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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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they are without electricity and about 14 more settlements are now without water, that is, in short, in what conditions are people living there now or surviving, those directly who remained in these settlements, because evacuation is periodically possible for her, yes there every week it organizes itself and tries to take these people out, but let's note that every week it's a number, well, roughly speaking, up to 10 people, then there where... how many people manage to take out, that's in the total specified for the region, i wanted i would also like to ask whether they are ongoing, well, again, from what can be said, maybe there is some information for internal, as they say, use and it should not be carried out at all, but the work on the restoration of the repair of dniproges after an enemy hit, ibid. well , the roadway was also damaged, and as far as i understand , the generators were damaged, the thing that produced the electricity itself, the thing that worked like this a...
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system, is there any work being done, or is everything so serious that, well, in a short time , something drastic it will not be possible to change, and again well, how does it affect the life of the city, well , mr. vasyl, let’s start from the end here, yes, you already know that the city has adapted to these conditions that it is in, and unfortunately, the generational functions performed by dniprogest , yes, we state the fact that this is not possible now. it still performs a transport function, of course, the function is a limitation, the throughput is an opportunity, it is limited, because the restored works are being carried out, the works are ongoing, and there is no talk of any short-term here at all, so that this is an extremely difficult situation, an extremely difficult object, yes, but the restoration works are ongoing and of course, first of all, they are aimed at restoring it as a transport connection between the two coasts, not to mention the restoration of generating capacity, because that is not what we are talking about now , because you and i are memories. that at least an order or
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a generating plant there is a minimum of 18 months there, not to mention the restoration of its capacity in general, so of course the object is very important, but these works continue and so on with this zaporizhia live, and i also always ask, because it is very interesting to hear from you, from your colleagues, either in zaporizhzhia or in the zaporizhzhia region, but after all, one or another information reaches you from the occupied...temporarily occupied territories of zaporizhzhia, well, in particular, in melitopol , there has been no water in many areas for a long time, and the occupiers are planning to cut off the electricity, despite the fact that, as far as i understand, the ukrainian armed forces are not hitting the facilities of electricity distribution stations or any other generating capacities there, why how humanitarian life is now there, well , there was also a statement from the head of the zaporizhzhia region that bringing in any...
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grater to the occupied territory is not being discussed at all, so we cannot help with the question of medicines or humanitarian workers here. the situation there is not easy, please be so clear, mr. vasyl, this is where they started, yes , it really is, that there is no connection or opportunity to hand over something for temporary occupation at the moment, unfortunately , there are none at all, of course there are no such citizens , yes relatives, whose close people are under temporary occupation in these settlements, and... in particular, the situation is difficult, we are talking about large settlements, yes melitopol, berdyansk, including energodar, yes takmak, this one story, yes, and of course it is even more complicated in small settlements, in villages, yes, where people live, then of course there, well, well, the rashists do not thrive, so to speak, in their own way, yes, because there happens to people, because they have, well, significantly different tasks, as we have already said many times, yes, what, well, what are they doing? they are building a railway,
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they are now taking their children and bringing their own, how to say, people from their swamps, so that the first point is that the population is brought in to replace the ethnic stock of these territories, and the second point is that again, taking into account the rear, taking into account it is the purposeful use of this azov coast, which is in the military sense, of course, in economic terms, they have no priorities to do anything , mr. dmytro, water pipelines, others, i i would like to thank you very much for taking the time, thank you for joining and thank you for your comments, for your work, first of all, dmytro kyrylchuk, deputy of the zaporizhia city council, was in touch with us, we talked about the situation in zaporizhzhia and in zaporizhzhia , and now we will talk with, for a second now, with iryna soloshenko, she is a volunteer and head of the project of the kolo obligation fund, ms. iryna, i congratulate you, i read your posts on
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facebook, i know where you were yesterday and what you saw what you felt, i then what you did when there were flights over okhmadyt, and i just yesterday... my colleagues and i talked and wanted to talk to you so that you could tell it, as they say, and after seeing it live, feeling it for yourself, seeing how people rallied, how it all it seemed, today it is important to hear, see and understand, please, about yesterday and about that, and about the enemy shelling, and about the struggle for life, about the work of the people of kyiv in relation to the demolition of the debris, about help, i know that today also continues collecting money for okhmady, a lot of people join, especially this business, and ordinary... people there, the government allocates something, but i wanted to hear more from you, and also your emotions, understanding, how to perceive it, survive it and move on, please, yes, thank you, you know , that the war has been in my life for the 11th year,
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so for the people of kyiv, it is coming, now it is a war that has come to us, and i went to donetsk region, to luhansk region, so i... what is war, unfortunately, of course , triggered everyone that this child is a children's hospital, it's real, the russians understood what they were doing, i'm sure of it, so what am i now, i now see what else has flown into the reproductive clinic, yes, the reproductive clinic, so it is still a blow to our children, to our future, yes, in general, ah, well... it happened that i i just live nearby, and i was going to evacuate the wounded, actually, and when the first wave came, for some reason i did not see the messages that everything was gone from the battle, that rockets were flying, and at that time i was just at the gate of ahmadit, i i was just passing by and saw this arrival, and then, well,
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like all the people who were there, there were men, we ran there, because in principle, this is a normal reaction, there is nothing heroic about it, yes... you have to do it, that is , you have to not run, but you have to run and help, that's normal. i was impressed by the doctors of ahmedet, ahmedita, they were the first yesterday who started helping their colleagues, because this is exactly what you are showing the footage of, this is exactly the opposite side of the surgery, from the surgery building, a rocket flew directly there, well, actually, the eyes of the doctors , these women, they were just standing there...we were all standing there together, they were the policemen, they were the ones who ran first, and everyone who was at that time in ahmadet and nearby, they were all like an anthill, everyone gathered, no one panicked, everyone clearly sorted out, when there were moments of silence, everyone was silent, so you know, this
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is what we saw with you on the maidan, yes , how ukrainians know how to unite, we, i'm very sorry that such moments... which should happen during the war constantly, we constantly confuse them, we can unite only when we are very much on fire, but we have a daily war, here, people suffer daily over thousands of kilometers, yes, there are arrivals, there are killed, so i really ask all of us ukrainians to remember this, ahmedit is very, very cool, today they fixed all their... all their communications, yesterday they were a little confused, and today, well, it was clear, and today in they have all the information, that is, i really ask everyone to read the official information on ahmadet's website, there is a general understanding of where the children were placed,
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where they were taken, the power was connected yesterday, because everyone was there, and the minister arrived there in two hours, in principle came to health care, and klitschko was there, folks the deputies who helped at the beginning, therefore ahmadit will be rebuilt, we will not bring back the people who died, yes, and ahmadit will be rebuilt for sure, i absolutely believe in it, now all the countries of the world are connected, i just see poles and germans offering to take away children with cancer , and it is very good that the children will undergo chemotherapy and will live and will live in peace, no rockets will fly there. and they're recovering, so it's very cool, you know, first of all, i'm very grateful to you for your position and for your work yesterday, and not only yesterday, in general, but yesterday was special a special moment, you know, even the slovak, well, i'm not saying the slovak, i'm saying the prime minister, who
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made such statements that he could be suspected of aiding russia somewhere, well , let it be his, his position is political, even fiyco expressed sympathy . and said that we are ready to help, and only china, it's just me verbatim, i'll be there today, yuriy fizr will come, we'll talk about it with him, he says, we call on both sides to keep calm and show patience, that's... so cynically echoes in the background of what we see, i think that you have seen, heard, felt much more, and well, it's simple, if there is some limit of cynicism in this world, then what the enemy says is understandable, no one doubted it, but such a statement should not have been made, well china should have said, surely we are ready to help, what to give you, how to help, to condemn, even at rendramody today he said that you won't solve anything with war, comrade putin, but... i would like to, regarding the meeting, you know, a lot of people also responded to the business yesterday,
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they delivered water there, brought various things, and today people are collecting money, businesses are getting involved, well, of course, the state has allocated 100 million there, how important is it, and which of the things you know, again, there are now primary needs in order not only to rebuild, but to do it all cosmetically to put in place there, and... medicines, preparations, equipment, what gives, what treats children, what is needed now for for for for children, please, well, look, first of all, really, it no longer requires volunteer efforts, and it is very good that the minister was collecting yesterday, and i am today saw there very, very directly in a couple of minutes, i saw the inclusion where the minister visited the department of neonatology, where the very tiny... the children who were transferred from ahmadet yesterday, he already visited them, that is
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, absolutely all the requests, what is needed, they are there, and they are accumulating, and they are already being closed down by the state, businesses, i saw yaroslava’s business today, how they responded and how much they collected, it is also important, but you know, i will just say that it is luck that the rocket actually got into the centenary building, it's just nearby. if you know achmatetus, i i think the people of kyiv all know ahmadyt, because all the children and yes, all the children were treated, and there is a surgical building from the 70s, everything has been removed from it, and it will be impossible to do cosmetic repairs there, it is necessary to make full-fledged repairs there, so that fittings were flying, pieces were flying, windows were broken in the ministry of infrastructure on the 18th and 20th floors, well, so you understand, this approach was of such power, and a direct approach, so read it, please,
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read it, and let's let's be glad, even through this sadness, let's be glad that the state is here right now is involved so actively, we were just talking with colleagues, and so i, as a journalist, just visited okhmaditya many times, we made materials, and even in my childhood i myself was once there as a child from kyiv. but i imagine, we were just saying today that obviously the enemy somewhere or god moved that missile a little, because really it was a little bit in the wrong direction, and the whole world saw it, you know, we just discussed this with my colleagues there, what is it a very big trauma for any society, the death of a large number of children, this is simply a trauma that must be endured, it's not that you're strong or you're weak, no, it's just what it is, and you have to get over it, like a concussion, like a broken arm, well, that is... you have to get over it, then it won't go away, and obviously, the enemy wanted such a large
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amount of children's blood, and children died, but again, you are right in saying that if the rocket had hit the wrong place, those children would not have had time to get out, and that would have been, well, but again, you know how it is here , i would like you, as a person who is really 11 years old, already in the 11th year in the war, to give advice, because now many asks for these tips, how to live on, how to move, how to gather yourself, where to get the strength to not just... flex, but to act, to live fully, to keep calm, and to endure and continue, because really what is now , by the way, i think you also read, such instagram bloggers who especially went abroad, and our local individual deputies, say, i liked a special phrase, well, with the minus sign of one deputy, i won’t say there, god be with him, who says, because the end of the war will be a victory, you don't want other people to die like that she doesn't want to. we don't want to, but they will die, and it is now starting to speed up, so let's get together somehow, you see
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what's happening, that's what it was designed for, let's agree on how to react, how to live and go to this further victories, you know, my knee was stitched up in okhmadite, so yes, that's why i was also treated there during my childhood, we have to live, we have to do our own things every day... but sure steps are taken to ensure that ukraine remains ukraine, and that what's up with us now, i just wrote yesterday posts before how to run, i didn't know that i would run to ahmedit, i thought that i would go to evacuate the wounded, i wrote posts that they are now trying to push us to a truce, but actually that's all that is being done, it's all alone a big campaign, when simply and with blows, they show us that we beat you, let's
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agree to divide ukraine, we can't agree to that, i... why, because they won't stop, just understand, they will not stop, as they did not stop in the 14th, in the 15th year, they will not stop, putin and the russians need all of ukraine, so ukrainians, please help, you are wonderful, unite not only during tragedies, remember that this is the only ukraine in the world and it must be preserved, thank you very much, thank you all , that you are, thank you very much, first of all for you. your work, for your position and for your work yesterday. iryna soloshenko was with us, a volunteer and head of the kolo charitable fund project. i am absolutely here, but you know, this is such diabolical cynicism, hostile in the sense that who cares now there are individual deputies they write, and there are some activists, such instagram activists who have gone abroad,
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write from there, they say, well, no, you don't want other children, and we don't want them, and this is such a cynical approach. there is such a thing, well, let's not touch the jesuits, the order of the jesuits, let 's not touch, a cynical approach in the sense that you are like, if you say, but no, we have to fight on, you say, so what do you want , for dalits to die, for this you don't need to agree to putin's terms, for this you just need putin to withdraw his troops and stop the war, he is to blame, well no need to accept this guilt of the war, like you don't want to agree, so what to agree on, just withdraw the troops, just stop the war, narendra modi told putin, you won't solve anything with war. and such, but they prepared and prepared not only with rockets, but also with this release of manipulative information, which is now spreading and unfortunately affects many people, well, we will do everything so that this information does not work, literally in a moment of news. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and
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invited experts give based on facts his assessment and about'. development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. therefore, the state plans to completely rebuild the okhmadyt children's hospital, prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal said during the government meeting for him. according to kabin, he has already allocated uah 100 million for priority restoration works. another 250 million charitable contributions, which were collected on the united 24 platform in one day, will also go to the needs of the institution. financing will be increased as the reconstruction project is ready? president volodymyr
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zelenskyy set the task of finding a location for the arrival of doctors and small patients as soon as possible. from the destroyed and damaged buildings, such locations have already been found, these are kyiv regional clinical hospitals number one and number two, we provide the appropriate order to start the relocation. it is important that the children receive all necessary medical services in their new place. emergency and rescue operations in ohmadita have been completed, two people died as a result of the attack people, this is a doctor and a relative of one of the patients, more than fifty people were injured. among them are eight children. they were admitted to hospitals, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine reported. 94 children were transferred to okhma from okhmadyt to other medical institutions. let me remind you that the russians hit the toxicology corps with a kha-101 missile. the surgical building and oncology laboratory were also destroyed. well, the russians
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purposefully hit the ohmadit children's hospital in kyiv. hast was hit by a high-precision missile. one of its wreckages was found by workers security service of ukraine. the missile's flight path was clearly aimed at the medical complex, which is also evidenced by the consequences of the destruction and numerous videos and photographs of the moment of impact, the special service notes. well, later yuriy fizar will tell how the un reacted, but i want to say that this is the story when it is really already in some way from. you won't be able to bark, get out of your way in this story, everything is just obvious here, but here somehow even those who are very doubtful and want to be very careful drop by drop and say that it is not clear, maybe it is a blow? the moose, ignoring the explosions, hit the wall of the enclosure with all its might. i would like to note that this is not the first time that animals have been killed or injured as a result of hostile attacks by russia. and four people
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were injured as a result of the enemy shelling of the city of kramatorsk in donetsk region - reported the head of the region vadym filashkin, among the wounded is a six-year-old child, one adult is in serious condition. hit the city today , hit a nine-story building. well, the enemy will not be able to hide, as they say, or to cover his bloody face abroad with a mask of some virtue. bloody embassy the russian embassy in prague in the czech republic was doused with ketchup after the attack on okhmadit in kyiv. a video of the action appeared on the x social network. the footage shows a man and a woman heading to... the streets of the czech capital with two buckets. at the gates of the diplomatic office, they splashed liquid on a stand and a table near the entrance.
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by the way, we discussed here with colleagues that ketchup is still very yes, very acceptable, it was possible to find something smellier for such a story. but thank you for this, that people in the czech republic took a stand and showed that russia and innocent blood, that's actually what they're doing right now. the sbi informed the former co-owner of the private bank gennadiy bogolyubov and another border guard about the suspicion that the law enforcement officer facilitated the escape of the oligarch. according to the investigation materials, bogolyubov, accompanied by his close relative, left for poland by train on june 24. however, according to the border database. did not cross, the businessman faces imprisonment for up to seven years.
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the sbu immediately exposed two schemes for the illegal transportation of men from abroad in the lviv region, one of which involved an official of the lviv customs and his accomplice from the city of berehove. they helped violators leave ukraine, bypassing checkpoints with their services. such plots were valued at 10. another escape scheme was organized by a 21-year-old resident of stryi. he also promised conscripts to leave ukraine without hindrance for a small sum. he was detained while receiving $10,000 and reported suspicion also, the two previous suspects were notified of suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine. a collaborator who worked for the enemy during the occupation of balaklia in the kharkiv region will spend 13 years behind bars, a convicted former employee of the local heating network, who after the capture
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of the community was in the russian police, reports the security service of ukraine, a man in the so-called rapid response squad carried out mass repressions, people were abducted, tortured and robbed of their property accommodation after the liberation of balaklia, the traitor fled to the village of may day, the law enforcement officers detained him in the spring. last year. they robbed those who died in the dnipro, arrested fraudsters who took money from the bank accounts of fallen soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. five intruders removed all the savings of the soldiers, the bodies of which were sent to the morgue, they were helped in this by an employee of the regional bureau of forensic medicine. it was he who stole payment cards and mobile phones from the defenders. perpetrators are in custody, they will face up to eight years of probation dnipro. for the fraudsters, they tried to carry out the procedures as quickly as possible, until finustanovi received information about the death of the real
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owners of bank accounts. in this way , the criminals appropriated almost 1.5 million hryvnias, which belonged to the fallen defenders of ukraine. during searches of the homes and cars of the detainees, mobile phones, sim cards and bank accounts of the suspects, as well as cards, were seized. personal belongings and uniforms of fallen servicemen, when you hear such news about such vagrants, you don't even understand that there is anything human about people in this story at all, well, i hope that there will be a fair punishment, if everyone, of course, the crime will be proven, and the court will make an appropriate legal decision, comprehensive support, protection of democracy, freedom of speech and... development of civil society the european union confirms its solidarity with ukrainians in words and deeds from the first day of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. currently, europeans continue to help
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the organization. civil society and independent ukrainian media, which are remain the controller of changes, laying the foundation for the restoration of our state and successful european integration: together we act, together we are europe, this is the name of the communication campaign about supporting the eu, civil society and media ukraine, this is the essence of our cooperation, how this partnership is implemented in daily work in our plot. they work to save and save the lives of little ukrainians. pregnancy and childbirth during the war for mothers-to-be, a double challenge. the charity fund 280 days helps to cope with it. thanks to the support of the european union, from the very beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, he was able to quickly organize the provision of assistance to pregnant women in need, as well as to many prenatal centers and maternity homes
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in... different corners of ukraine. we had to implement projects of critical care, urgent care, here and now, to help both pregnant women who found themselves in a difficult situation due to a number of reasons, someone lost a partner or husband, someone lost a job, someone was forced to come to other parts of ukraine, and maternity homes , which experienced a very large redistribution and load from new ones. patients who left the occupied territories or from the territories where hostilities were taking place. the 280 days charity fund was founded as an informational and educational project. however, the great war made its adjustments. the organization began receiving about 500 inquiries a week from pregnant women and hospitals. they decided to requalify the job. and it was possible thanks to the urgent support of the european union.
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institution. was able to quickly adjust its activity and make it more efficient and stable, we closed about 500 applications from pregnant women for targeted assistance every month, in addition, we were able to implement the project of warm assistance, which is the provision of warm things, just when warm things for babies began to fade in the autumn and winter period, in addition, thanks to this project we were able to establish an effective partnership with our donors, as well as to expand their number, because thanks to the help of the eu, we have a manager of work with partners and a fundraiser, who helped us to scale these projects. kyiv regional the perinatal center is one of the medical facilities that received assistance from the charitable fund for 280 days, thanks to the eu support project, to the
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novonarodze intensive care unit. three devices that are absolutely necessary for babies were handed over: an audiometer, a bilirubinometer, and an artificial lung ventilation device. in our department there are children who were born prematurely, children with a very small body weight at birth, children whose condition is sometimes extremely difficult and they need specific treatment and care, that is why our department needs specific equipment, equipment thanks to which we can provide qualified assistance to newborn babies in order to have a great result and so that our little ukrainians have a chance for a happy future. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the european union has allocated an unprecedented more than 101 million euros in grants to civil society organizations and media in ukraine. already on
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february 24-25, the european... union allowed ukrainian public bodies


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