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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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[000:00:00;00] there were no hints and plans, even thoughts and guesses that he would be able to win in a new confrontation with ukraine. well, i have this , you know, perhaps a global question, and how to make russia no longer capable of showing aggression, not only against ukraine, but against other states with which it now has occupation relations, yes, there is also georgia, and moldova and... other and so on, so is it possible to talk about the future demilitarization and possibly the future denuclearization of the russian federation? yes, ms. gulsyum, the remark is absolutely correct, of course, the plans are very ambitious, but the key element of this plan is resources, and accordingly, if ukraine, of course, with the unconditional support of our western partners , manages to destroy the key elements of the vorozhovi potential, i think the position
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of the conditional vladimir putin. well, in general, the top military-political leadership of the russian federation is transformed from the current one, which literally demands the surrender of ukraine, and de facto the entire collective event, to a more lenient and more constructive one. systematic and methodical organization of enemy entities, namely this is the basis and impetus for our victory and the stabilization of a safe space, the presence on the territory of our country, and in principle on the european continent, because putin does not hide his alarmist plans for the country as well. and other countries of eastern europe, and therefore only together, only by combining our efforts will we be able to weaken the enemy's military potential as much as possible, which means to create conditions for the predicted and stable peace in europe. thank you very much, mr. vladyslav, for taking the time to join our broadcast, see you in on other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and the
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espresso tv channel. vladyslav seleznia. military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine 2017-200 2014-2017 was on our air, now we are going for a short break and will return, do not switch. events, in events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts. soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling ours future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. selyamaliikum, welcome to the program together berabir, this is a joint project of the first crimean tatar
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tv channel. khalilova and my colleague andriy yanitskyi. i invite you to subscribe to the atp youtube channel and the espresso youtube channel, like, comment on this video, ask questions to the presenters and guests, and let's start with the hottest topic of this week. gulsumu, well, this is probably, well, really the main news of this week. i just have you know a very big flurry of emotions, because we have been waiting for this for a very long time, and we waited and we are still waiting for all the political prisoners of the kremlin, all our boys who are currently in russian prisons, but this week we saw one of them, this mr. nariman
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dzhelal, he is a crimean tatar politician. the first deputy head of the inter-forest of the crimean tatar people, he is already at liberty, he is already in ukraine, in kyiv, he was met by the leader of the crimean tatar people mustafa dzhemilev, the head of the inter-forest of the crimean tatar people, ryfad chubarov, you can see these footage, and i'd like to hear mr. nariman's first words now. after my release, i'm already in ukraine, i was met by such nice guys, what did they give me? i did not lose
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hope that it would end someday, i was ready to endure the entire unjust term that was assigned to me in the occupation court of crimea, the most important thing for us was... to know that ukraine continues to fight for its own freedom, independence , and this hope, this resistance, he inspired us also not to succumb to any provocations that there were along with mr. nariman jelyal , nine other political prisoners of the kremlin have been released, and we very much hope that after that we will see others in... our political prisoners who are still in fsb prisons, russian federation prisons, and we will see everyone free in the country, in our country, in our homeland, and i hope, even
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further on the territory of the crimea, on the territory, on the territory of the liberated crimea, and of course we all did not expect to return. it is mr. nariman, my tape was all torn up on facebook from the emotions of the crimeans, who reacted very emotionally to this news, because the person was in the womb for not a year or two, from which year 2.9 from 2021, after the inaugural summit of the crimean platform, where he came, he then returned to crimea, and as he said.. . mr. riman dzhelal in his first interview, he understood that the occupiers were detaining him after returning to crimea, but how he was liberated, we will talk with the head of the border of the crimean tatar people, mr. ryfat
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chubarov, who is now with us directly communication and we are happy to congratulate him, rifataga salamolikum, greetings, alaikum salaam, good evening to everyone, well, i promise you, we have already said and... about the release of mr. nariman, but still you were in the process of his release, how it happened and how, how much time did it take release? well , you see, the release of prisoners of war, civilians, hostages and political prisoners is generally a large team, starting from the office of the president of ukraine and... the authority of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on human rights issues, the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, human rights organizations, lawyers, that is, everyone is trying to contribute as much as
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possible to freeing our citizens as quickly as possible . residents of crimea, we explained that the aggressor country avoids any negotiations on this topic. the russians demonstratively emphasize that our fellow citizens, who are deprived of their freedom, are actually, as they say, citizens of russia, and we are allegedly abusing theirs. internal affairs, well, such cynicism on the part of russia, but in fact it is revenge, their revenge on the crimean tatars, ethnic ukrainians, and political prisoners are those
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people who are at the forefront of those hundreds of thousands who do not accept the russian occupation, the task of the mejlis is to try to attract third parties, those who can... in a special way, well, enter into a dialogue with the aggressor country , you know that there is a certain group of countries that maintain dialogue, including arab countries, but you see the results, they are what they are today, in 5 years, that is, after five years, when sentsova was released for the last time, political prisoner oleg. and edema bekerova and now nariman dzelyal, though, and you know about it as journalists, and i am saying this more for those who watch you in occupied crimea, although
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dozens of configurations were discussed, almost all surnames, which, of all political prisoners who are deprived of liberty, were discussed by groups . who are suffering from diseases that are not compatible with being behind bars, prisoners with four or more minor children were discussed. women were discussed and who ended up behind bars, that is, but this time only nariman jelal was released, and this is understandable with all our joy, it it also adds a lot of bitterness, because we know. we
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know with our minds, but we do not know how to feel the pain of relatives, loved ones, those more than 200 political prisoners of crimea, but nevertheless, we, of course, thank everyone who was involved in the release of nariman and will continue to work on his release other political prisoners, i would like to say here that such silence was certain. after the release, i have to explain it, because now i have the opportunity, and you are the first to whom i tell about it, uh, because just a few hours ago, we finally made sure that all the conditions that we had comply to ensure safety for nariman's family and other such ee, you know, ee things. related to the fate of the political prisoners there who
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remained, all these, well, we have passed the procedures, and the family of nariman, which is his wife and four minor children, they are now already accepting ukraine, we hope that tomorrow they will already be in our country, and i hope that by... tomorrow morning , nariman will be contacting all of you himself, he is looking forward to it, all those proposals, messages for nariman, we all this was sent to him these days, and he, i think, will also respond to those requests or appeals to him that were made these days, he has them all. as they say,
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on the phone, and starting tomorrow, i think that he will inform himself by which phones, in which city, well, of course, his workplace will be in the midjlis of the crimean people, but we will ask him when he meets his family, so that he at least, at least for a short time, rested, tariman is very drawn to work, but we want that, as i told him, well, as a person who is older simply by age, i say that... the children should return the smell of their father, the children should be with their father at least for a short time, so tomorrow we are waiting for such a joyful meeting of nareman with his wife, and now we can say that all these threats that could have happened to the family, they were also from the aggressor country, it seems that we avoided them, it was such a complete evacuation, and we thank everyone who helped us... . thank
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you for all this work. ryfat aha. nariman agha has already said that he will do it as soon as possible questions, political prisoners of russia, to continue your business. and now there are 334 political prisoners in crimea. according to my data, 217 of them are crimean tatars, that is , there is obviously such an a-a here. some special political message, what numbers do you have, what can be said about the groups of political prisoners, how they are ethnically and religiously divided, is there any, any selectivity in the actions of the russians, look, here you need the cypriots, well, they just look for them like that certain such factors or
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criteria, generally the number of people who, let's say, they were persecuted, ah, and in relation to which there are sentences, there are many more of them, but we will distinguish between criminal prosecution and deprivation of liberty, and her persecution for political motives, but which, thank god, ended only with administrative punishments, for administrative punishments, i don't know if any civil rights organizations currently maintain such a list. but they have already gone far there, about a thousand people, since the blockade was broken, well, since february 26, 2014, because the russians, as just occupied crimea, they began to attract people to, well, not to attract, but
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to repress people for the events that happened to them, but if they would... rely on their laws, which happened when they were not physically close to crimea, that is before the occupation of crimea, well, on february 26, but they brought a large group of people to court, those who took part in the breakthrough of the administrative border, on may 3, we met the leader of the crimean people, mr. mustafa dzhemilev, and then it went, as they say, went, those people who tried criminal cases, you called this one figure, figure, there are over 300 of them, those who are currently in places of detention, in places of detention, deprivation of liberty, such people, well, about 230, i can be wrong by
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a few numbers now, because there are also dynamics going on, this category of our people is the most painful for us , who are deprived of their liberty, because... the main part, a significant part of them are people who are deprived of their liberty for 12, 13, 15, 17, 19 years, as a rule, they are either terrorists, saboteurs, or i don't know, some other what accusations, and these, precisely these people, russia is trying as much as possible, well, further them, to take revenge on them, and she, she does not want to discuss them. and the liberation of these people is the most important, our main task for us. well, the release of mr. nariman julyal is really a very successful experience for us, for ukraine, for the entire crimean tatar people and the families of our political prisoners, who really have
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hope that other political prisoners will also be released. please tell me rifataga here is this...successful experience with mr. nariman jelyal, is it more the exception than the rule, or else we have removed it anyway we can use this experience, the experience of exchange, you see, for now, for now it is an exception, in my opinion, i don't know how others will evaluate it, because, well, that's how russians avoid it. the release of political prisoners in general, which is simple here, i may not know some points here, because it is directly at the stage when , excuse me, negotiations are underway on the part of russia, because they also
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treat their own people as a resource, manipulating , with which you can achieve some of your goals, and therefore this... they also transfer it to our people, that is, they keep our political prisoners, if somewhere there is some kind of me, well, there is such a very relevant problem for them that they want to solve, because they also have people who find themselves in a situation of deprivation of liberty, either in us or in third countries, who are very necessary . of the regime, well, it could be employees of the russian special services, or some visible very military people there, i don’t have the right to say, but i want to say that these bastards are russian, they really lead, they’re like
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, well, how they trade and just like them they see in the lists of people who are waiting for ukrainian society, or... people who don't break there in prisons, they give the highest price for them, and after receiving this price, they still don't release them for a while, they just walk away from negotiations, that's why i have to approach and it is necessary to find such questions and such forms of pressure on russia so that it cannot... refuse to release our people, we cannot find, well, no, not because we, we are so weak, but so far, well, there are none, you know, eh... such topics that russia would say, okay, we will give your political influence, but you
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will do one or the other, there must be very painful problems for them, and that is why we sometimes involve third countries, but nothing cooperates, sometimes there are references to economic projects that can prevent russia from promoting its economic interests in third, fourth countries, but... and i want to repeat once again, the russians very clearly feel such indomitable ukrainian patriots, and when it is their turn to discuss, they do not give them up, as a rule, and this is what happens with prisoners of war, look at azov, they give one small group, the others are kept, there are women prisoners of war, ukrainian soldiers, women are there, they do not give them away, because they consider it to be such... a very important resource for them for trading, they are waiting when they have to do something in us, well, something to offer us so that we make
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more concessions to them, it's, it's terrible, and i say this as someone who's not involved in a lot of details, but what i know is, it's really terrible , they, they trade people's lives, cynically, it all sounds and looks, but different from the russians, we did not expect the invaders, but here is something. outside the decision of the european court of human rights, regarding human rights violations in crimea, can this be some kind of leverage, or do the russians not pay attention to the decisions of international structures, while they flaunt what they have not fulfilled and will not fulfill, well , they are flaunting because you know that in march, it seems, 2022, as soon as a full-scale invasion of this kind began, here are these terrible crimes of russia. russia was kicked out of the council of europe, and this convention on the protection of human rights
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and fundamental freedoms, and thus russia believes that, if i am not mistaken, since april, which she is no longer, she is not among the participants of the european court of human rights, and therefore she will proceed from the fact that all these decisions. it will not be implemented, but nevertheless , this decision is historic, i am not exaggerating here, if i mention here that before that, there was a decision of 2021, when the european court as a direct, well, this is the first, intermediate decision, approved , that russia has been exercising effective control over crimea since february 27. russia really wanted 2024 in 2014,
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then it fought for it to be approved the decision that she, they say, will answer after the crimeans held some kind of referendum, asked to join russia, and that is, they wanted to answer somewhere on march 21 , 2014, but the court said no. in the morning, well, from the 27th, remember, the 26th, it was such an all-crimean mass meeting at the call of the midjlis of the krymtsar people, we then, well , we endured the situation, we allegedly ensured that the ukrainian law enforcement authorities took power into our own hands, but we did not imagine then that such a large scale of treason in crimea units of the special services of ukraine, and then the russians on the 20... 7th, in the morning of february 2014, they had already openly and moved to the seizure
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of crimea, with weapons, with weapons, special forces are fascinating, so they, that is, then these people, that rally forced putin go to option b, and he is in front of the eyes of the whole shocked world, he began to seize crimea by military means, and the court pointed to it. the russians were shocked. and now this is the last decision that you asked about, now the court said that on all lawsuits of ukraine, on all articles of the convention on the protection of rights man, the russians are guilty, i'm just sure that when the results or preparations for the special international tribunal to examine the crimes that russia has committed and is committing against ukraine will be drawn up, i think that this is the decision. it will be simple, well, it will ensure that those results, especially in terms of
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reparations, compensation to citizens, concrete... see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who is preparing a pseudo-voting in kherson region? we are already fully ready for the elections, as well as the names and stories of traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about
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traitors who follow the call of the heart and the wallet. went to serve the russian occupiers. on september 30, 2022, putin signed a decree on the annexation of donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, and kherson regions captured by russia. and not long after, the local occupation-military-civilian administrations began massive preparations for holding the so -called elections to fake authorities. they said, it is necessary to elect those who will rule in the captured territories. russian parties have formed lists of those who seek to serve faithfully. kremlin, there entered that local collaborators - those who specially came from russia in the hope of getting at least some kind of mandate, even if it is not valid, even if it is illegal, but still a mandate. the two-headed chicken launched a large propaganda campaign in the illegally annexed territories, millions of rubles for campaigning, bribery of the local population, involvement of athletes for intimidation and promises of a better future. methods for
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achieving the main goal - to attract as many as possible. people before the fake vote were different, but equally dirty. therefore, our today's issue is about those who helped organize the so-called pseudo-elections last fall, who agitated people to vote, who became a candidate himself, betraying ukraine. she organized a pseudo-referendum on the 22nd, local elections on the 23rd, and now there will also be a presidential election on the 24th. the head of the fake election committee in... kherson oblast zakharova maryna yuriivna. kherson is russia. indeed, russia already has its own will not give the lands to anyone and will fight for them to the last. these 38 traitors come from donetsk, are married and have a son. in 2008, she graduated from donetsk national university , majoring in political science. when russia seized part of the donetsk region in the 14th,
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zakharova supported the occupation and remained in donetsk. on her page in social networks posted a photo with the terrorist symbol of the dpr. under the russian cloth, she worked in various positions, led work with the police in the so-called ministry of labor and of social policy of the donetsk people's republic and in the administration of the head of the dnr. sitting in donetsk under the supervision of zakharov's rascals before the start of a full-scale invasion, when the russian army occupied part of the kherson region, marina decided that her love for all things putin could become. come in handy and finally raise her to the dream peak. well, it was not for nothing that she took her son to all the parades of the helpless regiment for so many years, wore the gogriv ribbon. so in 2022 , the traitor moved to the kherson region, where she took part in the creation of fake bodies authorities, later received a new task from the kremlin. she headed the election commission of the occupied
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part of the region. the question of the ballot will sound like this: are you in favor of leaving khersonskyi? region from ukraine, the creation of an independent state by the kherson region and its inclusion in the russian federation with the rights of a subject of the russian federation. we are ready to organize a referendum on the entire territory of kherson region. zakharova became the face of a fake referendum in the kherson region. propaganda media broke her speeches into quotes in which she reported on organization of the referendum, people's interest in voting and high turnout at the election. precincts we are already being informed that queues are even forming at some stations. you answered yes to the question raised in the referendum, whether you are in favor of leaving ukraine. 497 51 referendum participants, which is more than 50% of the number of referendum participants. zakharova was involved in the creation of territorial election
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commissions, formation of voter lists, arrangement of premises and others.


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