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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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we are talking about the kremenets botanical garden, quite a park, it is a botanical garden of national importance in ukraine, located in the ternopil region, in the city, of course, kremenets, it was established in 1754 as a pharmacy garden of the jesuit college, since 1805 the botanical garden has been a part of the volyn gymnasium . in 1806, it was partially re-planned by an irish gardener, excuse me, mickler, broker, it goes by different names, a significant part consists of rare and very rare plants, trees and shrubs. it was printed in 1811 catalog of garden plants, among which are rare, edible chestnut, canadian pine, white mulberry, tulip tree. in 1832-34 , the most valuable breeds were transported to kyiv, botanical. the current garden named after academician
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fomin, this is one of the largest and oldest botanical gardens of ukraine, and here there are incredibly picturesque views of the city, and the uniqueness of the garden is that it combines a collection in its natural state, original vegetation of the kremenets mountains, this is what the kremenets botanical garden is . we go further and talk about behavior of the earth's magnetic field. intensification is expected tomorrow, that is, magnetic storms sometime in the second. in the afternoon and evening, please be careful, especially in this hot period, take care of your health, and finally , we traditionally start the weather forecast for july 11 from the western regions, so in the western part of ukraine tomorrow there is a possibility of local short-term heavy rains, however , it will have little effect on the overall hot picture, high air temperature of 30-34 above zero is expected there, in the north. not northern at all
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weather, so to speak, 31-34, dry, sunny, high fire danger, eastern ukraine, strong heat, very strong heat, 34-38 places higher, sunny with precipitation, in the central part of ukraine a similar situation, here the air temperature is expected to be within 32-38°, and in the southern part of ukraine there is simply a very strong s'. +35-+40° without precipitation. hot weather is expected in kyiv tomorrow. the air temperature will fluctuate between 32-34°. i would like to say that the heat will last until the end of the week. the peak of the heat is friday, saturday, sunday and the nearest monday. +40, the air temperature will reach in many regions of ukraine. and i also want to say that according to previous forecasts
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, the heat will continue next week, so once again the nearest weather in ukraine is hot, very hot, the peak air temperature is friday, saturday, sunday, monday, but of course, be careful stay tuned for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. good evening, i'm from ukraine. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular , we will analyze the great putin kurultai in astana with the participation of representatives of turkey, china, and so on, and at the same time we will try to outline the parameters of the polish-ukrainian security agreement. our guests today are the iconic polish politician bohdan borusevych, as well as the famous political scientist who is in prague, oleksandr morozov. and now
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bohdan borusewicz, a legendary polish politician, marshal of the polish senate from 2005 to 2015 and now a senator, will work on the espresso tv channel. greetings sincerely, mrs. marshavko, in the espresso studio. good day to you, good day to the audience. first of all, i would like to ask you how you assess the situation with the so-called security guarantees for ukraine. we understand that this is a very difficult matter, negotiations are ongoing between the eu countries, nato members, and of course, the security agreement between poland and ukraine is currently on the table, actually, how do you see this structure? i am a supporter of political and military ties between ukraine and poland, and this is not only about agreements, i believe that it is worth going further, of course, with the support of the americans, but we can stabilize this part of europe if we act together here. we are not talking about the formula of this connection, but it should be very. close connection, then we
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will be able to stabilize this part of europe, because russia will continue to be a serious country, and russia has shown itself to be an aggressive, revisionist country. without a sense of borders, so we have a common interest here, that is, i believe that these safeguards should ensure a common interest. this is not a one-way guarantee, but also a guarantee from ukraine. for poland, this is the way to think, this is the way to analyze it. but you also know that, no guarantees will help if ukraine does not protect itself, because in the end there were no guarantees. the form of the agreement, when ukraine gave up nuclear weapons. i remember how at that time the americans made sure that those nuclear weapons returned to russia. in general, they worried that the suitcase would go somewhere and fall into the hands of terrorist groups. but so what,
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guarantees for ukraine are just arms deliveries. and i believe that it is necessary to go further, and poland must think, we must jointly think about some kind of union with support. americans, without such support we will simply be thrown out of nato, and with support the americans will then be able to move to asia, because in the end it will be natural, and all politicians are talking about this, not only trump, but also biden is talking about it, that american interests are primarily in this moment is in asia, the problem of competition with china, not rivalry, no, but competition, serious competition, so if we went in that direction, everyone would be... actually, there will be a lot depend on the so-called political elites, we are talking about specific people in warsaw and kyiv. we had a few difficult months, and i didn't fully understand what happened, it's about some kind of cooling of relations between president duda and president
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zelensky, it's about a meeting at the united nations in the united states. now it seems that the climate may have improved and there is a chance again to continue polish-ukrainian cooperation in the field of security. but i want to say that there is a certain imbalance between poland and ukraine, and i noticed this in that question: in poland , the prime minister and the government are in charge, not the president. power rests in the hands of the prime minister, who has the same level of power as the chancellor. the president controls the sphere of security and the sphere of defense, he also has competence in the sphere of foreign policy, mostly in appointing ambassadors, and that's it. instead, all power over the army, also over the security forces, that is, over the police, over the services, is concentrated in the prime minister. we need to remember this when we talk about president zelensky and about president dudu. yes, president zelensky
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has much more power here, in fact he has dictatorial power, but the president in poland does not. and what would it look like then? and why am i talking about this? at the moment there is a completely different government, so if we talk and look, with whom we need to talk and decide now, it is with the government and the prime minister with tusk. well, how do you assess the situation between the polish and ukrainian governments, between the polish and ukrainian authorities, because it is necessary to continue cooperation and possibly raise it to some level completely different. the highest level, the current government in poland, the civil coalition, of which i am a member, is the dominant party, and this is actually the government of the coalition. it is also necessary to remember that prime minister tusk must take into account the opinion of the coalition partners, and the same with
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regard to ukraine. fortunately, we are continuing the policy that concerns ukraine, the policy that was started immediately, the policy of support. in fact, a huge amount, about 500 tanks, more than 50 powerful and modern battleships, 20 thousand starlinks, more than 500 generators electricity, and these are only such selected items. of course, the most important thing for ukraine is military aid and support, but also political, that is, support. to the eu, and we give full support here, and support for joining nato. for poland, joining nato was much easier than joining the european union, because joining nato is a political decision. the army should be led by a civilian. that army must be
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adapted, but there is a beginning of adaptation to nato standards, and it is possible to join. and joining the european union is the adaptation of the entire economy to the standards of the european union. this is p works relating to the transitional period. and of course, the negotiations are related to the issue of grain. negotiations, negotiations. open for ukraine, and what will happen to the european union market, which is , but there is still a separate position of polish farmers and the polish government. this should be taken into account, because we must also take into account the interests of our citizens,
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agrarians are our citizens, and there will be a discussion here, something will have to be done. and how intense will this discussion be, mr. marshalko? no, the discussion should take into account the interests of both parties, and it is quite possible that a transition period will be needed, since we have to buy land, in the eu there was a ban on the movement of polish labor, that is , workers from... poland and it worked, those fears disappeared after a couple of years, but surely you want to ask me about grain , what is the situation at the border at the moment, the current situation, will the so-called activists not return, they are not there, and you know, if we monitor it and negotiate in time, they will not return, but what is the situation for? this means there is no grain we are waiting for
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new harvest, and they will come, then we will have grain, because now we do not have grain in poland, we exported 14 million tons. i recently spoke with a colleague who specializes in this, and actually asked him, he says, there is no grain in poland. are we short of grain? i say, let's buy in ukraine, he replies that there is none in ukraine either, because ukraine exported 24 million tons. fortunately, there will be a harvest in the near future, but it is time to realize that if a problem arises, it must be solved, and not wait for months and so on. the previous government did not solve this, and that problem only grew. the price of grain decreased, the farmer... claimed and complained that it was due to the influx of ukrainian grain, and it was because
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the price of grain also decreased in the world markets, and that government told farmers: don't sell this grain now, because it will more expensive in autumn. meanwhile, in the fall, the price of grain decreased, so it was easy to explain here, to develop such a theory that it was due to ukrainian grain or russian grain. so, at this moment, the situation is zero. but it is worth preparing for possible actions, of course, because we are entering the process negotiations with the european union and we understand that poland has its voice, and poland will defend its interests, of course ukraine will defend its own, so something must be done, but the most important thing is that those national interests do not collide. no, interests are not such selfishness, although, of course, there are those who say, it must be, i must earn from it. yes, a lot of money. yes, but of course, during the negotiations, ukrainian agriculture, which is very powerful, is
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a problem, we need to agree here, because this is agriculture, where there is absolutely no artificial fertilizer is used, because there is chernozem, unless protective agents for plants are used, and because of this, the price of such grain can be much lower. ukraine's accession to the eu also means additional payments, also for the ukrainian rural sector. we have additional payments per hectare of approximately €250. we already have average surcharges in europe, but we started with lower ones, but if ukrainian agriculture enters , will it be possible to keep these surcharges at the same level, because ukraine will join. so it's true. and our farmers, especially large-scale ones, who make money from will try to protect the level of those surcharges, because it is billions of euros. it needs to be understood, but negotiations, conversations and so on are needed here. in a democracy, nothing
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can be done by force. but there must be consultation mechanisms and communication mechanisms between the polish and ukrainian authorities. and here i am not necessarily talking about any open consultations, but between the president of ukraine and, for example, prime minister tusk, right? we were expecting a meeting, but it was slightly delayed, as far as we understand, for various reasons. once the situation looked, sir marshalka, what are the prospects for the growth of this diplomatic-political-economic activity? we are active diplomatically, but we are also building our own... poland, germany and france, and the role of poland has increased due to the fact that we are the country on the ukrainian front, the closest to ukraine, aid goes to ukraine through us, because the hungarians blocked it ,
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a little through romania, but most through us. grain exports pass through romania, while military exports do. the equipment goes through poland, it 's not a secret, i'm saying what the russians know very well, but we, we politicians, say it to my colleagues, and i was speaking now to my ukrainian colleagues, should talk and discuss what will happen after the war, how polish-ukrainian relations will develop, what we want, how we want those relations to look like, or should it just be some general principle, how at this point, should we treat ukraine better? ukraine is our neighbor and ally, so we have a greater interest in cooperation with ukraine than, for example, the germans, who have more funds and will have more funds, but have a smaller national interest. and that's understandable. italy, spain are far, and so are others. there is a different interest and
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a different attitude in the european union, it should all be centralized. not always so. there is, because everyone looks after their own interests. in the union , understanding and consensus are the basis, because if everyone fights to the end for their own, the eu will fall apart. there is no such union, but everyone will get something, and we will benefit from the union. i agree with you, but this will also be a benefit for ukraine. because it is true that the eu provides security, not only nato, but there is. pro-union because these are multilateral economic ties, financial as well as cultural. so you need to remember that there is something much more complicated than nato. for ukraine, nato now looks more difficult, because it is in conflict and wants to be accepted into nato, and constantly strives for it. and what does joining nato mean? the fifth article,
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the most important. yes, this means putting article five into effect, that is, going to war. and... it's not like we give weapons, introduce our soldiers, and we understand it well, and the ukrainians also understand it well, and here we have something different interests, because ukraine would like to bring it to that. our goal, mr. marshalka , is to defeat the russians, and it is, in the near future, which means that we must involve as much different equipment as possible, we are talking about aviation, air defense systems, and so on. and there was such an idea to, for example, use anti- aircraft systems to cover the western cities of ukraine. i have been thinking about this for a long time, and i am a supporter of such a decision, because it is not known whether a rocket flying at lviv will fall in poland. in lublin, for example, or in rzeszow. well, it is. this is known. yes, that is why we must defend ourselves here and, on occasion, of course, defend ukraine as well. but this
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question is also for some intergovernmental agreements on defense and so on. because we cannot shoot over ukraine so easily. why? and, for example, if there was an agreement between the ministry of defense and the general staff. she must be. and she is not there now? of course there isn't. there is no such agreement. one country cannot fire without permission, without agreement, on another country, even for its defense. they talk all the time. putin says that poland wants to occupy the western country. constantly about it. says, i remember this conversation from girinovskyi, but i didn't write a letter, i talked to the russians then and told them well: no, no, give something of your own, for example, the kaliningrad region, and not someone else's. return smolensk to us, give the russians smolensk to us. no, smolensk is far away, and the kaliningrad region, so let's give something
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of our own, and we will even share with the lithuanians ourselves, but you understand that this is an attempt... to split is quite primitive, but we talked here about actions over ukraine, but the main thing is that the patriots who are already near the ukrainian border in the vicinity of jeshuva are american patriots, and the americans, the american commanders decide to shoot or not, that is, it should be a tripartite agreement, polish-ukrainian-american, but the americans do not will agree because they do not agree. the territory of russia within at least 100 km near the border through the hut. because otherwise the russians fired at him without any losses for themselves from abroad, destroyed the city, the russians went far away, and this is
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the american answer, but the patriot batteries, which were stationed in rzeszów, is subject to the decisions of the american commanders, the american leadership decides whether to shoot and where to shoot, we do not have such an opportunity, but poland still has its own patriot system. you know, poland has fewer patriots than ukraine at the moment, so i'd say we don't have any. and now we return to the system of protection of the ukrainian sky by the forces of poland and, perhaps, not only poland. and to poland's capabilities. yes, the capabilities of poland and the capabilities of nato, that is, we need. so, yes, we gave the mig-29, we gave these planes. the problems are, you're going to have problems with... for the f-16. with the cover of those airfields, the defense of the airfields, we need to talk, discuss, but it is obvious that military experts are needed here, but those planes, those f-16s,
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must be protected, because there is no sense in these planes being destroyed within three months. and the war continues, and this plane is not extraordinary, it is a good plane, but not extraordinary, because it can also be destroyed, just like american tanks, because i... repeatedly, when i watch ukrainian television, suddenly there is a wave, there was wave bairaktars, the waters are amazing, then tanks, abrams, abrams, but also leopards, this is what it looked like, this is how it was shown, the public was told, i begged that this weapon is not destroyed, every weapon can be destroyed, and the f-16 can also be destroyed, and they will be destroyed , but you have to prepare just to protect them, and you have to know where to put them, somehow, as i said... that in a country that has mountains, these things are located in underground bases that are difficult to destroy, and the russians are already warning if they will be located in the territories
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neighbors, i.e. we are talking about poland, then such bases will be under attack, i.e. russia will attack them, whether they will be attacked or not, i do not know, of course this is a matter for politicians, but from the technical side there are also military personnel who must know where, how and so on . distance, i think that such a situation may arise, what macron said will become relevant, and has poland joined this french proposal, or is it a solution, if such a situation were to happen? the polish prime minister said no. but maybe everything will change. but i think what's so hot denial is no good. let the russians not know to the end how we will behave. no one wants to go to the front, so... as long as it is possible and as long as it is effective, we must help with the weapons that ukraine needs. it's just that the situation can change in the states, mr. marshall, trump can come. and of course,
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macron and not only macron are thinking about the situation that will happen in a few months. but then the european union will unite, there will be a deeper consolidation of the european union both in the military sphere and in relation to foreign policy. but pace, pace, pace. we are very we appreciate in ukraine, for example, poland's help, because it was done quickly, lightning fast, very quickly. yes, while documents would only be written in brussels, calls would still be made between brussels and berlin. yes, but such help should be supported by society, because it can do more harm than good. but i will tell you, i look at ukrainian men who are in poland, young men. this causes a negative reaction among the poles. we in ukraine are ready to accept them, but would poland be ready to give them or help us
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get them? it needs to be talked about, but this is also a question that is of your interest, because those men work, you know, if we lose them, then whole sectors of the economy, for example, construction, will collapse. it is necessary to weigh everything, but how... for me , the key thing for poland is the support of ukraine, and everything should be subordinated to this, and our political decisions and what we do abroad, because this is the most important thing, and why, it is clear, this it is obvious that putin is a revisionist, he undermines all the principles of international law, he pursues a policy of aggression, but he does not clearly outline his goals its goals, very vague, so we should do the same, answer. give, maybe yes, maybe not, if there is such a need. the most important thing is the readiness of the army, and the capacity, communication, logistics and capacity. i agree with you and would like
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to ask, for example, about fate. a few days ago, i spoke with bohdan klich, the former minister of defense of poland, and he said that there is a good prospect for creating, for example, a division from this brigade, and perhaps even a polish-lithuanian-ukrainian military corps, which would be odds? as a political slogan, it is a good slogan, this polish-lithuanian-ukrainian brigade was created in a different situation, i remember the moment of its creation, i supported it. because this is really a matter of the future, although i did not know how russia would behave, but its benefit for the current situation is small, small, because what does it matter that there is a brigade, but for the future it would be useful, of course, it would be useful, but for logistics, armed and human support will always be useful for ukrainians in the future. no, it is only about the climate in six months, the situation may change, but the most important thing is that there is something on paper, that is
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, we understand that there is a military... here we must think more broadly, about readiness, about the concept, about alliances, about alliances of various types, and readiness is also , no, readiness for union, the so-called political will, yes, yes, yes, at the moment it is not such a difficult situation, ukrainians are managing themselves. but the question for us, for me, is what to do when ukraine stops giving advice. and i say: it is necessary to consider various possibilities. you are probably considering the following options, we must also consider them. at the moment, ukraine is on its own. but we had a difficult period at that moment, when the united states did not give weapons, blocked, yes. when they couldn't vote, and it went on and on, and we
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understand that it was also a corridor. opportunities for putin. but the european union voted to provide 50 billion. but not 100 billion. well, well, but then you can say, why not 150 billion. did the states vote for 60 billion? why do you want such money from poor europe? the states are richer, but at the same time , the usa is a force. it does not mean that who yes, you can vote for 100 billion, but you need to buy weapons for them. that is, to make weapons. the states have weapons, only the usa has such stockpiles of weapons, in our country we are forced to restore and rebuild the arms industry. i am a member of the national defense commission, that is, i am engaged in the military. i know a little about the nuances. we have to make huge efforts to get back here to what we had before. for this we have to think together, what then? now we have to think and now we have.
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discuss to have a concept to we could start implementing it, you need to know what we have to do, i am also in ukraine to talk about it. thank you very much, mr. marshalka, thank you very much for your openness and for this wonderful analysis and of course for your position. thank you very much. and i would like to remind our tv viewers that bohdan borusewicz, a legendary polish politician, the head of the polish senate in 2005 and 2015, was currently working on the air of the tv channel, and now he works in the senate in the defense committee. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. next frames you may be shocked. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive
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interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. and now oleksandr morozov, a political scientist who is in prague, will work on the air of the tv channel. glad to see you, oleksandr. well, first of all i would like to ask you about the assessment of the so- called astana summit. that this is a story not only about putin, it is not even a story only about xi jinping, it is a story in general about an attempt to form a new, so-called alternative agenda to replace the so-called big summits and big events of the diplomatic international plan, which was held by the so-called collective event. so, the agenda.


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