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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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based on the facts, they give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the main events of this hour, anna yavomelnyk is with you. ukraine can use british stormshadow missiles to hit military targets on the territory of russia. the new prime minister of great britain, keir starmer , agreed that the way the missiles are used is ukraine's business, bloomberg reports.
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prime minister of new zealand christopher lacson announced a new package of aid to ukraine worth almost 10 million dollars, the ambassador of ukraine to australia and new zealand, vasyl miroshnichenko, said. more than 3 million will be allocated for military support, the rest for humanitarian. most of the military aid will go to the drone coalition led by great britain and latvia, the rest of the funds. will go to ukraine's military and medical needs. next, about the consequences of russian terror. a man died during the russian shelling of the village of ingulets in the kherson region. the enemy hit one of them residential buildings, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. in just one day, the russians killed two people in the kherson region. four were injured. 11 settlements in the region came under enemy fire. the russians once again hit
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nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region with artillery. a 62-year-old man was killed, three more people were injured, serhii lesak, the head of the military administration of the region, said. private houses, farm buildings and cars were damaged. damaged as a result of russian shelling fire and rescue unit in the zaporizhzhia region. enemy shells hit the building where he is. rescuers, the roof of the garage was on fire, as well as a damaged car, the emergency services reported, the firefighters were not injured. in total, it is known about 33 victims due to the rocket attack on kyiv on july 8, among them five children, more than 120 people were injured. 38 wounded remain in the capital's hospitals, six of them are in serious condition, the city military said. administration all
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emergency and rescue operations in the capital have been completed. ohmadite with light. energy healed the children's hospital after the russian attack. specialists worked for two days. three new transformer substations were installed and 29 cable lines were installed, dtek reported. this will enable the doctors of the medical institution to connect the equipment to work. bloody meal the russian delegation hosted a lunch on the occasion of its presidency in the un security council. the main dish on the menu was kyiv-style cutlet, ukrainian media write. the action took place immediately after the meeting of the security council regarding the russian attack on the ohmadit children's hospital. standing at the security council meeting the representative of ukraine at the un, serhii kyslytsia , noted that the dinner organized by russia was paid for with blood money. a video
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of a search and rescue operation in kryvyi rih, where an enemy missile hit on june 8, appeared. the footage was published by the state emergency service . the occupiers hit the administrative building of the northern mining and beneficiation plant medinvest. 10 people died, about fifty were injured. according to local authorities , 29 victims are still in the city's hospitals. and we convert our people into donats due to enemy shelling. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine with a donation. they win every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps to be efficient. work
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your support significantly increases the chances of the holodoyarivets not only to successfully perform combat tasks, but also to return from them alive. join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. fleeing the country on a grain truck, 23 men were detained near the border with moldova, who tried to leave on the instructions of the administrator of one of the telegram channels. they were driven to the border by an aide of the organizer on a grain truck, from there they set off on foot to the state border, but the journey was short, the state border service informed for their help, the fraudster received from each of them from 5 to 16 thousand dollars. ukrposhta presented a new stamp dedicated to the return of crimean jewels. the sheet contains nine stamps with images of exhibits. the sketches were designed by daria tsikunova. the number of sets is limited to only 565 copies.
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let me remind you that last year artifacts from four crimean museums, which were in amsterdam at the time of the occupation of the peninsula, were returned to ukraine. our stamps have recently acquired a certain quality of predicting certain events, and today we are launching a stamp called crimean treasures of return. today we say about the return of the treasures to the territory of ukraine, but i want to believe that this return will be in every sense of the word and we will still have the opportunity to really see these treasures on the territory of crimea returned to ukraine. today the world appeared. a stamp, a stamp that would be included in the collection for many, many years, not only of ukrainian, but also of world collectors of philatelic miniatures, which would become another additional, but extremely important and necessary tool for the proclamation of the
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foundations on which we now stand. creativity and sport unite, shelter lviv invites children internal persons and small residents of lviv to join the rich summer program in the schedule of the most diverse activities, which we will find out. media school, aikido, robotics, chess school, horseback riding and many other groups for every taste. thanks to the shelter lviv project, children and adults who were forced to leave their homes due to the war can once again immerse themselves in a carefree childhood, at least for a while. our vocation is to conduct various classes for the physical and intellectual development of children and adults, as well as to distract them from the war. today we have a new class in our project, media house. the children study diction, the behavior of themselves in the frame,
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they have a course of 12 lessons, and for six weeks they will learn media literacy. acting lessons . work with voice, diction, articulation, recording in a professional recording studio, as well as dubbing cartoons and films. all this is studied by children who dream of trying themselves as presenters, who want to learn to master their voice and choose a creative profession in the future. and in the media house, i like that here we are accepted as we are, and we are taught to breathe properly and speak under a double. some, for example, a movie or a passage. i like circles, especially for drawing, there we draw, we had graphics, painted with paints, watercolors. in the summer, boys and girls prefer sports activities. in the fresh air
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, they play tennis, football, volleyball, basketball, swim in the pool, play chess, and also go on horseback excursions. it's sports - says the manager. in this stage we offered a very wide range of sports activities for children, actually for different ages, these are sports games, these are intellectual sports, such as chess, for example, these are martial arts sports, such as, for example, aikido, as well as sports games, this is football and actual floorball, korfol, badminton and others. martial arts help to get rid of fear, gain self-confidence, and learn to find a common language with other children. i enjoyed these classes, there are a lot of kids i don't know.
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traveled alone with a girl. of course i am i would like to go here every day. shelter lviv invites you. to join free creative circles and sports sections, internally displaced persons, as well as small lviv residents. to do this, you need to register using the link on the shelter page. on facebook ema stadnyk, nazar ymelnyk, andriy polyakovsky, espresso tv channel. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 3 p.m., my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin perkovskii will work for you on the air. tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, for the next couple of hours we will analyze all the most important events
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of the day, of course, the key event now in washington, when we are talking about the summit of the euro-atlantic community, extremely important decisions will be made there, one part will relate to the so-called declarative history, that is, what will be written in the protocols, and the other the story will relate to very specific tactical and operational decisions, in particular regarding the supply of heavy weapons to ukraine, about this and about other things in the future. today, but not only about that, today in the espresso studio live, martha olyarnyk and antin borkovskyi. well, let's continue and we're ready to bring ivan stupak, a military analyst, sbu employee from 2004 to 2015, to our online studio and we'll talk about... the first statements related to the strengthening of ukrainian air defense, in particular. mr. ivan,
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we welcome you, and we will start with the nato summit in washington. so, the united states has promised to provide one more patriot battery, the two promised batteries are allocated by germany and romania, one more jointly by the netherlands with other partners, and italy, for its part, will sumpty systems. so, we understand, such an anti-aircraft coalition has gathered, it is very good, especially against the background of the shelling that took place on july 8, we... hoped for solutions that would strengthen our air defense, but perhaps these solutions are not enough, what is your own position , do you think that these decisions are sufficient, i still have one, but i would like to polish it, as the classics said, unfortunately, mr. ivan and i are not currently at one or another closed meeting, well, i would in simple language, i would like to say, mr. ivan, ot look, well, the russian establishment... skovo-political generality, in principle, it does not differ in any morality,
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nor in any intelligence, and so on, well, but they are ideologically, well, not enemies of themselves, and here they kill civilians, they kill children, they go after okhmadite in kyiv, they go after the crooked corner and so on, they hit hospitals, well, this is macabre, yes, that is, it is a crime, they went for it, but what did they want to achieve, that is, this is the addressee , it is not only ukraine, and here we return to the issue of marta oliarnyk, that is, this is the whole matter on the eve of the summit in washington, that is, this is not just a coincidence, in which i do not believe, well, then answer comprehensively, well, congratulations to the studio, i will finally be able to answer your insidious questions, the other one of yours was rushed first, and yes, okay, thank you very much for the complexes promised to ukraine, i.e. nature. people's promises, unfortunately, are such that they do not always coincide with fulfillment, by the way,
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we had many such examples, and president zelenskyy mentioned this, that certain types of weapons went to ukraine with a delay of more than a year for a second, so please , i i really ask that your respected viewers do not overheat: hooray, that's it, we have so many air defense systems, wait, we don't have this air defense system yet, internal decisions, bureaucratic points must be made. how to decommission it, how to transfer it, when it goes, the question of training our servicemen, that is, in my opinion, it is approximately at least one and a half to two months, this is in the case that everything will work in an accelerated mode, just like that at the speed of light, this will indeed be that moment, but it may be a long time, but it is undeniable cool, but it's a defensive weapon, it's given to us for defense, i always give this... the analogy of boxers, so there's a boxer on the ropes, he holds a punch, he gets hit, he
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holds on, but sooner or later he starts to miss strikes, and so that this does not happen, it is necessary not just to defend, but to attack, this is the weapon, if we also receive permission to shoot down russian planes that are just approaching our borders, wherever possible, this will really be a turning point plot, it will really allow... well , not to solve all, all, all issues, but well so significantly complicate the life of russian aviation, reduce the life expectancy of russian pilots, that is, it will seriously help, but... in the complex of defense plus retaliatory attacks. but actually on this topic, mr. ivan, today there was a statement by the new prime minister of great britain, who said that they are not against ukraine using storm shadow missiles on the territory of the russian federation. let's deal with storm shadow in general, what they, well, if they can give us and how many of them are
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currently in our arsenal, so that somehow they could hit the territory of the russian federation and... maybe such a statement could simultaneously provoke great britain and provide ukraine with an even larger number of such missiles. here's the question, we don't know how many of these missiles there are, they don't amount to tens of thousands at all, if i'm not mistaken, there were somewhere several thousand of everything produced, it's a joint production of both france and great britain, in france it's scalp, in great britain it's storm shadow , that is, once again, it is not tens of thousands, what can you do, ukrainians, hold on, here are 500, then another 600. they were transferred there in very individual batches, so they have a radius of action there of under 200 km, great britain has stated not for the first time, by the way, during the tenure of mr. risha risha sunak, the former prime minister, it was also announced: great britain is not against , but somehow with strikes deep into the territory of the reife, somehow it didn't work out, so
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it flew along the border, but we didn't hear about deep strikes, maybe the political leadership says, we're not against it, but inside. for example, downing street, they have not yet decided this question for themselves, perhaps these missiles are not made to it was possible to hand over to ukraine to strike, but there is no doubt that the uk government agrees, adheres to the previous strategy, or rather the strategy of the previous government, this is a plus plus, the main thing is that there are missiles and that there are no veiled restrictions, so shoot at which one, but i don’t know it's not very deep there, i'm sorry, half-pineapples, that's the main thing. there was no such thing, look, mr. ivan, well, if we are already trying to figure out such global things, then we would like to get down to our, you know, small counterintelligence level, so it went to us this is a very unpleasant wave on our instabloggers, instawomen, we understand that instabloggers too, well, mostly instalo,
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my goodness, how to pronounce it correctly, well , in one word, the majority audience of all these characters and characters, well... well, mostly was covered by some kind of beauty, beauty, lips, music and so on and so on, and here they were supported by high politics, in particular, they begin to directly evaluate certain military-political decisions and try their own, so to speak, not too much developed intellectual resources to cover the entire depth of the depths, but they rock the boat very actively in this way, and sometimes even such a thought runs through, you know: that, therefore, two countries are to blame and so on, well, i don’t know how it could be a frank article, i don’t know , does this fall under the article, or do we monitor the posts of those or others, well, with large audiences of ladies and gentlemen, well, ladies and gentlemen, relatively speaking, well, mr. ivan, what’s with all that,
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is it just a coincidence, or it's just a wave gone, you know, sincere... ukrainian patriots, come on, everyone, every such post, if it contains calls to violate territorial integrity, change the constitutional order by force, change power by force, of course, all this is the object of attention from the security service ukraine, but we have freedom of speech, we have democracy, we do not have the russian federation, so everyone can express themselves, we are there about our own. opinions with no, relatively speaking, two countries, russia and ukraine, are to blame, well, well , moreover, well, we understand who attacked us, in why is it our fault that we repel aggression, so if they impose this, it is an attempt to implement the russian narrative, and covertly, that's what i'm getting at, that if such things, well, if such things 100% get to the attention
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of the security service of ukraine, examinations of these statements will be conducted, if... in the words of these people, the experts will find signs that there really are appeals here and there, or, god forbid, these words or texts were sent to these big bloggers from -abroad, and asked for example, i don't know, there for $2000 to place this text, oh, then these people will start a new interesting life in quotes, in a cheerful gray building. according to the city of registration, where the office of the security service of ukraine is located in a specific region, but only then, but it is necessary to conduct an analysis, work and find out what it was, it was a pure scumbag, er... that they are, that's something they invented and useful idiots call them among the people, or they were offered, asked for pennies, i don’t know, for some kind of reward, then again it
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a completely different story begins in them. mr. ivan, let's continue the topic and the dog fight, and because now we understand that there are official statements by officials that refer to possible peace processes, and also against the background of these official, verified statements , certain anonymous statements appear that may refer to the same topics but they are served under different sauces, and it is very difficult for ukrainians, our average ukrainians, to distinguish between some adequate official statements that come out of the mouths of officials, from what is called some, you understand, a duck that someone releases, an information duck that should actually cause certain hysterical moods in people, and it is possible that these bloggers are the object of all those narratives, and they simply pick them up, not understanding it, like yours opinion... to fight this and how to distinguish it so that we really understand when, for example, zelensky in an interview with bloomberg says that ukraine can theoretically go to some peaceful, peaceful
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processes and negotiations with russia, and this is possible will even be mediated by certain countries, this there is one story, that is, we understand that the authorities do not deny this fact, and it is very easy for the russians to manipulate exactly those theses that are coming from the lips of the ukrainian authorities, they are just trying to wrap it in a completely different one. label, let's say so, and present it from a completely different side. i would very much ask your esteemed viewers not to be passionate when reading the news. my friends send me 100-500 different links to different telegram channels every day, sometimes there is a larger audience, somewhere less, somewhere at all there are millions of telegram channels and each channel gives some insight from itself, somewhere the aunt of a familiar friend. classmate works in the president's office, she heard something incredible in the corridor. please do a reverse check. so
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they opened a telegram channel, something was sent to you, the best man sent something, something so incredible, they saw, zelensky, bloomberg said something, and you are in despair. the russians really count on this kind of passion. ah yes, that's all, i forward it to my friends, family, and relatives there. wait, exhale, open. google enter zelenskyi bloomberg news 24 hours ago or a week ago depending on how fresh the news is and read it in the original, because even you and i know a comma or two commas, which are placed in the right places, they can radically change the tone of the text, and if to start there shaher maher, i’m sorry, with words, remove a word here, add it here, the content can change radically, so once again... search for the original of this text, work with the original sources, as the classics said, of relevant, so to speak, directions , look, mr. ivan, marta, i have this
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question, well, it is also practical, small, well, but this is the fate of a god-loving man, so to speak, the fate of his wife, a madam for a couple and so on and so forth, that is, a serious story, and the fate of the border guard, that's how it happened, that it happened exactly as it happened, that is, that he took someone else's passport and... so on, how are similar things here, so to speak, released, well , the key story, and how managed to find out that he did not travel according to his passport, yes, sort out this case of bogolyubov, well bogolyubov - this is a famous businessman, so to speak, a private bank, kolomoisky, a billion and so on, criminal cases, and of an unappealing age, but still, five children, yes, let's analyze this story, i understand that you have a time limit , but... let's try to quickly drive her away, so the first thing i saw, really, sir, madam, gentlemen, i won't hide her surname, dzaparova, dzaparova, yes, the former
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first deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, yes, she brought her husband to the railway station, he got on the kyiv-khelm train and went west border, during passport control by a special border guard, said. partner, that i will figure it out myself, i will check it myself, i took the documents from these people who were in this compartment, handed them over to the passport control, the passport and the control did not find anything, the people returned these documents, the people went about their business, here it is important to say, there are no criminal proceedings against mr. bagalyubov, i mean, rather, he is not wanted, he was not wanted until this moment, he had no restrictions on traveling abroad, he is 60 years old, he has five children. children, the only point regarding his last name, well, there was a flag near him, next to his last name, pay attention, there is increased control, but prohibitions on
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leaving. he did not have the territory of ukraine from the law enforcement officers, we must say that, of course, when this story already began to develop, i am sure that the outpouring was from certain law enforcement agencies, which leaked this information to journalists, your colleagues, and that's how this wave rushed, but once again, fundamentally, he has prohibitions on abandonment the territory of ukraine was not there, perhaps i assume in such a way that some of our officials, perhaps not only him, but... choose the opportunity to quietly leave the territory of ukraine, go on vacation, stay there for a certain time, and then quietly return, without attracting any attention to itself. well, look, just to finally discuss this topic, bogolyubov himself said that i was going to return, but now i don’t know, it’s very interesting, he is now using the investigation of journalists, in fact, as the reason why he did not is coming back, well, this is my assumption, my
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subjective opinion, i just think that... now it is very beneficial for him to put forward this whole story, which is now in the public domain, as a reason, and why now i won't return, well, that's why , that now the sbi has opened a case against me, but now i will not return to it, so there really is such a story, he says that i wanted to return, we do not know whether he planned to return, or he was going in one direction, in general, he wanted to leave ukraine and all. another story is that most likely he will have problems here, well, he will have problems they will most likely try to advertise on an international wanted list. extra start the extradition procedure depending on where he will be, whether it will be london or whether it will be vienna, and it is a procedure for years, well two years, it can last, listen, look at mr. firtash, how long he seems to be five years, if not more, is under this extradition arrest in vienna, on the way to the united states and the process is not moving, well, that's it, thank you, an extremely interesting conversation, ivan stupak
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