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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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er, if psychologically, you know, if i left the body, conditionally, waited until all this happened, and returned to the body, i generally did not want anyone to know, i did not even want to contact the police, it's just that my mother contacted , she said, then i had to too.
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daria and her boyfriend dmytro were awake, packing their suitcases for the train they were supposed to take from kyiv in the morning. reports of the start of a full-scale war on the part of russia have been floating in the air for more than a month. the couples were going to evacuate to the west of the country. we began to hear explosions and realized that this is exactly what we were afraid of. we called our friends in lviv, to whom... we planned to go, they said that there were also explosions there, so we decided to stay in kyiv and a little later we called our parents, daria's father lived in the village of havronshchyna, not far from kyiv, in a house that once belonged to daria's grandparents. the couple decided to go there to wait out what seemed like a few terrible days. well
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, actually for me it is such a valuable place, it is my place of strength, i love it very much, and in principle i believed that in such moments it is necessary to be together with the family, so if we weighed all the factors and decided to go there to be together, 20 flew by, at that time the russian troops had already started. capture kyiv region and southern regions, including kherson region, where 16-year-old marina lived. i remember that i woke up this morning to study, and i looked at what they wrote, the master wrote that we are not going to the lyceum because...
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the war started, this news knocked the ground out from under marina's feet, she was on the brink she was 10 months pregnant and the next day she had to go to a nearby city for an examination to find out the sex future child. today i had such a stressful day, and i was also thinking about whether to go or not, but then i still decided... that i have to go, that suddenly later there will be no way, there will be no possibility. at the examination, marina was told that in four months she will give birth to a boy. it was dangerous to return to the kherson region, which the russian military had already partially captured, even though the village of marina was still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. and i wanted to go to my mother. i went to the village. stayed there for two days, on the second, on
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the second day they turn off the lights, they write that the russians are already, well, in the neighboring villages, everyone said, like, they won't go into krasnovka, that it's such a small village, that they need to be here, but it turned out that they went in, well, it was already too late to leave, the village where they were evacuated... daria and her family are located fifty kilometers from kyiv. on the second day, when they arrived there, the light and communication disappeared there, too. they could tell by the noise of the equipment, which they felt was not far from their home. russian military captures havron region. we, when already we heard explosions and shelling near us, we began to hide in the hills, and there was a lot of shelling, very close. and we spent the night there,
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slept, we were there in our clothes and arranged the room there as best we could, we put chairs there, but of course it was all very scary, plus we didn't understand what was happening. to hope for something at all, or is it the end, we will die here. for several weeks, daria's family managed to remain unnoticed. the crypt where they hid was far from the street. but one of the neighbors said that people live there, too go to them, check with them. the russian military interrogated the family, checked documents and telephones and left. it was... just the beginning, after that they visited daria's house every day, sat in the house, ate, tried to have conversations, left in the evening, and returned again in the morning. one day, the military forced daria's father to give up his car and painted it with their symbols.
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the next episode that happened was that they also came in the evening and said that we received a signal that someone called from your house and... as if they surrendered their positions, or they were very heavily covered and as if someone surrendered, well, of course , we didn't call anyone, because we didn't have a communication connection, just elementary, well, but they insisted on this very much and said, that the leadership gave us an order to carry out a sweep, that is, to shoot and destroy those who did it. among the military there was one who called himself a commander, he took daria, put her next to him in a separate room as a hostage and... chersi began to call each of her family members for questioning, he questioned for a while, and at some point said that i didn't care, you don't admit it, and no one says anything, and all of you stay away, and i 'll shoot you now with one bullet, stay away,
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so that it's more economical and faster, and so on asked if you want it to happen inside the house or outside, maybe he says maybe you don't want to... contaminate the walls of your house, and finally he shot the ceiling, said it was a warning and if if this happens again, then he won't talk to us anymore, and he left, saying it's for the morning i will come back, if there is another order from the management, then i can come back in the morning and do what i promised you, well, of course, we did not sleep all night, it was... colossal stress for us and well, it was just a shocking situation but the next day he came back, took our phones and showed me my phone, he says is it my phone, well, i say mine, he says get ready, you
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will go to the interrogation now, and i ask if i should go alone or all of us, or if the interrogation will be here or somewhere. says: no, you will go alone, the interrogation will not be here, on our territory. the military officer imprisoned daria into her father's stolen car, pulled a cap over his eyes and drove him to the abandoned house of his neighbors. he took me by the hand, took me to the second floor of the house, put me on the bed, and said: undress. uh well, i understood what it was going to, and i said that are you going to ask me something about the phone, he says that i am not interested in your phone, but actually, well,
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you understand what happened next, it was not an interrogation , it was rape, i didn't want to do it. well, i didn't want to, of course i wanted to, but i understood that if i was now cry or fight back in some way, then he might get angry and it might end worse, and i kind of came to terms with it, if psychologically, you know, if i left the body conditionally, waited until it all happened and returned to the body. the scariest moment was probably not when he brought me to this house, but when i saw my parents, in what condition they were, they were just barely alive, all the whites were active and standing on their feet, but
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of course they were fine said, i said that we just talked, he asked me there i answered a few questions about the phone, and i was like, everything is fine, but it was difficult for me, because i understood that... he couldn't share, and it was very difficult. the next day, the russian soldier returned to daria's home. well, the same thing happened. er, same. then i came back, said that everything was fine, and consoled my parents, i just understood that if this is going to happen, these are my exports, for a while longer, well, i just can’t stand it anymore, well, it was very difficult, from the first days of the russian occupation the military began to establish their rights in the village of maryna.
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well, probably they are slaughtering there, marina does not remember on which day it happened. he and his family were hiding in a neighbor's cellar when they suddenly heard shots. the russian military found local awards for participation in hostilities in the house. they start shouting there, start shooting. they shot, i don’t know, everywhere, on the walls, on the ground, in the air, then they told everyone to get out of
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the cellar, well, only the adults got out, the scariest thing was when one soldier approached the crypt and started shooting into the crypt, and eyes the bullets started hitting the ceiling, then i remember how everyone became silent, i thought that was all, that there was no one there. that they were all shot, so then we were worried about my mother, then we hear that they said that like we are going, like, we will come again, the fact that you and i did not talk about it, for a while everyone breathed a sigh of relief, when two other soldiers came to the house, one of them, as marina recalls, was drunk, they continued to deal with the one to whom the awards belong, mocked the men,
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called my mother to another room. he quickly mom he let me go, then he called me, then he raped me, he threatened you, that's how he threatened me, said that if i resisted, he would arrest me, or, well, he also threatened me with his fists. but did he see that you were pregnant? well, i
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was five months old at the time, he didn't see much, but i told him that i'm profitable, that i don't want anything, he says like, what are you talking about, like, if you don't want to be with me, then i'm there right now call 20 people, you will be with him with each one in turn, like, so choose either with me or with them, i'm still... i remember this smoker, this stinky guy, i tried to push him away, but even though he was drunk, he was stronger than him. at that time, maryna's mother saw that the girl and the soldier who had taken her with him to another room had disappeared. she told his comrades in arms about it. these soldiers called themselves snipers and were based in the building opposite. and then he also tried to undress me there, he also wanted to continue once more, then i
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pushed him away hard, he started talking, wanted to hit me, i wanted to hit my face with my fist, and then i heard people walking again and i heard voices and two russian military men came in, and they took me away and told this... military man that they were waiting for him , well, it will be bad for him. after the detention, the soldier and marina were arranged for a personal bet. they say, like, come on, you did it, he says, and i don't remember at all, they say, well, of course, he was drunk, they say, do you want us to shoot him now, i say, well, no , i can not so that a person would be shot in front of me, and i didn't want him to be shot there at all,
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it was even more unpleasant for me to hear when he said that i was a fool, that i myself... came to him, that, what, i say, yes, you are ruining my life, like, well, other military men told me that he has, well, he was sitting, that he seems to have a mother, as if he too, somewhere from the dnr, the mnr, what i remembered him, it's blue eyes, well, so blue, he also has the nickname blue. so i don't know anything more about him, you remember him at about the same age he was, well, maybe somewhere around 30-40, i still call him by, well, by name, mykola, kolya,
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we started leaving from... from the end of september, the beginning of october of the 22nd year, through the de-occupied villages of the kyiv region, we at first, only psychologists started, and then gynecological mobile teams joined us, and we also traveled, well , we also traveled almost the entire de-occupied part of kyiv region with gynecological teams. natalia potseluyeva, a psychologist who specializes in work with trauma, with the beginning of a full-scale war. her clients became those who survived the occupation and suffered sexual violence at the hands of the russian military. we went with the psychologist to makarov, which is 60 km from kyiv. here natalia conducts a psychological session for teachers who remained in the city during its occupation.
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now natalia works with two dozen survivors of sexual violence. least. my client was 5 years old, the oldest was 65 years old, there is a certain part of teenage girls who were from 14 to 16 years old at the time of the crime against them, there are civilian men, released from captivity, who were also subjected to sexual violence, ukrainian investigators began recording cases of sexual... violence immediately after the de-occupation of the kyiv region in april 2022. in two years , law enforcement officers began to investigate 292 cases. even if they told us in the village that we know for sure that this, this, this one was raped, we never said anything about it, because it could traumatize a person, we gave a business card, maybe to someone
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you know. , perhaps we provide special professional assistance, and thus someone called us after our arrival. someone right in the office i said that yes, i would like to talk, someone was already transferred to us from the prosecutor general's office, when someone already applied, the villages of maryna and daria were liberated by the ukrainian military at about the same time, in the last days of march 2022. darya and his family were immediately evacuated to western ukraine. if during the occupation i was there, well, i more or less held on, then everything started to come out of me, i started crying constantly, i had stress, i had panic attacks, well, that is how it started to come out somehow, then i calmed down a little, well personally, nature helped me, i went to the river, walked alone, and this helped me recover, daria's parents informed
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the law enforcement officers about what happened to them during the occupation. that a russian soldier stole their car and simulated their shooting, the statement did not mention sexual violence. here i also have such a situation that for a long time i did not dare to speak about it at all and give a statement, well, to the prosecutor general's office, for example, my father does not know what happened to me, and therefore, if i gave a statement, he would find out about it . well, such a moment personal, but it's so very important to me, and i still really am. she did not resolve it with her father until the end. after the deoccupation of the village, marina lived with her mother...
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it did not allow her to live peacefully. anna sosonska, head of the department that supervises the investigation of sexual crimes committed during the war. immediately after the deoccupation of some regions, anna was the first in a group of law enforcement officers to stop by to record these cases. now the people with whom i started working at... occupation in late september, early october 22, we offered them the support of a psychologist, they underwent
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psychological sessions for a year and a half, and after the moment of stabilization, they decided that they were strong enough to enter the criminal process, well, you can imagine how many more are currently in contemplation and are in the process of stabilization. i explain to them why it is important to contact law enforcement agencies, i explain that every recorded crime is one more step to the international terminal and to the fact that the leaders of this country will suffer responsibility for everything they did, i participate with them in the interrogations, that is, i prepare for the interrogation, i literally take them by the hand, lead them. for questioning, i sit for questioning, after that i stabilize. after the deoccupation of the village of maryna,
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the ukrainian law enforcement officers began their investigation. they compiled a photo of a military man and showed marina dozens of photos for identification. lawyer iryna kapalkina took up maryna's case a year ago. there were enough photos, and as far as i know, hers. days are provided periodically such photos for recognition, but unfortunately, there has been no positive result so far. at the end of 2023, the team from kyiv independent started its own investigation of this war crime. mykola, call sign, siny, had a criminal record. served in the so-called army of the occupied donetsk or luhansk regions controlled by russia, this was clearly not enough, we needed to find more information
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about sinyi. we arrived in krasnivka and began to look for witnesses to the crime committed by a military man with the call sign blue in... the beginning a full-scale invasion, and we already know him here as a blue one, we knew then how he could go to the house of a loved one, well, to such an extent he communicated with people and children, he was trusted to such an extent, so as already a family member, he entered the house, like to his home, as soon as he entered, no one paid any attention to him, whether he entered, whether he did not enter, whether he left, whether he did not leave, then he approached people to such a degree of trust, well...
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on the other side of the village, where all the civilians lived, the russian military also occupied one of the houses, next door to the family of anatoly bondarenko. we have it here, the same one lived next to the doorman of the vault, only an old man, he told us a lot about how they are, what is this guy, don't tell us where, how do we tell, that we don't have telephones, there are no telephones, he'll tell you, it's interesting right away , there was a connection in the attic. someone told the boys who this anatoliy the old man was, the commander of the corps of the lpr was here. lehner, how did you find out that they, they themselves said, they themselves said that we are from luhansk or donetsk, well lehner, they were. according to bondarenko, a military man with the call sign
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stary visited. to their house, he warned anatoliy to hide his car, otherwise it would be stolen, he arranged for the man to be let out of the village to collect water, this little guy comes, says, bitches, says, a girl, a pregnant girl was raped, we have one, she is alone it was only us, it was us, i say what to do, i say, line up all your people, i say, this is a war, i say, line up all your people, i say, shoot him in front of everyone, because i say, there will be prisoners there tomorrow, we already... . the old man, whom anatoliy talks about, found siny and marina in a house on the other side of the village, later the old man arranged
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an eye statue for them. they knew who had brought him here, put him here, here he is in this room, what was he doing here, there were mattresses, was he smoking, maybe he fell asleep, or was he specially set on fire, who knows, well, they started to smoke after a while, they started to smoke, and this same old man was just there, he was just there, he says they found him in a rush of smoke, he was sitting and it was still smoking, he took him out into the street and shot him above his head. and then somewhere, either immediately or after some time , it seems that he was taken to kochubeivka. kochubeivka is a village 14 km from krasnivka, the center of the community, which was also under russian occupation. at the end of march 2022, the russian military began to retreat from their positions in krasnivka and kochubeivka. according to bondarenko, as a farewell stary invited him and his family to visit him in the russian-occupied donetsk
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region. and he left his wife 's phone numbers, they left their numbers, this is this this is this tolkin and his wife, yes, yes, his wife, it is written, this the find became the starting point for us, the serviceman who came to the house of daria's family did not hide who he was, he called his... name, his name was nadbit dubaev, at that time he was apparently 21 years old . 23-year-old nadbit dabaev, born in buryat, was a buddhist, judging by his social networks. during his return to ukraine , he held the rank of corporal and was the deputy commander of a combat vehicle, a gunner-operator in the eighth company of the 37th separate guards motorized rifle brigade.
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federation. this brigade was one of those who occupied the kyiv region, and whose servicemen committed brutal war crimes. we came to the village in the kyiv region several times, showed nadbit dabaev's photo to everyone we talked to. no one recognized the soldier. only when we arrived for the third time and went to a street far from the center, we started to learn about dabaev. the local woman, who recognized the soldier, agreed to tell about him not on camera, but not on camera, i will approach you like this, we are looking for such a buryat, his name is nabi, he came here in house, but we were here, as soon as they entered our house, i hid, but my mother and grandmother came out, and they clearly told my mother, we know that you have a daughter here, like, let her go,
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my mother said: it's only day there it got light there from eight o'clock to nine o'clock in the morning, he already went in there , make him tea and coffee until it got dark , so no, no one came out, so they sat here, had nightmares, then basically got drunk , asked to take the car, according to the woman, dabaev usually came to the house.


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