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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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somewhere there is something, romania and slovakia are also there, but they play in a way that is beneficial to them, we had to win, but in this story, relying on our strength and what our partners already give us, we have to to win, we need, relatively speaking, to score our goal in the enemy's goal, because it is so beneficial for him to count on someone there to draw, we do not know who benefits from what, we do not know everything that is happening around the world, again after all , ukraine is not a globe, it is only one country among a motley one. variegated carpet of different types different countries, so we must once again score our goal and ensure our victory with what we can, as general zaluzhnyi, now the ambassador of ukraine in great britain, said, we will never be ashamed again, and we really should never be ashamed , we have to do our work to the end, and then the strong, as they say, always help, literally in a moment of news, good evening, we are from ukraine. well, actually mr. oleksiy
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goncharenko confirmed in the conversation and once again said that the words of our partners, that in the summer f-16 fighters will be in ukraine, maybe even until the end of july. well, let's start with that. f-16 fighters are on their way to ukraine from denmark and the netherlands. the procedure for the transfer of the aircraft has begun, the secretary of state of the united states of america, in our language, said the minister of foreign affairs, anthony blinken, at the nato summit in washington. f16. to the defense of the ukrainian sky this summer, and in the next few days a powerful aid package will be presented to ukraine, which will build a clear bridge for membership in the north atlantic alliance, - noted anthony blinken. and very soon, ukraine will increase the number of aircraft available to it. this is how volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine , while in washington, announced the alliance's decision to provide ukraine with f-16 fighter jets. yesterday, for ukraine, we received a decision
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on five more patriots, dozens of other ppu systems. today is the decision on airplanes. there will now be two new security agreements, and in the agreements , support for saxe against russia, support for our accession to the eu and nato, support for our defense, our soldiers, all of us. people, reconstruction we take all this into account in the security agreements exactly as needed, and our meetings, there will be at least 10 negotiations with the leaders of the countries, well , it is really worth doing what we can do, and here the president can actually be understood, well, if someone is against that or something else something, then we have to sign those agreements with whom we sign sanctions, and sanctions actually have an effect, we talked yesterday. with an expert,
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here in the verdict program, and sanctions are in effect, sanctions are actually in effect on russia, maybe not so quickly and not so noticeably for us, well, but ukraine has signed a security agreement with luxembourg, its term of validity is 10 years, the website of the president's office reported, the country will continue to provide military support to our country in close coordination with international partners and institutions, and will also train instructors for the defense forces, i note that luxembourg has taken a leading role in coalition in the middle of the day, the russians hit a civilian object in the city of voznesensk in the mykolaiv oblast, and there are wounded, the head of the regional military administration, vitaly kim, said. he promised to publish more details subsequently. and, unfortunately, the russians once again hit nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region with artillery. by. a 62-year-old man was killed, three more people
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were injured, serhii lysak, the head of the military administration of the region, said. private houses, farm buildings and cars were damaged. well, actually, let me remind you once again that nikopol, nikopol region and the right bank of dnipropetrovsk region opposite the zaporizhzhya as occupied by the enemy, where once the kakhov sea, the kakhov reservoir flowed between them constantly, throughout the entire time of the full-scale invasion is under constant. enemy shelling, various means of attack, unfortunately, all emergency and rescue operations in kyiv have been completed, in general, 33 victims are known due to a missile attack on the state of the capital, well, i already have information, it was written a little earlier: 34 people died as a result of an enemy attack across the capital of ukraine, and 120 people were injured, more than 120 people were injured, 38 wounded remain in hospitals, six of them...
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are in serious condition, the city military administration reported. and ohmadit with the light of energy, they healed the children's hospital. after the russian missile attack , specialists worked for two days, installed three new transformer substations and mounted 29 cable lines, dtek reported. this will enable the doctors of the medical institution to connect the equipment for work. and portugal will provide ukraine with eur 220 million in aid in the 24th and next 25th years, the prime minister said. portugal luis montenegro. let me remind you that on may 28, kyiv and lisbon signed a 10- year bilateral security agreement. and a large-scale accident in ternopil oblast, six people were injured as a result of a traffic accident on the
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stryi izvarene highway. three trucks, a bus and two suvs collided. at the time of the accident, there were about 40 passengers in the bus, according to the police. region the driver of the truck, a child, two passengers of the bus, as well as the driver and passenger of the suv are currently in the hospital. creativity and sport unite. shalter lviv. children of internally displaced persons and small residents of lviv are invited to join the rich summer program. in the schedule a wide variety of activities, which we will learn more about. media school, aikido, robotics, chess school, horseback riding and many other groups for every taste. thanks to the shelter lviv project, children and adults who were forced to leave their homes due to the war can once again immerse themselves in a carefree childhood, at least for a while.
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our vocation is to conduct various classes for the physical and intellectual development of children and adults, as well as to ... them from war. today we have a new class in our project, media house. children study diction, behavior of oneself in the frame. they have a course of 12 lessons and for six weeks they will learn media literacy. acting lessons, work with voice, diction, articulation, recording in professional recording studios, as well as dubbing cartoons and films. all this is studied by children who dream of trying themselves as presenters, who want to learn to master their voice and choose a creative profession in the future. and at media house, i like that here we are accepted as we are, we are taught to breathe correctly and speak under dubbing
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some, for example, a movie or a passage. i like circles, especially for drawing, there we draw, we had graphics. in the summer , boys and girls prefer sports activities: in the fresh air they play tennis, football, volleyball, basketball, swim in the pool, play chess, and also visit horse excursions. it is sport, says the head of the sports department, alla khokhla, who helps to discipline small brawlers. at this stage, we offered a very wide range of sports assets. for children actually for different ages, it is and sports games, these are intellectual sports, such as chess, for example, these are martial arts sports, such as, for example, aikido, as well as sports games, this is football and actually floorball, korfol, badminton and others.
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martial arts help to get rid of fear, gain self-confidence, and learn to find a common language with other children. i liked these classes, a lot of children i don't know, traveled with a girl alone, of course i would like to go here every day. shelter lviv invites you to join free creative circles and sports sections, internally displaced persons, as well as small residents of lviv.
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threats and risks for ukraine, but above all about opportunities. arseniy yatsenyuk is with us, the head of the kyiv security forces, mr. arseniy. i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i sincerely congratulate you, and the nato summit in washington, how important it is for ukraine, let's start with it, precisely for ours. aspect, we will also consider how ukraine sounded during the opening of this summit in the statements of the leaders of the country who spoke there, how we passed there, how they say, a red thread, please, mr. vasyl, i am now in washington, for the first time in 2.5 years i went to such an important summit, the summit of the 75th anniversary of the founding of nato, and you know what a paradox, that, actually, with what did you start your question with. and where is ukraine on the agenda of this summit, because apparently everyone should talk about
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the founding of nato, about the 32 member countries of the alliance, because this is a key event. so i want to tell you, do you know what the key event is? ukraine. the secretary of state of the united states has just spoken of states, the secretary of defense of the united states, the secretary general of nato, the commander of the us joint forces in europe, general cavoli, all started exclusively from ukraine. i will start with positive news, because you know, there are enough negative ones, and first of all, i would like to express my condolences to those killed and wounded by another terrible russian attack on okhmadit and on the city of kyiv in general, and this, by the way, is the general perception of the situation in ukraine here now on the sidelines of the summit, that is, the positive news is as follows: nato is taking over the command function of actually supplying weapons to ukraine. and on the coordination of all efforts for military assistance, what is this related to, it is related to
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the fact that nato is preparing for the fact that in various countries of the world and in the united states of america, there may be a change of leadership, and i will say this, frankly insured, insured about whether the national countries will help ukraine as much as they are helping now, and therefore decided to create a command center on the basis of nato, and nato transferred all the key coordination functions to itself, and in in principle, this is what the minister's assistant told me yesterday. defense of the united states. second, they use long planning. why the long planning? the key is to provide the ukrainian armed forces with the necessary weapons for two things. the first is to stop russia, and the second, which was extremely important to hear from nato secretary general jan stoltenberg, is to restore the territorial integrity of ukraine, that is, to push russia out of ukrainian territories. the third is that in principle... all countries have agreed, i.e. signed an obligation to help
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ukraine in the long term, and this is a clear signal to the war criminal putin that he will not wait, and i want to hope for it, the fourth is that nato takes on the functions of doing the maximum to achieve interconnection and interoperability between ukraine and the nato member countries, you know, they call it here as the content before ukraine becomes a member of the alliance, and finally, this is what the secretary of state and in general the entire american leadership said this morning about what finally started supply of f-16 and that this summer f-16s will fly over ukrainian territory and defend ukrainian land. therefore, this is positive news. now with regard to the key question that stands for me, this is the question of ukraine's membership in nato. i have the right to talk about it. because in 2008, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, when only 20% of the population of ukraine supported
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ukraine's membership in nato, i signed an appeal to nato, take us to nato. unfortunately, in budapest, sorry, in bucharest, they did not make this decision then. i would like this summit to be the 75th, for the 75th anniversary creation of nato, became truly historic. but this chance is now lost to make it historic, because otherwise. there cannot be a more historic decision than granting ukraine membership in nato. here i want to quote again jan stontelberg, the nato secretary general, who is leaving his post, that is why he so easily began to say that the key for ukraine, how to protect ukraine, is article five of the washington treaty, this is ukraine's membership in nato, this is an attack on one, means an attack on all, therefore two messages, the first message, nato actually accepted. the decision to assume maximum responsibility for aid, military aid to ukraine. second, there will be
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some political dances about the statement, now they still haven't released the final statement that this will be ukraine's bridge to nato, i 'll tell you frankly, i'm least interested in these diplomatic dances, words are important, especially then, when they are supported by actions, that is why there is a package of actions, a key action for ukraine of tomorrow, this is ukraine's membership in nato, there is no alternative. and here is yours. you understand, we will now move on to the issue that i already discussed with the guests today, but they were definitely not in washington, so there would be another question to ask you, i will ask it... i will definitely ask about what is a real obstacle for ukraine's accession to nato, nevertheless, because you talked a little bit about who you had communication with, but based on the communication that you had, what you heard, in the discussions that you participated in , what was voiced, because not always everything that is said is transmitted in communication, always they say a little more, but they choose the most important thing, what are the attitudes of our allies
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regarding ukraine, regarding its prospects, are they neutral? are there perhaps really objections, or are we completely in favor, are we completely supportive, and do they say, perhaps, as they say, on the sidelines or in the fields about corruption, as a problem for ukraine now? i can say very clearly that as we are now at the summit of our allies, there was not a single voice that would even question, firstly, the need for assistance to ukraine, secondly, the goal is... to ukraine won this war, and thirdly, the understanding that putin will not stop, that he must be stopped, all discussions begin with ukraine and end with ukraine, and in addition to this, i will say that you know when you asked what is the role and mission of nato , i don't remember who answered who, i think it was the secretary of state, then its
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key role and mission of nato, now victory in... countries, because nato actually defends the member countries of the alliance, that's why we are here now in the circle of our allies, and among the allies there is no other opinion than to help ukraine. and regarding the question of membership in nato, which you just hinted at, why is there no membership in nato? i will recall the story of 2008, and here, believe me, i do not mince words when i speak to our high-ranking allies. i remember 2008. in 2008, instead of providing an action plan for nato membership. france and germany then blocked this way, then in kyiv i met the then president of the united states, george bush, who came to ukraine in order to promote the issue of nato membership. now it's 2024 outside, where we have incomplete understanding, we have an incomplete
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understanding with our german and currently american partners. eh, why do the americans say that it is necessary to wait until full membership, because it is necessary to end the war, although i am convinced that ukraine's membership in nato will immediately end the war, and secondly, that unity among the allies is needed, i just saw the turkish colleague, there is also needed unity, i did not see any hungarians, but objectively, when a decision will be made on granting ukraine membership in nato, it is necessary to vote... all 32 members, including hungary, that is why the american administration has now made the following decision: to help as much as possible with weapons and finances, but i want to emphasize that the financial assistance is provided until the end of the current year, next year it will have to be voted on again, and you remember how this aid was voted a few months ago, and the second is
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including domestic political issues in the united states, this is electoral. campaigns and the third is unity among all allies, which must be achieved, that is, i am now just for you i explain their logic, but i emphasize once again that in my logic the only correct decision now would be to make ukraine the 33rd member of nato. nato covers 1 billion of the world's population, it is a fourth part of the world, 65% of the entire world economy, and ukraine would be very suitable there, just as finland and sweden were suitable. we, we now, mr. arsenia, just see in the corner of the screen our viewers can see the video, this is the welcoming ceremony of the 75th nato summit in washington, we see joseph biden, the president of the united states of america on the stage, we see jens stoltenberg , i think mark ryut was the first to leave, if i saw well, well , they leave, i understand, the head of state, it’s such a ceremony, photos, greetings, and actually
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you can just see this ceremony online, and we we continue. continuing our conversation and this statement by president joseph biden, it is actually very strong on the one hand, on the other hand we have to understand that, well , obviously the president of the united states of america knows something, maybe that we don't know, if he says it, he says: ukraine will win, have no illusions, ukraine will win this war, it is capable of stopping putin's aggression, this is a task that the ukrainian army can handle, and ukraine will defeat russia. again , i will ask. in such simple words, this is to explain to our viewers, now a lot of people will be discouraged, especially, as people say, those who are tired and withdrawn, i am saying now, it is not with sarcasm, i am saying it is sometimes with sadness, unfortunately, so that... all people are alive, soldiers at the front every day in these weather conditions, shelling, battles, times of injury, there is no rotation somewhere, people, well actually the situation
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is not easy in ukraine, these words, but they sound very strong, what do you think president biden means when he says that we are able to win, and the ukrainian army is able to do it, with which with the help of our partners, we can do it, because what we are capable of, i believe in our army and in our people, but what help should we be given to make it happen. please, you said well that there is despondency, i will tell you that despondency is the shortest path to defeat, that's how it should be realists, you have to look at things very realistically, and for all these years i have been saying that under no circumstances could and cannot now underestimate the aggressive, cruel and vile enemy that is russia, moreover, russia is not alone, and it is necessary to clearly... realize that russia is supported not just by north korea and iran, russia is supported by china, this is what was said more than once, including to our powerful people
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in kyiv, that china will not support ukraine, china will support russia, and secretary of state blincone has just announced the the fact that 90% 90 of all the microelectronics that russia needs to make weapons and missiles that kill ukrainians and bomb kyiv, guess where they come from, from china, 70% of the machinery that russia needs to rebuild its military potential , also guess where they come from china, so we are fighting for our freedom not just against russia, we are fighting for our freedom against the axis of evil and the axis of dictatorship, and here i will allow myself to correct the president. states of joseph biden, with whom we once worked when he was the vice president, when he says that ukraine will win, yes, ukraine will win, but this is far from a war not only of ukraine
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for its independence, it is a war of the entire democratic world, so it will be more correct when president biden says: we, as a democratic the world, we will all win in this righteous war of ukraine for its independence and for its freedom, and this is what the united states is doing now. this is what our allies, not only the united states, because if you look at the numbers, the latest data from the kehl institute, that is, in general, ukraine received and receives about 320 billion dollars, of which half are our european partners and half are our american allies. therefore, answering your direct question, will ukraine win? yes, ukraine will win if ukraine is together with the entire democratic and civilized world, and this democratic and civilized world will be. not only with words, but also with actions, as they do today only fast, operative, not to be afraid, to help ukraine every day, and i emphasize once again,
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this is what is on the agenda today the pentagon, that is, it's not from the media, i heard, it's direct meetings with the assistant secretary of defense of the united states of america, who said very clearly: "we plan for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a year and two years ahead, in order for you to win this war ". i would also like to ask how they reacted and... officially and perhaps in conversations, as they say, again on the sidelines of the summit, to the missile attack by putin, putin's russia, already today, by the way, photos of those well, at least one of those pilots who launched this rocket, that is, these are specific people, who did it, i hope, i don't hope, i know for sure that our special services will find an opportunity for justice to rise in this story, yes, but what was the reaction to this missile attack and what does it say... because honestly , if you look at it that way according to the logic of the fact that these are orban's peacekeeping visits, and everyone was talking about some putin there, about the istanbul agreements, everyone thought that he probably wanted to say something, somewhere, and here
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, on the eve of the summit, here is such a crooked story, which could have been much bloodier, just a little the rocket, well, fortunately not, well, let’s put it this way, it could have hit a few tens of meters in a different place in ahmadita, it would have been even more terrible, but it’s still terrible, what was the reaction and again... what actions might it provoke our partners, did it have an impact on that? from this, in fact, all the meetings began, because this is a shocking tragedy that once again awakened the whole world, and here there is no doubt in anyone's mind that putin deliberately committed this act of aggression, this act of murder, that he deliberately chose these targets, that he deliberately. .. did it right before the nato summit, and that this is another clear signal that this is a genocidal war, he wants the destruction of the ukrainian state and
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the ukrainian nation. and that's why, well, you know, this is another such call, once again woke up our allies, and yesterday in the pentagon it was clearly stated that this is why the pentagon is additionally increasing the supply of patriots and fokks, these are anti-missile defense systems for ukraine, and this there must be a clear answer, i.e. a clear answer not with statements or words, but a clear anti-missile answer defense for... ukraine. the clear answer is to give ukraine the opportunity to strike military facilities on the territory of the russian federation. this is what we expect. that is, yes, we were given the opportunity, but we need to be given a longer distance and, accordingly, a weapon that will fly further and hit russian objects, eliminating the opportunity for russia to attack ukraine. by the way, i am watching, listening to you,
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watching, continuing to watch the video. we are now showing online live the welcome ceremony at the nato summit, just before biden and jens stoltenberg was approached by the president of poland, if i saw everything correctly, andrzej duda, and i understand that the president of ukraine should also approach there, now it is volodymyr zelenskyi, then maybe we will hire another president, another one would be suitable, it doesn’t matter, but that’s what i am i understand that now there are greeting ceremonies, statements have been made, many important statements on strengthening, what else should be expected during this time of work and whether the ukrainian... side, ukrainian diplomacy, well here you are, as well as a person who represents the security of forms, ukraine, a ukrainian politician, but to influence something these days, concretely, as they say, tactically, maybe not strategically, but tactically to influence something, well, it seems to me that now ukrainian diplomacy and the ukrainian authorities are doing their best to ensure that ukraine is on the agenda, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the russian war. against
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ukraine became a key event in general on the european continent after the second world war, precisely after the second world war, as a result of which the north atlantic alliance was created, so is it possible to do more, the ukrainian soldier does the most, the ukrainian army does the most, and the ukrainian army and the ukrainian soldier need the help of the entire civilized world, and this is what we, at least now, see and not just hear, but also... concretely observe the actions of our western allies, this war, unfortunately, is for a long time, there is no other option for ukraine and for the western world, how to win this war, because this war is a test of the general ability of democracy, to defeat autocracy and dictatorship. this war is a test of whether you can hold the global world order that was established after the second world war, at least
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somehow, because it is practically destroyed. in general, this is a war about whether it is possible to protect humanity, whether it is possible to protect human rights and freedoms, in general, our life, and it seems to me that, as of today, our allies understand this very well. i am not talking about nato anymore, i would like you as a diplomat, as a person who understands what a slap is and how westerners should react to it, or it is not even a slap, it is just disgusting the behavior of the enemy in... russia, she is the head of the security council there and arranged a festive dinner, where the main dish was chicken caves in tepeli style, cutlets in kyiv style, you know, it sounded like that, well, it’s just how, how to explain it, this diplomatic slap , it's a mockery, it's a ghetto, which russia once again demonstrated to the whole world, after the missile attack on kiev, she offered to the guests at this dinner, taste the kiev cutlet, how about that?
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our partners, in general, members of the un, who understand what happened, should react. cutlet we will eat kyiv-style in ukraine, when we want, and if we want to eat this cutlet in the kyiv-style, we will heat it up and cook it on russian nesting boxes. thank you very much for your emotions, for your work, for your comments and for your position. arseniy yatsenyuk was with us, the head of the kyiv security forum, in fact, very much to the point, and i am also in favor of cooking cutlets in the kyiv style on russian matryoshkas, but you know that, i will demonstrate it once again... ruvalo, what, well, let's go more on that later, i will, i will pick up epithets and some synonyms for a long time to search in order to explain it, but surely they will not be found, they do not exist in normal human language in order to somehow characterize russia and its behavior, now the pause did not last long, and then we will continue, usual affairs become unreal, heavy bags
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are not for... that sore back, from back pain.


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