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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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increased, so yes, putin is waiting for trump, but at the same time, i think there are no big illusions that it is trump who will play in favor of russia, that there will be peace on russian terms, so far there is no information about what trump wants peace on russian terms, it would look like a defeat for the united states, and today president zelenskyy rightly emphasized that, in fact , any president is for putin. the usa is evil, yes, and he can tactically choose between them to support someone there, but there was already a situation when russia supported trump, and that ended the fact that relations between the united states and russia worsened precisely during trump's presidency , zherinovsky, who had already gone to a concert in kobzon, olivier distributed champagne beer in the duma, then russian ships, launched tomahawks destroyed russian air defense systems and planes at airfields in syria, was .
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we received velin just then, yes, so there is no need to be afraid of trump in advance, we need to work to ensure that us support is preserved for ukraine. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, volodymyr fasenko, a political scientist was in touch with us, we are we will continue the political science topics, we will have a guest, literally right there, we already have the next guest we have been waiting for, and i am also a big one. of the kyiv-mohyla academy and the scientific director of the center, gentlemen, mr. oleksiy, good evening, let me tell you, named after elko kuchariv, that's it, i'm already on the air for the third hour, i'm already starting somewhere, maybe someone will speak, thank you for joining us, we've actually started conversation with mr. volodymyr, we may not significantly change the vector, but i would also very much like to include here... in this
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conversation and positions, possible positions and the possible role and influence of the countries of the global south in deciding the course of this war and that these words of trump, not trump, joseph biden, were said, do not have, do not be deceived, do not deceive yourself, ukraine will win, the ukrainian army is capable to defeat russia on the battlefield, so that these words really become a reality, it is important to understand the role of the global south here, so i will still start with that, i will now... with your permission, i will read very briefly the post of oleksandr krayev, which is actually an americanist and specialist of the ukrainian company the prism of this issue, he says that joe biden tried to challenge the inclusion of the wording about the irreversibility of ukraine's accession to nato in the draft communiqué of the alliance summit in washington, according to the washington post with a message to sources, the main reason is that ukraine has not done enough to fight corruption. as a result, what do you think we can get out of this communique and what should we get in order to... with good
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support behind us and guns in our hands to move forward and again so that biden's words about that we can win, were not just a figure of speech, as they say, but were something of a confirmation, please, if he said that corruption in ukraine is an obstacle to the movement towards nato, then it is probably partly true, but it is not the main thing. the reason is that we understand this very well, that is, we still understand that corruption is a problem, but we have done a lot to fight corruption, and there is corruption in nato countries as well, the main thing here is what we can do, it is because the ukrainian army and ukrainian society are fighting, they are really fighting for democracy and nato countries, and we die so that nato countries feel safe. this should be, this should be
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the main thing, this is what should determine the position of the leadership, the leadership of the alliance countries, because there decisions are made by consensus, but when we say should determine, we know that if moral imperatives and even there are some strategic imperatives , they do not always play the main role, because my colleague was right. vsenko that the united states and germany are the two countries that are still opposed to ukraine's membership in nato, and precisely because of the nuclear, because of the nuclear factor. you know, i think that, of course, the timing of this summit is not very favorable, not very favorable for ukraine, well, it was not possible to postpone it, because it is the date of 75 years. it could have been held there a little earlier,
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a little later, but that this is the peak of the election campaign in the united states, and under the conditions when both candidates are running... in step, ah, biden does not want to take risky steps, he is actually afraid, that he will then come under criticism from trump and his supporters, which they say biden can do drag the united states into the war. therefore , the combination of these factors leads to the fact that the decision has not yet been made, well , we really did not expect it at this summit. and the fact that the invitation to nato membership will be recorded in some way , as it was in vilnius, there were really warmed up, heated expectations, and even more so
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, there were disappointments. now we realized that this will not happen, so if it is written that the movement is irreversible, that is, it is not reversed. well, that will be fine, and i agree with that sensei, we will see what the final words of the communique will be, there were talks that a separate security agreement could be signed between nato and ukraine, then they disappeared somewhere, i haven't heard anything about it in recent days, but what can we talk about, probably, this is what... aid is increasing, aid is increasing, aid from various nato countries, the numbers are increasing, but, unfortunately, this has not yet brought a turning point in the course of the war. let's hope that after all the west also
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mobilizes, because obviously when we talk about our victory in this war, if we will not receive the necessary... military aid from the west, if we do not receive help in the form of strengthening economic sanctions against russia and closing the loopholes in the already existing sanctions, it is obvious that the conflict will be a war and the war will drag on, we must understand this, so really, if, for example, trump wins, well, it’s ambiguous, no one knows what kind of policy trump will pursue, and not only... but with regard to ukraine, he is unpredictable with regard to almost all the foundations of international, international politics, well, then we we don't know what it will be situation, maybe he will really provide ukraine
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with the necessary help, and maybe not, he will somehow try to pacify ukraine from russia, so a lot depends on these american elections, well, i'm saying that. platitudes, but just to clarify again, that's why every step of biden, he's measured here, he's limited by the opportunities and risks of the election campaign, you seem to have also asked about the global south, yes, well , in particular, i would like you to know maybe , what would you like to say about ours in this regard opportunities where we will not finish, where we can... essential support for ukraine now, but also for you to explain these words, as far as i understand, of the newly elected, well , the new old prime minister of india, the indian republic, narendra modi , who told putin, not that there are deadly words, but unpleasant for putin, because we know that
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india buys both gas and oil there, but the truth is that russians cannot take rupees from india, they do not pay in other currencies, but the point is not that he said that war is nothing not you. you won't solve anything with a weapon on the battlefield, these words were at least important that it was said, if we talk about the global south in general, what are the prospects in ukraine, now, you know, the nearest prospects, let's put it this way, well, look, if we talk about india's position, we should not simplify it, it is actually very complicated and controversial, because, for example, prime minister modi, he did not go to the sco summit, so the shanghai one. cooperation, it was a clear sign, instead he went, well, that's possible to be connected not only with russia, but also with china, with china's policy, because despite the fact that india, and china, and russia are members of the sco, despite the fact that they are members of the brics, but
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in fact the main threat to india is china, yes, and that's why india's politics, it's like that, they have the world. the term, well, we can translate it plurilateralism, yes, well , that is, relatively speaking, multipolarity, yes, but modi went to putin, said these words that war does not solve anything, but to interpret what should be , there should be further dialogue and negotiations, this can be interpreted in different ways, well, they also wrote that , unfortunately, he hugged modi and putin, yes, and i think this could have been avoided, yes, these gestures, yes, that is why india is interested in the world. relations with the west, because she understands that the main income, innovation,
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even now now and military equipment, if before all this all this was coming, well, we just saw these hugs, and this is literally already or after, or in my opinion even after the attack on okhmadita in kyiv, that is why india's position here remains ambiguous, in general, if talk about... the global south, well , let's look at the results of the global peace summit, let's not dramatize it, after all, 100 countries came, but 80 is only under 80 - it's also a lot, because about 40 of them are western countries, and the rest - these are the countries of the global south, signed this communique, but these countries that are from the global south, that are part of the big twenty, they get. with the exception of argentina, that is , brazil, mexico, and saudi arabia also abstained, and
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egypt won, that's why, that's why, unfortunately, thailand abstained here, well, thailand is not a member of the big twenties, but nevertheless, the country is quite influential, that is, the countries of the global south are still for... now they are taking a rather cautious position, yes, well, except for those who were, who sent their representatives, and at a high level, like for example, the same president, the president of argentina, here, but, i would not overestimate our opportunities in the global south now, you know, i used to be a little more optimistic, because... at the beginning of the war, when there were resolutions against russian aggression in the un then voted
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140 countries plus, that is, it is obvious that the majority of countries, precisely from the global south, they voted in support of these resolutions, but voting in support of these resolutions, well, this does not mean taking any concrete steps, now we see that this number has signed this communiqué is only eight...countries, which is also a lot, yes, so you can work here, but it's a shame that some countries refused to sign this, the communique, by the way, i forgot to mention south africa, it's interesting that in south changes are possible in africa, gradual, why, because that a coalition government was formed there for the first time, previously nelson mandela's party, the african national congress, was in power. year, and they were not limited by anything, and now they have gained a majority, and therefore they
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were forced to join a coalition, where the main party is the democratic alliance, which simply takes pro-ukrainian positions, and their leader used to come, it was a couple of years ago, came to of ukraine already during the war, that is, maybe there will be some changes, course correction regarding, regarding... the war, but i would be here cautious, that is, cautious in the sense that again, when we talk about this global peace summit, the first one that was held, and this communiqué, it was focused around three issues that were supposed to be the lowest common denominator, yes, that is food security , nuclear safety, return. exchange of captives and returned children, that is, it would seem that
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a lot of countries should unite around this, but see, brazil, south africa, india, mexico, there is saudi arabia, they took and held back, even though it seemed that there abstain. now we hear that the second peace summit will be held soon. i would also be careful here, it seems to me that the main thing for us now is not to... set any chronological framework, but still work for the result, and the result will be open first of all. the west, which provides us with arms and weapons and which imposes economic sanctions, although some countries of the global south, they joined those sanctions, by the way, it is interesting that singapore came to the global peace summit, but how next, how far are we going to move even with with these, with three points,
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which have already been signed, how will we move forward if we look. this is on another provision of zelenskyi’s formula, that is, here i think, in fact, both diplomats and experts have many questions, and hey, i wouldn’t jump ahead here, i will only add the opinion of our viewers, people are watching us, the broadcast continues on youtube, who there is light now, here they are writing, and our contributor and viewer, who calls himself sirk, and... everyone is watching the events, who will be stronger, so the zsu should strike. well, in principle, i can agree somewhere that really, who has to be stronger, but strength of spirit is one thing, it is, of course, strength in modern war - it is resources, weapons, opportunities, timely rotation, reinforcements, as president zelenskyi said recently, we have 14 newly formed brigades,
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that's up to 70, 70 -90,000 soldiers, but there is no weaponry for them, this is a reserve, for example, that is... what we can do is, we have weapons worth 230 billion ukrainian, which the ministry of defense cannot purchase, because we have obvious and visible problems with budget funding, this is also clear and obvious, but here is good, well, at least the news, voiced on the sidelines of the summit, which is ongoing in washington, the european truth with reference to ntv writes not on ntv, the russian one, on nn tv they write that in the joint statement of the countries published on the sidelines of the nato summit, it is said that tamagawa. russian, american, fortunately not russian tomahawks, cruise missiles will be placed in germany in order to strengthen the deterrence and protection of its nato partners, well, that is , germany, after all, it is already closer than its mediterranean waters of the mediterranean sea, where the us sixth fleet is based there too there are tomahawks, but then again it's a moment, well plus a security agreement will be signed with romania, signed with luxembourg, signed
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there with portugal, well, in particular , a security agreement will be signed with romania, the president said... johannis, klaus johannis, president of romania, these agreements are also important, their signings, but again well, here i would like to ask us for literally 5 minutes, maybe a little less, but i would like to ask, because i read among my friends, contributors on facebook, people who are strong, intelligent, dedicated, well, they say about that it is difficult, difficult to keep yourself together in this story, realizing that now you don't see, perhaps , some perspective, you need to... just work every day, seeing this perspective, this is exactly what valery pekar writes, for example, you need to do a certain work every day, the attitude of society is that you have information , assessment, perhaps you are planning to measure the mood of society by how people are ready to go through this difficult, dark time, but it must be passed. well, look, i was just
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looking at the last, let's say, what was officially released, officially released was pito. one of the latest polls by kmis, it's may 26 and the first since june 1, so it's more than a month ago, but if we're talking about the war, then 58% of ukrainians agree that the ukrainian government should not make compromises in the negotiations, that ukraine will continue... how much will it take, 30% do not agree with this statement, that is, here we see that there has really been a fall in those who say that we should not make compromises, and where there has been an increase in the share of those who believe that we can compromise some concessions
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of russia, including territorial ones, this well, it's real. yes, that is, this is what we, the people, get tired of, but the majority still says that no, we should not make these compromises and we have to, at the cost, at the cost of ukrainian national interests, so we need optimism, we need success, you understand , we need successes, and we need to talk more about these successes, which we have, that is, it is obvious that if we manage to achieve at least some symbolic successes, new weapons will arrive at the front from the west, we will carry out appropriate strikes, then the optimism of ukrainians will grow , a so of course it's hard, it's hard for everyone, and a political scientist. the enemy is fighting over there in the settlement of new york, during yari, i constantly read kirill
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sazonov, your colleague, a political scientist, now a military man, also heavy battles, toretsk everywhere is difficult, difficult, hot, hot, the enemy uses elite troops, and then you read so, vaks and sizo releases people who signed contracts worth billions of corruption to the ministry of defense, and you see, it turns out that you can get out... from the pre-trial detention center, well, there are just such, you know, there are many things that demotivate, just, well they don't demotivate me, because i roughly understand why this happens, but you still understand, well, it shouldn't be like that, well, then one day, someone leaves, against whom the case is against, but there is a lot of money abroad and there is no this person has no problems, and there shouldn’t be such a thing either, you know, i’m very brief, we have two minutes, but i’m very brief, in your opinion, there was news today that maryuska wrote a statement for dismissal to the minister of justice, well, as if didn't write, but in general... in your opinion , it will be changed by the fall, or let it be there in the fall government? well, it looks like the chair is under
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the wheel, that it is swaying and that a change is quite possible, by the way, what it will lead to, i don't know, you understand, because the role of the government in our country is that everyone listens to what the office says, well , he will set up a fair of his people there, and how will it affect future politics, by the way... and by the way, and you are absolutely right, that it is necessary to show this fight against corruption, it is necessary to show it, really, realistically, that is, it is necessary to have a strategy of communication with society, by the way, there is an interesting point, because in the law on legal status, there it is said that during the war, you can't shoot, you can't, you can't send the cabinet of ministers out of office. min should automatically resign if the prime minister is dismissed, although even here a debate is starting among lawyers, because some, well, even such, well, i would say,
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a person whom i respect very much is andrii magera, he says , that in this case the law, it goes beyond the limits of the constitution, that is, the law is, that is, that according to the constitution there should not be such restrictions, that is, that here too the law is... which details excessively what can actually be, well, by the way, the law can be easily changed, yes, that is, 50 seconds, 226 votes, but here questions arise, including on legitimacy, although, if a political decision is made, then it will be carried out, there is no doubt here, there is no doubt, but it is really necessary, and my advice is not to read social media at night. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, oleksiy gran, professor of political science at the kivomoghlyan academy, scientific director of the
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ilko kuchariv democratic initiatives foundation, was with us in touch, now they will tell me how much time i still have to say goodbye to you, so natalka didenko will tell us about the weather in ukraine tomorrow, and then we will meet again. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, dear viewers, we are starting today's hot meeting with a trip to the park and we will talk about the kremenets botanical garden, not exactly a park, it is a botanical garden of national importance in ukraine, located in the ternopil region in the city, of course, kremenets , it was laid in 1754. as pharmacy garden, jesuit collegium. since 1805 , the botanical garden has been part of the volyn gymnasium. in 1806 it was partly re-planned
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by the irish gardener, mickler, mackler. it occurs under different surnames. a significant part consists of rare and very rare plants, trees and bushes. in 1811, a catalog of garden plants was printed, including rare, edible chestnut, canadian pine, white mulberry, tulip tree. in 1832-34, the most valuable breeds were transported to kyiv, the botanical garden, now named academician fomin. this is one of the largest and oldest botanical gardens of ukraine, and it has incredibly picturesque views of the city, and the uniqueness of the garden is that it combines the collection in its natural state. original vegetation of the kremenets mountains, this is the kremenets botanical garden. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field.
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activation is expected tomorrow, that is, a magnet. storms sometime in the afternoon and evening, please be careful, especially careful now in this hot period to your health, and finally , we traditionally start the weather forecast for july 11 from the western regions, so there is a possibility of local short-term heavy rains tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, but this will have little effect on the general redeeming picture, there is expected a high temperature of 30- 34 above zero. uh, in the north, not northern weather at all, so to speak, 31-34, dry, sunny, high fire danger, in the east of ukraine, strong heat, very strong heat, 34-38 places higher, sunny without precipitation, in the central part of ukraine has a similar situation, here the air temperature is expected to be within 32-38°, and in the southern part of ukraine
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it is just... very hot +35-40° without precipitation. hot weather is expected in kyiv tomorrow. the air temperature will fluctuate between 32-34°. i would like to say that the heat will last until the end of the week. the peak of the heat is friday, saturday, sunday and next monday. the air temperature will reach plus 40 in many regions of ukraine. and i also want to say. that according to preliminary forecasts , the heat will continue into the next week, therefore once again, the nearest weather in ukraine is hot, very hot, the peak air temperature is friday, saturday, sunday, monday, but of course, keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. it's hot,
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and i would like something positive. to finish, but unfortunately, an air alert has been declared throughout the territory of our state, all regions, as they say, are red, stay in shelters, protect yourself as much as possible from the enemy threat, i still wish you to hold on, survive until tomorrow, and we will meet at 18 :10, well and literally in a few moments, bbc news ukraine will be at your attention, and i still have literally 30 seconds, somewhere in the city, take shelter at home between two walls, if possible... this time is the enemy, especially until the nato summit, we see , the enemy uses this in order to play his note as much as possible, this disgusting russian note, so that it will be heard there in washington, so there are huge risks that the enemy may strike the theme in kiev or in vinnytsia or in kirovograd, you can in kropyvnytskyi, in any - any city of our country, we understand that it has its own diabolical plans, and now we will, and we will also follow the events at the summit,
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we will... inform you, and most importantly, you will definitely find out, especially about the communique for ukraine, the effective, as they say, part, for which we and we are waiting for the finale of this summit, well, then for your attention i offer bbc news ukraine, stay with us and watch together.
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five new air defense systems are promised in ukraine, fighter jets already in the summer, while the nato summit is taking place in washington. what will kyiv get from this meetings, we are talking about it on the bbc, live from london, i am evgenia shedlovska. previously, kyiv with... assured that the door to nato remains open, and now we are talking about a bridge to nato and an irreversible path to it, what this may mean, we will talk later, and now let's look at how this summit in washington began. the ceremonial opening in the hall where the north atlantic treaty was signed 75 years ago, which created the alliance, and president biden assures that it is stronger than ever.


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