surrounding the nato summit, another important event for ukraine: ukroboronprom opened its representative office in washington, the manufacturer, which accounts for 2/3 of the defense industry of ukraine, will work in the usa on the transfer of american military technologies, attract investments in the military production in ukraine, and answering the voice of america's question about whether ukraine receives permission to repair american equipment, the minister of strategic industries of ukraine, oleksandr kamychin, said that one of the agreements that will be signed this week refers to this... us cooperation. we have several agreements that we reached earlier. we will announce them later this week. we are here to sign these agreements. these agreements have been in the works for a long time with the support of the highest leadership of ukraine, including my president and with the support of the highest
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us leadership, including ms. pritzker, deputy secretary of state. we are here to sign those agreements. one of these agreements is to support the operation of military equipment provided by the united states. it should be on the territory of ukraine, and we are working on it. funding seems to be our biggest challenge right now. ukraine is able to produce many times more than we have from domestic financing. that's why we implement the "armorers" initiative, which appeals to other countries to develop domestic production and provide equipment to the ukrainian army. full versions see interviews with ukrainian officials later on the youtube channel and website of the voice of america in ukraine. as a result of massive russian missile attack on ukraine on july 8, 42 people died, including four children. the rescue operation is still ongoing, and
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us president joe biden called this shelling a terrible reminder of russian brutality and stressed that helping ukraine is extremely important. meanwhile, in europe and many cities of the united states took place. actions in support of ukraine. ukrainians abroad went to remind the world that russia acts as a terrorist state, and ukraine needs more support to stop the aggression of the russian federation. due to russia's attacks on the ohmadit children's hospital in kyiv , the un security council also met for an urgent session. the meeting was convened at the request of the united kingdom of france, ecuador, slovenia and the usa. we talk about this in more detail with iryna solomko, who followed the security council meeting in new york. iro, congratulations. tell me, please, in essence, what was discussed at the meeting today and what was agreed upon? greetings maria. it is important to note that he took part in this meeting. leaders of the meditation, and this is truly significant, because usually the key speakers are representatives of the un secretariat, and this time
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volodymyr zhovnir was accordingly allowed to participate in it, and we can certainly say that he even participated in it not so much as an official, but as a witness of these events, what he told really shocked the listeners and the ambassadors, he said in particular that at the time of the attack in okhmedit, for example, three heart operations were taking place, and the moment itself, he said that after a russian missile, according to him, hit the branch and destroyed it. he said that then it was simply hell, because at that moment there were 600 patients and almost as many medical personnel on the territory of the hospital, there were screams, they were in pain, he also said that he and the doctors heard how the patients and, accordingly, their colleagues were shouting and asking for help, in addition, he also said that this is the consequences of this attack, respectively... mahmedy and in general the security of the system, the security system health, children's yes, ukrainian, she, they
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will be felt for a very long time, because almost all equipment and a lot of departments were destroyed, and after such a rather emotional and powerful speech, of course the ambassadors who took the floor, after that they, most of them condemned the actions of russia, there was no doubt that, despite the fact that the russian ambassador tried to make ukraine responsible again for what happened, but in principle they condemned the actions of russia. and also called on russia to stop its aggression, as well such an important point, many ambassadors talked about it, that this attack on civilians, because it is not only about okhmads, but also about others, and hospitals, and others, respectively, cities of ukraine, it actually took place in several, well, a little over a week more than a week after vladimir putin presented his peace plan. when putin announced his so-called peace plan last month, i ... called it what it really was, an outrageous attempt to force ukraine to accept
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an unjust peace at gunpoint. if there were any doubts that this is so, yesterday's attack clearly shows. putin is not interested in peace, he seeks to sow death and destruction by continuing his war of aggression. i've said it before, and i'll say it again, russia started this war, and russia can end it at any moment. as my french colleague said, russia cannot win this war. and we also know that russia currently chairs the security council, and she led this meeting, from this, considering this, how difficult was it to organize it so quickly, and were there any obstacles? yes, maria, as you mentioned, russia currently chairs the security council, because of that there were fears that it would be possible to not just urgently organize it, to organize it in general, because in principle such a term is urgent, it is essentially, it is 24... hours and usually such meetings are, if it is is happening, this really indicates that this is a very important event, which, accordingly
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, requires a lightning-fast reaction, and that is why i managed to communicate with the ukrainian ambassador serhiy koslytsa, so he just said that he started yesterday morning and working on with this, he wrote 14 letters appeals to the respective members of the security council, he could not appeal to russia, so especially, which presides over the security council, because according to the position of russia in essence. ukraine does not recognize it as a lega, that is, de facto and de juro, that is, they are not ukraine does not recognize russia's membership, especially in the security council, which, accordingly, has it as a permanent member, so there was a bit of such a legal collision here, and that is why serhiy kaslytsia said that he did not apply according to russia, but the partners supported the initiative according to ukraine and said yes the meeting will take place, and at this time, accordingly, russia began to block the participation of ukraine, because they say, according to her, ukraine should send... an appeal that it should participate in this meeting, but the partners here also, accordingly, helped
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ukraine , and today serhii kaslytsia spoke at this meeting, and regarding the fact that this meeting did not take place at 24 hours, and a little later, he even sees certain positive points. we needed time, and foreign diplomats needed time as well, special services needed time, needed time time. to the employees of the secretariat, because it is their duty to brief members of the security council, and during this time, there was a visit of more than 30 diplomats who are accredited in... in kyiv to the scene of the lakhmedit event. during this time, we managed to get, i am very grateful to the ukrainian law enforcement agencies and special services, more detailed technical information about the trajectory of the missile's flight, about data about the fragments of the missile that were found at the scene.
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iro, well, we know that next week. there will be two meetings in retbez, which will to be held personally by minister of the russian federation lavrov, he consistently justifies russian aggression, should we expect any actions from the ukrainian delegation? yes, maria, in fact, it is almost an established practice that when russia chairs the security council, then lavrov comes here and holds several meetings, and also has, for example, a press conference for journalists, this time the same will happen, and despite the fact that there is probably some dissatisfaction on the part of. of the ukrainian side that he will preside, but it is impossible to oppose this, and these two meeting, one will be devoted to multilateral diplomacy, according to the expert, of course, russia will criticize zagid, and accordingly the second meeting, it will be devoted to the near east, but serhii kisletsi, in principle, believes that this visit should not be overestimated ,
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moreover, he believes that russian diplomats will be limited, because in fact, the american authorities cannot refuse to grant them a visa, but for example ... more than 25 miles from the house of the headquarters of the un apartment, so this stay will not be so pleasant and and fun for diplomats, and that's why serhii kaslytsia believes that in general it is not worth paying too much attention to this visit, they know perfectly well where diplomats go with russian diplomatic numbers or other false ones, well, then there is none either. he will not change his clothes here, like a kerin and run around manhattan in soup bowls, well, listen, well, he will, well, he will come here, well, nebenzia will give him lunch, invite russian people, they are vodka-herring, speak, tell us about maltilalism, or will come to chair
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the meeting in the near future, will do mine with a bad game, so let's not... create unnecessary hype around the arrival of lavrov, who is a war criminal, just like ribbentrop, and who will also end up on the bench if he lives to this point. these are the comments of serhii kislytsa. i will remind you that iryna solomko told us about the un meeting due to the russian attacks on the children's hospital from the scene of the events. thank you kalizhanko. cancer russia's strike on the okhmadyt children's hospital in kyiv should be another push for nato unity around support for ukraine and a cruel reminder of the importance of the alliance. this was stated by congressmen from both parties of the usa in their comments to kateryna lisunova. this demonstrates that 75 years after the founding of nato, which was
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intended to protect europe from a potential attack by the soviet union, there is still no peace in europe, it... and war is still being spread by the russians. russia has committed a despicable act, it is a permanent member of the un security council, and despite this, it violates the most important principle of the organization, which is the sovereign borders of another state. sick in despair and the deadly regime of putin, has been killing ukrainians for 10 years, and today is no exception. this is another deadly day for putin in ukraine. the united states and our allies in europe must continue to unite to tell putin that he will not defeat ukraine. the butcher of moscow has signaled how he is going to behave now and in the future, and that is why nato is so important, that is why representatives of 32 countries are here today, ambassadors, speakers of parliaments from all over europe and other parts of the world, they are here to support europe and ukraine in its modern hard struggle for freedom, and i
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know that ukraine will win, i only hope that it will happen sooner, and putin is for... this is genocide, there are no questions about it. vladimir putin continues to commit war crimes and what he did to bomb a hospital is unconscionable and unforgivable. i believe that the united states and our nato allies should be very vocal in their responses, and indeed continue to provide the support ukraine needs to defend itself. at this point , nato and the united states must send a very clear message that we will not tolerate this and that we are united. i have no doubt that putin and his generals are war criminals deliberately continue to shoot at the civilian infrastructure of the ukrainian people. the attack on the children's hospital is another unsavory one. as an example , he is trying to break the will of the ukrainian people, but he does not understand ukrainians, he does not understand that their will can never be broken, just as he will not be able to break the west and nato, and we
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will show this determination, we will show that we are on the side of ukraine, we will not stop supporting them, and ukraine will fight and win. meanwhile, in the united states , the republican party presented its political platform for the 2024 elections. let's make america great again. the party's platform is dedicated to the forgotten men and women of america and involves prioritizing us interests and returning to common sense. the foreign policy of the republicans is focused on protecting, first of all, the interests and borders of the united states and envisages achieving peace by force. the party promises to support israel, promote strong and sovereign nations in the indo-pacific region, and oppose china. neither russia nor ukraine is directly mentioned in the document. however, the party's platform promises to force allies to deliver commitment to invest in common defense. the party also intends to restore peace in europe. however,
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there are no details on how this will be achieved. former us ambassador to ukraine, atlantic council analyst john herbst emphasizes that this approach of the republicans can be problematic, if in practice it involves the achievement of a short-lived and quick peace at any cost. restoring peace in europe may be a good proposition if it is about a stable peace. this means not to promote aggression, because such a strategy can ensure peace only in in the short term and will be dangerous in the long term. if peace means russia rethinking this war, that's great. if peace means the inclination of ukraine to cease fire, which will lead to further war with russia. against ukraine, when kyiv and the west will be weaker, this is clearly a disaster. friends, we will say goodbye at this point, read
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breaking news and analytical materials on the website of the voice of america in ukraine, watch live broadcasts, full versions of interviews and stories on our youtube channel. we are working on the sidelines of the nato summit and will bring you the latest news. subscribe to our social networks, thank you for staying with us, have a peaceful night! in the morning, see you there, there are discounts representing the only discounts on estaziping, 20% in the pharmacies of travelers and savers, there are discounts representing the only discounts on sudokrem 15% in the pharmacies of travelers, you and the saver. fm galicia. listen
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we continue, and now, vasyl zemala , in the verdict program, for the next hour we will talk about the nato summit, opportunities for ukraine, threats, bridges, doors, open, wider open, even wider open, the role of corruption in such
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an inhibitory situation. factors for the promotion of ukraine in nato, isn’t it the role of corruption, which countries are hindering ukraine’s accession to nato, revelations from french president emmanuel macron, well , actually, this is the first topic, the second topic we will talk about economic armoring, the state of the ukrainian economy, prospects, taxes, prices, consumer, inflation, working hands, and actually, how can we save resources for both the war and the war economy, that is, two such topics, well, but we will start with... with the question of the nato summit, international politics and ukrainian prospects, what are we in can hear or what we will announce is also very important in these few days, as long as this summit lasts, volodymyr yelchenko, a diplomat, is with us, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, but not yet, but i am today then, well, to... but this is what my
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colleagues tell me , that there is still no contact with our guest, but he will definitely establish this contact, because it also does not happen that there is no contact, expectations from the nato summit, you know, i read a lot today many statements of various politicians, but i especially liked them, well, because i liked them, because macron said it, and because that this is a person who, when he says something, he has... information about what he says, well, let's say, when the full-scale war of russia against ukraine began in the year 22, later boris johnson, at that time the prime minister the prime minister of great britain told which countries were the most reluctant to help ukraine, and which countries were the most active, what this or that politician, this or that head of state said when russian tanks crossed the borders of our country, and that is already history, it's already clear well, now, when emmanuel macron talks
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about, names... who are the most inhibiting or unwilling or i don't know how to call it, well, they are probably inhibiting ukraine's accession to nato, because they have reservations about it, well, this should be listened to, i i see that mr. volodymyr is already with us, volodymyr yelchenko, a diplomat, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, good evening, thank you for joining, let me, of course, the main topic is the nato summit, it should start at 0:00 outside kyiv, as far as i understand, if i heard my colleagues correctly, maybe you can correct me... but we are in waiting for this two-day summit, which is to be held in washington, i still want to start with the words of french president emmanuel macron, who said that germany and the usa are the most, i will say this, not contributing to ukraine's accession to the north atlantic alliance, it is worth to believe macron, why this statement was made, well, in fact, what is meant, and because representatives
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of germany or the united states can say the same, perhaps also about... the president of france, well , for example, that is, here it is worth understanding who to believe and how adequate and important for perception there are similar statements. you know, in my opinion, president macron is right, although i have a lot of faith in his words, but nevertheless, he is saying what many other leaders of western countries are thinking, unfortunately, there are no real leaders today. i mean the likes of reagan, the president of the united states, the former, like margaret thatcher, like nelson mandela, you can mention many others, but nevertheless they are not there, the leaders of the western world today, they are very careful, they look back to the elections, to the that awaits them in their own


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