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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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offer is limited, call. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the afternoon , an explosion rang out in odesa during the air raid warning half an hour ago, informed the mayor of the city, gennady trukhanov, and called on residents to stay in safe places. the air force of the ukrainian armed forces also warned about the missile threat from the temporarily occupied crimea. one person died, four more were injured as a result of russian attacks in... kherson region,
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the regional administration reports. last day , 11 came under enemy fire and airstrikes settlements in the region and the city of kherson. the occupiers moved into an educational institution, a high-rise building and 18 private houses, a damaged garage and a car. the russians again fired artillery at nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region, an elderly man was killed, and three more people were injured. injuries, serhiy lysak, the head of the military administration of the region, said. several fires broke out in the city, private houses, farm buildings and cars were damaged. and the number of people killed due to the july 8 rocket attack on kyiv increased again. in total, 34 victims are known, among them five children. more than 120 people were injured. 38 wounded remain in the capital's hospitals, six of them are in serious condition, the city's military said. administration,
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currently all emergency and rescue work in the capital has been completed. a video of a search and rescue operation in kryvyi rih at the site of an enemy missile hit on july 8 has appeared. the personnel was published by the state service for emergency situations. the occupiers hit the administrative building of the northern matinvest mining and beneficiation plant. ten people died, about fifty wounded according to local authorities , among the victims, eight of them are still in critical condition in city hospitals. and in kyiv, a taxi driver who stole uah 400,000 in state aid from the wife of a missing soldier will be tried. the woman was going to hand over these funds to her husband's relatives, but she forgot the bag with money in the passenger compartment of the car. instead, the driver denied everything, later during the search the law enforcement officers found his bag and the entire amount and returned it
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to the owner. and in sumy oblast, a law enforcement officer sold data on roadblocks and passwords. him stolen by employees of the state bureau of investigation. he offered a local resident help in unhindered movement by car within the borders of the border area. he promised to provide all the information about roadblocks and ways of travel. he also threatened that in case of refusal, he would personally prevent the man. drive on local roads. the man was trying to get his things out of the shelling, so he volunteered at the policeman's request. over the course of several months, the perpetrator managed to get uah 30,000 from the man. he faces up to 10 years in prison. and on kharkiv oblast will try a railway worker for treason. he is suspected of spying on military echelons of the defense forces, the security service of ukraine reports. machine assistant. the city of the locomotive depot collected
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information about the railway routes used by the armed forces of ukraine to transport heavy weapons and ammunition to the front line, and also tried to identify the locations of fortifications and fortified areas in kharkiv. the information was passed on by the russian fsb curator. the traitor faces life imprisonment. treasures of crimea return ukrposhta presented a new limited stamp, dedicated to the crimean jewelry, our colleague dmytro didora knows more about it, he is with us live, dimo, congratulations, what does the stamp look like and is it still possible to purchase it? i congratulate katya, i also congratulate our viewers, the stamp turned out to be so unique that, as told in ukrposhta, it took 5 minutes for all copies to be sold, they were all gone.
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the number 565 is not accidental, as that is how many artifacts are presented here in the national treasury of the national museum of the history of ukraine, which was opened. on july 5, this exhibition, let me remind you that the exhibition is also unique, just like these stamps, the one at ukrposhta and the ministry of culture told about it today, about their importance, let's hear more. today , a specialized brand appeared in the world, a brand that would be included in collections for many, many years, not only ukrainian, but also worldwide. novices of philatelic miniatures, which would become another additional, but extremely important and necessary tool for the proclamation of the foundations on which we now stand. our brands have recently acquired a certain quality such as
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predict certain events, and today we are launching a brand called treasures of crimea return. today we are talking about the return of treasures to the territory of ukraine, but we want to believe that... that this return will be in every sense of the word and we will still have the opportunity to really see these treasures on the territory of the crimea returned to ukraine. the postal set consists of the stamps themselves, as well as the envelope, which took place today, the special redemption process took place, and those who managed to purchase such envelopes or stamps can today... at the holobposhtamt too to get this stamp special repayments will be until 20:00 today it is to do what is shown on the stamps, unfortunately, i do not have them, i did not even manage to hold them, but i will try to tell you and maybe show you thanks to the video,
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they show exhibits that and presented at the exhibition treasures of crimea, the return, and the stamps themselves depict those exhibits that belong to different people. to the cultures that lived on the territory of the peninsula, these are scythians, huns, goths, therefore, everyone who managed to purchase this stamp, congratulations, philatelists will definitely replenish their treasury with these, and also we invite you to visit the exhibition treasures of the crimea return, because it is unique, ukraine argued in the courts for 10 years for the return of these crimean jewels, and last year it succeeded, and on july 5 in the treasury of the national museum of the history of ukraine , the exhibition was already presented, on this i conclude and katya, i give you ether. thank you dmytro, let me remind you, it was our correspondent dmytro didora, he told about the new limited edition stamp dedicated to crimean jewels, presented by ukrposhta. that's all
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the news i have for now, i'll see you tomorrow. we continue, and now vasyl zemala is with you, already in the verdict program for the next hour we will talk about the nato summit, opportunities for ukraine, threats, bridges, doors, open, wider open, even wider open, the role of corruption in such an inhibiting factor for progress ukraine in... nato, isn't this the role of corruption, which countries are hindering ukraine's accession to nato, the revelation from french president emmanuel macron, well , actually, this is the first topic, the second topic we will talk about economic armoring, the state of ukrainian economy, prospects, taxes, prices, consumer inflation, working hands, and actually, how
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can we save resources for both the war and the war economy, i.e. two such topics, but we will start with... the nato summit, international politics and ukrainian perspectives, what we can listen to, or what we will voice, is also very important in these few days, as long as this summit lasts, volodymyr yelchenko, a diplomat, is with us, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, but for now there is no, and i am today then, well , so that... er, this is suggested to me with ours as a guest, but he will definitely, he will definitely have this connection established, because it also does not happen that there is no connection, and expectations from the nato summit, you know, i read a lot of statements of various politicians today, but i
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especially liked, well, not because they liked it, because macron said it, but because this is a person who, when he says something, he has some information about what he says, well, let's say, when it started in full swing. .. russia's war against ukraine in 22 years later boris johnson , at that time the prime minister of great britain told which countries were the most inhibited by helping ukraine, and which countries? the most active, what was said by this or that politician, this or that head of state, when russian tanks crossed the borders of our state, and this is already history, it is already clear, and now, when emmanuel macron talks about, names the countries that most of all, they either don’t want to, or i don’t know how to call it, they are probably slowing down ukraine’s accession to nato, because they have reservations about it, well, you should listen to this, i see that there is already mr. volodymyr is with us volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, good evening, thank you. what have you got involved, let's go, of course, the main topic is the nato summit,
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it should start at 0:00 kyiv time, as far as i understand, if i heard my colleagues correctly, maybe you can correct me, yes, but we are waiting for this two-day summit , which is to be held in washington, i still want to start with the words of french president emmanuel macron, who said that germany and the usa are the most, i will say this, not promoting ukraine's accession to... of the north atlantic alliance, it is worth believing macron, why this statement was made, well, in fact, what is meant, and because representatives of germany or the usa can say the same, maybe about the president of france, well , for example, that is, it is worth understanding here who to believe and how adequate and important for perception are such statements? you know, in my opinion, president macron is right, although i have a lot of faith in his words. but nevertheless he says what many other
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leaders of western countries think, unfortunately there are no real leaders in the west today, i i mean the likes of reagan, the president of the united states, the former, like margaret thatcher, like nelson mandela, uh, you can mention many others, but none the less, today's leaders... of the western world, they are very careful, they looking back at the elections for what awaits them in their countries, they are not able to look beyond the horizon, as they say, that is, imagine, if it were not for president reagan, then perhaps we would still have the soviet union today. he got over himself, he, he decided that this was his life's work,
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and he did everything to destroy this empire, but today there is no such leader of the western world, unfortunately, and that is why we hear again that there will be a certain bridge between ukraine and nato, the door will be opened between ukraine and nato , but this is not what we... expect, and unfortunately, it may end with the complete domination, let's say, of imperial russia in the world, and the western world will get another, or rather, the same opponent or the enemy he had during the last 100 years there, and without doing anything to defeat this... enemy while it is not yet in full force, this is my prediction for the nato summit,
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that is, we will not receive membership, we will not receive an invitation to nato membership, unfortunately, from a positive point of view point of view, i would say that yes, we will probably be promised some additional weapons, ideally, well, this is my personal one. an opinion that has no confirmation, but i think that there are still certain reasons to hope that there can be some kind of agreement between nato, as a union, that is, as an alliance , and ukraine on security guarantees, because finally this is the main thing we need. well, to summarize, i think that all the previous authorities of ukraine, including the current one, made the same mistake. we wanted to join nato only to protect ourselves with article
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five of the northern alliance charter, while we needed to join nato, and we need it today, as a country that considers itself a member of the euro-atlantic family, there are certain reforms have not been done, there are certain things that... we still have to do, but one way or another, you can't say all the time that we want to become a member nato, because article five of this alliance should protect us. it doesn't happen like that, you know, today i was, well, discussing here, i try never to argue on facebook, but to discuss with people, and we talked about the power of nato and the capabilities of nato in, well, if we are now just carrying nuclear potential by the brackets, and russia is the largest nuclear power in the world, it has 6,000 warheads,
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in my opinion, if i am not mistaken, the second of the usa, well , quality is a different matter, but we are talking about quantity, if we can bear it. now nuclear weapons are in parentheses, we are talking about the usual weapons, medium-range missiles , and other resources and so on. and i discussed about that, i say, that is , a big plus of nato, and probably the main one, is that if we speak frankly, absolutely, but if we speak frankly, we looked at a survey among representatives of certain countries, how many of your citizens would defend your state , then the french were most ready to defend their country, right? representatives of individual countries, there the minimum number of men was ready to defend, the majority was not ready, and yet someone was ready to go abroad, this is to the possibility of citizens of nato member countries to enter the war in case of invasion of russia, because again, any alliance, it is tested only in war. before the invasion of ukraine, russia was also considered the second army in the world, and i read, i remember, as of now
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, the statement of a polish general who said that he did not believe, he really did not believe that... the russian guards first tank army was broken by ukrainian villages, they thought that it would reach warsaw, well, that is, how could it be otherwise, this is russia, this is the second army of the world, but why are they being beaten near kiev, and what about you, that's why i'm leading to the point that, despite everything, everything is checked only at dira, only at dira, that's why we nato now talk about nato, as about the potential, and of course a huge plus is what everyone wants, including ukraine, is the nuclear umbrella of the usa, there are no questions here, because a nuclear war is... well , something that can destroy lust, so this is an undeniable plus, but speaking, i just want to hear your opinion, and now in this situation, understanding what, let's say, different actions with regard to ukraine, nato could provoke russia to attack nato countries, but just imagine the further development of the scenario, maybe
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nato is not ready for this, but they simply won't say it, you know, i think that... they are afraid of their own shadow , it seems to me, of course, i am not a military person, i cannot fully understand all the risks, which maybe military experts in nato countries understand better than me, but it seems to me that, for example, well, make the same no fly zone, i.e. no-fly zone zone over ukraine, it was possible back in february or march 2024, excuse me, the 22nd year, it would be possible to cover, well, with such a certain umbrella of nato or individual countries, at least half of ukraine, at least western ukraine, it would be possible to approve the decision to introduce certain peacekeeping forces into the territory of ukraine, that is not
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necessarily the troops of nato or nato countries that should be stationed in donbas. whether in the sumy region or in the chernihiv region, at least in western ukraine, you know, these, these troops would relieve the armed forces of ukraine, which could, well, be used more practically in the east, in the south of our country, that is, there are many different options, it was possible to sign some kind of agreement between nato and ukraine on the security... on the protection of ukraine, all this was done in previous years, the same bosnia, kosovo, even libya and iraq, it was a hybrid peacekeeping force in which they participated, well, under the auspices of the un, we understand that russia will block any decision of the un security council on
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this matter, but nevertheless, one could at least try to do this, this no one has tried but... why because i already said with from the very beginning, there are no leaders in the west as real as they were before, who could look beyond the horizon and see the danger that awaits the whole world and, first of all, the western world, western europe, if russia and putin today , they will not stop. you know, when people say that for putin, seizing ukraine is an existential question, he will simply eat himself. like the one in vasyl simonenko's poem that the macaque killer ate himself out of fear, this is roughly the same story, but studying the history of moscow. and then russia, well, let's say, if we talk about the livonian war, ivan the terrible decided to stop this war, he corresponded there with stefan batory for a certain time, but when
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batory's troops were already standing near pskov, then somehow ivan the terrible decided that it was possible and to negotiate, and then there was an ambassador from rome, from the vatican, who came first to batory, then to grozny, and they agreed, in fact, when the threat was already near pskov, ivan the terrible understood that this long livonian war had no... prospects , he immediately renounced his very holy ones ideas that were very important to him, but it turned out that they are no longer so important, as well as ukraine, when there are circumstances that are insurmountable for russia, i am more than convinced that kyiv will no longer be holy, there will not be some kind of single baptismal font there, as it once was said their head of the russian church, the question is all about prospects and possibilities, obviously putin still sees these prospects, and here it is very important, and here it is very important to understand what can make these prospects not real for him, but the circumstances irresistible, because now but simply to the fact on the territory according to various estimates, ukraine has up to
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500,000 russian troops, let's imagine that there are no ukrainian troops to hold them back, and these 500,000 are standing on the border of nato countries in the european union, just imagine for a second, and even then the picture changes somewhat, and the understanding changes somewhat, changes why ukraine should be. nato, because today it is actually this eastern outpost for nato, it is clear, there is no doubt that this horde could calmly, could calmly push on, strong ukrainian diplomacy must be in this situation, what should ukrainian diplomacy do in order to convince with the support, of course, of the troops at the front, because without success at the front or restraint of the organization at the front, the words of diplomats become very elusive for our western partners, what should... do, i i am not talking now about the summit itself, in general , the nearest time, let it be until autumn, let it be until winter , ukrainian diplomacy, in order to maximize for putin the prospects of what
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they will come to him and say, well, let's put up with the most vague and such only a mirage certain, please, i think there are two sides to this issue, on the one hand, we need to continue to convince the western world that they are wrong in... their, you know, caution or expectation that it is still possible to come to an agreement with putin, i think that it is impossible to agree on anything with him, this is the number one task, the number two task is to work with the third world, with the global south, unfortunately, if we look at the same summit in switzerland, the peace summit is dedicated ukraine, or at a meeting of the general assembly. there were a little more votes for in our favor, more than 140, that's a lot, it's 2/3,
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let's say so, of the membership of the un, but nevertheless, well, mostly the countries of the third world, or the global cock, as it is called today, they take a very cautious and waiting position, that is, they sympathize with ukraine, but at that time they... are not ready to quarrel with the russian federation, you know, from my experience, i remember that when i was still working in the post-department of ukraine at the un and communicated with at least half of the ambassadors of african countries at the un , all of them 52, so, well, let's say 35-40 , they all told me the same thing, the same thesis or the same narrative, oh... how good it was when there was a soviet union, and then it fell apart and russia and ukraine appeared. the soviet union helped us with finances, weapons, people,
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created our economy, and there were no problems, no questions, and then you fell apart and you started having problems, and now you have a war between russia and ukraine, and so what should we do, and i tell them, so support us in this struggle, they they say, no, it is better for you to make peace with the russian federation and become one country again, and then we will receive all those bonuses that we received there for 50, 70 or 100 years before, and here is the attitude of the countries of africa to this conflict before of this war, that is, it means one thing that our diplomacy... is not being finalized, there is no information in african countries about what is actually happening between ukraine and the russian federation, well, to a lesser
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extent it concerns southeast asia. latin america is there, well, yes, frankly saying, with all due respect to the african continent, the more civilized countries are more aware, but nevertheless, there is very little information, they don't understand, they don't know what is happening in the center of europe, that there is a really global war going on there, which may eventually erupt -eventually in the third world war, or in the fourth, as they say now, if we consider the cold war as the third. war, and then it won't be easier for anyone, but it must be explained, it must go to the masses and tell about it, i think that it is not that is being done, but not enough is being done. you know, i can agree with you, especially regarding the countries of africa, well, egypt is north africa, but i was once there on some kind of tourist trip, and the employee told me how
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grateful they were to the soviets. of the union, because there were belarusians, ukrainians, kazakhs in this group, and he says that the soviet union helped us build some kind of dam there or something or something, and he says: we thank you that it used to be so good, and we they eat potatoes, they harvest potatoes there twice a year or something, but we they were sent, well, that is , there are some nostalgic ones, but for us it is not nostalgia, and it was not nostalgia, but now it is a cruel reality, and actually it was a cruel reality, just then generations grew up who no longer remembered famine, and all this was forgotten. got stuck, trampled, as they say, into this ground of history, it is good that today everyone understands everything, everyone knows everything, although in ukraine many people do not understand anything, do not know, we still have people in the villages and not only villages, but in the cities, who say that this is not putin attacked, it was america that attacked ukraine, there are really people who say that, and you simply wonder where you are, among whom you live, thank god that, after all , there are much more knowledgeable ukrainians, i would still like we have six minutes there, but i want
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to hear your opinion... as a specialist and an experienced person, because we talked with my colleagues, we don't agree, look, there's something going on about this, i'm not saying now, again, no justifying, not saying there should be a truce, there shouldn't be, i don't know what should be, we have to win, and ukraine should be, but this move, we, putin says, give four oblasts, then he says, let's have the istanbul talks, somehow we are there, orban heads the eu, hungary, presides there. to kyiv, he flies to moscow, as he was called the ears and the mouth of putin, then he flies to china, some words are voiced even in ukraine by certain persons that, after all, it is probably better to have some kind of peace there, the main thing is not to shot, and then, if there is this work, it was inspired by russia, i am not saying that it is correct or wrong, no, she just goes, at this moment the arrival of the children's hospital, blood, killed, dead, horror, head.
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the country's main children's clinic is under missile surveillance, even the un admits that it is a russian missile and not some debris, it's all obvious, and then the question is how, what do you want, please explain this logic, does anyone in russia want these, let it be negotiations, are not correct, but at least some negotiations, someone wants the continuation of such a brutal war, so that zelenskyy comes and says: well, give us a gift, please, at least something, we are ready to be, what is happening, explain the logic of this, because there is no logic here , maybe there is no such logic in russia. i don't know, but here it is necessary to at least understand that these two lines are parallel and do not intersect: escalations and talks about peace and these trips of orbán around the world? you know, well, this is a difficult question, on the one hand, as a diplomat, as a person who spent a significant part, well , at least there for almost four years in moscow, as an ambassador to the russian federation, with all my...
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and with all my attitude towards russia, well which, as you well understand, has not improved in recent times, and it was not particularly so rosy, nevertheless i understand that one way or another we will have to, at a certain stage, well, with these non-humans , agree on something, or is it will be the russia that exists today, whether it will be putin or without putin, i think that... of course, under putin, we will not agree on anything with this country, with those who will come to replace putin, i am not sure that these people will be better than, but nevertheless, one way or another, as a diplomat, i think that well any war, you know, i didn't say it, this is a thesis that is historical, to some extent, any war ends.


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