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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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not himself, he had several subordinates, the military man hid his face only on the first day, then he took off his mask and began to tell more about himself, that he was brought up in a boarding school, that he had already fought in syria, that he has an uncle of a military man in a senior position at his headquarters, that a few months before the invasion of ukraine, they were based on the border with belarus and that a pregnant girl was waiting for him at home. in june 2022, ukrainian law enforcement officers announced. the forces suspected dabaev in absentia of allegedly committing at least three war crimes. besides that dabaev threatened to shoot daria's family and stole their car, in the first days of the occupation of the village, he shot a local man in the head. we contacted dabaev, he refused to answer our direct questions. eurofast softcaps - first
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resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be for the world. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback.
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you can express your opinion at the expense of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. well, after that, we didn't see each other anymore, i didn't see him. i heard that they told me that he was shot there, but i don't know if that's true or not. well, i don't know, i can't believe they could do it for... months our team worked to find the blue one. we looked for any mention of him in open sources, but it seemed as if this person never existed. we started identification of people who may have known blue. we started with an old man who left his phone number in the local krasnivka. using information from databases and applications that identify users. by
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phone numbers, our editors found out that the 53-year-old ukrainian anatoly kushnir, a sniper, was behind this call sign. previously, he probably used a call wedge, had several vessels. lives with his wife rina in the occupied donetsk region. judging by koshnir's social networks, he participated in the war in eastern ukraine since 2014 year since the moment when representatives of paramilitary formations controlled by russia took temporary illegal control of the city of slovyansk in the donetsk region. later , koshnir published a photo with the medal on his social networks. on the eve of the full-scale invasion of the occupied territories of the donetsk and luhansk regions, russia began mass mobilization. preparations for the offensive were underway, new regiments were being formed based on the model and
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subordination of the russian army. kushmir, like siny, joined the newly formed 109th regiment of the occupied army. zdependent journalist, who speaks fluent russian, called kushnir under the legend that he was a russian investigator and was conducting his own investigation. i'm calling you about nicholas the blue, if you know. nicholas the blue? i know one, yes, i fought with him, i know almost everything, because the teams that were there took him near a naked girl, and i ... found a mother with small children, i actually wanted to shoot him then, but no began to break the law, that's all, well, they said that you even arranged a bet between this mykola, yes, yes, that the truth, and what happened to him next, he returned
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home, committed two more crimes here, robbed his brother's wife, but he didn't... i know this from words, because i came to our comrades from the 109th regiment, and they told me about it, he may be sitting there somewhere, so he must be sitting somewhere here in donetsk, but what about his last name, well, his call sign was blue, i don't know his last name, he was a platoon commander, he was removed after that, we kept in touch with the cashier , weeks, he also shared with us the phone number of a military man with the call sign of skryp, oleksandr skrypnyk. oh, i'll stay home, it's okay. listen, the last thing i saw was blue, when i saw everything.
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only then? yes yes. and when should i see him again? well, kushnir said that you communicate, i don't know. but stop it, you... you see that we don't communicate anywhere, i have to, i apologize for the expression, listen, yes, i myself spent many years in prison, we served a term with him, the last one, probably the last term , we sat with him, uh, everything, how they tried to accuse him of rape, and everything, they took him somewhere, and i did not see him again, of course, that is, oleksandr volodymyrovych, you don't know where he is, no, of course he is...
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i understand, i'm not saying anything to you, but i'm at home now, fine, but tomorrow the day after tomorrow, if i recognize my horliv boys, if someone will leave... okay, i will be grateful, because somehow, you can at least clarify what his last name is, because i can't even establish it, wait, blue, blue mykola, no, blue, or blue, i don't remember i answer, honestly, i don't know, i want to serve the term together with him, but who should i call, i don't know, answer. we started to look for people named mykola with surnames derived from the word blue, identified dozens of people, called other comrades of blue in parallel, time passed, no result. the last method, which we gave
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a small chance - to find people with the name mykola, whose surname begins not only with son, but also with sen. in ukrainian russian. in some cases it can be a consonant variant with the word blue. we received a list of 15 men from sources in the law enforcement agencies, and began to collect them. more about them information, came across a post where a woman was allegedly looking for her brother , a serviceman who disappeared in the kherson direction, everything indicated that this serviceman could be blue. we started his identification. mykola volodymyrovych senenko, born in 1985, lived in the occupied donetsk region, had several convictions. the last place of registration was at the address of the colony, where, according to skrypnyk,
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they were serving their sentence together with the blue one. previously, everything coincided. we found more photos of mykola synenko and went with them to krasnivki first, they showed the photo to maryna's mother. well, this one is more similar. well, this is his earlier sweat. ugh, well, that's how they were like, it's more similar, well, you recognize him, yes, uh, that's him, what's his name, kolya, kolya, yes, there he is, uh, he, yes, it's him, it's blue, yes, and those eyes, yes, yes, yes, i say, what, well, eyes, this, this is his ear, these eyes are left, these are the lips, i can guess them exactly, that's two communicate with him for a day without... learning about him, it is clear that i will remember the person.
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you can see from this photo, and it is precisely from this photo that i got to know him, that's how he is in general listed as missing, no, he's alive, oh, so i was fooled then, well, yours. there were such moments as a feeling of guilt, because all the same you spin in your head and
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think, maybe something should have been done so that this did not happen, something should have been said or done, well, or maybe i was still thinking about it , that it is better to die with dignity than to be raped there by the occupier, well, these are some moments. dar, i lived with these thoughts for some time. work with a psychologist and the sam ukraine women's community helped her to rehabilitate. their experience proved that sexual violence has been committed by the russian military and troops under their control since 2014. it's not just about rape. international and ukrainian organizations recorded cases when russian military prisoners forcibly stripped women, connected electricity to their genitals, threatened to rape relatives or forced them. to observe this, it is never about the satisfaction of sexual
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passion, it is about the establishment of power, it is about the imposition of a certain ideology in such and such a terrible way, that is, it is always about the fact that when an empire comes to a certain territory, the cheapest, excuse me for the word, but the cheapest way to subjugate an unruly people and bring them into one single trajectory with a great empire, is the very application. sexual violence against the enemy, against family members and against the civilian population living in the occupied territories. a separate department dealing only with the investigation of sexual crimes in the office of the prosecutor general was created after the beginning of the full-scale war. i came here in 2015 and did not notice that public organizations or the prosecutor general's office for... dealt with issues of sexual violence. when i advised the prosecutor general's office to have
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a gender policy that would cover the issue of sexual violence and its investigation, i was told that ukraine does not need it. sexual violence is always present in conflicts, the question is always its nature, scale and how often it happens. wayne jordage, international specialist. of humanitarian law, worked as a lawyer at the tribunals for yugoslavia, rwanda and at the special court for sierre leon. from 2022, jordaj with his colleagues. advises ukrainian prosecutors and helps to improve the system of investigations of sexual crimes. during this time, two servicemen received sentences for crimes of sexual violence. 42 - suspicions in absentia, ten of whom are soldiers of the 37th brigade, in which nadbit dabayev served.
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the true scale of war crimes committed by the soldiers of this brigade is much greater. from the announced... suspects, it is known that servicemen of the 37th brigade threatened to kill civilians, shot cars, in who were driven by people, threatened with weapons, taken prisoner, tortured, killed, simulated shootings and executions, put a gun to the temple and shot in the face, robbed and ordered houses to be robbed, shot at windows. for these crimes, the law enforcement officers declared the 37th brigade as soldiers. 44 hidden suspicions. we see a certain systematicity, we already saw it when we went to the de-occupied territories. we saw that it wasn't, you know, like, like everyone thought at first, like some crazy unit, yeah, somebody came at them like in our people they say, fog, dope, but
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they saw, excuse me, how beautiful everything is here, how much everything is here, and it must be destroyed. we understood that it was a clear, clear planning of all this even before they entered a certain territory, that is, they already had a clear plan, who should do what, and when they enter and occupy the territory, how they should behave with the civilian population in order to show that russia has come, and it is here forever. several of my clients said that when they were already dealt with sexual crime, and the phones of these soldiers received calls from commanders who said: yes, that's it, come back, stop having fun. there is a concept of team responsibility in international law. it means that the commanders will be held criminally responsible for the crimes of their subordinates. this applies in particular to cases where military personnel committed crimes with the tacit consent
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of commanders, as well as when commanders should have known or anticipated violations by subordinates. there is no legislation of ukraine. the principle of team responsibility, though law enforcement officers can use complicity to assess the actions of commanders, but this situation does not allow the commanders to be fully held accountable for the international crime they committed. international criminal law has developed models of legal responsibility that are more in line with how these crimes occur in times of war. as a commander commits a crime, as a rule, the commander does not commit a crime by giving an order to commit it. the commander develops and implements approaches. these approaches lead to to crimes and the commander, realizing that these approaches lead to crimes, does nothing to change them. this is how cases are built against commanders who command
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remotely. that is why it is so difficult. if you are lucky, you will have a commander who gave. clear orders: go and rape these women, go and kill these men, go and take these children away. but in many cases you won't find a direct order, because that's not how crimes happen. therefore, you have to build a picture based on circumstantial evidence, through approaches. as soon as this is done, you look at the specific commander and the contribution he made to those approaches. we have established a hierarchy of command in the 37th motorized rifle brigade. where dabaev served. the immediate commander of dabaev's motorized rifle platoon was senior lieutenant denis burganov. on march 15, he was found wounded in the territory of kyiv region. there were reports that borganov had died. according to our information, his social networks are active.
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company commander was captain vladyslav khurchuev. he is alive and publishes photos on his social networks. from hostilities. commanded battalion, lieutenant colonel dmitry shabaev, one of those who probably planned the occupation of kyiv region. after the death of one of his subordinates, he allegedly submitted a report to be awarded the highest military award for his participation in the occupation of kyiv region. the 37th brigade was headed by colonel yuriy medvedev. at the beginning of march 2022, when the troops were occupying the kyiv region, medvedev was wounded. and already in two months the colonel had a say in the parade before victory day in buryatia. set hierarchy is responsible. in the case of servicemen who occupied kherson region had a harder time. the so-called mobilization reserve regiments were formed in the occupied donetsk
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region shortly before the full-scale offensive. according to the reports of the ukrainian general staff, only 5 to 10% of the soldiers of these formations had combat experience. they were led by russian officers. the collected evidence indicates that the 109th motorized rifle regiment, to which... mykola synenko went with winter siny, could be under the control of the 11th airborne assault brigade of the russian federation. she had an elite status among russian troops. its positions were located in the neighboring village of krasnivka, kochubeivka. the servicemen of the 109th regiment sent sinyi there after the rape. and they took marina there for questioning. it was conducted by a military man, who probably... had a leadership position in the brigade, he asked me how it happened, why it happened, under what circumstances, then he says, come with
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me, we went to another office, there is such a the study was healthy, there is a healthy table so long, he removed the documents there, he says, undress and i'm like that, i don't know, i'm standing in shock, crying, i'm hysterical, i don't know what to do, i'm already thinking, that's it, now i'm going to be raped again, and i'm sure i won't survive it, so something by myself i will do it myself, such were the thoughts, the serviceman stopped, he called the threats of rape a psychological trick, allegedly in this way to check whether marina was speaking. the truth we established that the soldier who interrogated marina had the call sign circassian, but
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we could not identify him. instead, they found out that he commanded the 11th brigade colonel denis shishov, who later became a major general. according to information from the ministry of defense of russia, shishov participated in the capture of southern ukraine from the first days of the full-scale war, was wounded in the head, and then continued. in march of this year, the office of the un high commissioner for human rights published a thematic report. the organization has not recorded a single case of investigation of sexual violence as a war crime in russia. wherever we work. people said that when, for example, sexual was applied to them violence, even in cases when children were raped, they turned to the occupation administration at that time. reported to the russians that they heard, well, how can it be, they raped a minor there, and their commanders did nothing, that is, well,
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write us a statement, we will figure it out, and that's it, the command of the 11th airborne assault and the 37th shishov and medvediv motorized rifle brigades in 2022 received awards. shishov - the hero of russia, medvedev. the order of courage is one of the highest state awards in russia. while a serviceman of the 37th nadbid brigade dabaev was in ukraine, his girlfriend tatiana was expecting a child. in june 2022 , the couple got married, and two months later, in august, in the city of ulanode in buryatia. they had a son , arsalan. mykola
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synenko, a soldier from the 109th regiment with the call sign blue, according to information from his comrades-in-arms, is in the city of horlivka, in the occupied donetsk region. to be honest, i can only calculate what is provided by the criminal code, then the sanction is the maximum, it is... probably somewhere up to 12-14 years, it will also depend on the degree severity, injuries that were inflicted on the victims. for me, you know, there is such a word victim, yes, which is very often used in our country by a victim of sexual violence, and there are those who have survived, for me they are all those who definitely won. and i fixate on exactly this, that this person, she has already managed, she was able to either submit an application, declare
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about it, or tell someone. even for me, she was able to live this part, well, this pain in herself, so for me every story of this woman, of this boy who got out of captivity there, is a story of victory. we still don't know the true scale of sexual violence perpetrated by the russian military. in ukraine, some voices we will never hear again, some will speak after years, there are still those who are unlikely to ever tell their story out loud. sensto appeared, you have to live for him, he can't do it without me. i still dream that i have a house and everything will be in
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flowers. i just love flowers, and want both dogs and cats, want a lot, i am now considering several options, how can i show that i lived in some creative field, maybe it will be some paintings. maybe some kind of video format, but now i am looking for some kind of form in which i can convey it, well, if only without words, that is, through art, and i will honestly say that very often i want to hide somewhere and just do nothing, i don't know, just read a book and everything, well, that is, the psyche works in such a way that you just want to hide and isolate yourself from the world, but i understand that
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in fact eh... you need to act, you need to show what you are experiencing, because we are all social person, and it must be expressed somehow.
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