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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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they are also from the side of the aggressor country, it seems that we avoided them, it was such a complete evacuation, and we thank everyone who helped us to do it. thank you for all this work. ryfat aga, nariman aga, already said that he would most likely deal with the issues of russian political prisoners, continue your case, and now there are 334 political prisoners in crimea, according to my data, 217 of them are crimean tatars, that is, there are obviously here and such and such a special political message, what numbers do you have, what can be said about e groups of political prisoners, how are they ethnically, religiously colored, is there some kind of selectivity in the actions of the russians, look, here the cypriots need to be ... well
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, they just need to be searched for by certain such factors or criteria, in general , the number of people who, let's say, were persecuted and in relation to whom there are sentences, there are many more, but we will distinguish criminal prosecution. and deprivation of liberty and persecution for political reasons, but which, thank god, ended only with administrative punishments, for administrative punishments, i do not know whether they are currently conducting any right-wing public organizations, such a list, but they have already gone far there , about a thousand people, starting from... er, er,
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the breakthrough of the blockade, well, starting from february 26 , 2014, because as soon as the russians occupied crimea, they began to attract people to, well, not to attract, but to repress people for the events that happened, them, but, if they would rely on their laws, which happened when they were not physically close to crimea, that is, before... the occupation of crimea , well, on february 26, but they brought a large group of people to court, those who participated at the breakthrough of the administrative border on may 3, we met the leader of the krymtsar people, mr. mustafa dzhemilev, and then it went, as they say, it went, those people who were tried in criminal cases, you called this number , the number of them is more than 300, those who are now in the places. stay in places of detention,
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deprivation of liberty, such people, but about 230, i can be wrong by a few numbers now, because there is also a dynamic, for us this category of our people who are deprived of liberty is the most painful, because the main part, a significant part of them, is people who are deprived of 12, 13, 15, 18-19 years old, as a rule, these are either terrorists, saboteurs, or i don't know, some other accusations, and these, precisely these people, russia is trying as much as possible, but then they take revenge on them, and she, she does not want to discuss them, and the release of these people is our most, so important, main task. well, the liberation of mr.
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nariman dzhulyal is indeed a very successful experience for us, for ukraine, for the entire crimean tatar people and the families of our political prisoners, who really have hope that other political prisoners will also will be released. please tell me rifataga, here is this successful experience with mr. noriman jelyal, this is more the exception than the rule, or are we all. after all , we can use this experience away from him, the experience of exchange, you see, for now, for now, this is an exception, in my opinion, i don’t know how others will evaluate it, because, uh, well, that’s how russians avoid the release of flight at all i knew that here i can just for a moment... not
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know, because it is already at the stage when , excuse me, negotiations are going on from the russian side, because they belong to their own people, they belong to their own people. as a resource, manipulating which you can achieve some of your goals, and therefore they transfer this approach to our people, that is, they keep our political prisoners, if somewhere there is some kind of, well, there is such a very relevant problem for them, which they they want to decide, because they... they also have people who find themselves in a situation of deprivation of liberty, either in us or in third countries, who are very much needed by the regime, well, they may be employees of the russian special services,
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or some prominent ones there very military, i have no right to say, but i want to say that these non-human russians, they really lead, they are like , well, how they bargain, and as soon as they see in the lists of people who are waiting for ukrainian society, or people who do not break there in prisons, they give the highest price for them, and having received this price, they still don't release them for a while, they just walk away from the negotiations, that's why i... it's necessary to approach this way and find such questions and such forms of pressure on russia so that it cannot refuse to release our people, we can't find, well no, not because that we, we are so weak, and so far there are no
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such, you know, such topics for russia to say, okay, we will give your political allies, but you will do one or the other, there must be very painful problems for them, and therefore we sometimes involve third countries, but nothing cooperates, sometimes there are references to economic projects that can prevent russia from promoting its economic interests in third and fourth countries, but i want to repeat once again that the russians very clearly feel such indomitable ukrainians. . patriots and when it is their turn to discuss, they them as a rule ,
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they don’t give them back, and that’s what happens with prisoners of war, look at azov, they give one small group, others are kept, there are women prisoners of war, ukrainian soldiers, women are there, they don’t give them back, because they consider it so important for them for resource trading, they are waiting when they have to offer us something from us , well... something to offer them, so that we make such big concessions to them, this, this is terrible, and i say this as a person who is not involved in a lot of details , but what i do know is this it’s really terrible, they, they trade people’s lives, it all sounds and looks pricey, but we didn’t expect anything else from the russians, the occupiers, but here is the recent decision of the european court of human rights regarding human rights violations in crimea, can it be somehow lever or the russians do not pay attention to the decisions of international structures, while they show off that they have not carried out and will not carry out, well, show off, because you know that in march, it seems 2022, as soon as such a full-scale
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invasion began, here are these terrible crimes russia, russia was executed by the council of europe, and this convention on the protection of human rights and... new freedoms and thus russia believes that it, if i am not mistaken, since april, that it is no longer, is not among the participants of the european court of human affairs , and therefore it will proceed from the fact that all these decisions will not be implemented by it, but nevertheless, this decision is historical, i am not exaggerating here. if we also mention here that before that, there was a decision of 2021, when the european court, as a matter of fact, well, this is the first, intermediate decision, approved that russia exercises effective
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control over crimea from february 27, 2024, 2014, russia very much wanted, it fought with... for, uh, the decision to be approved, that it, they say, uh, will answer after the crimeans have held some kind of referendum. asked to be part of russia, and that is, they wanted to answer sometime on march 21 , 2014, but the court said no, in the morning, well, from the 27th, remember, the 26th, it was such an all-crimean mass meeting at the call of the crimean people, we then well, we endured the situation, we allegedly ensured that the ukrainian law enforcement authorities took power into their own hands, but... we did not imagine at the time that such a large scale of treason in the crimean units of the special services of ukraine, and then
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the russians on the morning of february 27, 2014, they already openly and proceeded to seize crimea, with weapons, with special forces captured the main ones with weapons, so they, i.e. then these people, that rally forced putin to switch to the option. and he is in the eyes of the whole shocked world, he began to seize crimea by military means, and the court pointed to it. the russians were shocked, but now, this the last decision you asked about, now the court has said that the russians are guilty of all the claims of ukraine, of all the articles of the convention on the protection of human rights. i'm just sure that when the results or preparations for... the special international tribunal to consider the crimes committed and committed by russia against ukraine, i think that this
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decision will be simple, it will ensure that the results, especially in reparations, for compensation to specific citizens, individually, all this will be of great importance, thank you, chogsa golnost, for finding time and join our... stay with us, see you, goodbye, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on espressu tv channel for two hours.
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time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrovech, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandar morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen postakhov to the conversation, two hours in the company favorite presenters, cultural news. guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader on the weather for this weekend, as well as the respected crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. i think, i will go, i will go, i drive up to
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the checkpoint, do you want to go to the army, i say, i want, tomorrow, no, i say, the day after tomorrow, because i am off, that's it, the military commissar came, okay, go through the commission, that's all, i say, fine, i'll pass, only i'll come and that's all, well, let's go and my popeya along the zhytomyr military commissariat began, i... i went there without waiting in line, without anything, but that ’s how we were sent twice, back there, back there, the third time they took us away, and that’s it, and that’s how my service began, it’s a pity, how you look at the map there and that’s it, that’s more where else have you been, how is it all, well, they have a resource, they understand how i had a passport from a grenade, they do not know.
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there weren't so many drones, and now they fly like swarms over you, well, you can't even make out a thing and it makes no sense, that is, if they overwhelm you. then he will overwhelm you alone, before they let two or three pass, you go on positions, two or three are understandable, he sees a little more, he starts to pour something else or art to work, now for one, for one, for two people, but at least it was six months ago, he can already spend half a hail of tapes so that they do not reach positions, that is , they are afraid of something, some people say...
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i am not created for war, who is created, who is created, you just need something like that in your head, so that everything, this, this, this you need, for training, so , someone sent you there, you were sent there for something, you learned so, so, so, so, there’s a lot of you there it takes a fraction of a second, that is , when you are lying down, shooting, you remember what was shown to you, what was taught to you, if you did not learn anything from you, then it is clear that you will not do anything, but if even a little bit, you don't need a lot, there is something
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that doesn't know, you let him tell you what it is, where it is, the gun is standing straight at 12 and went to work in the rear, work in the enemy's rear, reach back, something to do there, some task there, we can already do it there, if there is only one task there, let's go.
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even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad of the region. the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. picturesque skhidnytsia in the lviv region is a well-known balneological resort not only in ukraine, but also in the world. mineral water flows here simply from mountain springs, tourists come to relax, breathe the clean mountain air of the carpathians and. by 15 km from skhidnytsia lies the village of maidan, bordering the skolivski beskydy national nature park, a nature reserve with unique flora and fauna. the locals of the early ages respected such a neighborhood. visitors also appreciate it. this is oleksandr isakov from lviv. he and his family live seasonally in this wooden house, purchased in the maidan more than two decades ago. we bought that
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plot somewhere in 2004, not the same plot we originally bought the house on. it was being restored, it was a hovel, and only then did we purchase the plot. oleksandr says that once in 2021, when he was resting in his house with his wife and children, a man came to him and offered to sell real estate and land. mr. oleg prots approached me and wanted to buy my plot. i didn't want to sell, because we're already used to it here, after all, having stayed here for 20 years, we've already grown accustomed to that place. the man continues. a very low and absolutely non-market price was offered for the house and the land, he generally offered a few pennies, that is , there were no specifics at all, that is, what he offered, he said that he bought everything around at... a very cheap price, so he wanted me to sell it to him for those pennies. the situation escalated during a full-scale war, not agreeing to sell his property for nothing, the man began to receive threats. we did not agree on
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the price, after which mr. oleg threatened me that then administrative pressure would be applied to me. oleksandr learned from the news that oleg prots is a former notorious prosecutor who bought luxury cars during his service and transferred from one prosecutor's office to another. and he also coordinated a kind of hq-24, one of the volunteer organizations to which the lviv... ova granted the largest number of exit permits through the shlyah system. in 2023 , ex-prosecutor oleg prots founded this nature park and became the owner of a large recreation complex in the village of maidan on shevchenko street, next door to oleksandr isakov. there was light on the territory of the base to the house. they cut off that light for me, deliberately cut it off. then there were some people who walked here, had colic, whatever painted the territory here with some paints. later, according to oleksandr, people's deputy ostap shepailo and his father ihor began to appear in the recreation area... of the complex. mr. ihor shipailo, i found out later, i didn't know, he was introduced to me by security, that he is the new manager. i came up, we met, that's it.
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i said that i am a resident of this house. and then the arbitrariness continued. that year on the road leading to the skolivskyi bezkydy national park, slaghbaun appeared. neither oleksandr nor other local residents of the four villages could not pass or pass this way, although the road to the reserve is a state road, and no hotel owner has the right to it. block the road that we were constantly passing, it was blocked by a gate and there was already a sign - private territory. ihor lesovets, an eco-activist from lviv, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and prykarpattia and skhidnytsia, in particular, his favorite tourist destination, was very surprised when he saw last year that the road to the skolivsky basky reserve was closed. we constantly practice whenever possible, of course, he went to the mountains, whether it was for mushrooms, or just walks, tourist routes. and we didn't find out, we put, we were put in front of the fact, because we came and simply blocked the road. the law enforcement
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agencies, together with other eco-activists, informed about the illegal blocking of the ihor road. criminal proceedings were opened for the fact of arbitrary seizure of the land plot. it was established that on the public road leading from the territorial road of state importance skhidnytsia pisochna to of the object of the nature reserve fund, sliding metal gates have been installed. on order. the sliding metal gate has a sign with the inscription private property, entry is strictly prohibited. access to the road had to be restored by the initiator of the closure, but the environmental outrage did not stop there. recently, local residents and activists saw the owners of the resort pumping water for their private lake and other needs from water bodies in the forests of the national reserve. after passing through the territory once more, we saw that their limits end considerably. faster than the water intake where they take water. on this map, the boundaries of the private recreation complex of ex-prosecutor oleg prots are marked in red, and much higher in
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the forest on the territory of the reserve is a stream from which the pipes come. during the journalistic investigation, we discovered a whole operating pumping station and many such pipes in many places of the skolivski beskydy national reserve. in doing so, they also violated the natural course of the stream, that is, they ... ihor lesovats sent a request to of the state agency of water resources of ukraine to find out what permits the owner of the recreation complex oleg prots received for using the reservoirs of the reserve. the department provided the documents, however, the eco-activist has doubts about their authenticity. they seem to have a special permission to use it, but it is based on fabricated references. here is the first certificate issued by the head of the neighboring village of rybnyk. we see a strange date: march 23 without specifying the year. and yes... also the signature of former chairman yaroslav paraschak. man has not been in office since 2020. the second certificate is generally dated 2016. we will remind you that the top nature park of oleg prots was
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founded in 2023. after the start of our journalistic investigation, strange things began to happen in the cadastral map of the skhidnytsia territorial community. at the place of the path, where the violators organized the illegal withdrawal of water, a new section of the yellow clone appeared. in shape and size, it resembles the plot of oleg prots and his recreation center. steam by clicking on it, it is impossible to see either the cadastral number or category, nor find out the owners. there are changes in the cadastral maps, and we assume that there is also the seizure of lands, privatization, in what way, perhaps they simply seize them, perhaps they falsify documents. do they know about it in the state land department? we contacted andrii kavetskyi, the head of the main administration of the state geocadaster in the lviv region, whom, by the way, the sbi suspects of illegal activities. distribution of land in several communities of lviv oblast, it is about recreational land . hello, andrii volodymyrovych, good day. good day. the journalists of the espresso tv channel are bothering you. law enforcement
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agencies suspect you of illegal activity. the distribution of recreational land in the lviv region, this is not true, these are agricultural land plots, this case was closed six times by different prosecutors, and it was reopened in the 21st year and suspicion was raised, do you know that on the cadastral map within the boundaries of the skolivski beskydy nature reserve yellow areas clones without a cadastral number and designation appear near the territory of a private recreation area of the complex owned by oleh prots. this is the first time i hear this, if you have any facts write. this is a request, we will forward it to law enforcement agencies. do you have connections with oleg prots, a former prosecutor and ostap shepail, an acting people's deputy from the servant of the people? i declare authoritatively that i do not know these names or these people and have never met them. we also passed on the information obtained during the journalistic investigation to ivan pilyak, the head of the skhidnytsia territorial community. as it turned out, the man knows about the road closure and power outage. however , he does not know about land and environmental violations, as well as who currently
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owns the base from. chink in the village of maidan and how the new owners of the base dispose of the national reserve with complaints about the arbitrariness of the council to contact the law enforcement officers. they should go to the police, not me, right? i , too, cannot make any decision on that issue and i have no right, i am not authorized. the head of the community has no powers, instead , the state agency for water resources and the state geocadaster have strange powers, which issue permits for on the basis of dubious and expired documents and without the intervention of journalists , they do not even suspect changes in the cadastral maps. does all this just happen without pressure? and administrative influence on the life process of this base is handled by the father, ihor shipailo, the father of the people's deputy, although he does not go through the documents here, well, but he is here almost constantly, he supervises, and that's all. people's deputy ostap shepal and the official owner of the recreation complex oleg protsy
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have been associated with membership since 2018 in ternopil regional organization of the servant of the people party. then, as oleg prots's wife tetyana, after the election of ostap shipail as a people's deputy of ukraine, she became the owner of as many as four of his companies operating, in particular, in the fields of advertising and energy. in the village of maidan, we met the father of the servant of the people, ihor shipail, but we did not manage to communicate. instead, the presence of the shipails at the recreation center was confirmed by one of the workers, although he noted that it was that year. excuse me, are you a base employee? and tell me, please, and you? seen here a long time ago a fan of igor shrepailo or ostap? no, i don’t see them, well, they weren’t there that week, i don’t know how, maybe on some second shift, they weren’t there on my shift, they weren’t on your shift, but in general they are here, what, what did i see there that year in the fall, or whatever, this indicates that the stepfather can be a shadow co-owner and manager of the resort, but
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due to limitations. with the powers of a people's deputy, does not want to advertise it. we tried to contact mr. shepail to talk about both business and environmental violations, called, sent a journalistic request and many text messages, and communication with us was ignored by the servant of the people. only the grandmother of the people's deputy was found at home, who confirmed that the shipal family is actually in the basement. and how do i know, i know that she is in the vestibule with this, with her husband, she is in the vestibule with her husband, yes. instead, prosecutor oleg protsun managed to get a call: hello, oleg yaroslavovych, and if i can call you back, because i'm on the road, why? are you worried about the journalists of the tv channel? and i would call back, i'm on the way, not very convenient, thank you, good, thank you, we are waiting for you, the predicted return call from oleg did not happen, even
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more expro. the official owner of the recreation center in the village of maidan blocked our phone number. for almost a year that has passed since the illegal intervention in the power supply system of oleksandr isakov's house, the supply of electricity to him has not been restored. where we didn't apply, we also wrote a complaint to lubeblenergo, we called the hotline, there was no response at all. of course, it's on some thoughts are new. where the legs grow, affected by the neighborhood with the scandalous recreation complex, the man was forced to install solar panels, thus receiving light and being able to pump water on his site. meanwhile, a private lake on the territory of the hotel, which is managed by an ex-prosecutor, and possibly the family of a people's deputy, is still fed by forest reservoirs of the skolivski beskydy national reserve due to dubious permits. and if it is not difficult to find a common language with the state water agency and the state geocadaster in the vertical of power, then recalcitrant sushi.


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