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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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work against the interests of nato, having close contacts with the russian federation and china, within the alliance itself. i am very grateful to you for joining our broadcast, we were contacted by hanna gubkova, the head of the board of the ans network for the protection of national interests, also a former member of parliament from washington joined our broadcast, and we discussed ukraine's own prospects for receiving an invitation to join in nato thank you. well, after the debate between us presidential candidates donald trump and joe biden, the situation was not in favor of the latter. trying to have time to prepare for them during foreign trips, the current president could not beat trump in eloquence. the conversation about whether the oldest president in the history of the united states will be able to continue breaking records and go for a second term is heard even outside the borders of america. see what they say about joe biden's health and how trump uses it in
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the article. at the nato summit in washington , the main topic was supposed to be unity in defense and assistance to ukraine. but for now, the international community and american allies are closely watching the way us president joe biden behaves - experts say. i do n't think the talking points at the summit are going to be the -- the ongoing debate about president biden's debate performance and whether he should stay in the race. nato summits are a scripted affair, the results of the work are worked out in advance, and in many ways this is a diplomatic meeting that will focus on supporting ukraine, and behind the scenes there is a lot of excitement about the us election and who will win. such political events in europe cause great alarm. the state of health of the american president is of interest to everyone because of the recent debate. between him
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and donald trump, where the latter showed a much better result. the american press called biden's voice a hoarseness of the phrase plutans, and the reactions were slow. the unsuccessful performance even forced the democrats to talk about the probable replacement of him in the presidential elections. the day before, three democratic senators expressed their doubts that biden is able to win the presidential elections in november. the aksios publication learned about it from own sources. one of the senators, michael bennett, told the newspaper. that believes donald trump is on track to win this election. rumors of serious illness have fueled concerns for both joe biden supporters and voters who have not yet decided who they will vote for. in order to allay all fears, the white house website published a report by joe biden's personal physician, which states that the president has no signs of parkinson's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis or other neurological disorders. and bad condition biden for the debate? in the white house, it was explained
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by the air pilots the day before and the change of time zones. americans, people watching, who are usually not familiar with the day-to-day happenings in this world. the white house website has a comprehensive medical report. i encourage them to take a look, read this report. he had a bad night, we talked about it, he understands people's worries. continues to add sauce. joe biden's competitor donald trump added fuel to the fire. at a meeting with his supporters at his golf resort, he even publicly called biden for a golf match. like, it's going to be the most watched sporting event in history. from the day the debate took place until today, he constantly talks about how he defeated biden and focuses on the president's health. meanwhile
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, the radical left democratic party is divided in chaos and in full-scale disintegration, all because they can't decide which of their candidates is more unfit to be president. a sleepy crooked joe biden or a laughing kamala. as you know, during our recent debate, and to the credit of all of you, i handed joe biden, even if you believe the bogus ghost, the most decisive and convincing defeat in the history of presidential debates. the laughing kamala that trump is talking about is kamala harris, the vice president of the united states. the american press called her a really viable replacement for joe biden if he had to drop out of the presidential race, and when asked if she was ready to lead the country if necessary, she said that she was proud to be joe biden's running mate. olga armenian, radio liberty. while in
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washington, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi said that russian troops must completely withdraw from the territory of ukraine, otherwise the conflict will be frozen and... moscow may be tempted to attack ukraine again. this is how he answered, speaking at the ronald reagan center in washington, to the question of whether kyiv plans to enter the borders of 1991. zelenskyi expressed confidence that russia must lose the war if the west firmly supports ukraine, because the gdp of russia is 10 times smaller than the gdp of the united states. also zelensky reiterated ukraine's desire to hold the second peace summit already this year in order to embody the ukrainian peace formula, which provides for peace, but peace is fair for ukraine. he also said that he cannot predict the behavior of donald trump in the event of his victory in the us presidential elections this fall, because he did not work with him during the great war of russia against ukraine. at the same time
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, zelenskyi doubted that trump can withdraw the usa from nato. if the american people vote for donald trump. then i hope that his policy towards ukraine is not will change i don't know him very well. i had meetings with him and those meetings were good when he was president, but we didn't work with him going through the war, and it's only during the war that you know if you can count on someone or not. volodymyr ogrysko, head of the russian research center and minister of foreign affairs, is in touch with us. of ukraine 2007-2009, good evening, well, i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr, good health, and to you too, how serious is the concern that the support of ukraine from the side of donald trump, if he wins the elections, so that this assistance can significantly decrease? i think these are exaggerated
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warnings, because you see, european nato countries. understanding certain risks, they insure, they insure, it seems to me, absolutely reasonable and adequate, and if this figure of 40 billion becomes the norm, and other sums will definitely be added to it, then such assistance in general will be enough to not only deter the enemy, but also to inflict devastating losses on him, and i am very glad that president zelenskyi or... stated clearly and clearly that no territorial there can be no concessions to the enemy, and all the pseudo- peace proposals that come from one or the other corner of the world are actually just
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a variant of russian ipso, and it is very good that they will hear it. those politicians in the west who for some reason still believe that the role of the kremlin, loudmouths is more important for them than common sense and simple conscience. but what can we say about these concerns of the alliance itself regarding its own security, if donald trump wins the elections, we heard from him that he is considering the possibility of... leading the us out of nato, even to encourage russia to attack nato countries if they do not sufficiently finance defense and make contributions, but this is a real concern, if it is not even about the security of ukraine, but about the security of the entire alliance? well, you see, we have to
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understand the psychology of this person, who is first of all a businessman, and this businessman reacts quite... well, so aggressively to the fact that a business partner, so to speak, does not fulfill his obligations, well, it is in it is unacceptable for business, so if you promise that you will deliver for defense, 2% of your gdp, and you give one and a half, or one, or 0.5, well, then you are simply deceiving your partner, i can understand such... logic, well, if we have agreed on some joint work, then let's talk about it together take care, you see, europe rested in a warm bath for 30 years, expecting that russia will be civilized one day, and the usa
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will protect europe in any case, well, you see, so this period of this warm bath is coming to an end, you have to watch... really in the eye, and it's very good that today, by the way, european politicians, and most of them have opened their eyes, are beginning to understand more and more and better and better what the wild... is not completely inadequate policy of russia and are forced to think about their own security, and that is very good. well, it turns out that these concerns of hers have a basis, and we actually see that many, some nato members are still starting to allocate more for their own defense, obviously, worrying that biden really can, i’m sorry, trump can ... to make a decision to withdraw from nato, if he becomes president, let's talk, no, i'm sorry,
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mr. oleksandr, i'm sorry, i'll come a little bit, that's it, this option is not realistic, trump will not go anywhere, because the congress already under the current president approved the law, which entered into force, that without the permission of the congress, the american president cannot to accept alone. the decision to withdraw from the alliance, so this is all pre-election rhetoric, these are clear ways for trump to simply increase his popularity at the expense of riva's statements and nothing more. let's talk about his likely opponent in the presidential election, about joe biden, the current president of the united states. that's how much the topic of his health is currently hanging over the nato summit, it's being written about, well, everyone who isn't lazy, is it really... it's a central topic on the sidelines at least, well, you know, you know,
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i, i'm surprised that well, the world press, instead of discussing some really serious issues, focuses on this yellowness, did he stand straight, did he walk a little bent, did he speak too long or too much. in short, you understand, well, this is actually a replacement of concepts and what is called, well, correct from the point of view of logic, the investigation of what is needed, we ultimately need this politician to be sane and intelligent and make adequate decisions, well, for now, at least, from what we see, inadequate was not. there were no revolutionary ones - that's true, there weren't any that we liked, that's true, but
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to say that, well, if i'm talking about the interest of ukraine, but to say that there were some decisions that, well, didn't fit into healthy fool, well, to be honest, i am like that i don't see any solutions. at the very end, i would like to ask you to briefly answer in a minute, the hungarian prime minister viktor orbán met with the turkish leader in washington. recep tayyip erdoğan, he says that this is a continuation of his peacekeeping mission, and he has already been to kyiv, moscow and beijing, should this be taken seriously and does this activity go against ukrainian efforts, i will ask you to answer in a minute. well, the peacekeeping efforts and all these peacemaking plans ended yesterday after the bombing of the kyiv children's hospital. therefore, let's not allocate pay some attention to this, the president, i will repeat once more. stated that there cannot be any negotiations, if it is not about the restoration
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of our internationally recognized borders, all those plans that are currently being rumored in different parts of the world do not include this very point, so talking about any negotiations today is just playing in favor of moscow propagandists, well, actually speaking, ukraine should hope that orban's tour and in particular his efforts will not start. to be taken seriously in the countries that are partners of ukraine, i thank you that you joined our broadcast, we were contacted by volodymyr gryzko, head of the russian research center, ex-minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, we actually talked about the nato summit, which is currently taking place in washington. well, this is where svoboda live comes to an end. i thank you for watching our air, write comments under this youtube broadcast where you watch so we know what topics. are of interest to you and we will return to them in the next broadcasts, at the very end i want to urge you to subscribe to the pages of radio liberty on
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social networks, we are on all social networks networks, so subscribe where you are comfortable. sashko shevchenko spent this stage and goodbye. there are discounts representing the only discounts on eden 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and. football europe is ready to crown a new national team, who will become the champion and forever go down in history, watch all euro-2 matches. exclusively on meggogo, her discounts represent the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. fm galicia. listen to yours.
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winters my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. colleagues, we will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and how the world lives. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy, dobryvechir. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka with me and sports news. i invite you to conversations of yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. that many people have become movridnidenko already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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hello, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresyn. sharp presentation of facts. and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond that, who well then for china, my heart hurts, all this is in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. we are looking for 15-year-old polina hryhorova. information about the girl's disappearance came on the first day of the full-scale war. and that's it not surprising, because the girl lived in the village of kivsharivka in the kharkiv region. it is not far from kupyansk and this area was occupied in the first days of the full-scale invasion. despite the fact that in the fall of 2022, the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces liberated
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kharkiv oblast, the girl was never found. so the child is still wanted. i hope that with your help the girl will be found. let's take another look at her photo. polina has light blond hair, blue eyes and a round face. i would like to note that this photo was taken before the war. now the girl is already 15 years old. if someone suddenly seen her or know where she may be now, call us immediately on the magnolia children's helpline on the short number 11630. calls. of any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chat bot, the child tracing service in telegram. and now , once again, i want to tell the amazing story of seven-year-old sofiyka golynska. the girl lived with her mother in odesa in the city of balta. and imagine, it disappeared at the end of 2020
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. the police say that she kidnapped the child grandmother, ludmila holinska. for more than three years, the woman has been hiding her child for unknown reasons. it was established that in december 2020 , a woman kidnapped her three-year-old granddaughter sofya golynska in the baltsky district of the odesa region. but until now, their exact location is unknown. lyudmila mykhaylivna gollynska 01.04. born in 1968, height about 162-170 cm, dense build. shaking, hair color can change. his eyes are light, he has visible birthmarks in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. previously, there was a version that already during a full-scale war, a child could be taken abroad to one of the countries of the european union. and later the police said that the alleged abductor of the girl, her grandmother, may be in kyiv. of course, if you follow her trail, there is a good chance that it will be the
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location of the child, but sophia's grandmother is carefully disguised and constantly changes her appearance, but i really hope that one of you will recognize her and help to establish her location and most importantly, so that it will be possible to find her sofiyka golinska. to everyone, and especially to the people of kyiv, if anyone has seen this woman or knows where she can be be, immediately call us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators are free, what about seven-year-old sofiyka, now it is very difficult to describe her appearance. imagine, the girl's mother last saw her little one when she was only 3.5 years old. i do not know the fate of my child, what condition she is in, what she looks like, she was 20 meters tall at the time, she had blue eyes, she was dressed for
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the last time in a baby bone, blue saucers, a little blue blouse, with two tails, that was in the 20th year, of course in more than three years, sofiyka has grown up and changed, but i don't think that it is so drastic... that she is unrecognizable, so i ask you to look closely at her face. the girl has big blue eyes and light blond hair, approximately 110-120 cm tall. in these photos, she is about three years old, but this is one of the last pictures where sofia is about 3.5. of course, the girl's mother also has a video of her daughter. well, you're an adult girl already? hey, not that, but that, not that, but that. let me remind you that
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sofia is seven years old now, of course, she already is speaks normally and expresses his thoughts. if you see a child who looks like her somewhere, or if you see her grandmother, who is suspected of abducting a child, do not delay and immediately dial the short number of the child tracing service. calls from any mobile operator are free, you can call the hotline at any time of the day. in addition, important information can always be transmitted using the child tracing service chatbot in telegram. you are watching the ukrainian
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voice of america program chas time. my name is maria olyanovska congratulations. the first working day of the nato summit is coming to an end in washington. undoubtedly, the topic of the war in ukraine is key. kyiv does not expect to receive an invitation to join the alliance, but hopes for clear steps towards this. yes, one of the main issues is whether ukraine's path to nato will be irreversible, and there was a lot of speculation in the media on this topic, whether the final communique of the event will include the very wording regarding ukraine's irreversible path to the alliance. my colleague yuliya yarmolenko, who works in the fields of the summit, learned the details. yulia, congratulations. please tell me if you have any official confirmation and if this is good news for ukraine? maria, this is good news for ukraine. i received official confirmation from white house spokesman michael carpenter. who takes care of the affairs of europe and the national security government of the usa, and he said that indeed the word irreversible is included in the final communiqué, the leaders of the nato countries agreed to it, so they are saying
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that ukraine's path to nato is irreversible. what does this mean in practice? in fact, there was a lot of debate about whether to actually include it the word final communiqué, because we know that at this summit the leaders were not ready to invite ukraine, but they wanted the final communiqué to contain some more specific wording that would show that nato countries really want to see ukraine among its members, and that's why today i talked to michael carpenter and asked him about what the word irreversible means for the future of ukraine in the alliance, and what it means not only politically, but also practically, let's listen. we always are advocated that the future of ukraine lies with nato. the question is how to signal our strong desire for ukraine to advance as quickly as possible to this ultimate goal - membership in alliances. and what we've tried to do at this summit, and we're succeeding, is we're providing
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that bridge. to membership in ukraine, and this is a very significant result. i think that ukrainians should be quite satisfied with the results of this summit. but it's just a word, what does it mean in practice? so what does this mean? it's not a plan, it's not a bunch of words on paper. of course, there are words in the communique, but in practice it means that nato is creating a whole new command in wiesbaden, germany, to support ukraine in training. logistics equipment, military development, and in addition to this there is a financial obligation. in addition, there is a political component, which includes placing a high-ranking civilian representative in kyiv to manage the institutional defense process until ukraine becomes a member of nato. this is in a nutshell, in addition, bilateral security agreements, f-16, additional means of anti-aircraft defense that president biden announced
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yesterday. together, it's enough. essentially, i think. so, you heard, maria, that actually the white house considers the results of this summit to be very significant for ukraine already at this stage, on the first day. but i asked michael carpenter, if nato, if the countries of the alliance so want to see ukraine in the alliance, why not give an invitation already now at this summit in washington? to which michael carpenter said that this is a political decision, and at this stage of political will, political agreement. and consensus among the allies there is no agreement on this, but he said: there is an agreement that ukraine is defending democracy, that ukraine is fighting democracy in europe, and therefore ukraine must be supported, and that is why he said: the leaders agree on this bridge to nato in order to strengthen ukraine, to make it super-compatible with the alliance, so that when this political will appears, so that ukraine can join the alliance without delay, and here the question arises, how
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long will this... bridge be, how many years will it take, and this question michael carpeter had not answers, and again he said that the most important thing now is these results, he said that the most important thing is that the allies see ukraine in nato and want ukraine to be super compatible at the time when there is political will. thank you yuliya, i will remind you that yuliya yarmolenko told us exclusive news about the irreversibility of ukraine's path to nato. in addition to the issue of membership, the nato summit has already nose to kyiv and some practical results. thus, the day before , us president joe biden announced the transfer to ukraine of five additional air defense systems from the us and partners. us secretary of state anthony blinken said that these long-awaited air defense systems are the key to the defense of ukraine. he also emphasized that for the first time nato will have a special command center for a country that wants to join the alliance, and this will speed up ukraine's entry. in addition, blinky emphasized that he announced that some of the promised in...
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f-16 fighter jets are on the way. yesterday, the president talked about the work that we and other allies have done to provide more air defense systems for ukraine, including the patriot system, but also many other systems, because we know it's key to many things, it's key to protecting ukraine's infrastructure, it's key to protecting its people, it's key to protecting its armed forces, it's also key to ensuring that the private sector opens up. economic investment in ukraine, this will also be important for ukraine's future success, but people need to invest in a safe environment. so, bpo systems have been the number one task for ukraine and the alliance that supports it, but this is only part of the efforts that we have implemented and that we have actually made from the first day to ensure that ukraine has the resources it needs and when it needs them to defend itself. i am also happy to report that the f-16 transfer from
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denmark is now underway. and these planes will fly in ukrainian skies this summer to ensure that ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against russian aggression. in turn, us defense secretary lloyd austin said that the f-16s will be another sign of ukraine's deep commitment to self-defense against its allies. we will deepen cooperation in support of ukraine's self-defense. we launching a new military effort to help coordinate some aspects of security assistance and training for ukraine. and we are ready to agree on new financial assistance to ukraine. as another sign of our deep commitment to the self-defense of ukraine, the coalition of countries worked tirelessly on.


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