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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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people's lives, so that it all stops, i don't know, i just scroll through these pictures and it just hits me, i don't know if it's anger, or aggression, or disappointment, just one question in my head, when it all ends, at any what kind of criticism did these bloggers and bloggers react in such a way that they say they are telling the truth, and no one but them can and is afraid to voice this truth, and that's why they couldn't stand it anymore, gathered courage and said that they consider their statements to be brave about the fact that our government is stealing there, they emphasize corruption, corruptness, and this is definitely a problem for our country, but they do it in a completely different way, like, for example, our colleagues who are engaged in anti-corruption journalism, and because a...
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always with these bloggers, the emphasis in the end leads to the fact that you have to put up with it, you have to give up territory, because nothing is worth such a thing, such tragedies as happened yesterday, and also such a characteristic feature that they seem to talk about russia as an aggressor, but very little, very unaccented, immediately, and then they are already moving to criticism. it is the ukrainian authorities, well, after they were criticized on twitter, there are a lot of jackal express in this social network, and they started justifying themselves today, because they were accused not only of the fact that they do not really understand the topic, and did they react too emotionally, and in direct work on russia, and it is possible that they say so, because such a situation has not happened for the first time. because we have already seen
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such waves from our popular bloggers several times and bloggers, when some moments were launched, when they simply spoke the same phrases, the same words, launched the same theses, and in particular this was explained by the fact that it is possible just there, maybe a certain number of bloggers are paid, they do it for money, but everyone else is just digging all these moments are spread. and it’s all free, i just want to say about the audience that these people have, on instagram they have a little less, on tiktok traditionally more, for example, yulia verba, this is one of those, we can show now just screenshots of all these stories that they posted, for example, julia verba has 1.6 million followers on instagram, and there are 1.2 million, for example, there are 500 thousand, 8,000. that is, it is
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quite a lot of people, and honestly , i have already met a lot of people there, among my acquaintances, among random acquaintances there, with whom we had a few words there, i see this influence, because more than once i have already heard about what, for example, we have electricity is being cut off because the government is selling electricity abroad, and that's what people were saying having read various of these anonymous bloggers or telegram channels, which cannot be completely trusted, but which our government likes to use, in particular, and therefore this influence, these messages, they absolutely go to this, especially to teenagers, to young people who are here this is all being spread, and when today all these people already started to make excuses, because the criticism is really incredible and under many posts under many posts... it was in social networks, as well as
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many journalistic materials , they wrote about it, tagged the security service of ukraine and well asked to sort things out in general, because this is not the first time this is happening, and these are really very dangerous moments, they started to make excuses, to say that again we are telling the truth, it's just that they don't want to hear the truth, people don't want to hear about peace talks , people don't want peace and so on and so on, and by the way... one of the videos was recorded by natalya kholodenko, it's like this, well, i don't know if she's really a psychologist, because you know, it's very difficult with psychologists now , she positions herself as psychology, she worked in television, you could see her as an expert in various projects, and here she is also quite ambiguous, especially in tiktok, she has different moments there, for which she was criticized, let's listen to how she justifies all these bloggers. ukrainian
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bloggers expressed uncomfortable thoughts yesterday after the tragedy that happened all over ukraine, very massive shelling, including clinics for... sick children ahmedyt, i want to say that i admire that you are telling the truth, i see the same texts, they wrote the same ones copywriters, condemned for the fact that you speak incorrectly, think incorrectly, and i personally thank you for being with the people, with the people, well, the story goes something like this, by the way, i went to another very popular blogger, whose name is oleksandr... he has 1 million followers on instagram, he was also accused there of allegedly collecting money for his bank, his account and saying that he would transfer everything to okhmatmatit, they began to suspect him that he this money will not be transferred, by the way, really
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the day before, there were many cases when they warned that let's drop money on okhmedit only if it is an official fee from okhmedit or there from m... there are platforms that are official, there is united 24 or something else, by the way, i want to say , that all these platforms were reporting, so that many people lost their breath, because a lot of people lost money and businesses and people, and so of course it gives me more optimism, because after all, the bloggers i'm talking about, and they are , and this is certainly a big problem for us, something must be done with them, they say, it is there, even if it is not paid for, not for money, then simply because they are incompetent, but it must be said that there are also a lot of popular bloggers who they don't do that, who are absolutely responsible, and therefore, of course,
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we hope for them and for this unity of ours, which we showed again yesterday, vasyl, and i give you my word, thank you very much. thank you, dear , no, no, i looked at these people, there, thank you, you are telling the truth, it is necessary to develop science very strongly in the future, so that it society, humanity in general, had some perspective, but there is such a very good spanish proverb that illustrates one of the etchings of the goya, caprice, and it sounds like this, the mind gives birth to monsters, well, actually, when the mind is asleep, then such monstrous thoughts come to immature heads, and when immature heads have a million and 600,000 subscribers, i'm afraid of who i live among, well, actually, although natalka
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didenko will tell you about the weather now, wait. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, we will be with you talk about the weather that is expected for the next day, i want to say right away that the heat will not only continue, but also intensify, and therefore, first we will still wander in some park to at least somehow escape from this excessive heat, and today we will look into a wonderful , the beautiful holosiivsky national park, and a little bit for your attention... history and various interesting facts, by the way, the holosiivskyi national natural park is the only one in ukraine and one of the few national parks in the world that is completely located within in the metropolis, within the city, how good it would be if, for example, everyone appreciated and
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understood this, especially people who, for example, depend on the construction or such very strange hobbies and strange attractions in the middle of the park, where there are a lot of animals and plants, which belong, for example, to the red... books, the holosiivskyi national natural park, well, as i said, is located within the boundaries of kyiv, and therefore there are a lot of such objects located on its territory, as part of the historical areas of kyiv itself, this is holosiiv , kitaev, by the way, i emphasize, be laska, not holosievo, not kitaevo, not kyiv, kyiv, holosiev, kitaevo, also mysholovka, feofania, konchazaspa, belychi, svyatoshyn, pushcha voditsa and so on. also, the animal world of golosivsky park is very diverse, because we still walk around the park, pay attention to the trees, there to the plants, 192 species of vertebrates, 11 species of amphibians, seven species of reptiles, 108 species of birds, i do not know whether they everyone still stayed here, to be honest,
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due to the fact that unscrupulous people sometimes attack golosivsky park, also among there are 150 species of these representatives of the fauna, as i have already said. vertebrate animals and 27 species of insects have protection statuses of the international state level. this is how the beautiful holosiv park is, and let it be. it will serve us for a long, long time, we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, to your attention is a prognostic diagram, as usual, and after looking at it, it is clear that no super-powerful magnetic storms are expected, we have enough of the heat, so we are leaving space in peace and we return to the actual atmospheric behavior over ukraine. i want to say right away that hot weather will dominate everywhere, but there are still nuances. so, in the western part of ukraine. in the next day, i.e. tomorrow, july 10, 30-33° above
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zero is expected, dry weather, the north of ukraine will also begin to warm up little by little, not just warming up, stronger - 31-34 above zero, strong heat - 34-37° in the east. in the central part of ukraine, dry weather with an anti-cyclonic character is expected, 32-30. seven above zero, very hot in the southern part of ukraine, 34-38°, dry and sunny, high fire danger, be careful, and it will also be hot in kyiv tomorrow, the maximum air temperature will fluctuate around +33°, there is no talk of precipitation in such heat, in the near future the heat will last until the end of the week in the south, east and many central regions 34-39, maybe even up to +40, that's it... such a synoptic hot situation, of course , keep a close eye on the updated weather forecasts
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on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. congratulations, this is the beraber together program, a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel, i am in the studio andrii yanitskyi and gulsum khalil. greetings , salam alaikum, hurly kunler, we are very happy to welcome you to this studio today, as always, we will traditionally talk about crimea, about the deoccupation, about and about the reintegration of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, and of course, we will sum up, and this week, we will talk about everything that happened, and in the first block, the first block, a military expert, vladyslav seliznyov, a military expert and spokesman for the general staff of arms. forces of ukraine in 14-17 years. mr. vladyslav, congratulations.
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greetings, salam aleyka. i congratulate you, glad to see you and glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, mr. vladyslav, recently the commander of the ukrainian navy, said that russia is losing a naval center in crimea. what does that mean, how much, well, when we say lose, how serious is it at this stage? this is about... the fact that the russian occupiers are the slowest, but nevertheless losing their military presence on the territory of the currently occupied crimean peninsula, including first and foremost through the destruction of the ukrainian by the defense forces of their military facilities in crimea and sevastopol, because when the enemy is forced to hide its warships carrying sea -based missiles of a caliber closer to that of the new russian, it is definitely not a pro-military presence in crimea, when the enemy loses the resource capabilities of its system against. defense is the weakening of the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, when
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the enemy's bases, bunkers and arsenals with ammunition are turned into ashes, including the shaheds with which the enemy targets the territory of our country, this is precisely the loss of key elements that provide the combat power of the russian occupation army, and i think that this activity is not accidental, the ukrainian army has repeatedly stated that the 24th year will be a year of special attention. precisely on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, because the enemy has the feeling that crimea is not his land, it is ukrainian land, and this land will lie under the feet of the russian occupiers until the foot of the last russian occupier leaves the territory of crimea, and here i think they should hurry, for it is not for nothing that our two glorious generals, general malyuk and general budanov, have repeatedly stated that the construction of the keshchyna bridge is superfluous, and therefore must be destroyed, so while there is still an opportunity... infrastructure, it is worth
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using this opportunity, because on the one hand i understand the russians, they have several options for escaping from crimea, and on the other hand i understand that all these options are vulnerable, it is not only about the kerch bridge, it is also about kerch ferry crossing, on which we have repeatedly kissed the armored equipment infrastructure and the same ferries, we are also talking about the aviation one. which will be able to work not only in the temporary territory. the peninsula of the waters of the black sea and the plains of the sea of ​​azov. of course, here we are talking about large decent ships, which the enemy used until recently as express, that is, vehicles that transported cargo of military importance, bays and water areas of sevastopol. now they try not to implement such things, because they are too vulnerable recently became the russian vdk due to
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the active activity of our naval strike drones, kamikazes. of course, what is still dry. the next route, the route that runs along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, but there is also fighting nearby , and who knows, today trucks with military cargo can move in space, and what will happen tomorrow is still unknown, given the fact that quite our wafkulaks, our partisans, are actively operating in the south of zaporozhye, as well as in the southwestern part of donetsk region. mr. vladyslav, a it is true that almost all... and the ships and boats of the black sea fleet of the russian federation have already fled to novorossiysk, because recently we saw the operation of the armed forces of ukraine on novorossiysk ports, which means that what is happening now, in fact, not a single ship is carrying sea-based missiles of the caliber type in the water areas and bays on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, there are
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several large landing ships and intermediate ships located in sevastopol. but they are definitely not able to influence the combat power of the russians of the black sea fleet, and in principle the process of evacuating the same ships is still continuing, they are now leaving the sevastopol bay accompanied by high-speed boats and ships in order to protect large ships from the influence of ukrainian naval destroyers in this way, but what our maguras pyatiy and siyabebi have recently been able to give a distance of more than 800 km to... effectively destroy the enemy's port infrastructure directly in the novorossiysk, novorossiysk region, this indicates that we have acquired certain capabilities, and i am sure that there will be more in the future, because the domestic defense-industrial complex is working, there are certain developments in our special services, and all these developments are precisely aimed at weakening as much as possible the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers who
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operate on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, as well as those forces and means operating on the territory of the zaporizhia north. mr. vladyslav, i wanted to remind our viewers that if you watch this news release from crimea on youtube, please subscribe, set the bell, comment, put a maybe questions for both the expert and the presenters, after the broadcast we will definitely come to the comments and talk with you, answer your questions, and i also wanted to remind you that if you see a qr code on the screen during our conversation, you can support with a hryvnia release. crimea to support the unit of the 48th ombsh named after noman chilybychhan and thus contribute to the liberation of crimea. mr. vladyslav, returning to the issue of seaports, here is the attack on novorossiysk, is it just some random
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incident, is this now the strategy of our armed forces of ukraine that we will release from the black sea. russia, the entire black sea and the sea of ​​azov, and not just the crimean peninsula? everything is accidental, but not accidental. of course, in order for our attack to be as effective as possible, there are certain preparatory processes, reconnaissance and further development of the area, preparation of appropriate conditions and circumstances for the implementation of this mission, or in order to accurately target enemy infrastructure facilities, we need to clear the air space from the influence of dust. pay attention, systematically and metallically, on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea separate air defense and anti-missile elements explode. vorok constantly pulls additional elements from the mainland of the russian federation through the kerch strait. recently, general budanov, the head of our country's military intelligence, reported that some elements of the s500 complex had appeared in crimea, this is actually
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a research exhibit that the russians are now looking for. put on combat duty, nevertheless, even the most modern developments in the anti-storm defense system, the enemy pulls into the crimea to protect the sky on the territory of the temporary pivosrov, whether it helps him or not, because even pipo systems are not always able to protect themselves. what's next? this activity of the ukrainian army takes place within the framework of certain preparatory measures in order to be able to use not only the missile and drone component to destroy enemy objects. in crimea and on the territory of the krasnodar territory, as well as for the use of our aviation component, because at the end of the day the same miracle will happen with the long-awaited us, we will receive the first batch of fighter-16. and in order that they had to carry out combat tasks in a safe space to destroy the enemy's military infrastructure, krem and sevastopol, we first of all need to maximally weaken
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the same capabilities of the air defense and anti-missile defense fence. our hermash are working on this, our rocket operators, our saboteurs, our special forces are working on this, and this activity is given as a sign, because in order to overcome the airspace of the territory of crimea, to accurately and guaranteed hit ours. open the facilities of the port infrastructure of novorossiysk, before that it was necessary to work well on the crimea and, accordingly, in the crimea, having destroyed the elements of the anti-war defense in dzhankoya, on the frankfort peninsula, closer to simferopol, in the east of the temporarily bumpy crimean peninsula, that is, a lot of work has been done, and a lot of such work is worth and will have to be done, because the enemy continues to accumulate resources, but in this confrontations, the enemy is so far forced literally behind... holes in its air defense system, but the ukrainian army systematically makes these holes in russian cannons in order to have appropriate conditions for further measures against the occupation
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crimea of course, i have no illusions here, it cannot happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there are still too many homework tasks, we must do the ukrainian army and create the necessary prerequisites for the de-occupation of the southern kherson oblast and the southern zaporizhia region, to destroy as many combatants as possible. russian occupiers, but what is known to the general public is that the way to overcome it must be taken step by step every day in order to achieve its goal, namely the implementation of this plan, and this is exactly what the ukrainian defense forces focused their attention on in this part of the fleet. well, that is concluding the topic of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, we can quite say that the ports of novorossiysk and... and even the potential ports of abkhazia and other regions, where russian ships flee, are a legitimate target of the armed forces of ukraine. yes,
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of course, and any warship in the waters of the black sea is a legitimate target for ukrainian kamikaze drones. pay attention to how sneaky and treacherous the russian occupiers behave. they have now begun to redeploy part of their warships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov. with which wash? well, first of all, they are sure that in this way they will be protected from our kamikaze attack sea drones, because in order for our drones to be able to enter the sea of ​​azov, they have to overcome the same boom barriers that cover the structures from the south kerch bridge, for now it is an impossible mission for us, and secondly, the traffic of moving civilian ships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov is quite high and often dense, hostile military ships literally hide behind the sides of civilians. ships, barges, supply vessels, and this actually creates serious problems, because in order to determine
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the priority targets, a lot of effort has to be put into it, and this is exactly how the vorak tries to literally hide its warships among civilian ships and ships, this is a challenge, but again, a challenge is not a reason to say, it's not... to look for ways to use our shock weapons in order to work brilliantly, accurately and as efficiently as possible, will this happen, i am sure that it will, because the enemy must understand that we did not start this war , but we this one we will end the war, with our victory, the war started in crimea and it must end in crimea by definition, well, besides the black sea fleet of the russian federation, russia has other fleets, can we somehow... strike or maybe do some sabotage on russian ships, which are located, i don’t know, in the northern seas or somewhere in general in another part of russia, far
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back in 2005, the armed forces of ukraine made a decision to create a command of special operations forces, then there were a lot of surprises, why, why is there such a thing in ukraine structure, but the then... military-political leadership, making such a decision, acted as rationally as possible, in the confrontation of a small ukrainian against a large russian army, we do not have many chances to win, but for the use of asymmetric actions, we have, we had many opportunities, these are the corresponding talents and capabilities of ukrainian military personnel, this is also the experience that we, in particular, received from our western partners, this... receives the corresponding equipment, equipment and weapons for the implementation of these or other tasks well, for example, uh, a well-known case, with the destruction, partial destruction
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of a warship. of the baltic fleet is connected with the fact that before that our special forces carried out an agent activity in order to recruit one of the servicemen, members of the crew of a small rocket ship, it seems to be called something, which was deployed not far from st. petersburg. for a certain period of time, this active russian serviceman passed on information for us that was extremely sensitive for the russian army, and when there was a question about his... exposure was to conduct an operation to evacuate him, that serviceman, and before that he literally committed a terrorist act, destroyed and equipped the entire modern russian warship. what i will introduce: we are always looking for ways and opportunities to use small efforts to cause as much damage as possible to the russian occupiers. and the enemy must feel that the war he started against sovereign ukraine on february 20, 2014 , will not take place somewhere
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far away. the war took place directly under homes of russians, and they must feel all these people, all this power of the ukrainian army, because it cannot be otherwise, otherwise we will not win in this confrontation, which means that systematic and methodical work on organizing the enemy's military potential is not only on temporarily occupied territories of our country, but also directly on the territory of the russian federation, are important factors that bring our victory closer. well, actually, i wanted to add to your information. indeed my question was dictated by a recent press conference once a russian, but now, rather, on a ukrainian fighter boss with the callsign goga, goga or goga, now he is a recruit of the russian freedom legion, it was he who set fire to the electronics on the serpukhov ship on april 7, when it was stationed in the city of baltiysk in the kaliningrad region and
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in gur they said that the fire completely destroyed the communication and automation, which makes the repair of the ship quite long, the more such gogs there are in russia, in the russian fleets and in general in the russian army, the better, the sooner russia will be free, and ukraine will be free mr. vladyslav, if we talk about the recent events of this week in crimea, once again we learned that... russia will be hostile to ukraine even after the war from the speech of professor yevhen khlobestov of the kyiv-meghlian academy, and he means that even after the liberation of crimea, we cannot avoid danger and crimea will have to be rebuilt into such a ukrainian fortress, do you agree with this opinion? i think that the determining factor that will provide a security perimeter on the territory of our country
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cordonov in 1991, these are resources, this is a powerful , extremely well-equipped ukrainian army, this is a developed and multi-level complex of defense industrial production, these are collective security agreements, in principle, i understand that russia will not rise anywhere even after our victory, but in order for the price any aggression on the part of moscow, in relation to our country, was unacceptable and very painful, we need resources, resources that... i will demonstrate this absolutely clearly: we are ready to repel any hostile aggression and are ready to retaliate by using all their resources, and this response will be so overwhelming, so large-scale in terms of crisis-level consequences, that any of vladimir putin's successors, who will carry some alarmist chants
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of priests, even to... .there was no idea that he would be able to win in a new confrontation with ukraine. well, i have such, you know, perhaps a global question, and how to make russia no longer capable, and show aggression not only against ukraine, and against other states with which it now has occupation relations, and there is georgia, and moldova, and others and so on, well, that is, right? can we talk about the future demilitarization and possibly the future denuclearization of the russian federation? yes, ms. gulsyum, the remark is absolutely correct, of course, the plans are very ambitious, but the key element of this plan is resources, and accordingly, if ukraine, of course, with the unconditional support of our western partners, manages to destroy the key elements of the enemy's military potential, i think that the position of the conditional vladimir putin.


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