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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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justice to increase in this story, yes, but what was the reaction to this missile attack and what was said, because honestly, if you look at it from the logic of the fact that these are orban's peacekeeping visits, and that's how everyone talked about some putin there, about the istanbul ones agreement, everyone thought that he probably wanted to say something, somewhere, and here on the eve of the summit, here is such a crooked story, which could have been much bloodier, just a little rocket luckily, but, let's say, it could have hit the target. there would be another place in ohmadita for a few tens of meters more terrible, but it's still terrible, what was the reaction and again, what kind of actions could it provoke our partners to, did it have an impact on that, that's actually what all the meetings started with, because it's a shocking tragedy that woke up the whole world again , and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that putin deliberately did... in
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this act of aggression and this act of murder, that he deliberately chose these targets, that he deliberately did this right before the nato summit, and that this is another clear signal because this is a genocidal war, he wants the destruction of the ukrainian state and the ukrainian nation, and that's why, well, you know, this is another such up call once again woke up our allies, and yesterday in the pentagon it was clearly stated that this is why the pentagon is additionally increasing the supply of patriots and fokks, which are anti-missile defense systems for ukraine, and it should be a clear answer, that is, a clear answer not with statements or words, but a clear answer with anti-missile defense for ukraine, a clear answer to give ukraine the opportunity to strike military facilities on the territory of the russian federation. this is what we expect. that is, yes, we were given
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the opportunity, but we need to be given a longer distance and, accordingly, a weapon that will fly further and hit russian objects, eliminating the opportunity for russia to attack ukraine. by the way, i am watching, listening to you, watching, continuing to watch the video, we are now showing online live, the welcome ceremony at the nato summit, and just now the president of poland approached biden and jens stoltenberg, if i saw everything correctly. andrzej duda, and you understand that the ukrainian president should also fit in there, now it is volodymyr zelenskyi, then maybe we will hire another president, it doesn’t matter if another one is suitable, but that’s it, and i understand that now there are greeting ceremonies, statements have been made, many important statements on strengthening, what else should we expect during this time of work and can the ukrainian side , ukrainian diplomacy, how can you , a person who represents the security of forms, ukraine, a ukrainian politician, influence anything else? precisely these days specifically, as
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they say, tactically, maybe not strategically, but tactically to influence something, well, it seems to me, that now ukrainian diplomacy and the ukrainian authorities are doing their best to keep ukraine on the agenda, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the war of russia against ukraine has become a key event in general on the european continent after the second world war, precisely after the second world war , as a result of which the north was created. alliance, so is it possible to do more, the ukrainian soldier does the most, the ukrainian army does the most, and the ukrainian army, and the ukrainian soldier needs the help of all civilized of the world, and this is what, at least now, we see and not just hear, but also specifically observe the actions of our western allies, this war, unfortunately, is for a long time, another option for ukraine and for the western... world
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, how to win in this war does not exist, because this war is a general test of the ability of democracy to defeat autocracy and dictatorship. this war is a test of whether the global world order that was established after the second world war can be maintained, at least somehow, because it is practically destroyed. it is generally a war about whether it is possible to defend humanity, that it is possible to protect human rights and freedoms in general, our life. and it seems to me... that as of today our allies understand this very well, i am not talking about nato anymore, i would like you as a diplomat, as a person who understands what a slap is and how to react to it have westerners, or it's not even a slap, it's just the disgusting behavior of the enemy in russia, she is the head of the un security council there, and arranged a festive dinner, where the main dish was chicken cave service potato peli, cutlet in... kyivski, you know, this , that's how it sounded, well
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it's just like, how to explain it, this diplomatic slap, it's a mockery, it's a joke that russia once again demonstrated to the whole world, after... a missile attack on kyiv , she offered the guests at this dinner a cutlet in kyiv style, taste it, how do they like it our partners, generally members of the un, who understand what happened, we will eat kiev-style cutlet in ukraine when we want to, and if we want to eat this kiev-style cutlet, we will heat it up and cook it in russian matryoshka dolls thank you very much for the emotions, for work, for comments and for your position. arseniy yatsenyuk was with us, and the head of the ky security forum is actually quite to the point, and i am also in favor of cooking cutlets in the kyiv style on russian matryushkas, well, you know that, it once again demonstrated what, well, let’s talk about it later, because here i will pick up epithets for a long time, look for some synonyms in order to explain it, but they probably won't be found, they
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don't exist in normal human language in order to somehow characterize russia and its behavior, now the pause didn't last long. your the place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming. they are waiting for you on your streets, in your school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation. which united around you, good evening, we from ukraine, we have a saturated, interesting air today, in fact, it is a big air on the tv channel, i remind you, my name is vasyl zima,
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but now it's time to talk about money, there are actually a lot of important, relevant topics that directly concern our wallets , oleksandr morchyvko is already next to me, please speak to me, oleksandr, congratulations, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations to the audience, today we are really going to... involve an expert in a conversation about why water is becoming more expensive in ukraine, the tariffs for waste water will increase, probably until the fall , also find out about how they last harvest, about the help of international partners, all in detail in a moment. i'm oleksandr morchaka, congratulations, today we're talking about money in the column, about the most important thing in the day that passes. so, during the next few weeks of ukraine. will receive the first tranche of profits from the frozen assets of the russian federation. this was reported by the representative of the european commission , christian wiegand, by the end of the year we will receive about 15 billion euros of this profit from the funds currently blocked in
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the european union, in particular. well, in ukraine have already repeatedly emphasized that the money will be directed, in particular, to the defense of our country. the presence of fines from tsc can now be checked in open data boot. to do this, you just need to go to the website page of this open data service, enter your surname, patronymic and date of birth, after which you can get a result regarding the absence or presence of executive proceedings. the fines that individuals may receive for coming to the military will be displayed online, as well as fines for individuals who have not updated their information or are on military duty. accounting, and by the way, since the beginning of 2024, the territorial centers of recruitment and social support have transferred almost 12,000 fines for the violation of the rules of military
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accounting to enforcement, and according to experts' calculations, this is more than last year. we continue to talk about money, and it is interesting that the government keeps the energy issue under control. ticks and almost every day announces new interesting solutions, well, the government will stimulate investments in the renewable energy sector, they will try to do this by launching a mechanism: green auctions, this is how they are going to reduce the duration of power outages in the country, maryna denysyuk, senior project manager of the reforms office of the cabinet of ministers, informed about this. ukrainian wind energy, the ukrainian wind energy association believes that the annual need for the construction of renewable energy stations should be established. in this way, investors will be able to focus on indicators and have a basis for investing in projects. while the war is going on, ukraine. can build a little, it is from four to 5 gw of wind generation capacity. learn more about resources and
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tariffs, in particular, we will talk with oleh popenk, he is the head of the union of utilities consumers and joins the conversation. good evening. good evening. mr. oleg, i was following the news feed again yesterday just after the column and caught my eye. new tariffs, a number of water utilities have already raised water fees for ukrainians, please tell me why, in particular, when the price of electricity was rising, society perceived this quite loudly, it was explained in the cabinet of ministers, people's deputies explained it, but the water tariffs are silent - are surreptitiously rising, and the question is that tariffs on water was mostly raised by local self-government bodies, the central office. there are no, that is, there are
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actually town-based decisions by local self-government bodies, or rather executive committees, which decided to raise the tariffs of local water utilities, in our country there is a separate decision-making system regarding water utilities, there are separate cities with a population of more than 100,000, and they are subject to decisions are made in cities, by local self-government bodies, so it turns out that local authorities make decisions locally, and in most of the same places people's deputies or other officials, this issue is not bypassed, well, such a question, after all, not all water utilities, if i speak correctly, are subject to the decisions of the national commission, therefore they can set tariffs locally, well, with... their own will, so to speak, yes, absolutely true, and this one leads to such incomprehensible
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decisions, i choose the words so as not to say a little differently, because how could you make a decision, and the decision of the local authorities to set the tariff in the city of pokrov at uah 130 per a cubic meter is a general, general tariff for water supply and drainage, or in marganka set a tariff of 125. for a general service, forgive me, but in this case it is already a tariff that is currently higher than in warsaw, lower, fresher than in in poznań, in wrocław, that is, in the 20, 20 largest cities in poland, the average tariff of water utilities is 124 hryvnias in general, and here in marganka the tariff is 125 and 130 hryvnias. i believe that in such situations, the city government should think before accepting
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decisions on raising tariffs. mr. olezh, we recently aired with vasyl zima the representative of the nikopol district, if i am not mistaken, vasyl, we were talking about the water tariff for the new water pipeline, which, thank god, finally started working in the city of marganets, nikopol region, in particular, will receive water after... after the russians destroyed the kakhovskaya hpp. yes, one of the main factors in the increase in the tariff is the increase in the price of electricity, and what other factors influence that such really crazy tariffs for ordinary people ukrainians on the water? well, let's just compare, indeed the electricity tariff has increased, and it has increased quite significantly. in two months, in may and june, the total increase in the tariff was more than 50%, 52%, to be more precise, but the tariff in nikopol, marganka and pokrov increased by 2506%. therefore, if they
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say that, well, of course, all water utilities say, not only nikopolskyi, representatives of the nipol city government, that electricity affects the tariff policy, the tariffs of water utilities, but if electricity, well, the cost of electricity increases by 50%. it's somewhere should affect the tariffs, well, somewhere 25-30%. why 250%? we would like to hear this from the representatives of nikopol, marganets, and pokrov. the situation there is quite difficult, and the tomakiv district is located nearby, they also have questions to the authorities regarding high tariffs, the myriv community, well, it is this area that is now using a new water supply system after it was left without water supply from the skakhovsky reservoir, mr. olezh, well it is difficult to understand the details now,
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there is not much time, but still your forecasts regarding the increase in tariffs... in general for the fall, you they also wrote in their posts that another increase in the price of electricity already, for example, in september cannot be avoided? ah, unfortunately, in principle, there is no tariff policy in ukraine, that is, there is no tariff regulation, or that is, there are several fields, let’s say, several directions, how the tariff policy can be formed, it is there in some countries, in others and so on, in ukraine in general. there is no, so this year in ukraine we can expect an increase in tariffs for heat, gas, electricity, water supply services, any tariffs this year may increase, and i do not rule out in principle that it may be quite a serious increase, because our foreign partners have clearly said that we
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want to see the market prices for gas and electricity, the market price of gas. this means that we have to raise the tariff, increase the tariffs for heat and gas by 100%, for electricity, this is another 90%, and now, what decision will the cabinet of ministers make for itself in these conditions, i honestly do not know , but i do not rule out that all tariffs may be raised already this year. thank you for your forecasts and analysis of the situation, oleg popenko, the head of the union of utilities consumers, was with us. i will only add to vasyl here, we emphasized with the expert precisely on the price of electricity, so here are the latest figures from the state statistics service for the month of june, the highest inflation since this year and consumer inflation, and it is clear that the increase in kilowatts is a significant factor in this. well, i'll tell you this, the only
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thing worth doing, i'm better for myself, is to cover all the debts that are even minimal there and save as much as possible, even now... well then we have a serious section, but even people now come up with such jokes, they say why the light goes out, just so that people don't feel the increase in electricity, well, of course it's a joke, that's not why the light goes out, we understand the reasons are real, but really, really the question in terms of how much people will be able to absorb all this, a joke is a joke, but i calm myself down when there is no light, i think i will pay less in the current month, well, these are the realities of our life, i will finish the column about money during the war, but a big one is going on broadcast, more will follow, watch us. thank you very much oleksandr, you know, ukrainians very often try to joke when the situation is sad, and this is how we often pull ourselves out, and this is a joke about the fact that the lights are turned off so that we do not feel the aging, and of course that everyone will feel everything , and in any case, if
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you still have the opportunity to save somewhere, live without electricity for a while longer. we spend time at work, well, i, in particular, there, somewhere else, and even more so, now it’s summer, somewhere you can be yourself, but there are people who are sick, there are small children, there are needs, there are, well, that is, everyone understands that it is impossible to avoid answers to many, many, many questions for many families, and how these families will get out, and these tariffs, this is also a question, climbing into huge bogs is also not an option, because then they will be collected, well actually there are many challenges and... there are many challenges, first of all, not only before the people, but in general before the authorities and in particular before the authorities as well, but now let's eh, i will remind you about the fee, because it is, well this is actually the most important thing, obviously something that should be voiced, we invite you to join the project, which is called from zero to life, is a collection
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of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support soldiers of the legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. our defenders choose victory every day without leaving the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so atvs are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on off-road, which allows our defenders to perform combat tasks much more effectively. warriors who have passed more than one test, at zero, not always ready to give to the enemy. for the sake of our peace of mind, they continue to be on duty both on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive. so join in. our fundraising goal is 4 million hryvnias, we have already managed to collect a million 521.575 hryvnias, i know that in fact we
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can do it, do not let this amount scare you, there are many of us, we cannot be overcome, in fact, well, what about now, while you donate, and if i hope there are opportunities to do it now, well, if you is watching us, then there is definitely a light on the internet, you can do it, well, now... i will pass the floor to my colleague, lina checheniya, for one second, because it is time to talk about cultural events and news, good evening, please start, good evening, vasyl, good evening to our viewers, i also found the internet, so in a second i will tell you about cultural news. i am friends, i would like to remind you that the odessa film festival starts on friday, active preparations are currently underway, and we will still be in
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on our broadcasts to remind about films that should be attended, of course, as always, we will focus on the ukrainian program, i really hope that my program will be released on saturday, in which we will talk with the organizer of this film, one of the organizers of this film. festival, and now i will talk about other news, and today i found more interesting things that are happening abroad, we just have this news that the largest number of applications were received for the children's eurovision, this year 309 applications, that is, it is the most, well here we will see who will be selected there, sometimes the children's eurovision will take place in september, well, if we talk about... about the adult eurovision, there are a few problems, problems from switzerland itself, the problem is that the ultraconservatives there
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call for no funding this contest and not to hold it at all, their arguments that nowadays the contest is becoming very dangerous due to the geopolitical situation, they appealed to what happened in malmö this year, namely various pro-palestinian rallies, also combined. with a sufficiently noticeable anti-israel position, and indeed there were conflicts there, one of the participants was disqualified altogether, as it turned out later , obviously due to political reasons as well, and that's why in switzerland they say that we don't need to spend money on this competition so that we have some more fights , but for now we are talking about what the ultra-ultraconservatives are calling for. referendum, well, they are the only ones proposing it so far, we also have to understand that, and we do not have an official opinion of the authorities yet, well
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, i will remind you that the eurovision organizers always positioned themselves as apolitical, and so are their children, you didn't say they are apolitical, but from my point of view this is absolutely not true, eurovision has always been a political body, we vote, at least we constantly observe it, it's interesting. the news is coming from london, there they started filming another part of the super popular film about bridget jones, which a lot of people are waiting for, it will be released on valentine's day in the 25th year, if everything goes well, but now they are complaining, londoners from an elite area in the north of the capital , and they they say that the cinematographers have already managed to get them with their filming and also. in this elite area live such stars, actors as herry styles or rami malik, as well as the comedian
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ryan atkinson, and here they generally said the following, that their film crew asked less to walk around the streets when filming is taking place, and even better to stay at home, and it is even better to leave the house for a few days at all, because you are disturbing us, the londoners, led by ... superstars, of course began to protest and say that the moviegoers have already become insolent, of course, we are also waiting for your film, but there is no need to kick us out of the house, this is an interesting situation, by the way, i often watched how our tv series actors filmed various tv series in different places, once they filmed their tv series in my yard, and they until late at night they shone spotlights on us. and we were also on the verge of complaining somewhere, and also for people who are waiting for the second part of the saga and gladiator, there are good buts ... because
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now we have the first trailer, and i will say that the pictures themselves from filming was called a huge sensation in the world, especially the images of paul maskal and pedro pascal, they were very liked by many people, and from an aesthetic point of view they are considered extremely beautiful actors and popular, then, therefore, their images, their roles and gladiators caused a huge wave of discussion, and now. .. after discussing this trailer for half a day, i 'll remind you that it's a sequel to a movie that came out 24 years ago, starring russell crowe back then, and rumor has it that russell crowe doesn't like the idea of ​​a modern day gladiator, but it was a huge course, and now the crew is definitely worried about whether the sequel will be much worse than... and
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the first part, well, ridley scott is also the director, so we have hope that this movie will be good after all, and let me remind you, that gladiator, when it came out in 2000, of course it collected a lot of money at the box office and it won as many as five oscars, and therefore it is clear that, remembering all these achievements, now fans of this film and fans of such costume dramas in general , especially about gladiators, they are really looking forward to this tape, let me remind you that they are going to show it to ukrainian viewers in november, and that's when we will see how successful this film will be, firstly, and secondly, how much ukrainian viewers will like it. well, that's all for me, and i'll remind you once again that for at least a week, we will be watching the odessa film festival, which promises to show a lot of ukrainian
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films and a lot of different ones. which will be dedicated to ukrainian cinema, it will be very interesting, we will definitely inform you, i to be honest, i'm not looking forward to gladiator 2, maximus meridia, marc aurel's best general played by russell crowe, well, for me it's already such a classic forever, you know, they made a new version now... let's say a few more movies, which were legendary in those ancient times, well, a little earlier times, i'm not quite ancient, of course, but sometimes you look and understand that, well, let's say bangur, bangur, the older one, well, it's already a classic, as well, you know, recently, there recently spartacus with kirk douglas was broadcast some time ago, and you are watching, you you understand that all these people, these crowds, are
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living people, they are not drawn, they are not a graph. behind him is not a green screen, but something real, not something drawn with graphics, and it conveys something like that to the cinema, some kind of magic that surely cannot be achieved by any special effects, and at one time the film of procer leonid, these 300 athletes were literally filmed there in a few days, because everything, well , everything was filmed on a background on a green background on rira green, and it was all done in a room, and we are so beautiful, in a few days to shoot films, probably. it's not what it's for a movie was being made, and about what the weather will be like tomorrow in ukraine, i hope that you are waiting for some good news about a little bit, a little bit colder, but, well, what will be will be, let's listen to natalka didenko. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, dear viewers, er, we are starting today's hot meeting with...
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a trip to the park and we will talk about the kremenets botanical garden, not exactly a park, it is a botanical garden of national importance in ukraine, located on in ternopil oblast, in the city, of course, kremenets, it is laid out in 1754 as a pharmacy garden, of the jesuit collegium since 185, the botanical garden is the volyn gymnasium, in 1806... it was partially re-planned by an irish gardener, excuse me, mickler, macler, it occurs by different surnames, a significant part consists of rare and very rare plants, trees and bushes. in 1811 , a catalog of garden plants was printed, including rare edible chestnut, canadian pine, white mulberry, and tulip tree. in 1832.


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