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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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is connected with the fact that maguchykh refused to support his friend korban hennadiy in the elections, in a word, everything is not just like that in the dnipro, the big politics of the big city, tell us a little about how they explain this whole story in the dnipro, because this is how you read it and think that happening at all? well, look, as they say, dnipro is a big city in our country, but everyone knows everything and they scratch on one massif, and on another they say be safe. well , it would probably be better to ask boris albertovych himself about his posts on social networks and dnipro people in general for the most part, they will also not support the story when our truly athletic athlete, who is a great person who broke this record, was photographed with a russian woman, and i will even tell you that this is mostly such a position, that is, there are those people who... some kind of justification
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for this act , but you and i saw it, so agree with me that it seems to me that the majority of ukrainians of the 24th year, if they looked at themselves in the 21st year, they would say, phew, what a shame, well, you understand when it comes to about the attitude to russia, to russian culture, to russian, but that's it it wasn't in the 21st, it was later, if it was, it was actually before the full-scale invasion, it was the end, i think, of the 21st. and then there was a discussion, there was a discussion, and at the level of the ministry, as it is called there, of youth and sports, and the minister, i remember and the minister then said on the site that sport should be outside of politics, although i, for example, even then and now i believe that there cannot be sport, just like any public sphere, cannot be outside of politics, and i remember that then on the airwaves, well, i was definitely not on the side of yaroslava moguchy, but she set a record. here, if she admitted her
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mistake, in the end, if we recall what, for example, president zelenskyi said in 21st year, today he could be charged with treason under several articles, no, well, listen, the president, he is the president , then a separate topic for conversation, regarding athletes, it is necessary to understand that dnipro has been at war since the 14th year, and perhaps, if for other regions of ukraine, it is okay for a person to take pictures with russians, yes, athletes, in dnipro it is enough.. . critically and sharply on it react, why? because there is proximity to the front, why? because there are a huge number of people who have become dobrabats, and well, there cannot be sport outside of politics, and you know, it is very naive and stupid to continue this thesis, because we saw how men were beaten from the 14th, we saw how the 17th and the year happened, the 18th and the same 21st, so well... i definitely do not
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support my colleagues for this either, for example, there is the same opinion regarding what is happening in social networks, i repeat, well, it is better , it is better to ask boris albertovych what kind of conversations they had and why him made the following conclusions, sports definitely cannot be outside of politics, as well as uh, if we speak for social networks, what is shaking after these terrible flights , a large number of bloggers talk about the borders of 1991, about the armistice , here, too, we cannot say that blogging is outside of politics, no, it is all one big system, and we must understand that it all affects ukrainians who watch it, who listen to it , and who actually consume this content , that is why such stories must be cut very clearly, and if they happen, then they cannot be silenced and pretend that i made a mistake, that i took a picture with someone... it happens, that is, it is a completely
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different level of influence, it is not that the person left, i do not know , there she left the house, took a picture by accident. i think that for the world yaroslava's last name will go down as the last name of a person who broke the previous record, but in ukraine she will be a person who broke the previous world record, and a person who, before the full-scale invasion, could not, let's put it this way, separate grain from chaff distinguish if so. you can say, and i didn't understand why, why taking a picture with a russian woman is not good. mrs. odarko, thank you for the conversation, thank you for your position, by the way, your name today became the reason for such a small discussion, a conversation about ukrainian names in our grimerka, because we began to look over the list of guests, who will be, and i just i wonder where this name comes from, because it is rare, rarely now... unfortunately, in ukraine,
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girls, girls, women with the names of odarka, more often you can meet dash, dar, for some reason in the russian manner, although there are beautiful ukrainian the respondents are like odarka or like daria or like darusya or darina or who else is darka odarka, please tell me in the end, well, if we turn to ukrainian literature, then all of us ukrainian women are a little bit guilty, and in general, in the family, it was called that from my great-grandmother and indeed , in my certificate, there is yaodarka in my documents, but when i was issued a passport, that sovietism was imposed, and there are certain differences in my name. there is dnipro such a name, and there is a ukrainian language, so people
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get used to the fact that dnipro, it is different, dnipro is ukrainian-speaking with deep ukrainian roots and ethnically beautiful. and at least we will have more beautiful ukrainian names, both for girls and for boys, and in general, let there be more ukrainians. in dnipropetrovsk oblast, trinity was born for the first time this year, and you know, this is probably not the only such news that warms the heart, and the successes of our boys at the front charge and fill us like this news. it's true, so be it those children will be healthy, may they be safe, thank you, thank you. your great-grandmother, that's what she was called, and her parents decided to continue this tradition, writes our viewer larisa seryogina, good morning, my grandmother's name was odarka, i suspect that now many people will remember that their grandmothers, great-grandmothers were called odarka, well, maybe this will inspire someone who is currently choosing a name for one of their daughters and
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thought, oh dear, it will be nice in the ukrainian tradition, thank you, have a good day dnipropetrovsk region, we wish you a short one pause, then we will continue and talk about kupyansk. stay with us attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in urban battery it's so convenient, especially now. and the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable
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how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenkom, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about... the country, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our lives, at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite
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everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. well, dear friends, we are back on the air, we will continue our roll call and now kupyansk will be in touch with us, which is constantly under russian fire by the head of the kupyansk city military force. administration andriy besedin, we are adding him to our conversation, mr. andriy, good morning, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, is this morning really good in the kupyan region? well, unfortunately, unfortunately, we are waiting for this to wake up, to really say to everyone: good morning, but so far it is difficult to call it good, because the shelling does not stop, the enemy is constantly hitting, hitting the territory communities, by logistical means. on critical infrastructure in order to make it impossible to ensure the livelihood of
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settlements, the impossibility of delivering humanitarian aid and, in fact, the lives of people who are on the territory of the community. eh again, as far as i understand, there were literally massive airstrikes this week and on kupinsknouzlovy, the kabomb strikes don't stop, they happen every day. unfortunately, er, the central parts of our settlements of kupyansk are hit by fireballs , unfortunately, another terrorist act that took the lives of civilians, injured, a large number of homes damaged, private homes, critical infrastructure, yesterday the enemy struck in the center of the city of kupyansk, the logistics crossing was damaged, damaged a gas pipe that... supplies gas to a large part of the city there, but thanks to our gas workers, utility workers, everything was quickly restored, everything
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is working, so i want to note once again that despite the distance of 6 km from the front line, kupyansk is working, kupyansk is alive, kupyansk is trying to provide the people who remain, which is 7,300 people, in kupyansk, in the kupyansk community, with everything they need and to be a reliable rear. for our boys and girls, how many people are left to live in the community, are there evacuations, are they leaving, are there still people they continue to live and say, well , what will happen will happen, at the moment there are 7,300 people in the territory of the community, 172 of them are children, unfortunately, they refuse to evacuate, the whole algorithm has been worked out, a call center has been created, a hotline phone, which people can apply for, they will be picked up by a special evacuation vehicle that will take them to the city of kharkiv, and
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there they will decide either to stay in the city of kharkiv itself, in compact living spaces that have been created, prepared with everything necessary, or to go to other, more safe regions of our country, but refuse, neglect, which exposes themselves, their loved ones, especially children, to danger. mr. andriyu, the minister visited kupyansk the other day... on a visit to kupyansk, what happened during this visit? yes, indeed, deputy prime minister nashchuk was in the city
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of kubyan on a working visit, a very important broad meeting was held at which key issues were discussed, social security, humanitarian support, critical infrastructure, in fact, the very life of the kubyan community, i want to thank, therefore that indeed iryna andriivna is one of the few ministers who constantly draws attention. who is constantly in touch with us both offline and online, we constantly communicate, report problems, because you understand that there are a lot of them, and people really need attention to... the power and support of the state, which is constantly coming, so constructive, really important dialogue, and i think that what we conveyed, the information that we conveyed and received, it will really be implemented in the near future. the general staff said that those troops who participated in the invasion how many more than two months ago in the kharkiv region from the side of vovchansk, 90% actually
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already suffered losses, as now in general in... in the kharkiv region in the kharkiv region with hostilities, how is the front holding up? well, if we are talking about the kupyan direction, then it is very difficult, a very difficult situation, because the enemy really does not stop its attacks, does not stop its desire to push through the defenses, to go to those lines that were determined for them by their command, this is the left bank of the askil river , they are pressing from the direction of senkivka, they are pressing from pischannoy, they are pressing from... from petro-pavlivka, large forces are thrown, because really the enemy, by the fact that he opened a front there on vavchansky on lypka, yes, he withdrew certain forces there, which were also in the kupyan direction, but again , despite these are our boys and girls, heroic, the defense forces, the armed forces of ukraine, they are holding on, they are fighting back,
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destroying the enemy, manpower, equipment, and we, the administration, as the kupyan city council, i want to point out once again, we are trying to be reliable rear and, kupyanskyi drone, platform which is involved in the website of the kupyan city council, which provides our guys with fpv buckets, which people actually collect in their kitchen, this is more than 100 fpv buckets for a small amount of work of this platform has already been transferred and will be transferred even more, so we are trying to support, we are trying to do everything not. .. it is necessary and we hope as much as possible and keep, you know, our fists for our heroic, armed forces, so that they not only hold back, but still go forward and knock the enemy out of our land. well, thank you very much, yes, for this conversation, we spoke with zryi besedin, the head of the kupyan city military administration,
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mr. andriy, we wish you a peaceful day, he wrote to my address here. the viewer comments, i will probably react to it somehow, so anatoliy ivaskevich writes, and for some reason anatoliy ivaskevich, having such a good name and surname, ukrainian, written in russian letters, is on youtube. and why doesn't the presenter remember how many years the mighty were in the 21st year, and instead of trampling on her for setting a record , just not show her at 19 and 22 years old. leave the conclusions to the audience, in 2021 yaroslav maguchykh was born, she was supposed to be dead in a month, because this scandal was in august with the photo, in a month, she was born on september 19, she was supposed to be 20 years old, i will not talk about myself at 20 years old ,
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it seems to me that at the age of 20, a person who was born in a certain country and identifies himself with this country, well, in the 21st year, the war has already lasted seven years, he either has some position or he does not have it, i remembered to myself, i just remember, i arrived, that is, look, yaroslav, yaroslav maguchykh, she is the same age, terezi, this is mine stepdaughter, she is a year older than her, and i remember that teresa, who grew up in kyiv. and who was often bullied for her ukrainian language, who went through a difficult period as a child who went to school and everyone began to pressurize her to speak russian , and she tried to fit into the team, started talking to her classmates in russian, but then again returned to ukrainian , at the age of 17, by the way, the layer helped us a lot in this 17
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years old man, it was 2019, when there was a vote on the law on language, and so on. similar to that vote on the language of teresa went to a rally for the protection of the ukrainian language and spoke there on behalf of the teenagers themselves, because teenagers are very often ashamed of who they are, want to be like their peers, do not want to stand out in any way, and therefore do what is fashionable among their peers, and among their peers it is fashionable even now to still speak russian, and how difficult it is for a teenager to be... a little different from others, moreover, to inspire other peers who are afraid to go out somewhere and speak ukrainian on the street and only speak ukrainian with their parents. even now, unfortunately, this is still the case, and tereza was 17, yaroslava moguchych, when she was at this competition, she was, i remind you, not quite 20
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years old, i think that at that time she should have understood , in which country she lives, what is happening in this country, with whom there is a war in this country, well, you know, then it was a little then and some, of course, some emotions, discussions, it is actually for something. caused, it led to the fact that athletes were then set rules on how they should behave at competitions when they appear there russian athletes who run, for example, to hug, we will remember svitolina, and already, this is already after a full-scale invasion, she did not shake hands with the russian, and how did we evaluate this act, but look, that is, then we had to use some command and administrative methods, i.e. to somehow bend the athletes there, i apologize, so that they do not approach their colleagues there, who... liked them there, with whom they were friends with russia there, so that there would be no scandals, i.e. it was such a, well, such a simple administrative decision , which actually
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is not good for a democratic country, it is good for a democratic country when, in principle, there is moral pressure of the entire society, and now in the 24th year it is difficult for me to imagine, now what is the norm for us is when, relatively speaking, a ukrainian athlete, standing on the podium, will not shake hands with a russian one, even under a neutral flag. he refuses, and everything for two reasons, because shame awaits him after that, most likely, public condemnation, but also because he does not want it himself, because he is afraid, because he is angry, because the war, but i, we, just this is what we are saying, mr. anatoly, that in the 21st year it was not obvious to many, and for yaroslav maguchykh, and now what is important is not what yaroslava maguchych was like in the 21st year, but... what she is now, and we understand in principle that we have all changed a lot, the war has not changed, it has changed as we would like for the better, we hope for the better, that we have all become more
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ukrainians, understood more what it is to be ukrainians, and once in the dnipro it will be strange when people speak russian on the street, it will be strange, someday, i hope, or dnipro will not be in ukraine. and i think that a huge number of people who live in dnipro or in dnipropetrovsk oblast are doing everything to ensure that dnipro remains a ukrainian city, and in the end, maybe it will happen that we will have some changes in the constitution, and finally there will be i don't know, dnipro oblast, but not dnipropetrovsk oblast, as it still remains from those old soviet times, dear friends. in principle, i thank our viewer for this question, some of my reflections, because we also reacted in this way, somehow talked about it all, no one does not devalue the fact that yaroslava moguchyk
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set this record, i want to remind you once again, but there was this episode in her biography, which in fact - started the discussion, and in principle already now, after the russians attacked us with a full-scale invasion, no one will deny that neither sport, nor... nor culture, nor other, let me remind you, public spheres can be outside of politics, because if you are ukrainian, then what is happening to your country hurts you, and first of all , you are a ukrainian, then you are an athlete, an actor and so on and so on. dear friends, thank you for being with us, we have a few more hours ahead of us, we will definitely continue, we have a huge list of guests and topics, we will talk about it all, but we will talk after we watch the program with you. legal examination, and then the release of news, what happened there in ukraine and the world, we will learn from kateryna shiropoyas, please stay
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with us. aktum bar association. action for results. more than 200 traitors and more than 600 collaborators, only from. beginning the full-scale invasion of russia was discovered by the security service of ukraine, and of course, we remember the odious ex-leader of sloviansk nelya shtepa. she was accused of treason, but the case has been going on for more than 10 years, and there is still no verdict. so, today we are talking about crimes against national security and collaborationism with tetyana lebedeva, a lawyer from the aktum bar association. ms. tatiana, i... greetings, good afternoon, as i recall, 20 days after the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, changes were made to criminal liability for
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collaborationism, so... what actually changed? indeed, on 15.03.22, amendments were made to the criminal code of ukraine and precisely eight types of responsibility were demarcated, that is, propaganda in educational institutions, participation in the referendum, entrepreneurial activity in the occupied territories, this is what it was done for, in order to demarcate exactly for which crime a person should bear responsibility, and the types of punishment were also distinguished. today , the punishment is from 5 years. deprivation will to lifelong maintenance, you specialize in just such cases, so explain with examples how to distinguish this fine line between conscious collaborationism and such contrived cooperation? well, i believe that every case should be carefully considered by the court and all the circumstances of the case should be taken into account, which forced a person to cooperate with the occupiers
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and become a so-called collaborator. today, we have a very high-profile case, where a person was engaged, or rather, a person was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, both before the beginning of the occupation, this is the city of melitopol, and after the full-scale invasion, namely, it supplied water to health care facilities, that is, a person , on the contrary, helps local residents by providing them with drinking water precisely in health care facilities, that is, it hospitals polyclinic, since people do not have the opportunity, relatively speaking, to go and buy this water for themselves, because, firstly, they do not have the funds, and secondly, they do not have this drinking water, so here i believe that the court should take into account precisely these circumstances of the case, which led a person to of this forced cooperation, we also have another case, where a person was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, namely , providing food products, what is meant by this, he had his own
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private store and... provided people with humanitarian aid, that is, he provided free of charge to everyone to the citizens of this small village, food products such as salt, sugar, cereals, bread, that is, he provided free of charge, to date , a criminal case has been initiated against him for 111 priymodin, namely , the implementation of entrepreneurial activities on occupied territory, so here we believe that it is the lawyer's task to carefully examine each document that was collected during. judicial investigation, to interrogate every witness and to find out exactly the objectivity of this case. and how did the judicial approach to the consideration of such cases change during the war? well, i want to tell you that from 2014 to the 22nd year , there were very few such cases, unfortunately, and the courts treated them all in the same way, that is, they all chose house arrest or some conditional term, as a result of which the punishment was such, but
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starting from the 22nd year. for some reason, all courts began to consider the case in the same way, choose detention for everyone, the maximum sentence, but the lawyer's task is to focus the attention of the court on a full and comprehensive consideration of the case, it is the same as i already said that we should examine each document, draw the court's attention to why a person went to the hearing of this case to cooperate with the occupiers, which of them, maybe something compelled her. that is, since there was a lot of torture and violence, and that is why we are the judges today, well, we are lawyers we emphasize a full and comprehensive consideration of this case. thank you, tetyana lebideva, the lawyer of the legal association was by my side, and you are from espress. there are still many useful conversations ahead. bar association aktum - action for the result.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. night enemy attack. the occupiers launched attack drones and missiles over ukraine. ushi was shot down by ukrainian defenders. all six russian drones, according to the air force command. they were destroyed in mykolayivska, khmelnytska, lviv and ivano-frankivsk regions. the enemy also hit sumy oblast with two iskander m ballistic missiles launched from kursk oblast. the consequences of the strikes are currently being clarified. at night, in the sky over the dnipropetrovsk region, ukrainian defenders shot down an enemy reconnaissance drone, he informed.


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