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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the information day
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of the tv channel continues, it's over. yes, we are now adding anatoly sydorenko, deputy commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade, to our broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. anatoly. glory to heroes. well, the lyman direction. we immediately go to the message from there, what is happening now there? on our way now. but the enemy certainly does not leave his thoughts, he tries to storm the thorns every day, the assaults take place in small groups, but at this point, at the moment, we are standing in the lane of our battalion and the entire 60th brigade, we have not taken a single step back, we are even advancing a little bit, well now it is still too early to say where and where exactly, but we are confident of what resources the enemy currently has there, it is about manpower and equipment. are they now actively using heavy
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armor, or are they now moving in small such groups using some more mobile means in order to make them less visible, now all assaults go in small groups, about once every 10 there for 14 days, they accumulate a little and try to make attempts to storm with equipment, but the last assault ended in the same way as... groups, they burned all the equipment, and the assault did not succeed, and if we talk about burned equipment, equipment, what equipment is the enemy using now, well , there was information that they were running out of newer equipment, and they are also using older models armored vehicles, well, i'll tell you this, at the front we see everything intermittently, and the new t-90 equipment.
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tanks and old junk are also there, i cannot say that the enemy is running out of something there, they have a lot of equipment and a lot of manpower, so we also need to do better in this matter, and i would like to convey to our western partners that they we were allocated more, because the number of our equipment does not match the number of the enemy, but please tell me, mr. anatoly, artillery... shells, are there more of them now, or is it a czech initiative in particular somehow affects the supply of artillery ammunition, and is there now an upward trend? there is a trend, but as such there is no direct improvement yet, we still lack both artillery and tank shells, very lacking, and if so-and-so, so-and-so, well, i would just like to ask about... some personnel composition of the enemy, so
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how prepared are the enemy fighters now? the enemy has now set up a system of rotations very well, we hardly see completely unprepared units or groups there, and if even they send new ones into battle fighters, recruits, they are always diluted by fighters who already have experience of conducting combat operations, so it is different. a different composition, of course, but i am saying that, like a year and a half ago, we often saw people who did not understand what war is, now there is no such thing, the enemy is more diluted with people who already know how to fight, look, the general staff says that the enemy is increasing the pace of offensive actions not only in the pokrovsky, the most hellish direction, they say now, but also in the lymansky, can you actually voice your vision?
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do you really notice in the last period of time that the enemy is becoming more active in your direction, will he really try to attack harder now than before, and... what are the dynamics of the enemy's behavior in your direction in general? now i see that the number, well, they also storm in small groups, i already said, but now i see that the number of these groups per day is increasing a little, that is, if before there were two, three or four assaults per day were, now it is 6 7 8. look, if you take, for example, efforts. concentrate on the lyman direction and in general the operatives, in that operative directorate, is there a feeling that the enemy may try to increase the number of both personnel and equipment there, well, perhaps in order to increase their offensive momentum, so we see that
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the enemy can to build up the forces, the intelligence of our brigade, and not only our brigade, in general , everyone who stands on this line, everyone is working and trying to destroy... the equipment there in advance and disrupt these assaults, and not just meet them head-on. look, and if we talk about any operational tasks, in your opinion, what are the urgent tasks the enemy has now put forward? it seems to me that the enemy, of course , wants to capture the entire luhansk region, that 's why, perhaps, this kind of activation is connected with it, it actually left it there. not much, but we are standing there very firmly, i believe that the enemy will not have any success here in the near future, what would we like to ask you, mr. anatoly, maybe other units, your comrades have information about what is happening near nevsky and makiivka,
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is the enemy becoming more active there now, and is there really any revival there, if you know, please share, well... as far as i know, there is revival, but there is no fresh information, unfortunately, i don’t have it, we have enough of your direction, we also wanted to ask you about the war by technology, everyone is talking about it, and the heads are talking about it, the president is talking about it, our heads of various security services are talking about the war by technology, and we understand that in this context drones and means of radar combat are important, which now the situation in? with that, are they now increasing the number of their same fpv drones, or are their eagles or other types of drones that are actually scouting more active now, can you share that specific information? and
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about fpv drones, i think we have almost reached some kind of parity, we also have a lot of fpv drones, but the enemy is increasing its production, there are more and more of them, and... more of a problem for us, of course, these are their eagles, halls, superkams that can fly, well, to fly very high and very far to the rear, that's why we do various actions there in order to mislead the enemy, but we have more of a problem with this than with fpv. and by the way, it is true that now the enemy somehow programs these reconnaissance drones, turning off the navigation, he can move this drone, and then it turns on. gps already when it is over this or that object that needs to be investigated, and because of this it is more difficult for our fighters to detect these reconnaissance drones? yes, yes, it's true, that's how it is, and the enemy, unfortunately, learns every day, and for some reason he learns from us, for some reason, he learns from his partners, so-called,
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so every day some improvements come to us, fly in, and our slaves, of course, there are also guys who... are engaged, try to develop every day, this is really a battle of technologies going on now, except for such a live one battle, is there a sense that the enemy has advanced a little bit in what is called technology warfare, which is what we were talking about, yes, because at one time they were a little behind in the use of unmanned aerial systems, now they have, as i understand it, already started coordinate the use of various drones, yes. yes, the enemy has advanced in this direction, it really is, and it is advancing every day, every day they have china next to them, we also have to understand that they have logistics and everything, it is much faster, look, it has arrived news, i hope our editors
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have verified it, that blinken, the united states secretary of state, said that the us and its allies are sending f-16 fighter jets to ukraine right now, which will arrive in kyiv this week. flying, a direct quote from blinken, how do you do you think, these long-awaited f-16s are really on the tactical side, we are not saying that they will change the course of the war, but at least on the battlefield, if they will be behind... move, if our aviation is stronger, it will help us not only to stop the enemy in his efforts to advance, but perhaps even to counterattack if we have this advantage in heaven. we need an advantage in heaven. of course, this, well, you are right, there is the course of the war, it is not a fact that it will change, but it will give us a lot of advantages, so we are very much waiting, well, we are already very we have been waiting for this for a long time, every time we hear that already... it will be a month or two and we will have everything in ukraine, but the western partners
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are delaying this issue a little bit, we hope, we still believe, we are fighting without western equipment, we have there is no rear, so to speak, but of course i would like this help to come as soon as possible and bring us closer to victory. thank you, anatoly sydorenko, deputy commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade of zlymansk. direction was in touch with us, i will remind you that antoni blinken stated that began the transfer of f-16 aircraft to ukraine, the aircraft are now on their way to ukraine from denmark and the netherlands. this is what came out just a few minutes ago, we're keeping you updated on all of this in real time, so hopefully we can get more details out later today and into the evening, and i see right now we have a- and sleep someone. from the representatives at the nato summit, yes, tell us, please, our editors, what is it about us? yes, discussions are ongoing, so we
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'll show you a picture as soon as we have one important information, we will go live, so follow what happens there. we are now taking a break, after which we will continue the espresso information day. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb. at a special promotional price of only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient. especially now, and the light bulb is a smart light, not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when
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the information day of the tv channel continues, what about you? ton summit, in which window do you see a statement or a speech, or rather, i can’t see a bit of which actor, but before the nato summit, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, announced new decisions regarding the f-16 for ukraine, so in an address from washington, posted in telegram, zelensky said yesterday there was a decision about five more patriots and dozens of other systems, today decisions about aircraft, i will continue. there will be work in washington, in particular, a decision on the f-16 very soon, we are increasing the number of aircraft available to ukraine, and two new security agreements are planned in the agreements. yes, and today there will be meetings in the congress of the united states, both parties, both chambers, and he noted,
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the president thanked the americans for their support and today we will talk about how to increase our interactions with america. even more good results, preferably long-range and far-reaching. well, let's remind you that antoni blinken, the united states secretary of state, said that f-16s were on their way to ukraine from denmark and the netherlands. they will join the defense of the ukrainian sky this summer. the secretary of state of the united states stated this at the nato summit at one of the discussion panels. also, speaking at an event on the sidelines of the nato summit in washington, blinken said that the in the next few days, a powerful aid package for ukraine will be presented, which, according to him, will build a clear and strong bridge for ukraine's membership in the alliance. now we will have a little another topic for conversation, but very, i would say indicative, because now ukraine is trying to become a member not only of nato, but also of the european union, and not only ukraine
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wants to do this, at least until now georgia was also in this club, sakar tvelo . now we'. let's talk about what is happening with the european integration of georgia. gelavasadze, a georgian political scientist, is already in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. vasadze, glad to see you. yes, we see you, but we do not hear you. yes, we are asking our editors to adjust the sound of mr. vasadze now. well, an extremely important story actually happened in georgia, that is, it already happened. a message from the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of the european community, yes, who said that, well, georgian european integration was frozen for obvious reasons, yes , georgia is now ruled by people connected to an outright oligarchy, a clan system, and so on and so forth, and of course, they
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profess pro-russian, to put it bluntly, pro-putin views, so now we will... ask gelovadze to put certain points on sakartveli's views, yes gelovadze understands ukrainian, but he will answer in russian, so we will translate, i think we can start asking questions, i hope our guest can hear us, glory to ukraine, mr. vasadze, congratulations, glory to the heroes, congratulations, good day, well, what, first of all we would like clarify what this signal means, what exactly? of what was done wrong, ivanishvili did, and what exactly, in your opinion, could be the last straw in what is called the blocking or freezing of georgian european integration? actually, speaking of the law on foreign agents, 12 years is not allowed
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not to notice what is happening in the country, and then suddenly unexpectedly. i don't really understand whether i can be heard or not, it's so wonderful to hear, i understood, well, that 's about it, well, that's about it. uhu, ms. gella, vasadze, a georgian political scientist on our airwaves, we are working live now, we would like to ask you, it's just us, i don't know if it
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was your colleague or if it was you, maybe i'm even with you about it said, are there any fears that georgia may repeat the fate of belarus, because ukraine was once at this crossroads, but we showed that our the goal and our path is to the european association, to the european union, to nato. now georgians are trying to somehow demonstrate their disagreement with what is happening in georgia, with how the current government is conducting its policy, but we understand that, unfortunately, these voices are on the street, they are not heard, and the government continues to act as how does she want to act, or are you currently following a certain scenario, i would say, a belarusian scenario in sakartvel? it is very nice that you call georgia sakartvelo. georgia is the turkic origin of the name. i have nothing
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against this. secondly, of course. i don't know who compared georgia and belarus. but as they say, all families are unhappy, each is unhappy in its own way. but everyone. comparisons are misleading, and if we talk about what we see today, that there is no political force that can take responsibility for what is happening in the country, for now, maybe closer to the elections such a force will appear , but in society. there is also dissatisfaction, it will be demonstrated, there is a change of course, so everyone understands all the risks, the authorities tries to calm people down, and actually
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scares russia that russia may attack, but this does not affect everyone, of course, there is a threat that russia may attack, but... the probability of it is becoming less and less, but if at all do nothing, well, it is not known how it will go on? yes, we understand that there are threats, dear mr. vasadze, so the key threat is, you know, the peaceful incorporation of georgia into russian influence, and we understand that part of the georgian elites are aware of their actions, yes, which... contribute to this scenario, but on the other hand we are also aware that there is a prospect of the use of force, so in the caucasus, in the south caucasus, in particular, there have been
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major events that can be interpreted as a weakening of the russian position, in particular, when we talk about the situation in armenian-azerbaijani relations, turkey has strengthened, but we interested in this case georgia, and what do you think? russia will now strengthen which of the two scenarios, whether it is a peaceful takeover, well, peaceful in quotation marks, with the help of a pro-russian dictatorship, or in a forceful military way? in order to carry out a military operation, russia does not have the resources.
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russia has its own widespread agent network. it is clear that there are many risks. mr. gela, i also wanted to ask you what you think about the current suspension of the european integration of georgia, how long this pause can last, in your opinion, and how do you perceive this news.
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if there is a possibility of some kind of political format, they try to express their dissatisfaction, but how long will it last, as long as there is this government, that is, it is already a certain design that what has been going on for a long time? unfortunately, this has been going on for quite some time already. and by the way, democratic elections, are they possible in such conditions in the country at all, if there are certain clans that control this whole process, and even if such elections are held, can they be truly democratic? no, of course, no, of course, no, of course, of course not, but we had different scenarios, we had different scenarios.
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well, it's clear. thank you gelova vasadze, a georgian political scientist, was in touch with us. we work with translation from russian into ukrainian. therefore, we ask that you understand certain technical inconveniences associated with this. and antin and i will inform you about the important events that are happening around the nato summit, because these are key today. the topic of our conversation, in principle, is the most important news, well, the fact that, in addition to the announcement about providing us with f-16 fighters at the fastest pace, it is about money, therefore, during today's summit in washington, nato will announce the provision of 40 billion euros to ukraine for the next year. the members of the alliance also agreed to provide ukraine with a constant level of security assistance for the next year.
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40 billion euros plus from nato, this is a very, very, very, very good support for our security domestic political situation, and the united states is proud to support this effort. well, let's also remind you that norway announced the transfer of f-16 to ukraine, it is about six units, the first ones are planned to be transferred to ukraine by the end of the year, let's hope that... that these fighters will actually end up on the territory of our country by the end of this year, and we also hope that today's statement by anthony blinken , nato secretary of state, that these fighter jets are the first to go to ukraine, that this is already a reality, and not just promises, well, we are today, antin and i are finishing up our work for you, but you must stay with espresso, because in a few moments there will be news with anna eva melnyk, after that there will be other programs,
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so wait. and be with us, and antin and i say goodbye to you today, take care, all the best, see you tomorrow. 17 in ukraine, it’s time to learn about the main news for this hour, i congratulate all viewers, annaeva melnyk is with you and i will start with this: very soon ukraine will increase the number of aircraft available to it, this is how volodymyr zelenskyi, who is in washington, announced the decision of the alliance to provide ukraine f-16 fighters.


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