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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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common security issues, i think these two factors exist, if it were not for the russian factor, well, although it is difficult to say, if there was no russian factor, perhaps there would not be a sense of threat and there would not even be such support, so that's all, as for membership in nato, from my point of view it remains at the level of the bucharest summit, ukraine will one day become a member of nato, well , now there will be the word of irreversible becoming a member of nato, although we still have to wait for that. wording, but the fact that there are five more points that the secretary general talked about are practical, well at least a few points are known, it is very important, it is serious, i think, what points are you talking about so that, well, our viewers, well, i am talking about the points, what you mentioned, the command, the command, the ukrainian command, it is engaged in the training of troops, aid coordination, as far as i understand, this is instead of romshtein or something like that, well... but the center of this new system
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is ramshtein, maybe through procurement, here, i think there is a separate point about defense-industry, because it is procedural, it is not issues of command structure, there are others there are mechanisms, well, then the main thing is actually these 40 billion dollars a year, which unfortunately did not manage to be made long-term, but at least for a year. this is what nato calls the trump proof policy, i.e. a policy independent of the trump factor, i.e. ukraine will receive 40 billion in military aid next year regardless of the results of the elections in the united states, here and there are also these points of practical cooperation, command, must help, trump proof, participation of the defense industry and... and additional,
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additional air defense systems and in general, as i understand it, the issue of covering, closing part of ukraine's sky from the territory of nato member states will be resolved, i think this issue is also resolved. and is it possible to talk about the fact that, relatively speaking, if we do not stand there under the nato security umbrella for a long time, then the question arises of how to have security guarantee mechanisms, is it possible to talk. that these security agreements, which have been signed and are being signed now with various countries, primarily with countries of great importance, should be such, let's say, an economic and military umbrella there, which will allow ukraine to really contain the pressure from the russian federation there? they create a framework for this, from my point of view , guarantees, practical, practical mechanisms are created by direct presence, well, with such a visible presence. of presence, i.e., if
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significant quantities of weapons are placed, which are maintained, serviced by our partners, if defense enterprises are located, which operate, well, which are partly owned by our partners, if they do business large european and american investments in various sectors, this creates, creates such and such a presence, economic, military, even indirect presence, it creates. it creates such guarantees that the countries that our nato partners have will be forced to react if something happens to ukraine, i.e. when interests are withdrawn, money is withdrawn, people are withdrawn, weapons are withdrawn, this means they are abandoning us, and if more than that, which means that such guarantees can be created, safe in themselves... agreements are not such guarantees, but
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they open opportunities for this. for 10 years, they create, well, at least an opportunity for development, well, defense-industrial cooperation, this is important if we have them, by the way, there is such an important issue, it turns out, besides the fact that the united states did not give us for a long time permission to work on russian territory for american weapons, there is also a ban on direct presence. american industry on the territory of ukraine. now the united states is debating this question, to allow their defense companies, well, to open here joint ventures and enter ukraine. if all this works together, well, in principle , then we can say that both the security agreements and the decisions made in nato at the summit now, they give the opportunity for something great.
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close to nato guarantees, without direct obligations, but close in fact. oleksiy, there are security agreements, there are nato decisions, i think they will be generally positive for ukraine, taking into account there are certain limitations, and there are also the realities of the battlefield, and the question arises whether the ukrainian side should make efforts now preparation measures, so that, conditionally speaking, by the end of this year, active offensive or conditionally offensive actions will be carried out, including with crimea, in order to create, well, all the prerequisites for conducting negotiations with the russian federation, whether there or through... through intermediaries in the realities and conditions that are significantly different from what is at the current moment, how do you assess such needs, theoretical needs from the assessments of a number of experts, that it is actually appropriate in these
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conditions, well, if we talk about the decisions made in nato and security agreements are still there after all, there are no such hints, not even hints that ukraine should... do something to stop or stop or end the war, that someone is forcing us, they give us tools, they give us tools, they are limited, but they give us, and judging by those the discussions that are going on now are providing more and more powerful tools, and from this point of view, this is the question of what to start negotiations with, well, in general, if you look at the russian position, it consists in blackmailing ukraine with territories. to capture the territory, and then proposing certain territorial compromises, to influence the politics of ukraine, the composition of its armed forces, and the development of defense. if you look at everything that putin says, all these agreements, they have the main
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tool of the territory, the territory that they want to seize, and then use it to blackmail or influence ukraine, therefore, of course, everything must be done before entering into negotiations, so that understood that ukraine, that russia in any sense cannot keep those territories with which it wants to blackmail ukraine, these are of course options for tactics, how to do it, but this one it is necessary to make sure that this tool is not available in russia, then we can talk about more or less normal, symmetrical negotiations. oleksiy, thank you very much for such accurate, interesting, professional comments for the viewers of kanaluso, let me remind you that it was oleksiy. expert of the national institute of strategic studies of ukraine. these were the main highlights of this day, then more economic and political news, then on vasyl zema's great broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to sergiuets, thank you to his
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guest. well, we continue, there is more to come a lot of interesting and important things. information, but we start with information about the collection, this collection is called from zero to life. in a word, we are collecting atvs for our military, they are very necessary in order for us, for the military to be able to deliver from zero, well, from the contact line, where there is only the enemy, i think that now all this military, official and the unofficial military terminology has been studied, so there is no need to explain for a long time what zero all means. they understand very well what zero means, it is where there are no more of ours ahead, only the enemy, and to deliver from there, to deliver the necessary things there, to take out wounded soldiers or dead soldiers from there, and for this we need atvs for the 93rd separate
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mechanized brigade of the cold ravine, the legendary mechanized brigade, i want to say, and for this collection we need to collect 4 million hryvnias, i will see a little later how much we have already managed to collect, but in any case, every hryvnia you can donate now to the needs of our army, it somehow brings victory closer, if you don't say so, you know, m with some slogans such, about such a distant, perhaps perspective, as someone thinks, it is real today, this hryvnia of yours, 10 hryvnias, 100 hryvnias, can save the life of a soldier, give him hope, return a fallen soldier to his family. to deliver something important and necessary to loved ones off-road, very often under fire from various weather conditions, atvs make it possible to do this quickly and efficiently, and you need to buy them, and it is not cheap, it costs and it costs 4 million
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uah, well, but in anyway i'm sure that we together with you will be able to collect this amount, before that we collected uah 630,000 for a minibus for... to repair heavy armored vehicles, and we were able to do it, and what a financial leap we made in just a few weeks we were able to close this issue, well, now we will talk about, now a second. now we will talk about the situation in odesa region and odesa, serhiy brachuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, glory to the heroes. i am first of all i will ask about the security situation in odesa , odesa region, i know that the enemy attacked the region, please tell me about, well, what can be said about the consequences, overcoming the consequences of the enemy attack, please, actually. now actually attacks odesa every day, attacks with ballistic weapons, first
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of all iskander m, and also uses air weapons, kh-59 or 69 missiles, here the nomenclature is different, and tonight we had another strike, unfortunately, it is from with such not very good, to put it mildly, consequences, with with bad consequences, because the most important thing is that two people died, the enemy attacked again at 4 o'clock in the morning, four kh-59, kh-69 missiles were fired in the odesa region, the iskander ballistic missile, unfortunately, the ballistics still fly by. we hope that those promises regarding anti-aircraft missile systems that can intercept ballistics, the promises of our allies, they will already be implemented through the practical plane, and our air defense will be strengthened in the south, then actually skander has arrived, unfortunately, there is destruction of warehouses, it is near the port. infrastructure, that is, the enemy has again struck at the very heart of odesa, and this is the heart of odesa,
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our ports, and cars were damaged, and people died there, the truck driver was killed, the guard of these warehouses was also damaged, and accordingly, a civilian ship, one sailor was also damaged , who was on duty, i.e. he was on watch duty, he was injured, he is now in a medical facility, the ship itself was damaged, the liquid went out to sea, rescuers have already worked here, fully eliminated the consequences of this hit. four kh-5969 missiles were also fired, and credit must be paid to our air defense forces. three of these four missiles, they lost their combat capabilities due to the countermeasures of our sky guardians. of course, there will be no details of what this countermeasure is, but it was possible, let's say, to prevent these rockets from reaching their goal. we understand how severe the destruction would be, yesterday the enemy attacked ballistics, again the recreational
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zone, that is, the coastal zone is being attacked, this afternoon the enemy tried to attack again missiles, the type of missile that could have been hit is currently being established, preliminary information is that it could be an anti-radar kh31p missile, and we understand that a sign of all these strikes, including the presence of reconnaissance drones in the sky over odesa. region, we note this, we also see the need for appropriate means of fire damage in order to get these drones, destroy them and prevent them from targeting in real time the missiles that the enemy throws at odesa and the odesa region. i want to say once again, we have enemy attacks, they occur practically every day, even now it is difficult to say during this week what is there and what has passed, when there were no shelling, there are a little less rockets, but that's all... situationally depends on how many resources the enemy has accumulated, what goal he has before
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himself puts on the agenda, it is clear, we can see attacks on the port infrastructure, the energy infrastructure, of course, critical, given that today there are corresponding schedules of power outages, it is clear that the enemy wants to finish off, let's say, this situation, and once again we thank our air defense forces, which are able to counter the enemy as much as possible, well... i just read in one of the communities of odesa that 62% of grain was harvested, in fact, given the fact that the country is in a state of war, there are now problems with personnel in agriculture, well, in fact, with people who can work on this harvesting equipment, there are many different issues, plus shelling, plus, well , actually, but i am leading to the fact that crops are being harvested and very soon the moment will come when these crops will again ... such will be through the ports, send the grain corridor to those countries
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that buy our grain, so i think that of course what you talked about, these air defense systems, first of all , of course, it is the protection of people's lives, but we understand that it is also the protection of the infrastructure for for ukraine to be able to trade, earn money and continue to have the resources to resist the enemy, that's why it's very important, and we hope that if these promises of our partners are made today in washington, they will be fulfilled not only for... city ​​of kyiv, for some individual cities, well, and also for the front line and for odesa, and despite everything, odesa continues to receive vacationers from a dozen beaches, it works as far as security is concerned. the question of, let's say, quickly moving people to shelter, or at least leaving them, the beach itself in the event that, god forbid, there will be an attack, a shooting, anything, well, people can get hurt, as it is possible here, well, some safety rules stick to these odesa beaches, please, well, first of all, i
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’ll probably start with the main thing, which is it is the personal responsibility of people to act according to the air traffic signal. moreover, this is ballistics, if we are talking about missile weapons, you yourself understand, there is very little time to move, not even as much as i am talking about shelter, but at least to protect myself as much as possible there, well, conditionally i say the rule of two walls, because we see that the beaches, although i saw the sea of ​​odessa, thank god, you are on the air, but there is actually very little time, first of all, all the locations that are officially opened, they follow the relevant rules, are... regulations, there must be shelters, there must be people who help people orient themselves, vacationers, where to go, where to be, but i want to say once again, the personal responsibility of people, because unfortunately, we have seen it and the video materials are like this, people behave on the contrary, i apologize, i say frankly, inadequately, the shelling is going on, somewhere behind the backs , god forbid, it flew in, there is already smoke, there may be
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a second strike, and the enemy very often uses double-strike, double-strike tactics. and today you see two rockets hit, so you still have to go to shelter, people should understand this, they go to the beach to rest, please see where the shelter is, how to get there as quickly as possible, because this is really the most important life of our children and those people who have the glory of god, the opportunity and the glory of the defense forces, the opportunity to relax on our sea, there are a lot of people, at least what i am told, there are a lot of people who came to odessa. does not want to rest and the main thing is to have such an opportunity, well, yes, well, so be it, but safety is the most important thing, well it something that needs to be talked about and shouted at every step, the situation has not changed since the 22nd year, when we shouted that there is still a mine protection danger, today it is, these are open locations, there are no mines there, the relevant specialists of the armed forces of ukraine have passed, but
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missile danger, you have to react to it, and well, on the beach in the suburbs... odessa, i don’t know what to odessa itself, i didn’t check, they installed protective structures instead of sunbeds, called tetra, now tetrapode, and it’s just it is very important to ask and understand why they are needed and what they are against can defend that they were collected there in order to be placed in other places later, well, because i see, we will now show a photo, well... these are not those little buildings, but they are bigger, and we will show them now, because i see in the photo and video, people try to lie down even on these protective structures, to warm their backs on the hot concrete, well, but in any case, i understand that odesa continues not only to provide rest for those who want to, well, who really got to the sea, and because you saw the sea on tv, i saw it this year too,
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as in the past, as in the day before, dreams are only on tv, well, but what fortifications. certain measures, they continue and certain fortifications are installed, please, absolutely yes, the fortification is being improved, it is being built, and this is what is needed, there is no need to be afraid, if this issue is being dealt with in odesa, then there will be an attack on odesa tomorrow, no matter what anyone says, but we will need this fortification, it will also be needed in the future, let it be, it is what secures our people, it is needed for the defense forces, and it must be. therefore, it is built, dug, and actually, i will say this, and accordingly in the southern directions, we understand that the southern directions, they will always be such, you know, pieces, very tasty for the enemy, and until the war ends with our victory, the enemy will think and about odesa, and for mykolaiv, and for kherson, and for my subsequent movements
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there by land through some corridors, this will not happen, i want to reassure everyone at once, but nevertheless, be ready, we must be better today. so that tomorrow will not be too late, so it is being built, the same dragon's teeth that were showing, they are installed, dug, fortification, and this is good, the quality should be checked, but here the question is already for our military, they control this process, and finally, i would like to ask about the situation with communal services, well, first of all, electricity in odesa in odesa, the situation is the same as in the entire territory of ukraine, are there any regional peculiarities, because i know that in some cities of ukraine there are peculiarities, somewhere someone prepares better, somewhere these or other cities are provided with electricity to a greater extent, somewhere to a lesser extent, well, again, this... depends on how in odesa, odesa region with this, please, well, if you carefully follow the messages of ukrenergo abodeka every time,
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there kyiv, kyiv region, dnipropetrovsk, odesa region, usually donetska, these are the most difficult situations there, then odesa is not on this list, but the most important thing is that the critical infrastructure is working, the ports are working, despite the fact that the enemy is trying to target them there, and as for... schedules, as a rule , well, at least, i don't know such egregious cases, at least the schedule of power outages, they coincide with what the public is informed about, it really happens that instead of three hours, there are four outages, even up to six, such cases we understand that the energy companies are thus trying to generate this distribute, like or dislike the graphics, you understand very well that you will not adapt to everyone. and it is understandable, that is why people care that it coincides with the graphs, that it maximally, or rather minimally affects work, but it must be a strict observance of these
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schedules, well, in principle, i say, at least i don’t know of flagrant cases, so let’s hope that we this african heat, which reigns here in odessa, is really very hot, very extraordinary, and hot both at the front, and in the air, and in the information space. but we must persevere, this is the most important thing, thank you very much for your comments, thank you for your work, also serhiy brachuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south about the enemy shelling of odessa and odeschyna, i am told in the comments on youtube, where exactly these tetrapods are installed, well, i won’t say, it must be near odessa, mr. brachuk says, so they were installed, but what are they there for and how will they be used, and what you saw on the video, those were teeth -dragons, tetrapods are a little bigger, they look a little different, but in any case... the essence of the matter is immutability. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. congratulations.
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we will ask not many important questions about nato and odesa. but i still like i would like to address the people's deputy, maybe you have more information on this matter, because it is important, we are talking about the minister of justice of ukraine, mr. malyuska, your colleague, the people's deputy zheleznyak wrote that malyuska has written a statement to resign from the post of minister of justice, this the news spread. according to information resources, and then literally in an hour or two, mr. malyuska himself gave a refutation of this information, as if he did not write a statement about his dismissal, but we understand that, as the classic of ukrainian literature les poderevyanskyi said, nothing from nowhere is not taken and does not disappear anywhere, therefore, were there any reasons, or is it really some kind of trick to talk about it, please, well, i do not have information, i have no information, did mr. malyuska write a statement, if he says malyuska , who did not write, means he did not write. now there is a lot of talk of personnel by personnel, that there will be changes of ministers, we have, let me remind you, five or even six vacancies in
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the cabinet of ministers, there are no suitable ministers, there is a lot of talk about the possible dismissal of shmyhal and his replacement, i can say that my sources i'm sneaking confirm that the issue of his replacement is being actively discussed, if there will be a change of scheming, well , it is obvious that there will be... the entire cabinet of ministers will change and many of the ministers may be replaced, so we will see, next week is sessional in our country, and if personnel issues are planned to be brought up, then in principle it should be decided in the next few days, taking into account that personnel decisions in our country are made by only one person with the help of another person, so what is on their mind and what will they decide, for example, on monday, before the beginning of the session week, well , it is quite difficult to predict here, if i have relevant information, i will definitely share it in my telegram channel and in social networks.
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well, what about mr. malyusky, he was joking there, he said that he should be in the netherlands next wednesday, i am thinking about bogolyubov's scheme, we are talking about gennady bogolyubov's departure abroad and his scheme, well, actually , there is a need to grow a mustache, or someone from readers with a mustache in the photo in the foreign passport, well, it's in style. denysa malyusky, there are these jokes, but in any case, we will see under whom the chair will wobble, but again the question is how effectively and efficiently those people who can come to replace the existing ministers will work, whether they can really change something, well and i would also be interested in your reaction, because you read about such things and think, but why do anti-corruption officers, journalists, who seek out and cover these topics, investigators, anti-corruption bodies, the higher anti-corruption court work? released from the pre-trial detention center bohdan khmelnytskyi, he was the director of the department who signed the 17 egg agreements and other agreements for minister reznikov, and mr.
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lievi was also released earlier, and it is about 15 billion and mines that never reached the armed forces of ukraine and other things, you look at people who go through a flood of corruption in the ministry of defense, a flood of corruption in the ministry of defense, leave the pre-trial detention center, there is some explanation for this, maybe it is necessary, i don’t know, maybe there are some nuances that justify it, and we have there is complete certainty that then not it will turn out that these people with other passports of some kind of borderless marking on the border, as we had a story with boglyubov, will end up with you... or somewhere else, please, of course, as a citizen of ukraine, this worries me just as much, this, and i would like to see, you know, from the very beginning we talk a lot about detention, and a lot of attention is paid to it, that one was detained, that one was detained, but unfortunately, it is really very poorly investigated, what is next, in most cases cases these people go free, cases never come to an end,
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until the court's verdict, and unfortunately... it's already like that, well, tradition, it all looks like sports fishing, they caught a fish, released it, whether it was small, big, more, the bigger the fish, the faster it seems to become free again , here in the verkhovna rada you are sitting, some people are walking, one had to be arrested only yesterday, the others were detained for a bribe just yesterday, but they are already here again... in the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, it is not only deputies, as we see other top officials, so the fight against corruption in the country, well, gently speaking, not effective. you know, today a lot of different insiders have come out about the fact that there mr. orban as such, he is called a peacemaker in quotes, travels to kyiv, moscow, beijing, there, now in the european union they have to think about what to do with his travels, but there was supposedly
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information about the fact that there were certain plans, certain... one way or another for some possibility, and i'm not talking about a truce or about or even more so about capitulation, but about possible negotiations between ukraine and russia, even through some kind of mediation. you, as a people's deputy, who surely you have more insiders and information, whether this topic is currently being discussed, will it happen somehow, and whether this is a blow to ohmadit, in particular, what was the most urgent, that 34 people died, as of now, unfortunately, today there were more deaths. despite everything, she crossed out the story about any possible negotiations, and now it becomes obvious that with a terrorist country, a country that aims rockets at children's hospitals, it is certainly useless to talk about anything in the near future. look, i don't have insiders, but i do have a logic behind it questions, the logic is very simple: there will be no negotiations before the elections in the united states of america, because putin does not want to talk
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with either ukraine or europe. putin wants to talk only to the united states of america, and to talk to the united states of america you need someone to talk to. everything is completely confused there now, it is not clear to the end whether biden is leaving or whether he will drop out of the race, well, everything is obvious with trump. putin is waiting for the winner of the elections in the usa, after that, then i assume that he will come up with appropriate initiatives to the americans. about certain negotiations, i think it looks like this, so any talk about any negotiations today, i think it's just a fake, some kind of game that is being played, what orbán is doing, orbán is actually legitimizing putin with his moves, so that he became the first western leader since april 22 of the year to come to moscow, and unfortunately, i think that now he will not be the last, i think that as soon as he recovers,
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fizo will go, and in general the rest... complicated and not good, and this is my assessment, on the well, in fact, the foreign policy situation against the background of this orban, look, he is still forming group in the european parliament, his group, which he initiated, is already the third in the european parliament. there are already 84 deputies, which makes it the third group, and the majority in the european parliament, of course orpman will not have it, and i think that his group will go, well, it will not be invited to cooperate, its winners, that is, the european people's party, but still this is already an influence, that is, orbán is increasing his influence, and he is also playing this role, increasing his personal one.


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