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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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in travel and savings pharmacies. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, there will be even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the opposite. connection, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives to... prepare for
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these and other issues that concern ukrainians, the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are coming back, this our final 20 minutes and we have a special guest, a person who constantly watches espresso, and who constantly tells us about it... with some of his poetic lines, poet, prose writer, playwright and translator oleksandr irvanets. mr. oleksandr, we are finally glad to see you in our studio, thank you for coming to us. thank you, mutual, i also made sure that you are alive, real, and not some kind of computer simulation. very nice, thank you, no, not artificial intelligence. yes, thank you for the invitation. and we made sure that you are also alive, real, and not just there, one of the great representatives of bubab, a product of a sick imagination. well, i think that, because in our country
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, you know how, as happens sometimes with ukrainian literature, ukrainian literature is not highly respected in ukraine, ukrainians are starting to get to know it for... what kind of circle, i just want to say , social networks, they have a great influence, and for a wider circle, mr. oleksandr may have become known, well, we have such realities, after the poem about irpin, about the occupation, i just saw that this poem spread through social networks with crazy speed , and he, for sure i visited those bubbles that are not interested in modern ukrainian poets and are not interested. this is basically ukrainian literature: from the city that was crushed by rockets, i will shout to the whole world, sunday is forgiven this year, i don’t seem to forgive everyone, world, world, it’s good that you abandoned us, but in the hell of this suffering , patience, still there is a golden hill and kyiv, bucha and gostomil and irpin, we will overcome everything and
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endure, then we will also remove the remnants, all those who were sent here, with a narrow, bald butt, i am with you, and you stand together, what native land yes, it was really written on forgiveness sunday of the 22nd year, and i really don’t intend to and to this day i don’t intend to forgive, so it turned out that i spent the first two weeks of the war in virpen, in that so-called gray area above us, and the plane was shot down and it was visible and those helicopters that went to gostomel, well, they were heavy, well, and then i was in kyiv for a month, that is, it did not happen. it's easy, and this poem of his was even quoted by the new york times newspaper, i'm bragging so much, i don't read it, but i think andrii bondar tracked it down and told me. and not so long ago, again, writing on facebook, rima zyubina, an actress, also
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posted your poem, and this one, she posted it right after the missile attack on kyiv, and about vanya from ryazan. bovidny vanya from vyazan, and also akhmet from kazan, and tolik from berezan, and taras from kuban, and fedya born from magadan, and all the rest from terakani darkness, and among them vanya from tula, vanya from kaluga, vanya from perm , vanya from kemerovo, ivan from orel, vanya from kursk, ivan from murmansk, vanya from irkutsk, and vanya from yeburg, the one who says in the old sosvirdlovsk, ivanya from vologda, ivan from khabarovsk, vanya from kursk, ivan from sherypovets, mohamet from grozny, ivanya a little, who turned away, and vanya, ivanya, ivanya, now you have now, you have no other way now, because we have vanya. here is our life, we have spring, we want to sow, so the only thing that we, you can do good, is to lie down in this earth faster, and when the space through you, will sprout through you, rye, wheat and all arable land, then only you can you will be forgiven, and even then not to the end, not to the end, no, eh, this is also just the beginning, well that's it
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the poems of the first, yes, the first weeks, the first, but you see, mrs. rima has posted them now, which means that they are still being recalled, i even have such a foundation in poland. they published a large series of ukrainian authors translated into polish, such a bilingual, and there is my collection, and my collection is called vanya from ryazan, well, there it is about one poem, there is another poem to the same vanya, it is called culture beyond politics, so this is these are the two poems that form the basis of this collection, but of course they were completely new and sharp feelings and i, like, my tool, the word. i had to use it, does the word still have the power it had at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, what in the world, you are sometimes abroad, or does the world still remember, in terms of art, literature, a noticeable
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breakthrough, in fact , i just used to and before the war i went to the west from time to time, and let's say, if there in germany in a year, i say conventionally, maybe 15-20 went out a year. books by ukrainian authors in translations, now there are 150-200, about order, that is, in connection with the war , eyes were opened to us, interest arose in ukraine, who are they, look, they, they are fighting with russia, now there are a lot of ukrainian artists, either doing internships, or staying at residencies in the west and in poland and germany, i don't know where in france, in italy, there are many of ours, and that's good. well, that's good, because it's not too late, if it's not an introduction to the culture of a people that's about to disappear, that worries me, but actually there's progress, compared to how they used to know ukraine until the 22nd year, and today there is a difference,
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but are they still getting angry, because sometimes we hear that from some western intellectuals who were more familiar with russian culture, sometimes such phrases are heard that, well... your cultures are very similar, and that is of course, or maybe you will already reconcile, after all, you are one people, they still have this mass of movement of culture, it really sits somewhere in the crust, but the soviets invested a lot of money on it. a union so that this, and that tchaikovsky sounded everywhere, and that this pushkin translated, the soviet union paid for it, and for them, russian culture is a culture that exists, that exists, that is indisputable, but we don’t know about you ukrainians, that’s how it looks, and not only ukrainians, but also belarusians, the baltic people, for them, for them it's all like, you all have to speak russian and read pushkin, and then your little... peoples, this is the opinion that dominates until, well, it doesn't dominate, but it is present in the west and even
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in such intellectual kolah, well, but little by little, the situation is changing, what are we can we still do to somehow completely break it? well, no, it won’t happen in one day, it just has to happen, well, there will be a change in teaching in universities, in most western universities, slavonic studies is primarily russian studies, and next to it , there will be some polish studies more powerful, but the rest are all sorts, that is, at the russian department there may be some belarusian, i don’t know, that ’s why, well, it has to change, the russians have to stop being the main slavists in the world, so maybe the poles they can to boast of very powerful figures as well, and there are some old and new literature, no, i think we don’t have such
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and so on, maybe we don’t have the scale of so much of our translated good literature that we can compare with by poles, there are simply far fewer translations, and poland, well, it penetrated the west even in the times of socialism a little at a time, and with its cinema, its literature, again the same czeslaw milosz, he lived in... that is, not in our country there was otcheslav milosz, who lived in california and wrote ukrainian and received the nobel prize. well, that's about the difference. so you mentioned the nobel, but could a crimson get the nobel? if he hadn't died. lesyu, our common acquaintance, i think, vakhtan kypyani, he did a lot of research, because among those who, as if, first of all, were not nominated for the nobel, it seems that there was no one except franko, and franko died. delivery, in fact there is a very long procedural process, there you have to fill out a bunch of applications about this author and
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so on, i apologize, that is, neither with vlas samchuk, nor with bagryan, nor with sistus no one managed to pass this procedure, uh, when they write about stus, stus was nominated for the nobel prize by henry heinrich böhl, so in german, heinrich böhl wrote in a private letter, i think... that stus should be nominated for the nobel prize, this is the whole nomination procedure, well vakhtang knows more about it, he once gave me such a good lecture, so i know that actually, actually it's very, well , besides, these names of other nominees, except for the winner, they are usually classified, they are revealed there after many years, well and again, regarding the ukrainian nobel laureate, i think he will. and give it to us, well, it will certainly not be the same in us as in belarus, i mean that in belarus, due to the fact that they have
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belarusian and russian as their state languages, the russian-speaking writer svitlana aleksievich was awarded the nobel prize in them, in which her own works, translated into belarusian, are published in belarus in editions of 500 copies, so many people read in belarusian, ugh, and in return the nobel prize is such a great fame as a salary, and... belarus is already checked the stamp was placed and received, they already have everything. and belarus, if it were not there, it would not be in the focus of the world. and so the next one, belarusians have their own normal, good belarusian-language literature, i read it. but in the next 50, or maybe 150 years, a belarusian author will not receive, well, belarus simply will not be in focus, there will be other authors, there will be a different conjuncture. and they already indicate what belarus has. nobel prize, ukraine is more fortunate in this regard, we have not yet
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filled this list. and whose signature will be there, well, hard to say. we now have a full-scale invasion, we see a huge number of people from literature who are either fighting with weapons in their hands or already dead. not long ago , the hungry mobilized, and timothy snyder said that this person is just that. who should be holding the nobel, and not holding a machine gun in her hands, and you can see a lot of comments about how he is somehow different from other citizens of ukraine, why he can't. can defend ukraine, or should we protect such people as jadan and other people, who know how to work with the word and know how to use that word to reach there actually further west and talk about ukraine, that it is not just some territory, but a country with a great culture, so my answer will be based on
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analogies, although the analogy is not very accurate , but well, not really the united states trembled over life. hemingway, when he was a partisan in italy in the 1940s, commanded a squad and beat, beat germans, and beat italian fascists, and somehow, well, then he won the nobel prize, that is , it did not prevent him, well, i hope that maybe the same will happen with zhadan, if we are talking about the nobel, in fact there are really many good writers, and those who are no longer there, and there was maksym kryvtsov from rivne, who bequeathed a very good poet, and other names. there is already, the same vakulenko, that is, and those who are at the front, gleb babich is also gone from the poets, well, we can now name this sad list, but, well, here, you see, like this, like that, ukrainians are getting there little by little to his literature, in fact now there is a surge of interest, now there are lectures, book presentations
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gather large audiences, ukrainians finally became interested. my own word, here taras prokhatsko in an interview at the beginning of the war, said that most of the writers, for example, in the 20th century, who found themselves in the war, from remarque there to i don't know, selina, they were writers who had an anti-war position, and this is not exactly what is suitable for our situation, and i would not even say that a military writer, there was camus, for example, i am about the fact that, in general, writers are people who have to glorify war, or is it easy well, first of all
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first of all, for me it is... proof that literature means very little in life, what i want to say is about the above remark, on the western front without change, this novel was published between the first and second world wars, uh, and how in my opinion, this is one of the strongest anti-war works in world literature, and it did not prevent the germans from voting for hitler in 1933, and in another 10 years from turning into what they have become, because literature cannot be propaganda , may. but this, but this is literature of the highest quality, you cannot think of a better one, and even it did not work, that is, in fact , there is no need, there is no need to overestimate the role of literature, it is not capable of everything, but on the other hand, well, if there was such a work, well, it does honor, all the same it does honor to literature, let them be hers, let they did not read this work properly, this war, it will become some kind of,
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i don’t know, nation-building for the country, no, well , it has already become one, and i think, well, but again, in poetry it is possible faster and already and now many very strong poems about the war, in prose i'm still, well, i'm something, i'm not everything i read, i read artem chech, period, i read the stories of this valery puzik, but i have the impression that after all, some of that main work, ours on the western front without changes, it has not been written yet, and in general it has no, yes time must pass, first of all we have , as the americans say, to be accepted. in nato, we have to win the war, and in the same way, in order to receive this work, and not for the next day and not for the next year, the war must end and then it will be, even if we cannot rethink it to the end finally, because every day there are some shellings, they are every moment, but now maybe not now, now it doesn’t fly, because you have
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air alarm signals, but well, in kharkiv oblast it actually flies, i opened the map, we all, we all there are these although every moment we go to sleep, we don't know if we will wake up, yes, if you remain optimistic for the third year of the war, yes, i believe, i believe in spite of everything, i believe in our victory, i believe that we will endure, i really, i don't have many arguments, i see how i really look and not only, of course i am your viewer and i emphasize once again, but i read a lot of internet, network channels, i watch other channels, mostly the same ones that are prohibited, that means direct and fifth, but i also have a picture, and not only that, i watch others, i understand ... objectively, our affairs are, well, not brilliant, but they are also indestructible, indestructible, and this inspires hope that for you there is a ukrainian victory, well, you know, for me it is a sanitary
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zone from the russian side, ugh, that is, our border until the 91st, and there are still 200 to 300 kilometers, they don’t have any weapons, nothing, that’s it there would be a victory, because of course we cannot dream of a parade on red square, but here it is... a sanitary zone is somewhere there , their belgorodskaya, what else is there, what is ours, the kuban is approaching, what if there was a demilitarized zone of kilometers along this perimeter 200-300 would be a victory, and there is also a basic scenario, what is the basic scenario, well , basic, i say parade parade, well then, in principle, parade, friends, i don’t know, i don’t, i don’t think about the parade and i don’t really expect it and i don’t believe in it very much but i believe that we will stand . i just have this conviction, just this to stand up, this is actually, this, it seems to me, that minimum, well, yes, yes, although here we are already balancing on the edge, we, we will now also
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start to say that standing up means preserving the capital, most of the territory, access to the sea , no, no, no, we have to return all our land, and those people who say, for example, let the war be politics, these are politicians, let it end somehow and we will return. further to our good relations with russia, somehow this is the key word, we will continue to speak in russian, will we continue to have russian songs, for example, will films be made in russian, the territory is okay, will ukrainians live there, well, even taking into account the demographics, what is it like to be ukrainian, you are right, because i am also a lot, in the last two years i have crossed a lot here is the border of ukraine with poland, with the european union. and in that and in that and in the other direction, and i saw our, well, these refugees, evacuated in the 22nd year, when people from kharkiv and from this, from
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kropyvnytskyi tried, they spoke ukrainian, they strained, they remembered words, and now i see a rollback, a lot of people have returned, that is, those who already spoke ukrainian, returned to russian, because it is easier that way. i don't know what to do with these people, i don't know how to shout in everyone's eyes that you speak the language of the country that is killing us, i, i don't know what to do with them, because it should be done at the state level, and again after all, i'm just an ordinary ukrainian pensioner, and also a poet, prose writer, playwright and translator, and you can read about myself and a screenwriter, by the way, too, well, the film acted, that's right, that's right, i am the author of the script, you can google it. oleksandr irvanets, if you have any doubts somewhere, or you still hesitate there and you are pushed somewhere, then you can take
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some poems, read them, remind yourself so that you somehow remember who we are at war with and for that we are fighting mr. oleksandr, thank you for being our guest, finally, finally, you came to us without a poem, it's true for us, but i'm sorry, why do i still have a minute, you literally have a second, don't put it in your head. the press, just watch the "espresso" tv channel, compresses, give espresso, great, this is a recipe for a headache, friends, i thank you for this, do not apply, there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on penniel, 15% in pharmacies. plantain for you and save there are discounts representing the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in pharmacies plantain for you and save attention a profitable offer order a light bulb smart light at a special
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12:00 pm
news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna works in the studio. kopoyas in the afternoon , an explosion rang out in odesa during the air raid warning half an hour ago, announced the mayor of the city, gennadiy trukhanov, and called on residents to stay in safe places the air force of the ukrainian armed forces also warned about the missile threat from the temporarily occupied crimea. one person died and four others were injured as a result of russian attacks in the kherson region, the regional administration reports. last day under the enemy's


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